Copyright 8 1995 by the Genetics Society of America The Yeast MER2 Gene is Required for Chromosome Synapsis and the Initiation of Meiotic Recombination Beth Rockmill,* JoAnne Engebrecht,*”Hany Scherthan,+Josef Loidlf and G. Shirleen Roeder* *Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8103, tDepartment of Human Biology and Human Genetics, University of Kaiserslautm, 0-67653 Kaiserslautm, Germany, and fDepartment of Cytology and Genetics, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, A-1030 Vienna, Austria Manuscript received March 8, 1995 Accepted for publication May 30, 1995 ABSTRACT Mutation of the MER2 gene of Saccharomycescerewisiae confers meiotic lethality. To gain insight into the function of the Mer2 protein, we have carried out adetailed characterization of the mer2 null mutant. Genetic analysis indicates that mer2 completely eliminates meiotic interchromosomal gene conversion and crossing over. In addition, mer2 abolishes intrachromosomal meiotic recombination, both in the ribosomal DNA array and in an artificial duplication. The results of a physical assay demonstrate that the mer2 mutation prevents the formation of meiosis-specific,double-strand breaks, indicating that the Mer2 protein acts at or before the initiation of meiotic recombination. Electron microscopic analysis reveals that the mer2 mutant makes axial elements, which are precursors to the synaptonemal complex, but homologous chromosomes fail to synapse. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of chromosome-specific DNA probes to spread meiotic chromosomes demonstrates that homolog alignment is also significantly reduced in the w 2 mutant. Although the gene is transcribed during vegetativegrowth, deletion or overexpression of the MER2 gene has no apparent effect on mitotic recombination or DNA damage repair. We suggest that the primary defect in the mer2 mutant is in the initiation of meiotic genetic exchange. M EIOSIS is a special type of cell division that produces haploid gametes from diploid parental cells through two successive rounds of chromosome segregation. At the meiosis I division, homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles, while sister chromatids remain associated. In most organisms, this reductional segregation depends on genetic recombination between homologous chromosomes and the intimate association of homologs in the context of synaptonemal complex (SC) . Double-strand breaks (DSBs) initiate many, if not all, meiotic recombination events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GAME1992; ZENVIRTH et al. 1992; Wu and LICHTEN 1994). Meiosis-specific DSBs have been detected at several recombination hotspots (SUNet al. 1989; CAO et al. 1990; GOLDWAY et al. 1993) and at a number of preferred sites on every chromosome assayed (GAME1992; ZENVIRTHet al. 1992; WU and LIGHTEN1994). DSBs are processed to expose single-stranded tails with 3‘termini (SUNet al. 1991; BISHOPet al. 1992). According to the DSB repair model of recombination (SZOSTAK et al. 1983; SUNet al. 1991), these single-stranded tails invade an homologous DNA duplex to generate a region of hybrid DNA flanked by Holliday junctions. Repair of Corresponding author: G. Shirleen Roeder, Department of Biology, Yale University, P. 0.Box 208103, New Haven, CT 06520-8103. E-mail: ‘Present address: Department of Pharmacology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 117948651, Genetics 141: 49-59 (September, 1995) mismatched base pairs present in hybrid DNA results in gene conversion. Resolution of Holliday junctions can lead to crossing over between flanking markers. During meiotic prophase, homologous chromosomes synapse with each other to form the SC, which is a tripartite structure consisting of two parallel lateral elements separated by a central region (vON WETTSTEIN et al. 1984). Each lateral element represents the protein backbone of one pair of condensed sister chromatids and is called an axial element before its incorporation into SC. Most chromatin is located outside the complex and is folded into a series of loops, each attached at its base to a lateral element. In some organisms, the formation of tripartite SC has been shown to be preceded by the side-by-side alignment of homologous chromosomes at a distance that exceeds the width of the SC (LOIDL 1990). In yeast, this presynaptic alignment has been visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using composite, chromosome-specific DNA probes ( SCHERTHAN et al. 1992). Throughout this paper, synapsis is defined as the formation of mature SC, while pairing refers more generally to the alignment of homologous chromosomes, both before and during SC formation (GIROUX1988; ALANI et al. 1990; SYM et al. 1993). Studies of meiotic mutants are beginning to identify some of the gene products required for meiotic recombination and chromosome synapsis.Analysisofyeast mutants has been facilitated by the spol3 mutation, 50 B. Rockmill et al. which causesdiploid cells to undergo a single round of chromosome segregation to produce two-sporedasci containing diploid spores (KLAPHOLZ and ESPOSITO 1980). Recombination is not required for the production ofviable spores in a $1013 strain (MALONE and ESPOSITO1981), because chromosomes can segregate either reductionally or equationally (HUGERAT and SIMCHEN 1993). Sporulation-proficient, meiotic-lethal mutants have been classified into two groups, based on their behavior in a spol3 strain background (for review, see PETESet al. 1991). Class 1 mutants produce viable spores in conjunction with spol3, whereas class 2 mutants produce deadspores. Furthermore, aclass 1 mutation restores spore viability to a spo13 strain carrying a class 2 mutation. Based on these observations, class 1 mutants are generally assumed to be defective at an early step in the recombination pathway (e.g., initiation), whereas class 2 mutants are thought to be blocked at latersteps (e.g., resolution of recombination intermediates). The MER2 gene was identified in two different searches for meiotic genes. MALONE et al. (1991) identified MER2 in a selection for mutations that restore spore viability to a class 2 mutant carrying a spol3 mutation. ENCEBRECHTet al. (1990) recovered the MER2 gene in a screen for multicopy suppressors of the gene conversion defect of a meiotic mutant called merl. Preliminary studies (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990) of a mer2 null mutant and more extensive characterization (COOLand MALONE 1992) of a mer2 allele induced by ultraviolet light (W)indicate that the Mer2 protein is required for most or all meiotic recombination events.Only 1% of the spores derived from a mer2 mutant diploid are viable. The MER2 gene displays a unique pattern of regulation. Many yeast genes have been identified that function specifically in meiotic cells. With the exception of MER2, all of these genes are regulated at the level of transcription; there is little or no transcription during vegetative growth and transcription is strongly induced during sporulation (MITCHELL1994). In contrast, the MER2 gene is transcribed constitutively. The primary transcript of the MER2 gene contains an intron that must be removed byRNA splicing for the transcript to encodea full-length, functional protein. Efficient splicing of MER2 pre-mRNA requires the productof the MER1 gene, which is transcribed only during meiosis (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1991). In vegetative cells that lack Merl, only -10% of MER2 pre-mRNA is spliced; in meiotic cells containing Merl, the efficiency ofsplicing is increased dramatically. Recently, Merl has been shown to be an RNA-binding protein withspecificity for MER2 pre-mRNA (NANDABALAN and ROEDER 1995). To gain further insight into the molecular function of the MER2 gene product, we have used a variety of genetic, molecular and cytological methods to characterize the mer2 null mutant. The results presented con- - firm the hypothesis that the mer2 mutation blocks meiotic recombination at avery early step and demonstrate that the MER2 gene product is required for chromosome synapsis and for stable pairing between homologous chromosomes. MATERIALSAND METHODS Yeast strains and genetic manipulations: Yeast media were prepared andgenetic methods were carried outas described by ROSEet al. (1990). YEPAD is YEPD medium supplemented with adenine. Yeast strains were transformed usingthe lithium acetate procedure of ITO et al. (1983). The genotypes of yeast strains used in this study are presented in Table 1. Isogenic derivatives ofY20 and 5114 were obtained by transforming the disomic haploids. S2701 is derived from S1570 by MER2 disruption; thus, URA3 is inserted into the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) array at the same location in both strains. Isogenic derivatives of 5360 and BR2495 were obtained by transforming the haploid parents and then matingthe transformants.Strain S1570 was obtained from THOMASMENEES. Strain U469, obtained from RODNEY ROTHSTEIN, contains the 1.1-kb Hind111 fragment of URA3 inserted at the Hind111 site immediately centromere-proximal to the wild-type SlJF'4 gene. U469 was crossed to JE193-2B (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990) transformed withpAM506 (SMITHand MITCHELL1989) and pME58 (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990) to generate S2703. BR2920 was constructed using two strains, (21017-6D and G911-10D, generously provided byJoHN GAME.Both strains are congenic withSKI(FAST 1973); G911-10D containsa circular derivative of chromosome ZZZ. G911-10D was crossed to a lys2 derivative of SKI to obtain a lys2 rad5@Kl81::UBI3 segregant carrying a circular chromosome ZZZ. This segregant (PC404) was mated to G1017-6D to obtain BR2920. G10176D and PC404 were transformed with pR1400 to introduce the mer2::LYS2allele and transformants were mated to generate BR2921. Strains carrying an intronless version of the MER2 gene were constructed by two-step transplacement(ROTHSTEIN 1991)using pR1106.Derivatives that had lost the plasmid were analyzed by Southern blot hybridization to identify those in which the intronless version of MER2 remained on the chromosome. Plasmids: Plasmid R1400, constructed by LAURA PRICE, was used to generate yeast strains carrying the merZ::LYS2 allele. To make pR1400, the 4.8-kb XbaI fragment containing the LYS2 gene from pDP6 (FLEIGet al. 1986) was inserted at the XbaI site in the MER2 gene in pR1040. Plasmid R1040 is a derivative of pBR322 in which the 3.Gkb EcoRI-BamHI fragment containing MER2 (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990) has been inserted between the EcoRI and BamHI sites. Before transformation into yeast, pR1400 was digested with EcoRI and SphI. Plasmid ME58, carrying the mer2::ADE2 mutation(ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990), and pME302, carrying the spoll::ADE2 mutation (ENGEBRECHT and ROEDER1989), have been described previously. Plasmid R1106 was used to construct strains carrying an intronless version of the MER2 gene. To construct pR1106, the EcoRI-BamHI fragment containing the intronless MER2 et al. 1991) was inserted gene from pME268 (ENGEBRECHT between the EcoRI and BamHI sites of YIp5. Before transformation into yeast, pR1106 was cleaved with BglII. Plasmid R1307, obtained from BRADLEY OZENBERGER, was used to insert the URA3 gene into the rDNA array. A 3.841 PuuII fragment ofrDNA containing the 3' end of the 25s rRNA gene and a portion of the nontranscribed spacer was Yeast Meiotic Recombination Gene 51 TABLE 1 Yeast strains Strain Genotype 5360 MATa his4-260 W C l O leu2-27 trpl-289 CYHlO lys2 ura3-l MATa