.......................................................................................... Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and .......................................................................................... Workstations .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0 .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Oracle7t Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0 March 1998 Part No. A59481–01 Enabling the Information AgeT Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0 Part No. A59481–01 Copyright E 1997 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Contributing Authors: Maeve Anslow, Lea Baylon, Gail D’Aloisio, Donn Fisher, Kristi Garrotto, Meg Hennington, Kevin Kerr, Cynthia Kibbe, Joanne Lai, Julie Laffrenzen, Thomas Leah–Martin, Doug Meier, Sharon Milley, Reiko Nishi, John Norton, Sally Norton, Nik Ormseth, Lynn Robinson, Ashish Saigal, Catherine Skrbina, Laura Soule, Cathy Steinberg, Zeynep Taspinar Contributors: Galina Barskaya, Ruben Becker, John Bowker, Mike Bowker, Rakesh Dhoopar, Randy Eckstein, Clark Elms, Richard Exley, Daniel Fields, Brian Gustafson, Robin Inglis–Arkell, Alex Ip, Thomas Jose, Mike Kavanaugh, Harish Kurup, Gordon Larimer, Thomas Leah–Martin, Steven Merrigan, Cary Millsap, Janine Olson, Vivek Sharma, Steven Swinkels, Perry Tucker, Paul Turner, Oracle Europe Engineering Division This software was not developed for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It is the customer’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the programs are used for such purposes. This software/documentation contains proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; it is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency of the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with Restricted Rights and the following legend is applicable: Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227–7013, Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software (October 1988). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. If this software/documentation is delivered to a U.S. Government Agency not within the Department of Defense, then it is delivered with “Restricted Rights”, as defined in FAR 52.227–14, Rights in Data – General, including Alternate III (June 1987). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free. ConText, Cooperative Server Technology, NLS*WorkBench, Oracle, the Oracle logo, Oracle Book, Oracle Secure Network Services, Pro*COBOL, Pro*FORTRAN, Pro*Pascal, SQL*Forms, SQL*Loader, SQL*Menu, SQL*Module, SQL*Net, and SQL*Plus are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Advanced Networking Option, Advanced Replication Option, ConText Option, Developer/2000, Enabling the Information Age, Oracle Call Interface, Oracle ConText, Oracle Data Query, Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange, Oracle Names, Oracle Network Manager, Oracle Parallel Server, Oracle Server, Oracle Server Manager, Oracle Toolkit, Oracle TRACE, Oracle7, Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility, Oracle7 Spatial Data Option, Pro*C, and PL/SQL are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Preface T his Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations provides HP–UX installation and configuration information for the current release of the Oracle7 Server and Oracle tools. It complements the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX, which provides reference information for all UNIX systems. The topics covered in this preface are: • Audience • Document Conventions • Customer Support and Documentation Sales Preface i Audience This document is for database administrators and others responsible for installing Oracle products on UNIX operating systems. While command examples are provided, this guide does not attempt to teach Oracle or UNIX administration. Additional Reading If you are unfamiliar with the Oracle relational database management system, read Chapter 1, “Introduction to the Oracle Server”, in Oracle7 Server Concepts before reading this document. The chapter is a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and terminology used throughout Oracle documentation. Document Conventions Conventions used in this document differ somewhat from those used in other Oracle documentation. Because UNIX is case-sensitive, commands and filenames are shown in boldface type, rather than uppercase letters. Enter information precisely as it appears. Type Conventions The following type conventions are used in this guide: ii bold Boldface type indicates UNIX commands, directory names, pathnames, and filenames (for example, the prefs.ora file). brackets [ ] In text, words enclosed in brackets indicate key names (for example, Press [Return]). italics Italic type indicates a variable and is used for emphasis. It also indicates variable portions of filenames (for example, sgadefx.dbf). UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate Oracle commands and environment variables (for example, ORACLE_HOME). Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Command Syntax This document uses the following conventions in command syntax. Commands appear in monospace font. backslash \ A backslash indicates a command line that is too long to fit on the printed page. Either enter the line as printed (with the backslash) or enter it as a single line without a backslash. dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6 of=/dev/rst0 \ bs=10b count=10000 braces { } Braces indicate required items. .DEFINE { macro1} brackets [ ] In commands, brackets indicate optional items. cvtcrt termname [outfile] ellipsis ... Ellipsis indicates an arbitrary number of similar items. CHKVAL fieldname value1 value2 ... valueN italics Italic type indicates variables. Substitute an appropriate value for the variable. library_name monospace Monospace type indicates text to be entered and screen display. set echo off vertical line | A vertical line indicates a choice within braces or brackets. SIZE filesize [K|M] Preface iii The following symbols should always be entered as they appear in the command format: colon : comma , double quote ” equal sign = hyphen – parentheses () period . semicolon ; single quote ’ Icons The following icons appear in printed documentation. Icons do not appear in online documentation. See Also: The book icon indicates a reference to another document, published either by Oracle Corporation or another organization. (The words “See Also” without an accompanying icon indicate a reference to another section of this document.) ☞ Attention: The attention icon indicates important information. Suggestion: The suggestion symbol indicates recommendations and hints. OPS For Parallel Server: The OPS icon indicates information specific to the Oracle Parallel Server. Warning: The warning icon indicates an action that could damage the system. Other Conventions The term “Oracle7 Server” refers to the database server product from Oracle Corporation. The term “oracle” refers to an executable or account by that name. The term “oracle” refers to the owner of the Oracle software. Unless otherwise stated, examples use the Bourne shell (sh(1)) syntax. iv Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Customer Support and Documentation Sales You can reach Oracle Worldwide Customer Support Services 24 hours a day. In the USA: 1.650.506.1500 In Europe: +44 1344 860160 Supplying Technical Information Please be prepared to supply the following information: • your CSI number (this helps Oracle Corporation track problems recorded for each customer) • the release numbers of the Oracle7 Server and associated products • the operating system name and version number • details of error numbers and descriptions (write down the exact errors) • a description of the problem • a description of any changes made to the system For installation-related problems please supply: • a printout of the various $ORACLE_HOME and $STAGE_HOME directories. • directory path names of your installation staging area • $ORACLE_HOME directory This information helps Oracle WorldWide Customer Support validate the information written to the installation log files. Documentation Sales and Client Relations In the United States: • To order hardcopy documentation, call Documentation Sales: 1.800.252.0303. • For shipping inquiries, product exchanges, or returns, call Client Relations: 1.650.506.1500. Preface v In the United Kingdom: • To order hardcopy documentation, call Oracle Direct Response: +44 990 332200. • For shipping inquiries and upgrade requests, call Customer Relations: +44 990 622300. Other European customers, please contact your local Oracle Support office for documentation or shipping inquiries. Your Comments are Welcome Please use the Reader’s Comment Form at the back of this guide to relay your comments to us. If the form is missing, or if you would like to contact us, you can reach us at: HP Publications Manager Oracle Corporation 500 Oracle Parkway Box 659104 Redwood Shores, California 94065 Phone: 1.650.506.2834 FAX: 1.650.506.7357 E-mail: dochp@us.oracle.com vi Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Contents Chapter 1 Features and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disk Space and Memory Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Issues and Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1–2 1–7 1 – 15 1 – 19 1 – 23 1 – 29 Chapter 2 Installation Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 1: Default or Custom Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 2: Installation Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 3: Online Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 4: Control File Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 5: Redo Log File Placement and Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 6: Database File Placement and Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 7: Using Raw Partitions/Logical Volumes . . . . . . . . . . Decision 8: The oracle Software Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 9: Instance Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 10: Parallel Server Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decision 11: Oracle ConText Option Tablespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installer Defaults Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1 2–2 2–3 2–4 2–7 2–8 2–9 2 – 10 2 – 11 2 – 12 2 – 13 2 – 14 2 – 17 2 – 18 Contents vii Chapter 3 Setting the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasks Performed as the root User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Configure HP–UX Kernel Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 2: Create Groups in the /etc/group File . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 3: Create oracle Software Owner Account . . . . . . . . . . . Task 4: Create a Local bin Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 5: Log Out as the root User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Set Permission Codes for File Creation . . . . . . . . . . . Task 2: Configure SQL*Net Version 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 3: Set Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 4: Source Startup File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 5: Prepare to Install Oracle Tools, Precompilers, and Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 6: Prepare to Install SQL*Net Version 2 Products . . . . . Task 7: Prepare to Install Oracle Server Options . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 22 3 – 23 3 – 25 Chapter 4 Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing on Different System Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting the Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Mount the CD–ROM Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 2: Run the Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installer Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–1 4–2 4–4 4–5 4–6 4–7 Chapter 5 Completing Oracle7 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasks Performed as the root User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Run the root.sh Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 2: Install Required Oracle Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 3: Create Additional DBA Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 4: Create Oracle7 Server User Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 5: Verify Database Security and Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . Task 6: Edit the oratab File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 7: Set Up Automatic Database Startup and Shutdown Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Update the oracle Software Owner Startup File . . . . Task 2: Update the User Startup Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 3: Complete the Installation of Oracle Tools . . . . . . . . . Task 4: Complete the Installation of Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 5: Complete the Installation for SQL*Net Version 2 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 6: Complete Installation for the Parallel Server Option 5–1 5–2 5–2 5–3 5–3 5–4 5–5 5–6 5–7 5 – 11 5 – 12 5 – 13 5 – 13 viii Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 3–1 3–2 3–3 3–8 3–9 3 – 10 3 – 10 3 – 11 3 – 12 3 – 13 3 – 14 3 – 21 5 – 13 5 – 14 5 – 16 Task 7: Complete Installation for Oracle Intelligent Agent . Task 8: Complete Installation for the Enterprise Backup Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 9: Relink Products Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 10: Install Oracle ConText Option (Optional) . . . . . . . . Task 11: Tune Initialization Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – 17 5 – 17 5 – 17 5 – 18 5 – 20 Chapter 6 Upgrading Oracle7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 1 Upgrade Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 2 Pre-Upgrade Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 3 Task 1: Shut Down the Existing Oracle7 Database . . . . . . . . 6 – 4 Task 2: Back Up the Existing Oracle7 Database . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 4 Task 3: Check Pre-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 4 Task 4: Check for Symbolic Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 5 Task 5: Check Upgrade Notes for Oracle Products . . . . . . . . 6 – 6 Task 6: Decide Whether to Use the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 8 Option 1: Upgrade with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 10 Task 1: Install the New Oracle7 Release in the New $ORACLE_HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 10 Task 2: Update Parameter Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 11 Task 3: Set Environment Variables to New $ORACLE_HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 12 Task 4: Upgrade the Database Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 12 Task 5: Relocate the Database Files (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 13 Option 2: Upgrade with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory 6 – 18 Task 1: De-Install the Previous Oracle7 Release . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 18 Task 2: Install the New Oracle7 Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 18 Task 3: Upgrade the Database Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 19 Post-Upgrade Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 21 Task 1: Check Post-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 21 Task 2: Notify Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 – 21 Chapter 7 Converting to Oracle Parallel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasks Performed on the Existing Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Set Environment Variables to the Existing Database Task 2: Shut Down the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 3: Relink the Database with the Oracle Parallel Server Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasks Performed on the Remote Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 1: Create the mount_point Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Task 2: Copy the $ORACLE_HOME Directory on the Initial Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents 7–1 7–2 7–2 7–3 7–3 7–4 7–4 7–5 ix Task 3: Task 4: Task 5: Task 6: Task 7: Chapter 8 x Run the root.sh Script on Remote Nodes . . . . . . . . . . Add the Redo Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add Rollback Segments for New Instances . . . . . . . Edit the Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start Up the Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–5 7–6 7–7 7–8 7–9 Export/Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 1 Performing an Export/Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 2 Task 1: Check Pre-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 2 Task 2: Prepare to Export/Import (Migration Only) . . . . . . . 8 – 2 Task 3: Shut Down and Restart the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 6 Example: Shutdown and Restart when Migrating from a V6 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 6 Example: Shutdown and Restart when Upgrading from an Oracle7 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 6 Task 4: Export the Full Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 6 Task 5: Shut Down the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 6 Task 6: Back Up the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 7 Task 7: Decide Whether to Use the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 7 Option 1: Export/Import with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 8 Task 1: Set Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 8 Task 2: Install the Oracle7 Software in the Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 9 Task 3: Create Tablespaces in the New Database . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 10 Example: Creating Tablespaces when Upgrading from an Oracle7 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 10 Task 4: Import the Exported Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 11 Option 2: Export/Import with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 12 Task 1: Save Customized Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 12 Task 2: De-Install the Previous Oracle Release . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 12 Task 3: Install the Oracle7 Software in the Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 14 Task 4: Import the Exported Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 16 Post-Export/Import Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 17 Task 1: Complete the Export/Import (Migration Only) . . . . 8 – 17 Task 2: Check Post-Installation Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 17 Task 3: Notify Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 – 17 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Appendix A National Language Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of National Language Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choosing a Language, Territory, and Character Set . . . . . . . . . . . Supported Product Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Products in American English Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A–1 A–2 A–2 A – 11 A – 12 Appendix B Oracle Installer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting the Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navigating in the Installer in Character Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using the Installer in Silent Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installer Help System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relinking Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B–1 B–2 B–3 B–5 B–6 B–8 Contents xi xii Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations List of Figures Figure 1 – 1 Figure 1 – 2 Figure 1 – 3 Figure 1 – 4 Figure 1 – 5 Figure 4 – 1 Figure 4 – 2 Figure 6 – 1 Figure 6 – 2 Figure B – 1 Figure B – 2 Figure B – 3 Server-Based Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Client/Server Configuration 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Client/Server Configuration 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Client/Server Configuration 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of a New Product Installation . . . . . . . . . Installation Options Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software Asset Manager Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upgrade Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precompiler Directory Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Character-Mode Installer Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installer Online Help (Motif Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installer Online Help (Character Mode) . . . . . . . . . List of Figures 1–2 1–3 1–4 1–5 1–6 4–8 4 – 12 6–2 6–7 B–4 B–7 B–7 xiii xiv Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations List of Tables Table 1 – 1 Hardware Requirements for Installing Oracle7 Server Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 15 Table 1 – 2 Hardware Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 16 Table 1 – 3 Operating System Requirements for Installing Oracle7 Server Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 16 Table 1 – 4 Additional HP Software Requirements for Installing Oracle7 Server Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 17 Table 1 – 5 User Interface Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 17 Table 1 – 6 Software Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server . . 1 – 17 Table 1 – 7 Additional Software Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 18 Table 1 – 8 Oracle Tools Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 20 Table 1 – 9 Oracle Precompiler Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 20 Table 1 – 10 Oracle SQL*Net Version 2 Requirements . . . . . . . . . 1 – 21 Table 1 – 11 Software Requirements for Authentication Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 22 Table 1 – 12 Oracle Option Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 22 Table 1 – 13 Sample Disk and Virtual Memory Requirements . . 1 – 23 Table 1 – 14 Oracle7 Server Options and Products Space Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 24 Table 1 – 15 Oracle Networking Products Space Requirements . 1 – 25 Table 1 – 16 Precompiler Products Space Requirements for Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 26 Table 1 – 17 Requirements to Install Precompilers in End-User Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 27 List of Tables xv Table 1 – 18 Total Space Requirements for Installation . . . . . . . . Table 2 – 1 Values for Default Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 2 – 2 Default Sizes and Location of Database Files . . . . . . Table 2 – 3 Oracle ConText Option Database Requirements . . . . Table 2 – 4 Installer Defaults Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3 – 1 Shared Memory Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3 – 2 Additional HP–UX Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3 – 3 Required Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3 – 4 Setting the ORACLE_TERM Environment Variable . Table 3 – 5 Environment Variables that may be required . . . . . . Table 5 – 1 Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files . Table A – 1 Languages, Territories and Recommended Character Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table A – 2 NLS Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table A – 3 Supported Product Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 1 – 28 2–3 2 – 10 2 – 17 2 – 18 3–4 3–6 3 – 14 3 – 16 3 – 17 5–6 A–5 A–5 A – 11 CHAPTER 1 Features and Requirements T his chapter outlines the Oracle7 Server installation process and details new product features and installation requirements. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Installation Overview • New Features • System Requirements • Product Requirements • Disk Space and Memory Requirements • Issues and Restrictions Review these sections before proceeding to the next chapter. New Oracle users should progress through this guide from beginning to end. Features and Requirements 1–1 Installation Overview You can configure your Oracle system one of the following ways: • Server-Based Configuration • Client/Server Configuration Each configuration requires a different path through this document. For example, in a client/server configuration you might repeat the installation of Oracle tools on several client machines. Server-Based Configuration Figure 1 – 1 illustrates a server-based installation. All the software and database objects (Oracle7 Server and tools) are on the server. Client machines function as X terminals and access the server over the network. In this configuration, no Oracle software exists on the terminal. Server Software Tools Software & Database Objects Database Server NETWORK VT Terminal X Terminal (such as NCD) Figure 1 – 1 Server-Based Configuration 1–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations HP Workstation Running X-Windows Client/Server Configuration There are three possible client/server configurations. The configuration you choose depends on where you plan to put the tools software (for example, Server Manager or SQL*Plus). Configuration 1 Figure 1 – 2 illustrates the first client/server configuration. The software and database objects are on the server; tools software is installed on client machines connected to the database server with SQL*Net version 2. Server Software Tools Software & Database Objects Database Server Tools Software only SQL*Net version 2 Client Tools Software only Client Figure 1 – 2 Client/Server Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Figure 1 – 3 illustrates the second client/server configuration: • All the software and database objects (Oracle 7 Server and tools) are installed on the server. • Each client has Network File Server (NFS) mount of the server’s $ORACLE_HOME, so there is no software installation on the client. Features and Requirements 1–3 ☞ Attention: This configuration is possible only if the server and client have the same operating system. Server Software Tools Software & Database Objects Database Server NFS Mount of Server $ORACLE_HOME SQL*Net version 2 Client NFS Mount of Server $ORACLE_HOME Client Figure 1 – 3 Client/Server Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Figure 1 – 4 illustrates the third client/server configuration: 1–4 • The Oracle7 Server software and database objects are on the server. • The client has all the tools software; the database objects for these tools are created on the server from the client machine. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Server Software & Database Objects Database Objects for Tools Software on Client Database Server Tools Software only SQL*Net version 2 Client Tools Software only Client Figure 1 – 4 Client/Server Configuration 3 New Product Installation Figure 1 – 5 illustrates a new product installation. If you are installing on a client/server configuration, you may have to repeat some steps on client machines. Features and Requirements 1–5 Check Features and Requirements Chapter 1 Make Pre-Installation Decisions Chapter 2 Set Up Environment Chapter 3 Install Network Manager on Windows PC Chapter 3 Configure Network for SQL*Net v2 Chapter 3 Load Software Distribution Chapter 4 Start the Oracle Installer Chapter 4 Answer Prompts for Software Installation Chapter 4 Answer Prompts for Database Creation Post-Installation Tasks Administer Database Figure 1 – 5 Overview of a New Product Installation 1–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Chapter 4 Chapter 5 New Features The only new feature in 7.3.4 is Java Database Connect (JDBC), which is a standard SQL database access interface. New features from Release 7.3.4 This section contains information on the following new or modified features first introduced in Release 7.3.4. Oracle Installer: • Oracle Installer Version 4 • UNIX-Specific Documentation • Install Online Documentation Only Option • Installer Online Help System • Install Source • Online Text Viewer Networking: • Advanced Network Options • Network Manager • SQL*Net Version 1 Other Products: • Enterprise Backup Utility • Oracle ConText Option • Oracle Spatial Data Option • SQL*DBA and Server Manager • Oracle Shared Library Support for Pro*C and Oracle*XA clients • Oracle Intelligent Agent • Oracle Parallel Query with Bitmapped Indexing • Oracle TRACE • PL/SQL Obsolete Products • Migration Utility Features and Requirements 1–7 Oracle Installer Version 4 Release 4.0 of the Oracle Installer includes Motif and character–mode interfaces. The Oracle Installer includes the following functional changes: • Online documentation • Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) Default Installation • Silent Mode • Categorized Installation Logs Throughout the rest of this guide, the Oracle Installer is referred to as the Installer. Online Documentation Oracle online documentation is now provided in HTML format. Oracle*Book format is no longer provided. Documentation can be installed on a per-product basis. When installing documentation, the Installer must be running from the local file system, not from the CD-ROM. The browsers supplied as part of the Installer help system can be used for viewing documentation, if you do not have another browser on the system. Online Text Viewer The Oracle Online Text Viewer is a package consisting of the following executables: • character mode browser • Motif mode browser The Online Text Viewer is installed automatically with the Installer, and can also be installed as a separate product. When you invoke the Online Text Viewer, it starts up the appropriate browser for your environment. Oracle Book runtime is provided in the event you have legacy documentation you must access. 