Knowledge and intellectual abilities

Researcher Development Assessment A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities
Domain A: Knowledge and
intellectual abilities
This domain relates to the
knowledge and intellectual
abilities needed to be able to
carry out excellent research.
Characteristic descriptor
A1 Knowledge base
1 Subject knowledge
2 Research Methods –
3 Research Methods –
4 Information seeking
5 Information literacy and
I have a core knowledge and basic understanding of key concepts, issues and history of
I am aware of recent advances within my own research area and in related areas.
I am working towards making an original contribution to knowledge.
I am developing awareness of international and non-academic dimensions of knowledge
I understand relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate
application within my own research area.
I can justify the principles and experimental techniques used in my own research.
I can skilfully use a range of research methods linked to my study area and can document
my own activity.
I can demonstrate growth in competence in my own subject area and I am developing my
awareness of alternative methods/techniques.
I can acquire and develop information search and discovery skills and techniques.
I can identify and access appropriate bibliographical resources, archives and other sources
of relevant information including web based resources, primary sources and repositories.
I can make best use of a range of current tools and techniques.
I can assess the reliability, reputation and relevance of sources.
I seek feedback from relevant groups to achieve other insights.
I am capable of designing and executing systems for the acquisition and collation of
information using information technology (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, simulation
systems, databases) appropriately.
I am developing an awareness of information/data security and longevity issues.
I know where to obtain expert advice – i.e. information/data managers, archivists and
Skill level
1= no evidence
2 = low
3 = average
4 = strong
5 = outstanding
6 Languages
I have excellent knowledge of the language(s) (including technical) which are appropriate
for my research.
7 Academic literacy and
I can prepare grammatically and syntactically correct text for written or oral presentation.
I can write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose and context for specialist and nonspecialist audiences.
I am mathematically competent to undertake research in my own discipline/research area
and understand and can apply any statistics that may be used in my discipline/research
area. I can analyse data and use appropriate computer packages.
I am IT literate and digitally competent, I can use virtual networks for research.
A2 Cognitive abilities
1 Analysing
2 Synthesising
3 Critical thinking
4 Evaluating
5 Problem solving
1 Inquiring mind
2 Intellectual insight
3 Innovation
I can critically analyse and evaluate my own findings and those of others.
I can validate the datasets of others.
I see connections between sections of my own information/data and previous studies.
I will benefit from guidance in order to synthesise information/data and ideas.
I am able to understand arguments and theories (oral and textual) and articulate my own
assumptions; I am developing independent and critical thinking.
I have the ability to recognise and validate problems.
I can recognise multiple ways of knowing.
I am able to summarise documents and reports and can reflect on my progress.
I can evaluate the impact and outcomes of my own research activities.
I can assess the quality, integrity and authenticity of primary and secondary research
I am able to receive and give constructive criticism.
I can isolate basic themes of my own research and formulate basic research questions and
A3 Creativity
I demonstrate a willingness and an ability to learn and acquire knowledge.
I am developing a style of questioning and questioning techniques.
I can absorb and appropriate ideas and am intellectually sharp.
I can create ideas and opportunities by investigating/seeking information.
I understand the role of innovation and creativity in research.
I may engage in interdisciplinary research.
4 Argument construction
5 Intellectual risk
I can constructively defend my research outcomes.
I am able to provide evidence in support of ideas.
I can structure oral and written arguments concisely and intelligibly
I test the boundaries, I am willing to expose my ideas to a critical audience and to critically
appraise other research.
Researcher Development Assessment B: Personal effectiveness
Domain B: Personal
This domain contains the personal
qualities, career and selfmanagement skills required to take
ownership for and engage in
professional development.
Characteristic descriptor
B1 Personal Qualities
1 Enthusiasm
I can maintain enthusiasm and motivation for my own research.
2 Perseverance
I can demonstrate self-discipline, motivation and thoroughness.
I persevere in the face of obstacles and set-backs but benefit from peer, supervisor or
leader support.
I deal effectively with the dull, routine, aspects of research.
I can demonstrate an appreciation of standards of good research practice in the
institution and/or discipline/research area.
I seek guidance as necessary.
I am aware of some personal abilities and am willing to demonstrate them.
I recognise the boundaries of my own knowledge, skills and expertise and draw upon
and use sources of support as appropriate.
I make time to reflect on practice and experience.
I develop my strengths and improve on my weak areas.
I seek personal feedback.
I learn from my mistakes.
I am capable of gradually taking complete responsibility for my own project and my own
well-being and developing independence.
3 Integrity
4 Self-confidence
5 Self-reflection
6 Responsibility
Skill level
1= no evidence
2 = low
3 = average
4 = strong
5 = outstanding
B2 Self-management
1 Preparation and
2 Commitment to research
I prepare and plan my project to fulfil objectives and with support. I am able to adapt if
I am determined to complete my first project.
I can commit to my own project and establish my research credentials.
I can manage my own time effectively to complete my research project; I can adhere to
a clear plan.
3 Time management
4 Responsiveness to change
I can adapt my approach when required to, seek guidance and carefully consider risk.
5 Work-life balance
I am developing an awareness of work-life balance issues.
I use support and advisory resources when necessary to avoid undue pressure and to
enhance my personal well-being.
I am alert to the needs of others.
B3 Professional and career development
1 Career management
2 Continuing professional
3 Responsiveness to
4 Networking
5 Reputation and esteem
I can take ownership of and manage my own career progression, I can set realistic and
achievable career goals, and I can identify and develop ways to improve employability.
I am able to present my own skills, personal attributes and experiences through effective
CVs, applications and interviews.
I am beginning to establish a career network.
I can appreciate the need to show commitment to continuing professional development.
I can recognise the transferability of own experience and can articulate this to potential
employers or line managers.
I am able to develop and maintain my own records of achievement and experience.
I can demonstrate an insight into the transferable nature of research skills to other work
environments and the range of career opportunities within and outside academia.
I seek to gain a broader range of experience.
I can develop and maintain co-operative networks and working relationships with
supervisors, colleagues and peers, within the institution and the wider research
I can speak with authority on my own topic.
I am beginning to be known as a good researcher.
Researcher Development Assessment C: Research governance and organisation
Domain C: Research
governance and organisation
This domain relates to the
knowledge of the standards,
requirements and professional
conduct that are needed for the
effective management of
Characteristic descriptor
C1 Professional conduct
1 Health and safety
2 Ethics and principles and
3 Legal requirements
4 IPR and copyright
5 Respect and confidentiality
6 Attribution and co-authorship
I can understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible
working practices.
I am able to take responsibility for my own work space and am aware of my impact on
others and the wider environment.
I can show knowledge and understanding of ethical requirements and codes of conduct
appropriate for my discipline/research area, research council and professional
I can take responsibility for ethics in my own project.
I am able to demonstrate an awareness of issues relating to the rights of other
researchers, of research subjects, and of others who may be affected by my research.
I am mindful of the environment and my own impact on it. I understand how to behave
and work in a sustainable way.
I understand the concept of corporate social responsibility and will seek guidance as
I have a basic understanding of legal requirements surrounding research (e.g. Data
Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act, Disability Discrimination Act and equality
I have a basic understanding of data ownership rules as they apply to my own research.
Within my own research I respect the right of participants to confidentiality and
anonymity. I respect colleagues.
I understand the concept of attribution and apply it consistently and fairly in order to
appropriately recognise contributions and co-authorships.
I am able to seek advice on local codes of conduct.
Skill level
1= no evidence
2 = low
3 = average
4 = strong
5 = outstanding
7 Appropriate practice
I understand and adhere to the rules and regulations concerning academic malpractice
in the institution in which I am based. I also adhere to the rules and regulations of the
professional body and funder where appropriate.
C2 Research Management
1. Research strategy
2. Project planning an delivery
3. Risk management
I understand how my own research aligns with the research strategy of the institution
and strategic focus of the discipline/research area.
I can develop an understanding of the broader context of research.
I can apply effective project management skills through the setting of research goals,
intermediate milestones and prioritisation of activities.
I act on decisions agreed with my supervisor/line manager and can deliver results.
I can make basic risk assessment and, with support, I am able to manage risks in my
own project.
I am aware of the risks in virtual environments and when using interactive
communication technologies.
C3 Finance, funding and resources
1 Income and funding
2 Financial management
3 Infrastructure and resources
I understand the processes for funding and evaluation of research.
I can write an individual research proposal.
I understand the basic principles of financial management.
I have commercial awareness.
I make the best use of available resources.
I know my immediate academic system/work environment.
Researcher Development Assessment D: Engagement, influence and impact
Domain D: Engagement,
influence and impact
This domain relates to the
knowledge, understanding and skills
needed to engage with, influence and
impact on the academic, social,
cultural, economic and broader
Characteristic descriptor
D1 Working with others
1 Collegiality
2 Team working
3 People management
4 Supervision
5 Mentoring
6 Influence and leadership
7 Collaboration
I can show consideration to others.
I am able to listen, give and receive feedback, and respond perceptively to others.
I understand my own behaviour and its impact on others when working in and
contributing to the success of formal and informal teams.
I can appreciate the contributions of other team members including non-academic
I can thank people for their contribution.
I am able to negotiate activities and deadlines with my supervisor/line manager.
I am able to engage in peer support and evaluation, and undergraduate support and
I can effectively support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring,
demonstrating or other research activities.
I recognise the importance of mentorship.
I can engage in debate and invite challenge.
I am developing an awareness of the need to gain support.
I can recognise the implications of my own research for real life contexts.
I am learning the value to academia of engaging in dialogue with users to achieve
influence and impact.
I have a developing awareness of the value of working collaboratively in order to
benefit research and to maximise the potential for impact.
I am working towards co-production of knowledge with supervisors/research leaders.
I can recognise common/conflicting interests within my own and adjacent
disciplines/research areas.
Skill level
1= no evidence
2 = low
3 = average
4 = strong
5 = outstanding
8 Equality and diversity
1 Communication methods
2 Communication media
3 Publication
1 Teaching
2 Public engagement
3 Enterprise
I am sensitive to and respectful of individual differences.
I am developing an awareness of diversity and difference within the working
I am able to understand the equality and diversity requirements of my institution.
D2 Communication and dissemination
I can construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of
audiences, formally and informally, through a variety of techniques, including written
and oral formats.
I can listen to debate and engage with the audience.
I am able to actively engage in knowledge exchange with colleagues, sometimes
across disciplines/research areas.
I am developing skills in a range of communication areas where useful and/or
necessary, e.g. face-to-face interaction using interactive technologies, textual and
visual media.
I have a web presence as a researcher.
I can use visual aids effectively in presentations.
I am able to understand the processes of publication and academic exploitation of
research results.
I am working towards producing publishable material in print, electronic or other
I am developing an awareness of the range and diversity of outlets for publications.
D3 Engagement and impact
I am willing to contribute to teaching at undergraduate level.
I can assist in the supervision of undergraduate projects.
I am able to participate in research meetings (seminars, workshops, conferences, etc).
I am developing an awareness of the ways research influences/enhances teaching.
I can understand the value of engaging with the public. I willingly participate with the
public and I am open to the influence of public interactions on my own work.
I am able to respond to local opportunities and existing activities; I can present aspects
of my research at public events.
I can create ideas and spot opportunities internally and externally.
I am developing ideas in an innovative manner within my own institution or externally.
I understand the process of commercial exploitation of research results.
I am willing to learn of the value to academia of establishing relationships in
business/commercial context.
4 Policy
5 Society and culture
6 Global citizenship
I can understand relevant policy-making processes and can present my findings in a
policy-friendly format.
I am able to analyse policies and understand the wider contexts within which they are
I am developing an awareness of the impact of research on wider society and of the
impact of society, the environment and culture on research.
I can understand the concept of corporate social responsibility.
I can show a broad understanding of the context in which my own research takes
place, at national and international levels.
Note: PhD Students should complete the Researcher Development Assessment online after they have attended a Researcher Development Assessment
Workshop provided as part of the Graduate School’s Researcher Development Programme. Workshops can be booked by accessing the online booking
system at: The above assessment is available on-line and followed by free text boxes in which you will be asked to analyse your
results and identify a plan for your development (please see below).
Having rated your skills in the above RDF areas, please consider your results and use the overall analysis box below to write a commentary on the outcome.
You should outline: (i) the evidence for areas where you have identified that you already have a high skill level and (ii) list areas where you judge that you
need to undertake more development opportunities to improve your skills.
Overall Analysis
Having considered your results, please use the development opportunities box below to outline a plan for developing skills in the areas you have identified.
Opportunities for developing skills are available through participation in workshops offered as part of the Graduate School’s Researcher Development
Programme as well as participation in School-based training and other career development opportunities. You should use the box below to identify all types
of development opportunity. If you identify areas of training that are not currently available via your School or the Graduate School, please contact:
Development opportunities