THE IMPACT OF SEA LEVEL RISE ON THE PHOTOCHEMICAL RELEASE OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER FROM RESUSPENDED RIVER AND ESTUARINE SEDIMENTS Lauren E. Thompson A Thesis Submitted to the University of North Carolina Wilmington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina Wilmington 2010 Approved by Advisory Committee Robert Kieber Steve Skrabal Ralph Mead Melissa Southwell Jen Culbertson Gene Avery Chair Accepted by DN: cn=Robert D. Roer, o=UNCW, ou=Dean of the Graduate School & Research,, c=US Date: 2010.10.28 10:25:53 -04'00' Dean, Graduate School i TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................v LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... vi INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1 METHODS ......................................................................................................................................4 Site Description ....................................................................................................................4 Sample Collection and Preparation ......................................................................................4 Collection of Sediments from Sites .....................................................................................5 Photochemical Resuspension Experiments..........................................................................6 Analytical .............................................................................................................................7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................8 Photolytic DOC release from Cape Fear River and Elizabeth River Resuspended Sediments .............................................................................................................................8 Biogeochemical Setting (sulfate reduction vs. methanogenisis) .......................................10 Photolytic Release of Nutrients .........................................................................................11 Implications of Photolytic Release of Resuspended Sediments ........................................12 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................42 ii ABSTRACT Fine grain estuarine and riverine sediments are naturally resuspended and remain in the photic zone by wind, waves, and water currents. Once transported into the photic zone, these sediments can significantly impact a variety of important biogeochemical processes such as trace metal mobilization, nutrient dynamics, and organic matter cycling. The current study examined the effect of biogeochemical setting, controlled by salinity regime, on the photolytic release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and phosphate (PO43-) from resuspended estuarine sediments. Biogeochemical setting had no effect on photochemical processes with any of the measured analytes with the exception of one site, Paradise Creek, which showed increased photolytic release of DOC as its biogeochemical setting shifted from sulfate reduction to methanogenesis. This suggests that there will be no direct impacts of salinity alterations such as sea level rise on the photolytic release of either DOC or nutrients from resuspended particles when biogeochemical setting changes from methanogenesis to sulfate reduction. Significantly higher increases in release of DOC, DON, and PO43- were observed for fine grain sediments exposed to simulated sunlight compared to dark controls. Photolytic release of the various analytes was also compared between sites and over the course of incubation period lasting as long as two years. Cape Fear River sediments had a higher photolytic release of DOC compared to Elizabeth River sediments. Other controls on photochemical release from these particles such as their percent organic carbon (%OC), nitrogen (%ON) and carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios were also examined. Experiments conducted during the current study using only fine grain sediments displayed a much higher rate of DOC release compared to a previous study using whole sediments. Therefore the intensity of the resuspension event likely impacts the photochemical processes occurring in the water column. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to everyone working in the Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry Research Laboratory group, family and friends. Special thanks to Dr. Whitehead for immense help with instrumentation and to undergraduate assistants, Zackary Gillum and Angela Carrol, for their help. I‟d also like to thank my advisor Dr. Avery for always having an open door and Melissa Southwell for help with experimental design and data analysis. Finally, I would like to thank Sheena for always going on walks. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Grant OCE0285538). iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Percent Organic Carbon, Nitrogen, and C:N ratio for all collected sediments and sites .........14 2. Total Dissolved Nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, nitrate, and ammonium .....................15 3. Site, treatment, date of experiment, and net flux of phosphate (Δ µmol/g/hr) ........................17 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Map of Cape Fear River Estuary .............................................................................................18 2. Map of Elizabeth River Estuary ...............................................................................................18 3. A-K Photolytic release of DOC during resuspension experiments .........................................19 4. A-G Net flux of DOC during resuspension experiments .........................................................24 5. Rate of photolytic DOC release as a function of percent organic carbon content ..................28 6. Average changed in percent sedimentary organic carbon between initial and final ...............28 7. Average changes in percent sedimentary organic nitrogen between initial and final ..............29 8. Average changes in C:N ratio between initial and final sediments ........................................29 9. Changes in photolytic release of DOC from initial and final photolytic resuspension exp .....30 10. A-K Photolytic release of TDN during resuspension experiments ..........................................30 11. A-K Photolytic release of PO43- during resuspension experiments .........................................36 vi INTRODUCTION Estuarine and riverine sediments are naturally resuspended and mobilized by wind, waves, and water currents. Anthropogenic sources of resuspended sediments in estuaries include dredging, bow waves, propeller wash, and fishing activities. In the typically shallow waters of estuaries and coastal waters, sediment-water interactions can significantly impact a variety of important biogeochemical processes such as trace metal mobilization, nutrient and organic matter cycling, and release of anthropogenic contaminants (Komada and Reimers, 2001; Komada et al., 2002; Koelmans and Prevo, 2003). While earlier studies demonstrated the importance of dark release from resuspended estuarine sediments, recent studies have addressed the potentially more significant role photochemical transformations play in the mobilization of organic matter and metals from these sediments. Mayer et al. (2006) reported that particulate organic carbon (POC) in suspended sediments from the Mississippi River system decreased after long-term exposure (6 h d-1 for 7-9 d) to simulated sunlight, showing that DOC was produced from light exposed sediments. Kieber et al. (2006) demonstrated that DOC is produced from estuarine sediments after more realistic 9-h exposures to full-spectrum simulated sunlight. Production of episodically large quantities of DOC from photolyzed resuspended sediments has significant implications for the cycling of carbon in the coastal ocean. Using measured DOC photoproduction rates from the irradiated suspensions applied to waters containing a moderate concentration of 100 mg L-1 of suspended material yields a flux of 0.56 mmol m-2 h-1 in the top 1 m (Kieber et al., 2006). The magnitude of this flux is high compared to the major DOC fluxes resulting from benthic exchange (0.004 to 0.12 mmol m-2 h-1; Burdige and Homstead, 1994; Burdige et al., 1999) and riverine discharge to the coastal ocean (0.04 mmol m2 h-1) based on global riverine discharge of 18 x 1012 mol y-1 (Meybeck, 1982) and coastal ocean 1 area of 52 x 106 km2 (Stacey, 1992). Therefore, photoproduction can represent a significant, albeit poorly constrained, episodic source of DOC to the coastal ocean (Kieber et al., 2006). Nutrients have also been shown to be photochemically released from resuspended sediments (Riggsbee et al., 2008; Southwell et al., 2010). Southwell et al. (2010) reported photolytic release of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphate in laboratory resuspension experiments of Bradley Creek sediments in 0.2 µm filtered seawater (2010). Estuaries have varying nutrient limitation based on seasonality and salinity therefore the photolytic release of nutrients from resuspension events could be an important source to coastal environments. For example, the Cape Fear River (CFR) estuary, one of the study sites of the current study has nitrogen limitation during the summer and fall and phosphate limitation during spring and winter (Mallin et al. 1999). The microbial breakdown of sedimentary organic matter has been shown to affect the photolytic release from particles. Photochemical reactivity of algal detritus increased with microbial decomposition in a study by Mayer et al. 2009. Processes by which organic matter is remineralized have profound effects on sediment biogeochemical conditions and directly impact sediment and water column processes due to varying redox conditions and reactions involving remineralization byproducts (Lovely and Phillips 1987). Rates of remineralization of organic matter may be affected by variations in microbial processes occurring in these dynamic estuarine systems. Sexton (2002) compared sediment remineralization rates in freshwater and estuarine sediments with and without additions of sulfate (Sexton, 2002). Results of these experiments suggest that the breakdown of organic material by sulfate reduction (typical of marine sediments) is approximately twice as fast as breakdown of organic matter by methanogenesis (typical 2 freshwater sediments). Therefore, changing rates in organic matter breakdown could alter photolytic release from resuspended sediments. In estuaries, where salinity can vary drastically both temporally and spatially, modes of organic matter breakdown are very dynamic. Oxic microbial processes can be important in surface sediments but anoxic microbially mediated processes often dominate remineralization in the majority of the sediment column. In anoxic sediments with the oxidant sulfate supplied by sea salts, the majority of organic material is decomposed by sulfate reduction (Skyring, 1987, Capone and Kiene, 1988). In sulfate-depleted brackish and marine sediments anaerobic respiration occurs primarily by methanogenesis (Capone and Kiene, 1988, Day et al., 1989). Both sulfate reduction and methanogenesis can occur at the same time, although they are usually mutually exclusive (Lovley and Phillips, 1987; Capone and Kiene, 1988) due to biogeochemical zonation in which sulfate reducers outcompete methanogens (Martens and Klump, 1984, Lovley and Klug 1986; Kuivila et al., 1989). Salinity can be altered by rising sea levels, tides, and morphological changes due to dredging and inlet management. Alterations in biogeochemical decomposition of sediments due to variations in salinity could cause changes in photolytic reactivity of sediments. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the impact of variations in salinity on the photolytic release of DOC, DON, DIN, and phosphate from resuspended sediments. Additional potential controls on these processes including biogeochemical decomposition, particle size, percent organic carbon, percent organic nitrogen and carbon to nitrogen ratio of the particles were also examined. 3 METHODS 1. Site Description a. Cape Fear River The Cape Fear River, located in southeastern North Carolina has previously been characterized as a moderately impacted system with low dissolved trace metals (Shank, et al., 2004; Skrabal, et al.,2006) and high dissolved organic carbon (Avery, et al., 2003). Three sites were studied on the Cape Fear River: two freshwater sites dominated by methanogenic remineralization, Fishing Creek and Prince George, and one which historically experienced more saline conditions and remineralization by sulfate reduction, Town Creek (Figure 1). All locations have been documented in terms of biogeochemical and hydrological cycles by an ongoing monitoring program (Hackney, et al., 2006). b. Elizabeth River The Elizabeth River (ER) was sampled on the Southern Branch and located in southeastern Virginia. Extremely high levels of metals and organics have been reported for the Elizabeth River and it has been described as being industrialized and heavily modified (Walker and Dickhut, 2001; Conrad and Chisholm-Brause, 2004). Sulfate reduction should be the dominant remineralization process for this system due to the low freshwater flow, high organic content, and sulfidic sediments. Elizabeth River sites include Paradise Creek and Scuffletown Creek (Figure 2). Results from the Elizabeth River were compared to Town Creek to contrast the effects of human impact. 2. Sample Collection and Preparation Surface sediment was collected at a depth of 0.5 cm. This depth was chosen because this is the sediment likely to be resuspended due to tide, wind (Kalnejais, et al. 2007), or 4 anthropogenic effects (Kieber, et al. 2006). Collected sediment samples were placed in plastic bags and stored at 4 ºC until placed in serum vials. Sediment incubation followed by photochemical resuspension experiments similar to those reported in Southwell et al. (2010) were performed after each sampling event by methods below. Collected sediments were homogenized before being placed into glass serum vials to incubate for a period of 1 to 2 years. Sample aliquots were delivered to serum vials by a 60 mL catheter syringe with the tip cut off to increase the diameter of the opening. Serum vials were flushed with N2(g) before placing Teflon lined caps and crimp seals to create anoxic conditions (Avery et al. 1999). Vials containing Cape Fear River freshwater collected sediments were injected with a 1 mL of a 6 mM sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and 4 mL milli-Q solution or 5 mL milli-Q water to create slurry and assess biogeochemical setting. Initial sulfate addition to 2008 collected sediments were not the correct concentration of sodium sulfate, but this does not seem to have affected incubated sediments as they are comparable to 2009 collected sediments from the same sites. Sulfate additions were made every two months. All plastic, glassware, and quartz were acid washed in 10% HCl and rinsed with Milli-Q water. Glassware and quartz were additionally combusted over night at 450 ºC to remove organics. Glass fiber filters (GF/F) used for filtration were similarly combusted, but only for a period of two hours. 3. Collection of Sediments from Sites Sediments were collected twice to form two separate collections. Freshwater Cape Fear River sediments were collected in August 2008 and June 2009. Salty sediments were collected from the Elizabeth River in October 2008 and Cape Fear River June 2009. All collected sediments were placed in serum vials within 1 week of collection and stored in the dark. 5 4. Photochemical Resuspension Experiments Sediments placed in glass serum vials were sacrificed at four month increments and resuspended in filtered (0.2 µm) Wrightsville Beach seawater. Resuspension occurred due to vigorous shaking of water and sediment. Resuspended sediment was allowed to settle for a period of 41 minutes, to exclude coarse sediment, according to Stokes‟ Law. Sediment material that remained suspended in the top twenty centimeters was of the size fraction <10 µm and was siphoned into a clean 4-L HDPE carboy. This water was then split among six 250 mL quartz flasks with magnetic stir bars. After 60 mL were taken from each flask and filtered for initial measurements of nutrients (ammonium NH4+, nitrate and nitrite NOx-, and phosphate, PO43-) and organics (DOC/DON), all flasks were placed in the solar simulator equipped with a water bath to maintain a constant temperature of 22º C. Three flasks were covered in aluminum foil to serve as dark controls. The solar simulator contained a 1,000 watt Xe arc lamp, a sun lens diffuser, and an AM1 filter to remove wavelengths not found in the solar spectrum. Laboratory irradiance measurements showed that the solar simulator emits light typical of the mid-summer solar spectrum at 40º N. Quartz flasks were left in the solar simulator for a period of 6 hours which was equivalent to one 12 hour day. Throughout the photochemistry experiment, all 6 flasks were stirred with magnetic stir bars to ensure sediments remained in suspension. At the completion of the experiment, flasks were removed from the solar simulator and a final measurement was taken for nutrients and organics. Samples for nutrients and DOM were filtered through tared GF/F filters which were then frozen, freeze dried and reweighed for determination of particle organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) by CHN analysis after vapor acidification (Hedges and Stern 1984). 6 The initial 10 mL filtrate was discarded as a sample rinse, 20 mL was allotted for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), and the remaining 30 mL was used in the measurement of nutrients. DOC/TDN samples were placed in glass scintillation vials and acidified with 50 µL of 6 M HCl. After two 4 mL aliquots were removed for ammonium measurement, nutrient samples were frozen. Ammonium measurements were measured on the day of the experiment while all other measurements were run within two weeks of sampling. Remaining water, sediment suspensions from each flask were filtered through 47 mm precombusted GF/F filters. Filters were frozen, freeze dried, reweighed, and along with volume filtered, total suspended solids (TSS) was calculated for all 6 flasks. 