Alan B. Eisner - Pace University Webspace

Professor and Department Chair
Department of Management and Management Science
Lubin School of Business
Pace University
1 Pace Plaza, Room W-427
New York, NY 10038
(212) 618-6599
Management, New York University, Stern School of Business, 1997
Management, New York University, Stern School of Business, 1995
Engineering Management, Cornell University, 1992
Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, 1989
Pace University Scholarly Research Grant, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007, 2010
Lubin School of Business Summer Research Grant 1998- 2014
Academy of Management Summer Research Grant, 1999
Stern School of Business Dissertation Research Grant, 1996
Best Paper Award, 1995 Texas Conference on Organizations, Lago Vista, Texas
New York University Fellowship, 1992-1996
Cornell-Carrier Master of Engineering Full Tuition Fellowship, 1990-1992
Lubin School of Business, Pace University, Department Chair, Management and
Management Science Department
 37 full-time and 30 adjunct faculty members, 800 students across 18 different majors
 Responsible for department strategy and curriculum development
 Represent the department to prospective students and families
 Staff and schedule 160 to 180 courses each semester
 Maintain AACSB faculty ratios
 Oversee faculty recruitment, hiring, mentoring, and evaluation.
 Create student programing and engagement activities
This job entails resource allocation and prioritization, faculty management,
curriculum oversight and development, and student engagement and recruitment. I
create strategy for departmental renewal and growth in keeping with university and
business school goals and plans. I manage a department of 37 full-time and 30 adjunct
faculty members. We offer 8 undergraduate majors and 4 minors, 5 MBA
concentrations, 3 MS degrees, and 2 doctoral majors, enrolling approximately 800
students in the department.
The department is a diverse collection of professionals from strategic management,
organizational behavior, international business, human resources, entrepreneurship, and
management science. I am responsible for staffing and scheduling 160 to 180 courses
every semester and maintaining efficient and effective use of faculty resources. As part
of this responsibility, I oversee full-time and adjunct faculty recruitment, hiring, and
mentoring. In conjunction with the Dean, I evaluate faculty for annual merit salary
increases. Additionally, I motivate and encourage our faculty to participant in the
Page 2
department’s field study trips, clubs, and honor societies that engage our students as part
of an ongoing and active student retention strategy.
1997- 2003
Lubin School of Business, Pace University, Graduate Program Chair, Management and
Management Science Department
This job is a subset of the department chair’s responsibilities, including graduate
curriculum oversight and development, and graduate student engagement and
recruitment. I shared management responsibility for a department of 37 full-time and 30
adjunct faculty members. We offer 5 MBA concentrations, 3 MS degrees, and 2 doctoral
majors, enrolling approximately 300 graduate students in the department.
The department is a diverse collection of professionals from strategic management,
organizational behavior, international business, human resources, entrepreneurship, and
management science. In consultation with my department chair, I was responsible for
staffing and scheduling graduate courses every semester and maintaining efficient and
effective use of faculty resources. I met with and advised graduate students regarding
program of study and course selection. I also approved course waivers and substitutions
for students and was the liaison with the professional graduate student advisement staff.
Lubin School of Business, Pace University, Professor of Management and Management
Lubin School of Business, Pace University, Associate Professor of Management and
Management Science
Lubin School of Business, Pace University, Assistant Professor of Management and
Management Science
Courses taught:
Strategy and Business Policy (Graduate and Undergraduate) , Applied Decision Systems (Graduate)
Foundations in Organizational Theory and Strategy (Doctoral Seminar), Advanced Topics in Organizational
Theory and Strategy (Doctoral Seminar) ,Managing a business on the Internet (Graduate and Undergraduate)
Venture Initiation and Entrepreneurship (Graduate) , Entrepreneurship Implementation (Graduate and
Undergraduate) , International Business Field Study Trip to China (Graduate), Organizational Theory and
Development (Undergraduate)
NYU. Instructor, Undergraduate Business Policy and Strategy
Current and continuing
2003 -
University Budget and Finance Committee, Pace University
 Architect of the Pace University faculty renewal and retirement plan. In conjunction
with the provost we designed a faculty renewal strategy and an incentive plan for
faculty retirement
 Designed faculty salary compression alleviation plan to minimize budget impact and
maximize effectiveness
 Participating author of the current University strategic plan
 Created plan for faculty summer compensation
University Institutional Review Board, Pace University
 Convinced members to implement electronic review system
Lubin School
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
 Created new Arts and Entertainment & Healthcare Management Majors
 Revamped Management Science Major to include project management
19992004 -
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Doctoral Program Committee
Doctoral Dissertations
Doctoral Committee Chair:
H. Davidson
K. Moody
A. Samalin
T. Wu
R. Barr (2014)
R. Aviram (2014)
P. Assenza (2010)
Z. Christodoulou (2010)
M. Esposito (2010)
S. Adams (2009)
A. Guimaraes (2009)
P. McGuigan (2007)
R. Mahee (2006)
J. Lenahan (2004)
D. Nay (2003)
Doctoral Committee Member: W. Pope (2001), M. Alloca (2003), C. McQuillen (2011), P. Mohan
Previous Academic Service
2004 -2009
2002 - 2009
2001 - 2003
2001 - 2003
University Representative, SCI2 Incubator Selection Committee, Pace University
Provost’s Distance Education Council, Pace University
University Assessment Committee, Pace University - Westchester Faculty Council Representative
President’s Grant Selection Committee, Pace University
Lubin School
2003- 2010
2005 – 2006
1998 -2008
1999 -2009
2001 - 2003
2002 – 2004
1999 - 2001
1998 - 1999
1998 -2000
1998 - 1999
1998 - 1999
Graduate Curriculum Committee
Lubin Centennial Taskforce
Scholarly Research Committee, Lubin School of Business
Graduate Student Relations, Lubin School of Business
Recorder, Lubin Faculty Council, Lubin School of Business
Graduate Curriculum Committee, Lubin School of Business
Chair, Scholarly Research Committee, Lubin School of Business
E-business Taskforce, Lubin School of Business
Council Nominating Committee, Lubin School of Business
Information Technology Staff Selection Committee, Lubin School of Business
Undergraduate Student Relations, Lubin School of Business
Faculty Advisor for the Lubin Ambassadors
Dean’s Taskforce on Distance Education, Lubin School of Business
Dean’s Taskforce on Distance Education, Platform subcommittee, Lubin School of Business
Management Department
2004 -2009
Chair, Faculty Recruiting Committee, Management Department
2002 -2010
Graduate Program Chair, Management Department
2002 -2008
Faculty Advisor, Sigma Iota Epsilon Management Honor Society, Management Department
2000 - 2004
Faculty Recruiting Committee, Management Department
2000 - 2002
Founding Faculty Advisor for the Management Society - Pleasantville, Lubin School of Business
1997 - 2000
Entrepreneurship Committee, Management Department
Member of the Academy of Management, Member of the Strategic Management Society,
Member of the Eastern Academy of Management
Page 4
2004 - 2009
2003 -2006
2002- 2003
1996- 2001
2000- present
1999- present
1999- present
1998- present
1997- present
Program Evaluation Coordinator, Management Education Division, Academy of Management
Representative At Large, Management Education Division, Academy of Management
Associate Editor, The Case Journal, Case Association. The associate editor works with the editor-in-chief to
manage the review process for case submissions, solicit appropriate reviewers, provides timely feedback to
authors, and publish the journal.
Vice President and Conference Program Chair, Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Annual
Conference. The program chair manages the review process for case submissions, solicits appropriate
reviewers, provides timely feedback to authors, and selects the cases for presentation at the conference.
Work in Process Conference Track Chair, Eastern Academy of Management 2003 Annual Conference.
“Work in Process” track chair manages the review process for article submissions, solicits appropriate
reviewers, provides timely feedback to authors, and selects the papers for presentation at the conference. This
track is intended for doctoral student submissions to in EAM conference. Students can learn about the review
process and receive valuable feedback on their work.
Director Internet Communications for the Academy of Management. Charged with the design and
construction of a central Internet presence for the Academy of Management. The site offers many services in
support of the Academy including a new web based on-line placement center (
On-line Newsletter Editor for the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, College
on Organization Science.
Ad Hoc reviewer, Administrative Science Quarterly
Ad Hoc reviewer, management books, Oxford University Press
Ad Hoc reviewer, management books, McGraw-Hill
Reviewer, Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management
Ad Hoc reviewer for Management Science and Computational And Mathematical Organizational Theory
Practice Management Consultant, Dobbs Ferry New York
Consultation to medical and dental practices in the New York City area on customer experience, human
resources, and revenue optimization.
Strategic Management Consultant, Dobbs Ferry New York
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, NY , Digital Multimedia, L.L.C., Greenwich, CT,,
Greenwich, CT, Computer Impressions, New York, NY, KOTV, Tulsa, OK
HealthPlus of Michigan, Flint, Michigan
Management Consultant
 Benchmarked hospital and PPO utilization rates.
 Initiated electronic claims operations projects and reviewed manual claims operations.
 Investigated electronic benefits authorization systems.
United Technologies Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, New York
Advanced Manufacturing Engineer
 Designed a knowledge-based heuristic optimization modeling tool for residential heat pump component
location and copper tubing design.
 Managed the development of an automated job shop scheduler that analyzes the costs of new work order
 Created a simulation model of Carrier's Monterrey, Mexico, heat exchanger coil fabrication job shop to aid
in manufacturing capacity planning.
Mobil Oil Corporation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Light Stock Analyst
 Implemented management reporting systems projects to improve line item cash flow analysis.
 Reduced costs by $100K by automating accounting statistics system.
 Consultant--Project Business, Junior Achievement of Delaware Valley
Student Agencies, Inc., Ithaca, New York
Vice President for New Business Development
 Developed and implemented strategic plan for new business development.
 Supervised introduction of three new business units: a campus photography service, a dry cleaning
delivery service, and a promotional advertising agency.
Founder and Manager Tuxedo Rental Agency
 Created retail tuxedo rental business catering to Cornell Fraternities.
 Developed business plan, executed start-up, and managed day-to-day operations.
Page 5
Li, L., Feldman, H. & Eisner, A.B. (2014). Greenwood Resources: A Global Sustainable Venture in the Making. Case Research
Journal, 34(3): 1-21.
Guimarães, A.L.S., Korn, H.J., Shin, N., & Eisner, A.B. (2013). The Life Cycle of Open Source Software Development
Communities. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(2): 167-182.
Eisner, A. B., Baugher, D., & Korn, H.J. (2012). Campbell: Is the Soup Still Simmering? Journal of the International Academy
for Case Studies, 18(5): 65-81.
Baugher, D. M., Weisbord, E., & Eisner, A. B. (2011). Damping the Elasticity of Demand Function in a Business Simulation:
Does Lower Market Volatility Decrease Student Satisfaction with their Experience? Journal of Business and Behavioral
Sciences, 23 (3), 4-13.
Eisner, A. B., Rahman, N., & Korn, H. J. (2009).Formation conditions, innovation, and learning in R&D consortia. Management
Decision, 47 (6), 851-871.
Kuperman, J. C., Athavale, M., & Eisner, A. B. (2007).Recognizing the Role of the Financial Community in Strategy
Formulation: Just How Interdisciplinary is Strategic Management Education? Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 11
(1), 97-107.
Lenaghan, Janet A. Buda, Richard, & Eisner, Alan B. 2007. An Examination of Emotional Intelligence in the Balance Between
Work and Family. Journal of Managerial Issues, Volume 19, No. 1, pages 76-94.
Rahman, Noushi and Eisner, Alan B. (2007). Kmart-Sears Merger of 2005, Journal of Case Studies, Volume 13, No. 3, pages
Lenaghan, Janet A. & Eisner, Alan B. 2006. Employers of choice and competitive advantage: the proof of the pudding is in the
eating. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, Volume 10, Number 1, pages 99-109.
McGuigan, Patrick J. and Eisner, Alan B., 2006. Marketing Your Dental Practice: Eight Steps to Success, Journal of the
American Dental Association, Volume 137, Issue 10, pages 1426-1433.
McGuigan, Patrick J. and Eisner, Alan B., 2006. The Seven “P’s” of Professionalism. GAMA International Journal, January /
February, pages 32-37.
Assenza, Pauline & Eisner, Alan B. 2005. Reader’s Digest: Inform, Enrich, Entertain, and Inspire. The Case Journal, Volume 2,
No. 1, pages 65-100.
Lenaghan, Janet A. & Eisner, Alan B. 2005. An Exploration of the Competitive Advantage of Employer of Choice Programs on
International Human Resource Management. Journal of International Business Research, Volume 4, Issue 2, pages 87-97.
McGuigan, Patrick J. and Eisner, Alan B., “The Paradox for Planner,” The CPA Journal, September 2004, 74(9): page 14.
McGuigan, Patrick J. and Eisner, Alan B., “Cognitive Bias in the Valuation Process,” The Valuation Examiner, May/June 2004.
