Color Wheel PowerPoint

Color Terms
Spectrum- the colors visible by the human eye, dispersed by a prism
Hue- another word for color
Primary colors- red, yellow, blue
Secondary colors- green, orange, purple
Intermediate colors- (tertiary) yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet,
red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange
Warm colors- on the left of the color wheel (yellow, orange, red)
Cool colors- on the right of the color wheel (green, blue, violet)
Neutral colors- white, black, brown, gray
Value- the light or dark of a color
Tint- adding black to a color
Shade- adding white to a color
Color Schemes
color scheme- a combination of colors
complementary- colors opposite each other on color
monochromatic- using one color plus black and white
triadic color scheme- any three color equally spaced on
a color wheel
split complementary- combination of a hue with the
wo colors beside of its complementary
Color Schemes
Warm Colors- on
the left of the color
wheel (yellow,
orange, red)
Vermeer, A Woman Asleep
Cool Colors- on
the right of the
color wheel (green,
blue, violet)
Monet, Water Lilies
Neutral Colorswhite, black,
brown, gray
Renior, Head of a Dog
Frederic Church, Twilight in the Wilderness
Complementary Color
Scheme- colors opposite
each other on color wheel
Color Schemeusing one color/hue
plus black and
Picasso, The Tragedy
Analogous Color
Scheme- colors that
are beside each other
on the color wheel
Van Gogh, Vase with Fourteen Flowers
Triadic Color
Scheme- any three
colors equally
spaced on a color
Liechtenstein, Girl with Hair Ribbon
Today's Assignment
A Color Scheme Kaleidoscope
•Fold your square paper
into eight slices
•Select and label each color
scheme on the back of each
•Draw/trace 4-6 shapes in
one of the slices
•Fold and trace the shapes
into the adjacent slice
•Fill the slices with colors
to complete the color