1–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) Default Installation The Installer’s default software installation and database creation produces a configuration that complies with OFA rules and guidelines. The OFA standard helps provide a high-performance, reliable database that requires minimal maintenance. The default installation in version 4.0 of the Installer differs from that of previous releases in the following ways: • it spreads database objects across three mount points (disks) instead of a single mount point, enhancing database performance and reliability (most applicable to single-instance, file system-based databases) • it creates a directory, designated by the ORACLE_BASE environment variable above the $ORACLE_HOME directory. The software, administrative, and database files are stored separately in the $ORACLE_BASE, simplifying maintenance and upgrades. See Also: Appendix B, “Summary of the OFA Standard”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX,for more information on OFA. The Installer performs all installations under its Install New Product option in an OFA-compliant manner. Installations performed using the Add/Upgrade Software option do not enforce OFA-compliance. Note: The Installer’s default OFA value for ORACLE_BASE is mount_point/app/oracle. If you define this variable in the environment before starting the Installer, the Installer will defer to the value you specified. See Also: “ORACLE_BASE” on page 3 – 18. Silent Mode In silent mode, the Installer can repeat installations without extensive operator interaction. The Installer can record user input during an Installer session in response files, then use the files while performing identical installations. Features and Requirements 1–9 Categorized Installation Logs Installation log information is divided among four content-specific log files: • installer • operating system • SQL • makefile This feature simplifies post-installation log file checking. UNIX-Specific Documentation UNIX-specific documentation has been re-organized with this release and now consists of: • Getting Started with Oracle7 for UNIX • Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations • Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX • Oracle7 Reference Addendum Install Online Documentation Only Option You now have the option to install online documentation without installing any Oracle products. Installer Online Help System The Installer provides a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) based online help system. When you invoke the Help system, the Installer displays messages in a browser (included with the Installer) in either character mode or Motif. Install Source When installing from CD-ROM, you can create a staging area and later install from the staging area. Advanced Networking Option The Oracle Advanced Networking Option includes the following components: 1 – 10 • ANO for Network Security & Single Sign-On • ANO for DCE Integration Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations • ANO for Native Naming Support Network Manager Oracle Network Manager is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool for setting up and maintaining SQL*Net version 2. It is only available on Microsoft Windows. You receive a separate System Management Products CD-ROM, including Oracle Network Manager for Microsoft Windows to install on a 100 percent IBM-compatible machine. SQL*Net Version 1 SQL*Net version 1 is not available in the 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0 release. SQL*Net version 2 is included in this release and should be installed with the Oracle7 Server. If you are running SQL*Net version 1, you must configure your network and migrate SQL*Net version 1 applications to SQL*Net version 2. See Also: Chapter 3, “How to Migrate to SQL*Net V2”, in the SQL*Net V1 to V2 Migration Guide. Enterprise Backup Utility The Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility works with third party media management products to provide fast, efficient backup and recovery of Oracle7 databases. The utility can be used with raw devices, as well as with file system-based databases. See Also: The Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility Administrator’s Guide. Oracle ConText Option The Oracle ConText Option enables text queries from most Oracle Interfaces. Oracle ConText Option manages textual data in concert with traditional datatypes in an Oracle7 database. When text is inserted, updated, or deleted, Oracle ConText Option automatically manages the changes. See Also: The Oracle7 ConText Option Administrator’s Guide. Oracle Spatial Data Option The Oracle Spatial Data option stores and manipulates spatial and attribute data in a single database. By effectively managing spatial and attribute data, the Oracle Spatial Data option reduces processing overhead, simplifies maintenance, and speeds access to disparate types of information. Features and Requirements 1 – 11 See Also: The Oracle7 Spatial Data Option Reference and Administrator’s Guide for more information on the Spatial Data Option. SQL*DBA and Server Manager SQL*DBA is no longer supported. You must use Server Manager, Oracle’s GUI database administration tool to execute SQL commands. Server Manager also supports a line–mode interface. If you are upgrading or migrating an existing Oracle7 Server that did not include Server Manager, you must use the equivalent SQL*DBA commands with your old database. To start Server Manager in line mode: $ svrmgrl To start Server Manager with Motif: $ svrmgrm See Also: Chapter 2, “Migration Considerations”, in the SQL*DBA to Oracle Server Manager Migration Guide for more information on migrating to Server Manager. Oracle Shared Library Support for Pro*C and Oracle*XA Clients If you install Pro*C and Oracle*XA, the client shared library, libclnt.sl, is generated for use with these programs. Use libclnt.sl to link programs that use Pro*C or Oracle*XA instead of using their archive libraries. The makefile used to generate this shared library is called clntsh.mk. Using shared libraries with Pro*C and Oracle*XA has the following advantages over static linking with archive libraries: • Executables require less disk space because the library is not copied into them. • The system requires less physical memory to run Pro*C and Oracle*XA because only the libraries for the called functions are loaded and these can be reused when the same functions are called again. • The shared object can be updated without having to relink the applications that depend on it. See Also: Chapter 8 “Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX. 1 – 12 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Oracle Intelligent Agent The Oracle Intelligent Agent for HP–UX has the following components: • The Database SNMP Subagent allows you to access Oracle databases over SNMP. The Database Subagent supports the standard RDBMS MIB (RFC 1697) and the Oracle Enterprise-specific Database MIB. • The Encapsulator Subagent allows the existing SNMP Agent on HP–UX (the HP–UX daemon) to communicate with the PEER Master Agent. To do this: – Stop the HP–UX daemon – Modify the /etc/services file by running the start_peer script. – Restart the the HP–UX daemon You cannot use Oracle Intelligent Agent if you wish to use the HP–UX O/S daemon for other tasks. You must run the NIS server on the system where Oracle is installed, or disable NIS (for NIS client–only systems). The SNMP Agent on HP–UX does not work on NIS client–only installations. Disabling the NIS client With HP–UX 11.0 you can disable NIS clients for network services by adding the following line to the /etc/nsswitch.conf file: services: files [NOTFOUND=continue] NIS Oracle Parallel Query with Bitmapped Indexing Oracle Parallel Query now takes advantage of a bitmapped indexing scheme that provides substantial performance benefits and storage savings. Bitmapped indexes provide a complementary method to the three existing indexing schemes (B-tree indexes, B-tree cluster indexes, and hash cluster indexes) for retrieving specific rows from a table. Searches using bitmapped indexes are most appropriate for data warehousing environments, where ad-hoc queries are common and /data is updated less frequently. PL/SQL PL/SQL includes two new components, InterCartridge Exchange (ICX) and OWSUTL. These components provide a communication layer for Features and Requirements 1 – 13 software cartridges, an important feature of Oracle’s Network Computing Architecture. Migration Utility The Migration utility is not supported in release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0. 1 – 14 • The Migration utility will be supported with the Oracle8 Server for migrating between Oracle7 and Oracle8. • If you wish to move from a version 6 Oracle database to Oracle7 release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0, you must use the export/import method, or first migrate to an earlier Oracle7 release such as 7.1.6. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations System Requirements The following tables list the hardware and software requirements for installing Oracle7. Ensure that these requirements are met before installing the Oracle7 Server and Oracle products. Hardware Requirements Hardware Item Requirement CPU A Hewlett-Packard 9000 Server or Workstation with or without multiple processors is required. CD–ROM Device A Hewlett–Packard CD–ROM device is required to install the CD–ROM distribution. Terminal HPTERM, VT100, or X–terminal.. X 11 Server An X11R6 server on each display device is required. Memory Oracle Corporation recommends a minimum of 64 MB RAM. 128 MB is recommended when using the Oracle ConText Option. Swap Space Oracle Corporation recommends a minimum of 3 times the amount of RAM. Disk Space Oracle Corporation recommends a minimum of 700 MB of available disk space to install and run the Oracle7 Server and all the products included in this release. This value includes the disk space required for the two libraries of online documentation. Note: Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that disk space be spread across at least four disk drives (one for software distribution, three for database files). Disk Space (per user) Oracle Corporation recommends a minimum of 40 MB of available disk space for each user to run the Oracle Server and all the products included in this release. This value can vary on a per user basis depending on the type of usage. Database Space Oracle Corporation recommends that a minimum of 20 MB of database space be allocated to install and run the Oracle7 Server and all the products included in this release. Table 1 – 1 Hardware Requirements for Installing Oracle7 Server Products Features and Requirements 1 – 15 Hardware Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server Hardware Item Requirement CPU A Hewlett-Packard 9000 Series 800 system with or without multiple processors is required. Memory Please refer to the disk space and memory requirements charts beginning on page 1 – 23. CD–ROM Device A Hewlett–Packard CD–ROM device is required to install the CD–ROM distribution. Terminal HPTERM, VT100, or X–terminal. Interconnect Oracle Parallel Server supports TCP/IP over the following interconnect types: – Ethernet – FDDI – fiber channel X11 Server An X11R6 server on each display device is required. Table 1 – 2 Hardware Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server nodes Each node in the OPS cluster must be able to access the HP peripheral disk drives that hold database, control, and log files. Additional Information: Chapters 1 and 2 in the Hewlett–Packard Configuring OPS Clusters with MC/LockManager manual provide detailed information on installing and configuring the LAN and peripheral devices attached to HP 9000 Series 800 systems in an OPS cluster. Operating System Requirements Software Item Operating System Requirement HP-UX Version 11.0 is required. Table 1 – 3 Operating System Requirements for Installing Oracle7 Server Products 1 – 16 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Addtional Software Requirements Software Item Requirement C Compiler The HP C compiler bundled with HP–UX is required for installation, building user exits with the Oracle tools, and operating SQL*Net C/ANSI C Compiler Hewlett–Packard C/ANSI C compiler required for Pro*C. PFS Hewlett–Packard Portable File System for HP–UX 11.0 is required to mount the CD–ROM. Table 1 – 4 Additional HP Software Requirements for Installing Oracle7 Server Products User Interface Requirements The following table lists user interface requirements for installing and running Oracle7 GUI (Graphical User Interface) tools on HP–UX. Software Item Requirements Window Manager OSF Motif mwm Window Manager or HP–VUE Window Manager or HP–CDE Window Manager X11 Server X11R6 Table 1 – 5 User Interface Requirements Operating System Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server Software Item Requirement Operating System HP-UX Release 11.0 and Mirror Disk/UX (for mirrored disk configurations). Table 1 – 6 Software Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server Note: The Shared Logical Volume Manager (SLVM) is now part of the HP–UX kernel. Features and Requirements 1 – 17 Addtional Parallel Server Software Requirements Software Item Requirement MC/LockManager, including Cluster Manager (CM), Distributed Lock Manager (DLM). Persistent resources is supported by a version of HP’s MC/LockManager later than Version 10.07. HP patches PHCO_8871 and PHKL_9000 are required. C Compiler The Hewlett-Packard C compiler bundled with HP-UX is required for installation, building user exits with the Oracle tools, and operating SQL*Net. An extra ANSI/C compiler is required for using the Pro*C precompiler. Oracle Parallel Server Option Version 7.3.4 Table 1 – 7 Additional Software Requirements for Oracle Parallel Server 1 – 18 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Product Requirements Use the tables in this section to determine the software requirements for the products you plan to install. The Installer automatically installs the required Oracle products, even if you do not specify them. You must include extra products in your space requirement calculations. Oracle Tools Requirements Product Requirements Oracle Online Text None Viewer release 1.0.1 Oracle XA Library release 7.3.4 The transaction manager must meet the requirements listed in CAE Specification, Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification, December 1991, published by the X/Open Company. The documentation for the transaction processing monitor is required. PL/SQL release 2.3.4 None SQL*Plus release 3.3.4 None Server Manager – Line Mode release 2.3.4 None Server Manager – Motif release 2.3.4 Software: See “Graphical User Interface Requirements.” Oracle TRACE release 7.3.4 None Enterprise Backup Utility release 2.2.0 PL/SQL SQL*Plus One of the following supported media management products: Legato Networker Epoch Enterprise Backup IBM Adstar Distributed Storage Manager OpenVision Netbackup Hewlett-Packard Omniback II Spectralogic Alexandria StorageTek REEL Backup or REEL Librarian User Interface: Sun OpenWindows Server 3.4 or above. Features and Requirements 1 – 19 Product Requirements General Hardware Requirements There are no specific hardware requirements for Oracle tools. Table 1 – 8 Oracle Tools Requirements Oracle Precompiler and Interface Requirements ☞ Attention: The compilers on your system might have slightly different version numbers depending upon the patches installed on your system. Table 1 – 9 lists the precompilers and the requirements for each precompiler. Product Pro*COBOL release 1.8.4 Requirements Compiler: COBOL/HP-UX release B.13.25 MicroFocus v4.1 Rev 10 NEC COBOL85, release 1.3 . Pro*FORTRAN release 1.8.4 Compiler: HP-UX FORTRAN77 release B.11.00.01 Pro*C /C++ release 2.2.4 Compiler: HP C compiler release A.11.00.03 Compiler: HP aC ++compiler release A.03.04 SQL*Module for C release 1.1.5 Compiler: HP C compiler release A.11.00.03 Java Database Connect (JDBC) release 7.3.4 Compiler: JDK release C.01.12.02 General Hardware Requirements There are no specific hardware requirements for Oracle precompilers. Table 1 – 9 Oracle Precompiler Requirements SQL*Net Version 2 Requirements Table 1 – 10 lists the SQL*Net version 2 networking products and the requirements for each product. ☞ 1 – 20 Attention: The vendor–supplied components on your system might have slightly different version numbers depending upon the patches installed on your system. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Product Requirements SQL*Net release 2.3.4 Oracle Network Manager for Microsoft Windows installed on a 100 percent IBM-compatible machine. This is required for setting up and maintaining SQL*Net version 2. Install it from the System Management Products CD-ROM included with this distribution. Advanced Networking Option release 2.3.4 See Table 1–9 for hardware and software requirements for ANO-supported authentication adapters. Oracle Names Server release 2.3.4 None Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter release 2.3.4 Hardware: A functioning TCP/IP setup that can ping localhost. Oracle SNMP r7.3.4 No additional hardware or software required. General Software Requirements All network adapters require the underlying software and operating system libraries for the supported network. The network software must be installed and running prior to installation of the SQL*Net version 2 products. Refer to the operating system and third party vendor networking product documentation for more information. SQL*Net version 2 products require the specific release of Oracle7 Server and SQL*Net version 2 supplied with the distribution. Oracle Network Manager for Windows is required to configure the SQL*Net version 2 network. General Hardware Requirements All network adapters require the underlying hardware for the supported network. Refer to the network documentation for detailed information about these requirements. Table 1 – 10 Oracle SQL*Net Version 2 Requirements Advanced Networking Option: Supported Authentication Adapters Adapter Requirements for ANO Kerberos No additional system hardware or software is required. OR Kerberos v5.4.2 or higher The Kerberos authentication server must be installed on a physically secure machine, because its own security is less strict that that of the other authentication servers Features and Requirements 1 – 21 CyberSAFE CyberSAFE Application Security Toolkit v1.0.4 or higher, installed on the machine that runs the Oracle client and on the machine that runs the Oracle7 Server CyberSAFE Challenger v5.2.5 or later, installed on the machine that runs the authentication server CyberSAFE Client installed on the machine that runs the Oracle client SecurID ACE/Server v1.2.4 or higher AND A SecurID card from Security Dynamics. Identix Identix products require Oracle Biometrix Authentication Server running on any Oracle production database with SQL script run to set up fingerprint tables. Table 1 – 11 Software Requirements for Authentication Adapters No additional authentication adapter software is required to relink Oracle products. Oracle does not provide an authentication server for Kerberos5, CyberSAFE, or SecurID. You must separately install and configure the appropriate authentication server. Oracle Option Requirements Table 1 – 12 lists the Oracle options available and the requirements for each product. Server Option Other Requirements Parallel Query (with Bitmap Index) None ConText SQL*Plus Distributed Database None Advanced Replication None Spatial Data PL/SQL SQL*Plus Table 1 – 12 Oracle Option Requirements 1 – 22 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Disk Space and Memory Requirements Use this section to calculate your disk space and virtual memory requirements. Calculating Virtual Memory Requirements To determine the virtual memory requirements for each of the space requirements tables in this section: 1. Multiply the number of users by the value listed under the KB per column. 2. Add the value listed under the #1 User column of the Virtual Memory Space Requirements section of the table. Disk Storage Options and Products SQL*Plus Virtual Memory Dist. #1 User (MB) (KB) 6.2 1931 Additional Users Users KB per x 103 Total = Table 1 – 13 Sample Disk and Virtual Memory Requirements For example, if you had six SQL*Plus users in the sample table above, the virtual memory requirement would be 2595 KB. The Installer automatically installs any additional Oracle products that may be required for the products you choose to install. • Review the “Product Requirements” section beginning on page 1 – 19 to determine if any additional products must be installed. • Include any space requirements for additional products in your calculations. • For some Oracle products, there are no virtual memory space requirements, or there are values for the first user only. • Virtual memory requirements can vary significantly with application usage. • The values provided in the following tables represent the minimum. Features and Requirements 1 – 23 Space Requirements: Oracle Server Options and Products Disk Storage Virtual Memory Disk Storage Dist. DB (MB) Options and Products (MB) Oracle7 Server 33 Distributed Option 0.1 Parallel Query Option 0.08 Parallel Server Option 6.6 Oracle Context Option (KB) N/A Enterprise Backup Utility 20.0 2003 #1 User Additional Users Users KB per Total 8464 297 26475 3878 = N/A 5 SQL*Loader 1.9 N/A 1709 69 = Export 1.7 N/A 1573 88 = Import 1.7 N/A 1529 72 = 9 N/A 1782 74 = 17 Server Manager (Line Mode) N/A 4401 235 = SQL*Plus 6.2 N/A 1931 103 = Toolkit II 51 N/A Oracle Common Libraries & Utilities 28.4 N/A Oracle Intelligent Agent 14 N/A Oracle*XA Library 0.1 N/A Oracle Help 18 N/A Server Manager (Motif) Totals → N/A Table 1 – 14 Oracle7 Server Options and Products Space Requirements 1 – 24 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Space Requirements: Oracle Networking Products Disk Storage Product SQL*Net version 2 Virtual Memory Dist. #1 User (MB) (KB) Additional Users Users KB per Total 29 TNS Listener Control Utility 1.5 1307 Listener 1.5 1369 Data Pump = 67 = 103 = N/A Oracle Names Server 8.7 Advanced Networking Option 50 Oracle APPC/LU6.2 Protocol Adapter 0.1 Oracle SPX/IPX Protocol Adapter 1.7 Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter 0.1 Totals N/A 56 2209 → Table 1 – 15 Oracle Networking Products Space Requirements Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces Calculating virtual memory requirements for precompilers requires you to differentiate between development environment usage and end-user environment usage. During applications development, a few programmers may use precompilers extensively. In contrast, an end-user environment may have many users accessing the precompilers that are integral to an application. Remember that each precompiler application can spawn an oracle shadow process. The formula for calculating disk space requirements for precompilers is based on the assumption that only one language is installed on the Features and Requirements 1 – 25 system. If a second language is installed, the additional free space required is less than what is listed when you use the size command. Space Requirements: Precompiler Products in a Development Environment Disk Storage Product Virtual Memory Dist. #1 User (MB) (KB) Additional Users Users KB per Total Pro*C release 2.2 7.0 3076 305 = Pro*COBOL 7.1 2784 287 = Pro*FORTRAN 4.5 2774 286 = SQL*Module for C 5.2 2803 286 = Subtotals → Table 1 – 16 Precompiler Products Space Requirements for Development Virtual Memory Requirements for End Users To calculate the minimum virtual memory requirements in an end-user environment: 1. Determine the text and data size of each executable, using the UNIX size command. $ size executable_name 2. Add the text and data total to determine the #1 User memory requirement for the program (F). F = text + data 3. Multiply the data value from Step 1 by the number of additional users of the program to determine the memory requirements for the remaining users of the program (G). G = (data) (Total_Users – 1) 4. Multiply the total number of users of the program by the Additional User Memory Space Requirement for the Oracle Server (from the Oracle Networking Products Table) to determine the total user server space (H). H = (Total_Users) (Oracle_Server) Add the results from Steps 2 – 4 for the total space requirement for the program. Enter the values for each program in the Totals column of Table 1 – 17 and add the columns to produce the Total Memory (E). 1 – 26 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Virtual Memory Space Requirements: End-User Precompiler Products Executable Program #1 User Text + Data (F) Addl Users Data (Users–1) (G) Users Server (H) + + = + + = + + = + + = + + = + + = + + = + + = Totals Total Memory (E) Table 1 – 17 Requirements to Install Precompilers in End-User Environments Disk Space Requirements for UNIX-Specific Documentation The Product Installation CD-ROM contains operating system-specific online documentation, including Oracle installation documentation and UNIX administration documentation. You can install all the UNIX-specific documentation or none of it. You cannot install a subset of the UNIX-specific documentation. You can view this documentation directly from the CD-ROM without installing it. See Also: The Product Installation CD-ROM Insert for instructions on viewing documentation without installing it. Disk Space Requirements for the Oracle Product Documentation Library The Product Documentation Library CD-ROM contains online documentation for Oracle products. Oracle Online Documentation See the CD-ROM insert for the Product Documentation CD. N/A N/A Features and Requirements 1 – 27 Final Calculations for Planning a New System Configuration Enter the totals for distribution, database, and virtual memory requirements from the individual tables into Table 1 – 18. Total the columns to determine final space requirements. Total Space Requirements Transfer Tables Distribution (A) Database (B) N/A N/A Virtual Memory (E) Oracle7 Server Products Oracle Tools Oracle Networking Products Precompiler Products: Development Cycle Precompiler Products: Use Cycle Oracle Online Documentation N/A N/A Space for database, log, and listing files generated during installation 21 MB N/A N/A Temporary space in /tmp for relinking 20 MB N/A N/A Temporary space in /var/tmp for relinking 20 MB N/A N/A Totals Table 1 – 18 Total Space Requirements for Installation 1 – 28 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Issues and Restrictions This section includes issues or restrictions that can affect installation. Review this information carefully: • Upgrading from Oracle7 Release 7.3.2.X • Migrating from Oracle RDBMS Version 6.x to Oracle7 Server Version 7.3.x • Oracle TRACE Support • Concurrent Process Limit • Invalid Passwords • Linking Single-Task Programs • Installation Media • HP C compiler required • HP–UX I/O Limitation • Using Asynchronous I/O • SQL*Net Version 2 • Swap Space Restriction • Version 6 Tools • Trace Files Upgrading from Oracle7 Release 7.3.2 No upgrade of database objects is required when upgrading from release 7.3.2 to 7.3.4. However, if you install the Oracle ConText Option as part of the upgrade, you must create database objects for it. Migrating from Oracle RDBMS Version 6.x to Oracle7 Server Version 7.3.4 Oracle7 Server for HP 9000 does not support the Oracle Migration Utility in release 7.3.4. This is because any migration from Oracle RDBMS version 6.x to Oracle7 Server release 7.3.4 involves an upgrade of the HP-UX operating system from Version 9.0x to Version 11.0 If you are currently running Oracle RDBMS version 6.x, follow this migration path: 1. Migrate from Oracle RDBMS version 6 to Oracle7 Server version 7.1.6 under HP-UX version 9.0x. Features and Requirements 1 – 29 Additional Information: Oracle7 Server for HP 9000 Series 700/800 Installation and Configuration Guide, Version 7.1.6 (Part no. A32189–1) 2. Upgrade your operating system from HP-UX version 9.0x to HP-UX version 11.0. Additional Information: Oracle7 Server for HP 9000 Series 700/800 Release Notes, Version 7.1.6 (Part no. A32195–1) 3. Upgrade Oracle7 Server release 7.1.6 to Oracle7 Server release 7.3.4 Oracle TRACE Support Oracle TRACE collects performance data for transaction processing and database applications. It monitors performance by gathering event–based (as opposed to time–lapse) data from layered products and applications containing calls to TRACE routines. Concurrent Process Limit The number of concurrent Oracle processes (initsid.ora parameter PROCESSES) for each Oracle system is limited by the HP–UX-imposed limit for the maximum number of semaphore identifiers. Invalid Passwords Passwords entered and stored with the GRANT command in this release of the Oracle7 Server are not guaranteed to work in future Oracle7 Server releases or in version 6. Linking Single-Task Programs In single-task systems, the user program, oracle kernel, and program interface run as part of the same process. Consequently, the user can access the System Global Area (SGA) and can damage it. UNIX systems cannot provide the necessary separation between the user program and the Oracle program in a single process. In such cases, you should review the source code to ensure data integrity. You should also review the source code of the applications to ensure that they pose no risk. If you link single-task programs, use setuid to set the executable to assume the user ID of the oracle software owner at runtime. 1 – 30 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations See Also: Chapter 9, “Memory Processes and Structures”, in Oracle7 Server Concepts for more information about single-task architecture. Installation Media The HP–UX release of Oracle7 is available on CD-ROM and DAT. HP C compiler required To install the Oracle7 Server, you must have the HP C compiler (bundled with HP-UX) present on the system that is functioning as a server. An additional ANSI/C compiler is required if you wish to use Pro*C. The HP C compiler is required for the following tasks and products: • relinking executables • installing any SQL*Net product • PL/SQL • any Oracle precompiler • any Oracle Server options • Oracle XA • user exits Features and Requirements 1 – 31 HP–UX I/O Limitation Oracle on HP–UX has a maximum limit of 64K for I/O operations. If the values for the init.ora parameters db_block_size and db_file_multiblock_read_count are multiplied, values greater than 64K will automatically default to 64K. Using Asynchronous I/O on HP 9000 Servers and Workstations The asynchronous I/O pseudo–driver on HP–UX allows the Oracle Server to perform I/O to raw disk partitions using an asynchronous method, resulting in less I/O overhead and higher throughput. You can use the asynchronous I/O pseudo–driver on both HP 9000 Servers and Workstations. Suggestion: Oracle Corporation recommends asynchronous I/O on HP 9000 Servers if the database files are created with raw disk partitions. When raw devices are used as database files, the asynchronous I/O driver for HP–UX 11.0 can be configured into the HP–UX kernel by using SAM (the system administrator utility). To implement asynchronous I/O on HP–UX systems, perform the following tasks: Step 1. Execute sam as the root user. Step 2. Enter the Kernel Configuration area from the SAM main menu. Step 3. Enter the Drivers area. Step 4. Configure the asyncdisk driver and regenerate a new HP–UX 11.0 kernel from SAM. Select ”Add Driver to Kernel” from the SAM Actions menu. 1 – 32 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Regenerating the new HP–UX kernel To regenerate the new HP–UX kernel using SAM: 1. Choose “Create a new Kernel” from the SAM Actions menu. 2. Choose one of the following two options: • Move Kernel Into Place and Continue Shutdown (Reboot) Now • Continue Without Moving the Kernel into Place If you choose this option, the newly created kernel will be found in /stand/build/vmunix_test and the configuration file used to create it will be found in /stand/build/SYSTEM.SAM. To make kernel changes take effect, you must move the kernel named /stand/build/vmunix_test to the /stand directory as /stand/vmunix and reboot. Move the configuration file to /stand/system at the same time. Back up the old kernel and place the kernel from the /stand/build directory into /stand: $ mv /stand/vmunix /stand/vmunix.prev $ mv /stand/build/vmunix_test /stand/vmunix Step 5. Modify the init.ora file. To enable the asynchronous I/O driver for Oracle set the initsid.ora parameter use_async_io to TRUE. Step 6. Reboot the system. $ /sbin/shutdown –r 0 The asynchronous disk I/O driver is now enabled. Step 7. Login as root and create the device file /dev/async with the major number 101, if it is not present.. If this file already exists, you must verify it is set up correctly by issuing the following command: Syntax $ ls –l /dev/async The output of this command should look something like the following: crw–––––––– 1 oracle dba Mar 28 10:32 /dev/async 101 0x000000 Features and Requirements 1 – 33 If the device file /dev/async is not listed, or if the device appears to be incorrect, then remove the existing device file and enter the following: Syntax # /sbin/mknod /dev/async c 101 0x0 Note: You must be root to perform this task. Step 8. Give the device file the UNIX owner and permissions consistent with those chosen for your Oracle installation. If the owner of the oracle account is oracle, enter the following Syntax # /sbin/mknod /dev/async c 101 0x0 # /usr/bin/chown oracle:dba /dev/async # /usr/bin/chmod 660 /dev/async SQL*Net Version 2 You must use Oracle Network Manager to set up and maintain SQL*Net version 2. It is only available on Microsoft Windows and is included on a separate CD-ROM with this distribution of Oracle7. Installing Protocol Adapters When Network Protocols Unavailable Do not attempt to install adapters for network protocols that are not installed on your system. Extra adapters will cause relinking to fail. Swap Space Restriction A large System Global Area (SGA) or a large number of users can cause the system to run out of swap space. Assuming that 80 percent to 90 percent of memory is being used, swap space should be at least three times random access memory (RAM). Version 6 Tools Version 6 tools, such as SQL*Forms 3.0 or SQL*Menu 5.0, are no longer included on the Oracle7 Server distribution. If you run applications with dependencies on any version 6 tools, Oracle Corporation recommends you migrate to the Oracle Developer/2000 suite of products as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding this recommendation, contact an Oracle sales representative. Customers wishing to use V6 tools must install them off of the 7.2.3 bundled release into a separate ORACLE_HOME from their 7.3.4 database. They cannot be installed into the same ORACLE_HOME as 1 – 34 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 7.3.4. You must also set the TWO_TASK environment variable to run the V6 tools against a 7.3.4 database. Trace Files For this release of Oracle7 on HP–UX, the default naming for Oracle trace and alert files is different than in past releases. The formats are: • processname_pid.trc • alert_sid.log Very Large Files This release of Oracle7 for HP–UX supports very large files. The formula to calculate the size of datafiles and volumes is: 4 GB * (Oracle blocksize in KB) For example, for a blocksize of 8 KB, up to 32 GB files are possible. You can also use the Initial and Next options for tables of up to this size. ☞ Attention: This version of Oracle7 supports asynchronous I/O up to 2 GB. If the filesize is greater than 2 GB, Oracle7 uses synchronous I/O. Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you only use this large file feature for read-only or almost-read-only tablespaces. Features and Requirements 1 – 35 1 – 36 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations CHAPTER 2 Installation Decisions T his chapter describes the decisions you should make before beginning an Installer session. Record your decisions in the Installer Defaults Checklist at the end of this chapter. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Installation Decisions • Installer Defaults Checklist Installation Decisions 2–1 Installation Decisions Here is a checklist of the decisions you need to make before starting the Oracle installation. ❑ Decision 1: Default or Custom Installation ❑ Decision 2: Installation Activity ❑ Decision 3: Online Documentation ❑ Decision 4: Control File Placement ❑ Decision 5: Redo Log File Placement and Size ❑ Decision 6: Database File Placement and Size ❑ Decision 7: Using Raw Devices or Raw Logical Volumes ❑ Decision 8: The oracle Software Owner ❑ Decision 9: Instance Names ❑ Decision 11: Parallel Server Installation ❑ Decision 12: Oracle ConText Option Tablespaces 2–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Decision 1: Default or Custom Installation The Installer offers you the choice of a default or custom installation. If you specify the default installation, the Installer asks for values of the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_SID environment variables, then uses the values shown in Table 2 – 1 for initial Installer prompts. Installer Prompt Default Value Installer log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/install.log SQL log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/sql.log Operating system log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/os.log Make log location $ORACLE_HOME/orainst/make.log Installation source CD-ROM Language American/English Root actions Appended to existing root.sh file (if exists) Table 2 – 1 Values for Default Installation README Files You can also specify whether the Installer displays the README files for the release you are installing. The files contain important information about the distribution. Oracle Corporation recommends that you read the README files, unless you are performing a repeat installation and have already read them. Installation Decisions 2–3 Decision 2: Installation Activity The Installation Activity Choice screen, prompts you to choose from the following Installer activities: • Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software • Create/Upgrade Database Objects • Perform Administrative Tasks Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software If you select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen, the Installer presents several options. Select an option based on the activity you want to perform. Select this option to install and upgrade Oracle software. Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software includes the option of creating database objects for the products you install (including a complete database for the Oracle7 Server). New Installation Choose the Install New Product option to install products in a new $ORACLE_HOME directory, as part of either a new product installation or upgrade. This option is available with or without database object creation. (Database object creation includes creating a complete database, if one of the products you are installing is the RDBMS.) Upgrade Existing Products or Add New Products To upgrade existing products or install new products in an existing Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME directory, choose the following options: • Add/Upgrade Software option • Create/Upgrade Database Objects option from the Installation Activity Choice screen ☞ 2–4 Attention: You must run the Installer twice, once for each option selected. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Create Staging Area To create a temporary or permanent staging area, choose the Build Oracle7 Staging Area option. With a temporary staging area, you load the software into a staging area and the Installer converts the contents into the installed distribution during the Installer session. A permanent staging area is neither removed nor converted during installation. It is a software distribution, distinct from the $ORACLE_HOME directory, from which you can perform multiple installations. Installing from a permanent staging area requires approximately twice the disk space of installing from a temporary area or distribution medium. ☞ Attention: Do not attempt to add files to an existing staging area. If it is necessary to recreate a staging area, you must delete all existing files before using the Installer to create the new one. If you install a software patch from a staging area, you must create a staging area for just the patch release. Install Online Documentation To install online documentation, choose the Install Documentation Only option. The Installer must be installed and running from the file system, rather than from the CD-ROM, when installing online documentation. Remove Products To remove products (removes files only; subdirectories and corresponding database objects are not removed) choose the De-Install Software option. Installation Decisions 2–5 Create Database Objects To create database objects for software already installed, choose the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option from the Installation Activity Choice screen. Oracle Parallel Server Installation To propagate changes (fresh installations or upgrades) made on the initial node of an Oracle Parallel Server cluster to the remaining nodes, choose the: • Install Oracle7 on Cluster option and • Create/Upgrade Database Objects option from the Installation Activity Choice screen ☞ Attention: You must run the Installer twice. Create/Upgrade Database Objects Select the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option to create or upgrade database objects for Oracle products that are already installed (including a complete database for the Oracle7 Server). Perform Administrative Tasks Select the Perform Administrative Tasks option to relink installed executables and administer products. 2–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Decision 3: Online Documentation If you have a CD-ROM distribution, you can install online documentation or read online documentation directly from the CD-ROM. Online documentation is provided in HTML format on two CD-ROMs. Product Installation CD–ROM UNIX-specific documentation is on the Product Installation CD-ROM and includes the following guides: • Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations • Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX • Oracle7 Reference Addendum for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Product Documentation CD–ROM Product-specific documentation is on the Product Documentation CD-ROM. Installation Decisions 2–7 Decision 4: Control File Placement Choose your control file placement. If you create a database with the Installer, it creates three control files and distributes them across three mount points. The defaults are: /mount_point1/oradata/db_name/control01.ctl /mount_point2/oradata/db_name/control02.ctl /mount_point3/oradata/db_name/control03.ctl During the Installer session you can specify alternate control filenames and locations. OPS 2–8 For Parallel Server: Because a logical volume may span several devices or partitions, the Installer does not attempt to spread database objects across multiple logical volumes in a Parallel Server installation. The person managing the installation is responsible for ensuring that database objects are spread across enough raw devices or partitions to provide adequate fault tolerance and high availability in case of device failures and to avoid I/O contention among the disks. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Decision 5: Redo Log File Placement and Size Choose redo log file placement and size. If you create a database with the Installer, it creates three redo log files and distributes them across three mount points. The defaults are: /mount_point1/oradata/db_name/redosid01.log /mount_point2/oradata/db_name/redosid02.log /mount_point3/oradata/db_name/redosid03.log Default size: 500 KB Minimum size: 100 KB During the Installer session, you can specify alternative redo log filenames, locations, and sizes. You must have a minimum of two redo log files. OPS For Parallel Server: When creating database objects on raw devices, the Installer only prompts for a single mount point. Oracle Corporation recommends you verify that each redo log file is on a different disk after your Installer session. Placing the redo log files on separate disks will ensure a successful backup/restore when needed. Installation Decisions 2–9 Decision 6: Database File Placement and Size You can confirm or change the placement of the Oracle7 Server database files during the Installer session. The Installer creates one default database file for each of the following tablespaces: PASSWORD, SYSTEM, ROLLBACK, TEMP, TOOLS, and USERS. Accepting the Installer database file defaults creates the database files shown in Table 2 – 2. Data File Default Size Minimum Size Default Location PASSWORD 1 entry N/A $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapwd SYSTEM 40 MB 5 MB mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/system01.dbf ROLLBACK 25 MB 1400 KB mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/rbs01.dbf TEMP 550 KB 260 KB mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/ temp01.dbf USERS 1 MB 200 KB mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/users01.dbf TOOLS 15 MB 1 MB mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/ tools01.dbf Table 2 – 2 Default Sizes and Location of Database Files ☞ Attention: The Installer default database is intended as a sample database. It is not optimally configured for your environment and is not intended as a production database. Custom Database File Placement and Size Database files should be large enough to hold the data dictionary and all user data, plus a margin for overhead and indexes. The recommended minimum size for a database file is 20 MB. If you have multiple database files, the first file must be large enough to hold the data dictionary and the initial rollback segment. 2 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Decision 7: Using Raw Partitions/Logical Volumes A raw logical volume or raw disk partition is a character device that can be accessed directly without filesystem overload and bypasses the UNIX buffer cache. A logical volume consists of multiple raw partition/volume sections assembled from one or more disk drives. • A logical volume is not restricted to one physical drive, but can span several physical drives. • Logical volumes are the preferred way of accessing disks. Logical volumes can alleviate most of the disadvantages associated with raw partitions. They offer the following benefits: • easier configuration planning • dynamic performance tuning • mirroring and online disk replacement OPS For Parallel Server: If you are using Oracle Parallel Server, you must use raw partitions/volumes for your database, control, and log files. See Chapter 3, “Building an OPS Cluster Configuration,” in the HP document, Configuring OPS Clusters with MC/LockManager, (HP part no. B5158–9001) for information on how to define logical volumes. See Also: Chapter 1, “Planning a Complex Database on UNIX”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX. Installation Decisions 2 – 11 Decision 8: The oracle Software Owner Choose an oracle software owner. For sites with one database administration team, you can name the oracle software owner oracle. Larger sites may require that you install the same version of Oracle7 more than once, each copy administered by separate DBA teams. If the oracle software owner logins are separated, one DBA group cannot view or alter the work of another. However, different DBA groups can upgrade or maintain their systems at different rates. If multiple DBA teams own separate copies of the Oracle software, distinguish between the Oracle account names according to team or project names. 2 – 12 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Decision 9: Instance Names Choose database instance names. The Oracle7 Server system identifier (sid or ORACLE_SID) identifies the database instance created by the Installer. In single-instance installations, the instance name and the database name are generally the same. Some UNIX operating systems have filename length limitations. If you operate in a heterogeneous distributed environment, consider the limitations of all systems in your configuration. You can prevent compatibility problems across systems by observing the following conventions: • Use four or fewer alphanumeric characters. • Do not rely on case-sensitivity to distinguish between sids. OPS For Parallel Server: Extend the conventions for naming single-instance installations to name OPS instances. The name of an instance must incorporate the name of the database it manipulates. Oracle Corporation recommends using a four-character instance name plus an instance number such as prod1, prod2,and prod3. Installation Decisions 2 – 13 Decision 10: Parallel Server Installation You must install Oracle7 Server software on each node of a cluster that runs an Oracle7 Parallel Server instance. Installing Oracle Parallel Server requires the following decisions: • File Requirements • Installation Method File Requirements All instances of an Oracle Parallel Server database share control files and database files. Only the log files are allocated on a per-instance basis. Data files Use raw partitions/volumes for all control files, log files, and database files. File sizes When the Installer prompts you for file sizes, specify at least 8 KB less than the raw partition/volume size. When specifying sizes in megabytes, specify 1 MB less than the device size. Control file size is determined by the Oracle7 Server. The minimum size is 110 KB. Make sure the raw volumes for the control files are at least this size. Installation Method When installing the initial instance of an Oracle Parallel Server installation, select the Install New Product option (not Install Oracle7 on Cluster). The Installer prompts you to specify whether you want to install on a single node or on multiple nodes. Install on All Nodes in One Session If you install on all nodes in the same session, the Installer prompts you to: 2 – 14 • specify whether to create a multi-instance database • supply shared control file, redo log file, and database file information for each instance Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Enter the log file names for each node. Log file names should include the thread number for the instance and the log number. Install on Initial Node First If you install on an initial node only, you must install on the other nodes in subsequent Installer sessions. To do this, restart the Installer and select the Install Oracle7 on Cluster option from the Installation Options screen. Note: When you install on the initial node only, the Installer does not verify that the database can be successfully brought up in parallel mode once the installation is complete. This verification is automatic if you install on multiple nodes in the same session. Configuring DLM Locks and Resources for Oracle Parallel Server ☞ Attention: The Hewlett–Packard configuration guide Configuring OPS clusters with MC/LockManager contains a formula to calculate two parameters MAXRESOURCES and MAXLOCKS for the Distributed Local Manager (DLM) configuration. This formula produces erroneous results when using OPS Oracle 7.3. To reduce contention and to ensure that the space available to the DLM is not exhausted under peak loads, one must properly configure the number of resources and locks managed by the DLM. Use the formulas presented below to configure the resources and locks managed by the DLM. The new calculation is more complex and should be done by an experienced OPS consultant. The DLM manages both Parallel Cache Management (PCM)–locks and non–PCM locks . PCM locks are used to lock blocks in the datafiles to ensure consistent data is available to each parallel server instance. While PCM locks are static, the number of non–PCM locks is dynamic. Non–PCM locks include transaction locks, table locks, scn locks, and library cache locks. Installation Decisions 2 – 15 Parallel Cache Management resources To calculate the required PCM resources, use this formula: Total_PCM_Resources = LPRIME(GC_DB_LOCKS) + 3 + LPRIME(GC_SEGMENTS) + LPRIME(GC_FREELIST_GROUPS) + LPRIME(GC_SAVE_ROLLBACK_LOCKS) + (GC_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS *(GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS + 1)) + GC_RELEASABLE_LOCKS where LPRIME is function that adjusts its parameter to a prime numbers. A count(*) from the V$LOCK_ELEMENT view also gives you above result. To calculate PCM locks, use this formula: Total_PCM_Locks = Total_PCM_Resources * INSTANCES Non–Parallel Cache Management resources To calculate the required non–PCM resources, use this formula: Non–PCM Resources = (PROCESSES + DML_LOCKS + TRANSACTIONS + ENQUEUE_RESOURCES + enqueue locks + 200 ) * INSTANCES + DB_FILES where enqueue locks = 20 + (10*SESSIONS) + DB_FILES + GC_LCK_PROCS + (2 * PROCESSES) + (DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS/64) To calculate the required non–PCM locks, use this formula: Non–PCM Locks = (PROCESSES + DML_LOCKS + TRANSACTIONS + ENQUEUE_RESOURCES + enqueue locks + 200 + DB_FILES) * INSTANCES 2 – 16 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Decision 11: Oracle ConText Option Tablespaces This decision is applicable only if you plan to install Oracle ConText Option. Determine the default and temporary tablespaces used by the Oracle ConText Option. You can use existing tablespaces or create new tablespaces. Table 2 – 3 shows the database requirements for the Oracle Context Option. ☞ Attention: Installing ConText Option requires a second Installer session, because the database must exist before you start the installation. Description Owner Size (MB) Oracle ConText Option data dictionary (mandatory) CTXSYS 5 Oracle ConText Option Proper Names table (optional) CTXSYS 140 Table 2 – 3 Oracle ConText Option Database Requirements Oracle Corporation recommends using the TOOLS tablespace. The Installer offers TOOLS by default. Oracle Corporation also recommends you specify different tablespaces for the default and temporary tablespaces. See Also: Oracle7 Server SQL Reference for information on creating tablespaces, and p. 4–16 of this Guide. Installation Decisions 2 – 17 Installer Defaults Checklist The following checklist provides Installer prompts and default values. If you change any defaults, record your new values in the last column. Installation Decision Default Value Install online documentation No online documentation Location of control files (size) mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/control.ctl (XXX KB) mnt_pt2/oradata/db_name/control.ctl mnt_pt3/oradata/db_name/control.ctl Location of redo log files (size) mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/redosid01.log (500 KB) mnt_pt2/oradata/db_name/redosid02.log mnt_pt3/oradata/db_name/redosid03.log Location of database files (size) PASSWORD $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapwd (one entry) SYSTEM mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/system01.dbf (40 MB) ROLLBACK mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/rbs01.dbf (25 MB) TEMP mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/temp01.dbf (550 MB) USERS mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/users01.dbf (1 MB) TOOLS mnt_pt1/oradata/db_name/tools01.dbf (15 MB) Use raw partitions/volumes No Use logical volumes No DBA group name dba OPERATOR group name dba oracle software owner name oracle Table 2 – 4 Installer Defaults Checklist 2 – 18 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations New Value (if any) CHAPTER 3 Setting the Environment T his chapter describes the pre-installation tasks for Oracle7 on HP–UX. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Tasks Performed as the root User • Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner Setting the Environment 3–1 Tasks Performed as the root User Log in as the root user and perform the following tasks: $ su root Password: # ❑ Task 1: Configure Kernel Parameters ❑ Task 2: Create Groups in the /etc/group File ❑ Task 3: Create oracle Software Owner Account ❑ Task 4: Create a Local bin Directory ❑ Task 5: Log Out as the root User 3–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 1: Configure HP–UX Kernel Parameters Configure the UNIX kernel interprocess communication (IPC) parameters to accommodate the SGA structure of the Oracle7 Server. Server Manager will not start up the database if the system does not have adequate shared memory to accommodate the SGA. Suggestion: SAM has a set of kernel parameter templates you will find helpful when setting these parameters. 1. Use the ipcs command to obtain a list of the system’s current shared memory and semaphore segments, and their identification number and owner. 2. Set the kernel parameters corresponding to the maximum: • size of a shared memory segment (SHMMAX) • number of shared memory segments in the system (SHMMNI) • number of shared memory segments a user process can attach (SHMSEG) • amount of shared memory that can be allocated system-wide (SHMMNS) The total allowable shared memory is determined by the formula: SHMMAX * SHMSEG ☞ Attention: The maximum allowable shared memory is 1.75 GB. The parameters listed in Table 3–1 control the allocation of shared memory. The recommended values are optimal for one instance and are based on the default initsid.ora file. If you plan to install more than one instance or modify the initsid.ora file extensively, set these parameters higher. Parameter Recommended Value SHMMAX 1 GB exactly. 0x40000000 1073741824 Description The maximum size (in bytes) of a single shared memory segment. Setting the value for this parameter to 1GB allows Oracle to access the maximum SGA of 1.75 GB. Table 3 – 1 Shared Memory Parameters Setting the Environment 3–3 Parameter Recommended Value SHMMNI 200 Description The maximum number of shared memory identifiers. Specifies the number of shared memory segments allow to exist simultaneously on the system. Default=200 SHMSEG 12 The maximum number of shared memory segments that can be attached by a process. Default=12 SEMMNS 200 or at least 1 per Oracle process SEMMNI 10 per Oracle database. Maximum number of semaphores. Defines the systemwide number of individual semaphores that can be allocated for users. Default=128. Specifies the maximum number of individual semaphores that can exist simultaneously on the system. Default=64 Table 3 – 1 Shared Memory Parameters 3. Reboot the system after you have configured the kernel and shared memory parameters on the system. 4. Set additional parameters, depending on the configuration and planned use of the database. See Also: “Chapter 1, “Oracle7 Server”, in the Oracle7 Reference Addendum for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations for more information on SGA parameters. Configuring additional HP–UX parameters The following table lists the default and recommended values for specific HP–UX kernel parameters that affect the performance of Oracle databases. Parameter bufpages Recommended Value 0 Description Number of static buffer pages of 4kb. This parameter enables a dynamic buffer cache. See dbc_max/min_pct below. default=0 3–4 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Parameter dbc_max_pct Recommended Value 3–10 Description Maximum size of the dynamic buffer cache as a percentage of system memory, when bufpages and nbuf are both set to 0. It’s more efficient to use system memory for Oracle SGA instead of the file system buffer cache. default=50 dbc_min_pct 2–5 Minimum dynamic buffer cache size in percentage of system memory. See dbc_max_pct above. default=5 fs_async 0 Use synchronous disk writes The fs_async parameter is related to HP–UX file system files only. This parameter specifies whether or not the asynchronous writing of file–system data structures such as free space lists, blocks, inodes, and other file components to disk is allowed. maxfiles 512 Soft file limit per process. Defines the soft limit for the number of files a process is allowed to have open simultaneously. Processes can increase their soft limit until they reach the hard limit defined by maxfiles_lim. default=60 maxfiles_lim Sets this parameter to the number of concurrent Oracle database users + 64. Value of MAXUSERS macro. Limits the system resource allocation –– not the actual number of users. Influences nproc, ninode, nfile parameters. default=32 maxuprc 3–5 * maxusers Maximum number of simultaneous user processes per userid. default=50 Since all database processes run with the Oracle userid, an increase to this value is recommended. Table 3 – 2 Additional HP–UX Parameters Setting the Environment 3–5 Parameter nfile Recommended Value Use default value. Description Maximum number of simultaneously open files systemwide at any given time. Total number of slots in the file descriptor table. default=16 * (nproc+16+maxusers) / 10+32+2 * (npty + nstrpty) nflocks 200 Maximum number of file locks available systemwide. default=200 or 200 + 10 * num_clients nproc Use default value. Maximum number of processes that can exist simultaneously in the system. default = (20 + 8 * MAXUSERS) This parameter influences ninode and nfile. npty If you are using rlogin/telnet connections from clients to server, increase npty up to the number of client users. Number of ptys (pseudo ttys). default=60 Note: ptys are not used with SQL*Net. Otherwise use default value of 60. o_sync_is_o_dsync 0 Enables/disables translation of O_SYNC to O_DSYNC in open()/fcntl() calls. For an Oracle release earlier than 7.3, specify o_sync_is_o_dsync = 1 or use the patch for Oracle bug #310042. default=0 Table 3 – 2 Additional HP–UX Parameters 3–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Using the HP–UX kernel parameter fs_async The HP–UX kernel parameter fs_async must be set to ’0’ (use synchronous disk writes) when there are Oracle databases running on your HP–UX system. The fs_async parameter is related to HP–UX file system files only. This parameter specifies whether or not the asynchronous writing of file–system data structures such as free space lists, blocks, inodes, and other file components to disk is allowed. Asynchronous writes to the file system can leave file–system data structures in an inconsistent state in the event of a system crash. Oracle World Wide Support has reported incidents of data corruption for datafiles and redo logs as well as database hangs and enqueue timeouts at customer sites where the parameter is set to ’1’ (allow asynchronous disk writes). Resolution Oracle Corporation recommends the following: • Use raw devices for Oracle datafiles together with the Asynchronous Disk Pseudo Driver • Use the HP–UX Logical Volume Manager to stripe logical volumes across single disks. 64KB is the recommended stripe size. • Use as many disks as possible within one Volume Group. SGA memory locking With this release, Oracle implements shared memory locking to prevent the SGA from being swapped out. To activate this enhancement of the Oracle7 Server, you must reset the shared memory locking privilege. To grant the shared memory locking privilege to the dba group, do the following: 1. Create a file /etc/privgroup. 2. Make the following entry in this file: $ dba MLOCK 3. Run the following command as root: # setprivgrp –f /etc/privgroup 4. Log out as root: Setting the Environment 3–7 # exit 5. Set the lock_shared_memory parameter in the init.ora file to true. lock_shared_memory=true Task 2: Create Groups in the /etc/group File Use SAM to create dba and oper groups in the /etc/group file. This limits database administration functions to members of these groups. Make sure the oracle software owner is a member of the dba group. OPS 1. For Parallel Server: If you are installing Oracle Parallel Server, the dba group name and number must be the same on all nodes of the UNIX cluster accessing a single database. Create an oper user group in the /etc/group file to have an additional group of users that have restricted OPERATOR database privileges. Note: This step is optional. These privileged roles are referred to as OSDBA and OSOPER in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide (meaning operating system dba and oper groups). Example: The following is a sample /etc/group file: root:*:0:root other:*:1:daemon,sync,tty,who,uucp,nuucp bin:*:2:bin,daemon,lp,games sys:*:3:bin,sys,adm adm:*:4:adm,daemon dba:*:101:jjones,ksmith,sjohnson,oracle,root oper:*:102:lkim, wwu 3–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 3: Create oracle Software Owner Account As the root user, use the operating system administration utility (SAM) to create an oracle software owner account with the following properties: login name oracle UID number specify a free user number between 3 and 32767 (the default is the existing highest number + 1) default GID number specify a number between 2 and 32767, corresponding to the dba group GCOS field specify oracle software owner for the user name. Describe only the account. Do not enter data in the personal field. You will get an error if the field separators are not in place. home directory choose a home directory for the oracle user. login shell /usr/bin/sh, usr/bin/csh, or usr/bin/ksh Setting the Environment 3–9 Task 4: Create a Local bin Directory Establishing a common environment for users requires you to create a local bin directory outside of $ORACLE_HOME. 1. As the root user, create a local bin directory. 2. Verify that this directory is included in every user’s PATH. The Installer places oraenv (or coraenv for the C shell) in $ORACLE_HOME/bin. After installation, the root.sh script places oraenv (coraenv) in the /usr/local/bin directory. Put the oraenv (coraenv) and dbhome scripts in the local bin directory to ensure they are accessible to all users. Placing these scripts in the local bin directory also ensures that oraenv (coraenv) continues to function, even if the PATH environment variable is changed to point to a different $ORACLE_HOME directory. You can also place other local software in the local bin directory. Task 5: Log Out as the root User Log out as the root user: # exit $ 3 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner Log in as the oracle software owner and perform the following tasks: login: oracle Password: ❑ Task 1: Set Permission Codes for File Creation ❑ Task 2: Configure SQL*Net Version 2 ❑ Task 3: Set Environment Variables ❑ Task 4: Source Startup File ❑ Task 5: Prepare to Install Oracle Tools, Precompilers, and Interfaces ❑ Task 6: Prepare to Install SQL*Net Version 2 Products ❑ Task 7: Prepare to Install Oracle Server Options Setting the Environment 3 – 11 Task 1: Set Permission Codes for File Creation Set umask to 022 to ensure group and other have read and execute permissions, but not write permission. 1. Issue the umask command to check the current setting. 2. If the umask command does not return 022, set umask to 022 in the .profile or .cshrc file. For the Bourne or Korn shells, add the following to .profile: umask 022 For the C shell, add the following to .cshrc: umask 022 3 – 12 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 2: Configure SQL*Net Version 2 If your system will use only SQL*Net Release 2.3 (included with this 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0 distribution) and you plan to install Oracle Names Server, you may not need to use Network Manager to configure your network. See Chapter 1, “Introduction to SQL*Net”, in Understanding SQL*Net. 1. Install Network Manager on a Windows-based PC. See Also: Chapter 2, “Installing Oracle Network Manager”, in the Oracle Network Manager Administrator’s Guide. 2. Use Network Manager to create the SQL*Net version 2 configuration files for the network. See Also: Chapter 4, “Quick Steps to Configure a Network”, in the Oracle Network Manager Administrator’s Guide. 