McGuigan, Patrick J. and Eisner, Alan B., “The Chocolate Cake Paradox: What Financial Planners can Learn from Dieters,” The
Journal of Financial Planning, May 2004.
McGuigan, Patrick J. and Eisner, Alan B., “Overcoming Blind Spots in the Financial Planning Process,” November 2003,
Journal of Financial Service Professionals.
Kuperman, Jerome C., Athavale, Manoj, and Eisner, Alan B. “Financial analysts and the media: Evolving roles and recent
trends,” American Business Review, 2003, Volume 21, No 2, Pages 74-80.
DiGabriele, James A. and Eisner, Alan B. “Putting the ‘E” back in P/E ratios,” The Valuation Examiner, November / December
2003, Pages 24-27.
Eisner, Alan B. “The effects of rapid environmental change on competitive strategies: An organizational learning perspective,”
Journal of the Academy of Strategic Management, 2003, Volume 2, pages 31-54.
Eisner, Alan B., Kuperman, Jerome C., Dennehy, Robert F., & Dory, John P. “Toys R Us (A) and (B),” Journal of Behavioral
and Applied Management, 2003, Volume 4, No. 2, pages 158-170.
Leavenworth, Stephen M., Eisner, Alan B., & Robinson, Richard. “The North Face,” Journal of The International Academy for
Case Studies, 2002, Volume 8, No. 5, pages 69-91.
Moody, Keith F., Eisner, Alan B., & Robinson, Richard. “Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (A),” Journal of The International
Academy for Case Studies, 2002, Volume 8, No. 6, pages 1-10.
Eisner, Alan B., Jett, Quintus, & Korn, Helaine J. “Web-based periodicals as emerging cultural forms: incumbent and newcomer
producers in the early stages of industry evolution,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2001, Volume 5, No. 2, pages
Mezias, Stephen J., Eisner, Alan B., “Modes of Interorganizational Imitation and the Transformation of Organization
Populations,” Advances in Strategic Management, 1999, Volume 16 pages 113-130.
Lant, Theresa K., Eisner, Alan B., “Pharmaceutical R&D in an Era of Managed Healthcare: Using Integrative Teams to Produce
Enduring Competitive Advantage,” International Journal of Technology Management, 1998, Volume 15, Nos. 3/4/5, pages 299321.
Mezias, Stephen J., Eisner, Alan B., “Competition, Imitation, and Innovation: An Organizational Learning Approach,” Advances
in Strategic Management, 1997, Volume 14, pages 261-294.
Page 6
Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T., Eisner, Alan B., and McNarmara, Gerry. 2014. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 7th Ed.,
New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (~ unit 16,000 initial print run)
2. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T., Eisner, Alan B., and McNarmara, Gerry. 2014. Strategic Management: Creating Competitive
Advantages, 7th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
3. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T., Eisner, Alan B., and McNarmara, Gerry. 2012. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 6th Ed.,
New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
4. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T., Eisner, Alan B., and McNarmara, Gerry. 2012. Strategic Management: Creating Competitive
Advantages, 6th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
5. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2010. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 5th Ed., New York: McGrawHill/Irwin.
6. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2010. Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, 5th Ed., New
York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
7. Ketchen, David J. and Eisner, Alan B. 2008. Strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
8. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2008. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 4th Ed., New York: McGrawHill/Irwin.
9. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2008. Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, 4th Ed., New
York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
10. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2007. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 3rd Ed., New York: McGrawHill/Irwin.
11. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2007. Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, 3rd Ed., New
York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
12. Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T. and Eisner, Alan B. 2006. Strategic Management, 2nd Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Lenaghan, J.A. & Eisner, A.B. Competitive Advantage through Human Resources: Employer of Choice Programs, 2005,
reprinted in Shyam Sunder Kambhammettu (ed.), Gaining Competitive Advantage by Magnus School of Business (MSB),
Research Wing, Chhattisgarh, India, pages 42-54.
Eisner, Alan B., Jett, Quintus and Korn, Helaine J. “Playing to their strengths: Strategies of incumbent and startup firms in webbased periodicals,” In T.K. Lant and J. Shamsie (eds.), The Business of Culture: Strategic Perspectives on Entertainment & Media,
2005, pages 105-117. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Das, Dev, Eisner, Alan B. & Baugher, Dan. “Avon: Is growth still possible, or good time to sell?” 2014 Proceedings of the Case
Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Providence, RI.
2. Engelson, Eric, Eisner, Alan B. & Baugher, Dan. “Kickstarter,” 2013 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
3. Esposito, Michael, Eisner, Alan B. & Korn, Helaine. “technology and entry timing impacts performance in an emerging industry
subfield:a study of the consumer magazine industry,” 2012 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
4. Eisner, Alan B., Lam, Rico, & Korn, Helaine. “Macau Casino Industry,” 2011 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA.
5. Paladi, Adriana, Eisner, Alan B, Baugher, Dan, & Russell, James W. “Campbell: Is the soup ready?,” 2010 Proceedings of the
Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Portland, ME. Winner of the Case Association “Fellows’ Best
Case Award 2010.”
6. Moody, Keith F. & Eisner, Alan B. “Keurig a wholly own subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters,” 2009 Proceedings of
the Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Hartford, CT.
7. Townsend, Keeley, Eisner, Alan B., Gould, James & Baugher, Dan. “Jamba Juice,” 2008 Proceedings of the Case Association,
Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
8. Eisner, Alan B., Vojtkova, Lucia & Baugher, Dan. “Build-a-Bear Workshop,” 2008 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
9. DiChiara, Jennifer M., Eisner, Alan B., & Korn, Helaine. “Weightwatchers International,” 2008 Proceedings of the Case
Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
10. Assenza, Pauline, Eisner, Alan B., & Heimler, Ron. “Claire’s Stores: Competing Betwixt and Between,” 2007 Proceedings of the
Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ. Winner of the Case Association “Fellows’
Best Case Award 2007.”
11. Moody, Keith, & Eisner, Alan B. “Caribou Coffee,” 2007 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ.
12. Assenza, Pauline, Eisner, Alan B., & Kuperman, J.C. “Will The Real Ann Taylor Please Dress Up,” 2006 Proceedings of the
Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Page 7
PROCEEDINGS (continued)
13. “Reader’s digest: inform, enrich, entertain and inspire – inspire who? And for how much longer,” with Pauline Assenza, 2005
Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Springfield, MA.
14. “Atari and Infogrames Entertainment SA,” with Carlito Cabelin, 2004 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.
15. “Segway: A New Dimension In Human Transportation,” with Alanna Tracey, 2004 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.
16. “100 Years Of Ford: From Dominance To Death,” with Naga Lakshmi Damaraju and John C. Byrne. 2004 Proceedings of the
Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.
17. “Improving International Human Resources Management Through Employer Of Choice Programs,” with Janet A. Lenaghan,
Proceedings of the 2003 International Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
18. “” 2003 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
19. “Fastvideo,” with Robert F. Dennehy, 2003 Proceedings of the Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting,
Baltimore, Maryland.
20. “Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources: Employer Of Choice Programs,” with Janet A. Lenaghan, Proceedings of
the 2002 The Association on Employment Practices and Principles Meeting, New York, New York.
21. “The ethical challenges of managing a diverse workforce,” with Uzoamaka P. Anakwe, Proceedings of the 2002 Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, New Haven, Connecticut.
22. “The North Face,” with Stephen M. Leavenworth, Proceedings of the 2002 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management
Meeting, New Haven, Connecticut.
23. “Green Mountain Coffee Roasters,” with Keith F. Moody, Proceedings of the 2002 Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, New Haven, Connecticut.
24. “Toys-R-Us and the online toy industry (A) and (B),” with Jerome C. Kuperman, Robert F. Dennehy, and John P. Dory
Proceedings of the 2001 North American Case Research Association, Memphis, TN.
25. “Financial Analysts as Influencers of Strategy: The Case of E-Business,” with Jerome C. Kuperman, Proceedings of the 2001
Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New York, New York.
26. “E-Business Opportunities For Firms In Developing Nations: The Wireless Local Loop,” with Uzoamaka P. Anakwe
Proceedings of the 2001 Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New York, New York.
27. “Toys-R-Us in the Online Toy Business,” with Jerome C. Kuperman, Robert F. Dennehy, and John P. Dory Proceedings of the
2001 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New York, New York.
28. “Electronic commerce and the Internet: Selling online and delivering the goods,” Proceedings of the 2000 Eastern Academy of
Management, Danvers, MA.
29. “Administering an internet-based simulation in a capstone strategy course,” Proceedings of the 2000 Eastern Academy of
Management, Danvers, MA.
30. “CDNow,” Proceedings of the 2000 Case Association Meeting, Eastern Academy of Management, Danvers, MA.
31. “Ethics of two-tiered human resource management practices in E-commerce financial services firms,” with Uzoamaka P. Anakwe
and Dorothy McMullen, Proceedings of the 2000 Seventh Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, New
York, New York
32. “Competition and population level learning: A simulation Approach,” with Stephen J. Mezias, Proceedings of the 1999
INFORMS Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Workshop, Cincinnati, Ohio.
33. “Peapod,” Proceedings of the 1999 Case Association Meeting, Eastern Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
34. “Attention allocation and managerial decision making: International cultural differences,” with Zur Shapira and Uzoamaka
Anakwe, Proceedings of the 1999 Eastern Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
35. “The reshaping of the magazine and newspaper industry by web-based publishers,” with Quintus Jett and Helaine J. Korn,
Proceedings of the 1998 Eastern Academy of Management, Springfield, Massachusetts.
36. “The Effects of Rapid Environmental Change on Competitive Strategies: An Organizational Learning Perspective,” Proceedings
of the 1996 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
37. “Managing Extraordinary Research Organizations: Cases of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Organizations,” with
Theresa K. Lant, Proceedings of the 1995 Texas Conference on Organizations, Lago Vista, Texas.
38. “The Edgar Project: Strategic and Technical Considerations in Disseminating Corporate Filings on the Internet,” with Mark
Ginsburg and Ajit Kambil, Proceedings of the Second World Wide Web Conference 1994: Mosaic and the Web, Chicago,
“Attention allocation and managerial decision making,” with Zur Shapira.
Guimaraes. A.L., Korn, H.J., & Eisner, A.B. Towards a New Organizational Form: Open Organizations.
Page 8
Das, Dev, Eisner, Alan B. & Baugher, Dan. “Avon: Is growth still possible, or good time to sell?” 2014 Case Association,
Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Providence, RI.
Engelson, Eric, Eisner, Alan B. & Baugher, Dan. “Kickstarter,” 2013 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management
Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Esposito, Michael, Eisner, Alan B. & Korn, Helaine. “technology and entry timing impacts performance in an emerging
industry subfield:a study of the consumer magazine industry,” 2012 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management
Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Eisner, Alan B., Lam, Rico, & Korn, Helaine. “Macau Casino Industry,” 2011 Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Boston, MA.
Paladi, Adriana, Eisner, Alan B, Baugher, Dan, & Russell, James W. “Campbell: Is the soup ready?” 2010 Case
Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Portland, ME. Winner of the Case Association “Fellows’ Best
Case Award 2010.”
Moody, Keith F. & Eisner, Alan B. “Keurig a wholly own subsidiary of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters,” 2009 Case
Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Hartford, CT.
Townsend, Keeley, Eisner, Alan B., Gould, James & Baugher, Dan. “Jamba Juice,” 2008 Case Association, Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
Eisner, Alan B., Vojtkova, Lucia & Baugher, Dan. “Build-a-Bear Workshop,” 2008 Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
DiChiara, Jennifer M., Eisner, Alan B., & Korn, Helaine. “WeightWatchers International,” 2008 Case Association, Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
Assenza, Pauline, Eisner, Alan B., & Heimler, Ron. “Claire’s Stores: Competing Betwixt and Between,” 2007 Case
Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ.
Moody, Keith, & Eisner, Alan B. “Caribou Coffee,” 2007 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting,
New Brunswick, NJ.
Assenza, Pauline, Eisner, Alan B., & Kuperman, J.C. “Will The Real Ann Taylor Please Dress Up,” 2006 Case Association,
Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY.
“Towards a New Organizational Form: Open Organizations,” by Guimaraes. A.L., Korn, H.J., & Eisner, A.B. Presented at
the 2005 Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Eisner, A.B., Rahman, N., & Korn, H.J. Formation Conditions, Innovation, and Learning in R&D Consortia, Presented at
the 2005 Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
“FedEx / UPS Overnight Package Wars Case,” with Pauline Assenza. Presented at the 2005 North American Case Research
Association Annual Meeting. North Falmouth, MA.
“Reader’s digest: inform, enrich, entertain and inspire – inspire who? And for how much longer,” with Pauline Assenza,
2005 Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Springfield, MA.
“Atari and Infogrames Entertainment SA,” with Carlito Cabelin, 2004 Eastern Academy of Management Meeting,
Providence, Rhode Island.
“Segway: A New Dimension In Human Transportation,” with Alanna Tracey, 2004 Eastern Academy of Management
Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.
“100 Years Of Ford: From Dominance To Death,” with Naga Lakshmi Damaraju and John C. Byrne. 2004 Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.
“Improving International Human Resources Management Through Employer Of Choice Programs,” with Janet A.
Lenaghan, 2003 International Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
“” 2003 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
“Fastvideo,” with Robert F. Dennehy, 2003 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Baltimore,
“Teaching business policy and strategy: Are we sufficiently recognizing the role played by the financial community in the
formulation of corporate strategy?” with Jerome C. Kuperman, 2003American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences
Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources: Employer Of Choice Programs,” with Janet A. Lenaghan, 2002
Association on Employment Practices and Principles Meeting, New York, New York
“The ethical challenges of managing a diverse workforce,” with Uzoamaka P. Anakwe presented at the 2002 Eastern
Academy of Management Meeting, New Haven, Connecticut.
“The North Face,” with Stephen M. Leavenworth presented at the 2002 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management
Meeting, New Haven, Connecticut.
“Green Mountain Coffee Roasters,” with Keith F. Moody presented at the 2002 Case Association, Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, New Haven, Connecticut.
“Analysts as Influence on E-Business Strategy,” with Jerome C. Kuperman, presented at the 2001 Academy of Management
Meeting, Washington, D.C.
“Wireless Local Loop Technology And E-Business Opportunities In Developing Nations,” with Uzoamaka P. Anakwe
presented at the 2001 Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C.
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30. “Toys-R-Us (A) and (B) in the Online Toy Business,” with Jerome C. Kuperman, Robert F. Dennehy, and John P. Dory
presented at the 2001 North American Case Research Association Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tennesse.
31. “Financial Analysts as Influencers of Strategy: The Case of E-Business,” with Jerome C. Kuperman, presented at the 2001
Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New York, New York.
32. “E-Business Opportunities For Firms In Developing Nations: The Wireless Local Loop,” with Uzoamaka P. Anakwe
presented at the 2001 Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New York, New York.
33. “Toys-R-Us in the Online Toy Business,” with Jerome C. Kuperman, Robert F. Dennehy, and John P. Dory presented at the
2001 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, New York, New York.
34. “E-value chains: Selling online and delivering the goods,” invited presentation at the 2000 Art of Management Seminar,
EM-Lyon, France.
35. “Ethics of two-tiered human resource management practices in E-commerce financial services firms,” with Uzoamaka P.
Anakwe and Dorothy McMullen, presented at the 2000 Seventh Annual International Conference Promoting Business
Ethics, New York, New York
36. “Electronic commerce and the Internet: Selling online and delivering the goods,” presented at the 2000 Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Danvers, Massachusetts.
37. “CDNow,” presented at the 2000 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Danvers, Massachusetts.
38. “Administering an Internet-based simulation in a capstone strategy course,” presented at the 2000 Eastern Academy of
Management Meeting, Danvers, Massachusetts.
39. “Competition and population level learning: A simulation Approach,” with Stephen J. Mezias, presented at the 1999
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Workshop, Cincinnati, Ohio.
40. “Peapod in the online grocery industry,” presented at the 1999 Case Association, Eastern Academy of Management
Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
41. “Attention allocation and managerial decision making: International cultural differences,” with Zur Shapira and Uzoamaka
Anakwe, presented at the 1999 Eastern Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
42. “Does Cyber David have Paper Goliath on the run? Newcomer and incumbent entrants into web-based magazine and
newspaper publishing industry,” with Quintus Jett and Helaine J. Korn, presented at the 1998 Annual International Strategic
Management Society Conference, Orlando, Florida.
43. “Incumbent and newcomer entrants in the emerging subfield of Internet magazine publishing,” with Quintus Jett and
Helaine J. Korn, presented at the 1998 Montreal Conference on Globalization and Emerging Businesses, Montreal, Canada.
44. “Managerial Decision Making and Attention Allocation” with Zur Shapira, presented at the 1998 International Meeting the
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Tel Aviv, Israel.
45. “An examination of newcomer and incumbent entrants into a subfield of the magazine and newspaper publishing industry,”
with Quintus Jett and Helaine J. Korn, presented at the 1998 National Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego,
46. “Attention Allocation and Managerial Decision Making,” with Zur Shapira, presented at the 1997 National Meeting of the
Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts.
47. “Does Cyber David have Paper Goliath on the Run? The Reshaping of the Specialty Magazine Publishing Industry by
Internet-Based Publishers,” with Quintus Jett and Helaine J. Korn, presented at the 1997 National Meeting of the Academy
of Management, Boston, Massachusetts.
