Nahunta Pork Center

Monday, May 26, 2014 8A
The number of advertisers that
were pleased with the response
to their classified ad in
The Wilson Times
Pulse Research, November 2013
Sweets makers work to keep
names off e-cigarettes
By Michael Felberbaum
Nahunta Pork Center
“Pork King”
Fresh Sliced
Pork Chops
Country Link
Pork Sausage
• Approx
8 Lb. Pack
• Mostly
Center Chops
(Save 50¢/lb.)
Hickory Smoked
10 lb.
(Save 70¢/lb.)
Hickory Smoked
Loin Roast
Buy 1 roast; Get another $
Seasoning Bones
(Limit 4)
(Save 59¢/lb.)
for only...........................
Country Cured
Side Meat
Buy 1 pkg.; Get another $
for only...........................
(Limit 4 pkgs)
MON. - FRI. 8 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
SATURDAY 8 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
(Limit 2
Liver Pudding
Buy 1 Pkg.; Get 1 Pkg.
(Limit 6
LOCATION: Take Hwy. 301 South from Wilson to junction Hwy. 581 until you reach Nahunta School, then follow signs.
These prices may vary from those at Nahunta Pork Outlet, N.C. State Farmerʼs Market in Raleigh.
of the worry that the flavors are used to appeal to
It’s growing pains for the
Owners of brands geared
industry that reached neartoward children of all ages ly $2 billion in sales last
are battling to keep notable year in the face of looming
names like Thin Mint,
regulation. E-cigarette usTootsie Roll and Cinnaers say the devices address
mon Toast Crunch off the
both the addictive and beflavored nicotine used in
havioral aspects of smokelectronic cigarettes.
ing without the thousands
General Mills Inc., the
of chemicals found in reguGirl Scouts of the USA and lar cigarettes.
Tootsie Roll Industries Inc.
There are about 1,500
are among several compa- e-liquid makers in the
nies that have sent ceaseU.S. and countless others
and-desist letters to makabroad selling vials of nicoers of the liquid nicotine
tine from traditional tobacdemanding they stop using co to cherry cola on the Inthe brands and may take
ternet and in retail stores,
further legal action if necoften featuring photos of
essary. They want to make the popular treats. Using
sure their brands aren’t be- the brand name like Thin
ing used to sell an addictive Mint or Fireball conjures
drug or make it appealing
up a very specific flavor
to to children.
in buyers’ minds, in a way
The actions highlight the that just “mint chocolate”
debate about the array of
or “cinnamon” doesn’t.
flavors available for the
“Using the Thin Mint
battery-powered devices
name — which is synonythat heat a liquid nicotine
mous with Girl Scouts and
solution, creating vapor
everything we do to enrich
that users inhale. The Food the lives of girls — to marand Drug Administration
ket e-cigarettes to youth is
last month proposed regu- deceitful and shameless,”
lating electronic cigarettes Girl Scouts spokeswoman
but didn’t immediately ban Kelly Parisi said in a stateon fruit or candy flavors,
which are barred for use in
The issue of illegally usregular cigarettes because
ing well-known brands on
e-cigarette products isn’t
new for some. For a couple
of years, cigarette makers
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and
Philip Morris USA have
fought legal battles with
websites selling e-cigarette
liquid capitalizing on
their Camel and Marlboro
brand names and imagery. The companies have
since released their own
e-cigarettes but without using their top-selling brand
“It’s the age-old problem
with an emerging market,”
The Associated Press
said Linc Williams, board
member of the American
E-liquid Manufacturing
Standards Association and
an executive at NicVape
Inc., which produces liquid
nicotine. “As companies
goes through their maturity process of going from
being a wild entrepreneur
to starting to establish
real corporate ethics and
product stewardship, it’s
something that we’re going
to continue to see.”
Williams said his company is renaming many of its
liquids to names that won’t
be associated with wellknown brands. Some companies demanded NicVape
stop using brand names
such as Junior Mints on
their liquid nicotine. In
other cases, the company
is taking proactive steps
to removing imagery and
names like gummy bear
that could be appealing to
“Unfortunately it’s not
going to change unless
companies come in and assert their intellectual property,” he said.
And that’s what companies are starting to do more
often as the industry has
rocketed from thousands
of users in 2006 to several
million worldwide, bringing the issue to the forefront.
“We’re family oriented. A
lot of kids eat our products,
we have many adults also,
but our big concern is we
have to protect the trademark,” said Ellen Gordon,
president and chief operating officer of Tootsie
Roll Industries Inc. “When
you have well-known
trademarks, one of your
responsibilities is to protect
(them) because it’s been
such a big investment over
the years.”
N.C. Senate makes
regulatory rush
early in session
By Gary D. Robertson
“It's not a very transparent process that we're using
here,” said. Rep. Chuck
RALEIGH — Since taking McGrady, R-Henderson,
over the legislature in 2011, one of two House RepubliNorth Carolina Republicans who voted against the
cans have trumpeted pass2013 regulatory reform law
ing legislation designed to
because of environmentaldraw back the hand of gov- related concerns.
ernment hanging over the
On the Senate floor, Reprivate sector by getting rid publicans used parliamenof regulations they consider tary maneuvers to scuttle
redundant or burdensome. Democratic amendments
The GOP credits regulathat would have prevented
tory reform among the rea- the removal of dozens of
sons why North Carolina's
optional state air quality
economy appears to be
monitoring stations and
improving, especially with
that would have retained
an unemployment rate now lower thresholds for
below the national average. citizens to appeal or block
“It's clear that making
temporarily air quality perlong overdue changes to
our state's regulatory and
“Regulations are about
tax environment is driving
protecting the public (but)
positive change,” Senate
this bill in particular, rathleader Phil Berger, R-Rock- er than being an eveningham, said in a release
handed, fair implementaafter the Senate gave tenta- tion of the law through
tive approval to the fourth
rules, creates winners
annual “Regulatory Reform and losers,” said Molly
Act” before the holiday
Diggins, the Sierra Club's
weekend. Six Democrats
North Carolina state dijoined Republican senators rector.
in supporting the measure.
Sen. Andrew Brock, RBut lawmakers from both Davie and a primary bill
parties and environmensponsor, said many items
tal groups are wondering
came from previous comwhether the breadth of the
mittees or were discussed
latest edition and the speed last year.
in which it's considered
Senate Minority Whip
is good for the public, the
Josh Stein, D-Wake, said
public's health, and for remany provisions are likesponsive government. The
ly good but “I'm assured
bill covers more 50 separate there's something in here
topics, sweeping through
bad for the people of the
two committees in successtate.” The measure will
sive days with no opportuhead to the House follownity for public comment.
ing a final Senate vote.
The Associated Press