3. Install the SQL*Net version 2 configuration files on the server and clients by using the ftp command. Place the files in the /etc or $TNS_ADMIN directory. ☞ Attention: The Oracle Names Server requires that you place configuration files under the $ORACLE_HOME directory. Do not install the configuration files now. You will install these files during post-installation. Setting the Environment 3 – 13 Task 3: Set Environment Variables Set environment variables in the .profile or .cshrc file of the oracle software owner. There are two types of environment variables: • Required Environment Variables • Environment Variables that may be Required Example Set the environment variables you want defined for the current shell session at the shell prompt. Note: the following are examples. Your system setup might differ. For the Bourne or Korn shell, set variables in the .profile file: ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/732; export ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID=test; export ORACLE_SID LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH For the C shell, set variables in the .cshrc file: setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/732 setenv ORACLE_SID test setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Required environment variables Table 3 – 3 below lists the environment variables required for all installations and provides sample values. Environment Variable Sample Value ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/732 ORACLE_SID test ORACLE_TERM xterm PATH .:$ORACLE_HOME/bin: Table 3 – 3 Required Environment Variables 3 – 14 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME defines the directory where Oracle software is installed. If it is not defined in your environment, the Installer derives the value of ORACLE_HOME from the mount point you provide during the Installer session: mount_point/app/oracle/product/7.3.4. The oracle software owner must have read, write, and execute privileges. ☞ Attention: The Installer enforces an OFA-compliant configuration in new installations. ORACLE_SID ORACLE_SID specifies the value of the system identifier (sid) of the database instance you create with the Installer. For a single-instance database, the sid value should be the same as the name of the database it manipulates, and no longer than four characters. OPS For Parallel Server: The sid of each Parallel Server instance in a cluster must be unique and incorporate the name of the database it manipulates. For example: prod1, prod2. ORACLE_TERM ORACLE_TERM specifies the terminal definition resource file to be used with the Installer. If ORACLE_TERM is not set, the Installer uses the value of the UNIX environment variable TERM and searches for an equivalent ORACLE_TERM resource file. Table 3 – 4 below lists common ORACLE_TERM settings. To Run: Set ORACLE_TERM to: hpterm terminal emulator and HP 700/9x terminal hpterm ANSI terminal for SCO ansi AT386 console 386 AT386 xterm 386x UnixWare Terminal 386u Solaris x86 xterm 386s AViiON Terminal avx3 Data General 200 dgd2 Data General 400 dgd4 IBM High Function Terminal and aixterm (monochrome) hft Setting the Environment 3 – 15 IBM High Function Terminal and aixterm (color) hftc IBM 3151 terminal 3151 (for IBM) SGI IRIS console iris NCD X Terminal with vt220 style keyboard ncd220 cmdtool/shelltool using a type 4 keyboard sun cmdtool/shelltool using a type 5 keyboard sun5 ANSI terminal for Tandem tandm vt100 terminal vt100 vt220 terminal vt220 Wyse 50 or 60 terminal wy50 Wyse 150 terminal wy150 Table 3 – 4 Setting the ORACLE_TERM Environment Variable PATH PATH defines the search path. Set the PATH environment variable to include all of the following: 3 – 16 • $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory • the directory where the script oraenv (Bourne or Korn shell) or coraenv (C shell) will reside. By default, this is /usr/local/bin on HP–UX. These scripts enable the DBA to set a common environment for all users, and make it easier for individual users to move between databases. • ANSI C compiler in the /opt/ansic/bin directory (required only if you are using Pro*C) • /usr/bin • /usr/ccs/bin • . (to reference your current directory) Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Environment Variables that may be Required Table 3 – 5 lists environment variables (and sample values) that may be required, depending on your installation. Environment Variable Sample Value DEF_INSTALL TRUE DISPLAY nodename:0.0 ORA_CSM_MODE line LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/lib OBK_HOME $ORACLE_HOME/obackup ORA_NLS32 $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle ORACLE_DOC $ORACLE_BASE/doc ORACLE_PATH .:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/ obackup/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin SRCHOME must be undefined while running the Installer TMPDIR /var/tmp TWO_TASK must be undefined while installing software Table 3 – 5 Environment Variables that may be required DEF_INSTALL Set DEF_INSTALL to TRUE is you want the Installer to run automatically in the default installation mode. DISPLAY DISPLAY must be set in order to use the Motif version of Oracle Installer. The syntax is: setenv DISPLAY node_name:0.0 where node_name is the name of the node on which you are running the Oracle Installer. ORA_CSM_MODE ORA_CSM_MODE is required for using the SQL*Net version 2 Client Status Monitor in line mode. Setting the Environment 3 – 17 LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set if you are using certain Motif-based Oracle products that use shared libraries. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the directory containing your Motif libraries. OBK_HOME If you install the Enterprise Backup Utility, you must set OBK_HOME to designate the location of the Enterprise Backup Utility executables. Set OBK_HOME to $ORACLE_HOME/obackup. ORA_NLS32 ORA_NLS32 is required when creating a database with a character set other than US7ASCII. Set ORA_NLS32 to $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data before beginning your Installer session. Oracle Corporation recommends you set this parameter for all installation types. If you do not set ORA_NLS32, you can only create a database that uses the US7ASCII character set. ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_BASE is required for OFA-compliant installations. ORACLE_BASE defines the base of the directory structure for your Oracle installation. The oracle software owner must have read, write, and execute privileges on this directory. • If you define ORACLE_BASE before starting the Installer session, the Installer takes the value of ORACLE_BASE from the environment. • If ORACLE_BASE is undefined, the Installer derives the value of ORACLE_BASE from the mount point you provide: mount_point/app/oracle. • If you are upgrading, the Installer checks if you have defined ORACLE_BASE in a prior installation to determine if the upgrade should be performed in an OFA-compliant structure. ORACLE_DOC If you install online documentation, the Installer automatically places it under $ORACLE_BASE/doc and makes that directory globally accessible. You can set ORACLE_DOC to this location in your .profile or .cshrc file to facilitate access to online documentation. 3 – 18 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations ORACLE_PATH When starting the Oracle7 Server or tools, ORACLE_PATH designates the path to be searched before searching the path specified by PATH. If you set ORACLE_PATH, its maximum value is 242 characters. SRCHOME SRCHOME cannot be defined in the environment when using the Installer. TMPDIR You must have sufficient temporary space for relinking during the Installer session. Relinking uses space in the /tmp or /var/tmp directories. If your system, like many HP–UX systems, has a small /tmp or /var/tmp directory, set the TMPDIR environment variable to an area containing more space. On HP–UX systems, 20 MB should be sufficient. After setting TMPDIR, make the directory globally accessible: $ chmod 777 $TMPDIR TWO_TASK ☞ Attention: If you are installing directly (not over the network), be sure TWO_TASK is not set. TWO_TASK specifies the remote machine in a client/server system. • If you are creating database objects on a remote machine, set the TWO_TASK environment variable to a SQL*Net version 2 network alias for the remote machine prior to starting the Installer. The network alias is the machine hostname from the tnsnames.ora file (created during SQL*Net version 2 configuration on page 3 – 13). • ☞ If you have a client/server configuration, set TWO_TASK on client machines to the network alias for the server after you install Oracle software on the clients. Attention: TWO_TASK cannot be set to a SQL*Net version 1 connect string. For the Bourne or Korn shell: $ unset TWO_TASK For the C shell: Setting the Environment 3 – 19 % unsetenv TWO_TASK See Also: Chapter 9, “SQL*Net Version 2”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX for more information on the tnsnames.ora file. 3 – 20 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 4: Source Startup File After you set environment variables in the startup file, source the file to set the values in the current session. Note: If you set the variables at the system prompt, they remain set only for the duration of that shell session. Example: For the Bourne or Korn shell: $ . .profile For the C shell: % source .cshrc Setting the Environment 3 – 21 Task 5: Prepare to Install Oracle Tools, Precompilers, and Interfaces Perform setup tasks for the following Oracle precompilers and interfaces: • Enterprise Backup Utility • Pro*C/C++ • Pro*COBOL • Pro*FORTRAN If there is no information on an available product, no pre-installation steps are required for that product. Setup for the Enterprise Backup Utility Verify that a supported media management product is installed on your system. See the list of supported media managers on page 1–18.. Setup for Pro*C/C++ Complete the following tasks before installing Pro*C/C++: 1. Set the PATH environment variable in the .profile or .cshrc file to include the C executable. Setup for Pro*COBOL Complete the following tasks before installing Pro*COBOL: 1. Set the PATH environment variable in the .profile or .cshrc file to include the COBOL executable. 2. Set COBDIR to point to the directory where the COBOL compiler is installed. Setup for Pro*FORTRAN Complete the following tasks before installing Pro*FORTRAN: 1. 3 – 22 Set the PATH environment variable in the .profile or .cshrc file to include the FORTRAN executable. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 6: Prepare to Install SQL*Net Version 2 Products Perform setup tasks for the following Oracle SQL*Net products: • Advanced Networking Option • Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter If there is no information for an available product, no pre-installation steps are required for that product. ☞ Attention: Do not attempt to install an adapter for a network protocol that is not installed on your system. “Extra” protocol adapters cause relinking to fail during installation. See Also: Your HP–UX documentation for information on configuring and creating user accounts and using networking software and utilities. Setup for the Advanced Networking Option When you install the Advanced Networking Option, the Installer automatically relinks the following Oracle executables: • exp • imp • lsnrctl • oracle • sqlldr • svrmgrl • tnslsnr Oracle Corporation recommends backing up these executables if you are installing Oracle Advanced Networking Option. If you do not wish to relink these executables, do not install Advanced Networking Option. Setting the Environment 3 – 23 Setup for the Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter Complete the following tasks before installing the Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter: 1. Verify that the network is functioning properly by transferring a test file using the ftp utility. $ ftp remote_server_name ftp> put test_filename ftp> get test_filename Determine the appropriate name of the listener by looking in the individual listener.ora and sqlnet.ora files of each node. 3 – 24 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 7: Prepare to Install Oracle Server Options Perform setup tasks for the following Oracle Server options: • Oracle Parallel Server Option • Distributed Database Option • Advanced Replication Option • Spatial Data Option If there is no information on an available product, no pre-installation steps are required for that product. Setup for the Oracle Parallel Server Option Complete the following types of tasks before installing the Oracle Parallel Server option: • Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner • Tasks Performed as the root User Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner 1. Log in as the oracle software owner. 2. Oracle Parallel Server instances use the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) to communicate with each other and to coordinate modifications of blocks. Check that the DLM is running and available by entering: $ cmviewcl The output from this command shows all the nodes running MC/LockManager. 3. Check for user equivalence for the oracle software owner by performing a remote login (rlogin) to each node in the cluster. If you are prompted for a password, the oracle software owner has not been given the same attributes on all nodes. The Oracle Installer cannot use the rcp command to copy Oracle products to the remote directories. If you have not set up user equivalence, you must perform Step 7 in the following section, “Tasks Performed as the root User”. Setting the Environment 3 – 25 Tasks Performed as the root User 1. Log in as the root user. 2. Make sure you have a dba group defined in the /etc/group file on all nodes of the cluster. The dba group name and number must be identical for all nodes of a UNIX cluster accessing a single database. 3. Create an oracle software owner account on each node of the cluster so that: 4. • the oracle software owner is a member of the dba group • the account is a responsibility login used only to install and update Oracle software • the oracle software owner has write permissions on remote directories Create a mount point directory on each node of the cluster to serve as the root of your Oracle directory structure, so that:. • the name of the mount point on each node is identical to that on the master node • the oracle software owner has read,write, and execute privileges. As part of the installation, the Installer installs Oracle products on one node and copies the required set of files for each installed product to the other nodes in the cluster. After a complete installation, all nodes appear identical. 5. Create raw disk sections. You cannot use a file system for Oracle Parallel Server data. All files associated with an Oracle Parallel Server database must reside on raw disk sections so they can be accessed by all nodes in the cluster. Although each instance has its own log files, all instances must have access to all log files at instance recovery time. Control and data files are shared by all instances. Suggestion: Oracle Corporation recommends you use the HP Logical Volume Manager to create volumes based on raw partitions rather than using the raw partitions directly. If you use the volume manager, it is easier to manage configurations and you can mirror and stripe data using a graphical user interface. See Also: Chapter 1, “Oracle7 Server”, of the Oracle7 Reference Addendum for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations. 3 – 26 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 6. If the Distributed Lock Manager is not up and running, restart the cluster PDB software by entering: # cmruncl to restart the cluster, or # cmrunnode –v nodename where nodename is the name of the node to rejoin the cluster. Note: You must start the cluster software on each node of the cluster. 7. 8. Set up user equivalence, if necessary, by doing one of the following: • editing the oracle software owner’s local .rhosts file to include entries for the other nodes on the cluster • having a system administrator edit the /etc/hosts.equiv file Exit the root user account. Setting the Environment 3 – 27 3 – 28 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations CHAPTER 4 Installation Tasks T his chapter describes the installation of the Oracle7 Server and related products on a HP–UX system. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Installing on Different System Configurations • Starting the Installer • Installer Prompts Installation Tasks 4–1 Installing on Different System Configurations Depending on the configuration of your system, you may require multiple Installer sessions to complete your installation. The two types of system configurations are server-based and client/server. Server-Based Configuration A server-based configuration requires only one Installer session. You install Oracle products (Server and tools) and create database objects on the server at the same time. Client/Server Configuration If you are installing on a client/server system, choose between one of the following installation methods: • NFS-Mounted • Tools Software on Both Server and Client • Tools Software on Client Only NFS-Mounted If you NFS-mount the server $ORACLE_HOME on the client machine, you can create a client/server installation with a single Installer session. To install this configuration: 1. Install Oracle products (Server and tools) using the Install New Product option and create database objects on the Server when prompted. 2. NFS-mount the server’s $ORACLE_HOME on the client. 3. Configure SQL*Net Version 2 on both the server and client, and start the tnslsnr process on the server. 4. Set the TWO_TASK environment variable on the client to the network alias for the server. Note: Clients and the Server must share the HP–UX operating system in an NFS-mounted configuration. Tools Software on Both Server and Client 1. 4–2 Install the Oracle products (Server and tools) using the Install New Product option and create database objects on the Server when prompted. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 2. Configure SQL*Net Version 2 on both the server and client, and start the tnslsnr process on the server. 3. Install the Oracle tools software on the client using the Install New Product option. 4. Set the TWO_TASK environment variable on the client to the network alias for the server. Tools Software on Client Only 1. Install the Oracle7 Server, precompilers, and SQL*Net Version 2 software using the Install New Product option and create database objects on the server when prompted. 2. Start the Oracle7 Server. 3. Configure SQL*Net Version 2 on both the server and client, and start the tnslsnr process on the server. 4. Install the Oracle tools software on the client using the Install New Product option (without creating database objects). 5. Set the TWO_TASK environment variable on the client to a valid connect string for the server. 6. Create database objects for these tools on the server using the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option. Since the tools software is not installed on the Server, you must create these database objects from the client over the network. Note: You only need to create database objects for the tools once after you install tools software on the first client. All subsequent clients need only tools software installation. Installation Tasks 4–3 Starting the Installer Perform the following tasks to run the Installer from CD-ROM: ❑ Task 1. Mount the CD–ROM Device ❑ Task 2. Run the Installer from CD-ROM 4–4 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 1: Mount the CD–ROM Device ☞ 1. Syntax Attention: Perform Steps 1–5 as the root user: Use a system editor to add the following line to the /etc/pfs_fstab file. <device_file> <mount_point> <file_type> <translation_method> The first entry is the CD–ROM device file; the second is the mount point. The third indicates that the CD–ROM to be mounted is with Rockridge extension, and the fourth entry identifies the translation method. Example /dev/dsk/c5t2d0 /SD_CDROM pfs–rrip xlat=unix 0 0 2. Run the following file. # nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd & 3. Run the following file. # nohup/usr/sbin/pfsd & 4. insert the CD–ROM into the tray and run the following: # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount /SD_CDROM 5. Exit the superuser account. # exit Change directories to /SD_CDROM where you can see a lower–case listing of the directories and files on the CD–ROM. The mounted CD–ROM should appear as another read–only file system. Installation Tasks 4–5 Task 2: Run the Installer Using the Installer in Non-Interactive Mode The Installer can record responses from one installation session, then use those responses for subsequent installations. This “silent mode” can be useful for performing numerous, similar installations. Running the Installer from the CD–ROM Warning: Be sure you are not logged in as the root user when you start the Installer (orainst). 1. Log in as the oracle software owner. 2. Change to the orainst directory on the CD-ROM: $ cd /SD_CDROM/orainst 3. Make sure ORACLE_TERM is set to the appropriate value. (If set incorrectly, your Installer screen display and function keys may not function properly.) To check the value for ORACLE_TERM, enter: $ echo $ORACLE_TERM See Also: “Set Environment Variables” on page 3 – 14 for a list of ORACLE_TERM settings. 4. Enter the oracle_link directory name when prompted. 5. Start the Installer: In Motif mode: $ ./orainst /m or $./orainst –m Note: You must set your DISPLAY environment variable to nodename:0.0 before running the Motif version of Oracle Installer. In character mode: $ ./orainst /c See Also: Appendix B, “Oracle Installer Information”, for troubleshooting tips and information on using the Installer in character mode. 4–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Installer Prompts This section describes the main Installer prompts you see when performing a new product installation. The prompts in this section may not be an exact representation of the prompts you encounter. For example, the database creation prompts may be mixed with initial Installer prompts or with prompts about Oracle products. Installer prompts are grouped as follows: • Initial Installer Prompts • Database Creation Prompts • Oracle Parallel Server Prompts • Oracle Product Prompts Each prompt is displayed in its own pop-up window, such as the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen shown in Figure 4 – 1. Most prompts have defaults that you can accept by pressing [Return]. All prompts requiring advance decisions are discussed in Chapter 2, “Installation Decisions”. Initial Installer Prompts Installation Type Specify whether to perform a default or custom installation, and whether to display the README files for the release. Installation Activity Choice To install or upgrade software and create database objects, select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option. (Do not select the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option. If you select this option, you can only upgrade database objects, but you cannot upgrade software). See “Installation Activity” on page 2 – 4 for a list of other Installer activities. Installation Tasks 4–7 Installation Options Select the Install New Product option for a software installation in a new $ORACLE_HOME. Figure 4 – 1 Installation Options Screen Installation Locator Prompts If ORACLE_BASE is set in the environment, the Installer prompts you to confirm the setting for it and for ORACLE_HOME, then proceeds to the database objects prompt. If ORACLE_BASE is not set, the Installer prompts you for a software mount point, and to complete the pathname for setting ORACLE_HOME. Database Objects Indicate whether to create a database or database objects for the products you are installing. 4–8 • (YES) starts up the database after installation, and prompts you for configuration specifics • (NO) means that only the software is installed. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Installation Log Files The Installer writes installation log information to the following content-specific files in the $ORACLE_HOME/orainst directory: • install.log • sql.log • make.log • os.log If log files already exist in the default location, the Installer asks whether to rename the existing files or to create logs with new names for the current session. README.FIRST File The Installer automatically displays last-minute product updates in the README.FIRST file. Skip README File You can specify to skip the README.FIRST in subsequent Installer sessions. The Installer will skip the README.FIRST file until it encounters a newer one; for example, when it is installing a patch. Install Source Specify whether you are installing from CD-ROM, tape, or a staging area. When installing directly from the distribution medium, you load and install the Oracle distribution in one session. Select this option if you are performing a single installation or have insufficient disk space to support a staging area. You can load and install the distribution in distinct phases if you install from a staging area. See Also: “Disk Space and Memory Requirements” on page 1–22. After you have created a staging area, you cannot add new files to it. For instance, you cannot add the files for a software patch to an existing staging area, then install from the area. ORACLE_SID Enter the instance name you chose in Chapter 3, “Setting the Environment.” If you set ORACLE_SID in the .profile or .cshrc file, the Installer offers that value as the default. Installation Tasks 4–9 National Language Support (NLS) Use the Installer to specify a language for screen messages from Oracle products with NLS support. Select either All Languages or a language from the displayed list. Installer prompts and messages are always displayed in American English. Relink Executables Relinking regenerates a program from its component parts. Even if you decline relinking, the Installer automatically relinks products that require relinking. Specify relinking if you: • install or deinstall an Oracle protocol adapter Note: Oracle will automatically relink the first time you run Oracle Installer to install or deinstall an Oracle protocol adapter. However, you must relink manually if you perform subsequent installations or deinstallations. • link Oracle products together • change the name of the DBA group from the default (dba) • change the name of the OPERATOR group from the default (dba) • install the Distributed Database Option • install the Spatial Data Option • install the Advanced Replication Option • install the Parallel Query Option • install user exits • install patches or bug fixes When you relink, the Installer renames and saves some of the old executables. Once the new executables are in place, you can remove the old ones to save disk space. The old executables are in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory with an O appended to their original names (for example, exp is renamed expO). 4 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Root Install Script File If an earlier root.sh file exists, the Installer asks whether to append root-related activities to that file, or save the old file as root.shO and overwrite root.sh. Unless you want to run old root.sh activities with the present installation, rename the old file rather than appending the new one. Product Documentation Library CD-ROM Installation Accept or decline platform-independent online documentation for the Oracle products you are installing. This documentation is the generic user documentation for Oracle products. Note: Online documentation installation is not completed by the Installer because the documentation resides on two CD-ROMs. You will complete the online documentation installation by running the startdoc.sh script during post-installation. Pathname for ORACLE_DOC Enter the path for the desired location of online documentation installation. Enter the instance name you chose in Chapter 3, “Setting The Environment.”. If you set ORACLE_DOC in the .profile or .cshrc file, the Installer offers that value as the default. Installation Tasks 4 – 11 Software Asset Manager The Software Asset Manager tracks the size of the distribution you selected and the space available in the destination directory ($ORACLE_HOME). Figure 4 – 2 Software Asset Manager Screen DBA Group The Installer displays the choices for a user group to be assigned DBA privileges. The default is the dba group you created in Chapter 3. If you choose a UNIX group other than dba, the Installer will relink the oracle executable. OSOPER Group You can choose to give the more limited Oracle OPERATOR privileges to a separate UNIX group, which the Installer calls the OSOPER group. The default is dba, in which case no separate user group is granted OPERATOR privileges. If you created a group for OPERATOR privileges in Chapter 3, enter the name at the prompt. 4 – 12 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations See Also: Chapter 1, “The Oracle7 Database Administrator”, in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide. Database Creation Prompts The following prompts occur if you create database objects with the Installer. Storage Type Indicate whether you are installing on a file system or raw devices. See Also: “Using Raw Partitions/Volumes” on page 2 – 11. Control File Distribution Indicate if you will follow the OFA recommendation to spread database objects across three mount points. While it is possible to specify a single mount point, or three mount points on the same drive, Oracle Corporation strongly recommends you spread your database across at least three independent devices. Mount Point Locator Oracle Corporation recommends that the database mount points you specify at this prompt be different from the mount point you specified for the product tree during the initial Installer prompts. Character Set Specify a character set for the database. The default is US7ASCII. See Also: “Supported Character Sets” on page A–9. ☞ Attention: Do not specify any character set other than the default unless you set the environment variable ORA_NLS32 during pre-installation. SYSTEM and SYS Passwords The SYSTEM and SYS user IDs are standard Oracle database accounts with DBA privileges, and are created during installation. The default SYSTEM password is manager and the default SYS password is change_on_install. Installation Tasks 4 – 13 The dba and operator Group Passwords The Installer asks if you want to set passwords for the UNIX dba and oper group users to whom you assigned DBA and OPERATOR privileges. Setting these passwords enables the function to connect as INTERNAL through Server Manager. To connect as INTERNAL in Server Manager, a user must be a member of the dba or oper groups, and enter the password you supply here. Note: You can specify the passwords for the DBA and the OPERATOR manually with the orapwd utility after installation. You can also use the orapwd utility to disable remote connections. See Also: Chapter 1, “The Oracle7 Database Administrator”, in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide for information on using the orapwd utility. TNS Listener Password The TNS Listener is a server process that listens for incoming connections to client applications using SQL*Net version 2. Access to the process is necessary for administration, but must be password-protected to ensure the integrity and security of SQL*Net connections. Note: You cannot leave this field blank. Configure MTS and Start the SQL*Net Listener The Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) allows a single server process to service requests from multiple client application processes, increasing performance and reducing SGA overhead. Control File Locator The Installer displays the default control file placements for you to accept or decline. If you decline a default, the Installer prompts you to enter a value. Database Defaults The default values for file location and size for OFA-compliant database creation appear on two screens. You can move back and forth between these screens and accept or decline the defaults by moving to the third Database Defaults screen. 