10 CENTS—64 PAGES TUCSON, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1965 VOL. 93 NO. 278 VIETNAMESE KILL HUNDREDS ENEMY B52s Fly Cats Meet Tough BYU Tonight Support Missions SAIGON —UPI— Vietnamese paratroopers supported by U. S. and government planes killed "hundreds" of Communist troops today in heavy fighting along the Cambodian border, a U.S. military s p o k e s m a n reported. Facingo Another Aerial Circus By GEORGE McLEOD Citizen Sports Editor Arizona's pass - shocked Wildcats face another aerial circus tonight in their final home football game of 1965. The Wildcats, already assured of a break-even or worse season, meet the highThe White House today released this picture of President Johnson dancing with scoring B r i g h a m Young Britain's Princess Margaret in the White House during the princess' visit there Cougars at Arizona Stadium Wednesday night. Today Princess Margaret is visiting in New York. See story, at 8 o'clock. Page 13. More than 25,000 fans, boosted by. some 4,000 high school bandsmen, are expected for the game which is vital to both team's Western Athletic Conference hopes. Wyoming, which faces Arizona State tonight in Tempe, is the current WAC leader with a 3-1 record. If Wyoming defeats ASU, Brigham Young (2-1) must defeat both Arizona tonight and "We'll rearrange the Gemini New Mexico next week to gain Testing operations conducted WASHINGTON - (JPI -Pres-' a share of the title. A Wyoming y McDonnell employes also work schedules so we can do sure from the White House and 'ere halted at Edwards A i r victory would eliminate any the Defense Department spurred orce Base in California and those things now that don't re- chance of Arizona's sharing the quire a great number of techfederal mediators today in ef- •Mloman Air Force Base, Alatitle. nicians, but I don't see how we forts to settle a strike of Mc- mogordo, N.M. Donnell Aircraft Corp., macan go through the whole week- SHOULD WYOMING lose'rArizona (1-2) still can share the title The strike was authorized by chinists that threatens to delay e International Association of end and still stay on schedule" by defeating both BYU tonight a manned space flight. Machinists, AFL-CIO, Wednes- for the Dec. 4 launch, a NASA and Arizona State next week. Spokesmen for the National ay after its members voted to spokesman said at Cape KenArizona, however, will be a Aeronautics and Space Adminis- eject a McDonnell contract of- nedy. tration said at Cape Kennedy er carrying a nine cents an He spoke after most of the one-touchdown underdog tonight that if the strike is not ended iour wage increase in each of 235 McDonnell machinists as- despite the fact that a year ago over the weekend the Dec. 4 he next three years. A major signed to the Gemini project the Cats trounced BYU, 39-6. launching of Gemini 7 probably tumbling block was fringe ben- walked out and set up a picket The difference is that BYU will have to be postponed. fits and working conditions in line at one gate. Construction picked up five ex-Marines and men and machinists on other several junior college transfers And at the company's main he proposed contract. plant in St. Louis work has been The Federal Mediation and projects at the Cape went to to fill key spots as Coach Tom halted on production of Phan- Conciliation Service called com- their jobs through four other Hudspeth moved into the second year of his rebuilding program. tom jet fighter planes of the mny and union officials into gates. type used by the Navy, Army ession in Washington immediThese newcomers, plus holdand Air Force in the Viet Nam ately and the White House, De- W. J. Usery, IAM head at over junior quarterback Virgil Cape Kennedy, said it was "unwar. ense Department and other gov- fortunate and regrettable" that Carter, have made the Cougars At St. Louis, where Gemini xnment agencies urged a quick the strike might affect the one of the nation's offensive capsules as well as the fighter settlement. Gemini plans. But he said that leaders. BYU is ranked eighth planes are built, 17,000 machin- But hours of negotiating failed unless an agreement is reached in total offense with 354 yards per game. It has averaged 21 ists