what's up cikal magazine

17/01/2015 18:16:28
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
Dante Tumbelaka, 8B2
The Match day was full of tense, shivers,
and worries. I couldn’t even predict what could
happen during the play. With the other schools
having a large number of team members to
substitute, develop skill, and play the match, I
was rather quite nervous after seeing how big my
opponents are. But nevertheless, this is what we
trained for.
Water Battle ............... 03
“Click Click Click” ...... 16
Puisi ........................... 21
“Fun in the Farm” ........04
A Passion for
Photography .............. 18
More Than Words
Can Say ................... 22
I’m a different
“Recycle for
a future” ...................... 06 girl .............................. 19
Quote ........................ 23
“Paddy Field
Forever'' ...................... 08
Pesta Rakyat 2014...... 20
“Yes! We love
Indonesia” ................. 24
“A Village To
Remember” .............. 10
Movie Review.............. 26
“Borneo, a land of
adventure” ................ 12
Book Review .............. 27
Rocktober” ................ 14
Our preparation and training was quite
harsh, slowly forming us to be familiar with the
deep cold pool and tension. Some of the basic
things we did during practice were “performing”
new techniques, or at least, knowing and
understanding how to do so, how to shoot, long
pass, swim fast, easy ways to take or steal the
ball, etc. it was incredibly tiring, and most of us
always feel a small pinch of pain every time we
have to float for 10 minutes, plus, moving around
and passing the ball without our feet touching
the bottom of the pool.
We have quite a lot of problems as well; the
number of our team members is one of them.
Only a few joined, no more than 11 or 12. Skill
is also included, because some of our newly
recruited men (making it sound like the army)
do not completely cover the basic skill of their
position in the pool. The weird thing is, for me,
and the rest of my team, does not care about it
at all. On every practice there is always laughter
and even some fun and jokes… but deep inside
I know we are going to face a huge challenge.
today. I don’t even know what would happen,
I don’t even know if one of my team members
will be absent or will have a terrible injury. On the
first hour, Cikal will be facing UPH College, and
after that against GJIS. After the break, we will be
facing JIMS. Before the game I led a prayer for my
team, hoping we will try our best and have some
fun, even though they have more players, they
are bigger and stronger than us, but size does
not matter anyways. Cikal Water polo team was
among the first to start and practice the sport, and
we have experience and knowledge on our side,
sort of. Unfortunately, we lost the tournament. The
problems that the team is facing, the number of
players and such, really matters and disrupts the
play. Miscommunication is the main problem that
happened during the matches, some of us don’t
even know who to guard or protect. I missed a lot
of shots and chances. I was utterly disappointed
with what happened, I though I was going to
leave the pool and go home without any pride
of achievement. Until the announcements for the
best players form, they called my name, and I
got the best boys player trophy, some sort of MVP
trophy as some say, Caitlin, my team member
also got a trophy, on best girls player.
Apparently I kind of felt excitement and
happiness, having to become the best boys
player because of the best steals, great shots,
and a clean – fair play. It was all worth it, the
practice and fun, everything.
6th of December 2014. LISCA water polo
tournament started. In the morning I woke up
knowing our challenge starts today, and ends
17/01/2015 18:16:33
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
he learning farm is a place (or kind a school)
for students to learn how to plant things such
as vegetables, fruits, and etc. Students are also
learn how to make and use fertilizers to enhance
plant's growth. When we visited the place, I noticed
that some students there joined the learning farm
because they want to be a farmer. The teachers there
are pretty good. Most of the students were turned
into professionals. Moving on to my experience.
It took about 2 hours to reach the farm. When
we arrived, the place was really cold. We went to our
rooms and after that, we are invited to go to the class.
At the first day, we learned the basics knowledge on
how to plant seeds and how to use related tools such
as hoes, spades, and even a machete for cutting leaves.
Then we finally have our lunch. We were also told to
go our rooms and pray. After that, we continued our
learning routine and now we learn on how to make
MOLs (a type of bacteria which is good for plants).
MOls are made with terasi, yeasts, and water mixed
with hairs from a coconut shell.
