The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association Inside This Issue Letter from the President 1 Letter from the Vice-President 2 Letter from the Secretary/Treasurer 3 Baldwin County Bee School 3 Dr. Tew’s Spring Symposium 3 Sell Your Propolis 3 Fumagilin-B Mixing Instructions 5 Central Alabama Beekeepers Association 5 December 2009 Editor - Lonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd; Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 205-625-3464 Website: Webmaster: Bob Fanning, in the State Association, please fill free to let me know or any of the Board of Directors so we can do our best to make it happen. L.L. Langstroth’s 200th Birthday 6 Back to the convention, thanks to Phillip Garrison for putting together a great line up of speakers, David Kelton’s Bee School 7 workshops, honey contest and entertainment. I would like to thank Bonnie Funderburg and all those who helped her with the preparation of the meals. All of Beekeeper of the Year 7 you behind the scene do so much and such a great job for the convention. It would not be possible to have Letter from the President such a marvelous convention if it was not for all of the Wow! Was that not a great convention we had! effort you contribute. Everyone who has helped with It would not have been possible if it was not for all of this convention did such a fantastic job. you coming and supporting the annual meeting. I I heard from some of our members who went would like to thank each of you for putting your trust to the Tennessee Beekeepers Association meeting in in me for another year to be your president. If there is 1 Cookeville, Tennessee that our convention had a biganything that you would like to see done or improved ger crowd, better meals, more speakers, and a better The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association meeting facility. I hope all of you like the Taylor Road Baptist Church for the new meeting place for the convention. We have already reserved it for next year. We have room to grow and more space to keep improving the convention. Dr. Tew’s annual Auburn workshop will be Saturday, February 6th, so make plans to attend. It is always worth the trip to Auburn. The Alabama Beekeepers Association would like to kick off the New Year with providing lunch for everyone who attends the workshop. Mark on your calendar to attend the spring picnic at Cooter’s Pond in Prattville again on June the 5th, 2010. Also, I would like for everyone to begin thinking about a candidate for Beekeeper of the year for 2010. Please send me your nomination and why you think they should be the next Beekeeper of the year. I close with thanks to every one of you and hope each and every one of you has a wonderful holiday. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks. And God Bless You All. David Ellis, President. Letter from the Vice-President December 2009 lunch, thanks to Randy & John, our State bee inspectors. Friday evening meetings were great, also, and then our Banquet & Entertainment was most enjoyable, thanks to the guys that grilled the steaks. Saturday meetings were also a great event with another wonderful lunch supplied by Barry Banks. The Business Meeting went well. There were two new directors elected; David and I were re-elected to our offices. I would like to thank you for re-electing me again. I hope that we will have another successful meeting on October 8th & 9th, 2010. It’s only ten months away, and already, we have some speakers reserved. I would like to give special thanks to our speakers Dr. Jim Tew, Jerry Hayes, Jennifer Berry, and Sherry Ferrell, and to our instate beekeepers Andy Webb, Bill Mullins, Neal Snider, Jeff Lee, Elizabeth Whitaker, Roslyn Horton, and David Kelton. David’s program was so well received that he was asked to repeat it. After some rearranging, he made his presentation again on Saturday. Thanks to Dennis Barclift, Randy Hamann, John Mynard, and Buddy Adamson for their time and part at the Annual Meeting. Thanks for all that you do. I’ve enjoyed working with David this year and look forward to another year. Bonnie, as always, does a superlative job at everything she does. And thank you Lonnie for whatever it is I ask you to send. There were several people that helped with registration and whatever they needed to do; I can’t remember all of you, but thanks. I would like to give a VERY special thanks to the ladies that made everything happen. The ones that worked in the kitchen, you just don’t know how much they all did unless you were in or around all the action that was going on. I can’t thank you enough for everything you did. Thanks to David & Lynn Kelton for bringing potatoes, to all the people that brought drinks and those wonderful desserts. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you on February 6th at Auburn. Thanks. Phillip Garrison, Hello Fellow Beekeepers: It’s Monday before Thanksgiving. I’m at work typing this letter; so, if you think that I’m not all there when reading this letter, maybe you will understand. The Annual Meeting was very successful, the largest attendance that I can remember. Nancy & I went down on Thursday the 8th and got there just before lunch time. Rick & Diane greeted us warmly at Taylor Road Baptist Church. I think this is the best place that we’ve ever had our Annual Meeting. The vendors got set up on Thursday; next year I will arrange that part differently. Several of us went to eat together that evening. Friday morning came and things were wild for a little bit until everything got arranged better. Meet- 2 Vice-President ings went well Friday morning. We had a wonderful The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association December 2009 sium will be held on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at AU’s Lowder Business College, 415 W Magnolia Dues are due now. If you Ave, Auburn University, AL. Registration will begin are receiving your Stinger at 8:00 a.m. til 3:45 p.m. at a cost of $17.00 per person that will include lunch sponsored by the Alabama in the mail, look at your Beekeepers Association. mailing label. The date “Practical Beekeeping in the Real World” is through which your dues the theme for this year’s symposium. A new basic are paid is on your mailbeekeeping section will be offered for participants ining label. If you are getterested in becoming a new beekeeper. Other topics ting your Stinger as an attachment by e-mail, your expiration date is in the e- will include: Urban Beekeeping, Raising & Replacing Queens, Inspecting Hives & Reading Frames, Managmail. You can always call me or send me an e-mail, ing Bees without Chemicals, Nosema Workshop, and I’ll look it up. Plants & Gardening for Bees, Cooking, and other topThe Alabama Beekeepers Association is host- ics. Speakers participating in the symposium are Dr. ing lunch at Dr. Tew’s workshop. That means all of James E. Tew, Sallie Lee, Phillip Carter, Elizabeth us. If you are willing to bring a dessert or drinks for Whitaker, Bill Mullins and more. the lunch, please let me know. Please leave what you For registration information contact: Ms. Anare bringing at the Red Barn before you go to the gie Rodgers, Dept. of Entomology, 301 Funchess workshop on Saturday morning so we will know what Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849-5615; Telewe need to get at the store before lunch. Looking for- phone: (334) 844-5006; Fax: (334) 844-5005; Eward to seeing everyone there. Congratulations, mail: or Ms. Sherry Lonnie, on your ―Beekeeper of the year‖ award. Ferrell,OSU Honey Bee Lab; Telephone: 330-263- Letter from the Secretary/Treasurer Bonnie The Baldwin County Alabama Beekeepers Association will sponsor a Ba- 3684; E-mail -: Dear Beekeeper Leaders, The gathering couldn't have been better, especially Bonnie with the sic Beekeeping Course meeting bi-weekly from Janu- food coordination, Lonnie as Beekeeper of the Year (he beat me out!), Ros and the cream honey instrucary 11th through April 26th, 2010 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Robertsdale Fire Station, St. Paul St, Rob- tions, with everything under David's and Phillip's suertsdale, AL (Beside the water tower). The $30 regis- pervision. And a good slate of officers for next year. tration fee includes Dr. Delaplane’s book, Beginning I thank you. Fred Fulton