48. “The Role of Medical Specialty Professional Networks in Facilitating Cooperative R&D agreements among Pharmaceutical
firms,” with Theresa K. Lant, invited for presentation at the 1996 Fall National Meeting of the Institute for Operations
Research and the Management Sciences, Atlanta, Georgia.
49. “Perspectives on the Global Computer Industry: Organizations, Strategy, and Competition in a Rapidly Changing
Environment,” chair, symposium presented at the 1996 National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, Ohio.
50. “The Effect of Environmental Change on Competitive Strategies in the Global Microcomputer Hardware Industry: An
Organizational Learning Perspective,” presented in the symposium entitled “Perspectives on the Global Computer Industry:
Organizations, Strategy, and Competition in a Rapidly Changing Environment,” to the 1996 National Meeting of the
Academy of Management, Cincinnati, Ohio.
51. “Competition, Mutualism, and Strategic Change: The American Film Industry, 1912-1929,” with Stephen J. Mezias, Jerome
Kuperman, and John M. Mezias, presented at the 1996 National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, Ohio.
52. “Effective Management of Pharmaceutical R&D in a Managed Healthcare Environment: An Integrative Teams Approach,”
with Theresa K. Lant, presented at the 1996 National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, Ohio.
53. “The Effects of Rapid Environmental Change on Competitive Strategies: An Organizational Learning Perspective,”
presented at the Organizational Theory Division of the 1996 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual
Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
54. “The Role of Medical Specialty Professional Networks in Facilitating Strategic Alliances among Pharmaceutical firms,”
with Theresa K. Lant, presented at the 1996 Stanford Conference on Competition and Cooperation, Stanford Graduate
Business School, Stanford, California.
55. “Turbulence, Innovation, and Competition: A Theory-Building Simulation,” with Stephen J. Mezias, invited for
presentation at the 1996 Stanford University, Graduate School of Business Conference on Organizational Memory and
Learning: The Transfer of Knowledge and the Diffusion of Beliefs Over Time, Stanford, California.
Page 10
56. “Information Seeking Behavior in Pharmaceutical Research and Development,” with Theresa K. Lant, presented at the 1995
Fall National Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana.
57. “The Emerging Global Information Infrastructure: Implications for Business Strategy,” with Ajit Kambil, presented at the
1995 Annual International Strategic Management Society Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
58. “Transforming Research Organizations for the 21st Century,” co-chair with Theresa K. Lant, symposium presented at the 1995
National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
59. “Transforming Pharmaceutical Research and Development to a Team-Based Approach,” with Theresa K. Lant, presented in
the symposium entitled “Transforming Research Organizations for the 21st Century,” at the 1995 National Meeting of the
Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
60. “Attention as a Scheduling Problem: Putting Out Fires While Juggling Flaming Torches,” with Zur Shapira, presented at the
1995 National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
61. “Imitation and Innovation: A Population Learning Perspective,” with Stephen J. Mezias, presented at the 1995 National
Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia. “Managing Extraordinary Research Organizations:
Cases of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Organizations,” with Theresa K. Lant, presented at the 1995 Texas
Conference on Organizations, Lago Vista, Texas.
62. “Imitation and Innovation: A Organizational Learning Perspective,” with Stephen J. Mezias, presented at the 1995 National
Meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Section on Organization Science Fifth
Annual Workshop: Mathematical and Computational Organization Theory, Los Angeles, California.
63. Invited Participant, Doctoral Consortium, Business Policy Division, 1995, National Meeting of the Academy of
Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
64. Invited Participant, Doctoral Consortium, Production and Operations Management Division, 1994, National Meeting of the
Academy of Management, Dallas, Texas.
65. “A Cognitive Model of Managerial Attention Allocation,” with Zur Shapira, presented at the 1994 Joint National Meeting
of the Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Sciences, Detroit, Michigan.
66. “Manufacturing Strategy and Business Strategy Relationships in U.S. Firms,” with Suresh Kotha, presented at the 1994
National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, Texas.
67. “Kautilya’s Arthashastra: An Ancient Guide to Modern Strategic Management,” with Sanjay Jain, presented at the 1994
National Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, Texas.
68. “The Edgar Project: Strategic and Technical Considerations in Disseminating Corporate Filings on the Internet,” with Mark
Ginsburg and Ajit Kambil, presented at the Second World Wide Web Conference 1994: Mosaic and the Web, Chicago,