MEDICAL FACULTY – CYCLE I (2015/2016) PRINCIPLES OF REGULATION OF THE BODY FUNCTIONS. PHYSIOLOGY OF BLOOD. Unit Topic Upper halves of groups Lower halves of groups 1 Homeostasis. General characteristics of the endocrine system. Hormonal activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. 28/09/2015 & 30/09/2015 28/09/2015 & 30/09/2015 2 Water compartments. Hemolysis. Morphotic and non-morphotic components of blood. Sedimentation of erythrocytes. 05/10/2015 & 07/10/2015 05/10/2015 & 07/10/2015 3 Hemostasis. Calcium/phosphorus metabolism. 12/10/2015 & 14/10/2015 19/10/2015 & 21/10/2015 4 Erythrocyte. 19/10/2015 & 21/10/2015 12/10/2015 & 14/10/2015 5 Leukocytes – immunity. Glucocrticoids. 26/10/2015 & 28/10/2015 02/11/2015 & 04/11/2015 6 Erythrocytes – blood groups. Cross-match blood test. Main principles of blood transfusion. 02/11/2015 & 04/11/2015 26/10/2015 & 28/10/2015 6 Repetition of failed and/or absent activities in cycle I. 02/11/2015 & 04/11/2015 02/11/2015 & 04/11/2015 Schedule of seminars is published below Credit of the cycle I (Rybacka St – Aula). 06/11/2015 Seminars Topic (location) Date/Group/Time Date/Group/Time Seminar I Internal environment of the body. Fluid compartments. Isolating and transporting function of the cellular membrane (Physiology Dept). 02/10/2015 N1, N5A (12:00) N3 (13:30) 09/10/2015 N2, N5B (12:00) N4 (13:30) Receptive function of the cellular membrane 09/10/2015 N1, N5A (12:00) N3 (13:30) 02/10/2015 N2, N5B (12:00) N4 (13:30) Seminar II (Hall A/Rybacka St.) Seminar III Functions of blood. Erythrocytes. Transport of O2 and CO2 (Hall A/Rybacka St.) 16/10/2015 N1, N5A (12:00) N3 (13:30) 23/10/2015 N2, N5B (12:00) N4 (13:30) Seminar IV Leukocytes. Immunity (Physiology Dept). 23/10/2015 N1, N5A (12:00) N3 (13:30) 16/10/2015 N2, N5B (12:00) N4 (13:30) Credit of the cycle I (Rybacka St – Aula). 06/11/2015 MEDICAL FACULTY – CYCLE I (2015/2016) Unit 1. “Homeostasis” – the principle physiological term. The meaning of homeostasis. General characteristics of the hormonal regulation of the body function. Hormonal action of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. 1. Introduction. The role of physiology in medical sciences. 2. Homeostasis – principle phenomenon in the organism. 3. Characteristics and regulation of endocrine processes – discussion. 4. Hypothalamic hormones – discussion. 5. Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland (anterior hypophysis) – discussion. Obligatory terms and problems: Homeostasis – physiological methods of its maintaining. Controlling in homeostatic systems; homeostat; an idea of the negative/positive feedback loop. Internal environment of the human organism; its surfaces of contact with external environment. Principle parameters of the body homeostasis. Hormone – definition; division of hormones. Mechanisms of hormonal activity. Regulation of the hormonal secretion – an idea of the feedback loop in endocrine system. Hormonal axis: hypothalamus – hypophysis – gland. Releasing and inhibitory hormones of the hypothalamus. Oxytocin (OXY). Vasopressin (ADH/VP). Tropic hormones. Prolactine (PRL).Growth hormone (GH). Unit 2: Water compartments of the human organism. Morphotic and non-morphotic elements of blood. 1. Principles of estimation of the body water compartments. 2. Microscopic view of the stained and non-stained blood. 3. Erythrocytes in various solutions - hemolysis. Maximum and minimum osmotic fragility. 4. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Obligatory terms and problems: Total body water (TBW) and its division; intracellular compartment and extracellular compartment: interstitial fluid, blood plasma, transcellular fluid. Methods of estimation of body fluid compartments. Test substances. Components of blood plasma, interstitial fluid and intracellular fluid. Hemolysis, hemolytic factors. Maximal and minimal osmotic fragility of erythrocytes. Osmotic pressure. Osmosis. Hypo- and hypertonic solutions. Influence of hypo- and hypertonic solutions on erythrocytes. Functions of blood. Composition of blood; morphotic and non-morphotic, organic and non-organic elements of blood. Functions of blood plasma proteins. Osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, Minimum and maximum osmotic fragility of erythrocytes. Influence of the hypo- and hypertonic solutions on erythrocytes. Hemolysis; hemolytic factors. Reasons for erythrocyte sedimentation. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Values of ESR in various physiological states. Unit 3. Hemostasis. 1. Process of hemostasis - discussion. 2. Examination of the hemostatic process – review of the main diagnostic methods. 