“Fun in the Farm”
For a while, we have a free time, everyone was
having fun in the garden. During the next three hours,
we spent our time on mixing animal waste and dirt
for fertilizers. I was a bit disgusted at the first try but
it was actually fine. After that, we put some seedlings
inside a tiny boxed-shaped plastic bag filled with the
finished fertilizer we made. Then we all went back to
our rooms and take a bath. At 6pm, we start dinner
and those who are done with their meal went to the
Gunung Gede (The girl’s building on the villa) and fill
out our journals. Before we slept, we also called our
We starts of day 2 with a good breakfast and
depart from villa to the learning farm class. After the
teacher explained about what we are going to do
today, my group and I learned how to make another
type of fertilizer which consume MOLs, goat waste,
some dead weeds/leafs, and yeasts. All we have to do
to make this fertilizer is to mix all of the things then
let it dry up. After that, we have our snack break and
continue to the next activity. My group went to the
sheep farming area and then see an example of how
a sheep’s waste can be good for plants. We don’t just
let the sheep poop on the plants, we have to mix the
waste with MOLSs and dead leaves to make these
fertilizer (the fertilizer has to be done after a few
weeks inside a container.)
Next, me and my partner Key, teached some
student of the learning farm English by teaching them
how to act in a play of buying and selling. After all of
these activities were done, we finally call our parents.
I told them the activities we’ve all been doing for
the pass 2 days. We then prayed and took a shower.
At night, we have dinner and a little free time in
the villa. But before we go to bed, we have a small
performance night in the backyard for some kind of
small celebration for getting through the learning
We packed our things and prepared our self to go
back to cikal setu. As usual, we start of the day with
breakfast. While the teachers check out, my friends
and I played a ‘spin-the-bottle’ game while we wait.
Then my team and I interviewed two students for
those questions that weren’t answered or things we
still do not understand. When all of our questions
were answered, we did some harvesting and pick up
some plants for us to bring home. We finally go to the
bus and in about 30 minutes, we arrived at our next
destination, Cimori restaurant. We stop for lunch and
bought some souvenirs there. Next we went to the
bus and make our way home.
It’s been fun experiencing the learning farm. I
learned a lot of experience from the trip
17/01/2015 18:16:34
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
also around the fishpond. So it was very dirty
does not has to go around the street and cause
around and I’m afraid that the garbage around
all bad stuff like flood, air pollution and sickness
could affect stuff like sickness if they eat the fish
with the bacteria a garbage has. The garbage will
and also bad air if there were garbage around.
have more use then just creating more and more
We tried to look around the places, so we could
negative impacts, but they could be something
investigate what problem are they having and
more useful like being a toy. The garbage could
try to figure out how we can solve the problem
also be recycled to be something like a bag or a
and come out with a action plan. We also go to
pot that could hold flowers and many other stuff
the house of Ibu kepala desa, and we did some
that could be useful.
action, which were explaining to them how
important recycling is, so that they could get rid
of the garbage around. We explain to them how
to recycle a bottle and make it into a robot toy
where the kids could play with it, so the garbage
“Recycle for
a future”
n 21st of October we go to a fieldtrip to
Cicurug/Sukabumi with the whole year
7. Then we stay at some villas and had
some rest and go through the village. We had a
walk on the village and also around the rice field.
We saw how was the community in that place and
I saw that most of their houses have a pond in
front, and I think they were using the pond to eat
the fish or sell the fishes to make some money. I
saw a lot of garbage around and the places, and
17/01/2015 18:16:38
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
ello my to SMP Muhammadiyah 03, Cipetir. I
got to meet lots of people there and I made
friends with the students. The principal and
the teachers are very nice. The school is also clean.
First, I was quite shy when meeting the students in
year 9 class but then I got to know them and they are
friendly. The students spoke a different language but
when talking to us, they spoke Bahasa Indonesia. I
asked them lots of questions to the students and they
answered everything.
Getting along with SMP Muhammadiyah 03
Cipetir students It was also nice when Cikal Amri went
Getting along with SMP Muhammadiyah 03 Cipetir students
to Kampung Budaya. The house that I stayed was
comfortable and the owner of the house wasvery nice
and friendly. The cooking was delicious. She also has
a son and he is very nice to us. The Kampung Budaya
people taught us how to play their traditional songs
by demonstrating us. Then, all of the students were
asked to pick one instrument and try to play the song.
fish and the number of fish showed the group’s point.
