AGENDA MCCCDGB Friday May 15, 2015 – 12:00 p.m. Originating at: Bullhead City Campus Room #508 Also Available via Interactive Television at: Neal Campus Kingman Room #508 Lake Havasu Campus Room #508 North Mohave Campus Room #301 (Action Items are in bold print) I. Call to Order (Dr. Julie Bare, President) II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call (Amy Curley, Executive Assistant) IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes (Bare)(Appendix 1) The draft minutes of the April 17, 2015 regular meeting appear in Appendix 1. Move to approve the draft minutes of the April 17, 2015 meeting as presented in Appendix 1. Move to approve the draft minutes of the April 17, 2015 meeting as presented in Appendix 1 with the following modifications: V. Audience of Any Citizen (Bare) [NOTE: This is an opportunity for any citizen to address the Board on any matter of concern to the citizen. The Board will listen to the remarks, but may not respond or answer questions. Unless the matter is already on the agenda for action, no action can be taken other than to instruct staff to include the matter on a future agenda. The president of the Board may limit the time for individual presentation and may limit the total time for all presentations. Citizens wishing to comment will be limited to one opportunity to speak. If a citizens group wishes to speak on the same subject, the group should choose a representative to deliver the message. The Chairperson may set a limit for organized group presentations and may set limits for each side when many persons request to speak on an agenda item. During Interactive Television (ITV) meetings, the chair will query each campus for those who wish to speak.] VI. Special Report (Math Department)(Appendix 2) VII. Board Reports (Bare) A. Policy 5.015 – Equal Opportunity, 1st Reading (Bare, Stithem)(Appendix 3) This policy change is a simple clarification to remove the “Affirmative Action” language. Mohave Community College is an equal opportunity employer, which means that MCC provides applicants for employment with a fair opportunity in the hiring process, and that all MCC employees have a fair opportunity in competing for promotions and equal access to training and professional development opportunities. In contrast, Affirmative Action is a remedy to address past practices of discrimination against females, individuals and certain minority groups. MCC has never been in a situation where it was called upon to develop and maintain an affirmative action plan and therefore is not an Affirmative Action institution. B. Arizona Association of District Governing Boards (Selberg) VIII. C. Other Trustee Reports (Bare) President’s Report (Dr. Michael Kearns, President) A. Student Cohort Default Rate (Kearns) MCC anticipates that the final 2012 cohort default rate (student loan) will be 22.6%. The College was successful in the appeal of 12 out of 14 defaulters. The official 2012 cohort default rate will be published by the Department of education in September 2015. B. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) (Kearns) On Tuesday May 6, 2015 a Maricopa County Superior Court judge ruled on the state’s lawsuit with Maricopa Community College District that undocumented students who have work visas under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are eligible for in‐ state tuition. Attorney General Mark Brnovich is likely to appeal the decision. This decision only applies to the Maricopa District at this time. More information is needed to determine how this ruling will be applied to the other Arizona community colleges. C. Arizona State University’s Global Freshman Academy (Kearns) In late April, ASU in partnership with edX announced it will offer Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) this fall. Courses will be offered as noncredit and the traditional entry requirements for credit courses will be waived. After the course is completed the student will have the option to convert the credential to a credit course by paying a discounted tuition. The cost for each course will be no more than $200 per credit hour or less than half the amount ASU charges for its regular online or in‐person courses. If a student does not want credit, the courses will be free. 2 At this time questions remain about approval by the Higher Learning Commission, Department of Education Financial Aid eligibility, and transfer of credit to other institutions. The community college presidents will be discussing this topic at a future meeting. This program concerns MCC administration in regards to credit transfer agreements and threats to enrollments. D. Preliminary Budget Presentation (Kearns, Jacobs)(Appendix 4) The administration will present a high level view of the major priorities of the FY 2015‐16 budget in preparation for the final budget presentation to the Board