Documentation Catalog Database Products: ORACLE REFERENCE 47 A2 10UR 02 DPS7000/XTA NOVASCALE 7000 ORACLE 7 DPS7000/XTA NOVASCALE 7000 ORACLE 7 Documentation Catalog Database Products: ORACLE November 1995 BULL CEDOC 357 AVENUE PATTON B.P.20845 49008 ANGERS CEDEX 01 FRANCE REFERENCE 47 A2 10UR 02 The following copyright notice protects this book under Copyright laws which prohibit such actions as, but not limited to, copying, distributing, modifying, and making derivative works. Copyright Bull SAS 1993, 1995 Printed in France Suggestions and criticisms concerning the form, content, and presentation of this book are invited. A form is provided at the end of this book for this purpose. To order additional copies of this book or other Bull Technical Publications, you are invited to use the Ordering Form also provided at the end of this book. Trademarks and Acknowledgements We acknowledge the right of proprietors of trademarks mentioned in this book. Intel® and Itanium® are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Windows® and Microsoft® software are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX® is a registered trademark in the United States of America and other countries licensed exclusively through the Open Group. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bull will not be liable for errors contained herein, or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this material. | | ___ | | ___ Preface SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES This catalog describes the complete set of ORACLE7 technical documents that GCOS 7 users can order directly from BULL. These documents fall into two distinct categories: • the 47 series (GCOS 7 specific) • the 86 series (general) This catalog identifies each document by title and BULL reference number, and gives a brief description of each. The generic ORACLE books are grouped by product. Simple block diagrams summarize each product's manual set and illustrate how the various books are related. INTENDED READERS This catalog will be helpful to anyone concerned with using the ORACLE7 Relational Database Management System under the BULL GCOS 7 operating system. Change bars in the margin indicate differences between this version of the manual and the previous version. 47 A2 10UR Rev02 iii ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog iv 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ Table of Contents 1. GCOS 7 - Specific Documents ..............................1-1 2. ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents ..........2-1 2.1 ORACLE7 SERVER...........................................................2-1 2.2 SQL LANGUAGE AND PL/SQL ........................................2-5 2.3 PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES......................................2-7 2.4 SQL*PLUS .........................................................................2-9 2.5 SQL*REPORT (RPT/RPF) ...............................................2-11 2.6 SQL*NET V2 ....................................................................2-13 47 A2 10UR Rev02 v ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog vi 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ Table of Contents Illustrations Figures 1-1 GCOS 7 - Specific Documentation Set...............................1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 ORACLE7 Server Documentation Set................................2-2 SQL Language Manuals .....................................................2-5 Programmatic Interfaces Documentation Set.....................2-7 SQL*Plus 3.1 Documentation Set ......................................2-9 SQL*Report Documentation Set.......................................2-11 47 A2 10UR Rev02 vii ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog viii 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ 1. GCOS 7 - Specific Documents This is a set of six manuals that explain how GCOS 7 interfaces with ORACLE. O RACLE7 In sta lla tio n G u id e O R A C L E 7 G u id e to P ro ce sso rs a n d U tilitie s S Q L *N e t V 1 w ith O RACLE7 U se r's G u id e S Q L *N e t V 2 w ith G COS 7 U se r's G u id e O R A C L E 7 /T D S U se r's G u id e O RACLE7 D o cu m e n ta tio n C a ta lo g Figure 1-1. GCOS 7 - Specific Documentation Set 47 A2 10UR Rev02 1-1 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 47 A2 10UR ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog (This catalog.) A guide to all ORACLE manuals of interest to the GCOS 7 user. 47 A2 11UR ORACLE7 Installation Guide A rapid overview of ORACLE7, with instructions on how to install and use it on DPS 7000 systems under GCOS 7. 47 A2 12UR ORACLE7 Guide to Processors and Utilities How to call ORACLE7 processors and utilities under GCOS 7, with a description of each. 47 A2 13UR SQL*Net V1 With ORACLE7 User's Guide How to use the SQL*Net V1 facilities with ORACLE7 under GCOS 7 and from a personal computer under MS-DOS. 47 A2 14UR ORACLE7/TDS User's Guide How to use ORACLE databases with TDS applications; preparing and executing ORACLE/TDS applications; special features of Pro*COBOL. 47 A2 17UR SQL*Net V2 with GCOS 7 User's Guide How to use the SQL*Net V2 facilities with ORACLE7 under GCOS 7. 1-2 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ 2. ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents This is a set of 21 manuals that describe the generic ORACLE products. These manuals are grouped below by product. 2.1 ORACLE7 SERVER The ORACLE Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) includes the database manager and several features that assist users and database administrators (DBAs) in maintaining, monitoring, and manipulating data on a variety of platforms. The ORACLE RDBMS includes a complete implementation of SQL, the ISO- and ANSI-standard language for RDBMSs. Refer to the GCOS 7 specific documentation (Section 1) for information on installing and running the ORACLE7 database on a DPS 7000. The seven manuals described here treat general RDBMS topics and related utilities. 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-1 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog General RDBMS and Utilities Information O R AC L E7 S erv er C o ncepts M anual O R A C LE 7 S erv er A dm inistrator's G uide O R A C LE 7 S erv er M igration G uide O R A C L E7 S erv er A ddendum R ele ase 7.1 O R A C LE 7 S erv er M essages and C odes O R A C LE 7 S erv er U tilities U ser's G uide O R A C LE 7 S erv er A pplication D ev eloper's G uid e Figure 2-1. ORACLE7 Server Documentation Set 2-2 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents 86 A2 40PE ORACLE7 Server Concepts Manual This manual describes all features of the ORACLE7 Server. It provides information about the base ORACLE Server product and the special options, including the procedural option, the distributed option. 86 A2 41PE ORACLE7 Server Administrator's Guide This guide describes how to manage the ORACLE7 Server. An in-depth conceptual and functional description of the ORACLE7 RDBMS, via narrative, illustrations, examples, and a glossary. Intended for DBAs and system administrators, it may also be useful to applications designers. 86 A2 70CR ORACLE7 Server Addendum Release 7.1 This addendum describes the improvements and new features available with ORACLE7 release 7.1. 86 A2 42PE ORACLE7 Server Developer's Guide Application For DBAs and applications designers; expands on the concepts described in the ORACLE Database Administrator's Guide with emphasis on tuning, PL/SQL, data integrity, procedures and packages and a description of the performance diagnostic tools. 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-3 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 86 A2 65PE ORACLE7 Server Utilities User's Guide Detailed explanations, including numerous examples, of ORACLE utilities and how to use them. Covers Export and Import, SQL*DBA, and SQL*Loader; includes error messages specific to these utilities. 86 A2 66PE ORACLE7 Server Messages and Codes A list of error messages specific to the ORACLE7 Server, together with explanations and suggested actions. ORACLE product-specific error messages are contained in the manual which describes that product. (GCOS 7 specific error messages are given in Messages and Return Codes Directory, 47 A2 10UJ.) 86 A2 46PE ORACLE7 Server Migration Guide Detailed explanations about the migration process of an earlier ORACLE database version, together with user application migration. 2-4 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents 2.2 SQL LANGUAGE AND PL/SQL The SQL language is the ISO- and ANSI-standard language for relational database management systems. The ORACLE RDBMS includes a complete implementation of SQL. PL/SQL is an extension of SQL that combines the data manipulation features of SQL with the data processing power and sophistication of procedural languages. Two manuals are devoted to the SQL language itself and two manuals describe the PL/SQL extension: SQL Language Manuals O R A C LE 7 S erv er S Q L Languag e R eference M anual P L/SQ L U ser's G uide and R eference O R A C LE 7 S erv er S Q L Language Q uick R eference P L/S Q L R elease 2.1 and P recom piler 1.6 A ddendu m Figure 2-2. SQL Language Manuals 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-5 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 86 A2 43PE ORACLE7 Server Reference Manual SQL Language A complete description of SQL, together with an overview of relational theory and the history of SQL. Modular in format, with detailed descriptions of all SQL elements and how to use them. Includes ORACLE data dictionary tables, a summary of SQL syntax, and a glossary. 86 A2 47CR ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Quick Reference A brief description of the key features of the SQL language, including SQL DML and DDL syntax, SQL operators, functions, and pseudo-columns, reserved words, and data dictionary views. 86 A2 76SW PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference A complete description of PL/SQL for the applications programmer. Explains the concepts behind PL/SQL and shows how to develop PL/SQL applications. Includes sample PL/SQL blocks to help you develop your own applications. For ORACLE7, you must have Revision 02 (or later) of this manual. 86 A2 74CR PL/SQL Release 2.1 and Precompiler 1.6 Addendum This addendum describes enhancements offered by PL/SQL release 2.1. 2-6 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents 2.3 PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES Two types of programmatic interface allow applications programmers to write high-level language programs to access data in an ORACLE RDBMS: • The Precompiler Interface translates SQL statements embedded in high-level source code so that it can be compiled and linked into executable code. • The ORACLE Call Interface (OCI) allows high-level language applications to access data in the ORACLE RDBMS by making direct calls to ORACLE subroutines contained in language-specific run-time libraries. These interfaces are described in five manuals: Programmatic Interfaces Documentation Set P rogra m m er's G uid e to the O R AC LE C all Interfa ces Pro*C Precompiler Supplement Pro*Cobol Precompiler Supplement P rogram m e r's G u ide to th e O RA CLE P rec om pilers P L/SQ L R elease 2.1 and P reco m pile r 1.6 Add endum Figure 2-3. Programmatic Interfaces Documentation Set 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-7 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 86 A2 77CR Programmer's Guide to the ORACLE Precompilers For use with the language-specific supplements noted below. Contains an overall description of the interface for each language. Explains transactions, error detection and recovery, and advanced programming techniques. 86 A2 74CR PL/SQL Release 2.1 and Precompiler 1.6 Addendum This addendum describes enhancements offered by the ORACLE Precompilers release 1.6. 86 A2 15SL Programmer's Guide to the ORACLE Call Interfaces How to use the ORACLE Call Interface for C and COBOL. Deals with transactions, error detection and recovery, and advanced programming techniques. For ORACLE7, you must have Revision 03 (or later) of this manual. 86 A2 79CR Pro*COBOL Supplement A separate supplement to the Programmer's Guide to the ORACLE Precompilers specific to COBOL. 86 A2 78CR Pro*C A separate supplement to the Programmer's Guide to the ORACLE Precompilers specific to C language. 2-8 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents 2.4 SQL*PLUS SQL*Plus is a tool for executing ad-hoc SQL statements to create, store, modify, manage, retrieve, print, format, and maintain information in an ORACLE database. The command language is easy to use but powerful enough to serve experienced as well as new users. Two manuals deal with SQL*Plus: S Q L*P lus 3.1 D ocum entation S et S Q L*P lus Q uic k R eferenc e S Q L*P lus U ser's G uide and R eference Figure 2-4. SQL*Plus 3.1 Documentation Set 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-9 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 86 A2 90CR SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference How to use SQL*Plus to create, access, update, print, and manage information in an ORACLE database. Includes detailed descriptions of SQL*Plus commands in reference format. 86 A2 30PE SQL*Plus Quick Reference A list of all SQL*Plus commands and usages, applicable to all versions of SQL*Plus. For the experienced user. For ORACLE7, you must have Revision 01 (or later) of this manual. 2-10 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents 2.5 SQL*REPORT (RPT/RPF) SQL*Report combines text formatting capabilities with the SQL language query capabilities to enable you to generate a wide variety of documents that can include information derived from ORACLE databases. There are two SQL*Report manuals: S Q L*R eport D ocum entation S et S Q L*R ep ort A ddendum S Q L*R ep ort U ser's G uide Figure 2-5. SQL*Report Documentation Set 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-11 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 86 A2 15SW SQL*Report User's Guide Describes how to use SQL*Report V1.0 by demonstrating the use of RPT (Report Text Generator) and RPF (Report Text Formatter). Syntax and commands are explained through examples and diagrams. 86 A2 15SW ADD A SQL*Report User's Guide Describes V1.1 SQL*Report. 2-12 features and enhancements of 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents 2.6 SQL*NET V2 SQL*Net V2 allows ORACLE tools and applications to access, manipulate, share and store data in ORACLE databases residing on remote servers. SQL*Net enable data access between multiple database servers. Two manuals deal with SQL*Net V2. U nde rstanding S Q L*N et V ersion 2.1 86 A2 85CR O R A C LE N etwork P roducts M essages M anual ORACLE Network Products Messages Manual This manual provides information required to understand and use the problem resolution facilities of the ORACLE Network Products. 86 A2 86CR Understanding SQL*Net Version 2.1 Describes SQL*Net V2.1 including: SQL*Net functionality, architecture of SQL*Net and Using SQL*Net V2.1. 47 A2 10UR Rev02 2-13 ___ ___ | | | | | | ___ | | ___ ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog 2-14 47 A2 10UR Rev02 ___ ___ | | | | Technical publication remarks form Title : DPS7000/XTA NOVASCALE 7000 ORACLE 7 Documentation Catalog Database Products: ORACLE Reference Nº : 47 A2 10UR 02 Date: November 1995 ERRORS IN PUBLICATION SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT TO PUBLICATION Your comments will be promptly investigated by qualified technical personnel and action will be taken as required. If you require a written reply, please include your complete mailing address below. 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