Job Searching Strategies

Job Searching Strategies
Employment Agencies
• Job Services Australia Offices (JSA)
• Labour hire companies
• Private employment agencies
• Temporary agencies (look in the Yellow Pages)
Word of mouth / networking
Often it is who you know not what you know...
• Contact friends, relatives, acquaintances
• Contact community groups, sports teams, church organisations
• Let people know you are seeking work
Cold Canvassing
This gives you the right opportunity to market yourself directly, often being in the
right place at the right time, and demonstrating that you are keen and eager to work.
• Send out emails
• Telephone canvassing
• Door knocking in person
(dress like you are going to an interview)
• Mail and fax
Your future
begins the
moment you
set yourself
a goal with
these words:
I can... I will...
Tips when visiting JSA offices
Sarina Russo Job Access can tailor a training and employment plan that suits your needs.
• Making a good impression
When you register with a job placement organisation, it is important to make a good impression.
Most job placement organisations pre-screen potential candidates for the employer - perhaps only
sending three people for an interview.
• Dress appropriately
Clean and tidy, clothes ironed.
• Be friendly
Be courteous to all staff, including the receptionist and employment consultants. Speak clearly.
• Listen and read
Try to answer all questions asked and think about your answers before responding.
Complete all forms asked of you and take a copy of your resumé and your Job Network
Identification Number.
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Other alternatives
• Explore work experience or volunteer work - this may give you a foot in the door.
• Look at temp work - this can be a short term alternative to earning money and gaining new skills until you find the right job.
• Government Gazettes - Federal and State, available in libraries.
• Community noticeboards in shopping centres.
• Shop windows often display positions vacant.
Job Search Techniques
Marketing yourself
Newspapers are available at Sarina Russo Job Access
offices or your local library.
Prepare yourself to:
• Approach an employer
• Make that first call
• Capture the employer in the
first 30 seconds
• Sell yourself over the telephone
Local - Community newspapers
State - The Courier Mail, Melbourne Age
National - The Australian, Financial Review
• Do your own marketing letters
The internet may provide other avenues and contacts
for employment.
• Do your own cold calling flyers
and cards
The Australian Job Search will list all jobs available throughout
Australia across all job network providers.
• Be persistent
Useful job search websites:
• Get that job interview
• Follow up on the previous week’s marketing
calls and letters
Never give up
• (list of Australian job search sites)
• Apply for as many jobs as you can
• Open up your options by looking at a
variety of jobs to apply for
• Don’t wait for a response on one job,
keep looking
• Be positive
• Keep selling yourself
• Market yourself and market your self again
• Always follow up if you haven’t heard
Helpful networks
Information in jobs can be found in the most unlikely places;
eg. parties, holidays, conferences. Seize all opportunities and
remember to inform your contacts of the progress.
• Family and friends
• Clubs that you belong to
• Career officers
• Organisations that are close by
• Coaches and tutors
• Former employers and colleagues
• If you are unsuccessful with your job
interview, ask for feedback. This improves
your interview techniques and makes you
more prepared for the next interview.
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