MJ4/KK TWP. sffi j* Z6MZ3I ci^T 3f Fft&h. 31 * 3/ 31 3M C* tf f " cur -r&ez s z.ax'e33 7 s&t/sr- 52C11NE2006 2.26347 HALKIRK Q10 15 fifilMV PtTAAfA AIL DZfiAlb P/Afg DISTRICT MJ4/KK TWP. Plfrg ri fi Y ——-——————E——;——————————- ~ -,-—————— t—t-flVL^ ^1 \~LSI t PrTftflffl, N'fo z-we 3i 35 CL //?*S89 ZAH? 31 Lirr Fft6ft PtrAXZA 5 'S z^A^ 3/ 5r7r/^ wmr BrtKAtOE 3 f W " Z^wfJ/ [( 31 *-{ -Lwejf s?r*\P B*/MNV- 11 attp rxzzs rM6A H f " * t fi 3 tf Zotf&JJ cur dom&g m-0eustf /3 &L/KK rtMZ A/D to /"X ^t^ 131M gL P rr fifa/I ALL n&sxis tb STRIPPED PjNf " r Of SCAM To 2.6 KE S ^ cim * iz 1238695 LOT ItCONS •im** *H LOT! . CON tt l LOT 2 CON 5 7 T———————wu v . wi ** 4 ^ j , LOT Z ^237555 * s - LOTS cow y , NORTJ- . " "*-^ 1246520'-" 4B3P 594P of 3S9P MSP 597P 5*8 P S96P " S94P '^^5"' /-;-v V ' N. \ "^ *" f J ^iW'\ !gfexy.yCtK ~t *.:! T"':'- ' ' v .~.-r:~~ i ST^* -"t- ' -' .-fi'-rri 'M T'*.* j __________A DIVISION OF ASSAY LABORATORY SERVICES INC, MINERAL ASSAY QMS 1070 LITHIUM DRIVE, UNIT2 THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO P7B6G3 PHONE; (807) 626-1630 FAX: (807) 623-6820 EMAIL: accuracy@1baytelnet WEB:www.s Cousineau, Louis Date Created: 03-09-03 03:02 FM Job Number: 200341193 Date Retieved: 8/29/2003 Number of Samples: 2 Type of Sample: Rock Date Completed: Project S3: Accur.ft CMKitT*g 51570 51571 51572 16121 16122 * Trte results included on this report relate only to the items tested * "rtiis Certificate of Analysis should not be reproduced except in fuH, without the writte of the laboratory. The methods used for these analysis are not accredited under 1SO/1EC17025 1 Page: AS ppm Al ppm M ppfn S ppm Ba ppm B* ppm Ca ppm Cd ppm Co Cr Cu F* K MB jjpm Mn ppm Mo pptn Ma Ni ppm P Pb St SI ppm ppm Tt ppm ppm Se pjim pptr Se ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppn ci cf M 7742 8350 6396 O *3 *3 48 SI 50 20 18 19 -si tl *1 17635 14134 14191 *10 OD ^0 59 65 S5 1217 1124 1125 99 18 16 406 378 380 *1 4 <1 n/a n/a nto 5*8 470 474 277 338 292 13 12 13 580 407 223 10 7 7 *4,(X 63546 "TOO ^.000 69997 *100 ^.000 70669 ^00 ^8,000 Certified Derek Derrriartiuk, H.Bsc, ^^^^W^^WP^^Bp^TH^^ffWp ^i^B^^^^^^^^^lP^^^F ^^^ A D/V7S/ON OF ASSAV LABORATOFtY SERVICES INC. MINERAL ASSAY DIVISION 1070 UTHIUM DRIVE, UNIT 2 PHONE (807) 626-1630 FAX (807) 623 6820 THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO P7B 6G3 EMAIL accuracyOtbaytet net WEB www.accuraesay.coni Certificate of Analysis Thursday, Septwnber 11,2007 Cousaieau, Louis P.O. Bm 33 Fort Francis, ON, CAN : 29-Aag-03 Date Completed : 05-Sep-03 Job * 20034 1193 P9A3M5 R* (*W) 274-9402 Sampte#2 Fag* (107)274-9402 Email Acograssay* Client Id AU Pt ppb ppb Rock Pd PPb 51570 16121 51571 16122 ^ X1S ^10 51572 Chock 16122 ^ <15 cH) Rh ppb Page l of l ALWWW07^W1 V2003 10:53 AM OUHNUMB6B St ne 531234 CUSTOMEfTffOflOEH S.T- od FOB TERMS ' QUANTTTf.: r.L,JI9lM59-'7*'-tl * f* /X K T3/' /f -/f 00 tf DO -c* 00 (UT P5T TOTAI. OC31 OUR NUMBER 531232 DATE CUSTOMEfl'ST)RDER DC31 531235 T/rtE DATE CUSTOMER'S WDEB CbUSltJEfiL) Arty •pip SHIP TO TERMS QOANTnY ^ rf .c .—a i OST PST TOTAL QBtoBMmT DC31 OUR NUMBER 531233 w^y-^ CUSTOMBTS ORDBI ^7 - F/t-M^t:: S, FOB j QUANTITY (f ;? x If If r{ /t BBhwNn* DC31 elf e* Accurassay Laboratories INVOICE Dr. Unit #2 Invoice No.: Date: Page: Thunder Bay, ON P7B8G3 Canada 82490 09-Sep-2003 1 Ship To: Sold To: Cousineau, Mr. Louis Cousineau, Mr. Louis P.O. Box 33 FORT FRANCES, ON P9A3M5 P.O. Box 33 FORT FRANCES, ON P9A 3M5 Business No.: 100294768 . Job #200341193 SP5.00 APP15.75 JCPAR9.00 2 Each 2 Each 2 Each . ..