Nick Carcioppolo - Purdue University

Curriculum Vitae
Nick Carcioppolo
Brian Lamb School of Communication
100 N. University St.
2114 Beering Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (716) 400-4031
Fax: (765) 496-1394
Purdue University
Advisor: Susan E. Morgan, Ph.D.
Degree Expected: May 2012
Dissertation: Cancer narratives and persuasion:
Investigating the mediational role of emotion
State University of New York at Buffalo
Advisor: Lance Rintamaki, Ph.D.
Degree Awarded: May 2008
Master’s Thesis: Assessing the utility of integrating
perceived barrier and response cost measures into the
extended parallel process model
State University of New York at Buffalo
Degree Awarded: May 2003
Academic Positions:
Teaching Assistant
Department of Communication
Purdue University
Fall 2008 – present
Research Assistant
Department of Communication
Purdue University
Spring 2009 – Spring 2010
Teaching Assistant
Department of Communication
State University of New York at Buffalo
Spring 2008 – Summer 2008
Research Assistant
Department of Communication
State University of New York at Buffalo
Fall 2006 – Summer 2008
Cho, H. & Carcioppolo, N. (2011). Exploring the relationship between genre-specific television
viewing and tanning beliefs. Manuscript in press at the International Public Health
Journal, 3 (1), 53-62.
Jensen, J. D., Carcioppolo, N., King, A. J., Bernat, J. K., Davis, L. A., Yale, R., & Smith, J. (in
press, 2011). Including limitations in news coverage of cancer research: Effects of news
hedging on fatalism, medical skepticism, patient trust, and backlash. Journal of Health
Jensen, J. D., Carcioppolo, N. (2011). Persuasion and Social Influence. In Oxford Bibliographies
Online. Retrieved on March 4th, 2011 from:
King, A. J., Jensen, J. D., Davis, L. A., & Carcioppolo, N. (in press). Perceived visual
informativeness (PVI): Construct & scale development to assess visual health
information in printed materials. Manuscript in press at Journal of Health
Manuscripts in Progress:
Carcioppolo, N., & Jensen, J. D. Perceived historical drinking norms and current drinking
behavior: Using the theory of normative social behavior as a framework for assessment.
Manuscript revised and resubmitted at Health Communication.
Carcioppolo, N., & Morgan, S. E. Theoretical predictors of intentions to indoor tan: Exploring
attitudinal, belief-based, normative, and affective constructs that influence the decision to
use indoor tanning beds. Manuscript under review at Health Education and Behavior.
Carcioppolo, N., Jensen, J. D., Wilson, S., Carrion, M., Collins, W. B., & Linnemeier, G.
Examining HPV Threat-to-Efficacy Ratios in the Extended Parallel Process Model.
Manuscript under review at Human Communication Research.
Jensen, J. D., King, A. J., & Carcioppolo, N. Driving Toward a Goal and the Goal-Gradient
Hypothesis: The Impact of Goal Proximity on Compliance Rate, Donation Size, and
Fatigue. Manuscript under review at Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Jensen, J. D., Davis, L. A., King, A. J., & Carcioppolo, N. Why are tailored messages more
effective? A multiple mediation analysis of a breast cancer screening intervention.
Manuscript under review at Health Psychology.
Jensen, J. D., Carcioppolo, N., & King, A. J. Increasing compliance by driving toward a goal:
Examining proximity, crisis response, and anticipated norms as explanatory mechanisms.
Manuscript under review at Communication Research.
Carcioppolo, N. (in progress). Discrete emotions and construct validity: Validating measures of
anger, disgust, fear, happiness, humor, and sadness. Manuscript to be submitted to
Communication Monographs.
King, A. J., Jensen, J. D., Carcioppolo, N., & Smith, J. (in progress). Learning from cancer news
coverage: A comparison of three models. Manuscript to be submitted to Public
Understanding of Science
Jensen, J. D., King, A. J., Carcioppolo, N., & Morgan, S. E. (in progress). A tailored intervention
to increase colon cancer screening: The effect of customized screening narratives.
Manuscript to be submitted to Journal of Health Communication.
Conference Presentations:
Carcioppolo, N., & Morgan, S. E. (May, 2011). A comparison of three models to predict indoor
tanning intentions: Exploring the health belief model, the theory of normative social
behavior, and the theory of planned behavior. Paper presented at the 61st annual
convention for the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Jensen, J. D., Davis, L. A., King, A. J., & Carcioppolo, N. (May, 2011). Why are tailored
messages more effective? A multiple mediation analysis of a breast cancer screening
intervention. Paper presented at the 61st annual convention for the International
Communication Association, Boston, MA.
King, A. J., Jensen, J. D., Davis, L. A., & Carcioppolo, N. (May, 2011). Perceived visual
informativeness (PVI): Construct & scale development to assess visual health
information in printed materials. Paper presented at the 61st annual convention for the
International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Jensen, J. D., Carcioppolo, N., & King, A. J. (November, 2010). Driving toward a goal as a
compliance-gaining technique: The impact of goal proximity on compliance rate,
donation size, and fatigue. Paper presented at the 96th annual convention for the National
Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Jensen, J. D., Carcioppolo, N., King, A. J., Bernat, J. K., Davis, L. A., Yale, R., & Smith, J.
