International Marketing MK 433 Spring 2012

International Marketing
MK 433
Spring 2012
Office hours:
Joyce X. Zhou, Ph.D.
Cremer Hall 503
(620)341-6594 (office) 341-5345 (dept.& messages) (preferred mode of contact)
Tues/Thurs 8:30-9:30am &10:50-noon
Cateora, Philip R., Mary C. Gilly, and John L. Graham (2010), International Marketing, Irwin McGrawHill: Boston, MA. ISBN: 9780073529943
1. To achieve a real understanding of the complexities, opportunities and creative challenges of
marketing across time, space and cultures.
2. To learn how to track and evaluate changes in world markets that affect consumer demand
and shape marketers’ strategies.
3. To develop expertise in assessing market opportunities for all sizes and types of companies.
4. To learn how to develop successful marketing strategies targeted at specific global market
5. To identify and analyze ethical issues in international marketing affecting sustainable
development (―green marketing‖) and social justice in business.
1. Increased personal sensitivity and awareness of the speed of change in global markets.
2. Commitment to regular tracking and evaluation of news likely to affect international
3. Acquisition of factual knowledge about a variety of global companies, national markets,
products, services, and customs in international marketing.
4. Increased tolerance for the values and beliefs of people of other nationalities and cultures.
5. Greater awareness of the need for personal ethical behavior and corporate social
responsibility when doing business abroad.
6. Higher personal prioritization of sustainable development goals.
7. Familiarity with sources of information for doing research in international marketing.
8. Competence in developing an international marketing strategy, starting with environmental
analyses, company assessment (SWOT) and competitive analysis, leading to a specific
marketing plan that will achieve company mission, vision, performance goals and objectives
for each target market.
9. Improved skills in public speaking, teamwork, personal time and task management.
The course will be conducted in a seminar style, requiring regular attendance, active involvement
and regular in-class contributions from every class member. You are expected to conduct
yourself professionally and will be graded on your level of achievement. Details on all additional
readings, exercises and assignments will be announced in class.
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Case Presentation
Case Summary
IM Plan
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points (20 points/each x 5)
100 points
50 points
100 points
120 points (20 points/each x 6)
200 points
10 points
20 points
1000 points
Grades for this course will be assigned on the following scale: >930=A, 900-929.999=A-, 870899.999=B+, 840-869.999=B, 800-839.999=B-, 750-799.999=C+, 700-749.999=C, 600699.999=D, less than 600=F.
There will be three required exams during the course of this semester. Exam questions will be
based on the text, lectures, articles, class exercises, handouts, and videos. The instructor will
retain graded exams but you may request to review your exam results. The exams will consist of
multiple-choice questions and/or short answer questions. Please bring a #2 pencil and an eraser
to exams. If you use an unapproved electronic device during an exam, you will fail that exam.
Additionally, if the device is used to cheat on the exam, you will fail the course. No makeup
exam will be given unless you have appropriate documents to justify your absence on the day of
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS (one page maximum for each assignment; single spaced)
All assignments must turn in before/at specified deadlines. ONLY hardcopy will be accepted. You
will lose 20% of the credit for the late assignment for every 24 hour period.
Homework Assignment #1
a. Find something in the history of a country (any country) that has an effect on international marketing
b. Choose a region of China or India or other countries that you would like to visit as a tourist. Bring links
to a map of the country and pictures of the geography of that region. Be prepared to explain and
demonstrate your choice to the class from the podium.
c. Bring links to a map of the country and pictures of the geography of that region.
Homework Assignment #2
Bring to class detailed information about the political scene in ONE country that marketers should
know in order to operate effectively in that market
Homework Assignment #3
Prepare notes on at least ONE company engaged in BOP marketing (eg. Avon, Amway, Unilever, P&G,
Nestle, One Laptop Per Child [OLPC] etc.) to discuss in small groups
Homework Assignment #4
Bring to class AT LEAST one package / product from outside the US (think about the product
that was manufactured in a country but is marketed in another) and prepare notes on the
discussions about products and country-of-origin (COO) cues
Discuss as many points as possible based on the following list (but not limited to the list).
1. Discuss performance quality and market-perceived quality. How does this product reflect
either or both? Do you think the marketers of the product try to create certain market-perceived
quality with the design of the product/package?
2. Is the product/package designed in a way to minimize damage in the international
3. How is the product or its package adapted to the host market (e.g. legal, economic, political,
technological, and climate)?
