DATE— Saturday, April 25, 2015 Games of Chance Raffles Live

Archbishop John Carroll High School
April - May - June 2015
Archdiocesan Honors Convocation
On Tuesday, May 19, the top 3% of the seniors
from area Catholic High Schools will be honored
by Archbishop Charles Chaput at the Cathedral of
SS. Peter and Paul at 7:00 p.m.
congratulations are extended to our participating
seniors and their families Katherine G. Finley
Nicholas M. Andricola
Mary E. Clay
Kevin J. Rogowski
Please join us for our
the Annual Carroll Auction for Education
DATE— Saturday, April 25, 2015
Registration/Doors: Open 6:30 pm
Location: East Gym
ACHS - Radnor PA
Games of Chance
Live Auction
Mary Kate Masterson
Amanda R. Bristowe
Kristen M. Ryan
Members of the Class of 2015 will be notified by
the Office of Catholic Education, Archdiocese of
Philadelphia. Congratulations!
Hors d’oeuvres
Vegas-style food stations
Light Refreshments
Beer & Wine
Specialty Drinks at cost
Limited Silent and Live Auction,
Gaming Tables,
50/50 Drawing (need not be
Present for the drawing).
Casual Attire
Reservations: $25 per person
or $30 at the door
50/50 Drawing
Cash, checks, credit cards
accepted at the event
Check the Home Page of
The Carroll Website for details
-ore-mail CAFE at
All students enrolled in AP courses are
required to take the AP exams in May.
The fee is $91 per exam and is payable
by Friday, April 10, 2015.
9:00 TO 10:00 A.M.
Although report cards will not be mailed until June 19, 2015, students will
be informed of their final grades during the last week of school. If you have
questions, teachers will be available during the morning of June 12 to meet
with you or to receive your phone call before we break for summer
With little more than two months remaining, it is IMPERATIVE that students
in danger of failing for the year, take corrective action IMMEDIATELY.
Students who conclude the year with one or two final failures (major or
minor courses, required or elective) must attend diocesan summer school.
Students with three or more final failures (including Conduct) are liable to
dismissal from Archbishop Carroll. SENIORS with a failure in ANY subject
may NOT participate in graduation; they will receive their diploma after
successful completion of summer school.
We offer our warmest congratulations to eight exemplary juniors selected as
Archbishop Carroll’s Diocesan Scholars for the 2015-2016 academic year. This
program is sponsored and underwritten by local Catholic colleges and the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia at no additional tuition cost to the student. Diocesan
Scholars take two college courses each semester of senior year. They return to
Carroll each afternoon to conclude their high school studies. This program affords
the students the opportunity to get a “jump-start” on their college education by
earning twelve college credits; these credits are accepted at colleges and
universities across the nation.
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate our 2015-2016 Diocesan Scholars:
Bridget Boylan
Christina Corbett
Devin Corrigan
Brooke Crymes
Anna Maria Giblin
Mary Hennessy
Kevinjames Boyle
Gabrielle Pisano
Annabelle Splendore
Amanda Rafanello
Joseph Munshower
Kelly Downs
Mary Catherine Jones
Jordan Machita
Roberta Cocco
Olivia Soda
Progress reports will be distributed to
each student on Tuesday, May 5th.
After the report is reviewed and signed
by the parents, it is to be returned by
your son/daughter to the homeroom
moderator by Friday, May 8th.
Thank you for your efforts to submit
upperclass registration forms by the
February deadline. If you have not
registered your son/daughter for next
year, please do so promptly so that we
can guarantee that your child’s
preferences are honored and tracking
needs met. After March 15th, classes
fill quickly with in-coming transfer
students. If your son/daughter is not
returning to Archbishop Carroll next
year, it is imperative that the Office
for Academic Affairs be notified of
this in writing.
As the number
one ranked senior,
Katherine G. Finley
will participate in the WPVITV, Channel 6 annual Best of
the Class salute to academic
The event is staged at Temple
University, April 17, 2015, and
features more than 300 students from the tri-state area.
From the President’s Desk
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At one of his general audiences following his
election, Pope Francis encouraged those present to ‘feel
the joy of being Christian’ in light of the Resurrection of
Christ. As we celebrate this reason for our joy at Easter
once more, it gives us an opportunity to reflect: Am I a
joyful person? Am I someone who people naturally gravitate toward because of my words and actions, how do I
treat myself and others? Does my life bear witness to the
joy of being Christian, a follower of the Risen Christ?
Sometimes it simply takes living our lives and
our Christian Faith with a sense of passion and joy to attract the people in our lives to the source of this joy –
Jesus. It begins by focusing on the needs of others and
how we can be the Risen Christ for them, in looking outward as opposed to looking inward. So as Pope Francis
encourages us, “Let us have the courage to come out of
ourselves to take this joy and this light to all the places of
our life!” Happy Easter
Tom Phillips
PS. Holy Mass is celebrated daily at 7:10 am in Chapel
and you are most welcome. If you wish to have Mass
celebrated with the special intention of a deceased loved
one, please contact me at or phone
at 610-688-7610, ext. 125.
Dear Parents,
Spring has sprung, so to speak. For me, that means
a time of renewal, a time for a fresh start and a rejuvenated
outlook, a time for resurrection. As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we are reminded of life anew and everlasting. How breathtakingly refreshing that is to think about.
Christ’s renewal is surely a celebration—and it
launches us, with optimism and hope, into a new season.
This season at Carroll is so exciting. We are coming to the
close of another wonderful year in Catholic Education. We
are looking ahead to all of the wonderful memories that
Spring affords us to create—proms and graduations, to
name a few of the larger highlights.
Two things I am most excited about are our annual
CAFÉ and our upcoming phonathon. Mr. Denelsbeck is
working tirelessly with our Parents’ Association to bring us
another fantastic showing of fun, celebration and generosity. So, please mark April 25th on your calendar, and come
to Carroll to Viva Las Vegas!
† Junior Retreat—Thursday, April 16: As part of the
faith tradition at Archbishop Carroll, each class participates in an annual retreat day. A retreat is an opportunity
for students to step back from the everyday routine of high
school life and focus on their relationship with themselves,
the people in their lives, and most importantly, our loving
God. The junior Retreat will be conducted by former campus minister, Rev. Stephen DeLacy and a team of seminarians and religious sisters. The theme will focus on discerning God’s call in life, especially when it comes to considering a vocation to priesthood or religious life. Please
do not schedule any appointments or family activities for
your child on this day as participation is mandatory.
† The Kairos Retreat: The first Kairos retreat for the
Class of 2016 will take place from June 15-18, 2015 at
Malvern Retreat Center. The first retreat will be by invitation only. Open registration for the three remaining Kairos
dates for 2015-2016 will open online for all remaining
rising seniors before the conclusion of the school year—
first come, first served. If your child’s sports or activity
schedule necessitates that he/she attend a Kairos retreat
scheduled during an off season, please encourage him/her
to sign up for that particular time (October, January, or
March) once registration opens. For further information
on Kairos, please go to the Campus Ministry section of the
Carroll website.
A fund to assist those students who are in need of
financial help in order to participate in the Kairos experience continues to accept donations. If you would like to
sponsor a student (total cost $280) or simply contribute to
the fund, please contact Mrs. Ritter in the Tuition Office
(ext. 136).
This year, we are attempting to boost our spring
appeal with a phonathon! For two nights, Carroll students
and teachers (current and retired!) will fill our library to
raise donations for the Carroll Fund. It is community events
like these that constantly show me how united we are, and
how we all work to make our school spectacular.
“The Place to Be.” “Carroll Cares.” “Pro Dei et
Patria.” We embody them all. We are Patriots. We are
Warm regards,
Frank Fox ‘77
Francis E. Fox
† Catholic Faith Life at Carroll
 April 15
Blessing & Distribution of Rings at Mass –7 pm
 April 16
Junior Class Retreat
May 1
May 14
May 27
June 1
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord with
May Crowning of the Blessed Mother
[Holy Day of Obligation]
Evening Prayer for parents/guardians of the
Class of 2015 -5:30 pm
Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 2015 -7 pm
-at Our Mother of Divine Providence Church
June 11
Closing of the Academic Year Prayer Service
June 12
Closing Mass for Faculty
June 15-18 Kairos LXXXIII at Malvern Retreat House
The Class of 2016 will receive their class
rings on Wednesday, April 15th at the Junior Ring
Mass followed by a dessert reception. The procession
into the auditorium will begin at 6:45 pm. All members of the Class of 2016 should be in attendance.
Each junior will be recognized by name and receive
his/her ring or pin.
CAPS AND GOWNS ill e distri uted i late
Ma . All stude t a ou ts ust e up–to-date i
o de to e ei e aps a d go s a d othe g aduaio
ate ials. A y se io i jeopa dy of a a ade i o dis ipli e failu e ill ha e ate ials held u il
the su je t tea he o Oi e a e ify that the stude t i uesio fulills his/he e ui e e ts. Also,
all i a ial o ligaio s ust e fulilled.
The Class of 2016 will celebrate
their prom, “Monte Carlo” Friday
evening, April 17th 7:00 p.m. to
10:30 p.m., catered by Lindinger’s
Catering. Untouchables Entertainment will provide the music. Photo
packages will be available through
Gurcsik Studios. A photo ID is required to purchase tickets and attend
the Junior Prom.
Juniors attending the prom will be
dismissed after fourth period [11:09
am]. No junior will be dismissed before that time, unless a doctor’s note is provided. Non-juniors attending
the prom will be dismissed at the conclusion of sixth
for the Class of
ill take pla e o Frida , Ma
at Our Mother of Di i e Pro ide e Chur h i Ki g of
Prussia at : a. . u il appro i atel oo . Graduaio pra i e is Mo da , Ju e at the Di o Ce ter
of Ca ri i College at : a. . u il appro i atel
: p. . Stude ts ust report ea h da i p ope
d ess ode o late tha : a. .
GRADUATION PRACTICE! Please do ot s hedule ollege isits or i ter ie s o these i porta t pra i e
da s. Stude ts ill re ei e ore i for aio at
s hool a out a alaureate a d graduaio rehearsals.
SENIOR PROM - Friday, May 1, 2015
 BACCALAUREATE: The Liturg is s heduled for
Mo day e e i g, Ju e st at : p. . at Our Mother
of Di i e Pro ide e Chur h i Ki g of Prussia. Ea h
stude t ill re ei e i kets to Ba alaureate. You
ust ha e our i ket to e ad ited.
The Class of 2015
will dance the night away at
the Westover Country Club,
Jeffersonville on Friday,
May 1, 2015 from 7:00 p.m.
to 11:30 p.m. Students should
arrive and check-in no later
than 8:00 p.m. We request
that all students and families
plan accordingly to adhere to the 7:00 p.m. check-in
time. The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. with registration, receiving line, photographs, dinner and dancing.
The senior prom is a milestone in our students’ high
school social life and we plan to make it a wonderful,
memorable event.
All prom paperwork/contracts must be on
file. An ID must be presented to purchase a ticket
and to be admitted to the prom.
GRADUATION: The Class of
5 ill graduate
at : a. . o the a pus of
o Tuesday, Ju e
Ca ri i College i the Dixon Center. Seai g is li ited
a d ou MUST ha e a TICKET to e ad ited. Ea h
fa il
ill re ei e 2 Reserved Seats a d Ge e al
Ad issio . Ti kets ill e gi e to se iors i their
Graduaio pa kets.
a aila le for fa il
e ers ho a ot li
lea hers. This i for aio
ust e pla ed i rii g
to the Oi e for Stude t Afairs Thursda , April ,
. Spe ial seai g ill ot e a aila le to those
ho do ot o ta t the s hool.
International Education Opportunities
Dea Ca oll Pa e ts a d Fa ult ,
We a e pleased to epo t that i the Fall of
, A h ishop Ca oll o es ou glo alizatio
i itiati e to the e t le el th ough the i lusio of
o de ful i te atio al stude ts f o I te atio al Edu atio Oppo tu ities IEO . IEO is ased i
the G eate Philadelphia a ea a d p o ides a efull sele ted iddle a d high-s hool age i te atio al stude ts the oppo tu it to stud at p estigious
US p i ate s hools. While pu sui g thei studies i
the US, IEO stude ts e pe ie e A e i a ultu e
th ough li i g i ho esta s ith so e of the o de ful e e s of the o
u it a d i spe ial
i u sta es i IEO a aged do ito ies.
IEO stude ts a e ell- ou ded i di iduals:
a ade i all
ight, so iall o s ious, a d highl
oti ated stude ts ho aspi e to o tai a supe io
edu atio at A h ishop Ca oll a d o ti ue o to
top-le el u i e sities i the U.S. B li i g ith
A e i a host fa ilies, these stude ts ill e a le
to lea a out A e i a ultu e a d e pa t of the
fa il life hi h the
iss ei g so fa a a f o
ho e. The host fa il has the oppo tu it to offe
a a
a d u tu i g ho e fo a i te atio al
stude t a d i the p o ess lea a out the la guage, ultu e, a d usto s of the stude t li i g
ith the . This is a o de ful a d u i ue ulti ultu al e pe ie e fo oth pa ties.
IEO p o ides a e
o petiti e stipe d to
o e the ost fo food, t a spo tatio , a d additio al e pe ses asso iated ith a i g fo ou stude t s . We o k losel
ith the stude ts a d
thei fa ilies, host fa ilies, a d the s hool to e su e a e a di g e pe ie e fo all i ol ed.
o e i fo atio o
e o i g a host
fa il , please o ta t Je a Sha p, IEO Ho esta
Coo di ato , at
Je a@ieopps o
Dear Parents,
As we move toward the end of my third year at
Carroll, I want to say thank you for all of your support. While we may not agree on all decisions, we
agree that our students at Carroll are wonderful young
men and women who are poised to do great things.
I look forward to our Senior Parent Farewell on
Wednesday, May 27; I thank the Parents’ Association
for their sponsorship of this event.
As you may know, we have entered an academic partnership with Cabrini College. This will allow
juniors and seniors to take up to four courses per year
at Cabrini. If your current sophomore or junior is interested and has not chosen this option when selecting
courses, please email me to discuss this program.
We have had many academic, athletic, and spiritual successes this year at Carroll; we continue to be
blessed by wonderful students and parents who understand the essential elements of Catholic education. We
are blessed to have your support.
In the coming months, we will be wrapping up
the school year. Please keep your eye out for summer
reading information, world language summer work,
closing day schedules and information about next year.
For seniors parents, you should have received a mailing with regard to prom and graduation.
May you enjoy God’s blessings.
Joseph Denelsbeck
E-mail address:
Welcoming Jesus Statue
On Thursday, May 21, 2015, we will unveil and bless our
Welcoming Jesus Statue. We will be joined by the Nowlan family and
some of our benefactors who helped to bring our dream to reality.
The artist is Larry Nowlan, Carroll Class of 1983, who has made a
significant contribution to the art world and to his alma mater, Carroll High School.
 DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: All parents and guardians
are strongly encouraged to check the Daily Announcements
each day on the school website Much
information is given to the students that parents or guardians
may also find helpful. It is also recommended that students
check their Carroll email ( on a
regular basis as this is another means that the Guidance Office uses to communicate important information.
 SENIORS: Please continue to share all college acceptances, scholarships, awards, and financial aid packages with
the Guidance Office. Each year statistical information is
requested by both the Pennsylvania Department of Education
and the Office of Catholic Education. Also, individual scholarship/grant information for the Class of 2015 will be published in the graduation booklet. Please note that if you do
not share this information, it cannot be published. The
deadline date to forward this information is May 8 th. This
notice is also posted in the senior homerooms. Your cooperation is appreciated.
 JUNIORS: Junior students have been seen individually or
in small groups to discuss the college planning process.
Through the kindness of the English Department, counselors
have been able to visit with all juniors to highlight the college search and the college admissions process, stress the
importance of college visitations, recommendations, and
types of admissions. If a parent or guardian has any questions
or concerns, please feel free to contact the Guidance Office.
 All students should have received their Naviance account
with They are strongly encouraged to take
full advantage of both.
 RECOMMENDATIONS: Members of the Class of 2016
are encouraged to politely request written recommendations
from two or three members of our faculty or staff and send
them a request through their Naviance account.
 FINANCIAL AID: All students, especially juniors, are
encouraged to use the financial aid search programs available
on the Internet. This is a most helpful way to get information
on potential sources of aid for post-secondary education. An
exceptional website for a financial aid search is An extensive list of websites has been
given to all juniors which is located in the College Information Guide.
 SATs and ACTs: Both the SATs and ACTs are used by
colleges for admissions purposes. ACHS does not submit
these score to the colleges, it is the responsibility of the individual to send these scores to the colleges directly from the
testing source. The next test date for the SAT (used for admission to all colleges) and the SAT Subject Tests is May
The regular registration deadline for the May test is
April 6th, and the late registration deadline is April 21 st.
Please note that ACHS is a test center in May. Both the
SAT and the SAT Subject Tests will be offered again on
June 6th. The regular registration deadline for the June test is
May 8th, and the late registration deadline is May 27th.
ACHS is NOT a test center in June. All students are encouraged to apply online at
The ACT will be offered at ACHS on April 18th. We
will offer the test again in the Fall of 2015 and in the
Spring of 2016. Our high school code is 394131 and our
test center code is 21811. To learn more about the ACT,
please go to To register for the ACT, go to
Through the efforts of Mr. Paul McGeehan, a retired English faculty member, all juniors and sophomores have
been able or will be able to experience the free online
SAT prep program at the College Board website. This is
a unique program that is specifically designed for each
individual student based on his/her October 2014 PSAT
results. It is a great way to prepare for the SAT and the
PSAT. Please encourage your students to take full advantage of this opportunity.
EARLY SAT REGISTRATION: Again this year, students can register early, approximately the middle of May,
for the Fall 2015 SAT and SAT Subject Tests. The tests
will be offered in October, November, and December.
You can register online by contacting the College Board
at The high school code for
Archbishop Carroll is 394131 and our test center code is
39610. Please note that we will be a test center for the
October and December test dates.
COLLEGE FAIR: The Annual Main Line College
Fair will be held Tuesday, April 28th at the Pavilion, Villanova University Campus. Once again ACHS will help
to sponsor the event which will run from 6:30 pm to 9:00
pm. This is an excellent opportunity to meet college representatives from hundreds of schools. Please make plans
to attend this free event; everyone is invited. In addition
to this event, please ask your son/daughter to check the
Open House invitations which are posted in the Cafeteria.
SUMMER PROGRAMS: There are a number of colleges, universities, and organizations sponsoring a wide
range of interesting summer programs. Please ask your
son/daughter to check the display in the school cafeteria
along with a list that will be distributed in homeroom.
EMPLOYMENT: All job postings are displayed on the
Job Board in the cafeteria. These are updated as we are
made aware of employment opportunities.
or guardian who would like to discuss your student’s progress is encouraged to call the Guidance Office. The National Honor Society offers tutoring; Weekly Progress
Reports are always available from the counselors. Please
contact the Guidance Office for more information.
COLLEGE PRESENTATIONS: A number of colleges
have been visiting during second semester. This is a great
opportunity for our students to interact with an admissions
counselor, to ask questions, and to pick up materials, including applications. ALL students are encouraged to
take advantage as college reps continue to visit Archbishop Carroll High School.
Archbishop John Carroll High
School Theater Society
-7 PM
-7 PM
-7 PM
-2:00 PM
610-688-7610, EXT. 113
All-Catholic Teams Named ~ ~ ~
1st Olivia Snyder
2nd Stephanie Connor
2nd Zoie Octaviano
2nd Molly Santoro
2nd Jake Poulous
2nd Nick Poulous
HM Nick Senderling
Boys’ Basketball
1st Derrick Jones
2nd Josh Sharkey
2nd David Beatty
Girls’ Basketball
1st Lexi Stover
1st Julia Gantz
Indoor Track
1st Christian D’Andrea [Triple Jump]
2nd Christian D’Andrea [Long Jump]
HM Christian D’Andrea [High Jump]
The Spring dress code is currently in effect. Parents, we need
your help in making sure that all of our students are in the proper
dress code at all times.
Please take special note: Girls’ skirt length should not be shorter
than one inch above the knee; boys’ pants must be fitted to the
waist and belted; boys are to be clean shaven at all times, no facial
hair; and, only a plain white undershirt may be worn under the
uniform shirt, no colors, patterns or prints. Students may wear
either the school golf shirt or a button down shirt (white or blue)
with a tie for the boys. Failure to comply with the school uniform
code may result in your child receiving demerits for uniform violation and/or not be permitted to attend classes.
Only students who have purchased a permit may park on campus.
Students may still purchase permits for half price ($25). Violators
will receive demerits for illegal parking and be charged the full
$50 permit fee.
Cell phones may not be used for any reason during the school
day, except in the west cafeteria during lunch periods and during
study periods! Phones are to remain in the off position during
all academic classes. The school day begins at 7:40 am and
ends at 2:25 pm. If a student is found using a cell phone illegally, the phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of the
next school day, the student will pay a $10 fine and receive demerits and detentions. If parents need to contact a child during
the school day, please do so through the Office for Student Services.
Students are expected to attend school each day and be on time.
Students absent 22 or more days or with significant lateness
will be liable for Diocesan or Disciplinary Summer School to
make up the missed time. Tuition will be charged. Repetition
of a poor attendance record could result in dismissal. The attendance record is part of the permanent student record.
Students who need to leave school early or arrive late because of
doctor appointments must submit an Early Dismissal Card to
the office no later than 24 hours prior to the appointment or the
parent needs to come to the office to sign the student out. Please
follow this procedure so that your child’s attendance is kept
Students who have failed discipline for the year are required to
attend discipline summer school. A discipline failure occurs
when a student accumulates 60 or more demerits for the entire
year. Discipline summer school will be held from Monday,
June 15th through Friday, June 19th. from 8:00 am to 11:00 am
each day. Tuition is $100.00 for the week. Students who failed
discipline and plan to return to Carroll next year must attend
discipline summer school.
Students who failed discipline are not permitted to attend his/her
class prom or any other Carroll dance. A discipline failure occurs when a student has received 60 or more demerits in the
school year.
As the year winds down and early dismissal days become more
frequent, not all school districts will provide afternoon transportation. The list for the districts not providing early dismissal
transportation will be published in the daily bulletin and posted
on our website as those days draw near. Please check our calendar and website for early dismissals and days off. The calendar
can be found on our website
APRIL 20 TO APRIL 24, 2015
A schedule will be posted on the Carroll website
and in each junior homeroom!
 Each year the PA Department of Education and the Office of Catholic Education requests a statistical
summary of our graduating class. We would appreciate your cooperation in compiling these figures.
Please encourage your son or daughter to share all acceptance letters, financial aid award letters
and scholarship offers. We will be happy to make copies of these letters in the Guidance Office.
 Also, as part of the Graduation ceremony, a booklet is composed, listing ALL of the scholarships and
awards received by each student. Since most of the colleges and universities do not notify us of
these awards, we rely on the student to provide this information. Again, please share this information with the Guidance Office.
 The DEADLINE to submit this information for publication is May 8, 2015.
 Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Mary Romanelli
Kathleen Scheidel
Kathie Sheffler-Collins
Charles Gallagher
Gordon Bryan
Walt Weinrich
Paul McGeehan
Merry Fleming
Theresa Nardelli
The Parents’ Association welcomes all parents to the Archbishop Carroll Community.
Get involved . . . Be informed . . . Make a difference here at Carroll!
Questions? Suggestions? Want to
Volunteer? Have concerns?
Join us for the next meeting
Parents’ Association Meeting
May 11, 2015 -7:00 p.m.
in the School Library
All parents are welcome!
Meet with the principal and parents
in a friendly, round-table discussion
of all that happens at Carroll.
Easy ways to raise money for Archbishop Carroll:
 Sign up for Target Take
Charge of Education and
raise money for Carroll when
using your Target credit card.
Nominations Open 2015—2016 School Year
Officers and Class Representatives Needed
The Parents’ Association invites you to become an active member
of the Archbishop Carroll Parents’ Association for next year.
The current board is comprised mostly of senior parents who
will not be returning next year.
We are looking for volunteers for the following positions: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an assistant with Hospitality.
We also need someone to organize the Tuition Raffle
in August/September.
In addition to these positions, we are always looking for
class representatives for each grade.
If you would like more information or you would like to volunteer, please
come to the May 11th meeting. If you cannot make this meeting, please
contact the Archbishop Carroll Parents’ Association at
or call the Parents’ voicemail at 610-688-7610, ext. 277.
 ACHS Car Magnets on sale
Be the first in your
neighborhood to show your
Carroll Pride, and for only
$5.00. The magnets are sold
in the Carroll Corner.
See Parents’ Association page at for all the details.
The Senior Parents’ Farewell Prayer
Service is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Thank you, Parent volunteers
The Parents’ Association is very grateful
to all the parent volunteers who have
helped with our hospitality during
the recent school events:
The Academic Honors Convocation,
Open House, and
the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast.
We especially thank Kathy Bristowe, Anne
Wince, Colleen Brady, and Carolyn Evans
for their direction and support for all of our
hospitality events during this past year!
OFFICE AT 610-688-7610, EXTENSION 114.
 The final monthly tuition payment is due April 15th. As stated in the Student Handbook and on the Tuition
Rates and Fees Sheet, all fees not paid when due will be deducted from the next tuition payment. All financial obligations, including all fees and tuition, must be met in order for students to receive final report
cards. Per the Archdiocesan tuition policy, any student with a previous year tuition balance will not be permitted to return to Archbishop Carroll for the 2015-2016 academic year. On August 15, 2015, any student with a
previous year balance will be removed from the rolls. There will be no exceptions made regarding this policy. In light of this, please bring accounts up to date now to avoid difficulties at the end of the school year.
 Tuition and fees must be paid up to date in order for juniors to attend the Junior Prom on April 14, 2015.
Tickets were on sale from the Office of Student Affairs March 26th and 27th . Please do not attempt to purchase
prom tickets unless all financial obligations are satisfied; there will be no exceptions made regarding this policy.
 Tuition and fees must be paid in full by April 15, 2015 in order for seniors to purchase tickets and attend the
Senior Prom on May 1, 2015, to participate in baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies, and to receive a diploma. In addition, final transcripts will not be sent to colleges. Please do not attempt to purchase prom tickets from the Office for Student Affairs unless all financial obligations are satisfied, as there will be no exceptions made regarding this policy. The payment for any senior’s overdue financial obligations that have not
been satisfied by the deadline must be made by cash, certified check or money order only. Personal checks
will not be accepted from seniors after April 25th .
 The Athletic Fee for each sport played is $175, with the exception of the following: football, tennis, wrestling,
and swimming, which are $300 each. Intramural bowling is $125; cheerleading is $200 for the freshman
squad; $300 for junior varsity and varsity squads. Ice hockey and spring crew are $750 each. Spring crew
ONLY: second, third and fourth child in family pay half price. Fall crew is $200 per athlete; novice crew is
$100 per athlete. Ultimate Frisbee is $175. All athletic fees, including spring sports should be paid in full by
April 10th. Athletic fees are debited on a student’s tuition account when the rosters are submitted by coaches.
Separate bills are not generated, therefore it is your responsibility to remit payment to the tuition office as soon
as you know that your son/daughter is playing a sport. Please include the student number and the name of the
sport on your check. The resale fee for equipment and uniforms collected by the coaches is a separate charge.
 For the 2015-2016 academic year, we will be using Smart Tuition to manage the tuition and fee payments. The
financial packet of information explaining this new process will be mailed to you soon. It is important to note
that the payments for the upcoming school year will begin in June as in previous years.
DATE— Saturday, April 25, 2015
Registration/Doors: Open 6:30 pm
Reservations: $25 per person - or $30 at the door
Check the Home Page of the Carroll Website for details
e-mail CAFE at
From the Advancement Office ~ ~ ~
♦ All NEW students to Carroll and all juniors are required
to have a physical and submit a physical form. Sophomores should have received a letter and physical form
in the mail to facilitate this process. A completed physical form is due before the first day of school. Please
start submitting these physical forms now. The form
can be obtained online and is also available in the Main
Office and Health Office.
♦ At the end of the school year, students should pick up
remaining medications. This should be done before the
last day of school. Unclaimed medications will be destroyed in the presence of a school administrator. Remaining medications include inhalers and Epi-Pens.
2014-2015 CARROLL FUND
A gift to the 2014-2015 Carroll Fund can have
a major impact on our school. This allows us
to provide the resources that our incredibly
gifted patriots need to thrive. Gifts can be
made at -or by check, -or by
Don’t forget to ask your employer if they will
match your gift!
We are ramping up for our 2015-2016 EITC/
OSTC efforts. This tax credit program allows
businesses that pay taxes in Pennsylvania to
make a contribution to a Pennsylvania nonprofit and receive a tax credit of 75% of their
gift for a one-year commitment; and 90% of
their gift for a two-year commitment. Applying is incredibly easy and requires only a onepage form, which can be found at All gifts support financial aid and
tuition assistance.
Including Archbishop Carroll in your will or
estate plan is a considerate way to support our
school that doesn’t cost you a cent out of
pocket. Talk to your estate planner today!
♦ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
the school nurse at 610-688-7610, ext. 155 or by email at:
View From Admissions ~ ~ ~
Mike Duf
Director of Ad issio s
As we refine the Class of 2019, it is not too
early to begin our quest for our third consecutive
300+ class - the Class of 2020. We expect the Class
of 2019 to be a vibrant and exceptional addition to
our already outstanding student body. If you know of
someone who has yet to decide for next September,
please have them contact the Admissions Office to
arrange for a Shadow Day or encourage them to apply
as soon as possible. With our mix of partner schools,
our students portray a variety of social and economic
backgrounds and we become a melting pot to create
President Fox’s secret sauce. Our students learn to
adapt and make friends easily as they all become part
of the Carroll family.
The next big event on the horizon is geared to
the Class of 2020. This year, seventh graders
throughout the diocese are invited to visit Carroll on
Thursday, April 16th to Experience Carroll. They
will have the opportunity to spend a day at Carroll
and see what we have to offer them. Arrangements
can be made through our partner schools or by contacting the Admissions Office at 610-688-7610, ext.
If we all work together, we will reach our goal
of providing a quality, Catholic, value-centered education to everyone who seeks to receive such an education.
Please contact me with any questions.
Will Sta gler—I situio al Adva ce e t
, E t.
The spring blood drive was Tuesday, March
24th. The drive was held in the Archbishop Carroll
West Gym from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm. The drive was
once again dedicated to the memory of Christopher
Jones (Class of 2007) who died of a rare blood disease.
Recipients of the Christopher Jones Memorial Scholarship work with the Red Cross along with
the Honors Anatomy and Physiology class. Please
look at the Carroll website in September for the Fall
Blood Drive date. Any parent or student, age 16
(with parent permission) who wishes to donate may
do so by making an appointment at the school.
We thank Mrs. Janine Cahill, moderator, and
students for their support of this vital community
Archbishop John Carroll High School
Parents’ Newsletter
211 Matson Ford Road
Radnor PA 19087-4590
Sp i g Co ce t & Ba
Sports, performing arts, and
academic camps begin June 15th
baseball/softball basketball field hockey crew
soccer rugby cross country fencing cheerleading
lacrosse volleyball football art theatre
Science & engineering Algebra prep
☻All summer camps are 50% off until April 30, 2015!
The discount has been extended. Reserve your spot now!!
Please refer to the website
at 610-688-7610, EXT. 171
for the registration form.
SPRING CONCERT: The Ca oll Musi Depa t e t’s a ual Sp i g Co e t will e
Wed esday, May
at 7:
p i the
audito iu . This yea ’s o e t will featu e
pe fo a es y o i ed St i gs a d
Ba d, Co e t Ba d, Cho us, Jazz E se le,
a d Pe ussio E se le. The ho us will
featu e s all e se les a d soloists as
well. The o e t will o e agai o lude
with the side- y-side pe fo a e whe e
a d th g ade usi stude ts joi us o
stage! This is a ight you will ot wa t to
iss, so co e out a d e joy the usic!
MUSIC BANQUET: The a ual Musi Ba uet will e held Wed esday, May th at
:30 p i the Cu ley Fa ily Li a y. Joi
us fo a ate ed di e as we take the oppo tu ity to ho o ou se io s a d eleate a othe i e yea of usi !