Page 1 of 30 -'7-:m\ Name Date ll I I @a0HelDer. B-.'rii.dzl COfn, '- Call of the Wild Key I - Answer ID # 0793140 Chapters 1-2 I . What lesson did Buck learn from the Man in the Red Swe ater? 2. Who bought Buck from the Man in the Red Sweater? 3. What other dogs did Buck meet when he arrived in Alaska? 4. What kind of person was Manuel? 5. What was the dogs' job with 6. 7 Francois and Perrault? What was Buck's life like at Judge Miller's place? . What did the Man in the Red Sweater do to Buck? B. What did Buck learn by watchine the attack on Curly? 9. What did Buck vow would never happen to him after he saw Curly die? 10. What happened to Curly? http : /iwnw. edhelperblo gi-bin/vocab.cgi 7 t6t2007 Page 2 of30 What did Buck see for the fnst time when he got off the boat? 12. Where did Buck try to sleep on the frst night? 13. How did Buck finally go to sleep the first night? 14. What mix of breeds was Buck? 15. How was Buck treated bv the men on the train? 16. What was Perrault's job? Why was Buck taken from Judge Miller? http : //www. edhelperblo gi-bin/vocab.cgi 7 t612001 rage ) -,*\ lll Date I s$ruHeuer. D_uuslu com Name ()1 Ju Call of the Wild Key I - Answer ID # 0793140 18. Discuss some of the things Buck learned to do in order to survive in the North Countrv ters 3-4 19. Why did Buck first fight with Spitz? 20. How did Buck feel about Spitz? 2". What happened to Dave? 22. What happened when Spitz tried to attack Buck? 23. What position did Buck want on the sled team? Did he get it? http //www. edhelperblog. com/c gi-bin/vocab. c gi : 7161200'7 rags / ul ru Date --ri-\ lll I @@oHelDer. Name r^-w csm Call of the Wild Key I - Answer ID # 0793140 24. What did Francois make for Buck? Why? 25. Was Buck a good leader? 26. What happened to DollY? 27 . What did Francois do to Dolly when she tried to attack Buck? 28. Who took cbarge of the team after Perrault and Francois? 29. Which dog attacked Buck as he was fighting one of the huskies? 30. What was the team's new job with the Scottish half breed? 31. Whv did the huskies attack the camp? 32. What did Buck do to SPitz? http //www. edhelperblog. com/c gi-bin/vocab. c gi : 71612007 rage 6 t)l ru Date Name 4fuHeloer com Call of the Wild Key 1- Answer ID # 0793140 a.') JJ. Describe in your own words the "other man" Buck would sometimes dream about while lying by the fire. Who was this "other man," and why did Buck dream about him? Describe how Buck's first attack on Spitz affected the whole team. http //www. edhelperblog. com/c gi-bin/vocab.cgi : 7 t612001 raBc lu ul ru --l,G{.\ Name ll | Date | slurc2z corn Call of the Wild Key 1- Answer ID # 0793140 ch aplers 5-6 35. How long did it take to go from Dawson to Skagway? 36. How did Buck save Thornton's life? 37 . What condition were the doss in when thev arrived in Skaewav? 38. What kept Buck from going to live in the wild? 39. What feeline did Buck have for the first time with John Thornton? 40. What began to happen to the dogs as they pulled the sled for Hal and Charles? 4I. What happened as Hal, Charles, Mercedes, and the dog sled pulled out of camp? 42. What bet did Thornton make about Buck? 43. What was the "call" that Buck heard? 44. What advice did John Thornton give to Hal and Charles? Whv? http //www. edhelperblog. : c om/c gi-bin/vocab.cgi 7 t6t2007 45. Who were they sold to when they arrived in Skagway? Why was it not good to have 14 dogs pulling one sled? 47 . What happened when Black Burton hit Thornton? 48. What was the result of the bet John Thornton made about Buck? Describe the characters of Hal, Mercedes, and Charles. irttp //www. edhelperblo : g. com/c gi-bin/vocab. c gi 7 t6t2007 Page 13 of30 Date Name @f,fuHelper u"tlufl?J COm Call of the Wild Key 1- Answer ID # 0793140 50. Describe Buck at the end of chapter 5, physically and mentally. unapler / 51. What was the reason the Yeehats noticed a difference in the breed of timber wolves? 52. What happened to the Yeehats? 53. What was rhe first big thing Buckkilled in the wild? 54. What happened between Buck and the wolf? t http //www. edhelperblo : g. com/c gi-bin/vocab. cgi 71612007 Page l) ot jU Date Name *,ffi ss@dHeloer Cdm . Call of the Wild Key I - Answer ID # 0793140 56. What did John Thornton and his partners eventually find? 57 . Who did Buck begin to dream about frequently? 58. What stories were told about the lost cabin? 59. Who is the Ghost Dog the Yeehats tell stories about? 60. What happened to John Thornton? 61. What did John and his partners go looking for? 62. What happened at camp while Buck was gone? 63. Where did Buck go after the encounter with the wolf? http ://www. edhelperblog. com/c gi-bin/vocab. cgi 7 t6t2007 Page 1b 0r jU Date Name a Call of the Wild Key I - Answer ID # 0793140 64. Give a summary of how Buck killed the moose. Give a summary of Buck's encounter with the wolf pack. What was the outcome? http ://www. edhelperblog. com/c gi-bin/vocab. c gi 7 t6t2007