It was so tricky for catching the fish because they swim
very fast and when it came to your feet it was really
ticklish. Plowing the paddy rice field In this fieldtrip
I was happy, afe and had so much fun! I wish I could
go back there with my friends or family to have a fun
time. Thank you so much for Bumi Mandiri Center,
SMP Muhammadiyah 03, and Kampung Budaya for
sharing your experience with all the 8th graders of
Cikal Amri. Thank You For Sekolah Menengah Cikal
Amri and Cikal Amri Teachers for taking us to this
fun fieldtrip, I wish we could go there again and have
more fun time.
Karen Amanda, Year 8C
In BMC (Bumi Mandiri Center), the facilitators,
we called them ‘komandan’, divided us into groups
and each group were given 1 egg and we had to take
care of the egg nicely. The Komandan were friendly
and they had lots of great ideas for games and to
make us happy. The activities were fun and exciting,
especially when we plowed the rice paddy (bajak
sawah) and catching the fish. The outdoor activities
were interesting. When we were doing the rice paddy,
the Komandan told us to sit on the mud and feel it,
then they told us to take some mud and put it on our
face, it was a little bit gross but it was also fun. Then,
we planted the rice paddy one by one. When we did
the bajak sawah we had to line up to ride the Buffalo,
there were 2 buffaloes and they were so big. Some of
us were scared but some wanted to ride it. Last but
Plowing the paddy rice field
17/01/2015 18:16:40
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
“A Village
Whatsup Cikal!? On 21 until 23 October 2014
we, year 9 students went to Purwakarta, Kampung
Tajur Pasangrahan Village to have service learning
fieldtrip. Last year, year 10 students also went
there and have amazing experiences. We also have
unforgettable memories that still stuck in our head
until now. But, sadly, we only had 3 days to spend
time there.
We arrived in Purwakarta around 10 o’clock
and directly went to the village by riding a small
struck. On the way to the village, we could see the
beauty of the nature there, such as mountain, rice
fields and many of farms. It’s around 15 minute we
finally arrived at Pesangrahan Village.
The first activity is to introduce ourselves to
foster parent in teach the local children in their homes
and go to the next activity which is teaching the local
children’s. Our group decided to teach them how to
write poetry and short story. We explain to them that
poetry has many kinds such as, free poetry, haiku and
others. We also tell them about the elements and
the structure of the poetry. They said they haven’t
been taught to make short stories so we hope that
from this learning they can gain a new knowledge, be
able to express their feelings and thoughts through
poetry/short stories and share it with their friends or
After we had teaching the children’s, we were
given the chance to play along with local children
by having games such as, sack race, prawn crackers
eating contest and marbles race. Children seems
very fond to the games that have been prepared and
through this activity we can socialise with them. This
activity was over and we were given a break before
proceeding to the next activity, which is cooking our
dinners. Our group has made four dishes and we are
the longest and last group to cook compared to the
others group.
Arrived at Kantor Desa
Pesanggrahan, 21
December 2014
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 10-11
While the others has done their diner, we just
started dinner. All of the activities has been completed
and tomorrow we have an activity that very eagerly
which is exploring the village past the rice fields to
the place where palm sugar is processed. awaited
which is exploring the village past the rice fields to
the place where palm sugar is processed.
with the workers. In there, we can inquire about
palm sugar, their income, barriers and the effects of
season. After interviewing with palm sugar workers,
we returned to the village to take a break. The way
home we passed a different path from the road to
come here and walk around the rice fields. We can
enjoyed the beauty of nature while walking through
the garden around. We finally came back to the
village and took break for a while. After that, we start
the next activity which interviewing the experts of
the tea farm. It’s only takes 30 minutes we went back
and have another activity which is interviewing the
villagers about the condition in this village. From the
interview we can know that they lack of facilities in
each fields, and also in the procession of palm sugar.
We think that they really need help although the
government has support them in few fields such as in
the fields of education and health. What we concern
is that in the fields of art, shortage of promotion so,
there are many people who don’t know about the art
of this village. Cultural art should be developed and
people who are already experts should lowering the
teachings to the next generation.
In the evening activity, we had a bonfire. During
the bonfire we did two games and we ate grilled corn
and today activities has ended. Did not expected that
two days has passed and the next day we came back
to Jakarta. From this field trip we learned so many
things that is important for our knowledge. We had a
very incredible experience that we can’t gain it in the
After eating we immediately start the activity to the
place of processed palm sugar and had interviews
17/01/2015 18:16:49
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
By: Dinda, Hanna,
and Inas
“Borneo, a land of
For this year’s field trip, Year 10 went to Central
Kalimantan for a service learning trip on November 17-21,
2014. The specific place would be Tanjung Puting National
Park, a conservation jungle for lots of Borneo’s wildlife,
especially orangutans who are in the edge of extinction.