~*-^ r-*- . Sample Prep 3 0.00 5.25 10.50 Au Pt Pd FA/AA 3 0.00 15.75 31.50 ICAP Aqua Regie 3 0.00 9.00 18.00 Subtotal: 60.00 3-GST@7.0Jt 4.20 Terms: Net 30 Due09-Oct-2003 * Terms net 30 days, 2^ per month on overdue accounts. mi l^*^fe ^* ; 0.00 pgj 0.00 64.20 GREYHOUND CDA TRANS CORP m QST N0.6916466SSRT1 WAYBILL THUNDER W PREPRID CHSH CONSIGNEE ACCURASSAY LAB MINDER BAY ON SHIPPER NO. 71426066633 ON FOHT FRANCES 426 029258 44/27/03 2:44 PM 5 ACTUAL WEIGHT 3.0 LBS iBECLARED VALUE WW Ul EF: o UJ ae ae. UJ o. o. GSTON yjuis COUSINEAU FRANCES ON REFERENCE: te —t ac S.MZbl TOTAL STATION TO STATION 11.88 frr' ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES Work Report Summary Transaction No: W0310.01511 Status: APPROVED Recording Date: 2003-SEP-17 Work Done from: 2003-MAY-24 Approval Date: 2003-SEP-30 to: 2003-JUN-08 Client(s): 121624 COUSINEAU, LOUIS E 121646 COUSINEAU, RAY Survey Type(s): PSTRIP Work Report Details: Claim* Perform Perform Approve Applied Applied Approve Assign Assign Approve Reserve Reserve Approve Due Date K 1178889 55,936 55,936 SO SO 55,936 5,936 50 50 2005-FEB-23 K 1249498 SO 50 S400 5400 SO 0 SO SO 2005-JAN-21 K 1249840 SO SO S736 5736 SO 0 SO SO 2004-JAN-02 K 1249841 SO SO S4,800 54,800 SO 0 SO SO 2005-JAN-26 55,936 S5.936 55,936 S5.936 55,936 55,936 SO 50 External Credits: SO Reserve: SO Reserve of Work Report* W03 10. 01511 SO Total Remaining Status of claim is based on information currently on record. 52C11NE2006 2.26347 2003-Oct-03 09:42 HALKIRK Armstrong-d 900 Page 1 of 1 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ontario Ministere du Developpement du Nord et des Mines GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT OFFICE 933 RAMSEY LAKE ROAD, 6th FLOOR SUDBURY, ONTARIO P3E 6B5 Date: 2003-OCT-02 Tel: (888)415-9845 Fax:(877)670-1555 RAY COUSINEAU 430 FIRST STREET EAST FORT FRANCES, ONTARIO P9A1K8 CANADA Submission Number: 2.26347 Transaction Number(s): W0310.01511 Dear Sir or Madam Subject: Approval of Assessment Work We have approved your Assessment Work Submission with the above noted Transaction Number(s). The attached Work Report Summary indicates the results of the approval. At the discretion of the Ministry, the assessment work performed on the mining lands noted in this work report may be subject to inspection and/or investigation at any time. If you have any question regarding this correspondence, please contact STEVEN BENETEAU by email at steve.beneteau@ndm.gov.on.ca or by phone at (705) 670-5855. Yours Sincerely, /f, Ron C. Gashinski Senior Manager, Mining Lands Section Cc: Resident Geologist Louis E Cousineau (Claim Holder) Assessment File Library Ray Cousineau (Claim Holder) Ray Cousineau (Assessment Office) Visit our website at http://www.gov.on.ca/MNDM/LANDS/mlsmnpge.htm Page: 1 Correspondence 10:18734 Mining Land Tenure Map KVILOnMIlT AHD WBE6 52C11NE2006 2.26347 HALKIRK CANADA 200 M?oiioer.ow!M Date i Time of Uiue: Wed Oct 01 14:17:47 EOT 2003 TOWNSHIP/AREA HALKIRK PLAN G-3808 ADMIMI8TRATIVE DISTRICTS l DIVISIONS Mining Division Kenora Land Tltlfls/RBflfstry Division Ministry of Natural Resources District RAINY RIVER PORT FRANCES Land Tenure TOPOORAPHIC Freehold Patanl K1 ra j j S3 Lettahold Patonl f": CM. PH t Ml ,..,.,., Ointour B Hi mi HI MM ShlHll Mining BlBW. Only Lloenoa or Occupation tuDwjy l lil m Road ...,,,,.. l l Nrtural Oi* ftps'"" 9ufjotRighttOn!y Mining KfcMt Only Land Uw Parna {Mm In Council iNotopip Waur Power Laatt Mining daft CAND TENURE WITHDRAWALS jiii;;i?;**;;f Wim WU Wm Vtrnnl " Art** WMMrawn from niftpcwliim BidacvAnuMi ButeGeRlohnOflV WHhdmwn Minino Right* On!y Wilhtfnam Ortw lo Council WHMrwwl typtt BurfaMAnaMi Wm IMPORTANT NOTICES LAND TENURE WITHDRAWAL DESCRIPTIONS Identifier Thoss wfahfng to fteka mlnins claims should consult with th* Provincial Mining R*oord*r*' Offioa of the Ministry of Northern D*v*)opmwn( and Mines for additional Information on the rtatu* of the lands shown hweon. Thl* map fs not intended for navigational, survey, or land title determination purpOMt asth* informstion thcwn on fote map ft wm?\iwi from varioufe sources, Complfttftow* and accuracy am not guaranteed. Additional Information may also be obtained t^mufih tha local Land Titles or Registry Offic*. or tha Ministry of Natural Tha informsUon shown l* derived from digital data available In ttie Provincial Minlno Rwowdars' Offic* at the time of downf oadinfl from the Ministry of Northern ri*v*Jopm*nt and Mfne* wab dt*. General information a Toll Fret Map Datum: NAD 83 Provincial Mining R*cofderc'Office Tel: 1 (888) 415-9846 (tt 67f*l)N*ion: UTM (6 dap/M) Willel Qrmn Mlllw Centre 933 Ramsay like Road Fax: 1 (877) 670-1444 Topographic Data Source: Land Information Ontario Sudbury ON P3E 6B5 Mining Land Tenure Sourco: Provincial Mining Rccordan' Offlet Horne Page: www.mrtdm.gov.on.ca'MNDM^MINKS^AND6r'mlKninpge.htrR This map may not show urireal*t*fBd (and tenure and interests in lHnd includins cwtafn patents, laases, eaaementB, riflht of way*, tloodino rlphU. iicenceft, or oMw forms of disposition of right* and interest from the Grown, Ateo certain land tenure and land u*aa prohlbtt free entry to rtake mining dafms may not b* 2869 2817 2919 2951 2983 3062 3087 3071 3078 30(2 3094 3100 3106 3119 S1Z1 3133 3141 3144 3140 : Type Date Detorfptlon Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Jan1,2001 Jan 1. 2001 Jan 1,2001 Jan .2001 Jan . 2001 Jan . 2001 Jan .2001 Jan , Z001 SE042 OF MO ATCS.R.0. 169472 14/1 1/62 FILE 163472 27/1 1/87 FIE 163472 RESERVE NOV.I7/67S.R. 183472 ALL ISLANDS IN RAINY LAKE WITHDRAWN FROM STAKING UNDER S6C.39 SI E 42(RsOWeO 9/08/69 8.R.O. 163472 PLAN P-3377-26 R66.TO D.P.W. PATROL YARD RESERVE NOV.27d87 S.R. 163471 Wj Jan 1, 2001 Jan 1,2001 Jan 1 . 2001 Jan 1, 8001 Jsn 1. 2001 Jan 1, 2001 Jan 1 , 2001 Jan 1, J001 Jan 1, Z001 Jan 1 , 2001 t,.* THJnm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wm Wt Wl Wm Wm Wm Jan .2001 PUBLIC RESERVE NOV 14/82 3. R 10*472 PUBLIC RESERVE 1967 S.R.0. 163472 SM-216 WITHDRAWN UNDIR SEC.30(0) OF THE MINING ACT PUStIC RESBRVE 1867 S.R.0. 163472 PUBLIC RESERVE 1967 S.R.O. 163472 PUBLIC RESERVE 1867 S.R.0. 163472 PUBUC RESERVE 1967 S.R.O. 163472 RESERVE S.R. 16347Z aoODINO RIGHTS RESERVED UP T0 1113.61 FT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL l PUBLIC RESERVE 1 907 8.R.O. 1 05472 *. t,.^.- M*-u~*,~ ™** — ™ ^MunuiMiticM AMnB/m^-a. ———irann^