PART O N E PART TWO Foundations of International Financial Management 1 Globalization and the Multinational Firm, 4 2 International Monetary System, 25 3 4 Balance of Payments, 59 Corporate Governance around the World, 78 The Foreign Exchange Market, Exchange Rate Determination, and Currency Derivatives 5 The Market for Foreign Exchange, 106 6 International Parity Relationships and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates, 132 Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange, 162 7 PART THREE PART FOUR Foreign Exchange Exposure and Manaqement 8 9 Management of Transaction Exposure, 192 Management of Economic Exposure, 222 10 Management of Translation Exposure, 244 World Financial Markets and Institutions 11 12 13 14 1 5 PART FIVE International Banking and Money Market, 266 International Bond Market, 293 International Equity Markets, 313 Interest Rate and Currency Swaps, 337 International Portfolio Investment, 356 Financial Management of the Multinational Firm 16 17 18 19 20 Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-Border Acquisitions, 394 International Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital, 422 International Capital Budgeting, 449 Multinational Cash Management, 467 International Trade Finance, 487 21 International Tax Environment, 498 Glossary, 513 Index, 520 PART O N E CHAPTER 1 Globalization and the Multinational Firm, 4 Foundations of International Financial Management What's Special a b o u t International Finance?, 5 Foreign Exchange Market and Political Imperfections, Expanded Opportunity Risks, 5 6 Set, 7 Goals for International Financial Management, 8 Globalization o f t h e W o r l d Economy: M a j o r Trends, 10 Emergence of Globalized Markets, 10 Financial 2 International Monetary System, 25 Evolution of the International M o n e t a r y System, 2 6 Classical Gold Standard: 1 8 7 5 - 1 9 1 4 , 2 7 Interwar Period: 1 9 1 5 - 1 9 4 4 , 2 8 Bretton Woods System: 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 7 2 , 2 9 The Flexible Exchange Rate Regime: 1973-Present, 32 The Current Exchange Rate Arrangements, 3 4 European M o n e t a r y System, 3 5 The Euro and the European Monetary Union, 3 9 of the Euro, 39 What Are the Benefits Union?, 41 Costs of Monetary CHAPTER 3 Balance of Payments, 59 of Monetary Union, 42 Balance-of-Payments Accounting, 6 0 Balance-of-Payments Accounts, 6 1 The Current Account, 61 The Capital Account, 64 Statistical Discrepancy, Official Reserve Account, Trade Liberalization Integration, 13 Privatization, and Economic 15 Multinational Corporations, 16 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Multinationals M o r e Efficient, 17 M I N I C A S E : Nike and Sweatshop Labor, 21 A P P E N D I X 1 A : Gain f r o m Trade: The Theory of Comparative Advantage, 2 2 Prospects of the Euro: Some Critical Questions, 43 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: M u n d e l l Bimetallism: Before 1 8 7 5 , 2 6 A Brief History Believe in t h e Euro, 12 Summary, 19 Emergence of the Euro as a Global Currency, 11 CHAPTER INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Why We Wins Nobel Prize in Economics, 4 4 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The New World O r d e r o f Finance, 4 6 The Mexican Peso Crisis, 4 7 The Asian Currency Crisis, 4 8 Origins of the Asian Currency Crisis, 49 Lessons from the Asian Currency Crisis, 51 The Argentine Peso Crisis, 5 2 Fixed versus Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes, 5 3 Summary, 5 5 M I N I C A S E : Will the United Kingdom Join the Euro Club?, 5 7 The Balance-of-Payments Identity, 6 8 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: H O W O n e Word Haunts Dollar, 6 8 Balance-of-Payments Trends in M a j o r Countries, 7 0 65 66 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The Dollar and t h e Deficit, 7 2 Summary, 7 3 MINI C A S E : Mexico's Balance-of-Payments Problem, 7 6 CHAPTER 4 Corporate Governance around the World, 78 Law and Corporate Governance, 8 8 Governance o f the Public Corporation: Key Issues, 7 9 Consequences o f Law, 9 0 The Agency Problem, 8 0 Ownership Remedies for the Agency Problem, 8 2 Private Board of Directors, Incentive 83 Contracts, 83 Concentrated Ownership, 85 Transparency, 86 S The Market for Foreign Exchange, 106 for Corporate of Reform, Dynamics, 96 97 Act, 97 The Cadbury Code o f Best Practice, 98 87 M I N I C A S E : Parmalat: Europe's Enron, 101 87 Function and Structure of the FX M a r k e t , 107 The Cross-Rate Trading Desk, 119 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The M o u s e Triangular Takes Over the Floor, 1 0 8 Spot Foreign Exchange Microstructure, 121 FX Market Participants, Correspondent Banking 109 Relationships, 111 Arbitrage, 121 Market The Forward M a r k e t , 1 2 3 The Spot M a r k e t , 111 Forward INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: W h e r e Long and Short Forward Positions, M o n e y Talks Very Loudly, 112 Forward Rates, Spot FX Trading, Cross-Exchange 114 Forward 117 118 MINI Covered Interest Arbitrage, 125 126 CASE: Shrewsbury H e r b a l from Forecasting Exchange Rates, 1 4 9 135 Rate Interest Market 149 150 151 of the Forecasters, 152 Summary 5 5 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Big MacCurrencies, 1 4 2 M I N I C A S E : Turkish Lira and Purchasing Power Parity, 1 5 9 Exchange Power Parity, Approach, Approach, Technical Approach, Performance Purchasing Power Parity, 141 and the Real Efficient Fundamental 138 Evidence on Purchasing Premium, 124 125 Fisher Effects, 1 4 7 Interest Rate Parity and Exchange Determination, 138 PPP Deviations Rate, 143 Cross-Exchange Products, Ltd., 1 3 0 Interest Rate Parity, 1 3 2 Rate Parity, 123 Summary, 1 2 7 Rate Quotations, Reasons for Deviations Rate Quotations, Swap Transactions, 116 Alternative Expressions for the Cross-Exchange Rate, 119 International Parity Relationships and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates, 132 95 The Foreign Exchange Market, Exchange Rate Determination, and Currency Derivatives The Bid-Ask Spread, 6 95 and Valuation, The Sarbanes-Oxley Control, Spot Rate Quotations, CHAPTER of Control, Summary, 9 9 Overseas Stock Listings, CHAPTER Objectives Political Debt, 86 Market Benefits 91 Corporate Governance Reform, 9 6 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: When Boards Accounting and Control Pattern, Capital Markets Are All in the Family, 8 4 PART T W O A P P E N D I X 3 A : The Relationship between Balance o f Payments and National Income Accounting, 7 7 144 A P P E N D I X 6 A : Purchasing Power Parity and Exchange Rate D e t e r m i n a t i o n , 161 CHAPTER 7 Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange, 162 Futures Contracts: Some Preliminaries, 1 6 3 Currency Futures Options, 1 7 4 Currency Futures M a r k e t s , 1 6 5 Basic Option-Pricing Relationships a t INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: C M E Expiration, 1 7 4 Ramping Up FOREX Support, Targets OTC American Option-Pricing Relationships, 1 7 7 Business, 1 6 6 European Option-Pricing Relationships, 1 7 9 Basic Currency Futures Relationships, 1 6 7 Binomial Option-Pricing M o d e l , 1 8 1 Eurodollar Interest Rate Futures Contracts, 1 7 1 Options Contracts: Some Preliminaries, 1 7 2 European Option-Pricing Formula, 1 8 2 . . . Empirical Tests o f Currency Optio „ Summary, 1 8 4 Currency Options Markets, 1 7 3 MINI PART THREE CHAPTER S Management of Transaction Exposure, 192 Three Types o f Exposure, 1 9 2 Hedging via Lead a n d Lag, 2 0 5 Forward M a r k e t Hedge, 1 9 4 Exposure N e t t i n g , 2 0 5 M o n e y M a r k e t Hedge, 196 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Riding O p t i o n s M a r k e t Hedge, 1 9 8 Shifting S Hedging Foreign Currency Payables, 2 0 0 Contracts 200 . _ . _ Market Instruments, „ . Currency Options Contracts, o u l d t W a v e h e F i s o r f m Currency, 2 0 6 Hedge?, 2 0 7 o r