HIS4cdcl0 leu2-27 trpl-1 cyhlO LYS2 ura3-1 spol3::URA3 arg4-9 THRl ade2-1 spol3::URA3 arg4-8 thrl ade2-1 5352 same as 5360but homozygous for m2::ALlE2 Y20 MATa CRY1 leu2-112 his4-260,39 ura3 trpl-H3 spol3::TRPI ade2-l lys2-1 qhlO MATa q 1 leu2-3 his4280 S1791 S1570 S2701 same as Y20 but mer2::ADE2 same as Y20 but RLlNI::URA3 same as Y20 but RDNl::URA3 mer2::LYS2 J114 his4 MATa CDCIO leu2 ura3 trpl canl cyh2 a&2-1 $013-I sap3 lys2-99 MATa cdcl0 LEU2::pNH18-1 HIS4 S1793 same as J114 but mer2::ADE2 BR2920 MATa leu2-Al linear III lys2 canl ura3 hom3 hisl-7 trp5-arad5O-K181::URA3ade2-4" MATa leu2-29 circular I I I G CANl ura3 HOM3 hisl-1 trp5-g rad5O-K181::URA3 ADE2 BR2921 same as BR2920 but homozygous for mer2::LYS2 BR2495 MATa leu2-27 his4-280 ura3-I trpl-289 CYHlO are-8 thrl-1 ade2-1 ~ MATa leu2-3,112 his4-260 ura3-1 trpl-1 cyhlO ARG4 thrl-4 ade2-l S2500 S1590 S2888 S2702 S2947 same as BR2495 but same as BR2495 but same as BR2495 but same as BR2495 but same as BR2495 but S2703 MATa leu2-27 his4-260 ~trpl-289 lys2 CANl ura3-I arg4-9 HIS3 ade2-1 MATa leu2-3,112 HIS4 trpl-lLYS2canl ura3-1 ARG4 his3-11,15 ade2-l imel-1::TRpl mer2::ADE2 SUP4 Ii?IEl MER2 SuP4::URA3 heterozygous for ADE2 homozygous for mer2::ADE2 homozygous for spoll::ADE2 homozygous for MEm-c homozygous for MERZ-c and heterozygous for ADE2 The following strains have been described previously: Y20 (MENEESand ROEDER (1989),5114 (ENCEBRECHT and ROEDER 1989),5360 and 5352 (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990), BR2495 (ROCKMILLand ROEDER1990) and S2500 (MENEESet al. 1992). The rad5GK181 allele present in BR2920 and BR2921 is referred to as rad50Selsewhere in the text. used to replace the polylinker in pUC18. The URA3 gene was inserted as a 1.1-kb Hind111 fragment into the unique BglII site after filling in the endsof both fragments with the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I . Before transformation into yeast, pR1307 was digested with FuuII. Determination of recombinationfrequencies: Spontaneous mitotic and meiotic frequencies of intragenic recombination were determined as described previously (ENGEBRECHT and ROEDER1989). Median frequencies were calculated by the method of LEAand COULSON (1949). Recombination induced by U V was measured as follows. Cells were grown to saturation in YEPAD and then appropriate dilutions were plated on synthetic complete medium or medium lacking histidine or threonine and exposed to a germicidal lamp (Sylvania G15T8) at a distance of 12 inches for 30 sec. After treatment with UV, plates were incubated in the dark at 30" for 3 days. Recombination induced by methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) was determined as follows. Cells grownto saturation in YEPAD were diluted 1 in 20 into YEPAD and MMSwas added to a final concentration of 0.01%. After incubation at 30" for 6 hr with shaking, an equal volume of 10% sodium thiosulfate was added and cells were pelleted by centrifugation. Appropriate dilutions were then plated on synthetic complete medium and medium lacking histidine or threonine. DSB assay: Fresh overnight cultures of strains BR2920 and BR2921 in YEPAD were diluted 100-fold into YPA (CAO et al. 1990) and grown at 30" for 12 hr. Cellswere then washed and diluted twofold into 2% potassium acetate and incubated with vigorous shaking at 30".Aliquots of sporulating cells were harvested at the times indicated and chromosome plugs were prepared according to SHERMAN and WAKEM(1991) using InCert agarose (FMC BioProducts, Rockland, ME). Yeast chromosomes were separated on a crossed field gelapparatus et al. 1981) by electrophoresis at 150 V with a 25(SOUTHERN sec pulse for 20 hr. The gel was blotted and probed with a et radiolabeled 2.2-kb EcoRV fragment of pSG315 (GOLDWAY al. 1993), derived from the THR4 locus on chromosome ZII. Cytology: Chromosome spreads were prepared from d i p loid BR2495 and isogenic derivatives. Cellsweregrown to saturation at 30" in YEPAD medium (ROSE et al. 1990) and then diluted 7.5-fold into 2% KAc and incubated at 30" for 52 B. Rockmill et al. TABLE 2 TABLE 3 Meiotic gene conversion in a mer2 null mutant Meiotic crossing over in a mer2 null mutant Strain, relevant genotype His prototrophs Mitotic Meiotic Fold decrease Leu protrophs Mitotic Meiotic Fold decrease Y20, MER2 2.9 X 1 0 - ~ 1.2 x 1x 5.2 X 1.4 X 1 0 - ~ 1x S1791, rner2::ADEZ 1.6 X 1 0 - ~ 2.4 X 50X 4.8 X 4.3 x 10-6 326X His and Leu prototrophs were selected in diploids carrying heteroalleles at the HIS4 and LEU2 loci. Mitotic and meiotic recombination frequencies represent the mean values obtained from two independent cultures. Folddecrease is the mean meiotic frequency for wild type divided by the mean meiotic frequency for the mutant. S1791 is a transformant of Y20. 15 hr. For electron microscopy, cells werespread and stained with silvernitrate as described by DRESSER and GIROUX (1988) and ENCEBRECHT and ROEDER (1990), except that cells were spread onto clean glass slides that had not been precoated with plastic. Spreads were subsequently overlaid with plastic and lifted onto copper mesh grids (LOIDLet al. 1991). For FISH, cells werespread as for electron microscopy with modifications noted by NAG et al. (1995). FISHwith chromosome-specific, composite DNA probes (chromosome painting) was carried out as described by et al. (1992). Chromosome I and ZII probes were SCHERTHAN generated and detected as described by LOIDLet al. (1994). The chromosome Z probe spanned 60 kb of this 230-kbchromosome and was detected as a red signal (tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate fluorescence). The chromosome III probe spanned 185 kb of this 340-kb chromosome and was detected as a green signal (fluorescein isothiocyanate fluorescence). The frequency of associations between homologous chromosomes was corrected for