4 – 14 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations If you decline the defaults, the Installer prompts you to input your new values. See Also: “Database File Placement and Size” on page 2 – 10. Oracle Parallel Server Prompts A mount point for the Oracle directory structure identical to that on the initial node must exist on all nodes of the cluster, prior to installing the Oracle Parallel Server Option. See Also: “Prepare to Install Oracle Server Options,” page 3 – 25 Install on All Nodes in Cluster Indicate whether you want to install on all nodes of the cluster at once, or only on the initial node. If you install only on the initial node, you must install on the other nodes in subsequent Installer sessions. If you specify installation on all the nodes in the cluster, the Installer prompts you: • for the host name and $ORACLE_HOME of the remote nodes (specify each node individually) • to enter a blank line at the List of Nodes screen after you enter the remote nodes Set Number of Instances Select Yes to create more than one instance of the database. Oracle Corporation recommends that you select instance names so each instance name is made up of the database name and the instance number. For example: test1 test2 test3 Installation Tasks 4 – 15 Oracle Product Prompts If you choose to install Oracle products, you will see prompts for the products you selected, such as SQL*Plus, Spatial Data Option, Oracle Server Manager, etc. Here are some examples of Oracle Product Prompts: Advanced Networking Option The Installer prompts for the installation of authentication adapters for network security and single sign-on. If no authentication adapters are selected, the Installer installs only the Advanced Networking Option encryption and checksumming services. The Installer also prompts for the installation of DCE integration adapters and native naming adapters. Oracle Server Manager Server Manager is available with Motif and line mode interfaces. Install either or both. If you select the Motif interface, you may be prompted to enter the path for the X Windows and Motif libraries. The default X Windows directory is /usr/lib. The default Motif directory is /usr/lib. SQL*Module If you elect to install SQL*Module, SQL*Module for C is installed by default. . Proceed to Post-Installation The Installer notifies you when it is finished and returns you to the Software Asset Manager screen. If the installation has failed, the Installer notifies you. Verify that all products you selected are listed as installed products. You can now exit the Installer and go to the next section, “Installing Online Documentation”, or to Chapter 5, “Completing Oracle7 Installation”. 4 – 16 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations CHAPTER 5 Completing Oracle7 Installation T his chapter describes tasks you must perform after completing your Installer session. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Tasks Performed as the root User • Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner Completing Oracle7 Installation 5–1 Tasks Performed as the root User ❑ Task 1: Run the root.sh Script ❑ Task 2: Install Required Oracle Patches ❑ Task 3: Create Additional DBA Accounts ❑ Task 4: Create Oracle7 Server User Accounts ❑ Task 5: Verify Database Security and Integrity ❑ Task 6: Edit the oratab File ❑ Task 7: Set Up Automatic Database Startup and Shutdown Task 1: Run the root.sh Script The Installer creates the root.sh script in the $ORACLE_HOME/orainst directory. The script sets the necessary file permissions for Oracle products and performs any other required setup activities. Example: Run the root.sh Script # cd $ORACLE_HOME/orainst # sh ./root.sh Message Displayed by the root.sh Script You get the following message if you run root.sh from a directory other than $ORACLE_HOME: ORACLE_HOME is not the same as home for this user continue (Y,N) If you select Yes, the root.sh script continues with the ORACLE_HOME environment variable you specified. ORACLE_HOME does not have to be set to the home directory of the user. If you need to reset the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for any reason, select No and the root.sh script aborts. If you abort root.sh, re-run the script. You do not need to run the Installer again. Depending on the products you installed, messages are displayed to alert you to the progress of root.sh. You may be prompted for user names and be given additional instructions. 5–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 2: Install Required Oracle Patches The distribution may include a CD-ROM, tape, or diskette containing patches that you must read in and install after installing the Oracle7 Server and Oracle products. The patch includes a README file defining the procedures for applying the patch. See Also: The Release Notes accompanying Oracle7 Server contain a listing of recommended Oracle and HP–UX patch numbers. Task 3: Create Additional DBA Accounts Each DBA on the system must have an account in the UNIX dba group. Use SAM to create an account with the following properties for each database administrator: login name the database administrator’s name UID number between 3 and 32767 default GID number between 2 and 32767, corresponding to the dba group number home directory matching the pattern /home/login_name or /home/dba/login_name login shell /usr/bin/sh, /usr/bin/csh, or /usr/bin/ksh GCOS field full name, office, and telephone information of the user Although you can specify anything in the GCOS field, the BSD finger(1) command interprets comma-separated entries in the following order: full_name, location, work_phone, home_phone, login_shell See Also: “Create oracle Software Owner Account” on page 3 – 9 for instructions for creating UNIX accounts. Completing Oracle7 Installation 5–3 Task 4: Create Oracle7 Server User Accounts Each Oracle software user should have a UNIX account that does not provide DBA privileges. Use SAM to create an account for each Oracle software user with the following properties: login name the username UID number between 3 and 32767 default GID number between 2 and 32767, corresponding to a group to which the user belongs (not the dba group) home directory matching the pattern /home/login_name or /home/group/login_name login shell /bin/sh, /bin/csh, or /bin/ksh GCOS field full name, office, and telephone information of the user See Also: “Create oracle Software Owner Account” on page 3 – 9 for instructions for creating UNIX accounts. 5–4 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 5: Verify Database Security and Integrity Files generated during the installation process may have unwanted file access modes, depending on the setting of the installation user’s umask. Note: Sites using Oracle7 configured in a way similar to a United States NCSC C2 or European ITSEC E3 security evaluation configuration must perform this task to ensure the integrity of the Oracle software installation. This task is optional if security is not a priority. Many files must be protected to prevent unauthorized access to secure data. The recommended file modes, ownership, and group discretionary access control protection are: ownership All common system files and installation files should be owned by the oracle software owner. group All common system files and installation files should have dba group privileges. modes All files or directories in an Oracle installation should be writable only by the oracle software owner or group. Directory/Files Permissions Comments All database, redo log, and control files in mount_point/oradata 640 To maintain discretionary access to data, all databases, redo logs, and control files must be readable only by the oracle software owner and group. $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle 6751 Must be owned by the oracle user. The 6 sets the setuid bit so that the executable runs as oracle user and dba group, regardless of who executes it. All other executables in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory 751 or 755 Must be writable by the oracle software owner, and executable by all users. Library directory 644 $ORACLE_HOME/lib and the files within this directory Provides read-only access to all users. Completing Oracle7 Installation 5–5 Directory/Files Permissions Comments Product library subdirectories, such as $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib and $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/lib and the files within these directories 644 Provides read-only access to all users. Administration, .sql and shell scripts in the product administration subdirectories $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin and $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin 644 All .sql scripts must be run as the SYS user. Table 5 – 1 Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files Note: Directory paths in Table 5 – 1 are the defaults; substitute different paths if necessary. Task 6: Edit the oratab File If you used Server Manager to create a database manually instead of using the Installer, you must ensure the system configuration is reflected in the /etc/oratab file. Add an entry for each database instance on the system in the following format: ORACLE_SID:ORACLE_HOME:{Y|N} where Y or N indicates whether you want to activate the dbstart and dbshut scripts. The Installer automatically adds an entry for each database it creates. 5–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 7: Set Up Automatic Database Startup and Shutdown Database Startup and Shutdown Scripts Note: The /etc/rc script no longer exists and the directory /etc/shutdown.d no longer exists on HP–UX 11.0 The following changes to the startup and shutdown scripts in /sbin and /etc are required for anyone wanting to automate the startup and shutdown of the database at system boot and shutdown. The following files are required to do automatic database startup and shutdown in HP–UX 11.0: • /sbin/init.d/oracle Contains the main script for doing the database startup and shutdown. • /etc/rc.config.d/oracle This file normally contains the line ORACLE_START=1 The system administrator can change this to ORACLE_START=0 to disable automatic startup and shutdown of databases. • /sbin/rc1.d/K100oracle –> /sbin/init.d/oracle This link tells the system to execute the Oracle script with the ’stop’ command when going to run state 1 (single user, the ’shutdown’ command will always go through this state). The number after the letter ’K’ defines the ordering between all the links in /sbin/rc1.d. The smaller the number, the earlier the script will be executed. Suggestion: Number the kill script as low as possible to make sure that Oracle is shut down before any other process, and number the startup script as high as possible to make sure that Oracle is the last startup process performed. • /sbin/rc2.d/S990oracle –> /sbin/init.d/oracle This link tells the system to execute the Oracle script with the ’start’ command when going to state 2 (the default multiuser state, normally entered at bootup). The numbering after the ’S’ defines the ordering between the startup scripts. Completing Oracle7 Installation 5–7 Suggestion: Number the kill script as low as possible to make sure that Oracle is shut down before any other process, and number the startup script as high as possible to make sure that Oracle is the last startup process performed. • /etc/oratab The file /etc/oratab has the same function as in HP–UX 9.0x. It defines which databases are started automatically. Step 1. Create an executable script for the startup and shutdown of Oracle. The executable script is located in /sbin/init.d/oracle. Suggestion: Use the file /sbin/init.d/template file as a template. Your script should attempt to start the database with the following command: su – oracle –c dbstart And shut it down with the command: su – oracle –c dbstop The Oracle DBA must have the user id oracle. Also, since the script does a ’su –’, it will execute the full profile for the oracle user, so oracle’s .profile should be kept at a minimum. The script should not contain any interactive commands since these may interfere with the automatic execution. You may wish to change the oracle script to use SQLDBA directly to issue the correct startup and shutdown commands. The file should look like this: #!/sbin/sh # PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin export PATH rval=0 set_return() { x=$? if [ $x –ne 0 ] then echo ”EXIT CODE: $x” rvla=1 fi 5–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations } case $1 in start_msg) echo ”Start Oracle” ;; stop_msg) echo ”Stop Oracle” ;; ’start’) if [ –f /etc/rc.config.d/oracle ] then . /etc/rc.config.d/oracle else echo ”ERROR: /etc/rc.config.d/oracle MISSING” exit 2 fi if [ ${ORACLE_START} –eq 1 ] then echo ”Starting Oracle” su – oracle –c dbstart set_return else rval=2 fi ;; ’stop’) if [ –f /etc/rc.config.d/oracle ] then . /etc/rc.config.d/oracle else echo ”ERROR: /etc/rc.config.d/oracle MISSING” exit 2 fi if [ ${ORACLE_START} –eq 1 ] then echo ”Stopping Oracle” su – oracle –c dbshut set_return else Completing Oracle7 Installation 5–9 rval=2 fi ;; *) echo ”Usage: $0 {start|stop}” ;; esac exit $rval The scripts in rc1.d are executed when the system is shut down from a higher run level than ’1’. The scripts in rc2.d are executed when entering run level ’2’ (the default multiuser state). Note: The numbering of the kill– and startup scripts might differ from the ones in the example above (100 and 900). Step 2. Create the file /etc/rc.config.d/oracle. This file should contain the following assignment statement: ORACLE_START=1 export ORACLE_START ☞ Attention: Setting ORACLE_START=0 in this file inhibits the automatic startup of Oracle at system boot. Step 3. Edit the /etc/oratab file. This file includes all databases that are to be started automatically at system boot. 5 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Tasks Performed as the oracle Software Owner Perform the following tasks as the oracle software owner. ❑ Task 1: Update the oracle Software Owner Startup File ❑ Task 2: Update the User Startup Files ❑ Task 3: Complete the Installation of Oracle Tools ❑ Task 4: Complete the Installation of Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces ❑ Task 5: Complete the Installation for Oracle SQL*Net Version 2 Products ❑ Task 6: Complete Installation for the Parallel Server Option ❑ Task 7: Complete Installation for Oracle Intelligent Agent ❑ Task 8: Complete Installation for Enterprise Backup Utility ❑ Task 9: Relink Products Manually ❑ Task 10: Install Oracle ConText Option (Optional) ❑ Task 11: Tune Initialization Parameters Completing Oracle7 Installation 5 – 11 Task 1: Update the oracle Software Owner Startup File Follow the instructions for a single-instance or multiple-instance configuration as appropriate. Single-Instance Machine On a single-instance machine, include the following commands to initialize the oraenv (coraenv for the C shell) file at the end of the startup file for the oracle software owner. For the Bourne or Korn shell: ORAENV_ASK=NO . /usr/local/bin/oraenv For the C shell: set ORAENV_ASK = NO source /usr/local/bin/coraenv unset ORAENV_ASK Multiple-Instance Machine On a multiple-instance machine, include a list of instance names and the commands necessary to initialize the oraenv (coraenv for the C shell) file at the end of the startup file of the oracle software owner. The ORACLE_SID you designated during pre-installation is the default instance name. For the Bourne or Korn shell: SIDLIST=’awk –F:’/^[^#]/{printf ”%s”,$1}’/etc/oratab’ echo ”SIDs on this machine are $SIDLIST” ORAENV_ASK= ./usr/local/bin/oraenv For the C shell: set sidlist=‘awk –F:’/^[^#]/{printf”%s”,$1}’/etc/oratab‘ echo ”SIDs on this machine are $sidlist” unset ORAENV_ASK sidlist source /usr/local/bin/coraenv 5 – 12 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 2: Update the User Startup Files To set the same environment for all users, update each user startup file to include: • the value of ORACLE_SID • the following line at the end of the startup file: . /usr/local/bin/oraenv (source /usr/local/bin/coraenv for C shell users) You can include the oraenv (coraenv) command file in the user startup files. This enables all users to share a common environment and makes it easier for users to move between databases. See Also: “Update the oracle Software Owner Startup File” on page 5 – 12 for examples of adding oraenv (coraenv) to startup files. Task 3: Complete the Installation of Oracle Tools This section describes the post-installation tasks for the following Oracle tools: • PL/SQL • SQL*Plus • Server Manager If there is no section for a product, no post-installation tasks are necessary. Task 4: Complete the Installation of Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces No post-installation tasks are required for the following Oracle precompilers and Oracle interfaces: • Pro*Ada • Pro*C • Pro*COBOL • Pro*FORTRAN • SQL*Module for C Completing Oracle7 Installation 5 – 13 Task 5: Complete the Installation for SQL*Net Version 2 Products Post-installation tasks for SQL*Net version 2 products are described in this section: • Tasks for all SQL*Net version 2 products • Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter • Advanced Networking Option • Oracle Names Server If there is no section for a particular product, no post-installation tasks are necessary. Tasks for all SQL*Net Version 2 Products Complete the following tasks after installing any of the SQL*Net version 2 products: 1. Verify that you created and installed the necessary configuration files for the network. See Also: “Configure SQL*Net Version 2” on page 3 – 13. 2. To start the listener automatically when the machine is rebooted, create and customize a startup file. Use the following procedure to create this startup file: a. Login as root. b. Create the a file named dbora in the /sbin/init.d directory. c. Insert the following line into the dbora file: su – oracle –c ”lsnrctl start” where oracle is the name of the oracle user. d. Change the permissions on the dbora file: # chmod 555 /sbin/init.d/dbora e. Create a soft link from the /sbin/rc2.d directory to /sbin/init.d dbora f. Prefix the link name with s<number>. During startup, HP–UX scans the /sbin/rc2.d directory in ascending order of its contents. We recommend that <number> be a high value, so that this file is executed as the last item in the directory. 5 – 14 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Note: This procedure will fail if the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is not set in the root’s .profile or .cshrc file. 3. If you have a client/server configuration, you must set the TWO_TASK environment variable on the client to point to the server. Set the TWO_TASK environment variable on the client machines. For the Bourne or Korn shell: $ TWO_TASK=network_alias; export TWO_TASK For the C shell: % setenv TWO_TASK network_alias where network_alias is the hostname for the server from the tnsnames.ora file. 4. Start the listener process: $ lsnrctl start 5. Check the listener process: $ lsnrctl status Note: If the TNS Listener connection fails, check the following 6. • Ensure that the syntax of the IPC (Inter-Process Communication) section in listener..ora is correct • Try using a different KEY value. There may be too many instances sharing the same KEY value. As the oracle software owner, start Server Manager; then test the connection with a loopback: $ sqlplus username/password@connect_alias The connect alias was configured when you configured the SQL*Net version 2 network. Advanced Networking Option The following executables are automatically relinked when you install the Advanced Networking Option: • exp • imp • lsnrctl • oracle Completing Oracle7 Installation 5 – 15 • sqlldr • svrmgrl • tnslsnr If you plan to use any other executables, you must first relink them according to the instructions on page 5–18. Oracle Names Server Complete the following tasks after installing the Oracle Names Server: 1. Place the names.ora and sqlnet.ora files you created during pre-installation in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. 2. If you are using the Advanced Networking Option, relink Oracle Names Server as described on page 5–18. 3. If you are using the Advanced Networking Option, modify the $TNS_ADMIN/names.ora file by adding an entry for the SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED parameter. You can do this by copying the line that begins with “SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED =” from your $TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora file into your $TNS_ADMIN/names.ora file. ☞ Attention: The complete line must be copied exactly or you will not be able to start Oracle Names Server using Oracle7 Server. Task 6: Complete Installation for the Parallel Server Option Start Multiple Instances Although the Installer can start up a database in shared mode, only one instance is started during installation. You must start up the other Oracle instances using Server Manager after installation is complete. 5 – 16 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 7: Complete Installation for Oracle Intelligent Agent There are no specific post-installation tasks required for Oracle Intelligent Agent. Task 8: Complete Installation for the Enterprise Backup Utility 1. 2. Verify that the following environment variables are set in the .login or .profile files of all Enterprise Backup Utility users: • Set OBK_HOME to the directory where the utility is installed ($ORACLE_HOME/obackup). • Set PATH to include $OBK_HOME/bin. • Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the location of the Database Module for Oracle supplied by the media management vendor. Follow the instructions in Chapter 2 of the Enterprise Backup Utility Administrator’s Guide to complete utility setup. The Enterprise Backup Utility Administrator’s Guide is installed in HTML format with the product. To access the guide, open the following file with a Web browser: $OBK_HOME/doc/html/ADMIN_HTML/contents.html. If you want to print the guide, it is provided in PostScript format in the following file: $OBK_HOME/doc/ps/admin21.ps. Task 9: Relink Products Manually If you install a patch or a networking product after the initial installation, you must explicitly relink the oracle kernel with the installed networking products. Other products that will use the networking products might also need to be relinked. You can use the following procedure to relink all installed products using the Installer: 1. Restart the Installer. 2. From the Installation Activity Choice screen, select the Perform Administrative Tasks option. 3. Select the Relink Product Executables option. When you reach the Software Asset Manager screen, all products in the Available Products window are automatically selected. You must deselect the following products before beginning the relinking: Completing Oracle7 Installation 5 – 17 – <Database Startup> – <Database Startup> Load Files – Oracle WebServer Option – Oracle Server Manager Motif Note: Server Manager Motif appears as an installed product, even if you only have the line mode interface installed on your system. Deselect Server Manager Motif if it is not installed on your system, prior to relinking. OPS For Parallel Server: Patches are automatically propagated to other nodes when you install on a cluster, but you must manually relink products on every node. Task 10: Install Oracle ConText Option (Optional) Prerequisites You must have the Oracle7 Server and database installed and running before installing the Oracle ConText Option. You must also have SQL*Plus installed. Pre-Installation 1. Verify that the database is up and running. (If you use the Installer to create your database, the Installer starts and opens the database after creating it.) 2. Verify that the default and temporary tablespaces for Oracle ConText Option database objects exist. Create the tablespaces, if necessary. 3. Verify that rollback segments and the SYSTEM tablespace are large enough for importing and storing Oracle ConText Option database objects. See Also: “Oracle ConText Option Administration”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX for instructions on completing the Oracle Context Option demonstrations. 5 – 18 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Installer Session 1. Start the Installer and select the Install New Product option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 2. Specify to create database objects when prompted. 3. When you reach the Software Asset Manager screen, select only the Oracle ConText Option from the Available Products window. Oracle ConText Option Prompts The Installer prompts you to enter and confirm the password of the CTXSYS user. The CTXSYS user is used to perform Oracle ConText Option administration. You must specify the default tablespace and the temporary tablespace for Oracle ConText Option database objects. Enter the names of the tablespaces you created in the ConText Option pre-installation.. Specify whether to create database objects for the Oracle ConText Option demonstrations. If you specify yes, the Installer creates two demonstration tables and populates them with data. See Also: Appendix C, “Oracle ConText Option Administration”, for instructions on completing the Oracle Context Option demonstrations. Post-Installation Make the following changes to the initsid.ora file after completing the Installer session: • set the initsid.ora parameter TEXT_ENABLE to TRUE • set the initsid.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE to at least 9 MB ☞ Attention: Installing Oracle ConText Option results in a minor memory leak that will be fixed in the next full Oracle7 release. In the meantime, you can work around the symptoms of this problem by adding the following line to the initsid.ora file: event=”10262 trace name context forever, level 2500” Completing Oracle7 Installation 5 – 19 Task 11: Tune Initialization Parameters Oracle initialization parameters determine the character of an Oracle7 Server instance and its connection to an Oracle database. Initialization parameters can be divided into two groups: • configuration parameters • tuning parameters Configuration parameters define the relationship between the database and its environment and are specified in the configdbname.ora file. Tuning parameters determine the variable characteristics of an Oracle7 Server instance and are specified in the initsid.ora file. Note: In a single-instance installation, the Installer does not include sid and dbname in the names of the initialization files. The Installer adds these identifiers automatically for multiple-instance installations. See Also: Chapter 1, “Planning a Complex Database on UNIX”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX, and Chapter 1, “Oracle7 Server”, in the Oracle7 Reference Addendum for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations. Activate the Default initsid.ora File The Installer creates the initsid_0.ora file, which does not contain information on rollback segments but is otherwise identical to the default initsid.ora file in the distribution. Though rollback segments are active and online at this point, they are not listed in the initsid_0.ora file. The initsid_0.ora file remains active until you shut down the instance. The next time you start up the instance, the default initsid.ora file is activated. The default initsid.ora file shipped with the distribution is located in the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/dbname/pfile directory. The file contains settings for small, medium, and large databases, with the settings for medium and large databases commented out. The size settings are relative to each other, but do not represent an empirical size of the database. You can modify the initialization parameters in the initsid.ora (not initsid_0.ora) with a UNIX editor. Activate the modified initsid.ora file by shutting down and starting up the database. Do not use symbolic character representations such as ? for $ORACLE_HOME in an initialization file. 5 – 20 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Oracle Parallel Server Option The initsid.ora parameter SINGLE_PROCESS must be set to FALSE or it cannot be set to the default value TRUE to run multiple instances. DBA Locking ☞ Attention: The parameter _enable_dba_locking needs to be set to TRUE to enable DBA locking. DBA locking provides fine–grain locking to reduce the possibility of false pinging in Oracle Parallel Server during the synchronization of buffer caches between nodes. This feature requires the support of persistent resources from HP’s MC/LockManager. Persistent resources is only supported with the HP MC/Lock Manager release version later than A.10.07. HP patches PHCO_8871 and PHKL_8172 are also required. Please contact your HP representatives for details Advanced Replication Option If you installed the Advanced Replication option, you must set the initsid.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE to be at least 10 MB. See Also: Chapter 1, “Initialization Parameters” in Oracle7 Server Reference, and Chapter 1, “Oracle7 Server”, in the Oracle7 Reference Addendum for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations. Oracle ConText Option Set the initsid.ora parameter TEXT_ENABLE to TRUE if you installed the Oracle ConText Option. Oracle Corporation recommends setting the initsid.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE to at least 9 MB when using Oracle ConText Option. Completing Oracle7 Installation 5 – 21 5 – 22 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations CHAPTER 6 Upgrading Oracle7 T his chapter describes upgrading an existing Oracle7 installation to Oracle7 release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Pre-Upgrade Tasks • Option 1: Upgrade with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories • Option 2: Upgrade with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory • Post-Upgrade Tasks Upgrading is defined as installing the current release of an Oracle product on a system that has a prior Oracle7 release installed. Follow the instructions in this chapter if your system is running an Oracle7 Server release 7.0.13 or later. If you are running an Oracle7 release prior to 7.0.13, go to Chapter 9, “Export/Import”. Note: Oracle Server Manager replaces SQL*DBA for database administration with this release of Oracle7 and is used in examples in this chapter. However, before upgrading, Server Manager may not be available on your system. Substitute the equivalent SQL*DBA commands if necessary. Upgrading Oracle7 6–1 Upgrade Path Perform Pre-Upgrade Steps Same ORACLE_ HOME ? No Perform Steps for Separate ORACLE_ HOME Perform Post-Upgrade Steps Figure 6 – 1 Upgrade Path 6–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Yes Perform Steps for Same ORACLE_ HOME Pre-Upgrade Tasks Perform the following tasks before upgrading Oracle7: ❑ Task 1: Shut Down the Existing Oracle7 Database ❑ Task 2: Back Up the Existing Oracle7 Database ❑ Task 3: Check Pre-Installation Tasks ❑ Task 4: Check for Symbolic Links ❑ Task 5: Check Upgrade Notes for Oracle Products ❑ Task 6: Decide Whether to Use the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory OPS For Parallel Server: If you are upgrading Oracle Parallel Server, follow the instructions in this chapter to upgrade the initial node first. After the initial node has been upgraded, start a new Installer session and use the Install Oracle7 on Cluster option to upgrade the product software on additional nodes. Upgrading Oracle7 6–3 Task 1: Shut Down the Existing Oracle7 Database Shut down the old Oracle7 database: 1. Start Server Manager or SQL*DBA and connect to the Oracle7 database to be upgraded. 2. Shut down the database using SHUTDOWN NORMAL and exit Server Manager or SQL*DBA. Example: $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SVRMGR> EXIT Task 2: Back Up the Existing Oracle7 Database Perform a full backup of the old Oracle7 database before you perform the upgrade. A full backup ensures that you can recover from errors encountered during the upgrade process. See Also: Chapter 23, “Backing up a Database”, in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide. Task 3: Check Pre-Installation Tasks Verify that the tasks detailed in Chapter 3, “Setting the Environment”, have been performed. It is important that the environment variables are set for the database you are upgrading. Suggestion: Make a note of all the products that are part of the previous Oracle7 release. This note will be useful later in the upgrade process. 6–4 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 4: Check for Symbolic Links Check the $ORACLE_HOME directory for subdirectories and files that are symbolic links to other file systems: 1. Change to the $ORACLE_HOME directory. 2. Use the find command to list the full pathnames of all the symbolic links. 