walked out. o produce any agreement, and pickets will march in front of points in jumping to a 44 recAnother 200 left their jobs at he sessions were recessed last the gate through the weekend. ord, best in five seasons. Cape Kennedy where McDon- night to meet again today after Gemini 7 is on the launch pad nell technicians prepare t h e company and union representa- scheduled to blast off on a 14- CARTER IS RANKED sixth ives had an overnight chance day space trip Dec. 4 with as- nationally in total offense, and spaceships for launching, 19th in passing. He's gained a ;o figure out new proposals. spaceships for launching. tronauts Frank Bofman and total of 1,757 yards, some 500 There was some possibility James Lovell. Waiting in the more than the entire Arizona reported of discussion of an hangar is Gemini 6, scheduled team. Virgil has passed for 1,366 agreement to let machinists to be launched Dec. 13 with as- yards and 17 touchdowns. He go ahead with work on the Gem- tronauts Walter M. Schirra Jr. also scored three more himself. ini project at Cape Kennedy de- and, Thomas Stafford at the conCarter's favorite larget is extrols. spite the general strike. Marine split end, Phil Odle who has caught 34 passes, nine for touchdowns. For all the offensive power, however, the Cougars have been weak defensively. They have The Securities and Exchange given up the same number of Commission has entered the points as they have scored. Lusk Corp.'s bankruptcy proceedings to protect the interests UNFORTUNATELY FOR the of several hundred owners of Wildcats, Arizona has not shown Lusk stocks and debentures. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. -II?)— The U. N. Security offensive power enough to take In a note posted yesterday in Council asked Britain today to quell the white rebellion advantage of this weakness. The Cats have scored three touchWashington D.C. the SEC said approximately 200 holders of $1.6 in Rhodesia and called on all countries to institute an downs in their last six games, million in debentures and more oil embargo against the minority government there. five of them losses to Wyoming, New Mexico, Washington State, than 400 owners of 1,148,33' The council adopted a Bolivian-Uruguay resolution San Jose and the Air Force. The shares of outstanding common sixth game was a 10-6 victorystock are involved. to that effect by a vote of 10-01 over Texas Western. groes. It passed on Nov. 12 by Robert F. Lusk Jr., once Tuc- with only France abstaining. son's largest home builder, filet The proposal was put in yes- a similar 10-0 vote with France a petition Nov. 5 in U.S. District terday as a compromise be- abstaining. Court for voluntary reorganize tween a British resolution call- Today's decision followed an tion under Chapter 10 of the ing for no more than an arms overnight pause to allow the Federal Bankruptcy Act. embargo and an ivory Coast Soviet delegation to get instrucHe said he hopes to reorgan resolution calling for everything tions from Moscow on how to vote. ize six Lusk-controlled com up to the use of force. panies to keep creditors and Before the vote, it was reChurch News 15, 16 stockholders from sustaining vised to say that the situation "great losses." Chapter 10 a] resulting from Rhodesian Prime Citizen Charlie 12 lows a debtor to propose fi Minister Ian Smith's Nov. 11 Comics U nancial arrangements enabling declaration of independence Crossword Puzzle 12 him to continue operations. "is extremely serious." It had MANILA-UPI-Hollywood ac- Deaths 17 tor Hugh O'Brian was trampled In the petition, Lusk listei said the situation "is of grave on and knocked unconscious by Editorials 12 approximately $19 million in as concern." a water buffalo today while Movie Times 34 sets and $16 million liabilities. The resolution was the second shooting a scene for a movie the council had adopted since southeast of Manila. Public Records 17 Previously, three creditors hai Sports 8-10 sought involuntary reorgamza the declaration of independence. The SH-year-old O'Brian was tion but Federal Judge Jamc The first, proposed by Jordan, taken to a hospital accompanied TV-Radio Dials 36-38 A. Walsh Issued a temporar called on all countries to with- by the film outfit's doctor, Eliza Woman's View 13, 14 hold recognition and aid from restraining order on hens Tech, who said the actor probHomes 41-56 Walsh's order halted proceed Smith's government, which ably had three broken ribs and wields minority rule over 220.ings on 14 pending lawsuits 000 whites and 4 million Ne- possibly a punctured lung. Superior Court. 