SCI 102 Spring 2010 CONCEPTS IN HUMAN GENETICS MENDELIAN TRAITS, PEDIGREE AND KARYOTYPE ANALYSES THEORY Humans, in common with other multicellular organisms, are diploid; that is, they have homologous chromosomes bearing genes for the same traits. The chromosomal location of a gene is called its locus. Two genes at homologous loci are referred to as a gene pair and, if these genes are in different forms, they are called alleles. The phenotype is the observable result of the genotype. However, please remember that not all traits are inherited in a Mendelian fashion, and moreover, environmental factors can modify phenotype. The inheritance of most human traits is complex, involving many genes or interactions between genes. As an example, hair color is determined by at least four genes, each one coding for the production of melanin, a brown pigment. Because the effects of these genes are cumulative, hair color can range from blond (little melanin) to very dark brown (much melanin). A number of human traits, however, are fairly simple and follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance. For instance, human earlobes can be either attached or free. This trait is determined by a single gene consisting of two alleles, F and f. An individual whose genotype is FF or Ff has free earlobes. This is the dominant condition. The presence of one or two F alleles results in the dominant phenotype, free earlobes. The allele F is said to be dominant over f, its allelic partner. The recessive phenotype, attached earlobes, occurs only when the genotype is ff. When both alleles for a given trait are identical, the condition is called homozygous. When both the dominant and recessive alleles are present in a single person, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Human somatic cells normally contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. Of these 22 pairs are autosomes, and 1 pair is sex chromosomes, XX in females and XY in males. Errors occurring during meiosis or mitosis can lead to chromosomal aberrations in which whole chromosomes or large parts of chromosomes are missing or added. If a gamete with a chromosomal aberration participates in fertilization, the resulting zygote will have an abnormal DNA content. Chromosome abnormalities are very common, such that they occur at least 7.5 % of all conceptions. However most are spontaneously miscarried and the average live birth frequency is 0.6 %. Down syndrome is an example of one such abnormality. It is caused by inheriting three copies of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21), instead of the normal two. Chromosomes are determined by examining them directly at the metaphase stage of mitosis. A photograph of the condensed chromosomes is taken and enlarged. Later the chromosomes are cut out from the photograph and sorted to form a karyotype. Karyotype is an arrangement of chromosome pairs by size and morphology that allows determination of the chromosome number and any other abnormalities. The autosomes are arranged into seven groups, A through G, and the sex chromosomes are located separately. Karyotyping can even be done prior to birth (prenatal testing) to determine if the fetus has any chromosomal abnormality. In this session you will learn to identify a phenotype that has a Mendelian inheritance, to assess genotypes using a pedigree, to understand traits with multiple alleles, to determine blood type and to prepare a karyotype. PROCEDURE A. Some readily observable human traits 1. Read the human traits given below. For each trait examine your phenotype and fill in the table. 2. List your possible genotype(s) for each trait. 3. If possible, examine your parents’ phenotypes and attempt to determine your genotype. You may also make use of your siblings phenotypes for more clues. Fill in the table. 4. In your lab reports construct pedigrees (family trees) showing the inheritance of each separate trait in your family. 5. Examine twenty unrelated persons for each trait and try to calculate (estimate) the probable frequency of each allele in your sample of gene pool. Present your results as a table. Traits we will investigate are: 1. Mid-digital hair: Examine the middle joint of your fingers for the presence of hair, the dominant condition (MM, Mm). Complete absence of hair is due to the homozygous recessive condition (mm). You may need a hand lens to determine your phenotype. Even the slightest amount of hair indicates the dominant condition. 2. Tongue rolling: The ability to roll one’s tongue is believed to be due to a dominant allele (T). The homozygous recessive condition (tt) results in inability to roll one’s tongue. 3. Widow’s peak: Widow’s peak describes a distinct downward point in the frontal hairline. It is due to the dominant allele, W, and the recessive allele, w, in homozygous state results in a continuous hairline. (If baldness is affecting the hairline, consider the person’s hairline prior to the onset of balding using photographs or memory). 4. Earlobe attachment: Most individuals have free earlobes (FF, Ff), due to a dominant allele. Homozygous recessives (ff) individuals have earlobes attached directly to the head. 5. Hitchhiker’s thumb: Considerable variation exists in this trait. We will consider those individuals who cannot extend their thumbs backward to approximately 450 to be carrying the dominant allele, H. Homozygous recessive persons (hh) can bend their thumbs at least 450, if not farther. 