(June, 2010). Including limitations in news coverage of cancer research: Effects of news
hedging on fatalism, medical skepticism, patient trust, and backlash. Paper presented at
the 60th annual convention for the International Communication Association, Singapore,
Carcioppolo, N., & Jensen, J. D. (April, 2010). Historical drinking norms and drinking behavior:
Evaluating measures to expand the predictive power of social norms research. Paper
presented at the 11th biennial Kentucky Conference on Health Communication,
Lexington, KY.
Carcioppolo, N., & Rintamaki, L. S. (April, 2010). Assessing the utility of integrating perceived
barrier and response cost measures into the extended parallel process model. Paper
presented at the 11th biennial Kentucky Conference on Health Communication,
Lexington, KY.
Carcioppolo, N., & Frank, M.G. (November, 2008). Smiles in advertising. Paper presented at the
94th annual convention for the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Teaching Assistantships:
Purdue University
COM 456: Advertising Writing (Fall 2011)
The theory and practice of copy writing in various advertising contexts. The goal of this course is
to instruct students in developing targeted advertising messages across various types of media,
including radio, print, television, and Internet.
COM 318: Principles of Persuasion (Fall 2011)
Teaching Assistant
Persuasion and its effects, ranging from individual influences to societal impacts. Various
perspectives and models of persuasion are examined, including classical and modern approaches.
Both theoretical and pragmatic considerations are introduced.
COM 304: Quantitative Methods for Communication Research (Fall 2009 – Spring 2010)
Recitation Instructor
Introduction to the development and application of quantitative research methods pertinent to
communication problems. Fundamental concepts of problem identification, reliability and
validity of both measurement and research design, and statistical analyses of data.
COM 256: Introduction to Advertising (Fall 2010 – Fall 2011)
Teaching Assistant
Students are introduced to several skills (e.g., target market research, storyboarding) and
theories (e.g., balance theory, stages of change, social norms marketing) utilized in sophisticated
advertising campaigns. The goal of the course will be to introduce students to the tools necessary
to construct successful advertisements.
COM 114: Fundamentals of Speech Communication (Fall 2008 – Spring 2009)
Instructs students in the necessary skills of presentational speaking, focusing on both individual
and group skills, concentrating on the development of effective persuasive and informative
tactics of speech.
SUNY at Buffalo
COM 350: Age of Information (Spring 2007)
Teaching Assistant
Introduces communication systems made possible by developments in computerization, ranging
from satellite systems to computer databases. Examines effects of these communication systems
on daily life, and on society in general. Also covers applications of these technologies in
business, government, education and science.
COM 223: Interviewing (Summer 2008)
Theory and practice of methods in selected interview settings: informational, employment, and
persuasive. Emphasis on communication between two persons, questioning techniques, and the
logical and psychological bases of interpersonal persuasion.
COM 101: Principles of Communication (Spring 2008)
Introduces the study of communication in interpersonal, small-group, organizational, mass, and
intercultural contexts; covers basic communication models, theory, and research methods used in
Research Assistantships:
Research Assistant (Spring 2009 – Spring 2010)
Purdue University
Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Susan Morgan. Duties performed:
• Conduct focus group session with physicians regarding clinical trial enrollment
Research Assistant (Fall 2009 – Fall 2010)
Purdue University
Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Jakob Jensen. Duties performed:
• Conceptualize, implement, and assess intervention to increase HPV vaccination
• Conduct focus groups with hospital staff concerning colon cancer screening intentions
Research Assistant (Spring 2009)
Purdue University
Graduate Research Assistant at the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering. Duties
• Remotely recruit and consent subjects for heart failure and tele-health study
• Develop and maintain database and conduct preliminary quantitative analyses
Research Assistant (Fall 2007 – Spring 2008)
SUNY at Buffalo
Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Lisa Stephens. Duties performed:
• Develop items for university-wide survey on campus technology implementation
• Perform qualitative analysis on open-ended questions results
Research Assistant (Fall 2006 – Summer 2008)
SUNY at Buffalo
Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Mark Frank. Duties performed:
• Gathered video and various physiological data, including thermal imaging and
noninvasive (infrared) blood-pressure sensors
• Obtained certification in the facial action coding system (FACS), used to code and
analyze facial muscle movements
Awards & Honors:
2010 – 2011
1999 – 2003
Cancer Prevention Interdisciplinary Education Program Fellow – funded
by the National Institutes of Health
Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering Graduate Student Scholar
Catherine Peachy Top Abstract Award, International Breast Cancer and
Nutrition Conference
Top Three Poster, Oncological Sciences Center Cancer Prevention Poster
Academic Excellence Scholarship, SUNY Buffalo
2009 – 2010
2009 – 2010
Reviewed manuscript for the Journal of Health Communication
Reviewed manuscript for the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and
Vice President of Technology, Communication Graduate Student Association
Purdue Graduate Student Conference for Communication Research, Conference
National Communication Association Panel Chair
Professional Development
Attended the NCA Summer Conference: Developing Successful Grant Proposals
Professional Memberships:
National Communication Association
International Communication Association