3. Estimation of the clotting time. 4. Estimation of the coagulation time. 5. Regulation of the calcium and phosphorus metabolism – discussion. Obligatory terms and problems: Hemostasis – definition, stages. Platelets – their content and function. Function of the vascular wall in hemostatic process. Plasma and tissue factors of coagulation. Cascade of coagulation in extrinsic and intrinsic pathway. Significance of factors restricting coagulation. Fibrinolysis. Methods of prevention of blood coagulation in vitro and in vivo. Methods of examination of the hemostatic system. Function of calcium in metabolism of the organism; fractions of calcium in plasma of blood; hypo- and hypercalcemic hormones. Regulation of secretion and action of PTH and calcitonin. Vitamin D 3. Unit 4. Erythrocytes. 1. Erythrocyte counting techniques. MEDICAL FACULTY – CYCLE I (2015/2016) 2. Hematocrit. 3. Red blood cell indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW). 4. Transport of the respiratory gases in blood. Obligatory terms and problems: Erythrocytes – morphology (adaptation of the erythrocyte‘s shape to the function), reference values. Hemoglobin. Principles of the transportation of respiratory gases – in erythrocytes and plasma. Hematocrit – definition, value, clinical significance; definitions of blood indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW). Erythropoietin and other factors affecting erythropoesis; metabolism of iron. Unit 5. Leukocytes – immunity. 1. Leukocytes counting techniques. 2. Leukocyte differential count (Shilling smear). 3. Division and functions of leukocytes. 4. Specific and non-specific immune response; Glucocorticoids – discussion. Obligatory terms and problems: Antigens and antibodies – definitions. Specific and non-specific immunity – elements and functions. Functions of macrophages. Complement system. Presentation of the antigen. Humoral and cellular immunity. Functions of lymphocytes T and B. Immunoglobulins: their origin, structure and division. Primary and secondary immune response. Natural and artificial, active and passive immunity. Morphology and division of leukocytes – lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils. Glucocorticoids – secretion and action. Unit 6. Blood types. 1. Blood types – discussion. 2. Assessment of A and B antigens in ABO (ABH) system. 3. Assessment of D-antigen in Rh blood system. 4. Donor-recipient blood compatibility testing. 5. Principles of blood transfusion. Obligatory terms and problems: Agglutinogens and agglutinins. Agglutination, hemolysis. Antigens: H, A1, A2, B of ABO system. Antigens of Rh system. Question of inheritance in ABO (ABH) and Rh system. Immunological incompatibility and conflict. Cross match test. Principles of blood transfusion. MEDICAL FACULTY – CYCLE I (2015/2016) Seminar I: Internal environment of the body. Fluid compartments. Isolating and transporting function of the cellular membrane (03/10/2014 and 10/10/2014). 1. Homeostasis – principle phenomenon in the organism. 2. Total body water. 3. Fluid compartments. 4. Intracellular compartment. 5. Extracellular compartment: interstitial fluid, blood plasma, transcellular fluid. 6. Cellular membrane as the barrier between intra- and extracellular environment of the body – morphology and features of the cellular membrane. 7. Transporting function of the cellular membrane. Passive transport: diffusion, transport proteins (symports, antiports, uniports), ionic channels (voltage-gated, ligand-gated), aquaporins. Active transport: primary and secondary active transport. Seminar II: Receptive function of the cellular membrane (03/10/2014 and 10/10/2014). 1. Basic terms: extracellular ligand, agonist, antagonist/blocker, second messenger. 2. Cellular receptors – division. 3. Ionotropic receptors. Nicotinic receptor. 4. Metabotropic receptors. Molecules with tyrosine kinase activity. Insulin receptor. Receptors coupled with protein G. Second messengers. 5. Adrenergic and cholinergic receptors. Seminar III: Functions of blood. Erythrocytes. Transport of O2 and CO2 (17/10/2014 & 24/10/2014). 1. Composition of blood: cells, plasma. 2. Physical properties of blood. 3. Functions of blood. 4. Plasma proteins – division, function. 5. Erythrocytes. Hemoglobin. 6. Transport of oxygen. Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve. 7. Transport of carbon dioxide. Seminar IV. Leukocytes. Immunity (17/10/2014 & 24/10/2014). 1. Antigen, antibody, immunity, antigenicity – definitions. 2. Morphology and division of the immunological system. 3. Leukocytes – division and function. 4. Humoral and cellular immunity. 5. Non-specific, inborn immunity. 6. Specific, acquired immunity.