N o t t o Hedge, 2 0 8 201 W h a t Risk M a n a g e m e n t Products Do Firms Use?, 201 Cross-Hedging M i n o r Currency Exposure, 2 0 1 Management of Economic Exposure, 222 h INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: TO Hedge Money 9 The O p t i o n s Speculator, 1 8 7 Foreiqn Exchanqe Exposure and Management Forward CHAPTER CASE: Summary 2 1 1 H e d g i n g C o n t i n g e n t Exposure, 2 0 3 M Hedging Recurrent Exposure with Swap C | a N s | e C A A p ' S p . E l i A c a I R t B U i o S n , D . O | C J A n a R s £ X e P O S U R E 2 1 4 o p t i o n s , Inc.: Contracts, 2 0 3 Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure through Hedging through Invoice Currency, 2 0 4 Currency Options, 2 1 5 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: U.S. Firms Diversification of the Market, 235 Feel t h e Pain of Peso's Plunge, 2 2 4 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Porsche How t o Measure Economic Exposure, 2 2 5 Powers Profit W i t h Currency Plays, 2 3 6 O p e r a t i n g Exposure: Definition, 2 2 8 R&D Efforts and Product Illustration of O p e r a t i n g Exposure, 2 2 9 Differentiation, Determinants o f O p e r a t i n g Exposure, 2 3 2 Financial Hedging, M a n a g i n g O p e r a t i n g Exposure, 2 3 4 Selecting Low-Cost Production C Sites, 234 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The S t r o n g A S E 237 A P P L I C A T I O N : Exchange Risk M a n a g e m e n t a t Merck, 2 3 7 „ Summary, 2 4 0 m M Yen and Toyota's Choice, 2 3 5 236 „ a , N I C a s e : _ . E c o n o m i c _ E x P o s u r e o f A l b l o n Computers PLC, 2 4 2 Flexible Sourcing CHAPTER 1O Management of Translation Exposure, 244 Policy, 235 Translation M e t h o d s , 2 4 5 Current/Noncurrent Monetary/Nonmonetary Temporal Method, The Mechanics Method, 245 Method, 245 245 Current Rate Method, 246 Financial Accounting Standards Board of the FASB 52 Translation Process, 249 Highly Inflationary Economies, 250 C A S E A P P L I C A T I O N : Consolidation of Accounts according t o FASB 5 2 : The Centralia Corporation, 2 5 2 M a n a g e m e n t o f Translation Exposure, 2 5 6 Statement 8 , 2 4 8 Translation Exposure Financial Accounting Standards Board Exposure, 256 Statement 5 2 , 2 4 8 Hedging Translation versus Exposure, Transaction 257 Balance Sheet Hedge, Derivatives Hedge, Translation Exposure, PART FOUR CHAPTER 1 1 International Banking and Money Market, 266 257 Empirical Analysis o f t h e Change f r o m F 258 Exposure versus Operating A S B 8 t 0 F A S B 52, 2 5 9 Summary, 2 5 9 258 M I N I CASE: Sundance S p o r t i n g Goods, Inc., 2 6 1 World Financial Markets and Institutions International Banking Services, 2 6 6 The World's Largest Banks, Forward 267 Rate Agreements, Euronotes, Reasons for International Banking, 2 6 7 Eurocommercial Types o f International Banking Offices, 2 6 9 Bank, 269 History, 279 Representative Offices, Debt-for-Equity Subsidiary Offshore 269 269 International Banks, S 270 h Centers, Banking o u T 2 70 Banking Swaps, 281 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: LDC Lenders and Affiliate Edge Act Banks, Paper, 279 International Debt Crisis, 2 7 9 Correspondent Foreign Branches, 277 279 271 Facilities, , d h H e a v e Listened t o David Hume, 2 8 2 Solution: Brady Bonds, 283 Japanese Banking Crisis, 2 8 4 T 271 h eA s i a n C r i s i s » 2 8 5 Capital Adequacy Standards, 2 7 2 Summary, 2 8 5 International Money M a r k e t , 2 7 4 M I N I C A S E : Detroit M o t o r s ' Latin American Expansion, 2 8 9 Eurocurrency Market, 274 APPENDIX Eurocredits, 1 1 A : Eurocurrency Creation, 2 9 0 276 CHAPTER 1 2 The World's Bond M a r k e t s : A Statistical International Bond Market, 293 Perspective, 2 9 3 Currency D i s t r i b u t i o n , Nationality, a n d Type o f Foreign Bonds a n d Eurobonds, 2 9 4 Issuer, 2 9 9 Bearer Bonds and Registered National Security Withholding Regulations, Bonds, Dual-Currency 295 295 Global Bonds, Changes, 296 296 