CV - Joseph Sackett

Joseph Frederick Sackett
I am a developer with 21 years of experience in designing and building object-oriented software beginning with C++ and
Smalltalk in 1991. I’ve been an independent Java/EE consultant since 1996. I have a deep understanding of methodologies,
web application architecture, object technology, data modeling, design patterns, and programming languages.
I am a Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer, Developer and Web Component Developer.
Programming Languages:
Web Technologies:
Java, C++, Smalltalk, JavaScript, Scala, ML, Scheme, Lisp, PL-SQL, FORTRAN
Java EE, Java Server Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Persistence (JPA),
Java Messaging (JMS), AJAX, Web Services, Java Servlets & Applets, JavaBeans, HTML,
Programming Libraries:
Spring, Hibernate, Extjs, jQuery, Java Server Faces (JSF), Struts, Seam, Axis, Swing, MFC
Web and Application Servers: WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, GlassFish, Apache Tomcat
Database Systems:
Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Sybase, Objectstore, Access
Query Languages:
SQL, T-SQL, HQL, OQL, Objectstore
Operating Systems:
Linux (multiple), UNIX (HP-UX, Solaris), Windows (all), OS/2, DOS
Design Methodologies:
UML, Rational, Agile, Patterns, Extreme, OMT, Method/1
Development Tools:
Eclipse, IBM RSA, JUnit, Ant, Make, Subversion, CVS, RCS, MKS, ClearCase,
PVCS, Perforce, SourceSafe, Visual Studio, Project, Visio
November 2012 – September 2013
Global Marketing Solutions
Large scale metrics management system. Allowed adjustment of metadata to rapidly meet customer’s evolving needs.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and developed metrics management web application.
Java EE web application developer, database schema and object modeler.
Skills and Tools: Java, Spring, Extjs, Javascript, Hibernate, SQL, Oracle, Apache Tomcat.
September 2010 – March 2012
Global Marketing Solutions
Large scale marketing analysis system. Customer portal for data analytics and custom marketing reports.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and developed multi-tier metadata management system.
Extensive Java, SQL, Flex UI development.
Skills and Tools: Java, Spring, Flex, ActionScript, Cairngorm, SQL, Oracle, Apache Tomcat.
GRAD Analytics
Advanced price and promotional analysis interface. Reactive UI providing dimensional visibility to marketing analysis.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Developed all tiers of interactive price evaluation reporting tool.
Flex, Java, and SQL web application design & development.
Skills and Tools: Java, Spring, Flex, ActionScript, Cairngorm, Hibernate, SQL, Oracle, WebSphere, Jetty.
Joseph Frederick Sackett
HSBC Finance
October 2009 – September 2010
Enterprise Reporting System
Large scale financial reporting system. Provided global account analysis via online and hard reports.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and built rules-based JMS distributed report dispatcher.
Java EE web application developer, database schema and object modeler.
Skills and Tools: Java EE 5, JSF, Hibernate, Spring, AJAX, WebSphere, DB2, RSA, Open Laszlo.
January 2006 – January 2009
Pre-Sell Pricing & Warehouse Pallet Loading Systems
Integrated and enhanced a J2EE web application for picking pallet contents. This incorporated handheld barcode scanners
and wireless thermal label printers to improve pricing and pallet picking to nearly 100% accuracy.
Roles and Responsibilities:
J2EE web application developer, database schema and object modeler.
Installation and administration of clustered WebLogic Application Servers.
Skills and Tools: JSP, AJAX, Struts, Taglibs Interface Programming, Data Modeling, Oracle 10, SQL, WebLogic Application
Server, Spring, Axis, Web Services, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript.
October 2004 – July 2005
Sales Commission Payroll System
Reverse engineered the existing web interface to a J2EE standard web application hosted on Apache Tomcat. This application
serves hundreds of users and calculates gross annual sales commissions in the millions of dollars.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Architect of the complete web application, database and object schema modeler.
Built commission calculation extensions and reverse engineered the interface into JSP/Struts.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Data Modeling, JSP/Struts/Taglibs Programming, Oracle 10, SQL,
JDBC, Apache Tomcat Application Server, Spring, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript.
US Gypsum
January 2004 – September 2004 Web Portal
New website providing dynamic content driven by Documentum. This enabled product specialists too directly
publish new content to the site and vastly improved the freshness of their customer-specific content.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designer and developer of J2EE-based web application.
Integrated Java, JSP, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle & Documentum components.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, Data Modeling, Documentum, Oracle 8i, Java, JSP, Apache Struts & Logging, Hibernate,
Documentum, Jakarta Commons & Taglibs, Axis, Web Services.
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers
September 1999 – January 2003
Delivery Commission Contract Specification Interface
Enhanced the web interface for the OSCAR system. This significantly decreased the time necessary to enter or edit a
commission contract. It also provided XML renderings so the contracts for back-up and versioning.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Architect of the web application components and database schema modeler.
Designed the object model and constructed the JavaBean Components, Java Servlets and JSP pages.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Data Modeling, Java Servlet, JSP and JavaBean Component
Programming, Oracle Database, SQL, JDBC, Tomcat Application Server, XML, HTML.
Joseph Frederick Sackett
Data Translator and Repository
This could store and process all transactions for the client’s Sales and Distribution division. It’s event-driven
translations of the data were designed to replace many legacy mainframe files and batch processes.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Architect of the web application components and database schema modeler.
Designed and built a Java framework for message-based event processing using a Java Messaging Service Provider
and a J2EE Application Server.
Researched and analyzed build versus buy alternatives for the system’s middleware infrastructure.
Skills and Tools: Cost/Benefit Analysis, Event-Driven Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Data Modeling, Java
Programming of EJBs, JSPs and multi-threaded applications, Oracle Database, SQL, JDBC, WebSphere and Orion J2EE
Application Servers, XML, Forte IDE, Ant Build Scripting.
Order Processing System
The system provided both handheld and web-based order entry and enforced the order process from acceptance through
palletizing, routing and delivery. This enabled two merged companies to migrate to a standard order process and
infrastructure to greatly reduce the user training and system maintenance costs.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Architect of the software components and database schema modeler.
Designed the object model and built the palletizer component in Java.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Data Modeling, Java and SML Recursive Programming, Oracle
Database, SQL, JDBC, Apache Web Server, Java Servlets, JavaScript, HTML.
Delivery Commission Payroll System
The system adjusted payroll checks with the driver’s delivery commissions. This provided a standard interface to enter
contracts and calculate commissions for drivers with accuracy relied upon to feed the payroll system.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Architect of the web application components and database schema modeler.
Designed the object model and constructed the commission calculation engine in Java.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Data Modeling, Java Applet, Servlet and Component Programming,
Oracle Database, SQL, JDBC, Apache Web Server, HTML.
Kemper Insurance
September 1998 – June 1999
Casualty Insurance Policy Information System
This system provided policy entry, modification and retrieval for multiple lines of insurance and thousands of separate policies.
Its GUI interface and normalized relational database replaced the legacy terminal interface and multiple error-prone mainframe
files to greatly improve the accuracy of the policy data.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Modeled the 40-table normalized database schema combining previously separate mainframe files.
Designed the architecture and interface to meet business requirements of data entry and analysis.
Skills and Tools: Requirements Analysis, Architecture, Data Modeling, DB2, SQL.
Casualty Insurance Actuarial Analysis System
This projected and analyzed claims against underwritten insurance policies to determine their profitability. This improved
visibility of the policy’s success enabled the underwriters to adjust the terms of future.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Participated in full lifecycle of the development process from requirements through release.
Wrote SQL queries and Visual FoxPro source code to build actuarial application components.
Skills and Tools: Requirements Analysis, Application Component Design, Visual FoxPro, SQL.
