Romeo and Juliet: Act II Writing Assignment - masuk-language-arts

Romeo and Juliet: Act II Writing Assignment
Directions: Choose from one of the following summary options for Act II. No
matter which option you choose, your response should be about a page in
length and should reflect what you’ve learned in Act II. Your response should
include a properly formatted MLA heading and can be typed or handwritten (if
handwritten, make sure it’s legible).
After they make their plans and Romeo leaves her at the balcony, Juliet goes back
inside, digs out her journal from underneath her pillow, and begins to write about
all the night’s events – the party, the balcony, the kiss, the plans. Write her entry.
After he leaves Juliet at her balcony, Romeo is on his way to see Friar Lawrence at
the church; however, he feels badly for ditching Benvolio and Mercutio, so he
decides to write them a note, explaining his actions. Write his note to his friends.
In an attempt to find Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio call the Montague
household, which is how they find out about Tybalt’s challenge. The challenge
most likely includes Tybalt’s reason for the challenge, his feelings towards Romeo,
and where and when he’s expecting Romeo to show up. Write his challenge.
After Romeo convinces the Friar to marry him to Juliet, the Friar feels the need to
“talk it over” with one of the other priests, Friar John, just to make sure he’s
thought everything through and is convinced of Romeo’s feelings and that he (the
Friar) is doing the right thing. Write out their conversation.