From that point, we can think and explore more about
the community and the environment itself, therefore we
can contribute something to the community by doing the
upcoming service learning projects.
We went there with a supervision from 4 teachers
who were Pak Corey, Pak Ary S, Pak Hasto, and Ibu Mimin.
We gathered at Soekarno-Hatta Airport Terminal 1C at 1
pm since our flight was at 3. Unfortunately, our flight got
delayed and we took off on 4 pm by Kalstar Aviation.
When we landed, it was starting to get dark. We were
the last flight to arrive. It was such a welcoming situation
since there are people from Orangutan Odyssey who will
be guiding us through the whole trip. To get to our hotel,
we used the taxi and we got to see some parts of the town.
There were not plenty buildings, only small shops and
plenty of trees with lots of traditional buildings along the
When we arrived at the hotel, we were given our
keys to the room with 3 people each room. After putting
our belongings in our rooms, we walked with the guide
to a small vendor to eat dinner. During dinner, we got
ourselves calling time. The people form Orangutan Odyssey
introduced themselves and gave us information about the
conservation going on in Tanjung Puting and also our
schedule for the next day. We got 3 guides who will be
accompanying us, who were Abang Ivend, Kak Nuri dan Pak
On the next day after breakfast, we went to the harbor
by cars and got on to the klotoks that will take us to Camp
Leakey, which will take a 6 hours ride on the boat. Along
the boat ride, we can see lots of floras, faunas and also
crocodiles. Once we got there, we went for a 1km walk to
go to the first feeding station of orangutans where we saw
them eating bananas without minding our presence there,
also their interaction with themselves. It was a breathtaking
experience for us who haven’t seen anything like this before.
After staying for quite a long time, we went back to the boat
and prepared ourselves to sleep.
On the 3rd day of our trip, we took an hour ride with
the boat to the second feeding station, and then started
walking for 19 km through the jungle to the rangers' post to
stay for the night. The trekking was memorable; we walked
while raining and got through swamps and deep jungle
with all the noises. Having lunch in the jungle while raining
was memorable too. After 5 hours walk, we finally reached
the post and cleaned ourselves. There is something that
will stay in our minds forever, that is getting leeches on our
bodies. Then, we had dinner and slept in the tents that the
rangers had provided us.
about the types of plants that they have and we were asked
to plant a tree each. After that, we went back to the boat
and head to the Village Tanjung Harapan where we learn
about the local way of life and to see the orangutans for the
last time. It was quite sad that time has gone by so fast and
that we feel we need more time in Kalimantan.
This field trip is very memorable for us. Coming to
Kalimantan has been a whole new experience. Trekking
19 km long is not an easy thing, but because of that, we
made memories going through the jungle and hearing
those noises where we may never heard in the city before.
This was a great chance to experience the other side of
the world. Coming to Kalimantan has been a whole new
experience. We will never forget what we have experience
in Kalimantan and also the guides that have been working
very hard guiding us and helping us throughout this whole
field trip and we are very thankful. It was very sad to leave
Kalimantan where they have been teaching us a lot of
things. Coming to Kalimantan is not a wrong choice for this
year’s field trip!
The next day, we took a 3 km trek to the Pelasat
Plantation Project. We met Pak Laden who has explained
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 12-13
17/01/2015 18:16:54
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
le Ro
Since we all have different tastes of music, one of the most important lesson I learned from joining
ensemble band is to cooperate with my bandmates in order to create one good team. I also learned to
synchronize my playing with my band mates in order to make the song sound good (not selfishly play what I
wanted to play). Before concert in Citos, Even before arriving at the area or the place, I am nervous already,
anxious as well. Nervous about many different things such as worrying about the audience, about their reaction,
about the stage layout, about how it will feel standing on the stage in front of the audiences, worried if I make
any mistakes or press wrong notes. When we get near (the time) to performing, I get even more nervous.
However besides being nervous and anxious I am also very excited as well.