4. Does the product/package reflect any efforts in green marketing?
5. Discuss the primary function and psychological attributes of the product.
6. How the product is culturally adapted (e.g. norms, values, and behavior patterns)?
7. How the product/package is designed to motivate consumer purchase/adoption?
8. Country-of-Origin (COO) effect:
a. How does the COO influence the product/package in terms of manufacture, assembly,
or design?
b. What effect does the COO have on consumer perception of the product?
c. Think about possible ways of mitigating potential negative COO effects.
Homework Assignment #5
Bring to class a commercial or advertisement that is not from your native country. Discuss how
culture (including custom, norm, behavior, or history) is utilized in it.
Discuss as many points as possible based on the following list (but not limited to the list).
1. Discuss the primary and/or psychological function of the product conveyed in the
advertisement/commercial. Is the primary function emphasized over the psychological
function or vice versa? If so, why?
2. What considerations of culture are reflected in the advertisement/commercial? If there is
none, should there be such considerations?
3. Was attention paid to language used in the advertisement/commercial? How language
issues are dealt with in the advertisement/commercial?
4. Is special consideration of subcultures in the market reflected in the
advertisement/commercial? If there is none, should there be such considerations?
5. Comment on the rationale for and the appropriateness of choosing the particular medium
(e.g. newspapers, magazines, direct mail, the Internet, radio, television, or cable TV) for
6. Any ethical issues that you feel exist in the advertisement/commercial?
7. Any legal/regulatory issues that the advertisement/commercial had to deal with? Should
there be legal/regulatory constraints on the product being marketed or the
advertisement/commercial itself?
All the assignments will be graded based upon the following guidelines:
(16-20 points)
All “features” below apply
All instructions followed
Thoughtful discussion
Logical arguments / statements
Class topics referenced in detail
Written using correct grammar,
punctuation, and sentence /
paragraph structure
Professionally completed (typed,
neat appearance, pages stapled,
and uses standard margins, fonts,
and spacing)
(12-15 points)
Any 1 “feature” below applies
Instructions not followed
Superficial discussion
Illogical arguments / statements
Class topics not referenced or
superficially referenced
Not written using correct grammar,
punctuation, and sentence /
paragraph structure
Not professionally completed
(sloppy or no typing, pages not
stapled, non-standard margins,
fonts, and spacing)
(less than 12 points)
More than 1 “feature” below applies
Instructions not followed
Superficial discussion
Illogical arguments / statements
Class topics not referenced or
superficially referenced
Not written using correct grammar,
punctuation, and sentence / paragraph
Not professionally completed (sloppy
or no typing, pages not stapled, nonstandard margins, fonts, and spacing)
Each team is going to present an international negotiation skit. Instructions and details will be
discussed in class prior to the ―skit‖ day. Each team will turn in the skit script on that day. The
instructor will evaluate the presentation immediately after the presentation (see appended
evaluation form). Audience members will write down the comments about the skit presentation.
Each person should turn in the peer evaluation on the day of your skit presentation.
MINI-PAPER (Individual): understanding cultural differences by watching a film (two page
maximum for each mini-paper; single spaced)
Watch a film that was not produced from your native country or contains a significant number of
characters who are not from your native country. Try to observe how customs, behaviors, and
ways of thinking, as well as other things that you feel are different from those in your native
culture. In your paper, discuss these differences and how they may be useful in international
marketing. Your paper will be graded based on thoughtfulness and effectiveness of your
Cases can be found online at
Cases are used in this course for several purposes. One purpose is to provide a basic
understanding of the major International Business phenomena. Another purpose is to provide
surrogate ―learning from experience;‖ that is, to learn inductively from seeing the situations
faced business organizations and managers, understanding what they did, and seeing some of the
consequences of earlier actions. The third purpose is to provide opportunities to think through
the application of theoretical material from the readings. The course readings provide
background information for evaluating the cases.
The group will present (1) the key facts, (2) a problem/issue statement, (3) your analysis (the
most significant part of presentation), (4) your recommendation and justification, (5) specific
themes from the textbook, (6) updated current status of the company/case, and (7) your
reflection on learning, but not limited so. Your emphasis will depend on the nature of the case
study. Each group has a responsibility to lead class discussions of the case after the presentation.
Be sure to answer all the questions raised by the case during the discussion.