accidental associations as determined from the frequency of associations between nonhomologous chromosomes (LOIDLet al. 1994). The corrected frequencies for chromosomes I and ZII were averaged in each experiment. To compare chromosome condensation or homolog pairing in strains of different genotype, the results of all experiments for each of two strains were analyzed using the Wilcoxon two-sample rank-sum statistic. RESULTS Meioticinterchromosomalrecombination is abolished in a mer2 null mutank The effect of a mer2 null mutation on intragenic recombination was examined in haploid spol3 strains that are disomic for chromosome III and carry heteroalleles at the HIS4 and LEU2 loci. Hisand Leu prototrophic recombinants result primarily from gene conversion. As shown in Table 2, meiotic prototroph formation in the mer2 mutant isreduced dramatically relative to wild type. The frequency of recombinants in the mutant is not increased above the mitotic background level, demonstrating that the mer2 mutation confers an absolute defect in meiotic gene conversion. Strain, relevant genotype Spore viability 2-spore viable dyads analyzed Distance HIS4-WClO (ZIZ) Distance WClO-MAT (IIZ) Distance CYHl O-LYS2 (II) Distance ARM-THRl (WII) Aberrant segregation ZI Reductional segregation IZ Aberrant segregation III Reductional segregation III 5360, MER2 75% 101 29cM 12 cM 49 cM 10 cM 0% 9% 2% 3% 5352, rner2::ADE2 94% 152 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 cM cM cM cM 0% 0% 0% 0% The map distances for 5360 are taken from ENGEBRECHT et al. (1990). Map distances were calculated as described preet al. viously (ENGEBRECHT and ROEDER1989; ENGEBRECHT 1990; ROCKMILL and ROEDER1990). The predominant pattern of chromosome segregation was equational. Reductional and aberrant segregations of chromosomes II and ZII were identified as described previously (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1990). The pattern of segregation of chromosome WII could not be determined due to the absence of a tightly centromere-linked marker. 5360 and 5352 are isogenic. The effect of the mer2 deletion on meiotic crossing over was measured by dissection and analysis of dyads from isogenic mer2 spol3 and MER2 spol3 diploids. Map distances were measured in four different intervals: HIS4-OCIO and CDCIO-MAT on chromosome III, CYHIGLYS2 on chromosome II and ARM-THRI on chromosome WII,As shown inTable 3, meiotic crossing over is completely eliminated by the mer2null mutation. mer2 eliminates meiotic intrachromosomal recombination: The effect of a mer2 mutation on meiotic intrachromosomal recombination was measured in spol3 haploid strains disomic for chromosome III, using the assay developed by HOLLINCSWORTH and BYERS(1989). An 11.4kb segment of DNA between HIS4 and LEU2 is duplicated on one copy of chromosome IIJ inserted between the repeats is the wild-type CYH2 gene. Recombinants that havelost the CYH2 markerdueto exchange between the repeats can be selected on medium containing cycloheximide, due to a recessive mutation conferring cycloheximide-resistanceat the CYH2 locus on chromosome V I . In this assay, a mer2::ADE2 strain displays a level of recombination that is20-foldless than the wild-type level and no higher than the mitotic background level (Table 4). Previous studies have provided evidence that meiotic intrachromosomal recombination in the naturally OCcurring rDNA array is regulated differently from recombination in artificial duplications (GOTTLIEBet d . 1989). To determine whether MER2 is required formeiotic recombination in the rDNA, spol3 haploids carrying a URA3 insertion in the rDNA array were examined by dyad dissection (Table 5). In the MER2 strain, meiotic recombination resulting in lossof the URA3 Yeast Meiotic Recombination Gene TABLE 4 rad5OS 7 10.5 0 3 Meiotic intrachromosomal recombination in a mer2 null mutant Strain, relevant genotype mer2 rad5OS 0 3 7 10.5 J114, MER2 mer2::ADE2 linear I l l + linearized circle 111") othercut products? 8.5 X 1 0 - ~ 1.7 X 7.7 x lo-% 1x 22% 66% 12% 3.8 X 1 0 - ~ 3.3 X 1 0 - ~ 3.8 X 1 0 - ~ 20 x 87% 0% 13% FIGURE 1.-Double-strand break assay in wild type and mer2 LYS2. Chromosomes extracted from BR2920 ( M E R 2 rud50S) and BR2921 (mer2::LYS2 rud50S) cells after 0, 3, 7 and 10.5 hr in sporulation medium were separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, blotted to a filter and then hybridized with a probe for chromosome IIZ. S1793, CyhRfrequency Mitotic Meiotic Corrected meiotic Fold decrease Equational segregation Reductional segregation Aberrant segregation 53 Mitotic and meiotic frequencies of CyhRrecombinants are the median and mean frequencies, respectively, obtained from three independent cultures. CyhR recombinants were selected on medium lacking histidine and leucine as deand BYERS (1989). The corrected scribed by HOLLINGSWORTH meiotic frequency was obtained by dividing the meiotic frequency by the fraction of dyads displaying equational segregation because recombinants can be detected only when chroand mosome IZZ segregates equationally (HOLLINGSWORTH BYERS 1989). Fold decrease is the correctedmeiotic frequency for the wild type divided by the corrected meiotic frequency for the mutant. Aberrant, reductional and equational segregations of chromosome ZIIwere identified as described by ENGEBRECHT and ROEDER (1989). SI793 is a transformant of J114. gene was observed in 7.1% ofthe dyads examined. Meiotic recombination occurred in <0.1% of dyads from the mer2 mutant. mer2 eliminatesreductionalsegregation in spol3 strains: $013 diploids undergo a mixed meiotic division, inwhich some chromosomes segregate equationally, whileothers undergo eitherreductional or aberrant segregation (KLAPHoLz and ESPOSITO 1980; HUCERAT and SIMCHEN 1993). Crossing over promotes reductional segregation and increases the