I learned that the most important thing in playing music or playing in a band is not just your individual
skill and how good you are at playing an instrument, it’s being able to work as a group and collaborate in
playing music especially in rhythm and how all the members interact with each other. I also learned about the
things we need to work with in a band such as the disagreements we might have about what songs we are
going to play or what we are going to do with a certain song arrangement. We have an opportunity to play in Cikal Anniversary in Citos and seen by hundreds or even thousand
people. Before the concert I felt a little nervous, but little to none at all. I was sort of anxious, however was
very confident because I knew that even if I messed up at some point I could just improvise and the audience
wouldn’t know, my greatest worry was the audio and whether I could be heard or not. It felt very exciting
doing a concert and I look forward to doing other concerts. It was quite nerve wracking when I first performed
however in school since that was the first time ever, but during that second time which was during the concert
I felt almost no worry at all since I was prepared
But when we get to perform and when we are in the stage, all the worries are changed/transformed into
the fun of playing. And after that, we are overall satisfied and happy even though there might be some mistakes
in the stage, but as long as we can improvise well, everything’ll be in control.
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 14-15
17/01/2015 18:16:56
What’s Up!
In photography club, my material that I learn
today is about Macro, ISO, focuse at high speed,
stylr photos, etc. each the material has a different
style except for micro because micro is for only
for photo the light. It usually very hard and almost
intresting at all, but except for the ISO, but maybe
all can be intresting.
My favorite topic of my materials is wallpaper
photos, which are usually make photo but look like
a background (like PC or Mac background). I take
many photos of butterfly, flowers and other objects.
we need to find what makes the food special. The
main thing about the food. (Also we could eat the
food after we take a picture of it, yummy). Lowlight photography because, the experiment was so
fun. The experiment is we use fireworks. For Black
& White pictures also interesting, because, from
that experiment I realize something - How can the
effect of black & white, makes a mood.
I think the knowledge that I need to
improved is, the knowledge of taking the angle of
shoot. The right angle, that can make the picture
more interesting. Well, actually I’m already good at
it. But I think I need to improve it, so it would be
better. Also the knowledge of choosing the right
For next semester I would like to learn
more about, landscape. How we take the perfect
landscape picture? I want to learn landscape
because it’s different from other theme. Of course
it will be unforgettable memory.
We need tripod to reduce blur. The tripod is a tools
for camera that use to arrange the camera so it can
used to photo without opaque. These are the first
thing to do if you wanna do background photos, the
camera that I use is Canon 5D mark II.
My knowledege that I need to improve is
focusing of photo, because I usually did a little
movement so I take a picture and its opaque. I've
used facility of IS (Image Stabilizer), however I still
cant reduce shake of my hand. I still can use table,
chair, etc for the replace of tripods,however I need
more practice of it.
What’s Up!
Hello! During this semester I learn a lot from
Photography Club. This semester I learn about
speed, iso, brightness, and others. Speed is the
speed when we take a picture. When the speed
higher, it will also effect the brightness. If the speed
is higher, when we take a picture of sport, you can
see the basketball, or the person flying. Iso is like
the brightness. Wait, then what’s the different, with
brightness. Well, brightness is more the light that
we use, for special weather. Like the brightness for
indoor, cloudy, sunlight, outdoor, and the others.
every each of this elements really effect the picture.
Every session of photography, the topic /
theme is always different.. The topic are like lowlight, nature, high-speed, black & white, food, and
others. My favorite topic is food, low-light, and black
& white photography. Food photography, because
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 16-17
17/01/2015 18:16:59
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
n Sekolah Menengah Cikal-Amri, everyone is different. We all have
a passion for many different things. Most of us like singing, dancing,
visual arts… But Rasya Suhardjo, on the other hand, has a passion
for photography.
A Passion
By Jordinna Joaquin, Year 7
As a member of the Cikal-Amri photography club, she mostly
takes pictures of landscape, people, and herself. “My father sparked
my interest in photography,” Rasya reveals, “He isn’t a photographer,
but he likes to take pictures of food, people, myself, and gardens.”
Photography may seem boring to some people, but Rasya sees it
differently. Ever wondered why people like to capture their moments?
What’s so special about photography? Isn’t capturing videos better
than taking pictures?
“Pictures can explain more than one hundred words,” Rasya
explains, “And by taking pictures, you can keep a memory of a certain
event, by just looking at it – what it felt like, what it looked like, even
what it sounds like.”