and public at the Budget Hearing in June. E. 2015‐2016 Salary Schedule (Kearns, Dixon)(Appendix 5) The college is proposing a compensation increase for Career and Technical faculty and a 2.4 percent increase for all other categories of employees. Motion to approve the proposed salary schedule as presented in the Appendix. Motion to approve the proposed salary schedule as presented in the Appendix, with the following modifications: F. Update of Current Events (Kearns) IX. X. Instruction (Jill Loveless, Dean of Instruction Physical Therapy Assistant Accreditation (Loveless) The College has received informal notification that the Physical Therapy Assistant program has been awarded a full 10 year reaccreditation. Once the official letter is received the college will issue a press release announcing this significant accomplishment. The letter is expected to arrive within a few days. Administrative Services (Diana Stithem, Executive Vice President) A. Human Resources Report (Stithem)(Appendix 6) The Human Resources report for the month ending April 30, 2015 are presented in the Appendix. Move to approve the Human resources reports for the month ending April 30, 2015 as presented in the Appendix Move to approve the Human resources reports for the month ending April 30, 2015 as presented in the Appendix with the following modifications: 3 B. Financial Report (Jess Jacobs, Associate Dean of Financial Services)(Appendix 7) 1. The college submitted the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) to the Government Finance Officers Association and has been awarded a certificate of achievement for the 3rd time. 2. Monthly Financial Reports XI. XII. The Financial report for the month ending April 30, 2015 are presented in the Appendix. Next Meeting (Bare) The Mohave County Community College District Governing Board will hold a 2015‐2016 Budget Hearing at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday June 11 starting at 9:00 a.m. The MCCCDGB will hold a special meeting to vote on the 2015‐2016 Budget starting at 9:15 a.m. The regular meeting of the MCCCGB will start at 9:30 a.m. Adjournment (Bare) 4 Minutes MCCCDGB Friday April 17, 2015 – 9:00 a.m. Originating at: Also Available via Interactive Television at: Neal Campus Kingman Bullhead City Campus Lake Havasu Campus North Mohave Campus Room #508 Room #508 Room #508 Room #301 (Action Items are in bold print) I. Call to Order (Dr. Julie Bare, President) Dr. Bare called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call (Amy Curley, Executive Assistant) Julie Bare Jon Longoria Vance Miller Judy Selberg Phyllis Smith IV. Present Present Present Present Present (ITV) Approval of Meeting Minutes (Bare)(Appendix 1) The draft minutes of the March 13, 2015 regular meeting appear in Appendix 1. Vance Miller moved, Judy Selberg seconded, to approve the draft minutes of the March 13, 2015 meeting as presented in Appendix 1. Without further discussion, the motion carried 5-0. V. Audience of Any Citizen (Bare) [NOTE: This is an opportunity for any citizen to address the Board on any matter of concern to the citizen. The Board will listen to the remarks, but may not respond or answer questions. Unless the matter is already on the agenda for action, no action can be taken other than to instruct staff to include the matter on a future agenda. The president of the Board may limit the time for individual presentation and may limit the total time for all presentations. Citizens wishing to comment will be limited to one opportunity to speak. During Interactive Television (ITV) meetings, the chair will query each campus for those who wish to speak.] Dr. Bare queried each campus individually. There were no citizens wishing to address the Board. VI. Faculty Council Report (Dr. Andra Goldberg, president, MCC Faculty Council) The following representatives are up for election: Erin Windsor (Science), Jeff Kingsbury (LHC), Lori Howell (DE), Joy Greco (Associate Faculty), Fadrique “Louie” Saenz (Industrial Technologies), Mariam Yesayan (Pre-College/Developmental), John Hansen (English/Communications). Clark Brown sent out a request for nominations for these positions and manage the elections through the Faculty Elections email account that has been set up to facilitate these elections and that is overseen by Jennie Dixon, the Director of HR. Nominations were due by April 3, and ballots will be due by April 17 so that the election results will be complete by the April 24th meeting, at which time elections for next year’s officers can take place. Dr. Goldberg reported that Dr. Kearns met with our Professional Development Chair, Tim Mayo, and Jeff Kingsbury and Jess Jacobs to discuss changes in procedure to streamline faculty travel for professional development activities. The faculty have recommended that faculty chair the Academic Standards and Assessment