frequency of missegregation. In a spol3 strain background, the mer2 mutation abolishes reductional segregation and improves spore viability (Tables 3 and 4), as shown preTABLE 5 Meiotic recombmation in the rDNA array in a mer2 null mutant Strain, relevant genotype Twespore viable dyads analyzed Ura+:Ura+dyads 138 Ura+:Ura-dyads Ura-:Ura-dyads Meiotic recombination frequency S2701, S1570, MER2 128 104 8 16 7.1% mer2::ADE2 152 0 14 <0.7% Nonrecombinant dyads contain two Ura+ spores; recombinant dyads contain one Ura' and one Ura- spore. Dyads containing two Ura-spores are assumed to result from mitotic recombination. The percent meiotic recombination was calculated as the number of Ura+:Ura-dyads multiplied by 100 divided by the total of Ura+:Ura+dyads and Ura+:Ura-dyads. viously for other mutants with defects in recombination (MALONE1983; MALONE and ESPOSITO 1981; ENCEBRECHT and ROEDER1989; HOLLINGSWORTH and BYERS 1989; MENEES and ROEDER 1989; ROCKMILLand ROEDER1990; BHARGAVA et al. 1991). mer2 fails tomake meiotic DSBs: Because mer2 strains display no induction of meiotic recombination, it was of interest to determine whether the w2mutation prevents the formation of meiotically induced DSBs. To do so, the physical assaydeveloped by GAMEet al. (1989) was employed. The diploid strain used for these experiments carries one linear copy of chromosome ZZZand one circular variant of this chromosome. The circular chromosome IZZdoes not enter a pulsed-field gel; however, a meiotic DSB at any location on the circular c h r e mosome generates a linear molecule that does enter the gel and migrates with a faster mobility than its homolog. The strain used also carries the rads0S allele. rad50S mutants fail to process meiotic DSBs, leading to an accumulation of this otherwise transient intermediate (AIANI et al. 1990). Figure 1 shows the analysis of DNA extracted from wild-type and mer2 cells before meiotic induction and at various times after the introduction into sporulation medium. In wild type, only the original linear chrome some IIZis evident in DNA from premeiotic cells. After a few hours of meiotic induction, the linear version of the circular chromosome is also detected, as are a number of fragments of faster mobility, which presumably are derived from both chromosome ZZZhomologs. Consistent with previous studies (GAME1992; ZENVIRTHet al. 1992), distinct bands were observed, implying that many of the breaks occur at specific sites. In the mer2 mutant, no DSB products were detected, even after p r e longed incubation in sporulation medium. Thus, the mer2 null mutation eliminates the formation of meiotic DSBs. mer2 is defective in SC assembly: To examine the effect of the mer2 mutation on chromosome synapsis, meiotic chromosomes were surface spread, stained with silver nitrate and examined in the electron microscope. At the 13-and 15hr time points examined, a significant fraction of wild-type cells were in the pachytene stage R. Rockmill 54 us AE MI MII MI MII 50 15 hours us AE sc FIGURE%-Distribution of cells in meiotic nuclear spreads at IS and I5 hr of sporulation. Solid bars represent wild-type nuclei (S2500) and hatchedbars represent mpf2::ADE2 nuclei (S1590). The categories of nuclei include US (unstructured), AE (axial elements), SC, MI (meiosis I ) and MI1 (meiosis 11). US nuclei show uniform staining and no evidence of SC or axial elements. AE nuclei contain axial element$. SC nuclei contain fully synapsed chromosomes. In most of the US, AE and SC nuclei, duplicated but unseparated spindle polebodies are apparent. MI nuclei contain two separate spindle pole bodies, whereas MI1 nuclei contain four separate spindle pole bodies o r two pairs of duplicated, but unseparated spindle pole bodies. MI and MI1 nuclei do not contain any SC or axial element!. S2500 and SI590 are isogenic. of meiosis(Figure 2). An example of awild-type nucleus containing fully synapsed chromosomes is shown inFigure 3A. Within most SCs, two parallel lateral elements, separated by a less densely stained central region, are evident. Unsynapsed axial elements were not observed in spreads from wild-type cells. In contrast, in the mer2 mutant, nuclei containing multiple axial elements (Figure 3B) were observed at a frequency similar to the frequency of pachytene nuclei in wild type (Figure 2). In some of these nuclei, the axial elements were significantly shorter than expected for full-length chromosomes; in other nuclei, the elements appeared to be fully developed. SC was never observed in spreads from the mer2 mutant. Cells undergoing meiosis I or I1 were observed at approximately wild-typelevels, indicating that the mer2 mutant is proficient in nuclear division. w 2 strains undergo a low levelof homologous chromosomepairing To assay homolog pairing, meiotic chromosomes were surface spread and painted with composite probes for chromosomes I and III. Only nuclei containing clear and compact hybridization signals el al. for both chromosomes were scored (see LOIDLet al. 1994). Signal compaction is a reflection of chromatin condensation, which is maximal at pachytene (DRESSER and GIROUX1988; LOIDLet al. 1994). Homologs were classified as paired if they were so close together that their FISH signals had fused into asingle spot or if their signals were touching each other. In the wild-type cellsharvested after 15 hr in sporulation medium, almost all FISH signals were paired (Table 6). In contrast, in the mer2 mutant, less than onethird of the homologs were associated. For comparison, homolog pairing was measured in an isogenic spoll mutant (Table6); homolog pairing in the spoll diploid was significantly lower than in mer2 ( P < 0.005). The percent of nuclei that display compact FISH signals represents the fraction of cells in whichchromatin is condensed; thus, the FISH procedure provides an