Types of Instruments, 2 9 6 Straight Fixed-Rate Euro-Medium-Term Floating-Rate International Bond M a r k e t Credit Ratings, 3 0 0 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Heineken Taxes, 295 Other Recent Regulatory Bonds, 298 Refreshes Euromarket w i t h Spectacular Unrated Bonds, 3 0 1 _ .., . . Eurobond M a r k e t Structure a n d Practices, 3 0 3 , _ Primary Market, 303 „ , . , „ ^ Secondary Market, 306 „ ^ Clearing Procedures, 306 , . *, , International Bond M a r k e t Indexes, 3 0 8 M Issues, 297 Notes, 297 Notes, 297 Summary, 3 1 0 Equity-Related Bonds, 298 m , a MINI Zero-Coupon CHAPTER 1 3 International Equity Markets, 313 Bonds, 298 Capitalization Countries, Market International Equity M a r k e t Benchmarks, 3 2 0 of Developed iShares MSCI, 3 2 3 314 Capitalization Countries, 315 Measures of Liquidity, Measures of Market „ Sara Lee C o r p o r a t i o n s Eurobonds, 3 1 2 A Statistical Perspective, 3 1 3 Market CASE: Trading In International Equities, 3 2 4 of Developing INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Foreign Interest In South Africa Takes Off, 3 2 5 316 Concentration, Cross-Listing 318 of Shares, 325 Yankee Stock Offerings, M a r k e t Structure, Trading Practices, T h e and Costs, 3 1 9 American European 327 Stock Market, Depository 327 Receipts, 328 Global Registered Shares, 332 Industrial Factors A f f e c t i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l Equity Returns, 3 3 2 Macroeconomic Factors, Exchange Rates, CHAPTER 1 4 Interest Rate and Currency Swaps, 337 MINI 333 CASE: Variations o f Basic Interest Rate a n d Currency Swaps, 3 4 8 Types o f Swaps, 3 3 7 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The W o r l d Bank's First Currency Swap, 3 3 8 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: A I C , Size of t h e Swap M a r k e t , 3 3 8 N o m u r a , a n d IFC Link Up In Latin Swap Transaction, 3 4 8 The Swap Bank, 3 3 8 Risks of Interest Rate and Currency Swaps, 3 4 9 Is t h e Swap M a r k e t Efficient?, 3 4 9 Summary, 3 5 0 Basic Interest Rate Swap, 340 MINI Currency Swaps, 3 4 3 Basic Currency International Portfolio Investment, 356 San Pico's New Stock 333 Interest Rate Swaps, 3 4 0 1 5 333 Exchange, 3 3 5 Swap M a r k e t Quotations, 3 3 9 CHAPTER Structure, Summary, 3 3 4 CASE: The Centralia Corporation's Currency Swap, 3 5 5 Swap, 343 International Correlation Structure a n d Risk INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Live Here, Diversification, 3 5 7 Invest A b r o a d , 3 7 6 O p t i m a l International Portfolio Selection, 3 5 9 Why Home Bias in Portfolio Holdings?, 3 7 7 Effects o f Changes in t h e Exchange Rate, 3 6 5 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Stay-at-Home International Bond Investment, 3 6 7 Shareholders, 3 7 8 International M u t u a l Funds: A Performance Summary, 3 8 1 Evaluation, 3 6 8 M I N I CASE: Solving for the Optimal International International Diversification t h r o u g h Country Portfolio, 3 8 6 Funds, 3 7 1 APPENDIX w International Diversification w i t h ADRs, 3 7 4 International Diversification w i t h WEBS, 3 7 5 i t h E x c h a n 1 5 A : International Investment g e R i s k Appendix 15B : H e d g S o l v i n g i n g , 3 8 f o rt h e 8 OP t i m a l Portfolio, 3 9 0 International Diversification with Hedge Funds, 3 7 5 PART FIVE CHAPTER 1 6 Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-Border Acquisitions, 394 Financial Management of the Multinational Firm Global Trends in FDI, 3 9 5 Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, 4 0 4 Why D o Firms Invest Overseas?, 3 9 8 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Trade Barriers, DaimlerChrysler: The First Global Car Colossus, 4 0 6 399 Imperfect Labor Market, Intangible Assets, Vertical Integration, 400 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Stories Past 401 and Present, 4 1 0 401 Political Risk a n d FDI, 4 1 0 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Linear