Committees to improve the process and communication in these important committees. The Faculty Association meeting will be held at noon on Commencement Day, May 15, 2015 at the Mojave Crossing Event Center. VII. Board Reports (Bare) A. Trustee Reports (Bare) 1. Gordon Ritter Resolution (Bare) (Appendix 2) Dr. Bare announced that the Mohave Community College Board of Governors recognized the invaluable contributions of Dr. Gordon L. Ritter who passed away on March 6. Dr. Ritter served on MCC’s Board of Governors from 1975 to 1985. He was awarded the Mohave Community College Founders Award in 2001 for his significant contributions to the college. Ritter was instrumental in the creation of the Legacy Foundation Allied Health Sciences Building I and II on the Bullhead City campus. The buildings house the programs for dental assisting, dental hygiene, health care information technician, medical assisting, nursing, and radiologic technology. He also helped to develop Western Arizona Regional Medical Center’s sponsorship of MCC’s nursing program. 2. Governance Institute for Student Success (Selberg/Smith) Dr. Judy Selberg and Ms. Phyllis Smith attended the Governance Institute for Student Success (GISS) in Phoenix on April 10th - 11th, 2015 on behalf of the Mohave County Community College District Governing Board. Ms. Smith reported that it was a productive event, that MCC was excelling in areas where other colleges are still struggling and she is proud to be a member of such a forwardthinking institution. 2 Dr. Selberg pointed out that success after remediation was addressed at the event and should be a focus of the College. A productive discussion occurred as to student course load and its impact on success in remediation courses. Dr. Kearns reported that the dynamic of having other Boards at the event allowed the opportunity to see other Boards functioning as a group even if there are differences of opinion. The Institute was a good stepping off point for another event that focuses more on Arizona’s issues. 3. Additional Board Reports (Selberg) Mr. Longoria reported that he received a letter questioning college leadership which he cannot take action on because it was written anonymously. Constituents of his district (#4) are welcome to contact him directly at 928-279-9790 with any issues they would like to discuss. VIII. President’s Report (Dr. Michael Kearns, President) A. Community College State-Level Council Reports (Kearns) Dr. Kearns reported that the Arizona Community College Coordinating Council met via teleconference and discussed various issues stemming from the close of the legislative session. B. Legislative Update (Kearns)(Appendix 3) 1. Legislative study committee on Community college expenditure limitation Dr. Kearns reported that a study committee on community college finance and expenditure limits was established (HB2442). The study committee on community college finance and expenditure limits will examine the community college district constitutional expenditure limits, review the impact of expenditure limits on community college districts, including the impact on financing modern and competitive workforce programs, establish methods to move closer to actual full time student equivalent calculations for funding, study any other relevant topic or issue that may be pertinent to the finances of community college districts, make recommendations for proposed statutory changes. 2. Proposed initiative that would cap/limit future community college tuition increases Dr. Kearns reported a proposition may be on in the works limit future tuition increases that exceed inflation. Plans are to have some language ready this fall to put the question to voters on the 2016 ballot. C. State Budget Update (Kearns)(Appendix 4) Dr. Kearns reported that that there current state budget issues to address. 3 D. Update of Current Events (Kearns) Dr. Kearns reported he attended a local event for the Governor. Dr. Kearns reported that there may be several turnovers in college presidents in the Arizona districts this summer. IX. Student Services (Ana Masterson, Dean of Student Services) A. Milestone Advising (Masterson) Dean Masterson reported that Student Services implemented “Milestone Advising” in Fall 2014 which required all currently enrolled students who had completed (or would have completed by the end of the semester) 50% to 75% of their declared program of study to have an in-depth advising appointment with a Student Services Specialist. During the appointment, the advisor assists the student in developing a plan to finish their degree which includes identifying/scheduling remaining courses needed for program of study completion; financial aid and/or payment status; balancing outside obligations/commitments; and their plans after graduation as well as any concerns or issues the student wants to discuss. Three-hundred students were required in fall 2015 for milestone advising, with close to a 90 percent response rate. Currently, Student Services has notified 259 students for the spring semester for milestone advising with students being very receptive to the requirement and making appointments to meet with advisors to finish out their degree with the Milestone Advising program. X. Instruction (Jill Loveless, Dean of Instruction A. Writing Across the Curriculum (Loveless)(Appendix 5) Dean Loveless reported that Mohave Community College uses assessment in a variety of ways to improve student learning. One of the major projects that the college has been doing is the Writing Across Curriculum at Mohave (WAC’M) project as a participant in the Higher Learning Commission’s Assessment Academy. This year completes our four year project. This past March Rosemarie LeFebvre presented at the HLC Conference the current status of the project and the current findings. The WAC’M team will return to HLC in June to give the final presentation of the project. This is one of the ways we assess student learning. Other methods include the Cycle of Learning where each discipline identifies a general education competency and tests students learning in that area. Each area officially assesses the different competencies over a period of several semesters although faculty assess in the classroom every day. The General Education Philosophies are as follows: Aesthetic Sensibilities, Communication Skills, Critical Thinking Skills and Problem-Solving, Cultural Diversity and Global Awareness, Techniques of Inquiry, and Technological Competency. Departments also use the Periodic Program Review to review student learning within the degrees and certificates. 4 XI. Administrative Services (Diana Stithem, Executive Vice President) A. Utility Savings Plan (Stithem) Vice President Stithem reported that the College is working on a utility savings plan to help keep the costs down as utility costs continue to increase. The campus facilities managers and campus deans have been sharing ideas and recommendations to bring utility costs down by various approaches, including individual actions, summer building closures where usage is minimal and lighting replacements using LED fixtures. A similar plan was implemented five years ago, but technology has improved some opportunities, and the college community benefits from periodic gentle reminders. B. Learning Management System (Stithem)(Appendix 6) Vice President Stithem reported that following a lengthy and thorough discovery period, the College is recommending the expenditure of $159,066.31 over a three-year period for a Schoology, Inc., enterprise level learning management system subscription. The cost for the subscription for the first year is $69,068.00, second year $43,908.90, third year $46,089.41. Mohave Community College uses a learning management system platform for its online and web-enhanced classes. (All MCC ground classes are web-enhanced.) In 2007 Mohave Community College made the change from Blackboard to the Angel Learning Management System. MCC has been with the Angel system since; however Blackboard, Inc., purchased Angel several years ago and has slowly slowed down development and support for the Angel Learning Platform, encouraging Angel subscribers to move to the Blackboard System. In early 2014 the college began to seriously look at other learning management system options and how they align with MCC’s instruction and learning goals. In accordance with the college’s procurement guidelines, in November, 2014, the MCC Office of Procurement issued a Learning Management System (LMS) Request for Proposal (RFP) that contained several stages of review and evaluation: proposal, presentation, hands on testing, references and pricing and contract negotiation. Twelve vendors submitted proposals. After an initial review eliminated the outliers (not the right capabilities, outrageous cost, etc.), an LMS review task force, consisting of faculty, instructional technology, information technology and others then reviewed the proposals of the remaining four: Blackboard, Instructure, Inc. (Canvas), Brightspace (Desire 2 Learn) and Schoology. The task force selected the two best scoring systems to invite to campus and further review. Following demonstrations, all faculty were given the opportunity to use vendor “Sandboxes” to create online classes and were encouraged to submit their comments about either or both systems to the task force. Final considerations included breadth of features and functions, ease of use for students, faculty and staff, faculty comments after testing, vendor support, data security, disaster recovery and analytics. The College will begin implementation quickly following approval of the expenditure, with Schoology staff scheduled to be on campus in late April and early