assessment ofchromatin condensation. In the mer2 and s t 0 1 I mutants, the fraction of nuclei containing condensed chromosomes is not significantly different from wild type (Table 6). w 2 does not affect spontaneous or induced mitotic recombination: To explore thepossibility that theMer2 protein plays a role during vegetative growth, the mer2 null mutant was examined in assays ofspontaneous and induced mitotic recombination. In addition, mitotic recombination was measured in diploids homozygous for the intronless versionof the MER2 gene (MEM-c), which produce about 10 times as much spliced MER2 RNA as wild type (ENCEBRECHT et al. 1991) and therefore presumably 10 times as much Mer2 protein. The wild type, mer2 and MER2-c diploids showed similar levels of recombination spontaneously and after exposure to UV or MMS (Table 7). Furthermore, the levelof survival of mer2 and MER< strains treated with U V or MMSwas similar to wild type (Table 7). MER2 is on the right arm of chromosome Xi The MER2gene was localized to chromosomeXby Southern blot analysis ofelectrophoretically separated yeast chromosomes (CHUet al. 1986) (data not shown). Tetrad analysis positioned MER2 on the right arm of the chromosome between IMEl and SUP4 (Table 8). DISCUSSION MER2 is essential for the initiation of meiotic recombination: Our studies demonstrate that theMER2 gene is absolutely required for meiotic interchromosomal recombination. Neither gene conversion (Table 2) nor crossing over (Table 3) is induced above the mitotic background level whenthe mer2 null mutant undergoes sporulation. When COOLand MALONE (1992) analyzed a $013 diploid homozygous for an UV-induced MER2 allele, they observed a low frequency of recombinants among dissected dyads and random spores. In contrast, we observed no crossovers inmeiotic products from the mer2 null mutant (Table 3). This comparison suggests Yeast Meiotic Recombination 55 Gene A FIGURE3.-Electron micrographs of meiotic nuclei from MER2 and mer2 strains. (A) Pachytene nucleus from the wild-type strain, BR2495, showing fully synapsed chromosomes. (B) Meiotic nucleus from the mer2::ADE2 strain, S1590, displaying unsynapsed axial elements. The darkly staining body in each micrograph is the nucleolus. Bar, 1 pm. that the MER2 allele analyzed by COOLand MALONE (1992) is not a null mutation. Our data indicate that w 2 is similar to the$01 1 (KIMHOLZ et al. 1985), rad50 (GAMEet al. 1980; MALONE and ESPOSITO 1981), mrell (AJIMURA et al. 1993;JOHZUKA and OGAWA 1995), m2 (IVANOV et al. 1992), mei4 (MENEESand ROEDER 1989), red02 (BHARGAVA et al. 1991; COOLand MALONE 1992), reclO4 (GALBRAITH and MALONE 1992) and red14 (PI?TMAN et al. 1993) null mutations, which completely abolish meiotically induced recombination. h4ER2 is also required for meiotic intrachromosomal recombination. Previous studies have provided evidence fortwo distinct pathways ofmeiotic intrachromosoma1 exchange in yeast.The Rad50 protein is required for recombination within artificial duplications of sequences thatnormally exist ina single copy, but not for recombination in the naturally occurring rDNA array (GOITLIEBet al. 1989). In addition, the rDNAis the only segment of yeast nuclear DNA that fails to engage in SC formation (DRESSER and GIROUX 1988). Our data (Tables 4 and 5) indicate that the Mer2 protein, like Spol 1 (WAGSTAFF et al. 1985), is required for meiotically induced intrachromosomal recombination both in an artificial duplication and in the rDNA. Thus, Rad50 remains the only known protein that acts differentially in the two pathways. To determine whether Mer2 acts at the initiation of meiotic recombination, we monitored DSB formation in the mer;! null mutant. DSBs are often assayed at specific recombination hotspots, using Southern blot analysis to detectrestriction fragments truncated at one end ( . g . , SUNet al. 1989; G\o et al. 1990). Because of the limited sensitivity ofsuch assays, mutations that strongly reduce DSBs are difficult to distinguish from those that completely abolish breaks. Furthermore, if a meiotic mutation alters the distribution of DSB sites, then DSB TABLE 6 Homolog pairing and chromosome condensation in wild type, mer2 and spoil Strain, relevant genotype Percent Percent Percent Percent of homologous FISH signals paired of wild-type homolog pairing of nuclei with condensed chromosomes of wild-type chromosome condensation BR2495, S2888, MER2 SPOI I 94.4 2 1.6 100 25.9 2 9.7 100 S 1590, w2::ADE2 spo1I::ADEZ 28.2 2 7.2 29.9 16.7 2 8.4 64.5 12.2 2 1.6 12.9 21.6 2 10.1 83.4 The percentages given are the averages, together with standard deviations, obtained in seven (BR2495), six (S1590) or five (S2888) experiments for each strain. Six of the seven experiments for strain BR2495 are reported this issue of Genetics by NAG et al. (1995). In every experiment, approximately 100 nuclei from each strain were scored for condensation and 200-300 FISH signal pairs were scored for pairing. 56 B. Rockmill et al. TABLE 7 Effect of mer2 on spontaneous and induced mitotic recombination Strain, relevant genotype S2500, MER2 Spontaneous His+ Spontaneous Thr' UV-induced His+ UV-induced Thr' Survival after W MMSinduced His+ MMSinduced Thr+ Survival after MMS 5.6 X 1.8 X 1 0 - ~ 9.7 X 1 0 - ~ 1.8 X 1 0 - ~ 24% 2.2 X 1 0 - ~ 2.3 X 11% S1590, mer2::ADE2 5.5 X 2.2 X 7.3 X 2.6 X S2702 or S2947, MER2-c 10-5 10-7 10-3 5.4 x 10-5 2.0 X 1 0 - ~ 7.1 X 1 0 - ~ 10-~ 1.6 X 16% 1.8 X 10-3 2.7 X 10-3 12% 24% 1.8 X 1 0 - ~ 2.8 X 1 0 - ~ 14% His+ andThr+ recombinants were selectedfrom diploids heteroallelic atHIS4 and THRl. The spontaneous from five independent cultures. Each UV-induced prototroph frequencies are the median frequencies obtained frequency is the average of four independent culturesand each MMSinduced frequencyis the average of two independent cultures.For