Presentations should run about 30-40 minutes, followed by questions and comments from the
audience. The instructor will evaluate the presentation immediately after case presentation (see
appended evaluation form). Audience members will write down the comments about the case
presentation. A hard copy of the team’s PowerPoint slides should be submitted to the instructor
at the beginning of class. Presentation team should turn in the peer evaluation on the day of your
CASE SUMMARY (Individual)
Each person will write a summary about the case. A two-page (maximum) summary note for
case study is due on the same day as the presentation. No late submission will be accepted. The
summary note must be/use:
 Type written
 1-inch margin on all sides
 Arial or Times New Roman Size 12 font
 Double spaced
You will come up with an international marketing plan for entering a foreign country. You need
to provide a detailed description of a product or service you plan to introduce in this foreign
country. I strongly suggest that you create this international marketing plan at the brand level,
rather than at the product level. The brand must be one with a potential market in your destination
country and should not be already available there. Also, please try to pick a simple yet creative
product! Use country notebook (page 579-587) as the outline for your plan. The paper should
not be more than 15 double-spaced typed pages (with graphs, figures, and pictures included, and
references not included in the page count), with font size 12, Times New Roman. Papers should
be accompanied with the list of all references used to write the paper (web pages, articles, books,
etc). You can create advertising, new packaging, a video, or something else (be innovative) to
make your plan interesting. Write the report as if it is for your boss who has asked for a summary
of the most important information concerning the country and their business implications, and based
on that your recommended strategy to introduce a product there with proper justification. You will
lose 20% of the credit for the late assignment for every 24 hour period. The grade breakdown for
this project is based upon the following and the instructor reserves the right to make adjustments
upward or downward from these baseline points:
Cultural analysis (40 points)
Economic analysis (40 points)
Market audit and competitive market analysis (50 points)
Preliminary marketing plan (50 points)
Final presentation (20 points)---a neatly organized document that contains all the
The IM plan must be/use:
A. Type written
B. 1-inch margin on all sides
C. Arial or Times New Roman size 12 font
D. Double spaced.
Each person will write a short essay (2 page maximum/double-spaced) reflecting on the
experience with developing the international marketing plan. You can discuss the effectiveness
of using this project as a learning tool regarding international marketing and other related lessons
you learned in this experience. Regarding the former, what are the most important things you
learned about international marketing? Regarding the latter, examples include--but are not
limited to-- stronger motivation to learn about other cultures (if you feel this way), time
management skills, market research skills etc.
Class participation is highly valued in this class. The best way to prepare for class discussion is
to study the assigned chapters carefully before coming to class for the in-depth discussion
sessions. Class participation can be earned through verbal contributions and supplemental
material contributions. Verbal contributions refer to talking during class. Supplemental material
contributions refer to bringing to class material that relate to and expand on the information
covered. Tardiness, disruptive behavior, and absenteeism will influence your grade. Class
participation will be graded based on the criteria shown in the table below. The instructor
reserves the right to adjust the points you earned upward or downward from these baseline
points. The assignment of the grade is at the full discretion of the instructor.
Points earned
Absent for the majority of the classes.
Almost no participation in class discussions.
Not disruptive.
Tries to respond when called on but does not offer much.
Demonstrates very infrequent involvement in discussion.
Demonstrates adequate preparation: knows basic reading facts, but does
not show evidence of trying to interpret or analyze them.
Does not offer to contribute to discussion, but contributes to a moderate
degree when called on.
Demonstrates sporadic involvement.
Demonstrates good preparation: knows reading materials well, has thought
through implications of them.
Contributes well to discussion in an ongoing way: responds to other
students' points, thinks through own points, questions others in a
constructive way, offers and supports suggestions that may be counter to
the majority opinion.
Demonstrates consistent ongoing involvement.
All university policies regarding academic dishonesty will be followed.
Emporia State University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented
disabilities. Students need to contact the Director of Disability Services and the professor as
early in the semester as possible to ensure that classroom and academic accommodations are
implemented in a timely fashion. All communication between students, the Office of Disability
Services, and the professor will be strictly confidential. This is in accordance with Faculty Senate
policy 7C-07 passed in April, 2002.
The instructor reserves the right, under unusual circumstances, to make modifications to the
syllabus and communicate such modifications to the class. If you have any concern about any
part of the syllabus, you need to see the instructor in the first week of class to talk about it.
