First Assignments - Fall Semester 2015

 First Assignments ‐ Fall Semester 2015 Course Professor Fall Semester: August 17 – November 23, 2015 FIRST YEAR DAY REQUIRED Civil Procedure I (RE‐105D1) Vinay Harpalani First Assignment 1. Read pp. 1‐58 (Chapter 1) in the casebook, Civil Procedure, by Professor Stephen Yeazell. 1. The required text for this course is JOHN P. DAWSON, WILLIAM B. HARVEY, STANLEY HENDERSON & DOUGLAS BAIRD, CONTRACTS: CASES AND COMMENT (9th ed. 2008) and the APPENDIX. For the first class, please read and be prepared to discuss pages 1 through 20. 2. Read the Leonard v PepsiCo case 1. Read casebook pp. 1‐51 and hornbook pp. 1‐25. 2. Sign up for my TWEN course entitled: “Criminal Law—Fall 2015.” 3. Read the fact pattern title “Criminal Law Problem 1” for purposes of an –in‐class activity (which will be posted on TWEN under “Course Materials” one week before class). Contracts I (RE‐110D1) Caprice Roberts Criminal Law Andy Wright LWRA I (SK‐205D1) Elizabeth Berenguer Torts I (RE‐120D1) Joseph D’Agostino SECOND YEAR DAY REQUIRED Criminal Law Andy Wright 1. Read casebook pp. 1‐51 and hornbook pp. 1‐25. 2. Sign up for my TWEN course entitled: “Criminal Law—Fall 2015.” 3. Read the fact pattern title “Criminal Law Problem 1” for purposes of an –in‐class activity (which will be posted on TWEN under “Course Materials” one week before class). Lauren Knight 1. Please read the syllabus, register for the TWEN page, Complete the Confidential Questionnaire (available in the Drop Box), and read sections I, II, and III of your contracts outline in your Kaplan First Year Course Materials book (if you have not received your book from OAA or if you misplaced Advanced Analytical Methods (AM‐140D1) 1. Edwards pp. 1‐3; 7‐10; 15‐20; 53‐59. Chubb pp. xiii‐21; Section 1 of your discipline; complete Exercises 2 and 3 and bring 2 hard copies to class. 1. Epstein, pp. 3‐28; pp. 591‐615. 2. Schauer, chs. 1‐3
Constitutional Law (RE‐155D1) Andy Wright Evidence (RE‐171D1) Chris Ogolla THIRD YEAR DAY REQUIRED Professional Responsibility (RE‐175D1) Kellyn McGee FIRST YEAR EVENING REQUIRED Contracts I (RE‐110E1) Judd Sneirson LWRA I (SK‐205E1) Shakira Pleasant Torts I (RE‐120E1) Chris Ogolla SECOND YEAR EVENING REQUIRED Civil Procedure (RE‐105E1) Kellyn McGee Property (RE‐115E1) Marc Roark it there is an older version of the outline available on the TWEN page). 1. Read casebook pp. 3‐46 (Intro); 561‐574 (Marbury v. Madison). 2. Sign up for my TWEN course entitled: “Constitutional Law – Fall 2015.” 1. Please read casebook (Best, Arthur. Evidence, Practice, Problems, and Rules. Aspen Casebook Series. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (2013) pages 4‐45 regarding introduction to evidence and relevance. 1. Register for Professional Responsibility ‐ Fall 2015 TWEN page 2. Read Chapters 1 ‐ 7 in course book (this assignment is for the first week of class) 3. Read articles "Learning the Hard Way" and "Rejected on Fitness in 2011, Man Finally Joins Georgia Bar," found under "First Assignment" link on TWEN Page. 4. Take PRe‐Class Survey ‐ link to be provided closer to first day of class. 1. Please read and be prepared to discuss pages 126‐31, 9‐24, and 27‐31 of the casebook. 1. Edwards pp. 1‐3; 7‐10; 15‐35; 53‐59. Chubb pp. xiii‐21; Section 1 of your discipline; complete Exercises 2 and 3 and bring 2 hard copies to class. Osbeck pp. 109 – 142. 1. Please read pages 1‐4; 7‐10 and 17‐66 of the textbook for the first class. 1. Register for Civil Procedure I & II ‐ Full Year 2015‐2016 TWEN Page 2. Read pages 59 – 103 in casebook (you do not need to read “3. Specific Jurisdiction” for this assignment); U.S. Constitution Art. III §§ 1 and 2, Art. IV §1, Amend. XIV §1 in supplement 3. Read: Coates v. Natale 2010 WL 749630 Civil Action No. 5:09–cv–423 (CAR); Coates v. Natale 409 Fed.Appx. 238; Coates v. Natale 131 S.Ct. 1700 1. Boomer v. Atlantic Cement Co. (Prop. pp. 790‐
797) 2. Woodrick v. Wood (Handout) 3. Kelo v. City of New London (Prop. pp. 1111‐