Beekeeping and $5 annual dues to the Baldwin County Beekeeping Association for 2010. Contact Bill Sell your propolis Booker at 251-947-2181 or Roger Simmons at 251At the annual Madison County Beekeepers 937-9184. The course will use Beginning Beekeeping Association ―Eating Meeting‖, the subject of selling by Dr. Keith Delaplane and the associated Video pres- ―hive scrapings – propolis‖ came up. Back in January entations as a reference and course guide. View the 2007, I published an article in both the Stinger and the course outline for each of the eight weekly sessions at local BuzWord. Below is a copy of the article. Only . the price has changed. Since some of our folks didn’t Make checks payable to: Baldwin County Beekeepers remember the article, I figured some ABA members may not either; so I decided to submit it for reAssociation and mail to: Denise Hall, P.O. Box 687, publication. The last shipment that I made to Beehive Loxley, AL 36551. Phone 251-979-5492. Botanicals they paid $12 a pound (+ shipping) for the scrapings – not for the pure propolis gleaned from the Dr. Tew’s Spring Auburn Beekeeping scrapings. I would advise shipping soon after collectSymposium 3 ing before they know both their supply and demand The Auburn University Beekeeping Sympofor the year. One year I shipped in March. I got the The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association lowest price ever. It was very good propolis. Now I ship before they get their inventory up to demand level. For years, I collected my hive scrapings in a tub and added them to my compost pile at year’s end. One day, I noticed a Beehive Botanicals ad in a bee journal advertising to buy ―hive scrapings.‖ I figured they were looking for big lots and pretty much forgot about it. Come harvest processing clean up time, I remembered the ad. I figured that, ―If they buy them, they must have a good use for them.‖ I boxed up about 30 lbs and sent them to Beehive Botanicals along with a ―No Charge‖ Invoice. My thinking was ―why waste a beehive product if someone else has a use for it.‖ Well, to my surprise, in a few weeks, I got a check in the mail from Beehive Botanicals for over a hundred and fifty dollars. They paid over $5 a pound AND they paid the cost to ship to them. Beehive Botanicals buys propolis based on a grading system and will pay between $2 and $6 (That was in 2007, it is at least double that now) a pound depending on the condition of the hive scrapings. From that day forth, I collect all hive scrapings and sell them to Beehive Botanicals each fall. Not a lot of income; but not too shabby for what I once considered a nuisance. If you are interested in selling your ―hive scrapings‖, give it a try. In my process, I try to scrape the supers, frames, and frame rest so the frames can be easily replaced. I have a tub with a ten inch or so board lying across it. There is a cleat on each end just inside the tub to prevent it slipping off. I manually uncap 12 frames and load my extractor. I then uncap 12 more and place them in my holding tank. I then clean the supers by scraping them clean of excess propolis. This gives the 12 frames in the extractor adequate time for slinging. Then I remove the frames, clean any excessive propolis from them and return them to the supers for recycling. I do not put any extra effort into trying to maximize the propolis yield. I am, however, conscious that Beehive Botanicals is purchasing propolis and not bees wax, so I do try to keep it as pure as feasible. I also spread it in a pretty thin layer and let the bees clean the excess honey before I package it. December 2009 To remove the honey, I leave it exposed one day isolated from ant access. I re-collect it after dark or I suppose I could use a bee escape. You gotta get the bees out of it pretty quickly. They will take the propolis back to the hive if you linger. I also pick up a few pounds by simply carrying a 2 lb coffee can with me on bee yard trips. If I encounter a propolis problem that needs attention (a good example is a propolised inner cover vent hole), I scrape it, put it in the coffee can, and add it to the shipment come fall. Here again, I do not go out of my way to collect it; but you would be surprised how much one accumulates. You know, at near $6 (Currently $12) a pound (the current price for clean hive scrapings), one might consider the intentional production of propolis using the propolis traps sold by most beekeeping supply houses. I have no idea how many pounds a typical beehive would produce but some of my bees at times make me think they are a propolis gold mine! This tip is not going to make you rich; but if you run 75 or more hives, you might be able to pay for your spouse’s Christmas gift by selling your scrapings. Or, you might consider a pooling of propolis as an association fundraiser. If your operation is large enough to have a retail sales outlet or your local association sells beehive products to the public, you might be interested in looking into Beehive Botanicals product line as resell items. After all, it might be made from Alabama propolis! For more information about selling your hive scrapings or purchasing products at wholesale from Beehive Botanicals, contact them at 1-800BEEHIVE (233-4483) or see their retail sales page at: Bob Fanning, Past President of Madison County Beekeepers and Alabama Beekeepers Associations Fumagilin-B—Mix the Product This Way Once you have prepared sugar water and allowed it to cool to room temperature, put one slightly rounded teaspoon in a ½ pint of tap water. Shake till the product is dissolved. Mix the dissolved product into a gallon of heavy sugar water (7 lbs sugar per gallon). Feed on 4 The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association top and right above the cluster. Do not substitute these directions for product label directions. The smallest bottle (8 ounces) of Fumagilin should be enough to mix 5-6 gallons of treated sugar water. When mixing sugar water, don’t forget to leave space in the container for the Fumagilin. If mixed in a larger container (bulk mixed), put left over sugar water in refrigerator. Go back and refill the feeders as soon as possible to use up product. It will lose half of its effectiveness after 4 weeks. Mix the sugar ahead of time in warm water and allow sugar water to cool to room temperature before mixing in the dissolved Fumagilin. Warm water will destroy Fumagilin. One gallon should be adequate for most overwintering colonies in Alabama, but if a colony has a large population, feed two gallons. Alabama Department of Agriculture and In- December 2009 ers now have their own association. They meet the first Thursday in every month at Heritage Baptist Church Family Life Center, 1849 Perry Hill Rd (Vaughn & Perry Hill, from I-85 Exit 4). The purpose of this association is to promote honey bees among fellow beekeepers, agriculture and the general public. In particular, assisting members with their questions about apiary management while providing educational opportunities through regular meetings and classes. For more information, contact Fred Fulton, or (334) 279-7359. Public is invited to attend. Fred F Fulton, Montgomery Beekeeper Celebrating Honey Bee Science with L.L. Langstroth’s 200th Birthday by Carl dustries - July 2009 Flatow—Science Friday Initiative Central Alabama Beekeepers Association Two hundred years after his birth in 1810, November 17, 2009 Central Alabama beekeep- Rev. Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth, known as the Renewal _______ Alabama Beekeepers Association c/o Bonnie L. Funderburg, Sect/Treasurer 1260 Easley Bridge Rd. Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 Membership Application Form New Member ______ 2010 Annual dues $10 (per person) should be mailed to above address. Please Print All Information Clearly. Make check payable to Alabama Beekeepers Association Name:____________________________________________ Adress:___________________________________________ City:_______________________State:________ ZIP:__ __ __ __ __ + __ __ __ __ County ___________________________ Telephone#:(_____) ______ - __________(Optional) Would you like to receive the newsletter by e-mail? ____Yes e-mail address _____________________________________ (Please provide your e-mail address even if you wish to receive the newsletter on paper) ________ Are you a Member of a local Beekeepers association? _____ If ‘YES’ which one? ___ (For Treasurer’s Use.) ___________________________________ Receipt Issued_____________ Date Received____________ Check No. ___________ Amount______________ Posted__________________ 5 The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association December 2009 ―Father of American Beekeeping‖ will be honored. NOW. We must convince the U.S. Postal Service that Langstroth’s discovery of ―bee space‖ and his inven- America deserves a commemorative postage stamp tion of the movable-frame beehive will be celebrated created in honor of this outstanding under-appreciated with a national network of exhibits, workshops, and American. It is my hope that the beekeeping commuseminars and, with your help, perhaps a commemora- nity, anyone who enjoys honey, and everyone who tive U.S. postage stamp as well. appreciates the foods we eat which depend on the Langstroth started with ―two stocks of bees in honey bee, will write a letter encouraging the U.S. common box hives‖ while serving as a minister in An- Postal Service to honor Langstroth in this way at this dover, MA in the 1830s. Before long he was studying special time. beekeeping in depth. He observed his bees and sought I believe Send a letter to: to understand their ways in order to build hive boxes that a flood of CSAC which would allow him to better combat the destruc- letters will help c/o Stamp Development tive wax moths and collect surplus honey without to convince the U.S. Postal Service harming the bees or damaging their wonderful honey Postal Service 1735 North Lynn Street comb. how important Suite 5013 This is the essence of the scientific method. Langstroth is to Arlington, VA 22209-6432 Those who might think that Langstroth was an all of us. The Email me at: unlikely scientist would be misunderstanding the role U.S. Postal Ser- of science in our lives. The scientific method involves vice Citizens’ experiencing the world in which we live, responding Stamp Advisory Committee will be considering a to the curiosity that naturally resides inside us, devis- Langstroth stamp at their January 2010 meeting, ing a method of observing and recording, testing and so please send them a letter, today. Get everyone confirming our expectations, and evaluating the reyou know on board the postage stamp campaign, and sults we achieve. It is available and important to each have them enlist their friends. We will also be preparing a mass petition. and every one of us, just as it was to Langstroth. Please send an email to me at and Langstroth’s efforts gave us a way to raise include your ZIP Code so that we may show the geolarge quantities of bees, keep them healthy and collect graphic breadth of this support. This is also a great their honey in a truly sustainable way, without deway to coordinate celebrations in your community stroying their home. We all owe him thanks and, the with ours. year 2010, his 200th birthday year is a great time for Sincerely, Carl Flatow, Science Friday Initiapeople across the country to celebrate him in ways tive that benefit us all. Our effort to honor Langstroth will include the Letter from the Editor – study and appreciation of his efforts and what they One morning, November 25, 2009, Bonnie have yielded. Throughout the year 2010, the Down to called me from the bank. They needed our Articles of Earth Program, which I direct for the non-profit Sci- Incorporation. I have never seen any Articles of Incorence Friday Initiative (SFI), will be developing and poration for the Alabama Beekeepers Association, coordinating a national network of workshops, exhibits and gatherings to teach and learn about the consid- Inc. So, I Googled Alabama Secretary of State. What do you know! Here is a website with public informaerable science connected with the honey bee. Please visit the Down to Earth section of the SFI Web site for tion about Alabama corporations. I called Tamara details. ( Cofield, the Public Information Specialist, in MontBut there’s something we need to do right 6 gomery. She led me to additional information on their