Hyman Mark Josh'Ua Brother October 3, 1973 Jr. Skrine ' C. By Taped & LOve' A. Edgar FounderBiS~op Henry , Brother . Inc, Fratemjty, Phi Psi Omega of FoUIider A with An Intervie~ ~y Transcribcd Conducted, , father his knO\V wcrc parents there? was - I . . in Fraternity another basis the on organized 191 we so them questioned ever has nobody and years fifty or forty maybe for started "'e think I nothin& change~ would have to Jot pay to had you had we California, in out way world the and a new ritual though was we and nobody with founding dIe in spent we and committee revision on ability intel1ecntal high of men and schools of Presidents and know I there on lawyers four or three had we that on Fraternity sixteen with constitution new a draft to years two for Committee Constitutional a existence in had we through it see you till by stand Fraternity the outside it do you difficult and less the and poor the help to want you anything do and out go can you Uplift in principles Omega in man every \vhole the change to them called we turks young of group a with carne turned bad name his recall don't 1 man this when Conclave. Charlotte the to came we until Omega in pressures real no had we concerned I'm as far as next, the but it believe wouldn't you affairs risk the ran overcome, to had we obstacle big the was that comse Of Love: A. Ed2Br Founder attempting to establish Omega other than obtaining administration whose - time there- said I ideals high tampered w1)ole States four.. think I three had we the south .'. that -,~ the at around be to of men organization our of a United constiturional that on pro~ that is an activist but Jacksonville, from from know latter e,astenceat the time but it was a caste,.youhad to be fair or you had to havemon-eyto .get in there. -. 6 McPenlin the ought were wasn't us cost it and $30.000 dollars making that new constitution OF 1 , boys of much we you Jimmy is Fraternity- wowd three wasn't too Nothing founding 1 There a that LoIe: entire Omega or Two principles A. expenses theIr sca.ttered au over the and This and start four constitution Ed~r Founder of the best minds in the month a what that's. the a with off fortlmate than yourself 19 A.LovG: Hvrnan: dollars 50 ... Lov£a Hvman: good a questioned that time, I-hope PAGE Founder~r and to off got .fi1"endSlilp A. Mark Ed~ar Founder Mark them sending in overcome to had you that obstacle difficult most single the was What Hyman: M;t-rk acceptance at Howard? there of being suspendedor even expelledftom the schoo1for breaking tIJe)a\vsand foni1ing an organization without the consent of the university bodJ' committee on student program of the Fraternity to retransfonn the Fraternity into a social action committee or organization when the Fraternity is not m.eant for that, and I said and so many people since organization is not an activist organization~...~I said "you can do anything you want to do under dtree of the four cardinal and Perseverance means when you want to start on something hard two years and nearly because all tile men were Malic Hvman: Bishop another question, if you had it all to do over again what aspect of the change? has ever questioned the preamble except at d1e Conclave in Charlotte and nobody has ever of '. . 6 OF off. French the from some told began we and the to constitution, the Fmtemity:and we group we Gamma into written had and that thing anotllcr and born was Fraternity the your and yourself with minded like they're because friends but tight will sisters figh~ will brothers friends and brothers of Fraternity a as born were we because Friendship saying freely it translate we and Soul the to Essential is Friendship Psukis Philia Ophelema greek in motto our cboose to us helped who one the was he and incorporated already was which" name a take wouldn't we so America in ftatemities incorporated known the aU 1isted was there which in book a got bc- and greek knew be because motto and name otlr get to really us helped he and did we then Fraternity's about more knew all we say. to difficult its say. to difficult its say, to difficult Its Love: A. Ed2'Br Founder shield our on Fraternity and Friendship have we why d1ars and there on it put we Friendship inseparable were we hill the on were we years four all through and friends became we met three we time first me met we time first the Class Freshman the of president for Coleman Frank nominated ! Friendship our wanted we club social a and that's what it was those among tl1at University chapter year next 1936~Frank Coleman had written it Frances among local a be the and chapter a "national Se the Howard from to since them how because the c]osest affinity campus came nine the of expel would on take out of our constitution of President the debaters they Beta them choose is it and Life to Essential is to join because its a social club but call it a Fraternity the on Organizations had we six &om that's and relationships blood closer...that earth is tlIem Student that compromised usual1y you and friends your and Friendship 2 throw Club Georgia PAGE the word Lincoln in Atlanta nine, of a in that"we would of believe aspirations your and ideals other tlley three we demanded Gemlan heard well Fratemity local Which that School of Liberal the and chapter a Basileus didn't haven't up set we year too;;;...they each Presidents of we we on moving Jove the friends, our of Grand averages "B" had all Mark Hyman: believe president the had never had we Club always didn't we men want we.-don't said we campus the on already Fraternity the join you don't Why us hear \vouldn't you heard be to men be to risk that run to willing were we that know we sir went we chapeL...so after directly office my in get appears name whose nere \vbo's everyone want J anyhow man nervous very a on those into his office after chapel and he stressed Gentlemen do you don't you know that you have made yourself liable to expulsion £rom the University suspension maybe e.xpulsion from the University yes to placards T]1irkieJd President chapel at day that born were we when and born be would we fact the naming that placards and tacked them up all up on the trees on the hill around Howard Universi'ty aiid all it was only founder gave Omega its name, its motto and its color? discussed it and Earnest Just, Professor Just he was, gave us a lot of gecd help, because be that people can have on you got to take your relatives wbether or not tlley're wished on you.. ...but you choose pur-ih-a but the very next Arts, College of Liberal Arts and the Teachers College, fourteen men who on and flyers on names their put and men other fourteen initiated and on went just we so affairs smdent on committee faculty the before hearing a to went we organized we when and flat down it tumed because join to went though never we organization the for approached wCr'e' us of two and home from years four for dollMS 50 got 1 month. a dollacs 50 him sciIt tlle are play own our as . : ~~ . ;' its tbree in my on their of life the out were tl1ey their after on CarT)' they'd and an establishing on go give could we guarantee -'an have to going were you States..~:. will it think there in brotlJers they'd only a cultivate shou1d Fraternit}'~ smdents once of ideals and United I .. ,-""" . the improve life tile have to '\V~e just of plaques members that the years, humble wouJd the said ! know to need Fraternity change. got I higq chosen it we in more - future three its same have wanted we Action or the fecI for improve the to founded would we areas Black little that I they life of would three we college the SO 1 Cor think thought we it pledged but Social any its very today. happy bow quality the black the in that Tole to be can yes become of one and find we know HoWard or other co11cgcs? make prediction your I who how us every 6 change, to have as that men the days life little very bow men men the has OF expresses. it as ob with it 3 participate essential the you consider don't yes, lifestyle, consider as our of should with reside proud Founder Ed~nr.4.. commwuties in which they might separately go because they had been inspired by the idealism of the Fmre~ty that they would inBuence the life of dIeir communities and that dle}' would enjoin to make: themselves relevant to the community and not to be an exclusive club and lose contact with.:;pe:opIeof the community. Dh those part in think You off. asked m what in about tbc next 601" you they the after University Howard influential PAGE consider I I'm that patterned organization as they no"' stood has start guarantee the is you every America? change you and organization really think you mid lAve: Did Hyman: Mark Ed~r Founder it as large as being it of dreamed never we it expected never We A- ,~v~= important I structure an what would Founde:T 'Ed~3TA. Love:: improve. would Omega from which in them of ISO wall on into lAJve: done 61"ycars do little communities the graduation ~~.t" Mar{(Hvin!h: in is in social A. Edf!ar Founder people Love: Constitution American and life very with remain tbrou8b A. What Hyman: Marlt become our Ed2"ar Founder young of end social has group of the kind of leadership that men like the founders had been or were and the President of \\'e had finjtum. Did you have anything in mind about how of college? Mark Hvman: You already answered part of the next question But how does it feel to have spawned an organization that now has 378 chapters and 10,000 active men? different fields, one in physics, one in medicine and one in the ministry, would get together and fonn an organization that would be as large and as influential in the life of America and . it? organized you of four the when fill would Omega think y'ou did void What Hvman: Mark 6 OF 4 PAGE and on one night's entertainmcnt organization? don't I school spend life a as much if them ask and letter personal a them write active not were who prominence of men the all of Moulttie to wrote ! back them get we how question, hard work? active for Omega to you do How fields, there in outstanding are they but Fraternity the with not are who men outstanding some have we that mentioned just You Hyman: ~f.arl< man a us for enough big not they're be. may name their big bow or be may they popular how care don't we them want don't we character. no with life school of phase some in outstanding they're becallSc or character any without athletes great they're because just men want don't we careful VCIY be to got we mistakes. made we sornetimes often so that say don't I out put be to once who men get you mistakes. some Founder Ed~arA. Love: Not made a mistake he only chose twelve disciples and among them a traitor. you can't expect Omega to have 30,000 in there without mak~g in a while who don't belong in there but are in there and stay in there unless he does somet\ung master the say to sony rm are, them of all not th~ of all Men Omega think you Do but. here situation duplicate a may This Hvman: Mark living are day. my in envisioning were we through jts four cardinal principals an as and through get them of some know I to going names a back men these active particularly . brother today penny one to him help to scholarship a as: one weakness Fraternity the to back given because was I the That's Love: A. reclaim we suggest by way of the four cardinal principles? that question identifiable an weakness a him they would take out a life membership membership would cost on one night's en1ertainment a hard. have never gave it, me send to ago years some the, honor of the Fraternity just was that have to of kind we he's we received never f members inception have That's and name his call won't I man sustaining and upholding don't we think millionaire a he's now FolJ(1der F-.,d~3r you Do Hvman: Mark up to your initial Love: A. Ed!!ar Founder requires Alright Hvman; Marl< in strong as just are think I who ar1d outspoken are who Fraternity the in men outstanding some find I yet i~ to closer growing it see do I that s~ can't I No. Inve: A- Ed~ar Founder Marlt Hvrnan: Social Action. lets get into dlat. Is tl1e Fraternity as you see it today growing closer to the ideals of the Fraternity envisioned by you and the other founders at the inception ? as whose mind is not capableof making at least the averagethat the Fraternity d1ere'sa place for mediocre men but not in Omega. andone believe he's even financjaJ with the Fraternity. level. decent a on Jife social our keep must we but talk just Man ..we're names. Trent, around their in them Oxley for that looked bring didn't 1 No said heblamed there~ Miami. from Evans James Leonard.. Not name. first his forget I Evans, one, But person ~ the was Washington, and man good a wanted they OxIey and in in Evans, Bethune underStalld r cabinet, Black the in know you did men the of many How as far as since ever it had He but, Yeah .t)~£! J A. Edgar Founder Administration? Roosevelt the during was This HvrtJan: Mark ~ and of thought well so was he subcabinct cabinct the of out came he then and Labor of Assistant the was be House, White the to wire diTect. a had be that know people few very in OxlC)1 La~7ence the to color of man a name to time that at enough guts had had President the if Bench Supreme CoUrt~ that's a HastieBi1lHastie, wehave a man many. their so remember remember Omega an be to when forth Men was All Ms. in don~ r man. you 6 time~ bad a do OF we'l1 housing men7 S at me those PAGE happened so their "", alrighL of the Some just he , caught he's He Lnve: that's Yau ..ove: Oh. Hyman: Marl< Suprenle the on been have should and Man Omega an was who Judge Federal first the had we places higl1 in Men Omega many so have we have we Oh A. '-.nve~ no, Omega - no him Ed~arA- think Leonard when them of all that for 1 Hyman: T Men? Omega done so much a all A. Ed!!ar Founder Edl!ar {.()ve: Mari< Db Hvman: Mark the privilege character brought you and Washington Horn their training Founder picked they him for Founder A. Fmnk Home impact That's Edp:sr Founder some Hyman: Mam bsd we've know I live, we which in society present the shape to done has Omega think you do what elaborate. would you maybe ago, while a something on touched You H,,-man: Mark mem, of few a have do we name,.,.. baQ belong in there who carry the name of the Fraternity and like to boast of their Fraternit,y but at the same time are not living up to the ideals of the Fraternity it 1,Yivestile Fraternity a on our ~unities'? who is the onJy negro I know of who has had a direct wire to the White House, Washington and for Congress through his influence so that they gave him of calling direct and I don't know of any oth~r negro who has been so honored. know. that all the men were -" youg6t in there [lIst' Weaver, just talking off the top don't who there in men some having in is it weal--ness a have we If Love: A. Ed~3r Fotmder question. a just was that but got we've that strcngths the of think can 1 and us to wrote have . much too ~';';,i",.- today you questions Omega ~ to end an trick little a have you to try to l1se influence while a after because far too it cany whatever my about but Bishop put ;\ Omega, another or how some to got have not its natural in any organization one trick younger than the other trick in the F.ratemity office ~;;. of duplications Omega,. past the were about talk them about . of just and Omega, some on of and go just twenty We mu$t we a trick tbere some future the about be to got at ,our Grand Conclaves we've bere A. I.1l!!!!!!~r'Ed~ar politicking Love': that you ~ould'1ik~~to say you~goright ahead.~" anything but about things, dIe bad of" say to we some here, Jike would expired about ... to defeat somebody else for he wanted to be Grand Chancellor so bad that be was ready we so a wit1J there to tile haIldling was he but report that final Conc],ave next my hjrnself made our 1 time call be giVC1\ time that at day would it we and the first whole completed we that when much how saturday see on then well motion a and make to and else Meeting nothing and call role a for constimtion the prompted with minUtes been had and Conventional constitution the Conclave of five forty anywhere get took someone I couldn't and to dismpt the Fraternity to get himself elected and he defeated the reporting of the Constitutional Committee by calling for a role call vote on every portion put before tile house wanted letter he black way tile telegram word consriturion the hundred gave two a and sent 1 the~ but in go delegates couldn't I young of time ~e at panners in was } it delegates his young turks and tbe championship football game but you see and they wanted to vote us down and voted for a constitutional convention to meet within the year and appropriated 15,000 dollars for this committee that the Conclave national organization would pay the way and expenses of all the undergraduates delegates to this Conclave all the delegates were invited to come but the graduate chapters would have to pay the expenses of their own 6] the over Omega within triumphs personal your of some been have What Hvman: Mark and I wish J ~ad copy of it to read to you and they say when they read the telcgram the house got up and cheered they say that took the house they weren't going to change anything. , highlights. .. the can wife in I hea\'Y my me for and so me held them of to been some given have that .. OF 6 them good feel entenainment me made lovely entertaiim1ent me the the given and been have .'. we'll Use highlights. gone Have have men I Lf}ve: the which that to Edf!:ar cities plaques lift highlights, PAGE hardly the and various Founde~ A. Matlc Rvrllan: "Alright but triumphs, them caJJ wouJdntt ] A. F.d~r Founder T~ve: years?