MER2-c, spontaneous and induced frequencies were derived from strain S2702 and W-induced frequenciesfrom strainS2947. Survival after UV and MMS indicates the percent of cells remaining viable after exposure to UV or MMS as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS. formation at a specific locus may not provide a good indication of the overall level of DSBs. To overcome these objections, we used a sensitive assay developed by GAMEet al. (1989) that can detect DSBs anywhere on chromosome ZZZ. The assay employs a circular chromosome 111 and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of undigested, chromosomal DNA. The circular chromosome fails to enter the gel, whereas linear derivatives resulting from cleavage at any site on the chromosome enter the gel and migrate with a unique mobility. The rad50S mutation, which prevents DSB processing (ALANI et al. 1990),was included in the strains used for this analysis so that any DSBs induced would persist. Using this assay, we detected no DSBs in the mer2 mutant, even at late time points when DSB formation in wildtype had reached its maximum level (Figure 1).These datademonstrate that the Mer2 protein acts at or before the initiation of meiotic recombination events. Four other class 1 mutations, spoll, rad50, xrs2 and m r e l l , have also been shown to abolish meiotic DSBs (CAO et al. 1990; IVANOV et al. 1992;JOHZUKA and OGAWA 1995). MER2 is not required for mitotic recombination or DNA damage repair: The observation that the MER2 gene is transcribed in vegetative cells raisesthe possibility that the Mer2 protein plays a role during vegetative growth. The low level of spliced MER2 RNA produced in the absence of Mer1 might generate sufficient Mer2 TABLE 8 Mapping of the MER2 gene Tetrad Types Interval PD 'IT NPD Total tetrads distance MErn-IMEl IMElSUP4 SUP4-MER2 89 58 95 53 84 50 1 2 0 143 144 145 20.6 cM 33.3 cM 17.2 cM Tetrad data were obtained by dissection of strain The order of markers is CEhX"IMEl-MER2-SUP4. Map S2703. protein to perform its mitotic function. Alternatively, the truncated protein (131 amino acids) resulting from translation of the unspliced MER2 transcript might perform a function in vegetative cells, whereas the fulllength protein (291 amino acids) resulting from translation of the spliced mRNA functions in meiotic cells. Several genes required for meiotic recombination are also essential for DNA damage repair duringvegetative growth (FRIEDBERG et al. 1991).We therefore examined the effect of MER2 mutations on spontaneous recombination, recombination induced by W and MMS, and survival after exposure to W or MMS. Neither deletion of the MER2 gene noroverproduction of the Mer2 protein had any effect on spontaneous recombination or response to DNA damage (Table 7). Thus, the reason for MER2 gene expression in vegetative cellsremains a mystery. mer2 confers defects in SC formation and homolog pairing: Electron microscopic analysis of silver-stained meiotic chromosomes demonstrates that the mer2 mutant is defective in SC formation (Figures 2 and 3). A mer2 diploid assembles short to full-lengthaxialelements, but these elements do not synapse. In wild-type yeast, axial element development and synapsis are concurrent events (PADMORE et al. 1991); mer:! is one of several mutants in whichthese processes are uncoupled. In terms of its effect on SC formation, m 2 is similar to several other mutations that abolish meiotic recombination. The mei4 (MENEESet al. 1992), red02 (BHARGAVA et al. 1991), spoll (LOIDLet al. 1994) and rad50 (ALANI et al. 1990) null mutants all assemble unsynapsed axial elements. In the case of spoll, limited formation of SC has been observed ( LOIDLet al. 1994). FISH analysis indicates that the mer2 mutant displays a substantial defect in homolog pairing (Table 6). Recent studies have demonstrated that homologous chromosomes are paired in a substantial fraction of cells before introduction into sporulation medium (LOIDL et al. 1994;WEINER and KLECKNER 1994). Chromosomes Yeast Meiotic Recombination Gene become unpaired during premeiotic DNA replication andthen reassociate (WEINERand KLECKNER 1994). These observations led to the proposal that vegetative and meiotic cells employ the same mechanism of homolog alignment (WEINER and KLECKNER 1994). Because pairing in vegetative cells is unlikely to involve breaks in DNA, WEINER and KLECKNER (1994) proposed that homologs initiallyassociate by unstable paranemic joints between intact DNA helices. During meiosis, chromatin condensation might disrupt these unstable associations (KLECKNER et al. 1991; KLECKNER and WEINER1993); on the other hand, SC formation and perhaps also recombination establishes more stable connections between homologs. In the mer2 mutant, chromatin condensation proceeds, but there is no SC formation or recombination. Thus, one interpretation of the mer2 phenotype is that the mutant successfully carries out thehomology search, but is unable to stabilize the associations between homologs. If the connections between homologs are unstable, then thepossibility should be considered that chromosome pairing can be disrupted during spreading. Homolog pairing measured in spread preparations might therefore provide a minimum estimate of the level of pairing in vivo. An alternative interpretation of the mer2 defect in homolog pairing is that the Mer2 protein plays a role in homology searching and recognition. If so, there must be an alternative pathway that operates in its a b sence and is responsible for the pairingobserved in the mer2 null mutant. The level of homolog pairingin mer2 strains is significantly higher than in the spoll mutant, consistent with two previous studies in which the spoll mutant had the lowest level of pairing of several mutants characterized (LOIDLet al. 1994;WEINER and KLECKNER 1994). It