STAT655: Analysis of Variance, Spring 2012

STAT 655 -Analysis of Variance
Instructor: Guoqing Diao
Office: 1709 Engineering Building
Phone: (703)-993-9113
Spring 2012 Course Information:
Time: Thursday 7:20 PM to 10 PM
Place: Innovation Hall 133
Office Hours: Thursday 3 PM to 4 PM
Course Description: This course is primarily concerned with Analysis of Variance
Models for balanced and unbalanced data. The contents of the course will include
both fixed and random effects. Ideas behind designing of scientific experiments will
be stressed. The course will involve both theoretical and data analysis components.
Some Bayesian methods will also be discussed.
Prerequisites: STAT 554 and working knowledge of SAS.
Texts: (i) The Analysis of Variance: Fixed, Random, and Mixed Models, Sahai,
Hardeo and Ageel, Mohammed, I., Birkuauser, ISBN: 0-8176-4012-6.
(ii)Analysis of Variance for Random Models: Unbalanced data-Theory, Methods,
Applications, and Data Analysis, Sahai, Hardeo and Ojeda, Mario Miguel,
The core course content will be based on class notes written on the white/chalk
board. Attendance to the class will be critical for successful performance in the
Grading: The course grade will be based on assignments, one midterm, and a final.
Midterm exam will have two parts: a take-home part and an in class part. Final
exam will have one take home project.
Grading Policy: Assignments and Quizzes: 20%
Mid-term (2 –Parts)
: 40%
Final (2-Parts)
: 40%
Class Participation: Class participation is strongly encouraged.
Honor Code: Familiarize yourself with the university honor code.
Some Rules and Announcements:
1. Solutions to HWs will not be accepted via E-mail.
2. Late HWs will not be accepted.
3. No make-up Quizzes will be given.
4. Homework should be legibly written or typed. If it is not legible, I will not grade
it and you will get 0 points.
5. There will be one quiz every lecture during the last 15 minutes of the class.
Students must activate their GMU email accounts to receive important University
information, including messages related to this class.
If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations,
please see me and contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 993-2474. All
academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS.