Color Properties of color Most Expressive element of art Is powerful

Properties of color
Most Expressive element of art
Is powerful
Can show emotion
Color- an element derived from reflected light
If it were not for light, we would have no color
White light from the sun is actually a combination of all the colors
Light rays move in a straight path from a source.
Light passes through a prism, the beam is bent and separates into
bands of color called the color spectrum
When light rays hit an object our eyes respond to the light rays that
are bounced back and we see color
Receptors in our eyes detect color lightness and darkness
We see color because light waves are reflected off objects
Objects reflect the color they are. Ex an orange reflects all the
orange rays and absorb all the other colors
When light is separated, it is always arranged in the same order.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet
The rainbow is a natural example of the color spectrum
After images are opposites.
After images are weaker
Three properties of color are-Hue, value and intensity
Hue- the name of a color in the spectrum
Value- the lightness or darkness of a color
Intensity- the brightness or dullness of a hue
As artist we use pigments in the form of powder or liquid paints to
create color
Sir Isaac Newton’s experiments with light helped him invent the
first color wheel.
The color wheel is the spectrum bent into a circle. It is a useful
tool for organizing color
In 1666, Newton passed a beam of sunlight through a prism which
produced red, blue, yellow, green, and cyan beams of the visible
One hundred years later, Johann Wolfgang von Goeth,(1749-1832)
( German writer and scientist studied how colors made us feel blue
evoked quiet moods- red evoked cheerfulness He divided the
colors into two side green to violet to blue, plus side red to orange
to yellow
By the mid 1900’s Johannes Itten a German theorist who worked
in art and design school developed the color wheel as it is known
today. He borrowed from Goeth and considered the emotional
value of color
Blue is associated with cool and red with warmth.
Categories of Color or Color Theory
Primary Colors- Red, yellow, blue –These colors can not be mixed,
they must be bought in some form
Secondary colors- Orange Violet Green
These colors are created by mixing two primaries
Intermediate Colors- Red-orange, yellow green, blue violet etc. are
made by mixing a primary with a secondary creates these colors.
(Also called Tertiary colors)
Complementary colors- are colors that are opposite each other on
the color wheel. When placed next to each other they look bright
and when mixed together they neutralize each other.
Color Harmonies
Color Harmonies are when an artist uses certain combinations of
colors that create different looks or feelings
Analogous colors- are colors that are next to each other on the
color wheel for example red, red orange and orange are analogous
Triadic Harmony is where three equally spaced colors on the color
wheel are used for example yellow Red, Blue is triadic harmony
Monochromatic is where one color is used but in different value
and intensity
Warm colors are on one side of the color wheel and they give the
feeling of warmth for example red, orange and yellow, they are the
color of fire and feel warm
Cool Colors- are on the other side of the color wheel and they give
the feeling of coolness for example blue violet are the color of
water and green the color of cool grass
Color Value
Value is the element of art that describes the darkness or lightness
of a color
Not all hues have the same value
Yellow is the lightness because it reflects the most light
Violet is the darkest because it reflects the least
Black White and grey are neutrals
White reflects all the color waves and does not absorb any
Black object absorbs all the color waves and reflects none of the
waves Black is the absence of light
Grey is impure white It reflects equal parts of each color wave
You can change the value of any hue by adding white to make a
tint and black to make a shade
Intensity is the brightness or darkness of a color
To change the intensity of a color or hue, add the hues complement
Adding a hues complement dulls the hue or lowers its intensity.