1 A heavy engagement between South Vietnamese and Communist North Vietnamese troops broke out in the la Drang valley below Chu Pont mountain when the paratroopers were rushed in to aid U.S. Cavalrymen who already h a d scored an "unprecedented victory" in killing 1,770 Reds. Dancing With a Princess Pressure Is Applied In McDonnell Strike SEC Steps Into Lusk Bankruptcy RHODESIAN VOTE U.N. Calls On Britain To Put Down Rebellion Inside Today's Citizen Buffalo Tramples Hugh O' L'ien U.S. strategic B52 eight-«ngin« bombers from Guam inflicted I other casualties on the Communists while U.S. and Vietnamese fighter - bombers Bunded Communist strongholds in the jungle area 210 miles north of Saigon with flaming napalm, bombs and rockets. THE PARATROOPERS drove —Citizen Ptioto by Art Grasbtrwr south along the border and behind the Chu Pont mountain range and to the west of the la Drang valley, two scenes of yesterday. Sheriff's Capt. James McDonald shows bloody fighting between the U. Ann (left) and Mary Lee Grigsby, school friends of them a cloth fragment, uncovered by a mechanical S. 1st Cavalry and North VietAlleen Rowe, missing since last year, voluntarily regulars, trying to pro digger. In background is Carl White, machine operator. namese joined the search for her grave on the far East Side :ect a major highland Base and supply area. The fighting broke out at 3 p.m., approximately 20 miles west of Plei Mei and raged for three and a half hours. Vietnamese and American pilots lew 36 support sorties. Fragmentary initial reports know what has happened to that; search of the far East Side desBy DALE WITTNER from the scene said there were ert continued today in hopes of Citizen Staff Writer 220 Communist bodies counted. swimming suit or the shift." Another Vietnamese source put locating Alleen's reported grave. Clouds won't cover The mother of missing teen- BURR HAD JUST returned the body count at 180 but said Heavy equipment and employes Or hide from view ager Alleen Rowe denied today from lunch with Detective Kenthe death toll from the guns of that she has been shown a shift neth Chronister at 1 p.m. yes- of the Burris-White Machinery Arizona's Meeting the ground troops and from the Co. are helping in the search. and swimming suit which Sher- ,erday when he told a Citizen aerial pounding would send the With BYU. Communist death toll much iff Waldon V. Burr once called •eporter that Chronister had Yesterday, two sisters who —Willwy Wynn higher. possible clues to the girl's dis- shown the shift and swimming identified themselves as friends apparel to Mrs. Rowe, and she appearance and presumed mur- had said they didn't belong to of Alleen, showed up at the It may sound like the weather- FRIENDLY .. CASUALTIES der. Alleen. Both major wire serv- search scene and for more than man has been playing the same were described as "light." No four hours helped Sheriff's De- record all week, but he is not actual figures are given for U.S. Burr told reporters yesterday ices said they received the same tective Capt. James McDonald about to change it for the week- and Vietnamese losses but the that the two pieces of clothing story from Burr. look for a possible grave. army usually uses the cateend. were discarded as possible evi- On a television newscast last gories "light," "moderate" and dence after Mrs. Norma Rowe night, Burr said the shift and The girls said they were Ann "heavy" to describe losses. The forecast again is for varand Mary Lee Grigsby, both said neither belonged to her bathing suit had been shown to persons "who should know" and seniors at Palo Verde High iable high cloudiness tonight and Gen. William C. Westmoredaughter. they had said the clothing was School, where Alleen was a stu- tomorrow with little change in land, U.S. commander in Viet dent