Sex, Singleness and Divorce - North Coast Calvary Chapel

Sex, Singleness and Divorce
Mark Foreman
1 Cor 7:1-40
v Understanding the Context (1)
Ø This begins the 2nd half of the letter, responding to questions about
marriage, sex, singleness, food sacrificed to idols, worship, gifts and the
Ø The last two chapters have dealt with sexual matters and now marriage.
Ø There is no one chapter on marriage. The Bible is not laid out like an
• Consequently you won't get all of your questions answered here.
• We must piece various passages together to gain a fuller
understanding: Gen 1:26-28; 2:18-25; Mat 19:1-12; and Eph 5:21-33.
Ø The ancient culture was complex as it is now:
• The Jews tended to overemphasize marriage. Paul was an
• The Roman culture idealize and overemphasized sex.
• And when religion hit, the tendency was to spiritualize asceticism.
This is what is happening in Corinth. An overly negative view of
marriage and intercourse (see Col 2:23, 1 Tim 4:1-5).
Ø Verse 1 is the key to understanding is to see chapter 7 as Paul's qualified
and reluctant restatement of the Corinthians letter, not his complete thought.
He then goes on to explain and qualify. (See 6:12-13 as another example of
• A point recognized as early as Origin 200 AD.
• Yes, but...
• "Touch" was a euphemism for sexual intercourse.
v Sex: Applying Christ's Love to the Bedroom (2-6)
Ø (2) Although there are many important reasons for marriage: calling,
God's design, economic power, children, etc. One practical reason is sexual.
Ø (3-4) Divine love applies even to the bedroom--serving each other.
Ø (5-6) Be careful mixing asceticism with the spiritual disciplines. Love
each other even during prayer and fasting, avoiding temptation.
v Discipleship Applied to Singleness (7-9; 17-40)
Ø (7-8) I wish everyone could be single like me.
Ø (7) But everyone has a gift (charisma) from God to be single or married.
But like other gifts they can be temporal.
Ø (9) If you burn with sexual passion, it is best to try to get married.
Ø (17-24) In marriage and singleness it is important to obey and be content
with your situation, not striving for the grass being greener on the other side
of the fence.
Ø (25-38) Remain as you are if you can; marriage is no solution; it
complicates things. Singleness, if that is your gift, frees you to do be more
kingdom focused.
v Discipleship and Divorce (10-17; 39-40)
Ø (39-40) Marriage obligates us to faithfulness but the death of a spouse
frees us to remarry if we so desire. But you may be happier to enjoy your
Ø (10-11) Paul realizes that some marriages may be unbearable. Separation
or divorce is possible though not recommended. And it is not to go out
shopping. again.
• "not I, but The Lord" refers to the words of Jesus (Mark 10:11-12).
• "I, not The Lord" refers to not having any earthly teachings by
Jesus (vv 25, 40).
• "separate," "divorce," and "leave" are sued interchangeably.
• "not remarry" to leave the door open for reconciliation.
Ø (12-13) Living with an unbeliever is not a reason for divorce.
Ø (14) Another reason for preserving the marriage is holy blessing. The
unbelieving spouse does not make the marriage less "blessed." Quite the
opposite. There is a grace and blessing that comes to the household because of
one believer.
• Some thought that sexual relations with an unbeliever would defile
• Paul disagrees
Ø (15-16) However, if the unbelieving spouse wants to leave, let them.
Remember, they might be saved.
• The tension that comes when one spouse becomes a believer
sometimes seems intolerable to the other.
Ø (17) We should not live with discontent but bring God's love to our own
Ø Paul does not mention but assumes::
• Jesus' reason for divorce: unfaithfulness.
• He also assumes forgiveness and that divorce is not the
unpardonable sin.
• Discipleship is following Jesus not attempting escape his ways.
• The church is not to be condemning, neither is it to be ignored
without authority.
v Thoughts and Big Ideas
Ø Other teachings on immorality, marriage, divorce and singleness are
Ø Contentment and obedience are part of discipleship.
Ø Selfless love is to be a part of life, even in the bedroom.
Ø Singleness has decisive advantages and must not be treated as 2nd class.
Ø Immorality is not an option, in marriage or in singleness.
Ø Divorce is only a last resort and must not be considered hastily. It must be
weighed with scripture, wise counsel and appropriate reasons.
Ø Our life in Christ, especially applies to the personal areas of our lives.