5. Analytical A Shimadzu TOC-5050A total organic carbon analyzer coupled to an Antek 9000N TDN analyzer equipped with an ASI autosampler was used for determination of DOC/TDN (Avery et al. 2003). Detection limits for DOC and TDN for this instrument are 5µM and 0.51µM respectively. Nutrients (NOx-and PO43-) were measured by continuous flow analysis with a Bran + Luebbe Auto-analyzer 3 using EPA methods with a detection limit of <0.5 µM. An ophthalaldehyde (OPA) fluorometric method described by Holmes et al. (1999) was used to measure ammonium. One alteration made to the Holmes et al. (1999) method was to reduce the sample volume to 2 mL and 4 mL of OPA reagent. The detection limit of ammonium method was 0.14 µM in this study. DON was obtained by subtracting ammonium and nitrate from TDN. The standard deviation was calculated from triplicate light and dark flasks. An unpaired T-test was also performed to determine if the light flask were significantly different from the dark (significance determined at p< 0.05). 7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Photolytic DOC Release from CFR and ER Resuspended Sediments Release of DOC in all resuspended sediment experiments conducted in this study was always higher upon exposure to light compared to dark controls (p<0.05, n=52) (Figure 1 a-k). Dark fluxes of DOC were typically in the range of 0- 25 µmol DOC g-1-hr-1with a few experiments showing a slight consumption of DOC (<-8 µmol g-1 hr-1). In a previous study of CFR estuarine samples utilizing whole sediments (Kieber et al, 2006), dark experiments typically showed consumption of DOC as opposed to the positive fluxes of DOC measured in the current study where only suspended fine sediments were photolyzed (Figure 3 a-k). This may indicate that bacterial assemblages, and therefore bacterial consumption of DOC, are more robust in whole sediments resuspension experiments as opposed to experiments conducted on the fine grain sediments that stay in suspension. Therefore under severe short time-frame resuspension events such as dredging or high wave energy, bacterial consumption may mediate more of the photochemical release of DOC compared to longer term resuspension of fine grain sediments. Light DOC fluxes during the current study were in the range of 50-250 µmol DOC g-1hr-1 which were much higher than those reported by Kieber et al. (2006) for CFR estuarine whole sediment resuspension (2.5-13.5 µmol DOC g-1hr-1). In both studies the net photolytic flux of DOC (light-dark) was always positive (Figure 4 a-g). Differences in photolytic release between whole sediment resuspension and fine grain sediments resuspension appear to be due to greater photolytic labiality of fine grain sediments because percent organic carbon values are similar for both sediment fractions (1-10 %OC). Kieber et al. (2006) also reported increases in net photolytic DOC flux with increasing percentage of sediment organic carbon (%OC) for resusupension experiments using bulk CFR 8 sediments. In the current study, experiments using only the suspended fine grain sediments from the CFR, the differences in net photolytic fluxes of DOC for the individual CFR sites did not show this trend with %OC (Figure 5). This suggests that for fine grain sediments resuspended in the water column, controls on CFR photolytic DOC fluxes are different than those for bulk sediments. The sites in this study showed varying photolytic responses. In the current study, CFR sediment resuspension experiments resulted in higher photolytic DOC fluxes compared to ER sediments. In the initial experiments conducted (first time point on the time series experiments), CFR sites had DOC flux values in the 150-250 µmol DOC g-1-hr-1 range while ER sediment DOC fluxes were typically in the 50 µmol DOC g-1-hr-1 range. These differences in photolytic release of DOC do not appear to be driven by differences in percent organic carbon, percent organic nitrogen or C:N ratios because these parameters were similar for all the sites in this study (Table 1, Figures 5). Therefore the differences between CFR and ER sites must be due to organic matter compositional differences between the sediments or perhaps differences in the bacterial assemblages between the sites. Both CFR and ER sediments were incubated and analyzed over a 1-2 years period in order to assess the effect of biogeochemical decomposition on the photochemical release of the various analytes. For CFR sediments, time series experiments typically displayed a decrease in photolytic release and net flux of DOC with time (Figure 3 a-i, 4 a- e). The rate and net flux of DOC decreased by approximately one half over these long-term incubations (Figure 9). Longterm incubation of Elizabeth River sediments did not show consistent temporal changes in rate or net flux of DOC (Figures 3 j-k, 4 f-g, 9). The Elizabeth River site, Paradise Creek, actually showed significant increase in photolytic release over the course of the incubation period and 9 will be further discussed in the next section. Over the course of the incubation period all collections and sites showed increasing percentage organic carbon, nitrogen and C: N ratio (Figures 6-8). Time series experiments conducted during this study provide further evidence relating biogeochemical decomposition of sediments to controls on the photolytic release of DOC. Differences in photolytic release from resuspended sediments suggest different molecular composition for these sediments which could affect the photolytic lability or that the diagenetic compositional changes occurring in the CFR sediments are not occurring within the ER sediments. Generally, when long-term CFR sediment incubations resulted in a decrease in the photolytic flux of DOC, the decrease was accompanied by an increase in both percentage organic carbon and nitrogen (Figure 7- 8). This is consistent with the argument presented above suggesting aging of the sediments results in compositional changes in the composition of the resuspended fine component therefore resulting in less photolability of the organic material. This has important implications for photochemical DOC release from sediments resuspended from depth where aged material is typically present. 2. Biogeochemical Setting (sulfate reduction vs. methanogenesis) During the long-term sediment incubation described above, sediments were exposed to either sulfate reducing or methanogenic conditions in order to assess how these conditions might affect photochemical release of the various analytes. In the case of the freshwater CFR sediments, biogeochemical setting was amended by sulfate additions to create sulfate reducing conditions versus methanogenic controls; for sulfate reducing sites, sulfate was allowed to be consumed shifting the biogeochemical setting to methanogenesis with time. The addition of sulfate to CFR freshwater sediments did not affect the photolytic release of dissolved organic 10 carbon (DOC) (Figure 2 a- d). Therefore biogeochemical setting changes that would occur due to sea level rise do not appear to impact the organic material to any extent as no significant differences were seen in photolytic release of Cape Fear River freshwater sites. In fact, in the long-term incubation experiments on CFR freshwater sites described above, the decrease in DOC photolytic release was very similar for treated and untreated sediments over time suggesting the controls on DOC flux was the same under both sulfate reducing and methanogenic conditions. For the higher salinity CFR site, and ER sites, depletion of sulfate and conversion of these systems only showed differences in the photolytic release of DOC at one site, Paradise Creek (Figure 2 e- g). Paradise Creek showed increased photolytic release of DOC from resuspended sediments possibly due to the change in biogeochemical setting as sulfate was depleted in incubated sediment vials and driven to methanogenesis. The other Elizabeth River site showed no temporal trends of photolytic release and the Cape Fear River saltwater site showed decreased photolytic release similar to Cape Fear River freshwater sites. Molecular composition of sediments could explain differences seen in the photolytic release from resuspended sediments and alterations of biogeochemical decomposition. 3. Photolytic Release of Nutrients a. Nitrogen (TDN, DON, NOx, NH4+) Photochemical release of TDN was observed in the current study for CFR sediments similar to that reported By Southwell et al., (2009) for resuspended tidal creek and coastal shelf sediments. The majority of TDN was DON (Table 2) with less than ten percent inorganic nitrogen also similar to that reported by Southwell et al., (2010). Upon exposure to light, CFR sediments release of TDN was significantly higher than dark controls for the majority of experiments (p<0.05, n=37); fifteen experiments showed no significant difference (Figure 10 a- 11 i). Although average TDN release of ER sediments was higher than dark controls they were not statistically different (p>0.05, n=11); with the exception of one individual time point (Figure 10 j- k). Initial concentrations of NOx- and NH4+ were very low in all experiments and significant changes were rarely observed after exposure to light or in dark controls (Table 2). Of forty one laboratory experiments three showed significant release of NOx- and five showed significant release of NH4+( p>0.05). Therefore, in terms of nitrogen as a nutrient, these photochemical experiments suggest organic nitrogen as the only significant form of nitrogen released photochemically by these resuspended sediments. b. Phosphate Generally, resuspended sediments exposed to light had a higher release of PO43compared to dark controls (p<0.05, n=41); five experiments did not show significant increase in the release of PO43- upon exposure to light. While light release was always greater, dark release did occur. Release of PO43- from dark controls is attributed to desorption due to sediments being resuspended in filtered seawater. Average photolytic rate and net flux of PO43- from resuspended sediments did not vary temporally or spatially (Table 3, Figure 11 a-k). Photolytic release of PO43- in these sediments has important implications for estuarine systems. In the upper estuary, where PO43- is typically the limiting nutrient, resuspension events may increase primary productivity. In the Cape Fear River estuary, phosphate is the limiting nutrient in the winter and spring; therefore, resuspension of surface sediments could be important to the Cape Fear River during these times of year. 12 4. Implications of Photolytic Release of Resuspended Sediments On the basis of this study, sea level rise or other salinity alterations will not affect photolytic release from resuspended sediments. Therefore, unlike many other important biogeochemical processes that will be impacted by climate change, these processes should remain constant. The differences in photolytic release between fine grain sediments in the current study and bulk sediments in previous studies indicate that the severity of resuspension events has a great impact on this photochemical process. Fine particles typically entrained in the estuarine waters should release more DOC on a per gram basis compared to bulk sediments. Therefore previous published estimates of photolytic release of DOC (0.56 mmol m-2 h-1 in the top 1 m (Kieber et al., 2006)) are likely underestimated by at least one order of magnitude. Microbial decomposition, regardless of microbial process, can alter composition of the and thereby impact the photochemical release from these resuspended sediments in some cases. In general, the more decomposed resuspended sediment is the lower the rate of photochemical release of DOC. Therefore, in older sediments, these photochemical processes will provide less DOC to the water column. Furthermore, sediments resuspended from depth, which are typically older sediments, may have less impact than those resuspended from the surface. The compositional changes in the %OC, %ON and C:N of the fine grained sediments from resuspension experiments conducted on sediment from long-term incubations were not constant with changes predicted for decomposed sediments. Future studies should focus on these compositional changes at the molecular level in order to determine the compositional alterations to the organic material that are driving the changes in photolytic release. Molecular composition could also explain the difference in photolytic release from the difference in resuspended sediments. 13 Table 1. Percent Organic Carbon, Nitrogen, and C:N ratio for all collected sediments and sites. Averages are from all 6 flasks. Standard deviations from averages reported within parenthesis. Site Treatment Fishing Creek „08 Sulfate No Sulfate Fishing Creek „09 Sulfate No Sulfate Prince George „08 Sulfate No Sulfate Prince George „09 Sulfate No Sulfate Town Creek „09 N/A Elapsed time (Days) 37 236 281 407 519 37 236 281 407 519 8 121 239 337 121 239 337 50 175 287 450 562 50 175 287 450 562 15 121 239 352 121 239 352 23 146 238 336 14 C:N %OC %ON 18.43 19.80 20.73 21.55 17.44 18.59 20.74 20.34 17.96 19.06 8.53 35.41 25.89 19.91 15.06 21.07 22.44 18.61 18.02 18.40 18.54 18.68 16.31 15.98 20.30 20.35 18.68 20.18 22.58 20.35 22.47 22.06 19.51 20.61 19.24 23.46 20.49 23.00 3.80(0.62) 3.55(0.53) 4.50(0.34) 10.20(1.39) 7.67(1.74) 5.33(1.77) 4.14(0.32) 4.39(0.41) 11.16(1.22) 8.74(0.65) 1.99(0.08) 3.49(0.30) 6.24(1.0) 8.38(2.37) 2.97(0.13) 11.32(2.78) 5.96(1.46) 5.32(1.05) 3.81(0.36) 5.11(1.00) 9.72(2.57) 10.76(1.28) 4.01(0.78) 3.52(0.10) 4.70(0.95) 13.72(0.78) 10.76(1.28) 4.19(0.66) 3.30(0.28) 6.09(1.31) 13.27(4.58) 4.41(2.52) 8.65(1.54) 9.18(3.37) 2.96(0.22) 1.76(0.23) 4.01(2.52) 3.54(0.71) 0.24(0.04) 0.20(0.03) 0.26(0.03) 0.67(0.12) 0.47(0.12) 0.32(0.11) 0.24(0.03) 0.25(0.04) 0.67(0.10) 0.58(0.03) 0.08(0.01) 0.18(0.01) 0.28(0.06) 0.50(0.15) 0.15(0.01) 0.63(0.20) 0.28(0.08) 0.26(0.01) 0.22(0.02) 0.29(0.06) 0.60(0.15) 0.70(0.08) 0.22(0.06) 0.19(0.01) 0.28(0.04) 0.89(0.03) 0.70(0.08) 0.24(0.04) 0.17(0.00) 0.34(0.08) 0.65(0.18) 0.23(0.05) 0.52(0.09) 0.52(0.21) 0.18(0.02) 0.09(0.01) 0.23(0.03) 0.18(0.04) TABLE 1 CONT. Site Treatment Scuffletown Creek „08 N/A Paradise Creek „08 N/A Elapsed time (Days) 95 274 328 460 90 271 327 461 572 C:N %OC %ON 17.13 15.23 19.48 18.24 17.24 16.71 14.92 18.28 20.21 3.47(0.51) 3.00(0.58) 3.36(0.08) 5.97(0.80) 3.20(0.32) 2.51(0.24) 2.80(0.48) 4.42(2.08) 3.48(0.90) 0.25(0.04) 0.23(0.04) 0.23(0.01) 0.39(0.13) 0.27(0.20) 0.18(0.02) 0.22(0.04) 0.28(0.13) 0.22(0.07) Table 2 Total Dissolved Nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, nitrate, and ammonium for all collected sediments and sites. Averages are of net photolytic resuspension experiments (Δ µmol g-1 hr-1). Standard deviations of averages reported within parenthesis. “X” records photolytic experiments without samples. Site Treatment Elapsed TDN DON NOxNH4+ Time (Days) Fishing Creek Sulfate 37 15.78(7.42) 13.62(7.51) 0.08(0.16) 0.82(0.71) „08 236 -6.01(9.01) -6.03(9.12) 0.03(0.05) -0.13(1.3) 281 6.31(5.73) X X -0.53(1.0) 407 3.65(2.31) 0.36(2.23) -0.06(0.14) 0.44(0.92) 519 3.98(2.31) X X 0.06(0.98) No Sulfate 37 6.93(3.48) 5.73(3.64) 0.17(0.14) 0.64(0.48) 236 -1.96(1.73) 0.57(14.95) 0.31(0.07) 0.11(1.02) 281 5.20(4.72) X X 0.25(0.46) 407 4.48(4.72) 5.80(2.81) -0.07(0.11) 0.53(0.77) 519 4.48(2.15) X X 1.03(1.18) Fishing Creek Sulfate 8 2.00(2.93) X X 0.12(0.48) „09 121 3.83(2.40) X -0.11(0.16) X 239 3.90(2.86) -1.86(5.27) -0.47(1.42) 1.11(1.74) 337 -1.01(7.0) -2.29(8.49) 0.22(0.19) 0.48(0.71) No Sulfate 121 4.47(2.03) X 0.01(0.20) X 239 6.01(3.57) 3.25(5.06) -0.10(0.37) 2.04(1.81) 337 5.05(7.38) 0.41(0.68) -0.13(0.21) 0.18(2.04) 15 TABLE 2 CONT. Site Treatment Prince George „08 Sulfate No Sulfate Prince George „09 Sulfate No Sulfate Town Creek „09 N/A Scuffletown Creek „08 N/A Paradise Creek „08 N/A Elapsed Time (Days) 50 175 287 450 562 50 175 287 450 562 15 121 239 352 121 239 352 23 146 238 336 15 95 274 328 460 572 90 271 327 461 572 TDN DON NOx- 3.39(5.19) X 3.93(6.69) 6.54(5.91) 2.85(3.50) 6.88(3.45) X 3.71(2.65) 4.96(6.69) 3.51(3.69) 7.97(9.57) 1.51(4.33) 4.86(3.45) 3.47(2.63) 5.10(2.91) 3.23(3.13) 3.32(4.70) 4.01(3.67) 2.60(1.75) 2.31(0.83) 5.88(4.80) 2.64(1.39) 5.30(3.35) 0.44(9.53) 2.71(0.93) 4.74(1.57) 1.81(5.46) -0.30(2.05) 2.02(3.95) 5.10(2.22) 1.68(2.98) 5.64(5.46) 2.02(3.95) X X 6.46(5.93) 2.33(4.37) 6.87(3.27) X X 4.62(6.74) 3.00(4.18) 8.75(9.52) X X 0.88(2.45) X X 5.12(4.48) X X 2.52(2.54) 5.63(4.76) X X 2.60(0.96) X 4.01(1.63) X -0.71(1.92) 5.52(2.23) 1.60(2.45) 5.50(5.77) X 0.10(0.10) 0.18(0.09) 0.22(0.40) 0.04(0.16) 0.00(0.10) 0.05(0.15) -0.16(0.32) -0.06(0.33) 0.07(0.14) -0.05(0.25) 0.13(0.17) 0.60(0.15) 0.05(0.19) -0.20(0.35) 0.04(0.32) -0.03(0.20) 0.08(0.26) -0.12(0.10) -0.14(0.56) 0.03(0.05) -0.70(0.86) 0.25(0.04) -0.10(0.27) 0.23(0.21) X -0.02(0.20) X 0.60(0.14) X -0.22(0.36) -0.07(0.05) 0.09(0.12) 16 NH4+ 0.84(0.63) 1.11(1.71) -0.28(1.60) -0.20(0.80) -0.16(0.26) -0.04(0.60) 0.81(1.26) 0.33(0.70) 0.76(0.57) 0.50(0.64) 0.58(0.77) X X 2.35(2.08) X X 2.58(1.94) X X -0.56(0.70) 0.31(1.38) -0.10(0.30) 0.29(0.49) 0.03(0.41) -0.05(0.50) 0.24(0.54) 2.85(2.39) 1.71(1.84) -0.05(0.10) 0.40(0.76) 0.21(1.03) -0.23(1.1) Table 3. Site, treatment, date of experiment and average net flux of phosphate from photolytic resuspension experiments (Δ µmol/g/hr). Standard deviations of averages reported within parenthesis. Site Fishing Creek 2008 Fishing Creek 2008 Fishing Creek 2009 Fishing Creek 2009 Prince George 2009 Prince George 2009 Town Creek 2009 Scuffletown Creek 2008 Paradise Creek 2008 Treatment Day Ave.(Stdev) No 41 Sulfate 0.67(0.09) Sulfate 37 0.65(0.09) No 121 Sulfate 0.13(0.31) Sulfate 121 0.24(0.54) No 15 Sulfate 0.19(0.13) Day Ave.(Stdev) 234 0.39(0.06) 236 0.44(0.09) 239 0.34(0.07) 239 0.52(0.05) 134 0.16(0.33) Day Ave.(Stdev) 280 0.45(0.11) 519 0.44(0.13) 337 0.40(0.06) 337 0.43(0.20) 254 0.43(0.04) Day Day Ave.(Stdev) Ave.(Stdev) 519 0.32(0.08) Sulfate 134 0.54(0.14) 254 0.29(0.06) 352 0.31(0.04) 146 0.16(0.02) 95 0.21(0.03) 271 0.34(0.12) 238 0.13(0.05) 328 0.18(0.09) 327 0.29(0.09) 336 0.11(0.04) 460 0.17(0.04) 461 0.20(0.04) No Sulfate No Sulfate No Sulfate 23 0.20(0.07) 15 0.36(0.06) 90 0.35(0.07) 17 352 0.06(0.21) 572 0.10(0.06) 572 0.20(0.21) Figure 1 Cape Fear River Map of fresh and salt water sites: Town Creek (P2), Fishing Creek (P13), Prince George (P14). Paradise Creek Scuffletown Creek Figure 2 Elizabeth River Map with labeled Creeks, Paradise Creek and Scuffletown Creek. 