Otherwise, it is assumed that you are in total agreement with all policies and instructions in the
Thurs./Jan. 12
Tues./Jan. 17
Thurs./Jan. 19
Tues./Jan. 24
Thurs./Jan. 26
Tues./Jan. 31
Thurs./Feb. 2
Tues./Feb. 7
Thurs./Feb. 9
Tues./Feb. 14
Thurs./Feb. 16
Tues./Feb. 21
Thurs./Feb. 23
Tues./Feb. 28
Thurs./Mar. 1
Tues./Mar. 6
Thurs./Mar. 8
Tues. /Mar. 13
Thurs./Mar. 15
Syllabus, group formation, case assignments etc.
Read Ch. 1,2,3
Work on HW#1
Work on Case #1: Starbucks- Going Global Fast
Discussion of HW#1
Case Presentation #1
Read Ch. 4
Work on Case #2: Nestle-The Infant Formula Controversy
Case Presentation#2
Work on Mini-Paper
Exam 1
Read Ch. 6&7
Work on HW#2
Work on Mini-Paper
Work on Case#3: The-Not-So-Wonderful World of EuroDisney
Discussion of HW#2
Case Presentation#3
Read Ch. 8 & Ch. 9
Work on HW#3
Work on Case#4: Cultural Norms, Fair & Lovely, and
Work on Mini-Paper
Discussion of HW #3 & Mini-Paper
Case Presentation #4
Exam 2
Read Ch. 13
Work on HW#4
Work on Case #5: McDonald’s and Obesity
Discussion of HW#4
Case Presentation #5
Work on Skit
Read Ch. 16 & Ch. 19
Work on HW#5
Work on Case#6: Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid
Work on Skit
Discussion of HW#5
Case Presentation #6
Work on Skit
Skit Presentations
Exam 3
Work on IM Plan –idea
Work on IM Plan –idea
Due: HW#1
Case #1
Due: Case #2
Due: HW#2
Case #3
Due: HW#3
Case #4
Due: HW#4
Case #5
Due: HW#5
Case #6
Due: Skit
Tues./Mar. 20
Thurs./Mar. 22
Tues./Mar. 27
Thurs./Mar. 29
Tues./Apr. 3
Thurs./Apr. 5
Tues./Apr. 10
Thurs./Apr. 12
Tues./Apr. 17
Thurs./Apr. 19
Tues/Apr. 24
Thurs./Apr. 26
Tues./May 1
Thurs./May 3
Spring break
Spring break
Work on IM Plan –idea (Due at the end of class time)
Work on IM Plan—Cultural analysis
Work on IM Plan—Cultural analysis (Due at the end of class
Work on IM Plan –Economic analysis
Work on IM Plan –Economic analysis (Due at the end of class
Work on IM Plan –Market audit and competitive market analysis
Work on IM Plan –Market audit and competitive market analysis
Work on IM Plan –Market audit and competitive market analysis
(Due at the end of class time)
Work on IM Plan—Preliminary marketing plan
Work on IM Plan—Preliminary marketing plan
Work on IM Plan—Preliminary marketing plan (Due at the end
of class time)
Work on IM Plan—Final Presentation (Due at the end of class
Due: IM plan &
Case/Skit Presentation Evaluation Form
Names/ Group# of the presenters
Give the score from 1 to 10. 10 is very good, 1 is very bad. The maximum total score is 100
Giving a well-organized presentation
Using audio-visual tools effectively
Maintaining the interest of the audience
Stimulating the audience to think
Being clear and to the point
Delivering presentation within allotted time
Managing to bring out key points
Demonstrating knowledge about the topic
Professionalism (dress professionally, politeness, and enthusiasm)
The delivery was practiced and smooth.
Your Name: _____________________
Your project topic: __________________________________
Your email address: _________________________________
Give the score from 1 to 10. 10 is very good, 1 is very bad. The maximum total score is 100 points.
Peer Name
1. Regularly
attended group
2. Regularly
offered ideas
3. Got along
with group
4. Available
when needed
5. Contributed
his/her fair
6. Adhered to
7. Was a good
8. Took
9. Was
10. Proved to
be a good
team leader
(may not be
the elected
Total score
Please explain the ratings (overall) you have assigned for each team member including yourself.
You must explain your own evaluation as well. Your evaluations are confidential and will not
be shown to anyone. These forms will be used to determine whether any downward adjustment
in grades is necessary for any team members. No upward adjustments of grades are possible. The
evaluation must be returned to me (in class or in my office) on the final exam date. I will not
release your grades if you do not turn in your peer evaluation sheet.