1127) 4. The Antelope (Spaces pp. 6‐16) 5. Calabresi, Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Inalienability: One View of the Cathedral (Handout) 6. Roark, Slavery, Property and Marshall in the Positivist Legal Tradition (Handout) 7. Johnson v. M’Intosh (Prop. pp. 3‐18) 8. Pierson v. Post (Prop. pp. 18‐26) Click here to access the handouts THIRD YEAR EVENING REQUIRED Constitutional Law I (RE‐155E1) Vinay Harpalani Evidence I (RE‐171E1) Joseph D’Agostino Sales and Secured Transactions (RE‐185E1) Marc Roark 1. Schwartz & Ringhand casebook, pp. 3 ‐ 46 (Introduction) and pp. 561 ‐ 576 (Marbury v. Madison (1803), Stuart v. Laird (1803), and background). 1. Imwinkelried, pp. 209‐257 2. Farnsworth, Preface, Chs. 1‐3 1. Worksheet 1 2. Gilmore supplement 3. Roark, Payment Systems, Consumer Tragedy, and Ineffective Remedies 4. LoPucki 6 and 7 FOURTH YEAR EVENING REQUIRED Remedies (RE‐ 180E1) Caprice Roberts 1. RENDLEMAN & ROBERTS, REMEDIES CASES & MATERIALS (8th ed.) Pages 1‐34 & 34‐49 +Ayers, 538 U.S. 135 Part III & Kennedy Concurring/Dissenting Opinion Sales and Secured Transactions (RE‐185E1) Marc Roark 5. Worksheet 1 6. Gilmore supplement 7. Roark, Payment Systems, Consumer Tragedy, and Ineffective Remedies 8. Lopucki 6 and 7 LEGAL SKILLS & PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM – ELECTIVES DAY Client Interview & Counseling Shakira Pleasant (EL‐650D1) Trial Advocacy (EL‐630D1) Charles Roessing 1. Sternlight & Robbennolt, "Good Lawyers Should be Psychologists" (also accessible on TWEN under Course Materials—Class Readings). This assignment involves preparation for voir dire (jury selection) in the murder trial of Jim Williams as depicted in the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. PREPARATION FOR THE ASSIGNMENT: ‐ Read the chapter on voir dire (15) in our text, Fundamental Trial Advocacy. ‐ Watch the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. If your name starts with A‐M you are the prosecution; N‐Z, the defense. Assignment – due in writing on the first day of class: In your role as either prosecution or defense, prepare the following and print on paper with your name at the top of each document. ‐ Prepare 5 questions which you propose to ask of the entire venire panel (what our book calls “group” voir dire). Suggestion: don’t waste your precious 5 on boiler plate such as “Do you know ‐
any of the lawyers?”. Prepare a very brief (a paragraph or two) motion asking the court to permit individual voir dire of Luther Driggers. Give reason(s). Prepare 5 questions which you would like to ask Luther Driggers in individual voir dire (out of the hearing of the other members of the venire panel). What to expect on the first day of class: You will be expected to object to questions proposed by your opposition and state the reason for the objection. You will be expected to defend your proposed questions against objections from the other side. You will be expected to be prepared to make a motion to strike Luther Driggers for cause or use one of your precious preemptory challenges to have him removed from the panel and to explain why, in your role as prosecution of defense, why you would want him on your jury or not. Transactional Drafting Maggie Tsavaris 1. In preparation for Class 1, please read Stark, (WR‐215D1) chapters 1, 2, & 5. LEGAL SKILLS & PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM – ELECTIVES EVENING Law Office Management Tsavaris Before our first class, please go to TWEN and register for (EL‐610E1) the course titled "Law Office Management Professor Tsavaris" for Fall 2015. Next, after becoming familiar with the cover page, click on the left hand link named "Course Materials." Scroll down and click on the following three titles: 1) The Secrets of Million‐Dollar Solos (ABA Journal article); 2) Writing a Business Plan for your Law Firm (NY City Bar Small Law Firm Center); and 3) Worth the Effort: Sixteen Management Tips to Develop Your Practice (For the Defense magazine article). Please read these articles thoroughly, take notes on them, and be prepared to discuss them in class.
ELECTIVES DAY – ADVANCED STANDING REQUIRED Sustainability & Business Law Judd Sneirson (TBA) 1. Please read and be prepared to discuss the introductory chapter of our course materials. Immigration Law Chris Ogolla 1. Text 1‐3; 166‐192 2. AILA’s Key definitions and concepts pages 1‐13. ELECTIVES EVENING – ADVANCED STANDING REQUIRED GA Practice & Procedure (EL‐655E1) Lanier 1. Please thoroughly review the documents and complete the modules contained in this folder. SPECIAL COURSES Externship (EX‐660) Lauren Knight 1. Please read the syllabus, register for the TWEN page (password: fall2015extern), and complete the Syllabus Quiz in the Drop Box. 