18 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 100 200 300 Days 400 500 Figure 3 a. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Fishing Creek in 2008. Sediments from incubated vial with no sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flask. DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Treated Dark Treated 100 0 -100 0 200 400 600 Days Figure 3 b. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Fishing Creek in 2008. Sediments from incubated vial with sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flask. 19 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 100 200 Days 300 400 Figure 3 c. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Fishing Creek in 2009. Sediments from incubated vial with no sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flask. DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 100 200 Days 300 400 Figure 3 d. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Fishing Creek in 2009. Sediments from incubated vial with sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 20 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 100 -200 200 300 400 500 Days Figure 3 e. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Prince George in 2008. Sediments from incubated vial with sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 -200 Days Figure 3 f. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Prince George in 2008. Sediments from incubated vial with sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 21 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 Days DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 3 g. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Prince George in 2009. Sediments from incubated vial with no sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 Days Figure 3 h. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River freshwater resuspended sediments collected at Prince George in 2009. Sediments from incubated vial with sulfate added. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 22 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Days Figure 3 i. Photolytic release of DOC from Cape Fear River saltwater resuspended sediments collected at Town Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 200 400 600 Days Figure 3 j. Photolytic release of DOC from Elizabeth River saltwater resuspended sediments collected at Scuffletown Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 23 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 400 300 200 Light Dark 100 0 -100 0 200 400 600 Days DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 3 k. Photolytic release of DOC from Elizabeth River saltwater resuspended sediments collected at Paradise Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 400 300 200 Treated 100 Untreated 0 0 200 400 600 Days Figure 4 a. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments collected at Fishing Creek in 2008; with and without sulfate addition. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 24 DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Treated Untreated 0 100 200 300 400 Days DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 4 b. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments collected at Fishing Creek in 2009; with and without sulfate addition. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Treated Untreated 0 200 Days 400 600 Figure 4 c. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments collected at Prince George in 2008; with and without sulfate addition. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 25 DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Treated Untreated 0 100 200 300 400 Days DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 4 d. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments collected at Prince George in 2009; with and without sulfate addition. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 Days Figure 4 e. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Cape Fear River saltwater sediments collected at Town Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 26 DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Days Figure 4 f. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Elizabeth River saltwater sediments collected at Scuffletown Creek site in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. DOC (Δ µmol g-1hr-1) 350 250 150 50 -50 0 100 200 300 -150 400 500 600 Days Figure 4 g. Net flux of DOC released during photolytic experiments from Elizabeth River saltwater sediments collected at Paradise Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 27 DOC (µmol g-1hr-1) 300 R² = 0.9831 250 Cape Fear River Freshwater 200 150 Cape Fear River Saltwater 100 50 Elizabeth River 0 -50 0 5 % OC 10 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fishing Creek '08 Fishing Creek '09 Prince George '08 Prince George '09 Town Creek '09 Scuffletown Creek '08 Paradise Creek '08 %OC Figure 5 Rate of photolytic DOC release of resuspended sediments from Cape Fear and Elizabeth River sediments as a function of % organic carbon content for initial sediments on the time series experiments. Error bars represent range. Initial Final Figure 6 Average changes in percent sedimentary organic carbon between initial and final sediments from all collections and sites. Error bars represent standard deviations of those averages. 28 Scuffletown Creek '08 Paradise Creek '08 Town Creek Fishing Creek '08 Fishing Creek '09 Prince George '08 Prince George '09 %ON 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 Initial Final 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fishing Creek '08 Fishing Creek '09 Prince George '08 Prince George '09 Town Creek '09 Scuffletown Creek '08 Paradise Creek '08 C:N Figure 7 Average changes in percent sedimentary organic nitrogen between initial and final sediments from all collections and sites. Error bars represent standard deviations of those averages. Initial Final Figure 8 Changes in C:N ratios between initial and final sediments from all collections and sites. 