6. Relative finger length: An interesting sex-influenced (not sex-linked) trait relates to the relative lengths of the index and ring fingers. In males, the allele for a short index finger (S) is dominant, and in females, it is recessive. In rare cases each hand may be different. If the length of one or both index fingers is greater than or equal to the length of the ring finger, males will have recessive whereas females dominant genotype. B. Multiple alleles The major blood groups in humans are determined by multiple alleles. There are three possible alleles, any one of which can occupy the locus. In this ABO blood group system, a single gene can exist in any of three allelic forms: IA, IB, or i. Alleles IA and IB are codominant, while allele i is recessive. Four blood groups are possible from combinations of these alleles. The alleles A and B code for the synthesis of antigen A and antigen B, glycoproteins on the surface of erythrocytes. These antigens will cause agglutination if exposed to the complementary antibodies. If one or both antigens are not present in the cells, the plasma contains the antibody or antibodies for the missing antigen(s). Thus a person with type A blood could not safely receive blood from type B or AB individuals, because the donor erythrocytes would be agglutinated by the anti-B antibodies in the plasma. ¾ What are the possible genotypes, phenotypes in a population? ¾ Which blood type can theoretically give blood to any other type and therefore is called the universal donor? Explain why this is so. ¾ Which blood type can theoretically receive blood from any other type and therefore is called the universal recipient? Explain why this is so. A standard blood typing procedure also includes a test for the Rh factor, another red blood cell surface antigen. For example, a person with A+ blood has both the A and Rh antigens on the surface of his or her erythrocytes. Rh- individuals normally do not have anti-Rh antibodies unless they have been exposed to Rh+ blood. This can happen during blood transfusion or during the birth of an Rh+ child. C. Determining your blood type 1. Obtain a clean glass slide. Using a marker divide the slide in thirds by drawing two lines perpendicular to the long axis of the slide. Label the upper left-hand corner of the first box with an A, similarly label the middle box with a B and label the last box with Rh. 2. Now, each student should have his or her finger pricked by an assistant. Please be careful not to contaminate anything with your blood, as blood may contain pathogens. 3. Drip or touch the center of each box to deposit one drop of blood in the middle of each box. 4. The assistant then quickly drips one drop of anti-A serum (contains anti-A antibodies) next to the drop of blood in the A box, one drop of anti-B serum next to the drop of blood in the B box, and one drop of anti-Rh (or anti-D) serum next to the drop in the Rh box. 5. Mix together the two drops in each box with a toothpick, using an unused end for each box. If the antigen is present, the erythrocytes will agglutinate in the appropriate box. If it is not present, the solution will remain cloudy. Record the subject’s blood type. If you have trouble deciding whether a result is positive or negative, check the slide with the microscope. 6. Write the subject’s blood type on a sheet of paper, which will be passed around to all of the groups. It is not necessary to include the person’s name. In a table, record the total number of tested students in the lab for each blood type (eg. 3 A+, 6 B+, …). Calculate the percent of each blood type and record it in your table. Is Rh+, or Rh-, more common? D. Preparation of a human karyotype You will be provided with photographs of chromosomes from cultured human white blood cells from three patients. Note that since these cells are undergoing mitosis, their chromosomes are duplicated. Each of the 46 chromosomes consists of two chromatids, held together by a centromere that has not yet divided. From such a preparation it will not be difficult to assign each of the chromosomes to one of the seven groups. These groups are distinguishable by the length of their chromosomes and the position of the centromere, which can be either more or less in the middle of the chromosome (median), somewhat off from the middle (submedian), far off from the middle (distal), or nearly terminal (acrocentric). Each group contains 2 to 8 pairs of chromosomes. The chromosome groups are distinguished as follows: Group A B C D E Chromosome # 1-3 4-5 6-12, X 13-15 16-18 Length Long Long Medium Medium Short F G 19-20 21-22, Y Shorter Very short Centromere position Median Distal Submedian Acrocentric 16 - Median 17, 18 - Submedian Median Acrocentric You will be given one karyotype prepared from a normal individual and an abnormal chromosome spread (having a chromosomal abnormality); 1. Examine a prepared karyotype of a normal individual understand better how the chromosomes are sorted. 2. Prepare a karyotype from the abnormal spread. Cut out the individual chromosomes one by one from the picture. Sort out the chromosomes, assigning each one of them to a certain group based on their size and centromere position. Put homologous chromosomes side by side and place them on the karyotype analysis form provided with the centromere on the dotted line. Do not glue them in place until you are sure of their correct positions. 3. Observe the karyotype for any abnormalities, describe it and try to identify the resultant disorder. 4. Indicate for which patient you have prepared a karyotype. 5. In your lab reports, outline briefly how a chromosome preparation, like the one you were given today, is prepared. Just give the basic steps of the procedure, mentioning only the essential components of solutions. To be able to answer this question, you will have to do a research. Metaphase chromosomes in three individuals. Sex chromosomes are shown in outline Individual A: Individual B: Individual C: