GOALS Program Fact Sheet - Counseling and Wellness Center

UCONN-GHC Counseling & Wellness Center
G.O.A.L.S. Program Life-coaching Service
The Counseling & Wellness Center is pleased to announce its new G.O.A.L.S. Program, a free life-coaching service for
UCONN-Greater Hartford campus students.
G.O.A.L.S. Signifies. . .
G.enerate . . . . develop short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals
O.rganize . . . . .establish/manage system for completing tasks by deadlines
A.ssess . . . . . . .evaluate strengths, weaknesses, priorities and values
L.earn . . . . . . . .acquire knowledge and skills required to achieve goals
S.trategize . . . .devise action plans/activities for achieving success
Program Objectives:
The G.O.A.L.S. Program is designed to maximize student success during college and beyond. Students will gain
the knowledge and skills required for achieving their personal, academic and/or career goals.
Students will be encouraged to develop personal accountability for their progress (and ultimate success),
which will build self-confidence and perpetuate an empowered and proactive mindset. Qualities such as positive
attitude, diligence, self-motivation, commitment, persistence, flexibility, and resilience will be fostered during the
life-coaching process.
Student Eligibility Requirements:
GHC students who apply to the G.O.A.L.S. Program must complete the Student Application Form. Once this
requirement has been fulfilled, the Life-coach will schedule consultation sessions with the students in order to
determine whether the Program is appropriate for them. Students will be able to begin the life-coaching process
once they consent to the terms of the Student Agreement Form.
GHC students must be enrolled at the Greater Hartford campus and have earned at least (30) academic credits
(sophomore class standing or above), and have a minimum 2.8 GPA.
GHC students must be goal-oriented and committed to attending (5) weekly consecutive sessions (Program
Module 1) and an exit interview, as well as perform the weekly life-coaching assignments.
GHC students who do not meet the G.O.A.L.S. Program eligibility requirements at this time may try again at a
later date.
Student Evaluation:
There are no grades associated with the G.O.A.L.S. Program, so students can concentrate on the tasks at hand.
Note: in addition to the Exit Interview session, students will be asked to complete the Student Survey upon
completion of Program Module 1. The student feedback will be used to enrich the G.O.A.L.S. program for future
student participants.
Cost of Program:
 No charge for G.O.A.L.S. Program Life-coaching Service. *NOTE: students must meet the eligibility requirements
outlined above.
Program Summary:
Goal-setting Options: Students may choose to pursue personal, academic or career goals.
Consultation Session: Students who are interested in the G.O.A.L.S. Program will be required to meet with the
Life-coach for a consultation session (refer to description below).
Session Content: Life-coaching sessions will be customized based on students’ needs and goal objectives. Students
will receive support as required during the life-coaching process in order to sustain motivation and momentum.
o The sessions will include time for learning (knowledge/skills), discussion, and student reflections.
Homework will be assigned after each session including a weekly Journal for the purpose of
self-reflection and recording progress/setbacks.
Length of Program: Students will be attending (5) weekly consecutive sessions (Program Module 1).
If students require more time to gain the knowledge and skills from their weekly life-coaching sessions, they will
have the opportunity to request a ‘program extension’. If students are unable to attend one or more of the weekly
sessions, additional sessions will be required in order to complete Program Module 1.
Length of Sessions: 45-60 minutes.
Exit Interview Session: It is important for students to take time to reflect on their life-coaching experiences,
as well as evaluate their progress towards achieving their goals.
Program Module 2:
If students would like to continue working with the Life-coach, they may apply to participate in
Program Module 2, where they select a short-term goal to achieve, and practice utilizing the life-coaching lessons
they learned from Program Module 1.
Terminating Life-coaching Service:
Students may terminate the life-coaching service at any point in the process with written notification to the
Life-coach (email is acceptable). If circumstances change and students would like to reapply to the G.O.A.L.S.
Program, they will need to undergo the reapplication process.
Consultation Session:
The purpose of the consultation session is for the Life-coach to confirm the students’ eligibility requirements,
as well as to assess their readiness to proceed with the G.O.A.L.S. Program. At the same time, students have
the opportunity to ask questions, as well as assess their own emotional/mental preparedness to participate in the
life-coaching process.
Prior to the G.O.A.L.S. Program consultation session, students will complete the Student Application Form and
read the Student Agreement Form. The Life-coach will review both forms with students to ensure that they
understand the terms of the G.O.A.L.S. Program. Once students agree to the terms, they will sign the
Student Agreement Form, which will demonstrate their commitment to the life-coaching process.
Once the paperwork has been completed, the Life-coach will provide students with an overview of the G.O.A.L.S.
Program, and the goal-setting process.
Towards the end of the consultation session, students who will be participating in the G.O.A.L.S. Program will
schedule their life-coaching appointments. It is recommended that all (5) weekly appointments be scheduled at
the same time in order to reserve a regular time period, as well as establish consistency and commitment to the
G.O.A.L.S. Program.
Application Process:
Students who would like to inquire about the G.O.A.L.S. Program should contact the CWC at
ghccwc@uconn.edu. The Life-coach will email a packet of information and required forms to students who are
interested in participating in the G.O.A.L.S. Program.
*Life-coaching content/forms adapted from The Lifestyle Counselor, LLC