May. 5 Vance Miller moved, Judy Selberg seconded, to approve Schoology, Inc., as Mohave Community College’s learning management system provider based on the information presented above and in Appendix 6. After a brief discussion, the motion carried 5-0. C. Human Resources Report (Stithem)(Appendix 7) Vice President Stithem presented the Human Resources report for the month ending March 31, 2015 as presented in the Appendix. Vance Miller moved, Phyllis Smith seconded, to approve the Human resources reports for the month ending March 31, 2015 as presented in the Appendix. Without further discussion, the motion carried 5-0. D. Financial Report (Jess Jacobs, Associate Dean of Financial Services)(Appendix 8) 1. Truth in Taxation Notification (8A) Associate Dean Jacobs reported that the College will hold its Truth in Taxation Hearing at the May 2015 meeting. 2. Monthly Financial Reports (8B) Associate Dean Jacobs presented the financial report for the month ending March 31, 2015 as presented in the Appendix. XII. Next Meeting (Bare) The next regular meeting of the Mohave County Community College District will be Friday, May 15, 2015 starting at 12:00 p.m., originating from the Bullhead City Campus. XIII. Adjournment (Bare) Dr. Bare adjourned the meeting at 10:29 a.m. 6 Using ARCS to Fight the War on Math Failure for Math Success Access Retention Completion Success An update from the MCC Mathematics and Engineering Department History of the War: Where we have been… Reality of Developmental Math Education in the US: …only 5% of the 13 million community college students enrolled in developmental mathematics courses earn college level credit within one year. (Carnegie Foundation) There is no magic bullet to solve this national problem. MCC Math Initiatives: “One size fits all” model restructure into TRM 089 course Revised to TRM 090, 091 courses Title III grant (2010): Researchbased recommendations for improvement Continuous improvement based on these recommendations ARCS: Promising Practices in Developmental Math Move away from “one size fits all” Pathways, Scheduling, Modalities Institute high levels of organization Math Faculty Handbook Implement mandatory, accurate, and flexible placement MyMathTest Placement Program ARCS: Promising Practices in Developmental Math Provide options beyond traditional algebra New Math Pathways at MCC Streamline curriculum with spiral approach Curriculum Review, Ongoing Assessment Provide support structures to students Embedded Tutors, Adaptive Homework, Instructional Videos, Success Skills FOCUS on Placement Utilize MyMathTest placement tool to provide: Targeted tests that match course outcomes Practice tests for preparation Post-test remediation and instruction with adaptive study plans and support materials Flexible transitions among courses Students are placed where they need to be, and receive targeted instruction FOCUS on Pathways Pathways at MCC: Before and Single Traditional Calculus Pathway After Two Pathways, Calculus, Quantitative Reasoning/Statistics Prep • Flexible pathway to quantitative reasoning or statistics courses • Quantway I, II • Statway I, II • Tracking: students complete pathway Dana Center (UT) Pathways • Math Literacy Carnegie Pathways AMATYC New Life Remodeling Remediation: Developmental Math Pathways • Foundations • Quantitative Reasoning, Statistical Reasoning, or STEMPrep • Modeled after Carnegie pathways Pathways at MCC: Why we chose MLCS (AMATYC) Flexibility (for our size and enrollment) Cross-pathway transfer (less rigid tracking) Availability of materials Integrated student success skills Transferability of successive courses Ability to implement quickly and efficiently Compatible outcomes for our programs TRM 090: Pre-Algebra TRM 091: Beginning Algebra MAT 101: Math Literacy for College Students MAT 142: College Math* Elementary Education Sequence Introductory Statistics MAT 121: Intermediate Algebra MAT 151: College Algebra* Trigonometry and Calculus for STEM Finite Math and Brief Calculus MAT 099A (MAT 101) MLCS Pilot Results Success rates equal to or higher than TRM courses Saves students a semester Initial data suggests students are successful in College Math (MAT 142) Several students have successfully crossed pathways Feedback suggests MLCS curriculum better aligns with some programs than TRM courses As more students take the course and complete the pathways, we will have better data analysis. Onward: Where are we going next? Implementation of placement program (MMT) and instructional alternatives it provides Continued refinement of pathways and bridges to/between pathways, and curriculum Continued refinement of instruction including multiple modalities Strengthening ongoing assessment Continued professional development for faculty Continued assistance and improved advising for students We appreciate your support! POLICY CHANGE