Contemporary Issues in Management Course Syllabus

Course Code: BUSI-1475
Course Title: Contemporary Issues in Management
Introduction & Rationale
Contemporary Issues in Management seeks to develop in learners a critical
appreciation of the challenges faced by management professionals in a complex,
dynamic and increasingly risky business environment. In doing so it exposes
students to the controversies and dilemmas of contemporary management
thinking and practice that are not easily resolvable (if at all). The course builds
on learning undertaken in levels one and two and seeks to enable the learner to
build towards the advanced level of critical awareness and reflectivity necessary
for a successful career in the 21st century management domain. Contemporary
Issues in Management synthesises cutting edge conceptual discussion with the
honing of diagnostic, analytical and communication skills for effective human
interaction and decision making.
To attain a critical understanding of the challenges that face practising managers
in the complex contemporary operating environment. To contribute to the
development of a set of skills that equips the contemporary manager for the
challenges presented in the contemporary organizational milieu.
Learning Outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding: Students will develop critical knowledge and
understanding of: 1. Current debates about how, through effective
management, organizations interact with and respond to their complex operating
environments. 2. Advanced social science concepts relating to managing and
working with people for performance in the contemporary organizational domain.
3. Key research on how organizational processes and practices can be configured
for optimal performance. B. Intellectual Skills B1. Breadth of Outlook 4. Students
will be exposed to and develop a critical awareness of a range of often
apparently conflicting and contradictory schools of management and social
science thought requiring them to make informed analytical judgements 5.
Students will be faced with ethical dilemmas related to management practice in
the contemporary sphere and be able to debate and seek to resolve them. B2.
Wisdom 6. Students will develop the ability to analyse and articulate the
implications of challenges faced by managers in the contemporary domain. B3.
Personal Effectiveness 7. Students will develop the ability to make informed
practical judgments based upon critical knowledge of contemporary
management thought. C. Subject Practical Skills: 8. Students will develop skills
which will enhance their ability to make informed decisions in a complex
organizational environment 9. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on
their own work and life experience to learn and develop as thinking performers.
D. Transferable Skills: D1. Critical Thinking: 10. Students will learn to challenge
orthodox and prescriptive accounts of management thinking and practice in the
21st century. D2. Information Management: 11. Throughout the course,
students will be expected to use a variety of information sources, from different
sources and disciplines including news and current affairs media. D3.
Communication Skills: 12. Students will attain an advanced level of competence
in the articulation of complex concepts and practical implications verbally and in
Indicative Content
Part 1: The context of contemporary management. Managing in the face of
complexity and chaos. Globalization and management practice. Managing
technology and innovation. Part 2: Managing people in the contemporary
management domain. Managing diversity and difference. Managing conflict.
Emotion, subjectivity and knowledge in organizations. Part 3: Organizational
processes. Organizational design for the 21st century. Managing cultures for
performance. Managing change and uncertainty.
Teaching & Learning Activity
A. Knowledge and understanding: Lectures and recommended readings expose
students to current advanced research on organizational and management
thought and their applications to management processes in complex operating
environments. Knowledge and understanding of these areas is deepened with
small group discussion, case analysis, group work and independent information
gathering. B. Intellectual Skills: B1. Breadth of Outlook A strong emphasis on
independent reading and research in the course is particularly important for
developing breadth of outlook at this level of study. Case analysis, individual and
group assignments encourage comparison of cultures and viewpoints and
encourage reflection on the complexity of contemporary management milieu and
the dilemmas that face management professionals. B2. Wisdom Group
discussion and case analysis is designed to encourage reflection on the complex
environment of contemporary management practices and theories and students?
own experiences and judgement in the face of challenging scenarios and
dilemmas. B3. Personal Effectiveness Group discussion and case analyses are
guided by tutors sensitive to participants? comfort levels. Cases and discussion
are designed to introduce increasingly challenging concepts through the course.
C. Subject Practical Skills: Seminar activities such as case studies and discussion
provide the bases for a deep understanding of the complex range of challenges
facing the manager in the contemporary business environment. This provides
the basis for critical reflection on and articulation of management practice. D.
Transferable Skills D1. Critical Thinking Lectures and guided reading exposes
students to conflicting conceptions and explanations of core concepts which they
need to assess in individual and group work. Small group discussion and case
analyses confront the complex challenges facing key management practices,
encouraging reflection and re-evaluation of orthodoxy. D2. Information
Management Guided reading and assignments encourage students to locate
relevant material in library serials holdings and via bibliographic databases. D3.
Communication Skills Small group discussions and seminar presentations will
develop self-confidence and presentation skills. Assessment will exhibit effective
spoken and written communication at an advanced level.
Group presentation and individual reflection - 50% Final examination (2 hours
examination) - 50% Minimum pass mark - 40%