29 Fishing Creek '08 Fishing Creek '09 Prince George '08 Prince George '09 Town Creek '09 Scuffletown Creek '08 Paradise creek '08 DOC(Δµmolg-1h-1) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 Initial Final TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 9 Changes in photolytic release of DOC from initial and final photolytic resuspension experiments calculated from averages of net flux (Δµmolg-1hr-1). Error bars represent standard deviations of those averages. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 -10 Light Dark 200 400 600 Days Figure 10 a. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added collected at Fishing Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 30 TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 -10 Light Dark 200 400 600 Days Figure 10 b. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added collected at Fishing Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 20 Light Dark 10 0 0 -10 100 200 300 400 Days Figure 10 c. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added collected at Fishing Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 31 TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 25 20 15 Light 10 Dark 5 0 -5 0 100 200 Days 300 400 Figure 10 d. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added collected at Fishing Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 25 20 15 * Light Dark 10 5 0 -5 0 200 400 600 Days Figure 10 e. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added collected at Prince George in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 32 TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 25 20 15 Light Dark 10 5 0 -5 0 200 400 600 Days Figure 10 f. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added collected at Prince George in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 25 20 15 Light Dark 10 5 0 -5 0 100 200 Days 300 400 Figure 10 g. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added collected at Prince George in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 33 TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 20 Light Dark 10 0 0 100 -10 200 300 400 Days Figure 10 h. Photolytic release of TDN from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added collected at Prince George in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 25 20 15 Light Dark 10 5 0 -5 0 100 200 Days 300 400 Figure 10 i. Photolytic release from Cape Fear River saltwater sediments collected from Town Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 34 TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 20 Light Dark 10 0 0 200 -10 400 600 Days Figure 10 j. Photolytic release from Elizabeth River saltwater sediments collected from Scuffletown Creek site in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. TDN (µmol g-1hr-1) 30 20 10 Light Dark 0 0 -10 200 400 600 Days Figure 10 k. Photolytic release from Elizabeth River saltwater sediments collected from Paradise Creek site in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 35 PO43- (µmol g-1hr-1) 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 100 200 300 Days PO43- (µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 11 a. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added from Fishing Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 100 200 300 Days Figure 11 b. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added from Fishing Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 36 PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) 2 1.5 1 Light Dark 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 Days PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 11 c. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added from Fishing Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 100 200 300 Days Figure 11 d. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added from Fishing Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 37 PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 200 400 600 Days PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 11 e. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added from Prince George in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light 0.50 Dark 0.00 0 200 400 600 Days Figure 11 f. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added from Prince George in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 38 PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 100 200 300 Days 3- PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) Figure 11 g. Photolytic release of PO4 from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with no sulfate added from Prince George in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light 0.50 Dark 0.00 0 100 200 300 Days Figure 11 h. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River freshwater sediments with sulfate added from Prince George in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 39 PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 Days Figure 11 i. Photolytic release of PO43- from Cape Fear River saltwater sediments from Town Creek in 2009. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 -0.50 0 100 200 300 Days 400 500 Figure 11 j. Photolytic release of PO43- from Elizabeth River saltwater sediments from Scuffletown Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 40 PO43-(µmol g-1hr-1) 2.00 1.50 1.00 Light Dark 0.50 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 Days Figure 11 k. Photolytic release of PO43- from Elizabeth River saltwater sediments from Paradise Creek in 2008. Error bars represent averages from triplicate flasks. 41 REFERENCES Avery, G.B., Jr., Shannon, R.D., White, J.R., Martens, C.S., and Alperin, M.J., 1999. Effect of pore water methane in a Michigan peatland. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 13, 475-484. Avery, G.B., Jr., Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J., Shank, G.C., and Whitehead, R.F., 2003. 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