October 27 Lecture Slides

CS571 – Fall 2010
Virtual Memory Systems"
GMU – CS 571!
Virtual Memory"
  Basic Concepts"
  Demand Paging"
  Page Replacement Algorithms"
  Thrashing "
  Working-Set Model"
  Observing VM Activity"
GMU – CS 571!
Virtual Memory"
  Separation of user logical memory from physical
•  Only part of the program needs to be in physical
memory for execution."
•  The logical address space can be much larger
than the physical address space."
•  Extends physical memory"
  anyone remember VAX systems?"
  Virtual memory can be implemented via:"
•  Demand paging "
•  Demand segmentation"
GMU – CS 571!
Virtual Memory and Physical Memory"
GMU – CS 571!
GMU – CS 571!
Demand Paging"
  Bring a page into memory only when it is needed"
•  Less I/O needed"
•  Less physical memory needed "
•  Faster response?"
  well, that depends…"
•  Support more processes/users
  Page is needed ⇒ use the reference to page"
•  If not in memory ⇒ must bring from the disk"
  But remember…"
GMU – CS 571!
Disk is S…L…O…W…
• MB"
• GB"
• TB"
• TB"
• PB"
• PB"
Latency Matters!!
Relative Time
NH L3 Cache
52 Clocks
1.62 x 10-8
Local Memory
150 ns
1.5 X 10-7
32 Core NUMA
3 Hops
5.19 x 10-7
125 us
1.25 x 10-4
1 ms
1 x 10-3
3.6 ms
3.6 x 10-3
Gb Ethernet
Valid-Invalid Bit"
With each page table entry a valid–invalid bit is
associated (1 ⇒ in-memory, 0 ⇒ not-in-memory)"
Frame #!
valid-invalid bit!
page table!
During address translation, if valid–invalid bit in page
table entry is 0 ⇒ page fault."
GMU – CS 571!
Use of the Page Table"
GMU – CS 571!
Page Fault"
  If there is
a reference to a page which is not in
memory, this reference will result in a trap ⇒ page fault!
Typically, the page table entry will contain the
address of the page on disk."
Major steps"
Locate empty frame"
Initiate disk I/O"
Move page (from disk) to the empty frame"
Update page table; set validation bit to 1."
  No work done while this is happening!"
GMU – CS 571!
Steps in Handling a Page Fault"
GMU – CS 571!
Impact of Page Faults"
  Each page fault affects the system performance
•  The process experiencing the page fault will not
be able to continue until the missing page is
brought to the main memory"
•  The process will be blocked (moved to the waiting
•  Dealing with the page fault involves disk I/O "
  Increased demand to the disk drive "
  Increased waiting time for process experiencing the
page fault"
•  How can we minimize the impact of page faults? "
GMU – CS 571!
Performance of Demand Paging"
  Page Fault Rate p
(0 ≤ p ≤ 1.0)"
•  if p = 0, no page faults "
•  if p = 1, every reference is a page fault"
  Effective Access Time with Demand Paging"
= (1 – p) * (effective memory access time)"
"+ p * (page fault overhead)"
  Example"
GMU – CS 571!
Effective memory access time = 100 nanoseconds"
page fault overhead = 25 milliseconds"
p = 0.001"
Effective Access Time with Demand Paging
= 25 microseconds "
Page Replacement"
  As we increase the degree of multi-programming,
over-allocation of memory becomes a problem."
  What if we are unable to find a free frame at the time
of the page fault? "
  One solution: Swap out a process, free all its frames
and reduce the level of multiprogramming"
•  May be good under some conditions"
  Another option: free a memory frame already in use."
GMU – CS 571!
Basic Page Replacement"
1.  Find the location of the desired page on disk.
2.  Locate a free frame:
- If there is no free frame, use a
page replacement algorithm to select a victim frame."
- Write the victim page to the disk; update the page and frame tables accordingly."
"But, how do we select a victim? 3.  Read the desired page into the free frame.
Update the page and frame tables.
4.  Put the process (that experienced the page fault) back to the ready queue."
GMU – CS 571!
Page Replacement"
GMU – CS 571!
Page Replacement"
  Observe: If there are no free frames, two page
transfers needed at each page fault!"
  We can use a modify (dirty) bit
to reduce
overhead of page transfers – only modified
pages are written back to disk.
  Page replacement completes the separation
between the logical memory and the physical
memory – very large virtual memory can be
provided on a smaller physical memory."
GMU – CS 571!
Page Replacement Algorithms"
  When page replacement is required, we must
select the frames that are to be replaced. "
  Primary Objective: "
•  Use the algorithm with lowest page-fault rate."
•  Efficiency (how fast can you swap pages) "
•  Cost (what is the effect on running programs)"
  Evaluate algorithm by running it on a particular
string of memory references (reference string)
and computing the number of page faults on that
  We can generate reference strings artificially or
we can use specific traces."
GMU – CS 571!
Page Faults Versus The Number of Frames"
GMU – CS 571!
Usually, for a given reference string the number of
page faults decreases as we increase the number of
frames. "
First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Algorithm"
  Simplest page replacement algorithm. "
  FIFO replacement algorithm chooses the
“oldest” page in the memory. "
  Implementation: FIFO queue holds identifiers of
all the pages in memory. "
•  We replace the page at the head of the queue."
•  When a page is brought into memory, it is
inserted at the tail of the queue."
GMU – CS 571!
FIFO Page Replacement"
Easy to understand and implement. "
But the “oldest” page may contain a heavily used variable."
  Will need to bring back that page in near future!"
GMU – CS 571!
FIFO Page Replacement"
  Reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ""
•  3-frame case results in 9 page faults"
•  4-frame case results in 10 page faults"
Program runs potentially slower with more memory!"
Beladyʼs Anomaly"
•  more frames ⇒ more page faults for some reference
•  But most of the time, more memory (frames) results in fewer
page faults"
GMU – CS 571!
Optimal Page Replacement"
Is there an algorithm that yields the minimal page fault rate
for any reference string and a fixed number of frames? "
Replace the page that will not be used for the longest
period of time  Algorithm OPT (MIN)"
Can be used as a yardstick for the performance of other
GMU – CS 571!
Least-Recently-Used (LRU) Algorithm"
Idea: Use the recent past as an approximation of the near
Replace the page that has not been used for the longest
period of time  Least-Recently-Used (LRU) algorithm "
GMU – CS 571!
LRU Approximation Algorithms"
  Sophisticated hardware support may involve
high overhead/cost. "
  Some limited HW support is common:
Reference bit"
•  With each page associate a bit, initially set to 0."
•  When the page is referenced bit set to 1. "
•  By examining the reference bits, we can
determine which pages have been used"
•  We do not know the order of use, however."
•  Forms the basis of many page replacement
algorithms that approximate LRU"
  Additional-Reference-Bits Algorithm"
  Second-Chance Algorithm (Clock Algorithm)"
  Enhanced Second-Chance Algorithm"
GMU – CS 571!
Additional-Reference-Bits Algorithm"
  Idea: Record the reference bits at regular intervals, to
get additional ordering information."
For example, we can keep an extra byte for each page/
frame in a table in memory. At regular intervals, the
OS will shift the reference bit for each page into the
high-order bit of its byte (clearing the reference bit in
the mean time): "
•  Reference bit: 1 Additional byte: 00000000  10000000"
•  Reference bit: 0 Additional byte: 10000000  01000000"
•  Reference bit: 1 Additional byte: 01000000  10100000"
  The page with the lowest number is replaced."
  The number of bits in history depends on available
hardware. "
GMU – CS 571!
Second-Chance Algorithm"
  This is basically FIFO algorithm with the
reference bit."
  When a page is selected for replacement, we
inspect its reference bit."
•  If the reference bit = 0, we directly replace it."
•  If the reference bit = 1, we give that page a second
chance and move on to select the next FIFO page.
However, we set its reference bit to 0. "
  One way to implement the second-chance
algorithm is to use a circular queue."
GMU – CS 571!
Second-Chance Algorithm"
GMU – CS 571!
Enhanced Second-Chance Algorithm"
  Idea: Use the second-chance algorithm by considering
both the reference bit and the modify bit together"
•  (0,0) neither recently used nor modified – best page to replace."
•  (0,1) not recently used but modified – not quite as good,
because the page will need to be written out before
•  (1,0) recently used but clean – probably will be used again
soon. "
•  (1,1) recently used and modified – probably will be used again
soon, and we will need to write it out to disk "
  We replace the first page encountered in the lowest non-empty class."
GMU – CS 571!
Phases of the Enhanced Second-Chance Algorithm (Cont.)"
1.  Beginning at the current position of the pointer,
scan the pages. The first page with the
reference bit = 0 and modify bit = 0 is replaced. No changes are made to the reference bit in this
2.  If Phase 1 fails, scan again, looking for a page
with the reference bit = 0, and modify bit = 1.
During this scan, set the reference bit to 0 on
each page that is bypassed."
3.  If Phase 2 fails, the pointer should be in its
original position and all the pages will have the
reference bit 0. Repeat Phase 1, and if
necessary, Phase 2. "
GMU – CS 571!
Counting-Based Page Replacement"
  Keep a counter of the number of references that
have been made to each page
  Least-Frequently-Used (LFU) Algorithm:
replaces page with smallest count
GMU – CS 571!
Page-Buffering Algorithm"
  In addition to a specific page-replacement
algorithm, other procedures are also used. "
  Systems commonly keep a pool of free frames."
  When a page fault occurs, the desired page is read
into a free frame first, allowing the process to
restart as soon as possible. The victim page is
written out to the disk later, and its frame is added
to the free-frame pool. "
  Other enhancements are also possible. "
GMU – CS 571!
Global vs. Local Allocation"
Page replacement algorithms can be implemented
broadly in two ways.!
Global replacement – process selects a replacement
frame from the set of all frames; one process can
take a frame from another."
•  Under global allocation algorithms, the page-fault rate
of a given process depends also on the paging
behavior of other processes. "
Local replacement – each process selects from only
its own set of allocated frames. "
•  Less used pages of memory are not made available to a
process that may need them."
GMU – CS 571!
Memory Allocation for Local Replacement"
  Equal allocation – If we have n processes and m
frames, give each process m/n frames."
Proportional allocation – Allocate according to
the size of process."
  Priority of processes? "
GMU – CS 571!
CPU Utilization versus
the Degree of Multiprogramming"
GMU – CS 571!
  High-paging activity: The system is spending
more time paging than executing."
  How can this happen? "
•  OS observes low CPU utilization and increases
GMU – CS 571!
the degree of multiprogramming. "
Global page-replacement algorithm is used, it
takes away frames belonging to other processes"
But these processes need those pages, they also
cause page faults."
Many processes join the waiting queue for the
paging device, CPU utilization further decreases. "
OS introduces new processes, further increasing
the paging activity."
  To avoid thrashing, we must provide every process in
memory as many frames as it needs to run without an
excessive number of page faults. "
  Programs do not reference their address spaces
  A locality is a set of pages that are actively used
together. "
  According to the locality model, as a process
executes, it moves from locality to locality. "
  A program is generally composed of several different
localities, which may overlap."
GMU – CS 571!
Locality in a Memory-Reference Pattern"
GMU – CS 571!
Working-Set Model "
  Introduced by Peter Denning"
  A model based on locality principle"
•  see The Locality Principle, P.Denning, CACM July 2005"
  The parameter Δ, defines the working set window !
  The set of pages in the most recent Δ page references
of process Pi constitutes the working set "
GMU – CS 571!
Working-Set Model"
  The accuracy of the working set
depends on the
selection of Δ:"
•  if Δ is too small, it will not encompass the entire
•  if Δ is too large, it will encompass several localities."
•  if Δ = ∞ ⇒ will encompass the entire program."
  D = Σ WSSi ≡ total demand of frames "
  if D > the number of frames in memory ⇒ Thrashing"
  The O.S. will monitor the working set of each
process and perform the frame allocation
accordingly. It may suspend processes if needed. "
  Difficulty is how to keep track of the moving
working-set window. "
GMU – CS 571!
Working Sets and Page Fault Rates"
GMU – CS 571!
Controlling Page-Fault Rate"
  Maintain “acceptable” page-fault rate."
•  If actual rate too low, process loses frame."
•  If actual rate too high, process gains frame."
GMU – CS 571!
  Copy-on-Write (COW) allows both parent and
child processes to initially share the same pages
in memory.
If either process modifies a shared page, only
then the page is copied."
  COW allows more efficient process creation as
only modified pages are copied (Windows 2000/XP, Linux, Solaris)."
GMU – CS 571!
Virtual Memory in Windows XP"
Uses demand paging with clustering. Clustering
brings in pages surrounding the faulting page."
Processes are assigned a working set minimum and
a working set maximum."
Working set minimum is the minimum number of
pages the process is guaranteed to have in memory."
A process may be assigned as many pages as its
working set maximum."
When the amount of free memory in the system falls
below a threshold, automatic working set trimming is
performed to restore the amount of free memory."
Working set trimming removes pages from processes
that have pages in excess of their working set
minimum (uses a variation of the clock algorithm)"
GMU – CS 571!
Virtual Memory in Solaris"
When a thread experiences a page fault, the kernel
assigns a page to the faulting thread from the list of free
To reduce the overhead, the kernel tries to maintain a
sufficient amount of free memory available at all times. "
If the number of free pages falls below a certain threshold,
a system process known as pageout is initiated."
Three important parameters (related to paging)"
•  lotsfree: if total free memory is less than lotsfree,
then some frames are freed by pageout process - uses
a version of the “second-chance algorithm”"
•  desfree: if total free memory is less than desfree, then
the kernel begins swapping out processes."
•  minfree: if the system is unable to maintain the amount
of free memory even at minfree, the pageout process
is called for every request for a new page. "
•  lotsfree ≥ desfree ≥ minfree!
GMU – CS 571!
Observing VM Activity"
  Main tool is vmstat
GMU – CS 571!
Observing VM Activity"
  Main tool is vmstat
GMU – CS 571!
Observing VM Activity"
  Main tool is vmstat
GMU – CS 571!