3. Change to the directory containing the links. Use ls to list all files in the directory. Symbolic links are represented by an l as the first letter in permissions. A link has an arrow pointing to its source file or directory. If you have directories or files that are symbolic links, locate the files on the system. Note: If the operating system does not support the ls –lR command, enter the ls –l command in each $ORACLE_HOME subdirectory. 4. 5. Copy the file or directory to the location in the $ORACLE_HOME that was using symbolic links: • Rename the link files with the mv command. • Use the cp command to copy the renamed link file back to the old name. Remove the symbolic links with the rm or rmdir command. Example: $ find $ORACLE_HOME –type l –print /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/ctrlold7.dbf /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/rbsold7.dbf $ cd /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs $ ls –l /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/ctrlold7.dbf –> /local2/oracle/ctrlold7.dbf /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/rbsold7.dbf –> /local2/oracle/ctrlold7.dbf $ mv ctrlold7.dbf ctrl.dbf $ cp ctrl.dbf ctrlold7.dbf $ rm ctrl.dbf Upgrading Oracle7 6–5 Task 5: Check Upgrade Notes for Oracle Products Review the following special instructions and warnings for upgrading Oracle products. If there are no upgrade notes for a product, you do not need to perform any special tasks. • Oracle Tools • Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces • SQL*Net Version 2 Products • Oracle Server Options Oracle7 Server If the existing database is the default database created by the Installer, you must increase the sizes of the TABLE tablespace and rollback segments before upgrading product database objects. Oracle Tools Upgrading Server Manager Server Manager Motif mode may show up as an upgradeable product, even if it is not installed. This is because the Motif mode uses the same installation scripts as Server Manager line mode. Do not select Server Manager Motif mode for upgrade unless you are sure it is installed. You can test whether Server Manager Motif mode is installed by trying to invoke it from the command line: $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin $ ./svrmgrm 6–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Oracle Precompilers and Interfaces There is a new precompiler directory structure for Oracle7 Server release 7.3.4: $ORACLE_HOME precomp admin modc demo proc install profor lib mesg public procob proada sql pubsrc Figure 6 – 2 Precompiler Directory Structure Upgrading Pro*Ada If you are upgrading Pro*Ada from Release 1.3, changes in the directory structure require you to change pointers in make files. Pointers to the previous Pro*Ada directory ($ORACLE_HOME/ada) should now point to $ORACLE_HOME/precomp Note: The executable for Pro*Ada has been changed from pcc to proada. Upgrading Pro*C Pro*C Version 2 replaces the $ORACLE_HOME/proc directory structure of previous Pro*C releases. If you are upgrading Pro*C from Release 1.3, changes in the directory structure require you to change pointers in make files. Pointers to the previous Pro*C directory ($ORACLE_HOME/c) should now point to $ORACLE_HOME/precomp. Note: The executable for Pro*C has been changed from pcc to proc for Version 2. Upgrading Pro*COBOL If you are upgrading Pro*COBOL from Release 1.3, changes in the directory structure require you to change pointers in make files. Pointers to the Pro*COBOL Release 1.3 directory Upgrading Oracle7 6–7 ($ORACLE_HOME/cobol) should now point to $ORACLE_HOME/precomp. Note: The executable for Pro*COBOL has been changed from pcc to procob. Upgrading Pro*FORTRAN If you are upgrading Pro*FORTRAN from Release 1.3, changes in the directory structure require you to change pointers in make files. Pointers to the Pro*FORTRAN Release 1.3 directory ($ORACLE_HOME/fortran) should now point to $ORACLE_HOME/precomp. Note: The executable for Pro*FORTRAN has been changed from pcc to profor. SQL*Net Version 2 Products You must upgrade SQL*Net Version 2 products if upgrading from Oracle7 Server release to Oracle7 Server release Do this even though the version numbers for SQL*Net remain the same. Task 6: Decide Whether to Use the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory Suggestion: Oracle Corporation recommends that you use separate $ORACLE_HOME directories. Using Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories If you use separate $ORACLE_HOME directories, you can keep the prior Oracle7 release installed along with the new Oracle7 software. When you upgrade to a different $ORACLE_HOME, you can test the upgrade on a test database before replacing the production environment completely. Warning: If you use a separate $ORACLE_HOME directory to upgrade, never start up the upgraded database from the old $ORACLE_HOME. This can corrupt the database files. To use separate $ORACLE_HOME directories, perform the tasks in “Option 1: Upgrade with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories”. 6–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Using the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory If you decide to use the same $ORACLE_HOME directory, you must upgrade all the databases in that $ORACLE_HOME directory. You do not have the opportunity to thoroughly test the the new environment before using it with your production database. To use the same $ORACLE_HOME directory, perform the tasks in “Option 2: Upgrade with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory” on page 6 – 18. Upgrading Oracle7 6–9 Option 1: Upgrade with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories Complete the following tasks if you are upgrading with separate $ORACLE_HOME directories. ❑ Task 1: Install the New Oracle7 Release in the New $ORACLE_HOME ❑ Task 2: Update Parameter Files ❑ Task 3: Set Environment Variables to New $ORACLE_HOME ❑ Task 4: Upgrade the Database Objects ❑ Task 5: Relocate the Database Files (optional) Task 1: Install the New Oracle7 Release in the New $ORACLE_HOME Install the Oracle7 software in the $ORACLE_HOME directory using the Installer provided with the new release. 1. Start the Installer provided with the new release from the permanent staging area or from the Product Installation CD-ROM. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter the $ORACLE_HOME for the new Oracle directory structure when prompted. To create an OFA-compliant distribution, $ORACLE_HOME should be mount_point/app/oracle/product/7.3.4 Warning: Do not accept the current value of ORACLE_HOME, which the Installer offers as the default. 5. Select the products you want to upgrade at the Software Asset Manager screen: • the Oracle7 Server (mandatory for an Oracle7 Server upgrade) • the Oracle UNIX Installer and Documentation Viewer (if online documentation is available on the software distribution) • any products you want to install for the first time Select the Install button to begin the installation. 6 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 6. At the prompt, enter the ORACLE_SID for the database to be upgraded. 7. Answer the remaining Installer prompts. 8. Exit the Installer when the upgrade is complete. Task 2: Update Parameter Files Modify the parameter files to reflect the new installation: 1. Copy the initsid.ora file from the old location to the new location. By default, the initsid.ora file resides in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Copy it to the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. 2. In the initsid.ora file, change any question marks (?) in pathnames to the old $ORACLE_HOME directory. If the full pathname for $ORACLE_HOME is stated, you do not need to change the initsid.ora file. For example, change the line: USER_DUMP_DEST = ?/admin/dump to USER_DUMP_DEST = /home/oracle/old_ohome/admin/dump 3. Check the initsid.ora file in the new location for a CONTROL_FILES parameter entry in the following format: control_files = (location_of_control_files) Create or modify the CONTROL_FILES parameter entry by setting it to the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/cntrlsid.dbf file in the old $ORACLE_HOME directory: control_files = old_ohome/dbs/cntrlsid.dbf 4. If the initsid.ora file contains an ifile (include file) entry, the ifile entry specifies another file you must check. Locate the file specified in the ifile entry and copy it to a new location outside the old $ORACLE_HOME directory. Change the ifile entry in the initsid.ora file to reflect the new location. Edit the file specified in the ifile entry as you did the initsid.ora file: • Change any question marks (?) in pathnames to the old $ORACLE_HOME directory. Upgrading Oracle7 6 – 11 • Modify any CONTROL_FILES parameter entry by setting it to the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/cntrlsid.dbf file in the old $ORACLE_HOME directory. Task 3: Set Environment Variables to New $ORACLE_HOME Set the following environment variables at the shell prompt: • Set ORACLE_HOME to the new $ORACLE_HOME directory. • Set PATH to search the new $ORACLE_HOME/bin before the old $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. Example: For the Bourne or Korn shell: $ ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/7.3.4; $ export ORACLE_HOME $ PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/home/oracle/old_ohome/bin:\ /usr/local/bin:$PATH $ export PATH For the C shell: % setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/7.3.4 % setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:\ /home/oracle/old_ohome/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} Task 4: Upgrade the Database Objects To upgrade the database objects, use the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 6 – 12 1. Start the Installer provided with the new Oracle7 release. 2. Select the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Upgrade Database Objects option at the Database Options screen. 4. At the prompt, enter the new $ORACLE_HOME. 5. At the prompt, enter the ORACLE_SID for the database to be upgraded. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 6. Select the products at the Software Asset Manager screen and select the Install button. 7. Select the version of the database you are upgrading at the DB Upgrade screen. 8. At the Database Action screen: • If the product was not part of the old release and you are installing it for the first time, select the Create Product DB Objects option. • If the product was part of the old release, select the Upgrade Existing Product DB Objects option. Warning: Do not select the Create Product DB Objects option if the product was part of the old release. If you made a note of all the products that were part of the old release, consult the note now. 9. Exit the Installer when the upgrade is complete. Perform this task for each database in the old $ORACLE_HOME, supplying the appropriate ORACLE_SID each time you restart the Installer. Task 5: Relocate the Database Files (optional) If you plan to retain the old $ORACLE_HOME after you upgrade, you do not need to perform this task. However, if you retain the old $ORACLE_HOME, never start up the upgraded database from the old $ORACLE_HOME directory. This can corrupt the database files. Start the upgraded database from the new $ORACLE_HOME. Suggestion: Oracle Corporation recommends that you relocate the database files and then remove the old database files from the old $ORACLE_HOME. Only an experienced database administrator should perform this task. 1. Change to the new $ORACLE_HOME directory. 2. Start Server Manager and execute the following SQL commands to determine the database and log files and to write the filenames to the file.list file. $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SPOOL file.list Upgrading Oracle7 6 – 13 SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM v$dbfile; SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM v$logfile; 3. Use SHUTDOWN NORMAL to close the database. 4. Back up the upgraded database. 5. Copy the control files from the old $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory to the new $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. By default, the control files are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory and are usually named either cntrlsid.dbf or ctrl1sid.ctl. 6. Change the CONTROL_FILES parameter entry in the new initsid.ora file to reflect the new location of the control files. By default, the initsid.ora file resides in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Change those parameters in the initsid.ora (or the file specified by ifile) which refer to your old $ORACLE_HOME. These parameters include user_dump_dest and core_dump_dest. If you have an ifile entry in the initsid.ora file, locate the file specified in the ifile entry. If the file contains a CONTROL_FILES parameter entry, edit the CONTROL_FILES parameter entry to reflect the new location of the control files. 7. Copy the data files and log files to their new location. The new location should be outside the old $ORACLE_HOME. See file.list in the new $ORACLE_HOME for the list of files you must copy. Make sure the new copies of the data files and log files have fully specified filenames different from the data files currently in use. Suggestion: Make a note of the old and new filenames, including their complete paths. 8. Ensure that the database is mounted and closed by executing STARTUP MOUNT on the database using Server Manager. 9. Rename all the database and log files in the control file by executing ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE in Server Manager. See the file.list file for the files you must rename. If you made a note of the old and new filenames in Step 7, refer to the note to complete this step. Note: Always provide complete filenames and paths so the RENAME FILE option identifies the old and new data files. 10. Open the database by executing ALTER DATABASE OPEN in Server Manager. 6 – 14 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 11. Make sure all the database files and log files have the new names you specified by entering the following to generate a newfile.list file, and then exit Server Manager: SVRMGR> SVRMGR> SVRMGR> SVRMGR> SPOOL newfile.list SELECT * FROM v$dbfile; SELECT * FROM v$logfile; EXIT Compare the generated newfile.list with the file.list file you created earlier. All the names for the database files and log files listed in file.list should appear in newfile.list in their new locations. See Also: Chapter 9, “Managing Datafiles”, in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide. 12. Remove the database files in the old Oracle7 release when you are certain that the database files are successfully relocated and that the initsid.ora, log, and control files are in their new locations. Example: $ cd $ORACLE_HOME $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SPOOL file.list SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM v$dbfile; SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM v$logfile; SVRMGR> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SVRMGR> EXIT $ [back up the upgraded database] $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/ctrl1upgr.ctl \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ctrl1upgr.ctl $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/ctrl2upgr.ctl \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ctrl2upgr.ctl $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/ctrl3upgr.ctl \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ctrl3upgr.ctl $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/log1upgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/log1upgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/log2upgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/log2upgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/log3upgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/log3upgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/orapwdupgr \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwdupgr Upgrading Oracle7 6 – 15 $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/sysupgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sysupgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/rbsupgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/rbsupgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/tempupgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/tempupgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/usrupgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/usrupgr.dbf $ cp /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/toolupgr.dbf \ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/toolupgr.dbf $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> STARTUP MOUNT SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/log1upgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/log1upgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/log2upgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/log2upgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/log3upgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/log3upgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/orapwdupgr’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/orapwdupgr’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/sysupgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/sysupgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/rbsupgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/rbsupgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/tempupgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/tempupgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/usrupgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/usrupgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> RENAME FILE ’/home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/toolupgr.dbf’ 3> TO ’/home/oracle/new_ohome/dbs/toolupgr.dbf’; SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; SVRMGR> SPOOL newfile.list SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM v$dbfile; SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM v$logfile; 6 – 16 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations SVRMGR> EXIT $ rm /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/*upgr.ctl $ rm /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/*upgr.dbf $ rm /home/oracle/old_ohome/dbs/orapwdupgr Upgrading Oracle7 6 – 17 Option 2: Upgrade with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory Complete the following tasks if you are upgrading to the same $ORACLE_HOME directory: ❑ Task 1: De-Install the Previous Oracle7 Release ❑ Task 2: Install the New Oracle7 Release ❑ Task 3: Upgrade the Database Objects Task 1: De-Install the Previous Oracle7 Release De-install the previous Oracle7 release using the Installer provided with the old release: 1. Start the Installer provided with the old Oracle7 release. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the De-Install Software option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. At the Software Asset Manager screen, select the products you want to de-install and select the Remove button. Note: Server Manager Motif appears as an installed product, even if only line mode is installed. Trying to remove Server Manager Motif without having it installed will result in an error. 5. Answer the remaining Installer prompts. 6. Exit the Installer when de-installation is complete. Task 2: Install the New Oracle7 Release Install the Oracle7 software in the $ORACLE_HOME directory using the Installer provided with the new release. 6 – 18 1. Start the Installer provided with the new release from the permanent staging area or from the Product Installation CD-ROM. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 4. At the prompt, enter the $ORACLE_HOME. 5. At the Software Asset Manager screen, select the products you want to upgrade and select the Install button. Select the following: • the Oracle7 Server (mandatory for an Oracle7 Server upgrade) • the Oracle UNIX Installer and Documentation Viewer (if online documentation is supported on the software distribution) • any products you are installing for the first time 6. At the prompt, enter the ORACLE_SID for the database to be upgraded. 7. Answer the remaining Installer prompts. 8. Exit the Installer when the upgrade is complete. Task 3: Upgrade the Database Objects To upgrade the database objects, use the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 1. Start the Installer provided with the new release. 2. Select the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Upgrade Database Objects option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. At the prompt, enter the $ORACLE_HOME. 5. At the prompt, enter the ORACLE_SID for the database to be upgraded. 6. At the Software Asset Manager screen, select the products in the Available Products window that correspond to those in the Installed Products window and select the Install button. 7. Select the version of the database you are upgrading at the DB Upgrade screen. 8. At the Database Action screen: • If the product was not part of the old release and you are installing it for the first time, select the Create Product DB Objects option. • If the product was part of the old release, select the Upgrade Existing Product DB Objects option. Upgrading Oracle7 6 – 19 Warning: Do not select the Create Product’s DB Objects option if the product was part of the old release. If you made a note of all the products that were part of the old release, consult that note now. 9. Exit the Installer when the upgrade is complete. Perform this task for each database in this $ORACLE_HOME, supplying the appropriate ORACLE_SID each time you restart the Installer. 6 – 20 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Post-Upgrade Tasks ❑ Task 1: Check Post-Installation Tasks ❑ Task 2: Notify Users Task 1: Check Post-Installation Tasks 1. Run the root.sh script to complete the upgrade. See Also: “Run the root.sh Script” on page 5 – 2. 2. Complete any post-installation tasks not completed during the prior installation (such as completing installation of online documentation). Task 2: Notify Users Notify users to log out of the operating system and log back in. This activates the new $ORACLE_HOME location for the upgraded database. It also runs the oraenv program, reads the new oratab file entry, and points users to the upgraded database in the new $ORACLE_HOME. Upgrading Oracle7 6 – 21 6 – 22 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations CHAPTER 7 Converting to Oracle Parallel Server T his chapter describes the tasks for converting an existing single-instance Oracle7 database to an Oracle Parallel Server installation on multiple nodes: The topics covered in this chapter are: • Tasks Performed on the Existing Node • Tasks Performed on the Remote Nodes For these tasks, it is assumed that all the Oracle control files, log files, and data files are on raw partitions/volumes. See Also: Part I, “Fundamentals of Parallel Processing”, in Oracle7 Parallel Server Concepts and Administration. Converting to Oracle Parallel Server 7–1 Tasks Performed on the Existing Node Perform the following tasks on the existing Oracle7 Server: ❑ Task 1: Set Environment Variables to the Existing Database ❑ Task 2: Shut Down the Database ❑ Task 3: Relink the Database with the Oracle Parallel Server Option Task 1: Set Environment Variables to the Existing Database Verify that the environment variables identifying the database to be converted are correctly set in the .profile or .cshrc file of the oracle software owner. • ORACLE_HOME must be set to point to the $ORACLE_HOME directory where the Oracle7 database you are converting is located. • ORACLE_SID must be set to the sid of the database you are converting. See Also: “Set Environment Variables” on page 3 – 14. Example: For the Bourne or Korn shell, in the .profile file, enter: ORACLE_HOME=/usr/oracle/orahome; export ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID=sid1; export ORACLE_SID For the C shell, in the .cshrc file, enter: setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/oracle/orahome setenv ORACLE_SID sid1 7–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 2: Shut Down the Database Use the SHUTDOWN NORMAL command from Server Manager for a clean database shutdown. Example: $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SHUTDOWN NORMAL Task 3: Relink the Database with the Oracle Parallel Server Option To relink Oracle executables with the libraries containing the Oracle Parallel Server Option: 1. Start the Installer. 2. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. When prompted, decline the option to create database objects. 3. When prompted, decline to relink executables. Relinking is performed later in the install process. 4. Select the Parallel Server Option at the Software Asset Manager screen. 5. Exit and restart the Installer after you have installed the Parallel Server Option. 6. Select the Perform Administrative Tasks option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 7. Select the Relink Product Executables option at the Maintenance Mode screen. 8. Select the Oracle7 Server at the Software Asset Manager screen. Do not select the Parallel Server Option. 9. Exit the Installer after it finishes relinking. Converting to Oracle Parallel Server 7–3 Tasks Performed on the Remote Nodes On each of the new remote nodes of the Oracle Parallel Server installation: ❑ Task 1: Create the mount_point Directory ❑ Task 2: Copy the mount_point Directory on the Initial Node ❑ Task 3: Run the root.sh Script on Remote Nodes ❑ Task 4: Add the Redo Log Files ❑ Task 5: Add Rollback Segments for New Instances ❑ Task 6: Edit the Configuration Files ❑ Task 7: Start Up the Instances Task 1: Create the mount_point Directory Set up the directory: 1. Verify that the oracle software owner and the dba group exist on the remote nodes and log in as the root user. The dba group must be identical to the dba group on the initial node. 2. Use the mkdir command to create a mount_point directory on each of the remote nodes. 3. Make sure each mount_point directory has owner set to oracle, group set to dba, and mode set to 755. Exit the root account. ☞ Attention: The mount_point on each remote node must be identical to that on the initial node. Example: $ # # # # # $ 7–4 su root mkdir /node2/home/oracle/remote_ohome chown oracle /node2/home/oracle/remote_ohome chgrp dba /node2/home/oracle/remote_ohome chmod 755 /node2/home/oracle/remote_ohome exit Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 2: Copy the $ORACLE_HOME Directory on the Initial Node The following steps install selected Oracle products on each node in the system: Warning: Do not run the Installer as the root user. 1. Start the Installer. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Install Oracle7 on Cluster option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter the node names for the remote nodes when prompted. 5. Select the products you want to install on remote nodes at the Software Asset Manager screen. 6. Answer the remaining Installer prompts. 7. Exit the Installer when the action is complete. Task 3: Run the root.sh Script on Remote Nodes When you have completed installation, log in as the root user and run the root.sh script on each node. Example: $ su root # cd $ORACLE_HOME/orainst # sh ./root.sh Converting to Oracle Parallel Server 7–5 Task 4: Add the Redo Log Files A database created without the Oracle Parallel Server Option has one set of three log files. Add a set of three log files for each additional instance in the cluster. 1. Use Server Manager to start up the database: SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> STARTUP EXCLUSIVE 2. Assign each added log file a unique group number. To find the group numbers in use: SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM V$LOGFILE; The following example shows typical output: GROUP# STATUS MEMBER –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 EXCLUSIVE /dev/vx/rdsk/log1 2 EXCLUSIVE /dev/vx/rdsk/log2 3 EXCLUSIVE /dev/vx/rdsk/log3 Start numbering the new groups with the lowest number not in use. In the previous example, you would start numbering the new groups with number 4. 3. Use Server Manager to add log files for each instance (called a redo thread). For each additional instance, create a redo thread similar to the original Oracle database. That is, the file sizes should be the same, and each redo thread should have the same number of files. For example, in the default Oracle installation, this implies three raw partitions of 500 KB per instance. In the following example, the group numbers are 4, 5, and 6 and the filenames are LOGFILE1, LOGFILE2, and LOGFILE3. SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE 2> ADD LOGFILE THREAD 2 3> GROUP 4 (’LOGFILE1’) SIZE 500k, 4> GROUP 5 (’LOGFILE2’) SIZE 500k, 5> GROUP 6 (’LOGFILE3’) SIZE 500k; 4. Enable the new log files: SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE ENABLE PUBLIC THREAD 2 The number 2 in this command line indicates that this is the second set of log files. If you were enabling the third or fourth set, you would replace the number 2 with number 3 or 4. 7–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations If you have more than two nodes in a cluster, repeat the steps in this task for each additional node. Task 5: Add Rollback Segments for New Instances Each additional instance requires at least one separate rollback segment. To add a rollback segment for each new instance: 1. While in Server Manager on the first node, enter: SVRMGR> CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT RBS2 2> TABLESPACE RBS 3> STORAGE (INITIAL 50K NEXT 50K MINEXTENTS 2 4> MAXEXTENTS 4); 2. Verify that the segments were created: SVRMGR> SELECT SEGMENT_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, STATUS FROM DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS; SVRMGR> EXIT The following example shows typical output: SEGMENT_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME STATUS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SYSTEM SYSTEM ONLINE RBS2 RBS OFFLINE R01 RBS ONLINE R02 RBS ONLINE R03 RBS ONLINE R04 RBS ONLINE In this example, you created the R01, R02, R03, and R04 segments. Converting to Oracle Parallel Server 7–7 Task 6: Edit the Configuration Files Modify the initialization and configuration files on each node. 1. Change to the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory on the first node. 2. Add the following to the initsid1.ora file: INSTANCE_NUMBER = 1 THREAD = 1 ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS = (R01, R02, R03, R04) where the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS parameter contains a list of rollback segments owned exclusively by this instance (represented by the variables R01, R02, R03, and R04). 3. Edit the initialization and configuration files on the other nodes. On the second node, change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. Rename the initsid.ora and configsid.ora files: $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs $ mv initsid1.ora initsid2.ora $ mv configsid1.ora configsid2.ora 4. In both files, change all instances of the $ORACLE_HOME directory path to the correct path for the second node. 5. Change the ifile (include file) statement in the initsid2.ora file from configsid1.ora to configsid2.ora. 6. Add the following to the initsid2.ora file: INSTANCE_NUMBER = 2 THREAD = 2 ROLLBACK SEGMENTS = (rbs2) Repeat the steps in this task for each remaining node in the cluster. Change the rollback segment name and sid to reflect the name and number of each node. 7–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 7: Start Up the Instances You must start the instance on the original node in parallel mode; you can then start the additional nodes. 1. Shut down the database and exit using Server Manager: SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SVRMGR> EXIT 2. Start up the instance on the first node using Server Manager: SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> STARTUP PARALLEL SVRMGR> EXIT 3. After ensuring ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID are set on each node, start up the instances on the other nodes in the cluster: SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> STARTUP PARALLEL Converting to Oracle Parallel Server 7–9 7 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations CHAPTER 8 Export/Import T his chapter describes exporting and importing an earlier Oracle database to Oracle7 release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0. Export/Import is an option for either migrating or upgrading. It is the recommended procedure for migrating from release 6.0.24 or earlier or upgrading from Oracle7 releases prior to 7.0.13. The topics covered in this chapter are: • Performing an Export/Import • Option 1: Export/Import with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories • Option 2: Export/Import with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory • Post-Export/Import Tasks Note: Oracle Server Manager replaces SQL*DBA for database administration with this release of Oracle7 and is used in examples in this chapter. Before upgrading, Server Manager may not be available on your system. Substitute the equivalent SQL*DBA commands if necessary. Export/Import 8–1 Performing an Export/Import Perform the following tasks as the oracle software owner unless otherwise specified. ❑ Task 1: Check Pre-Installation Tasks ❑ Task 2: Prepare to Export/Import (Migration Only) ❑ Task 3: Shut Down and Restart the Database ❑ Task 4: Export the Full Database ❑ Task 5: Shut Down the Database ❑ Task 6: Back Up the Database ❑ Task 7: Decide Whether to Use the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory Task 1: Check Pre-Installation Tasks Review Chapter 3, “Setting the Environment”. Verify that the environment variables identifying the database (ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID) are set correctly. Task 2: Prepare to Export/Import (Migration Only) 1. 2. 8–2 For each $ORACLE_HOME environment you want to migrate, perform the following steps described in Chapter 2, “Preparing to Migrate”, in Oracle7 Server Migration: • Rehearse the Migration Process • Test the Applications Perform the procedures described in the following sections: • “Change SQL Scripts” • “Update Database Administration Scripts” • “Update Database Link Names” • “Move Constraint Identifiers” • “Change Unique Indexes” Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Change SQL Scripts All SQL scripts built with created objects in the source database should be changed to conform to Oracle7, release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0. There are two new reserved words in the SQL language: ROWLABEL and VARCHAR2. If objects in the database have names that match either of the new reserved words, do one of the following: • If the reserved word is used as a column heading, copy the data to a new table with a different column name. • If the reserved word is used as the name of a table, sequence, synonym, or view, rename the object. Columns defined in v6 as type CHAR should be redefined as type VARCHAR2 in all Oracle7 releases. CHAR is equivalent to the new Oracle7 VARCHAR2 datatype except for a difference in maximum length. VARCHAR2 datatype values are variable-length character strings with a maximum length of 2000. Users with CONNECT, RESOURCE, or DBA privileges in v6 have the respective CONNECT, RESOURCE, or DBA role in all Oracle7 releases. The passwords for SYSTEM and SYS are reset to manager and change_on_install, respectively. VARCHAR is synonymous with VARCHAR2 in all Oracle7 releases. However, VARCHAR may have different properties in a future version of Oracle. If a script uses VARCHAR, update it to use VARCHAR2. ☞ Attention: If any row in a v6 table is inconsistent with the constraints of version 7 (that is, a v6 row violates one or more version 7 integrity constraints), the integrity constraints remain disabled; Oracle returns an error message indicating this. Update Database Administration Scripts For database administration scripts, use the new CREATE USER and GRANT CREATE SESSION commands instead of the GRANT command to create users and assign resource quotas. The GRANT command is the same in Oracle7 as in v6, but future versions of Oracle may not support this functionality. ☞ Attention: Assign resource quotas to each user using the QUOTA option of the CREATE USER or ALTER USER commands. There is no equivalent to granting a resource to PUBLIC. Resource quotas are not assigned in the GRANT command in Oracle7 releases. Remove any resource quotas in GRANT statements. Export/Import 8–3 Granting the RESOURCE role in an Oracle7 release allows UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privileges, so the following statement is equivalent in v6 and all Oracle7 releases: GRANT RESOURCE TO user1; Note: If you use Server Manager or SQL*DBA scripts to start instances or open the database, you must CONNECT AS SYSOPER or CONNECT AS SYSDBA (this command was CONNECT INTERNAL under v6) before issuing the STARTUP command in Oracle7 releases. To comply with ANSI/ISO SQL standards, two dashes, (– –), are now recognized as starting a comment. Although it is unlikely that you are using two dashes outside a quoted string, be aware that all Oracle7 releases treat the text following two dashes as a comment. Update Database Link Names Oracle7 assumes that any characters following the @ sign in a database link are part of the database name. For instance, in v6, to select the column ENAME from the EMP table at BOSTON, you could have typed the following: SELECT emp@boston.ename FROM emp@boston With Oracle7, you must change this SELECT statement to: SELECT ename FROM emp@boston Move Constraint Identifiers The constraint clause for the CREATE TABLE command has a new syntax. The optional constraint identifier (CONSTRAINT name) has moved from the end of the clause to the beginning of the clause. For example, the following example shows a constraint clause used in a v6 SQL statement: CREATE TABLE emp (column definitions... FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept (deptno) CONSTRAINT deptno_fk) In Oracle7 releases, this statement must be written as follows: CREATE TABLE emp (column definitions... CONSTRAINT deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept (deptno)) 8–4 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations V6 scripts that do not contain a CONSTRAINT identifier require no modification and run with all Oracle7 releases. However, v6 scripts that do contain a CONSTRAINT identifier must be modified, as described in the previous example, before running the scripts with an Oracle7 release. See Also: Chapter 4, “Commands”, in the Oracle7 Server SQL Reference manual for a description of the CONSTRAINT clause. Change Unique Indexes Integrity constraints can be used in Oracle7 releases to enforce uniqueness among column values. Because unique indexes may not be supported in future versions, use UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY integrity constraints instead of unique indexes. Indexes can now be validated using the ANALYZE command. Use this command because the VALIDATE INDEX command may not be supported by future versions. Export/Import 8–5 Task 3: Shut Down and Restart the Database Shut down and restart the existing Oracle instance. Example: Shutdown and Restart when Migrating from a V6 Database SQLDBA> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SQLDBA> STARTUP DBA SQLDBA> EXIT Example: Shutdown and Restart when Upgrading from an Oracle7 Database $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SVRMGR> STARTUP DBA SVRMGR> EXIT Task 4: Export the Full Database Export the full database using the export utility. See Also: Chapter 2, “Import”, in the Oracle7 Server Utilities documentation for more information on the export utility. Task 5: Shut Down the Database Shut down the database normally using either Server Manager or SQL*DBA. Example: Shut Down when Migrating from an Oracle V6 Database SQLDBA> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SQLDBA> EXIT Example: Shut Down when Upgrading from an Oracle7 Database $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SHUTDOWN NORMAL SVRMGR> EXIT 8–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 6: Back Up the Database Back up the Oracle database and the control, database, redo log, and initsid.ora files. Warning: Perform a full backup of the old Oracle system before you proceed. This ensures recovery from errors during the export/import process. Task 7: Decide Whether to Use the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory Decide whether to use separate $ORACLE_HOME directories for the new Oracle7 release and old release, or the same $ORACLE_HOME directory. Oracle Corporation recommends you use separate $ORACLE_HOME directories. Using Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories Using separate $ORACLE_HOME directories keeps the old release installed on your system. If you have sufficient space, you can test the migration or upgrade process on an old test database before replacing the production environment completely. To use separate $ORACLE_HOME directories, perform tasks in “Option 1: Export/Import with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories” on page 8 – 8. Using the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory Using the same $ORACLE_HOME directory means you are replacing the old release with the new Oracle7 software. You may need to use the same $ORACLE_HOME if you do not have enough disk space for two separate $ORACLE_HOME directories. If you are migrating and plan to use the same $ORACLE_HOME directory for Oracle7 that you used for v6, you must migrate all databases in that $ORACLE_HOME directory. To use the same $ORACLE_HOME directory, perform tasks in “Option 2: Export/Import with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory” on page 8 – 12. ☞ Attention: You cannot have both an Oracle7 oracle executable and a v6 oracle executable in the same $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. Export/Import 8–7 Option 1: Export/Import with Separate $ORACLE_HOME Directories Complete the following tasks if you are performing an export/import with separate $ORACLE_HOME directories. ❑ Task 1: Set Environment Variables ❑ Task 2: Install the Oracle7 Software in the Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME ❑ Task 3: Create Tablespaces in the New Database ❑ Task 4: Import the Exported Files Task 1: Set Environment Variables Set the environment variables: 1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME directory (the Installer will create the directory during installation). To create an OFA-compliant configuration, $ORACLE_HOME should be mount_point/app/oracle/product/7.3.4. 2. Set the PATH environment variable to include the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory before the old $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. 3. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the database you are upgrading. See Also: “Set Environment Variables” on page 3 – 14. Example: For the Bourne or Korn shell: $ ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/7.3.4; $ export ORACLE_HOME $ PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/home/oracle/old_ohome/bin:\ /usr/local/bin:$PATH $ export PATH $ ORACLE_SID=upgr; export ORACLE_SID For the C shell: % setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/7.3.4 8–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations % setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:\ /home/oracle/old_ohome/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} % setenv ORACLE_SID upgr Task 2: Install the Oracle7 Software in the Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME After installing Oracle7 in the $ORACLE_HOME directory, you can either create the database manually or use the Installer. Installing Oracle7 and Manually Creating the Database To install the Oracle7 software and then create the database manually, use the following procedure: 1. Start the Installer provided with the new Oracle7 release. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option from the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter the pathname of the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME when prompted. 5. Use the CREATE DATABASE statement as described in Chapter 2, “Creating a Database”, in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide. 6. Run the catalog.sql script. Installing Oracle7 and Creating Database with the Installer Use the following procedure to install the Oracle7 software and create a database with the Installer: 1. Start the Installer provided with the new Oracle7 release. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option from the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter the pathname of the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME when prompted. 5. Enter the ORACLE_SID for the database to be migrated or upgraded at the prompt. Export/Import 8–9 6. Select the products you want to install at the Software Asset Manager screen. You must select the Oracle7 Server. Select the Oracle UNIX Installer and Documentation Viewer if online documentation is supported on the software distribution. Select the Install button to begin the installation. 7. Answer the remaining prompts for each product. At the database prompts, make sure the new database meets the requirements of the data you exported. For example, the new database must be large enough to hold the exported data. 8. Exit the Installer when the action is complete. Task 3: Create Tablespaces in the New Database If you plan to keep the old database, and do not want to overwrite the old database files, you must create all non-system tablespaces in the new database. Use database filenames different from the ones used for the tablespaces in the old database. 1. Identify the current names of the database files and set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the old $ORACLE_HOME directory. 2. Write the filenames to file.list by entering the appropriate SQL commands, depending on whether you are migrating or upgrading. Example: Creating Tablespaces when Migrating from a V6 Database SQLDBA> SQLDBA> SQLDBA> SQLDBA> SPOOL file.list SELECT * FROM V$DBFILE; SELECT * FROM V$LOGFILE; EXIT Example: Creating Tablespaces when Upgrading from an Oracle7 Database $ svrmgrl SVRMGR> CONNECT INTERNAL SVRMGR> SPOOL file.list SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM V$DBFILE; SVRMGR> SELECT * FROM V$LOGFILE; SVRMGR> EXIT 8 – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 4: Import the Exported Files Importing from UNIX Import the files you previously exported using the import utility. Example: IMP system/manager FULL=Y DESTROY=N FILE=scott.dmp \ FROMUSER=scott TOUSER=rosemary tables=’(*)’ Importing from VM, MVS, or VMS Use the import utility to import data from a VM, MVS, or VMS database: 1. From VM, MVS, or VMS: $ exp RECORDLENGTH=n username/password 2. On HP–UX enter the following: $ imp RECORDLENGTH=n username/password where n is the record length in the export files. This value must match the size of the records in the import file for the transfer to work. There is no case sensitivity in this command, and no username prompt. The default record length for HP–UX is 32,768 bytes. See Also: Chapter 2, “Import”, in Oracle7 Server Utilities. Export/Import 8 – 11 Option 2: Export/Import with the Same $ORACLE_HOME Directory Complete the following tasks if you are performing an export/import in the same $ORACLE_HOME directory: ❑ Task 1: Save Customized Files ❑ Task 2: De-Install the Previous Oracle Release ❑ Task 3: Install the Oracle7 Software in the Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME ❑ Task 4: Import the Exported Files Task 1: Save Customized Files Save any customized files, including modified makefiles, customized terminal and printer definitions, Oracle Terminal files, or applications built by the oracle software owner. Note: Because the Installer replaces each product’s customized files, save the files outside the $ORACLE_HOME directory structure before you run the Installer. You do not need to save the oracle software owner .login, .cshrc, or .profile files, because the Installer renames them to filename.OLD. Task 2: De-Install the Previous Oracle Release If you import using the existing $ORACLE_HOME directory, you must de-install the old release. The procedures to de-install the old release differ for migrating and upgrading. Follow the instructions for de-installing the old release in the migrating and upgrading chapters. ☞ Attention: Do not remove the database files until you have successfully performed Tasks 1 through 8 listed under “Performing an Export/Import” on page 8 – 2. De-Installing While Migrating If you are migrating, use the deinstall utility to remove the v6 release. The default location is $ORACLE_HOME/install. If the deinstall utility is not on the system, read it in from the v6 software distribution. 8 – 12 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations If you do not have a copy of the deinstall utility, remove the old release manually. Use the rm or rmdir command to remove the entire v6 release, including the database files, to reclaim disk space, but do not remove files you have customized. Move the customized files to a different location outside $ORACLE_HOME. You must restore these files after the export/import is complete. To de-install the previous Oracle release, perform the following steps: 1. Back up customized files. The customized files are modified make files, customized terminal definitions, .r files, and printer resources under the $ORACLE_HOME/product_name/admin directories of products. 2. Shut down the database. 3. If you are upgrading SQL*Net products, make sure product listeners have been shut down. If you have an earlier version of SQL*Net Version 2 on the system, do the following before migrating: • shut down the TNS listener • shut down any database instance using SQL*Net Version 2 • shut down all interchanges 4. Log in as the root user and run the deinstall utility to remove the old release. The deinstall utility is in the $ORACLE_HOME/install directory. 5. Remove the old files manually and exit the root account. The deinstall utility does not remove files generated by the old installation utilities. If you have ksms.o or config.o files in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib directory, remove them manually. The syntax for running the deinstall utility is as follows: ./deinstall [-n] [-?] [all | product [product] . . .] where: -n requests that no confirmation questions be asked about individual products -? displays deinstall instructions all requests that all products be removed product specifies the product to be removed. The value for this variable is the directory name in $ORACLE_HOME. Export/Import 8 – 13 Example: De-installing SQL*Plus $ # # # su root cd $ORACLE_HOME/install ./deinstall sqlplus exit If you are upgrading, you can use the Installer (from either release) to remove the old release. In the following instructions, it is assumed you are using the Installer provided with the new release. 1. Start the Installer. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the De-Install Software option at the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter your $ORACLE_HOME when prompted. 5. Select the products you want to de-install at the Software Asset Manager screen and click on the Remove button. 6. Answer the remaining Installer prompts. Exit the Installer when the de-installation is complete. Task 3: Install the Oracle7 Software in the Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME Installing the Oracle7 distribution in the $ORACLE_HOME directory differs depending on whether you create the database manually or with the Installer. Installing Oracle7 with a Manually Created Database To install the Oracle7 software, and then create the database manually, use the following procedure: 8 – 14 1. Start the Installer provided with the new release. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option from the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter the pathname of the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME when prompted. Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations 5. Use the CREATE DATABASE statement as described in Chapter 2, “Creating a Database”, in the Oracle7 Server Administrator’s Guide. 6. Run the catalog.sql script. Installing Oracle7 and Creating a Database with the Installer Perform the following tasks to install the Oracle7 software and create a database with the Installer: 1. Start the Installer provided with the new Oracle7 release. 2. Select the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software option at the Installation Activity Choice screen. 3. Select the Add/Upgrade Software option from the Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software screen. 4. Enter the pathname of the new Oracle7 $ORACLE_HOME when prompted. 5. Enter the ORACLE_SID for the database to be migrated or upgraded at the prompt. 6. Select the products you want to install at the Software Asset Manager screen. You must select the Oracle7 Server. Select the Oracle UNIX Installer and Documentation Viewer if online documentation is supported on the software distribution. Select the Install button to begin the installation. 7. Answer the remaining prompts for each product. At the database prompts, make sure the new database meets the requirements of the data you exported. For example, the new database must be large enough to hold the exported data. 8. Exit the Installer when the installation is complete. Export/Import 8 – 15 Task 4: Import the Exported Files Import the files you previously exported using the import utility. Follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Import”, in Oracle7 Server Utilities. Note: The section, “Example Import of Tables from One User to Another” uses an asterisk to specify all tables. The syntax for this example is incorrect for HP–UX. HP–UX users should enter the following, where single quotes come before and after the parentheses: $ imp system/manager file=scott.dmp \ fromuser=scott touser=rosemary tables=’(*)’ 8 – 16 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Post-Export/Import Tasks ❑ Task 1: Complete the Export/Import (Migration Only) ❑ Task 2: Check Post-Installation Tasks ❑ Task 3: Notify Users Task 1: Complete the Export/Import (Migration Only) Complete all the steps in Chapter 5, “After Migrating the Database”, in the Oracle7 Server Migration manual. Task 2: Check Post-Installation Tasks Review Chapter 5, “Completing Oracle7 Installation”. Run the root.sh script to complete the migration or upgrade. Complete any tasks that were not completed during the prior installation. When you run the root.sh script, a line is added to the /etc/oratab file for the migrated or upgraded database. Task 3: Notify Users Notify users to log out of the operating system and log back in. This activates the new $ORACLE_HOME location for the upgraded database. It also runs the oraenv program, reads the new oratab file entry, and points users to the upgraded database in the new $ORACLE_HOME. Export/Import 8 – 17 8 – 18 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations APPENDIX A National Language Support T he topics covered in this appendix are: • Overview of National Language Support • Choosing a Language, Territory, and Character Set • Supported Product Translations • Products in American English Only National Language Support A–1 Overview of National Language Support Oracle7 uses an integrated national language architecture that supports national languages and character encoding. More than one language can be used by the same application. National Language Support can be added without upgrading to a new release of Oracle software, and the language-dependent features can be customized for a specific application, user, or organization. Client/Server Environments Applications may use different computer platforms for Oracle7 and application software. If the platforms use different character-encoding schemes, character data passed between the client and server must be converted. Oracle7 makes this process transparent to the client application. Choosing a Language, Territory, and Character Set To choose a language, territory, and character set, you must perform separate procedures for Oracle7 and each user or client session. ❑ Task 1: Choose a Character Set for the Oracle7 Server ❑ Task 2: Choose a Language and Territory for the Oracle7 Server ❑ Task 3: Choose a Language, Territory, and Character Set for a User Session ❑ Task 4: Change NLS Parameters in a Session ❑ Task 5: Format Dates ❑ Task 6: Format Numbers ❑ Task 7: Specify Sort Sequences A–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 1: Choose a Character Set for the Oracle7 Server Character encoding affects all character data stored in the Oracle7 database. Once the database is created, the character set cannot be changed without re-creating the database. If clients access a database using different character sets, the database character set must be equivalent to, or a superset of, these character sets. The character set is specified either during the Installer session or with the CHARACTER SET clause of the CREATE DATABASE statement. Valid character sets are listed in “Supported Character Sets” on page A – 8. ☞ Attention: If you specify any character set other than us7ascii, you must set the environment variable ORA_NLS32 to $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data in the startup file of the oracle software owner. Task 2: Choose a Language and Territory for the Oracle7 Server To change the language and territory for Oracle7: 1. Shut down any running database instances. 2. In the initsid.ora files, change the NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY parameters. 3. Restart the instances. Task 3: Choose a Language, Territory, and Character Set for a User Session Specify the language, territory, and terminal character set for each client by setting the NLS_LANG environment variable on the client. ☞ Attention: If you do not set NLS_LANG, it will default to us7ascii. For the Bourne shell: $ NLS_LANG=language_territory.character_set $ export NLS_LANG For the C shell: % setenv NLS_LANG language_territory.character_set where: National Language Support A–3 language is a supported language territory is a supported territory character_set is a character set supported by the user’s terminal Example: For the Bourne shell: $ NLS_LANG=american_america.us7ascii $ export NLS_LANG For the C shell: % setenv NLS_LANG american_america.us7ascii Also set the LANGUAGE environment variable using the same format as NLS_LANG to ensure compatibility with earlier versions of the utilities. Table A – 1 lists the supported character sets. Language Name language Value territory Value Territory Name American american United States america us7ascii Arabic arabic United Arab Emirates “united arab emirates” ar8iso8859p6 Brazilian Portuguese Catalan “brazilian portuguese” catalan Brazil brazil we8iso8859p1 Spain spain we8iso8859p1 Czech czech Czech Republic “czech republic ee8iso8859p2 Danish danish Denmark denmark we8iso8859p1 Dutch dutch The Netherlands “the netherlands” we8iso8859p1 Finnish finnish Finland finland we8iso8859p1 French french France france we8iso8859p1 German german Germany germany we8iso8859p1 Greek greek Greece greece el8iso8859p7 Hungarian hungarian Hungary hungary ee8iso8859p2 Italian italian Italy italy we8iso8859p1 Japanese japanese Japan japan ja16euc Korean korean Korea korea ko16ksc5601 Norwegian norwegian Norway norway we8iso8859p1 Polish polish Poland poland ee8iso8859p2 Portuguese portuguese Portugal portugal we8iso8859p1 Table A – 1 Languages, Territories and Recommended Character Sets A–4 character Value Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Language Name language Value territory Value Territory Name character Value Russian russian CIS cis cl8iso8859p5 Simplified Chinese “simplified chinese” China china zhs16gbk Slovak slovak Slovakia slovakia ee8iso8859p2 Spanish spanish Spain spain we8dec Swedish Traditional Chinese swedish “traditional chinese” Sweden China sweden taiwan we8dec zht32euc Turkish turkish Turkey turkey we8iso8859p9 Table A – 1 Languages, Territories and Recommended Character Sets Task 4: Change NLS Parameters in a Session Users can change NLS parameters within a session with the ALTER SESSION statement. The language and territory values specified by the NLS_LANG environment variable are substituted for NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY. Table A – 2 lists parameters that users can specify to control other language-dependent features. These parameters override the corresponding values in the NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY parameters. Parameter Description NLS_DATE_FORMAT Default date format; for example, “DD/MON/YY” NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE Language for day and month names; for example, “German” NLS_NUMERIC_ CHARACTERS Decimal character and group separator; for example, “. ,” NLS_CURRENCY Local currency symbol; for example, “Dfl” NLS_ISO_CURRENCY ISO currency symbol; for example, “France” NLS_SORT Sort sequence; for example, “Swedish” Table A – 2 NLS Parameters Example: $ setenv NLS_LANG italian_italy SVRMGR1> alter session set NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = German NLS_DATE_FORMAT = ’DD.MON.YY’ National Language Support A–5 NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ’.,’; Task 5: Format Dates The date format is specified by NLS_TERRITORY or overridden by NLS_DATE_FORMAT. The language used for day and month names is specified by NLS_LANGUAGE or overridden by NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE. Additional format masks provided by the TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions are: A–6 IW returns the ISO week number I, IY, IYY, IYYY returns the year corresponding to the ISO week RM, rm returns the month as a Roman numeral Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Task 6: Format Numbers For numbers, the decimal character and group separator are specified by NLS_TERRITORY or overridden by NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS. The syntax for NLS numeric characters is: $ NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=‘decimal_character group_separator’ The decimal character and group separator must be different from each other. Additional format masks provided by the TO_CHAR and TO_NUMBER functions are: D returns the decimal character G returns the group separator L returns the local currency symbol C returns the international currency symbol (ISO Specification 4217 1987-07-15) RN, rn returns a number in its Roman numeral equivalent Because the Oracle7 Server does not support a currency data type, specific applications must format currency. However, the L and C format masks provide flexibility in formatting currency masks. Task 7: Specify Sort Sequences Oracle7 provides linguistic sort sequences, enabling text to be sorted according to specific linguistic conventions. For example, an umlaut can be sorted before b in German, but after z in Swedish. Linguistic sort sequences are defined by name, and specified with the NLS_SORT parameter using the syntax: $ NLS_SORT = BINARY | name where name is the name of a linguistic sort sequence. In most cases, the value for name is identical to the corresponding language. Example: $ NLS_SORT = BINARY $ NLS_SORT = ”brazilian portuguese” $ NLS_SORT = German National Language Support A–7 The sort mechanism used by an instance (binary or linguistic) can be changed by restarting the instance with a different NLS_SORT value in the initsid.ora file. Defining Linguistic Sort Sequences The linguistic sort sequence also specifies how to handle special cases in sorting and case conversion. For example, the XSpanish linguistic sort sequence treats the double characters ch and ll as single characters. Available linguistic sort sequences are: Arabic Czech Danish XDanish Dutch Finnish German XGerman German_Din XGerman_Din Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Italian Latin Norwegian Polish Russian Slovak XSlovak Spanish XSpanish Swedish Swiss Turkish West_European Example: $ NLS_SORT = XGerman_Din $ NLS_SORT = West_European Supported Character Sets Oracle National Language Support supports the following character sets: 7-Bit Character Sets US7ASCII U.S. 7-bit ASCII (default) D7DEC DEC German 7-bit F7DEC DEC French 7-bit S7DEC DEC Swedish 7-bit E7DEC DEC Spanish 7-bit AR7ASMO449PLUS Arabic/Latin ASMO-Plus 7-bit A–8 TR7DEC DEC Turkish 7-bit SF7ASCII Finnish 7-bit ASCII extension Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations NDK7DEC DEC Norwegian/Danish 7-bit I7DEC DEC Italian 7-bit NL7DEC DEC Dutch 7-bit CH7DEC DEC Swiss 7-bit SF7DEC DEC Finnish 7-bit US8ICL ICL EBCDIC 8-bit US WE8ICL ICL EBCDIC 8-bit West European EE8PC852 IBM PC 8-bit East European – code page 852 LT8PC772 IBM PC 8-bit Lithuanian – code page 772 LT8PC774 IBM PC 8-bit Lithuanian – code page 774 DK8EBCDIC277 EBCDIC 8-bit Danish – code page 277 WE8DEC DEC West European 8-bit WE8HP HP 8-bit West European US8PC437 IBM PC 8-bit U. S. – code page 437 WE8EBCDIC37 EBCDIC 8-bit West European – code page 37 WE8EBCDIC500 EBCDIC 8-bit West European – code page 500 EL8EBCDIC875 EBCDIC 8-bit Greek – code page 875 WE8PC850 IBM PC 8-bit West European – code page 850 (for use with HFT terminals) WE8ISO8859P1 ISO 8859–1 West European 8-bit EE8ISO8859P2 ISO 8859–2 East European 8-bit SE8ISO8859P3 ISO 8859–3 South European 8-bit CL8ISO8859P5 ISO 8859–5 Cyrillic 8-bit 8-bit Character Sets CL8MSWINDOW31 Windows 3.1 Cyrillic 8-bit CL8MACCYRILLIC Mac Cyrillic 8-bit EL8ISO8859P7 ISO 8859–7 Latin/Greek 8-bit IW8ISO8859P8 ISO 8859–8 Latin/Hebrew (Iwriet) 8-bit WE8ISO8859P9 ISO 8859–9 West European/Turkish 8-bit EL8DEC DEC Latin/Greek 8-bit National Language Support A–9 TR8DEC DEC Turkish 8-bit EL8PC437S IBM-PC Special American/Greek character set EEC8EUROPA3 EEC’s EUROPA3 West European/Greek 8-bit character set RU8BESTA Latin/Cyrillic BESTA 8-bit RU8PC866 IBM-PC Latin/Cyrillic 8-bit – code page 866 RU8PC855 IBM-PC Latin/Cyrillic 8-bit – code page 855 D8EBCDIC273 EBCDIC 8-bit Austrian/German – code page 273/1 I8EBCDIC280 EBCDIC 8-bit Italian – code page 280/1 N8PC865 IBM PC 8-bit Norwegian – code page 865 TH8TISASCII Thai Industrial Standard 620–2533 ASCII 8-bit TH8TISEBCDIC Thai Industrial Standard 620–2533 EBCDIC 8-bit TR8PC857 IBM-PC Turkish 8-bit – code page 857 NEE8ISO8859P4 ISO 8859–4 North and North-east European AR8ISO8859P6 ISO 8859–6 Latin / Arabic AR8ASMO708PLUS Arabic/Latin ASMO-Plus 8-bit (not valid as a storage character set) TR8ISO8859P9 Turkish version ISO 8859–9 West European JA16VMS Japanese VMS Kanji JA16EUC Japanese Extended UNIX Code JA16TSTSET Japanese JA116TSTSET2 Japanese JA16EBCDIC930 Japanese JA16SJIS Japanese Shift–JIS JA16DBCS Japanese IBM KO16KSC5601 Korean KSC5601 KO16DBCS Korean IBM Multi-Byte Character Sets ZHS16CGB231280 Chinese GB2312–80 A – 10 ZHT32CNS11643–86 Taiwan Traditional Chinese ZHT16BIG5 BIG5 Traditional Chinese Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Traditional Chinese Extended UNIX Code ZHT32EUC Supported Product Translations AE 10WE 4E 5CE A 3A Oracle7 Server Product ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Oracle TRACE ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ PL/SQL version 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ SQL*Net version 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pro*Ada version 1.8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pro*C version 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pro*COBOL version 1.8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pro*FORTRAN version 1.8 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pro*Pascal version 1.6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pro*PL/1 version 1.6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ SQL*Module ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Server Manager version 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Table A – 3 Supported Product Translations In the table headings: AE American English 9WE Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish 4E Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Greek, and Turkish 5CE Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, and Russian A Arabic 3A Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese National Language Support A – 11 Products in American English Only The following products have message files and help text for American English only: A – 12 • Oracle Book • Oracle DECnet Protocol Adapter • Oracle Installer • Oracle Multiprotocol Interchange • Oracle OSI Protocol Adapter • Oracle SPX/IPX Protocol Adapter • Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter • Oracle XA Library Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations APPENDIX B Oracle Installer Information T his appendix contains supplementary information about the Installer and the installation process. The topics covered in this appendix are: • Troubleshooting the Installer • Navigating in the Installer in Character Mode • Using the Installer in Silent Mode • Installer Help System • Relinking Error Messages Oracle Installer Information B–1 Troubleshooting the Installer This section describes problems you may encounter when running the Installer and suggestions for fixing those problems: • Display Problems • Insufficient Disk Space Display Problems If you run the Installer in character mode from an OpenWindows shelltool or cmdtool, the screen may be difficult to read. To fix the display a shelltool: $ shelltool –B Offset_x To fix the display for a cmdtool: $ cmdtool –B Offset_x To permanently fix the display problem, add the following entry to the .Xdefaults file: term.boldStyle: Offset_X Screen Refresh To refresh the Installer screen during an installation session, enter: [Ctrl]+[r] Insufficient Disk Space If the session terminates because the Installer runs out of space during installation, check $ORACLE_HOME for any files installed just before the crash. Remove any files for products you were installing. If you were installing from a temporary staging directory, clean out that directory and rebuild it before attempting to re-install. After you have cleaned up the $ORACLE_HOME directory, use the df command to determine how much space is available. Space in $ORACLE_HOME When the Installer calculates space for transferring files into $ORACLE_HOME, it accounts for product dependencies. If the Installer detects there is insufficient space, it issues a warning. B–2 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Files are uncompressed when they are transferred to $ORACLE_HOME. Symbolic Links If you have created symbolic links in $ORACLE_HOME to accommodate parts of the Oracle distribution, the Installer does not follow these links when it calculates space requirements. If you are sure symbolic links are set up correctly and there is enough space in $ORACLE_HOME to install the distribution, ignore the Installer warnings regarding insufficient space. Make sure the linked directories have read and write permissions for oracle. Swap Space The swap space on the disk should be two to four times the physical RAM. If the UNIX system uses swap space for relinking, you probably need to increase the size of the swap space. If you run out of swap space during the relinking of product executables, the Installer returns an error message and aborts the session. Navigating in the Installer in Character Mode You have the option to run the Installer in character mode. You must use the keyboard to navigate through the windows and screens displayed during an installation. Figure B – 1 shows an example Installer screen in character mode. Oracle Installer Information B–3 Figure B – 1 Character-Mode Installer Screen Navigation Keys Use these keys to navigate through Installer screens: [Return] invokes an action and proceeds to the next screen [Space Bar] selects or deselects an item from a list [Tab] progresses from field to field within the screen [Arrow Keys] move horizontally or vertically through a list or menu For example, to select the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option in Figure B – 1: 1. Press [Tab] until the cursor moves to the list of options. 2. Press [Down Arrow] to move to the Create/Upgrade Database Objects option. 3. Press [Space Bar] to select the option. 4. Press [Return]. Commands and Buttons Installer screens include the following buttons: B–4 Back moves you to a previous input screen Cancel exits the Installer session Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations invokes the Installer help system Help The following buttons are available only at the Software Asset Manager screen: From displays a file browsing window to facilitate finding required product files Options displays advanced options available to the user View Log displays installation log viewing options (you can specify the log file to be viewed and the level of detail) Note: The Cancel Button is labeled Exit in the Software Asset Manager screen. Using the Installer in Silent Mode If you are performing multiple installations that are identical or similar to each other, you may want to run the Installer in silent mode after the initial installation. Do this by creating a response file, then using the response file to provide answers to Installer prompts in subsequent installations. To use the Installer in silent mode (examples show running the Installer under Motif): 1. Run the Installer for the initial installation, recording your answers to prompts in a response file. $ ./orainst /m /rspdest filename Where filename is the full pathname of the response file where the Installer will record your answers. Be sure to specify a directory where you have write permission. 2. Edit the response file, changing any necessary values (for example, pathnames, mount points, ORACLE_SID, etc.). Use any UNIX text editor. 3. Invoke the Installer, specifying the response file and products to install. $ ./orainst /m /respsrc filename /install products /silent \ Where: Oracle Installer Information B–5 filename is the full pathname of the response file you created in a previous installation. products is a comma-separated (no spaces) list of products to install. Available products and the product names to use in the command line are available in the unix.prd file in your staging area directory. Following is an example of the commands to invoke the Installer and create a response file, then use that response file in a subsequent installation. The products specified for installation are the Oracle7 Server, Server Manager (Motif mode), and Oracle Names Server. $ ./orainst /m /rspdest resp_732 $ ./orainst /m /respsrc resp_732 /install \ rdbms,svrmgrm,NAMES /silent ☞ Attention: Only use silent mode to install the same products you installed during the initial installation, or a subset of them. Installer Help System You can invoke Installer online help with the Help button in either Motif or character mode. When you select the Help button, the Installer invokes a browser (included with the distribution) and displays help text. When running the Installer under Motif, you can either close the browser or leave it open to the help text when you return to the Installer window. When running in character mode, you must quit the browser after you finish reading the help text; the Installer is suspended until the browser is terminated. Note: In character mode, you cannot view diagrams or images. The Help System browsers can be installed independently of the Installer and used for viewing online documentation. B–6 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Figure B – 2 Installer Online Help (Motif Mode) Figure B – 3 Installer Online Help (Character Mode) Oracle Installer Information B–7 Relinking Error Messages The system can display the following errors during relinking. Message: sh: Action: Operating system program (make) not available: install it or put it in $PATH. Message: sh: Action: Operating system program (cc) not available: install it or put it in $PATH. Message: ld: fatal error: library not found: library_name Action: Operating system library not loaded: library_name indicates the name of the library you must install. Message: ld: archive out of date for libxxx.a Action: Run the ranlib utility on the library. make: Not found sh (echodo): cc: Not found Undefined Symbols Many relinking errors are caused by undefined symbols. Symbols may be undefined when SQL*Net network protocol adapters are installed without the correct underlying network protocol. For instance, putmesg and getmesg undefined symbols occur if you install the Oracle SPX/IPX Protocol Adapter, but do not have SPX/IPX installed. See Also: Appendix A, “UNIX Messages”, in the Oracle7 Administrator’s Reference for UNIX, if you receive an ORA–nnn message during installation. B–8 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Index Symbols B .rhosts, Oracle Parallel Server file, 3 – 27 *, for password, 3 – 8 /etc/hosts.equiv, Oracle Parallel Server file, 3 – 27 bin directory, creating local, 3 – 16 browser, B – 6 bufpages parameter, number of static buffer pages, 3 – 4 A C Ada, installing SQL*Module, 4 – 16 add redo log files, Oracle Parallel Server, 7 – 6 ALTER DATABASE, upgrading, 6 – 14 ALTER USER command, 8 – 3 ANALYZE command, managing indexes, 8 – 5 ansi, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 ANSI/ISO standards, compliance, 8 – 4 asterisk, for password, 3 – 8 asynchronous disk writes, 3 – 7 asynchronous I/O, 1 – 33 at386, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 automatic startup and shutdown, 5 – 7 Available Products window, Product Installation screen, 7 – 3 avx3, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 C, installing SQL*Module, 4 – 16 C compiler, 1 – 32 CD–ROM installing from, 4 – 9 installing in staging area, 1 – 10 checklist for installation, 2 – 18 client shared library, 1 – 12 client/server configuring, 1 – 3 setting environment variable, 3 – 19 clntsh.mk, 1 – 12 command, ipcs, 3 – 3 common user environment, creating, 3 – 16 concurrent processes, limitations, 1 – 31 configuration, planning for site, 1 – 29 CONNECT INTERNAL operator password, 4 – 14 Server Manager, 4 – 14 CONSTRAINTS, integrity constraints, 8 – 4 control files default location, 6 – 14 Installer prompt, 4 – 14 Index – 1 setting location, 2 – 8 CONTROL_FILES parameter, upgrading, 6 – 11 conventions used, ii converting, a database to Oracle Parallel Server, 7 – 1 coraenv, 5 – 12 coraenv script, creating common user environment, 3 – 16 CREATE commands CREATE TABLE, constraint identifier, 8 – 4 CREATE USER, 8 – 3 create dba login, GCOS field, 5 – 3 Create Product’s DB Objects, DB Action screen, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 CREATE USER command, 8 – 3 creating DBA login, 5 – 3 Oracle Server user login, 5 – 4 customized files, during upgrade or migrate, 8 – 12 D database links, 8 – 4 security and integrity, 5 – 5 updating link names, 8 – 4 upgrading objects, 6 – 12 database administrator, creating login for, 5 – 3 database file, setting location and size, 2 – 10 database space, requirements for installation, 1 – 15 DB Action screen Create Product’s DB Objects, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 Upgrade Product’s Existing DB Objects, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 db_block_size limitation, 1 – 33 dba group, creating for Oracle Parallel Server, 3 – 26 DBA privilege, migration utility, 8 – 3 dbc_max_pct parameter, maximum dynamic buffer size, 3 – 5 Index – 2 dbc_min_pct parameter, minimum dynamic buffer size, 3 – 5 dbshut, and HP–UX 10.0x, 5 – 7 dbstart, and HP–UX 10.0x, 5 – 7 de–install, existing release, 6 – 18 default or custom installation, selecting, 2 – 3 deinstall utility, syntax, 8 – 13 dependencies, SQL*Net V2, 1 – 21 device driver, raw disk partition, 2 – 11 dgd2, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 dgd4, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 disk space insufficient space, B – 2 requirements by product, 1 – 24 requirements for installation, 1 – 15 documentation See also online documentation install online, 2 – 7 installing without products, 1 – 8, 1 – 10 manuals for current release, 1 – 10 setting location variable, 3 – 19 viewers, B – 6 E Enterprise Backup Utility description, 1 – 11 post–installation steps, 5 – 17 pre–installation steps, 3 – 22 environment, creating common user, 3 – 16 environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 3 – 18 mandatory, 3 – 14 NLS_LANG, A – 3 ORACLE_BASE, 3 – 18 ORACLE_DOC, 3 – 19 ORACLE_HOME, 3 – 15 ORACLE_PATH, 3 – 19 ORACLE_SID, 3 – 15 ORACLE_TERM, 3 – 15 PATH, 3 – 16 TMPDIR, 3 – 19 TWO_TASK, 3 – 19 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations /etc/group file creating OSOPER group, 3 – 8 example code, 3 – 8 European Security Evaluation Criteria, complying with, 5 – 5 example code, /etc/group file, 3 – 8 execute permission, setting, 3 – 12 Export/Import utilities, for upgrading or migration, 8 – 2 F file, trace files default names, 1 – 36 file.list, upgrading, 6 – 13, 6 – 14 files control, 2 – 8 database location and size, 2 – 10 redo log, 2 – 9 tuning parameters, 5 – 20 fs_ async parameter, asynchronous disk writes, 3–7 G GCOS field, BSD finger command, 5 – 3 GRANT command, V6 to V7 incompatibilities, 8–3 groups, creating for Oracle Parallel Server, 3 – 26 H hard file limit per process, setting number, 3–5 hardware, raw disk partition, 2 – 11 hardware requirements for installing Oracle 7, 1 – 15 for installing Oracle Tools, 1 – 15 hft/hftc, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 HP software requirements Oracle, 1 – 17 Parallel Server, 1 – 18 HP utility, asynchronous I/O, 1 – 33 hpterm, Installer function keys, 3 – 15 I I/O limit, 1 – 33 IBM 3151, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 indexes, managing, VALIDATE INDEX, 8 – 5 init.ora file, limit to concurrent processes, 1 – 31 initialization parameters, tuning, 5 – 20 install, online documentation, 2 – 7 Install Actions screen Install/Upgrade Software Only, 6 – 18 Software/Database Maintenance, 7 – 3 Upgrade Existing Database Objects, 6 – 12 installation checklist, 2 – 18 client/server, 1 – 3 configurations, 1 – 3 decisions, 2 – 1 environment variables for, 3 – 14 final confirmation, 4 – 16 multiple, 4 – 9 Oracle Parallel Server, 2 – 14 patches, 5 – 3 pre–installation tasks, 3 – 1 prompts for Oracle Server Manager, 4 – 16 setting number of instances, 4 – 15 staging area, 4 – 9 summary graphic, 1 – 2 using the Installer, B – 1 installation activity, selecting, 2 – 4 installation media, Oracle7 server, 1 – 32 Installer answering prompts, 4 – 7 buttons, B – 4 commands, B – 4 control files, 4 – 14 Create Product’s DB Objects, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 environment variables for, 3 – 14 final prompt, 4 – 16 general recovery, B – 2 navigating, B – 3 non–interactive mode, 4 – 6 online help, B – 6 Index – 3 redo log files. See redo log files refresh screen, B – 2 relinking SQL*Net products, 5 – 18 response files, B – 5 running from OpenWindows cmdtool, B – 2 running from OpenWindows shelltool, B – 2 silent mode, 4 – 6, B – 5 starting, 4 – 4 troubleshooting, B – 2 Upgrade Product’s Existing DB Objects, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 Installer function keys ansi, 3 – 15 at386, 3 – 15 avx3, 3 – 15 dgd2, 3 – 15 dgd4, 3 – 15 hft/hftc, 3 – 15 hpterm, 3 – 15 IBM 3151, 3 – 16 iris, 3 – 16 ncd220, 3 – 16 sun, 3 – 16 sun5, 3 – 16 tandem, 3 – 16 vt100, 3 – 16 vt220, 3 – 16 wyse, 3 – 16 xsun, 3 – 16 xsun5, 3 – 16 Installer screen, Installed Products, 6 – 18 instances multiple, 5 – 12 naming, 2 – 13 single, 5 – 12 integrity constraints SQL scripts, 8 – 4 using, 8 – 5 interfaces, Motif requirements, 1 – 17 ipcs command, checking shared memory, 3 – 3 iris, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 ITSEC, security evaluation, 5 – 5 Index – 4 K kernel parameters, setting, 3 – 3 L LD_LIBRARY_PATH, setting, 3 – 18 libclnt.so shared library, 1 – 12 libclntsh.sl, 1 – 12 library path, setting, 3 – 18 linking, single–task programs, 1 – 32 links, updating link names, 8 – 4 local bin directory, creating, 3 – 16 log, setting redo log, 2 – 9 log in as oracle software owner, 3 – 11 as root, 3 – 2 log out, as root, 3 – 10 logical volumes, 2 – 11 login, for database administrator, 5 – 3 M maxfiles parameter, soft flle limit per process, 3–5 maxfiles_lim parameter, hard flle limit per process, 3 – 5 maximum dynamic buffer cache, setting size, 3–5 maximum number of file locks available, setting limit, 3 – 6 maximum number of open files, setting limit, 3–6 maximum number of processes, setting limit, 3–6 maximum number of pseudo ttys, setting limit, 3–6 maxusers parameter, value of MAXUSERS macro, 3 – 5 memory requirements by product, 1 – 24 requirements for installation, 1 – 15 swap space restrictions, 1 – 35 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations migrating restrictions, 1 – 30 using Export/Import utilities, 8 – 2 minimum dynamic buffer cache, setting size, 3–5 Multilingual Option. See National Language Support N National Language Support 7–bit character sets, A – 8 8–bit character sets, A – 9 character sets, A – 2 client/server environments, A – 2 languages, A – 2 multi–byte character sets, A – 10 non–supported products, A – 12 overview, A – 2 product translations, A – 11 territories, A – 2 user–specifiable parameters, A – 5 ncd220, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 NCSC C2, U.S. security evaluation, 5 – 5 Network Manager, only for Microsoft Windows, 1 – 21 newfile.list, upgrading, 6 – 15 nfile parameter maximum number of file locks, 3 – 6 maximum number of simultaneously open files, 3 – 6 NLS. See National Language Support NLS_LANG, setting, A – 3 non–interactive mode, 4 – 6 nproc parameter, maximum number of processes, 3 – 6 npty parameter, maximum number of pseudo ttys, 3 – 6 O o_sync_is_o_dysnc parameter, value for Oracle 7.3, 3 – 6 obsolete features, migration utility, 1 – 14 OFA (see Optimal Flexible Architecture), 1 – 8 online documentation installing without products, 1 – 8, 1 – 10 memory requirements, 1 – 28 viewing, B – 6 online help, Installer, B – 6 oper group, creating, 3 – 8 operating system requirements, Oracle, 1 – 16 operator, password, 4 – 14 Optimal Flexible Architecture, 1 – 8 Oracle additional software requirements, 1 – 17 operating system requirements, 1 – 16 Oracle Call Interface (OCI), shared library, 1 – 12 Oracle compilers, virtual memory requirements, 1 – 27 Oracle ConText Option, setting initialization parameters, 5 – 19 Oracle database administrator, creating login for. See database administrator Oracle interfaces Pro*Ada, 5 – 13 Pro*C, 5 – 13 Pro*COBOL, 5 – 13 Pro*FORTRAN, 5 – 13 SQL*Module for C, 5 – 13 Oracle Names Server post–install tasks, 5 – 16 requirements, 1 – 21 Oracle Options, requirements, 1 – 23 Oracle Parallel Server add redo log files, 7 – 6 add rollback segments, 7 – 7 assigning log file unique group number, 7 – 6 Available Products window, 7 – 3 configuring DLM lock and resources, 2 – 15 converting a database to. See converting to Oracle Parallel Server copy ORACLE_HOMEE to remote nodes, 7–5 create oracle software owner. See Parallel Server installation create ORACLE_HOME. See parallel server Index – 5 create ORACLE_HOME on remote nodes, 7–4 Distributed Lock Manager, 3 – 25 edit configuration files, 7 – 8 enable new log files, 7 – 6 file permissions. See Parallel Server finding group numbers used, 7 – 6 hardware requirements, 1 – 16 installing, 2 – 14 naming instances, 4 – 15 pre–installation, 3 – 25 rcp command, 3 – 25 redo thread, 7 – 6 requirements, 2 – 14 rootpre.sh on remote nodes, 7 – 5 set up equivalence. See parallel server setting number of instances, 4 – 15 software requirements, 1 – 17 start numbering new groups, 7 – 6 start up instances, 7 – 9 upgrading, 6 – 3 Oracle precompilers, upgrading, 6 – 7 Oracle Server Manager, installing, 4 – 16 Oracle Server user, creating login. See creating login oracle software owner creating account, 3 – 9 log in as, 3 – 11 naming, 2 – 12 Oracle Parallel Server requirements. See Parallel Server Oracle Tools hardware requirements for, installing, 1 – 15 PL/SQL, 5 – 13 post–install tasks, 5 – 13 SQL*Plus, 5 – 13 Oracle Worldwide Technical Support, v how to contact in Europe, v how to contact in U.S.A., v Oracle*XA, shared library, 1 – 12 ORACLE_BASE, setting, 3 – 18 ORACLE_DOC, setting, 3 – 19 ORACLE_HOME create directory in Oracle Parallel Server, 3 – 26 setting, 3 – 15 Index – 6 ORACLE_PATH, setting, 3 – 19 ORACLE_SID setting, 2 – 13, 3 – 15 upgrading, 6 – 12 ORACLE_TERM, setting, 3 – 15 ORACLE7 shutting down with HP–UX 10.20, 5 – 7 starting the database with HP–UX 10.20, 5–7 Oracle7, hardware and software requirements, 1 – 15 Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility. See Enterprise Backup Utility Oracle7 Server, naming instances, 2 – 13 oraenv, 5 – 12 oraenv script, creating common user environment. See (c)oraenv oratab file edit, 5 – 6 post–install tasks, 5 – 6 OSOPER group, creating, 3 – 8 owner creating oracle software owner account, 3 – 9 naming for oracle software, 2 – 12 P Parallel Server See also Oracle Parallel Server additional software requirements, 1 – 18 converting a database to, 7 – 1 parameter, RECORDLENGTH, 8 – 11 password, migration, 1 – 31 patches, when to install, 5 – 3 PATH, setting, 3 – 16 permissions, setting with umask, 3 – 12 PL/SQL Oracle Tools, 5 – 13 Oracle*XA, 1 – 19 requirements, 1 – 19 post–install tasks BSD finger(1) command, 5 – 3 create additional DBA accounts, 5 – 3 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations create Oracle7 Server user accounts, 5 – 4 edit oratab file, 5 – 6 Oracle Names Server, 5 – 16 Oracle Tools, 5 – 13 patches, 5 – 3 running root.sh, 5 – 2, 7 – 5 SQL*Net V2 products. See Oracle Protocol Adapter verify database security and integrity, 5 – 5 pre–install tasks Oracle Parallel Server, 3 – 25 source startup file, 3 – 21 precompiler, requirements, 1 – 20 precompiler products, virtual memory requirements, 1 – 26 Pro*C directory structure, 6 – 7 Oracle interfaces, 5 – 13 shared library, 1 – 12 upgrading, 6 – 7 Pro*COBOL executable name changed, 6 – 8 Oracle interface, 5 – 13 requirements, 1 – 20 upgrading, 6 – 7 Pro*FORTRAN executable name changed, 6 – 8 Oracle interfaces, 5 – 13 requirements, 1 – 20 upgrading, 6 – 8 process, limit to number of, 1 – 31 process limit, 1 – 31 Product Installation screen, Available Products window, 7 – 3 R raw disk partition, description, 2 – 11 RBS file, setting location and size, 2 – 10 read permission, setting, 3 – 12 RECORDLENGTH parameter, default value, 8 – 11 redo log defaults, 4 – 14 Installer prompt. See Installer setting location and size, 2 – 9 redo thread, Oracle Parallel Server, 7 – 6 refresh screen, Oracle Installer, B – 2 relinking, 3 – 23 automatic, 4 – 10 error messages, B – 8 manually, 5 – 18 RENAME FILE, use option when upgrading, 6 – 14 requirements for ORACLE CPU, 1 – 15, 1 – 16 memory, 1 – 16 tape device, 1 – 15, 1 – 16 terminal, 1 – 15, 1 – 16 Toolkit/Motif Applications, 1 – 15, 1 – 16 for Oracle HP C compiler, 1 – 17, 1 – 18 HP C/ANSI compiler, 1 – 17 HP Portable File System, 1 – 17 operating system, 1 – 16, 1 – 17 for Parallel Server, interconnect, 1 – 16 hardware, 1 – 15 Oracle Options, 1 – 23 precompilers, 1 – 20 software, 1 – 16, 1 – 17, 1 – 18 SQL*Net products, 1 – 20 SQL*Net V2 LU6.2, 1 – 21 Oracle SNMP, 1 – 21 user interface, 1 – 17 reserved words, new, 8 – 3 rlogin, check for user equivalence, 3 – 25 root log in as, 3 – 2 log out as, 3 – 10 root.sh, 6 – 21 and oraenv (coraenv), 3 – 10 root.sh script, running, 5 – 2, 7 – 5 Index – 7 rootpre.sh, Oracle Parallel Server remote nodes, 7 – 5 ROWLABEL, 8 – 3 S script coraenv, 3 – 16 oraenv, 3 – 16 rootpre.sh, 7 – 5 scripts root.sh, 5 – 2, 7 – 5 .sql, 5 – 6 security, operator password, 4 – 14 semaphore sets, maximum, 3 – 4 semaphores, maximum, 3 – 4 SEMMNI parameter, maximum semaphor sets, 3–4 SEMMNS parameter, number of semaphores, 3–4 server, naming Oracle7 Instances, 2 – 13 Server Manager CONNECT INTERNAL, 4 – 14 requirements, 1 – 19 shut down database, 7 – 3 starting, 1 – 12 setuid, to link single–task programs, 1 – 32 SGA, linking single–task programs, 1 – 32 Shared Library, Oracle*XA, OCI, and Pro*C, 1 – 12 shared library support, 1 – 12 shared memory configuring, 3 – 3 memory locking, 3 – 7 maximum, 3 – 3 maximum segments per process, 3 – 4 setting number of identifiers, 3 – 4 shared memory segment, segment size, 3 – 3 SHARED_POOL_SIZE, 5 – 19 SHMMAX parameter, maximum shared memory, 3 – 3 SHMMNI parameter, number of shared memory identifiers, 3 – 4 Index – 8 SHMSEG parameter, maximum segments per process, 3 – 4 SID, definition, 3 – 15 sid, setting, 2 – 13 silent mode, 4 – 6 site configuration, planning, 1 – 29 soft file limit per process, setting number, 3 – 5 software requirements, for installing Oracle7, 1 – 15 source, installing in staging area, 1 – 10 sourcing, startup file, 3 – 21 Spatial Data option, description, 1 – 11 spool files, setting path, 3 – 19 SPX/IPX Protocol Adapter, requirements, 1 – 21 SQL script, location of, 5 – 6 SQL*DBA no longer supported, 1 – 12 shut down database, 7 – 3 shut down existing database, 6 – 4 SQL*Module installing for Ada, 4 – 16 installing for C, 4 – 16 SQL*Module for C Oracle interface, 5 – 13 requirements, 1 – 20 SQL*Net migrating V1 to V2, 1 – 11 requirements, 1 – 21 SQL*Net products, requirements, 1 – 20 SQL*Net V2 LU6.2, requirements, 1 – 21 Names Server post–install tasks. See Oracle Names Server Oracle SNMP, requirements, 1 – 21 post–install tasks. See Oracle Protocol Adapter product dependencies, 1 – 21 SQL*Net V2 products, post–install tasks, general. See Oracle Protocol Adapter SQL*Plus Oracle Tools, 5 – 13 requirements, 1 – 19 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations staging area installing from, 4 – 9 permanent, 2 – 5 temporary, 2 – 5 STARTUP command, 8 – 4 startup file, sourcing, 3 – 21 static buffer pages, setting number, 3 – 4 sun, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 sun5, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 swap space requirements for installation, 1 – 15 restriction, 1 – 35 troubleshooting Oracle Installer, B – 3 symbolic links Installer restrictions, B – 3 upgrading restriction, 6 – 5 SYS user, setting password, 4 – 13 SYSTEM file, setting location and size, 2 – 10 System Global Area (SGA), setting shared memory, 3 – 3 system identifier, definition, 3 – 15 system resource allocation, setting limit, 3 – 5 SYSTEM user, setting password, 4 – 13 T tablespaces, quotas, 8 – 3 tandem, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 tape, installing from, 4 – 9 TCP/IP Protocol Adapter, requirements, 1 – 21 TEMP file, setting location and size, 2 – 10 TEXT_ENABLE, 5 – 19 TMPDIR, setting, 3 – 19 TMPDIR environment variable, setting, 3 – 19 TNS listener, setting password, 4 – 14 TOOLS file, setting location and size, 2 – 10 trace files, 1 – 36 translate o_sync to o_dsync, 3 – 6 TWO_TASK, setting, 3 – 19, 5 – 15 U umask, setting permissions, 3 – 12 unique group numbers, for Oracle Parallel Server, 7 – 6 unique indexes, using, 8 – 5 UNIX messages, B – 8 Upgrade Existing Database Objects, Install Options Screen, 6 – 12 Upgrade Product’s Existing DB Objects, DB Action screen, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 upgrading $ORACLE_HOME, 6 – 8 add redo log files, 7 – 6 add rollback segments, 7 – 7 ALTER DATABASE, 6 – 14 and corrupt database files, 6 – 13 back up existing database, 6 – 4 CONTROL_FILES parameter, 6 – 11 converting database to Oracle Parallel Server, 7 – 1 copy initsid.ora file, 6 – 11 Create Product’s DB Objects, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 database objects, 6 – 12, 6 – 19 de–install existing release, 6 – 18 de–install products, 6 – 18 edit configuration files, 7 – 8 edit CONTROL_FILES parameter, 6 – 14 edit initsid.ora file, 6 – 11 enable new log files, 7 – 6 existing products, 6 – 13 file.list, 6 – 13, 6 – 14 from release 7.3.2, 1 – 30 init.ora file default location, 6 – 11 install new products, 6 – 19 install new release, 6 – 18 Install/Upgrade Software Only, 6 – 18 installing new products, 6 – 13 installing new release, 6 – 10 newfile.list, 6 – 15 open database, 6 – 14 Oracle Parallel Server, 6 – 3 Oracle Parallel Server option, 7 – 3 Index – 9 Oracle precompilers, 6 – 7 ORACLE_SID, 6 – 12, 6 – 19 Pro*Ada, 6 – 7 Pro*C, 6 – 7 Pro*C V2, 6 – 7 Pro*COBOL, 6 – 7 Pro*FORTRAN, 6 – 8 redo thread, 7 – 6 relocating database files, 6 – 13 removing database files, 6 – 15 RENAME FILE option, 6 – 14 same $ORACLE_HOME, 6 – 1, 6 – 18 select Parallel Server option, 7 – 3 separate $ORACLE_HOME, 6 – 1, 6 – 10 shut down database, 7 – 3 start numbering new groups, 7 – 6 start up instances, 7 – 9 symbolic links, 6 – 5 Upgrade Product’s Existing DB Objects, 6 – 13, 6 – 19 upgrading and migration, using Import/Export utilities, 8 – 2 upgrading or migrating, saving customized files, 8 – 12 user, creating common environment for, 3 – 16 user equivalence, check for, 3 – 25 USERS file, setting location and size, 2 – 10 V VALIDATE INDEX command, managing indexes, 8 – 5 virtual memory requirements estimating, 1 – 24 for precompilers, 1 – 26 Oracle compilers, 1 – 27 vt100, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 vt220, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 W Window Manager, requirements for installation, 1 – 17 write permission, denying, 3 – 12 wyse, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 X X11 server, requirements for installation, 1 – 17 xsun, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 xsun5, Installer function keys, 3 – 16 Index – 10 Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Reader’s Comment Form Oracle7 Installation Guide for HP 9000 Servers and Workstations Release 7.3.4 for HP–UX 11.0, Part No. A59481–01 Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this publication. 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