Sequence in M a n u f a c t u r i n g : Singer & Company, 4 0 2 M I N I C A S E : Enron versus Bombay Politicians, 4 1 9 Product Life Cycle, 403 Shareholder CHAPTER 17 International Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital, 422 Diversification Services, 403 Cost of Capital, 4 2 3 Cost o f Capital in Segmented versus Integrated Markets, 4 2 4 Does t h e Cost of Capital Differ a m o n g Countries?, 4 2 6 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The U.S. Welcomes t h e Alien Invasion, 4 2 6 Summary, 4 1 7 C A S E A P P L I C A T I O N : NOVO I n d u s t r i , 430 Cross-Border Listings of Stocks, 4 3 1 Capital Asset Pricing under Cross-Listings, 4 3 5 The Effect of Foreign Equity Ownership Restrictions, 4 3 7 Pricing-to-Market Phenomenon, C A S E A P P L I C A T I O N : Nestle, 438 438 Asset Pricing under Foreign Restrictions, 440 Ownership The Financial Structure of Subsidiaries, 4 4 2 CHAPTER 1 8 International Capital Budgeting, 449 Review of Domestic Capital Budgeting, 4 5 0 The Adjusted Present Value M o d e l , 4 5 1 Capital Budgeting f r o m the Parent Firm's Perspective, 4 5 3 Generality of the APV Model, 455 Estimating the Future Expected Rate, 456 CHAPTER 1 9 Multinational Cash Management, 467 Exchange International Trade Finance, 487 Purchasing Power Parity A s s u m p t i o n , 4 6 1 Real Options, 4 6 1 Summary, 4 6 3 CASE C A S E 2 : Strik-it-Rich Gold M i n i n g Corporation, 4 5 6 Company, 4 6 6 The M a n a g e m e n t o f International Cash Balances, 4 6 7 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: Transfer C A S E A P P L I C A T I O N : Teltrex's Cash 1 : Dorchester, L t d . , 4 6 5 Pricing Is the M o s t I m p o r t a n t International Tax Issue, 4 8 0 Miscellaneous M a n a g e m e n t System, 4 6 8 Factors, 482 Blocked Funds, 4 8 3 Bilateral N e t t i n g of Internal and External N e t Cash Flows, 4 7 3 Summary, 4 8 4 Reduction in Precautionary Cash Balances, 4 7 3 M I N I C A S E 1 : Efficient Funds Flow a t Eastern Trading Company, 4 8 5 Cash M a n a g e m e n t Systems in Practice, 4 7 5 MINI Transfer Pricing and Related Issues, 4 7 6 O p t i m a l Transfer Pricing Strategy, 4 8 5 CASE APPLICATION: MINI M i n t e l Products C A S E 2 : Eastern Trading Company's C A S E 3 : Eastern Trading Company's New M B A , 4 8 6 A Typical Foreign Trade Transaction, 4 8 8 Forms of Countertrade, Forfaiting, 4 9 0 Some Generalizations Countertrade, 494 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: First Islamic The Export-Import Bank and Organizations, 491 Affiliated Tax Equity, 499 Tax Havens, Tax, 501 Value-Added Tax, 501 Taxation, 503 503 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: The TAXING Devil You Know, 5 0 4 Index, 520 504 Income, 505 507 507 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: A S Dot-Corns National Tax Environments, 5 0 3 Taxation, Foreign Tax Credits, Payments to and from Foreign Affiliates, Withholding Glossary, 513 M I N I CASE: A m e r i c a n M a c h i n e Branch and Subsidiary Income Tax, 499 Territorial Forces Tops In Countertrade List, 4 9 4 Summary, 4 9 5 Organizational Structures f o r Reducing Tax Liabilities, 5 0 5 499 Types of Taxation, 4 9 9 Worldwide about Tools, Inc., 4 9 7 The Objectives of Taxation, 4 9 8 Tax Neutrality, 493 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE I N PRACTICE: A r m e d Countertrade, 4 9 2 International Tax Environment, 498 Sensitivity Analysis, 4 6 1 MINI Government Assistance in Exporting, 4 9 1 21 Risk A d j u s t m e n t in the Capital Budgeting Analysis, 4 6 0 MINI Forfaiting Fund Set Up, 4 9 1 CHAPTER A P P E N D I X 1 7 A : Pricing of Nontradable Assets: Numerical Simulations, 4 4 8 C A S E A P P L I C A T I O N : The Centralia Transfer Pricing Strategy, 4 7 6 CHAPTER 2 G Summary, 4 4 4 Go Bust In U.S., Bermuda Hosts an O d d Little Boomlet, 5 0 8 Controlled Foreign Corporation, 510 Summary, 511 M I N I C A S E : Sigma Corp.'s Location Decision, 5 1 2