Rutgers Business School, Newark Introduction to Financial Accounting [Winter 2015/29:010:203:W2] Instructor: Lingyi Zheng Office: #909A Class Hours: Mon to Friday 12:00pm-4:310pm Classroom: #518, 1 Washington Park Office Hours: By Appointment Email: COURSE MATERIALS 1. Textbook (Required): Miller-Nobles, Mattison, Matsumura. Financial & Managerial Accounting, THE FINANCIAL CHAPTERS. 5th Edition. 2. Online Student Resources (Required): MyLab/Mastering (MyAccountingLab). Prentice Hall (visit: Assignments will be given on Mylab/Mastering (MyAccountingLab). This online resource also provides study guides, extra exercises/problems, and chapter PPT slides that will assist your studies. Note: Textbook & MyLab resource packages are available at Rutgers Book Store & New Jersey Books (separate purchases might cost more). Financial & Managerial Accounting THE FINANCIAL CHAPTERS & MyLab with Full eBook Student Access Code Package. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Calculator: Having a calculator that performs simply basic calculation functions will be helpful for in-class practice, assignments and exams (note: you are only allowed to use basic calculators during exams). 4. Blackboard: Chapter PPT slides, exam grades and announcements will be given on blackboard: (please make sure to check the site at least twice a week) COURSE DESCRIPTION The main objective of this course is to introduce students the basic principles of financial accounting theory and its application to business operations. Primary areas of study include business transactions, accounting cycle, merchandising operations, inventories, receivables, liabilities and financial statements preparations. This fundamental financial accounting course is designed to help you build foundation for future advanced level courses in accounting and other business majors. COURSE EVALUATION Please read the following evaluation policy carefully. Your grade will be based on performance on assignments, mid-term exams, final exam, and attendance, participation & end-of-lecture questions throughout the semester. The assessment is weighted as follows. Assignments 15% Mid-Term Exam I (Ch 1 - 4) 25% Mid-Term Exam II (Ch 5 - 9) 25% Final Exam (Ch 10 - 14) 25% Attendance, Participation & 10% (1) Assignments (15%): Assignment problems are given daily based on materials covered in that day’s lectures and will be accessible on MyLab. You are responsible to complete each assignment on MyLab on time, i.e., before 12:00am (midnight) everyday after class. Late submission will NOT be accepted. Exceptions may be given upon appropriate proofs of emergencies/medical conditions and with advance notices. NOTE: Please register a MyLab account. Registration details are listed on the last page (temporary account can be used for one week, if need be). (2) Two Mid-Term Exams (25%, 25%) and Final Exam (25%): Each exam weighs 25% of your grade. Mid-term exam I covers Ch1-4, mid-term exam II is on Ch 5-9, and final exam covers Ch 10-14. Exams are only cumulative in a sense that the material itself is cumulative. Both multiple choice questions & short problems will be given on each exam. NOTE: You are required to bring #2 pencil & calculator with ONLY basic functions to all exams. Make-up exam will only be given upon the validity of the documentation explaining your absence from the exam, as confirmed by your advisor. (3) Attendance, Participation, and End-of-lecture Practice Questions (10%): Attendance and in-class participation: Students are expected to attend each class, sign the attendance sheet, and participate in all exercises/problems given in class. End-of-lecture Practice Questions: A few multiple choice practice questions will be distributed 5-min prior to the end of each lecture and then immediately collected when class ends. The questions promptly review new materials and also help student prepare for exams. NOTE: Late arrivals, early departures, and performing unrelated activities in class (e.g. texting, chatting, sleeping or working on unrelated tasks) are all considered absence. Employment obligation will not be considered as excuses for being absent from class. Emergencies, illness, court appearances will be seen as excused absence conditional on appropriate proofs and/or notice in advance. Attendance, participation and end-of-lecture practice together weigh 10% of your grade. (4) Grade Distribution The Departmental Grade Distribution Guideline in Managerial Accounting Course agreed to by instructors teaching financial and managerial accounting in both Newark and New Brunswick is as follows: A (90+), B+ (85-89), B (80-84), C+ (75-79), C (70-74), D (60-69), F (below 60). Your final letter grade is given according to this departmental grading guideline, which means your grade is given based on your class rank of academic performance in class. (5) Rutgers Academic Integrity Policy, Exam Policy and Disruptive Behavior a) During exams 1) No food is allowed (drink should be placed on the floor), 2) Cell phone should be turned off & faced down placed on the desk, 3) Other electronic devices should be turned off as well. b) Any violation of academic integrity is a serious offense and is subject to appropriate penalty or sanction ( c) Students using electronic communicating devices in class/exams are considered disruptive behavior and are subject to being removed from class as it may seriously affect others. COURSE SCHEDULE (29:010:203:01) - Tentative Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Day Date Topic Wednesday 12/23/2015 Introduction Chapter 1: Accounting and the business environment Chapter 2: Recording Business Transactions Monday 01/04/2016 Chapter 2: Recording Business Transactions Chapter 3: The Adjusting Process Tuesday 01/05/2016 Chapter 4: Completing the Accounting Cycle Chapter 5: Merchandising Operations Wednesday 01/06/2016 Exam 1: Chapters 1 - 4 (90 minutes) Chapter 5: Merchandising Operations Chapter 6: Merchandise Inventory Thursday 01/07/2016 Chapter 7: Internal Control and Cash Chapter 8: Receivables Friday 01/08/2016 Chapter 8: Receivables Chapter 9: Plant Assets, Natural Resources and Intangibles Monday 01/11/2016 Exam 2: Chapters 5 - 9 (90 Minutes) Chapter 10: Investments Tuesday 01/12/2016 Chapter 11: Current Liabilities and Payroll Chapter 12: Long-Term Liabilities Wednesday 01/13/2016 Chapter 13: Stockholder's Equity Thursday 01/14/2016 Chapter 14: Statement of Cash Flows Review of Ch 10-14 Friday 01/15/2016 Final Exam: Chapters 10-14 (150min) Assignment Ch 1 Ch 2-3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Ch 14 RUTGERS COMMUNITY HONOR CODE “I pledge, on my honor, that I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance in the course.”