Elements and the Periodic Table Metals in the Periodic Table

In: Describe as many
patterns found in the
periodic table as you
can to someone sitting
next to you.
List them in your notebook!!!
Elements and the Periodic Table - Organizing the Elements
Finding Data on Elements
Each square of the periodic table includes an element’s atomic
number, chemical symbol, name, and atomic mass.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Organizing the Elements
Organization of the Periodic Table
The 18 columns of the periodic table reflect a repeating pattern
of properties that generally occur across a period.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Metals in the Periodic Table
The metals in Group 1, from lithium to francium, are
called the alkali metals. Alkali metals react with atoms of
other elements by losing one electron.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Metals in the Periodic Table
Group 2 of the periodic table contains the alkaline earth
metals. These elements are not as reactive as the
metals in Group 1, but they are more reactive than most
other metals.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Melting Points in a Group of Elements
The properties of elements within
a single group in the periodic table
often vary in a certain pattern. The
following graph shows the melting
points of Group 1 elements (alkali
metals) from lithium to francium.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Melting Points in a Group of Elements
Reading Graphs:
As you look at Group 1 from
lithium to francium, describe
how the melting points of the
alkali metals change.
Melting points decrease from
lithium to francium.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Melting Points in a Group of Elements
If element number 119 were
synthesized, it would fall below
francium in Group 1 of the
periodic table. Predict the
approximate melting point of
new element 119.
New element 119 should have
a melting point of
approximately 25ºC.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Melting Points in a Group of Elements
Interpreting Data:
Room temperature is usually
about 22ºC. Human body
temperature is 27ºC. Which of the
alkali metals are liquids at room
temperature? Which might melt if
you could hold them in your
None of the alkali metals are
liquids at room temperature.
Cesium and francium might melt
if you could hold them in your
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Metals in the Periodic Table
The transition metals are less reactive than the metals in
Groups 1 and 2.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Metals in the Periodic Table
Only some of the elements in Groups 13 through 15 of the
periodic table are metals. These metals are not nearly as
reactive as those on the left side of the table.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Metals in the Periodic Table
Lanthanides are soft, malleable, shiny metals with high
Elements and the Periodic Table - Metals
Metals in the Periodic Table
The elements below the lanthanides are called actinides. Many
of these elements are so unstable that they last for only a
fraction of a second after they are made.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Properties of Nonmetals
When nonmetals react with metals, one or more electrons move
from the metal atoms to the nonmetal atoms.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Families of Nonmetals
Each element in the carbon family has atoms that can
gain, lose, or share four electrons when reacting with
atoms of other elements.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Families of Nonmetals
Group 15, the nitrogen family, contains two nonmetals:
nitrogen and phosphorus. These non-metals usually
gain or share three electrons when reacting with atoms
of other elements.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Families of Nonmetals
Group 16, the oxygen family, contains three nonmetals:
oxygen, sulfur, and selenium. These elements usually
gain or share two electrons when reacting with atoms of
other elements.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Families of Nonmetals
The Group 17 elements are the most reactive
nonmetals. Atoms of these elements easily form
compounds by sharing or gaining one electron when
reacting with atoms of other elements.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Families of Nonmetals
The elements in Group 18 are known as the noble
gases. They do not ordinarily form compounds because
atoms of noble gases do not usually gain, lose, or
share electrons.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
Families of Nonmetals
Because the chemical properties of hydrogen differ very much
from those of the other elements, it really cannot be grouped
into a family.
Elements and the Periodic Table - Nonmetals and Metalloids
The Metalloids
The metalloids have some characteristics of both metals and
nonmetals. The most useful property of the metalloids is their
varying ability to conduct electricity.