RECOMMENDATION TO: MCC DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD FROM: Michael J. Kearns, President POLICY # 5.105 Equal Opportunity First Reading: May 15, 2015 New Second Reading: Revision June 11, 2015 Deletion Current Policy: The college shall assure that the laws governing equal employment opportunity and affirmative action are followed by the college. Recommended Policy: The college shall assure that the laws governing equal employment opportunity are followed by the college. Submitted by: MCC Form ADM 00027 Approved by: MCCCDGB Effective Date: PPM Posted: 2012-13 Budgeted Revenue Property Tax Tuition/Fees State Aid 2013-14 Budgeted 2014-15 Budgeted 2015-16 Budgeted 2016-17 Projected By Source By % By Source By % By Source By % By Source By % By Source By % $19,621,621 58.6% $20,413,290 63.2% $21,104,996 66.3% $21,792,188 67.4% $22,478,032 68.7% $12,101,422 36.1% $10,220,214 31.6% $9,175,354 28.8% $9,002,167 27.9% $8,732,102 26.7% $1,785,600 5.3% $1,659,400 5.1% $1,543,300 4.8% $1,524,000 4.7% $1,504,700 4.6% $33,508,643 $32,292,904 $31,823,650 $32,318,355 $32,714,833 Expenses By Function % of Rev By Function % of Rev By Function % of Rev By Function % of Rev By Function % of Rev Instruction $12,359,483 36.9% $11,546,736 35.8% $12,121,538 38.1% $12,358,873 38.2% $12,510,491 38.2% Academic Spt $4,043,994 12.1% $3,787,818 11.7% $3,580,052 11.2% $3,419,710 10.6% $3,461,663 10.6% Student Serv. $4,407,588 13.2% $4,278,758 13.2% $3,899,356 12.3% $4,016,387 12.4% $4,065,660 12.4% Institution Spt $6,661,108 19.9% $6,500,590 20.1% $6,262,085 19.7% $6,229,216 19.3% $6,305,635 19.3% Plant/Maint $3,745,894 11.2% $3,432,432 10.6% $3,288,749 10.3% $3,125,090 9.7% $3,163,428 9.7% Scholarships $705,869 2.1% $705,869 2.2% $731,010 2.3% $1,013,500 3.1% $1,013,500 3.1% Capital & Debt $434,066 1.3% $465,500 1.4% $198,337 0.6% $198,337 0.6% $198,337 0.6% $32,358,002 $30,717,703 $30,081,127 $30,162,776 $30,520,377 Beginning Balance Projections -- Operating, Auxiliary, Restricted, and Plant Funds Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 By Amount Operating Funds 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2009-10 $8,924,030 $11,170,399 $10,555,620 $12,555,620 $14,755,620 $17,155,620 $20,000,000 Operating Funds $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 Operating Funds $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 2013‐14 2014‐15 Overall Budget Sustainable budget model calls for the compensation package to follow a percentage of the overall budget Compensation Package Compensation package is then split out into benefits (primarily medical) and salaries/wages Benefits Salaries Premium Increase History Base Premium 700 600 Premium 500 400 300 200 100 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 School Year 2014-15 2015-16 Cost Proposed 2015-16 Actual 2014-15 HDHP 2600 $ 119,520 20% Medical Increase $ 306,545 2.4% Raise $ 361,457 1% Raise and AF Increase $ 248,145 Total Cost $ 480,977 Total Cost $ 554,690 Budget and Compensation Spending $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $2010-11 2011-12 Salaries 2012-13 Benefits Budget 2013-14 2014-15 % Change in Budget and Compensation 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 2011-12 2012-13 Salaries 2013-14 Benefits Budget 2014-15 Compensation Package % of Budget 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Mohave Community College Resident Faculty Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 AA+5yr OE BA Grade 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 $37,480 $38,380 $39,301 $40,244 $41,210 $42,199 $43,212 $44,249 $45,311 BA + 15 Grade 2 BA + 30 Grade 3 MA Grade 4 MA + 15 Grade 5 MA +30 Grade 6 MA + 45 Grade 7 MA + 60 Grade 8 Doctorate Grade 9 $38,604 $39,530 $40,479 $41,450 $42,445 $43,464 $44,507 $45,575 $46,669 $47,789 $48,936 $39,762 $40,716 $41,693 $42,694 $43,719 $44,768 $45,842 $46,942 $48,069 $49,223 $50,404 $41,750 $42,752 $43,778 $44,829 $45,905 $47,007 $48,135 $49,290 $50,473 $51,684 $52,924 $54,194 $55,495 $56,827 $58,191 $59,588 $61,018 $62,482 $43,003 $44,035 $45,092 $46,174 $47,282 $48,417 $49,579 $50,769 $51,987 $53,235 $54,513 $55,821 $57,161 $58,533 $59,938 $61,377 $62,850 $64,358 $65,903 $67,485 $69,105 $44,293 $45,356 $46,445 $47,560 $48,701 $49,870 $51,067 $52,293 $53,548 $54,833 $56,149 $57,497 $58,877 $60,290 $61,737 $63,219 $64,736 $66,290 $67,881 $69,510 $71,178 $45,622 $46,717 $47,838 $48,986 $50,162 $51,366 $52,599 $53,861 $55,154 $56,478 $57,833 $59,221 $60,642 $62,097 $63,587 $65,113 $66,676 $68,276 $69,915 $71,593 $73,311 $46,991 $48,119 $49,274 $50,457 $51,668 $52,908 $54,178 $55,478 $56,809 $58,172 $59,568 $60,998 $62,462 $63,961 $65,496 $67,068 $68,678 $70,326 $72,014 $73,742 $75,512 $48,401 $49,563 $50,753 $51,971 $53,218 $54,495 $55,803 $57,142 $58,513 $59,917 $61,355 $62,828 $64,336 $65,880 $67,461 $69,080 $70,738 $72,436 $74,174 $75,954 $77,777 $79,644 Maximum new hire placement ‐ Step 6 / 12 mo positions = 1.28 of schedule/11 mo positions=1.19 of schedule Associate Faculty $675 per load hour (minimum enrollment of 9 students) Non Credit Course Facilitators $20 per contact hour (minimum enrollment of 9 students) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mohave Community College Trades Faculty Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 Grade 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $39,762 $40,716 $41,693 $42,694 $43,719 $44,768 $45,842 $46,943 $48,069 $49,223 $50,404 $51,614 $52,853 $54,121 $55,420 $56,750 $58,112 $59,507 $60,935 $62,398 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Additional salary levels granted for verified workplace leadership and professional development 12 mo positions = 1.28 of schedule 11 mo positions=1.19 of schedule Associate Faculty $675 per load hour (min enrollment of 9) Non Credit Instructor $20 per contact hour (min enrollment of 9) Field Automotive Culinary Electrical Workforce Index 7 10 5 Field HVAC Welding Workforce Index 5 1 Mohave Community College Nursing Faculty Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MA Grade 1 MA + 15 Grade 2 MA +30 Grade 3 MA + 45 Grade 4 MA + 60 Grade 5 Doctorate Grade 6 $49,096 $49,832 $50,579 $51,338 $52,108 $52,890 $53,683 $54,488 $55,305 $56,135 $56,977 $57,832 $58,699 $59,579 $60,473 $61,380 $62,301 $63,236 $50,569 $51,328 $52,098 $52,879 $53,672 $54,477 $55,294 $56,123 $56,965 $57,819 $58,686 $59,566 $60,459 $61,366 $62,286 $63,220 $64,168 $65,131 $66,108 $67,100 $68,107 $52,086 $52,867 $53,660 $54,465 $55,282 $56,111 $56,953 $57,807 $58,674 $59,554 $60,447 $61,354 $62,274 $63,208 $64,156 $65,118 $66,095 $67,086 $68,092 $69,113 $70,150 $53,649 $54,454 $55,271 $56,100 $56,942 $57,796 $58,663 $59,543 $60,436 $61,343 $62,263 $63,197 $64,145 $65,107 $66,084 $67,075 $68,081 $69,102 $70,139 $71,191 $72,259 $55,258 $56,087 $56,928 $57,782 $58,649 $59,529 $60,422 $61,328 $62,248 $63,182 $64,130 $65,092 $66,068 $67,059 $68,065 $69,086 $70,122 $71,174 $72,242 $73,326 $74,426 $56,916 $57,770 $58,637 $59,517 $60,410 $61,316 $62,236 $63,170 $64,118 $65,080 $66,056 $67,047 $68,053 $69,074 $70,110 $71,162 $72,229 $73,312 $74,412 $75,528 $76,661 $77,811 Maximum new hire placement ‐ Step 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mohave Community College Professional Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 Level P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 Minimum $53,500 $48,500 $43,500 $38,500 $33,500 Mid Point $66,875 $60,625 $54,375 $48,125 $41,875 Maximum $80,250 $72,750 $65,250 $57,750 $50,250 New hires generally shall not be placed higher than the mid‐point of assigned salary range, except in the case of critical needs positions Mohave Community College Professional Manager Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 Level PM5 PM4 PM3 PM2 PM1 Minimum $65,000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 Mid Point $84,500 $78,000 $71,500 $65,000 $58,500 Maximum $104,000 $96,000 $88,000 $80,000 $72,000 New hires generally shall not be placed higher than the mid‐point of assigned salary range, except in the case of critical needs positions Mohave Community College Administrative Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 Level Minimum Mid Point Maximum ADM 3 $105,000 $149,625 $194,250 ADM 2 $95,000 $135,375 $175,750 ADM 1 $85,000 $121,125 $157,250 Mohave Community College Support Staff Pay Schedule 2015‐2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Hourly Rate Grade S1 $10.46 $10.71 $10.97 $11.23 $11.50 $11.78 $12.06 $12.35 $12.65 $12.95 $13.26 $13.58 $13.90 $14.24 $14.58 $14.93 $15.29 $15.65 $16.03 $16.41 $16.81 $17.21 Hourly Rate Grade S2 $11.40 $11.67 $11.95 $12.24 $12.53 $12.84 $13.14 $13.46 $13.78 $14.11 $14.45 $14.80 $15.15 $15.52 $15.89 $16.27 $16.66 $17.06 $17.47 $17.89 $18.32 $18.76 Hourly Rate Grade S3 $12.54 $12.84 $13.15 $13.46 $13.79 $14.12 $14.46 $14.80 $15.16 $15.52 $15.90 $16.28 $16.67 $17.07 $17.48 $17.90 $18.33 $18.77 $19.22 $19.68 $20.15 $20.63 Hourly Rate Grade S4 $13.80 $14.13 $14.47 $14.82 $15.17 $15.54 $15.91 $16.29 $16.68 $17.08 $17.49 $17.91 $18.34 $18.78 $19.23 $19.70 $20.17 $20.65 $21.15 $21.66 $22.18 $22.71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mohave Community College Temporary Salary Schedule 2015‐2016 Position Title Level 1 ‐ Temporary Positions Tutors, Test Proctors, note takers, readers, Greeters, EMS victims, etc. Level 2 ‐ Temporary Positions Clerical, Model, Lead Tutor, Maintenance, Custodial, etc. Professional Temporary and Part‐time Positions Clinical instructors, evening campus managers, accompanist, other professionals, etc. Instruction Substitute ‐ Class or Lab Community Education Facilitator Corporate Education Facilitator EMS Supplementary Instructor Fire Academy Supplementary Instructor Nursing (all programs)Supplementary Instructor Fire Academy Director Interpreter (certified) Rate/Hour Minimum Wage $10.36 $15.00 ‐ $45.