The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association website where I learned that the Alabama Beekeepers Association, Inc. was incorporated on July 25, 1933. Did you have any idea the Association was that old? Also, I learned that the incorporators were Jasper Knight, W.E. Harrell, and M.C. Berry. Sound familiar? For $6, we have a copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the Alabama Beekeepers Association. Memberties, the computer software that keeps track of our membership is current. I plan to upgrade to Memberties Professional. The upgrade will allow me to e-mail the Stinger to those members requesting the digital version. The pictures will be in color. It will arrive within minutes of being sent. It will save at least 44¢ per issue. That may seem paltry compared to the cost of a gallon of gas; but I multiply by six issues a year times 385 members. There is a possibility that you may be able to pay your dues online with a credit card someday. I am looking at a website called Google Checkout. Don’t hold your breath. Check our website for links to other bee schools not mentioned in this newsletter. My mentor and long-time friend, James H. Cain, passed away on the 3rd of December. Mr. Cain’s stated goal was to be the best at whatever he tried. At my last visit, I told him that one of his students made ―Beekeeper of the Year.‖ December 2009 7:45p.m. at Carnes Recreation Center, 102 Case Ave. & Hwy 77, Attalla, AL. There will be a $65.00 fee which will cover the book, First Lessons in Beekeeping, by Dr. Keith Delephane, handouts each week on what we cover, some beekeeping equipment and refreshments. There also will be a door prize given each week. Classes will cover How to keep Honey Bees, how to assemble bee hive equipment, and how to recognize bee diseases and pests. Pre- registration is appreciated to pre-order books and supplies. To register or for more information contact David Kelton ―Lookout Mountain Honey Bees‖ @ 256-523-4767 or 256-441-2887 Beekeeper of the Year 2009 Congratulations to Lonnie Funderburg, our newest Beekeeper of the Year. Also thanks to David Ellis for re-enacting the award. I was one of those that nominated Lonnie for the BOTY. Mark Mckissack did a very good job of presenting the award to Lonnie, but I would like to expand on Lonnie’s qualification. I have worked pretty closely with Lonnie over the past two years and may be a little more familiar with the long hours and hard work that he has put into his position as President. For what it’s worth, he is still working hard on behalf of the ABA. Lonnie is a little like the duck that is peacefully floating effortlessly in the moving stream. On the surface he is calm and collected but deep down his feet are moving like a blender on steroids. I know of some of the contributions that Lonnie has made but by no means do I know all of them. Here’s a list of some of his accomplishments that I felt qualified him for Beekeeper of the Year for 2009. Lonnie W. Funderburg, Editor He is a Young Harris certified Master BeeBeginner’s Beekeeping Classes keeper. He served the maximum allowed (2) consecutive If your association is conducting beekeeping classes terms as President of the ABA. During his tenure, he has and would like the pertinent information posted on our markedly improved the ABA in a variety of ways. He WebPages, please contact Bob Fanning. If you have has visited most of the regional associations. He has inquires regarding classes available in any part of the grown ABA membership from 161 paid up members when he took office to 318 when he left office, which by state please refer them to In the digital version, the way is in the range of the highest number of memfor those of you accepting the Stinger by e-mail, Bob bers in the past 20 years. He built the first ever ABA Fanning is a link. Simply click on the link and you will Webpage ( He started the annual ABA spring Picnic which has proven to be be connected to your e-mail. Ed. very popular. He produces a very well edited Stinger. He has installed and implemented a software program that Kelton Bee Keeping Class gives detailed access to all pertinent information regardClasses will be held Thursday January 28, 2010 and every Monday the month of February. There ing ABA members providing for better control and serwill be a field day in the bee yard the 1st Saturday in 7 vice to our members. In addition to his contribution to the state associaMarch, weather permitting. Class time will be 6:00 – The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association tion, Lonnie has also served as President of the Walker County Association for many years and has been a very active member in the Madison County, Cullman County, Sand Mountain and probably others that I do not know about. Lonnie is very active in the promotion of beekeeping at various civic, youth organizations and County Fairs. Lonnie has also attended and represented Alabama at the Heartland Apicultural Society for several years. The next time you see Lonnie, tell him thanks and congratulations. He surely does not expect it but it would sure make him feel appreciated. Submitted by Bob Fan- December 2009 ning, Madison County and Sand Mt Beekeepers Associa- tions. Cash Balance @ September 6, 2009 $ 9,113.66 Cash Receipts Dues $ 1,050.00 Annual Meeting Registrations 5,683.95 Donations from Jefferson County and Madison County Assocs. 200.00 Total Deposits 6,933.95 Cash Disbursements Annual Meeting Expenses $4,081.26 Deposit for 2010 meeting at Taylor Road Baptist Church 850.00 Domain Name & Annual Fee for Website 178.40 June, August, & October Stingers 530.03 EAS Dues 50.00 Judge of Probate—copy of Articles of Incorporation 6.00 Bank Service Charges Sept. $6.00; Oct. $4.50; Nov. $3.75 14.25 Purchased Six-month CD 3,000.00 Purchased Twelve-month CD 5,000.00 Total Disbursements 13,709.94 Excess of Disbursements over Receipts - 6,775.95 Cash Balance @ December 11, 2009 $ 2,337.67 We put $8,000 into CDs this past month to earn some interest for the association. A reminder that dues are payable in January for 2010. Many of you have already paid. Check your mailing label if you are unsure. Interim Statement of Cash at December 11, 2009 2010 Officers and Board of Directors Membership 344 Members as of September 6, 2009 Report: + 41 New members 385 Members as of December 14, 2009 Webmaster—Bob Fanning, Editor—Lonnie W. Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd., Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 President David Ellis, 9705 Bankston Road, Dora, AL 35062- Sect/Treas Bonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd, Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 1722 Vice-President Phillip Garrison, 178 County Road 1327, Vine- Director - 2010 James MacIlveen, 2408 Circle Dr. SE, Decatur, AL 35603-5620 mont, AL 35179-6871 8 The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association December 2009 Director - 2012 Jeff Lee, 102 Whitfield Rd. Athens, AL 356132716 Director - 2012 Bill Miller, 2991 Eddins Rd. Dothan, AL 363017478 Director - 2010 Mike Stoops, PO Box 35, Excel, AL 36439-0035 Director - 2011 Bill Hewett, 12751 Bear Creek Rd, Duncanville, AL 35456-2532 Director - 2011 Damon Wallace, 2003 Highpoint Dr, Opelika, AL 36801-2005 Building. (Updated 1-14-2009) Montgomery County: Contact Jimmy D. Smitherman, County Extension Coordinator, Montgomery County, 400 Eastern Blvd., Ste 107, Baldwin County: Eugene Fernandes, Pres. 25389 Lakeside Terrace, Montgomery, AL 36117-2043. 334-270-4133 e-mail Loxley AL 36551-7415; Tel (251) 964-8018, . Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Tue at Robertsdale Fire Dept, St. Paul & Racine Streets, across from water tower. (Updated 03-04-2007) North-West Alabama Bee Club: Phillip Irions, 6010 County Road 87, Waterloo, AL 35677-3681 Tel (256) 766-0793. E-mail piriCentral Alabama Beekeepers Association: Allyson Andrews, Pres. rd Meet 6:00 PM 1st Thursday of every month at Heritage Baptist Church Meet 3 Thu 6:20 P.M. at Darby Drive Church of Family Life Center, 1849 Perry Hill Rd (Vaughn & Perry Hill, from I-85 Christ, Florence, AL North-East Alabama (Calhoun County & surrounding area): Joe AberExit 4) Contact Fred Fulton 334-279-7359 or loveliestvilnathy, Pres. 256-835-1214, Meet 6:30 P.M. (Updated 12-14-2009) 2nd Thu 17th & Noble Sts, Auburn Extension Administration Building, Choctaw County: Tim Dykes, 1211 Briarwood Rd, Gilbertown, AL Anniston, AL (Updated 12-10-2009) 36908-2508 Tel (251) 459-3470. Meet 7:00 P.M. monthly at Butler Sand Mountain Beekeepers (Blount, DeKalb, Jackson, Marshall & Civic Center, Call for details on dates of meeting. NE AL): Lyle Greenwood, Pres, Tel (256)586-2206, Cullman County: Phillip Garrison, Pres. 178 County Rd 1327, Vinend Meet 6:30 P.M. on 3rd Thu of even numbered mont, AL 35179-6871, Tel (256) 734-5963, Meet 2 Tue at 6:30 P.M. every odd month at Main Alfa Building, 307 Main Ave N.W., Cullman, months at Guntersville Public Library, 1240 O’Brig Ave. (Updated 0426-09) AL 35055 (Updated 11-12-2002) SAUGAHATCHEE BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION (Lee Co.) John East Alabama Beekeepers: Ralph Sanchez, Pres, P.O. Box 68, Delta, st AL 36258-0068, (256) 488-5426. Meet at 6:30 P.M. at Clay Co. Exten- Lang, president, Meet 1 Tuesday of eventh numbered months 6:00 P.M. at Lee County Extension Office, 600 S. 7 St., Opesion Office in Ashland. (Updated 01-13-07) lika, AL. Contact Dani Carroll, (334) 749-3353. (Updated 1-07-2009) Escambia County: Clyde Bruley says that this club is no longer meetSouth Alabama (Mobile County): This local association has ceased ing. (Updated 8-26-09) Etowah County:Wil Montgomery, Pres. 1401 Lakemont Dr. S; South- meeting and disbanded. (Updated 10-26-2007) side, AL 35907-5636. Tinsley H. Gregg, Auburn Ext Ofc Agent, 3299- Southeast Alabama Beekeepers Association: Al Liepins, pres. 260 County Road 7700, Troy, AL 36081-4424, (334) 566-7340, alieA West Meighan Blvd, Gadsden, AL 35094. Tel (256) 547-7936. st, Meet 7:00 P.M. 1st Thu of each month at the Coffee Meets 6:30 P.M. 1 Thu of odd months at East Gadsden Community County Farm Center in New Brockton, AL (Updated 01-05-2008) Center, 921 Wilson Ave, Gadsden, AL 256-549-4673 Updated (4-7Tallapoosa River: There has been no communication from this organi2009) Jefferson County: Glenn Cobbs, Pres. 3262 Dell Rd, Birmingham, AL zation. Tennessee Valley Beekeepers Association: Ernie Norton, pres. 100 35223-1318, . Meet 7:00 P.M. 3rd Thu BirmingPoint Rd, Town Creek, AL 35672-9042, (256) 446-6197. Meet 2nd Thu ham Botanical Gardens, 2612 Lane Park Rd. Birmingham, AL 35223of even months at 7:00 P.M. at the Moulton City Hall, 720 Seminary St, 1802 County agent, Sallie Lee (205) 879-6964 Ext 11 (Updated 03-05Moulton, AL (Updated 08-18-2008) 2009) Walker County: Lonnie Funderburg, 1260 Easley Bridge Rd, Oneonta, Limestone County Beekeepers Association: Mark Nelson, nd AL 35121-4110 Tel (205) 625-3464. Meet 6:30 P.M. 4th Mon at Ext pres. 256 729 1445 . Meets 2 Svc Bldg, 1501 N. Airport Road, Jasper, AL except July and December, Thu of even months at 6:00 PM in ALFA building, 524 Hwy 72 West, picnic in July. (Updated 01-26-09) Athens, Al 35611 (Updated 03-06-2009) Madison County: Harold Green, Pres., 1009 Kinsey Dr; Huntsville, AL West Alabama Beekeepers Association (Bibb, Tuscaloosa, Hale, & 35803-3903 Tel (256) 881-8531. E-mail Meet 6:30 Pickensrd Cos.) Bill Hewett, Pres Meet 6:00 P.M. 2nd Thu in odd-numbered months at Botanical Gardens, 4747 Bob P.M. 3 Thu monthly at County Extension Service Auditorium, 714 Greensboro Ave.,Tuscaloosa, Al 35401. Current website Wallace Ave, Huntsville, AL (Updated 07-16-2007) Mobile County: Contact James L. Smith, 3280 Salco Road, Chunchula, (Updated 03-05-2009) Wiregrass (Houston County): Bill Miller, Pres. 2991 Eddins Rd. AL 36521 (Updated 3-11-2009) st Monroe County: Contact Toria Sims at 4349 Turkey Hollow Rd. Frisco Dothan, AL 36301; 334-794-8362. Meet 7:00 P.M. 1 Thu every month at Houston County Extension Office, Ross Clark Circle #4; Dothan, AL. City, AL 36445-5154; 251-267-3520;, meet nd 7:00 P.M. 2 Thu of third month (Mar. Jun. Sep. Dec.) at Southern Pine (Updated 12-24-2007) nb Regional Clubs/Associations 9 December 2009 The Stinger - Newsletter of the Alabama Beekeepers Association The Stinger 1260 Easley Bridge Rd. Oneonta, AL 35121-4110 December 2009 NEWSLETTER OF THE ALABAMA BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION November/December 2009 Vol. 22 No. 6 Inside This Issue Page 2 10 Place Stamp Here