is very unlikely that most or all of the homolog pairing observed in the mer2 mutant reflects residual premeiotic pairing in unsporulated cells for two reasons. First, pairing was scored among nuclei in which individual chromosomes were evident as condensed “sausages” as determined by a DNA-specific dye.Such chromosome morphology is not observed in premeiotic cells. Second, the level of pairing observed in the mer2 mutant is higher than in the spoll mutant, yet these mutants enter meiosiswith the same efficiency (i.e., similar to wild type; Figure 2) (KLAPHoLz et al. 1985). Even if all of the pairing observed in the spoll mutant is due to residual premeiotic pairing, then the mer2 mutant stilldisplays a significant level of meiotically induced homolog pairing, as determined by the difference (16%)between the mer2 and $1011pairing values. Possible functions for theMer2protein: The predicted amino acid sequence of the Mer2 protein provides little insight into Mer2 function (ENGEBRECHT et al. 1991). The Mer2 protein is 291amino acids in length and is predicted to haveseveral a-helical segments. There is a potential nuclear localization signal (MOLL 57 et al. 1991; ROBBINS et al. 1991) near the carboxy terminus of the protein (amino acids 250-265). The mer2 null mutation is pleiotropic, affecting meiotic recombination, homolog pairing and SC formation. It is possible that Mer2 acts indirectly, by regulating the activity of several gene products. For example, Mer2 might be a transcription factor that activates the expression of genes involved in recombination and others required for synapsis. An alternative to the view that Mer2 is a transcriptional (or posttranscriptional) regulator is that Mer2 directly affects a specific aspect of meiotic DNA metabolism and the other aspects of the mutant phenotype are secondary consequences of this primary defect. If so, then what might be the primary function of the Mer2 protein? Two observations argue against a primary role for Mer2 in homology searching or recognition. First, the mer2 mutant undergoes a significant amount of meiotically induced homolog pairing. Thus, if the defects in recombination and SC formation result from the defect in pairing, DSB formation and synapsis should be reduced, but not completely eliminated. Furthermore, three studies have shownthat meiotic DSBs are formed during meiosis in haploid yeast, indicating that DSB formation does not depend on prior interactions between homologous chromosomes (DE MASSYet al. 1994; GILBERTSON and STAHL1994; FANet a2. 1995). It also seems unlikely that Mer2 is a structural component of the SC. Mutations in genes that encode SC components effect quite modest reductions in recombination, demonstrating that the SC is not absolutely requiredfor meiotic recombination (HOLLINGSWORTH and BYERS1989; HOLLINCSWORTH et al. 1990; ROCKMILL and ROEDER1990; HOLLINGSWORTH and JOHNSON 1993; FRIEDMAN et al. 1994; SYM et al. 1993; SYM and ROEDER1994). Furthermore, a role in SC formation cannot account for the requirement for theMer2 protein in meiotic intrachromosomal recombination in the rDNA array, where there is no SC formation (DRESSER and GIROUX1988). We favor the view that the primary defect in the mer2 mutant is DSBformation. If synapsis initiates at the sites of some or all DSBs as suggested (KLECKNER et al. 1991; PADMORE et al. 1991), then a defect in DSB formation can account, not only for the failure of recombination, but also for the defect in SC formation. A number of observations suggest that an early step in the recombination pathway is required for synaptic initiation. First, DSB formation precedes the initiation of synapsis and DSBs disappear concurrent with the formationof tripartite sc (PADMORE et al. 1991). Second,of the numerous yeast mutants characterized, none assembles SCs in the absence of DSBs. Finally, studies of chromosome rearrangements in maize havesuggested a causal relationship between the establishment of a crossover site and the initiation of synapsis (MAGUIFW 1977; MACUIRE and RIESS 1994). 58 B. Rockmill et al. Chromatin structure plays a major role in determining the sites of meiotic DSBs. The breaks occur preferentially in intergenic regions that contain transcription promoters and are hypersensitive to nuclease digestion in chromatin isolated from both vegetative and meiotic cells (WU and LIGHTEN1994). Cleavage at these sites must be catalyzed either by a meiotically induced endonuclease or by a constitutive nuclease that is somehow activated or recruited by meiosis-specific gene products. The Mer2 protein could itself be the endonuclease or it could interact with the nuclease to modify its activity. As noted above, mutations in several different genes confer meiotic phenotypes that are thus far indistinguishable from that of w 2 . Some or all of the encoded proteins might act togetheras a complex. Indeed, there is evidence that Mrell interacts physically with Rad50 and Xrs2 ( J ~ H Z U K Aand OGAWA 1995); these three gene products participate in DSB repair during both vegetative growth and meiosis (IVANOVet al. 1992; AJIMURA et al. 1993;JoHzUKA and OGAWA 1995). Mer2 may modify the activity of this complex to effect its meiosis-specific function in DSB formation. We thank JOHN GAMEfor providing yeast strains, KEVIN BENTLEY for helpwith chromosome gels and AURORA STORLAZZI for providing pSG315. KAREN VOELKEL-MEIMAN provided excellent technical assistance. Thisinvestigation was supported by Public Health Service grant GM-28904from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and by a grant from the Jane Coffin Childs MemorialFund for Medical Research. J.E. was a Fellow of the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research. REFERENCES AJIMURA, M., S.-H. LEEMand H. 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