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 ‐ $100.00 Equivalent Load Equivalent Load Equivalent Load $2,500.00 Up to $70.00 Human Resources Report Month Ending April 30, 2015 NEW HIRES Name Effective Date Position Campus Salary Adella Rule 04/03/2015 Weekend Site Coordinator, 14 HPW LHC $10.46 Michael Eiring 04/08/2015 HR Generalist NCK $38,500.00 David Himler 04/09/2015 Custodian, 19.5 HPW LHC $11.40 Tess Fike 04/13/2015 Operations Specialist, Dental Programs BHC $13.80 Imelda Felix 04/20/2015 Clerk I, 25-19.5 HPW BHC $10.46 Leah Merritt 04/27/2015 Clerk I, Enrollment Services LHC $10.46 TRANSFERS Name Effective Date From Mary "Michelle" Brehmeyer 04/06/2015 Coordinator of Curriculum & Articulation Effective Date Effective Date Salary To Associate Registrar $50,000.00 From To Annualized Salary From To Annualized Salary NCK RECLASSIFICATION Name TITLE CHANGE Name SEPARATIONS Name Effective Date Position Campus Date of Hire Reason Salary Whitney Jackson 4/17/2015 Operations Specialist, Dental BHC 4/16/2007 Resignation $15.17 Samantha Hamilton 04/17/2015 Call Center Rep NCK 04/02/12 Resignation $14.13 Expenditures by Function - General and Capital Fund April 30, 2015 Page 1 83% of fiscal year completed 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 Annual Budget 6,000,000 Year to Date Actual 4,000,000 Year to Date Prior Year 2,000,000 - Annual Budget 13,753,442 3,630,613 3,899,356 6,262,085 5,407,049 731,010 125,787 33,809,342 Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Maintenance of Plant Student Financial Aid Debt Service Total 90% Actual as % of Budget Year to Date Prior Year % Change Expenses Current Year vs. Prior 67% 80% 73% 69% 47% 76% 83% 66% 9,628,380 2,851,957 2,937,700 4,574,867 4,105,963 584,769 104,822 24,788,458 -5% 2% -4% -5% -38% -5% 0% -9% 9,186,897 2,914,033 2,830,013 4,348,626 2,531,715 558,165 104,822 22,474,271 83% 80% 80% 70% Year to Date Actual 73% 67% 76% 69% 60% 50% 47% 40% 30% Actual as % of Budget 20% % of fiscal year complete 10% 0% Primary Revenue Sources April 30, 2015 Page 2 83% of fiscal year completed 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual Year to Date Prior Year 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Property Taxes Tuition & Fees Annual Budget Property Taxes Tuition & Fees State Appropriations Total 21,104,996 9,175,354 2,207,027 32,487,377 Year to Date Actual 18,871,967 9,389,851 2,207,027 30,468,845 State Appropriations Actual as % of Budget Year to Date Prior Year % Change Revenue Received Current Year vs. Prior 89% 102% 100% 94% 18,773,028 10,004,337 1,871,100 30,648,465 1% -6% 18% -1% 120% 102% 100% 100% 89% 80% Actual as % of Budget 60% % fiscal year complete 40% 20% 0% Property Taxes Tuition & Fees State Appropriations Expenditures by Object - General and Capital Fund April 30, 2015 Page 3 83% of fiscal year completed 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 Annual Budget 4,000,000 Year to Date Actual 2,000,000 Year to Date Prior Year - Annual Budget Actual as % of Budget 12,566,332 3,849,757 808,678 168,552 2,012,363 891,847 558,165 606,869 529,456 104,822 377,429 22,474,271 83% 85% 71% 57% 73% 40% 76% 91% 24% 83% 10% 66% 15,204,408 4,552,797 1,146,931 295,899 2,761,919 2,257,039 731,010 664,131 2,190,850 125,787 3,878,571 33,809,342 Personnel Services Benefits Comm. and Utilities Travel Contracted Services Supplies and Materials Student Financial Aid Fixed Charges Capital Debt Service Other/Contingency Total 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Year to Date Actual 85% 91% 13,118,640 3,695,482 854,618 150,118 1,951,588 1,144,373 584,769 561,589 2,426,028 104,822 196,432 24,788,458 % Change Expenses Current Year vs. Prior -4% 4% -5% 12% 3% -22% -5% 8% -78% 0% 92% -9% 83% 83% 76% 73% 71% Year to Date Prior Year 57% 40% 24% Actual as % of Budget 10% % of fiscal year complete Capital Expenditures by Function April 30, 2015 Page 4 83% of fiscal year completed 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 Annual Budget 2,000,000 Year to Date Actual 1,500,000 Year to Date Prior Year 1,000,000 Grant Funded Expenses 500,000 0 Annual Budget Year to Date Actual 0 42,000 0 370,000 4,244,997 125,787 4,782,784 74,550 31,608 0 0 423,298 104,822 634,278 Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Maintenance of Plant Debt Service Total Expenses Actual as % of Budget 0% 75% 0% 0% 10% 83% 13% Year to Date % Change Expenses Prior Year Current Year vs. Prior 76,707 31,356 0 369,694 1,948,271 104,822 2,530,850 90% Grant Funded Expenses 0% 1% 0% 0% -78% 0% -75% 83% 75% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 10% 20% 10% 0% Actual as % of Budget % of fiscal year complete 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0