when she disappeared durA spokesman for the Rowe not Alleen's. Nam, hailed the heavy fighting ing her sophomore year on May temperature. A low of 45 is ex in the central highlands, includfamily said today that Mrs. peeled early Sunday morning ing the la Drang battle, as an Rowe still has not been shown Chronister was not on duty to- 31, 1964. the shift, which turned up in day. Burr said yesterday he was IN ANOTHER development followed by a high of 70 in the unprecedented victory. He told the search for Alleen's body in sending the detective out of town William Tinney, attorney for afternoon. U.S. newsmen U.S. air cavalrythe desert around Harrison and on the investigation. Wyckoff triple murder suspect Charles men had driven off the enemy ia Golf Links roads on Thursday. said today that Chronister is Howard Schmid Jr., did not seek The top temperature yester every encounter. "sick today." There was no anday was 72. A low of 46 was Commenting on the monthNOR HAS Mrs. Rowe been swer at the detective's home a delay in Schmid's preliminary reached early today. hearings until after a Superior long campaign that began with shown the swimming suit, which telephone. Court judge rules on his bid to the siege of Plei Me, Westmorewas found north of the city, near Confusion also surrounds an- supress all news coverage of At noon today, the tempera- land said U.S. casualties were the spot where the skeletons of other ture was 65 degrees and the bit of possible evidence in the cases. higher "than in any previous enGretchen and Wendy Fritz were relative humidity was 35 per gagement but were small by discovered last week, the spokes- the case. Schmid is charged in the Rowe comparison with those of the man said. Burr said early yesterday a murder and also with the slay- cent. enemy." piece of bone found in the search ing of the Fritz sisters who disFull Weather Recort. P*9e *• Burr's secretary said she gave over to the an- appeared from their home him a reporter's telephone mes- had been turned department at the I Aug. 16. sage asking clarification of the thropology of But a University conflict. But Burr did not return scientist in the Arizona. department said An informer led police to the the call. His home telephone did bodies of the Fritz girls on Nov. loday that they had not received not answer. 10 after returning to Tucson the bone. from Ohio. Schmid was arrested tennis. Undersheriff James 0. Wycturkeys immediately i n t h e koff said this morning: "I don't Meanwhile. Wyckoff said, the almost double killing. That's on the menu for Tucsonians next Thursday (Thanksgiving) when Later, lawmen revealed that Schmid and two former Palo the annual Tucson Men's Verde students—John Saunders Invitational Tournament beand Mary Rae French, both 19 gins at the Racquet Club. •all had been named by the informer in the disapoearance of It's a star-studded, fourthe Rowe girl, who, the informer said, had been bludgeoned to day tournament, featuring Citizen Charlie has been "clobbered" - to the tune of death and buried by the trio. some of the finest players in $650. IT WAS LEARNED today that the world. Leading the field Mrs. Margaret Forgach, 1104 E. Waverly, tamed the Old neither city nor county authoriis Dennis Ralston (left), the Brainbuster this week to gain the big prize. ties plan to return from Californation's No. 1 ranked tennis two runaway South Tucson Mrs. Forgach may pick up her check Monday at the nia girls who had been questioned performer. Citizen newsroom. in the cases. The two are DebFor more fun-in-the-sun activities, check "What Meanwhile, Charlie's jackpot goes back to the SHiO level. orah Ellson. 1809 S. 4th Ave.. The new puzzle will appear in Monday's Tucson Daily Citizen. and Sharon Breeze, 233 E. 31st To See and Do Next Week" on page 27. In today's j St. And word clues will be published Tuesday. Citizen Magazine. Authorities said it will be up Correct solution to the S650 puzzle won by Mrs. Forgach (o the girls' parents to return may be found on page 12. them to Tucson. Friends of Missing Girl Join Search Mrs. Rowe Denies Shift, Swimsuit Shown To Her Forecast Is Monotonous But Good the SUN Tucsonian Wins $650 From Citizen Charlie