Joseph Frederick Sackett
Ronin Group
May 1998 – August 1999
Web Site Extranet for Inter-Company Collaboration
This site provided secure access to discussion forums, document distribution and commenting, and subscription-based
messaging. This greater bandwidth of communication enabled a closer relationship with clients and increased sales.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Analyzed communication patterns and designed web application architecture.
Designed and constructed a prototype for the extranet collaboration web site.
Skills and Tools: Requirements Analysis, Architecture, Data Modeling, ASP, OLE DB, SQL Server.
Web Site Intranet for Project Collaboration
This web site provided the company’s data warehouse development team with timely status information about the project.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed the layout and constructed the web application with ASP scripts.
Programmed OLE Automation to dynamically generate HTML view of MS Project files.
Skills and Tools: Web Site Design and Layout, ASP, OLE Automation, MS Front Page, MS Project.
Web Design Group
March 1998 – March 1999
E-Commerce Web Site for Buying, Selling, and Auctioning Bulk Paper
This E-Commerce web application enabled buyers and sellers of bulk paper to negotiate sales in a virtual market.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed interface and application architecture to handle secure transactions.
Programmed Cold Fusion scripts to implement the E-Commerce Web Site.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, E-Commerce Security, Cold Fusion, SQL Server, SQL, ODBC, HTML.
Web Site for Commercial Real Estate Properties
This web application enabled the leasing company to post information about available commercial and industrial properties. It
provided potential clients with search capabilities across dozens of property attributes.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and built web application components and produced detailed specification.
Programmed ASP scripts and database search components to query property database.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, Visual C++, MFC, ASP, HTML, MS Access, ODBC
Sensorium Software
October 1997 – March 1998
Visual Financial Information System
This system analyzed and displayed accounting data with a patented interface metaphor. This enabled a broader perspective
of accounting data and company financial projections.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Analyzed object domain and designed application architecture using Rational Rose.
Built core business objects and their persistence layer Java and Objectstore database.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Rational Rose, Java Programming, Objectstore.
NAPA Mufflers & Shocks
July 1996 – May 1997
Point of Sale Quotation System
This system provided NAPA installers with an easy to use interface to produce price quotes for car and truck service. It kept
up to date parts prices and printed the quote for the consumer.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Analyzed user requirements and produced complete system specification.
Designed and programmed the complete C++ GUI application using an ODBC data provider.
Skills and Tools: Requirements Analysis, OO Analysis and Design, Visual C++, MFC, ODBC, MS Access
Joseph Frederick Sackett
Andersen Consulting
March 1993 – July 1996
Cascade Multi-Site Software Development Framework
This framework utilized new technologies to enable Andersen’s multi-site and offshore software development projects. These
integrated technologies improved upon the limitations of phone and email communication.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and built an electronic discussion forum, a C++ CGI web application.
Researched web server, videoconferencing, configuration management, and middleware tools.
Packaged reusable OO framework for Visual C++ MFC CGI applications.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, Visual C++, MFC, CGI, HTML, SQL, ODBC
Foundation CASE Tool Development
The Andersen consultants deployed this suite of tools (e.g., Method/1, Design/1, Install/1, FCP) to facilitate rapid application
development. My team developed these integrated tools for use on consulting engagements.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and built C++ subsystem for runtime support for variables within the prototype engine.
Programmed Smalltalk enhancements to Design/1 allowing support for Japanese characters.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, C++ and Smalltalk, MFC, DB2/2, SQL
Computer Voice Systems
January 1991 – June 1992
Commodities Brokerage Telephone Voice Response System
This system provided commodities futures price quotes and trade confirmation calls over the telephone.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Designed and built OS/2 C++ applications to automate telephone fill reporting.
Designed and built reusable C++ framework for telephone voice response applications.
Skills and Tools: Architecture, OO Analysis and Design, C++, SQL Server, Interactive Voice Response.
Sun Microsystems Certified Java 2 Programmer, Developer and Web Component Developer
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, cum laude, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH