A Dream Deferred - Manhasset Public Schools

A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore-And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Rewrite line 1.
Define the word deferred.
What is the impact of this poem
beginning with a question?
Rewrite lines 2 and 3.
What happens when things “dry up?”
What are raisins? How do they taste
compared to grapes?
What is the author suggesting with this
simile (lines 2-3)?
Rewrite lines 4 and 5.
What does fester mean? What image
comes to mind when you think of the
word fester?
What are some synonyms for the word
What is the author suggesting with this
simile (lines 4-5)?
Rewrite line 6.
What happens when meat goes bad? Do
we keep it around? Why?
What is the author suggesting with this
Rewrite lines 7 and 8.
What types of things crust over?
What does the image of syrup suggest?
What is the author suggesting with this
simile (lines 7-8)?
Rewrite lines 9 and 10.
What types of things sag?
What makes something sag?
What is a load?
What is the author suggesting with this
simile (lines 9-10)?
Rewrite line 11.
How is line 11 similar to line 1?
How is line 11 different from all the
other lines?
What are some different
meanings/connotations of the word
What is the author suggesting with this
simile (line 11)?
What is Mama’s dream?
How will money fulfill this dream?
How will Mama react if her dream is deferred?
---Dry up (like a raisin in the sun)?
--- Fester (like a sore)?
---Stink (like rotten meat)?
---Sag (like a heavy load)?
Explain using evidence from the text:
What is Beneatha’s dream?
How will money fulfill this dream?
How will Beneatha react if her dream is deferred?
---Dry up (like a raisin in the sun)?
--- Fester (like a sore)?
---Stink (like rotten meat)?
---Sag (like a heavy load)?
Explain using evidence from the text:
What is Ruth’s dream?
How will money fulfill this dream?
How will Ruth react if her dream is deferred?
---Dry up (like a raisin in the sun)?
--- Fester (like a sore)?
---Stink (like rotten meat)?
---Sag (like a heavy load)?
Explain using evidence from the text:
What is Walter’s dream?
How will money fulfill this dream?
How will Walter react if his dream is deferred?
---Dry up (like a raisin in the sun)?
--- Fester (like a sore)?
---Stink (like rotten meat)?
---Sag (like a heavy load)?
Explain using evidence from the text:
What is YOUR dream?
What will it take to fulfill YOUR dream?
How will YOU react if YOUR dream is deferred?
---Dry up (like a raisin in the sun)?
--- Fester (like a sore)?
---Stink (like rotten meat)?
---Sag (like a heavy load)?
Explain using evidence from your life experience: