-- MSc Accounting and Control -- Exam Advanced ManagementAccounting Friday 21"December2007 (first sit) SonanPRnvrous REMARKS This exam consistsof 6 questions and 25 subquestions.You can earn a maximum of 100 points. Next to each question you find the maximum number of points for that particular question. In this exam we will test your knowledge and insight. rWhile answering our questions, please make use of the literature and phrase your answers clearly and concisely. The resultswill be publishedon January 18,2008. You can review your exÍtm on January 23 from 15.00to 16.00 hrs. The place will be announcedon the results list. Good luck! Question I 12 points Robert Kaplan describes in his article The evolution of Management Accounting the historical developmentof ManagementAccouniing. a. Describe briefly some of the major historical developments in Management Accounting. b. V/hat has causedthe major innovations in ManagementAccounting? c. What is the reason of the large gap between practice and theory in the seventies and eighties of the 20mcentury? 2 I l6 points Question2 proA bicycle manufacturer wants to analyzethe production line's cost behavior. The prothinks He ductión is done in two shifts: a moming shift and an afternoon shift. duction volume, number of labor hours and shift may influence total production costs. He has collected data from 50 months, starting at l-l-2003 and ending 1-3-2007. Multiple regressionanalysesgeneratesthe following results: SAMENVATTINGUITVOER Gegerens roor de regr MeervoudisecorrelatiecoëfficièntR R-kwadraat Aangepaste kleinste kwadraat Standaardfout Waarnemingen 0'400í06467 0,160085185 32 0,1053081 56992,97883 50 Variantie-analvse Regressie Storing Totaal ! 46 49 43,30942096 -79,87544426 1,494178+11 1,778968+11 70625,96335 1 5 , ' 1 5 9í 19 3 6 207,8856691 16334,41604 4928'18816 2'922486263 3248199636 : 0'043790247 3,3261 2,8569879240,006401127 I 2,79569679 -o,384227757o,702580143 498,3275861 -0,269947330.788408161 -37 a. Give your assessmentof the above results. Clarify your evaluation using the appropriate statistics.How should we read and interpret the relationship found? The following graph depicts the standard error terms when arranged according to months: StandaaÍdstoringen 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 -0,5 -1 -1,5 -2,5 . Standaardstoringen b. please evaluate these error terms. What possible problems do they indicate, if aíry2 c. How would you correct for theseerror patterns? I J d. What are the five basic assumptionsof linear regressionanalysis?Provide a brief explanation of eachone. Question3 20 poínts A printing house producesjoumals about Leasure Time. The current market is difficult, leading to a maximum selling price of 3 euro per journal. Expected next year's salesis 200.000 copies.Fixed productioncostsare € 100.000per year and direct unit costsare €,2,50. Corporatetax rate is35oÁ. a. What is next year's expectednet profit? b. Management is expectedto reducedirect variable production cost in order to generate a net profit of at least€ 39.000. The averagevariable production costs during the last years was C 2,40 per journal and the standarddeviationwas 0,2. What is the probability of gaining at least€ 39.000 proht in the coming year? Z-table areaunderthe normalcurvebetweenthe mean andsuccessive valuesof z 0.0 0.00000 0.1 0.03983 o.2 0.07926 0.3 0.11791 0.4 0.15542 0.5 0.19146 0.6 0.22575 o.7 0.25804 0.8 0.28814 0.9 0.31594 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.34134 0.36433 0.38493 0.40320 0.41924 0.43319 4.44520 0.45543 0.46407 0.47128 2.0 2.1 2.2 2,3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.47725 0.48214 0.48610 0.48928 0.49í80 0.49379 0.49534 0.49653 0.49744 0.49813 c. What is the difference between decision making without any information and decision making under risk? Supposethe printing house expectsa market improvement for next year. The manager has the choice to start an extra marketing campaign. When next year's market is strong, he expects a 19.000 euro profit when he campaigns and 6.000 euro when he doesn't campaign. Under a weak market, the campaign will lead to a 4.000 euro loss and not holding the campaignleadsto a € 12.000profit. d. ïVhat alternative will be preferred when the manageruses the maximin criterium? What does this criterium mean? e. What alternative will be choosenunder the minimax regret criterium? this criterium represent? 'What does 4 Question 4 24 points a' Groot distinguishes three different episodesin the development of management control theory. lvhat are theseepisodès,and exprain each one briefly. b' What are the causesof managementcontrol problems? Classify each of them in the source/manifestationmatrix. c' What is the difference between behqvioral displacement and.gamesmanship? Give an exampleof eachone. d' Robert Simons presentsin his article How new top managers use conírol systems a1 l.eversof strategic renewal an alternatiu" -*ág.ment control framework. Explain briefly this o'Leversof Control" system. Hoí does this system compaÍe to Merchant's managementcontrol framework? Sally widener tests Robert Simons' model^empirically in her article An empirical analysis of the leverslf controlframework. She focuses on three different issues: (l) the antecedentvariables that influence control system design, (2) thecomplementary workings of the Levers of control system elements, and (3) the 6ehaviorui ,rrponr., (the effects) generatedby the controisystem. e' How are the different levers of control combined in control systems (the second issue)?Pleaseexplain briefly why thesecombinations seemto work. f' What effects can be-reachedby the control system (the third topic)? How do elements of the control system relate to the .yrt.*', behavioral iesponses? please explain briefly how this works. Question5 I6 points Budgeting has becomea heavily discussedsubject lately. Most bugeting systemscost too much money and managementtime, whill they dó not seem to lead to significantly better managementand control decisions. a' Hansen,Otley and Van der Stedediscussin their article practice Developmentsin Budgeting two main alternative developmentsin budgeting. What are these two alternatives?pleaseexplain eachone brieny. b' How is the Beyond Budgeting model implemented by organizationsnowadays according to Groot in his article The many of beyind bídgeting7 What is the faces role of decentralizationin budgeting practióesoróutch companies? c' Fisher, Peffer and Sprinkle also looked at budgeting practices in their article Budgerbased contracts, budget reryrs, ard groui p"lrtor-orce. They chalrenge the generally acceptedidea that piece-ratelncátive" schemesmotivate people more to perform than a budget-basedincentive scheme. what are the reasonsfor this finding? what budget-basedsystemworks best and why? 5 d. Parker and Kyj looked in their article Vertical information sharing in the budger ing process at one specific elementof budgeting, namely the exchangeof information between budget giver (for instance top management)and budget holder (for instance division management).Budget givers want to disclose information because they want to be clear about the firm's strategy and work methods. Budget holders however are not keen at disclosing their private information, because it may jeopardize their position. Under what circumstancesdo local managersshare their information according to Parker and Kyj? What can top managers do to stimulate budget holders to share their private information more with top management? Question6 12points The introduction of the Balanced Scorecardhas lead to many new developments in the field of performance measurementand performanceevaluation. a. What kind of organizationstend to use the BSC? b. Lipe and Salterio question in their article Ihe Balanced Scorecard: jugmental efmeasureswhether using the BSC will fects of common and unique performance 'What lead to better management decisions. is the main conclusion of their research? c. One important elementin designing BSC's is finding causal links between leading indicators and lagging indicators. What are leading and lagging indicators? Give some examples of the potential complexities of the causal linkages between these two types of variables (this has been demonstratedin Groot's introduction of the BSC during class).