But, the question is, what interested a young girl like Rasya
to engage in photography? Someone’s first impression of her would
most likely be a quiet, sweet, lovely girl who likes to sit down on grass
and daydream. But why does she like photography instead of singing,
dancing, or drawing?
“People have different taste in things,” Rasya says, “Me, for
example. I like to take pictures. I want to be like my father.” But just
because this sweet young girl likes photography doesn’t mean her
dream is to be a photographer. “I’d rather be doing something else,”
she says.
Rasya mostly enjoys taking close-ups of colorful and vintage
things basically what a lot of people like to call “hipster photography”.
But other than that, she also likes to take pictures of landscapes and
plants. Other than photography, Rasya is fond of reading, listening to
music, or going around the neighborhood on her skateboard.
What if Rasya ever turns into a photographer when she grows
up? What pictures will she take? A lot of people like to post their
pictures on websites like Tumblr and deviantART, but Rasya’s choice is
different. She decides that she’d take pictures for magazines. “I want
people to know who I am,” she says.
Her father and her friends inspire her, as well as her music, like
Taylor Swift. Taking pictures sure is a lot of fun, as you get to experiment
with different angles and types of pictures to take. But what about
cinematography? Would Rasya like to explore the world of videos and
movies, instead of polaroids and the sound of a camera shutter?
“I’d rather stay with pictures,” Rasya explaines, “I don’t like
making movies because pictures have more meaning to it.”
Rasya’s still got a long way to go in her life – the curious eleven-year-old
has yet to explore. Perhaps, when she grows up, she’ll be the backing
vocals for Adele, star in a Tim Burton movie, or maybe she’ll stray from
fame and live a life as a housewife with two children and a cat. But for
now, she is still seen as a cheerful and bubbly Year 7A student of Sekolah
Menengah Cikal-Amri and a member of the school’s photography club.
She’s still got a lot to learn, and maybe on the way she’ll spark interest
in other things. Maybe she’ll be an expert in playing the saxophone,
or be the drummer of a country-rock band or whatever it is she’ll
end up liking. Maybe she’d join more clubs too, after all, she’s got a
lot of options in this school. Either way, her passion for photography
continues. Don’t let yourself think Rasya’s got no talent.
a different
By Rasya Suhardjo Year7
Hi! I’m Jordy. Have you ever heard the word different? I have.
That is the word that explains my life. I’m a different, through
music even style. My life is very different from other girls. Maybe
they like listening to pop, or play ponies, well I like something
different. I like rock music. I like it because it have a different
soul. The soul of it is more connected to real life. Like how to
live, tragedy that happens in life, and others. I like rock music
since the age of 3. My brother and my mother are the one that
introduce to rock music. Well, actually more to my brother. My
brother is the one that introduce me to one of my favorite band,
till now. Its called Green Day. Not just Green Day is my favorite. I
also like to listen to My Chemical Romance, Blink, All Time Love,
and Piercetevel songs. There must be your favorite band and
song. Mine is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. This song
explain about a teenagers life. About their love, friendship, and
live. This song is a type of song that shows dark and bright. Just
like my life. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad.
Other then that, I like how they style. I want to dress like
them, but in my own taste. I would like to dyed my hair, using
ear pierce, and others. I would like to do it happily right now,
but as usual my mom wont let me. That’s how my live works. It’s
the same like them. By their music, they thought me how to live.
How to survive in this world, like mines. I want to make songs
and music like them. Once, I tried but I hate it. I also once make
a work art on my journal. I make it for my journal cover. Not just
music, and soul that is important to me. I have a guitar pick. I
got it from a little boy, that like to sing rock song. In the future I
want to be like them. I want to be an inspiration to the world. I
also plan to join a rock band. That rock band will be 4-5 people
inside the band. I want my ability in rock music to develop more
an Instagram account and twitter account. Those social medias
talk more about my favorite band. I make edits and others. From
rock music I found a life knowledge. I found a quote:
“I’m not dead I only dress
that way“
-boy division by My
Chemical Romance-
That quote I take it from a song. This quote explain
that, never judge a person by its looks, sometimes its not right.
This quote also explains that, people see me as a stereotype
of nothing, but I only look like that, I don’t really act like that.
Rock music also helped me passed troubles and problems. It
is because, it speak my mind for me. It means that, when I’m
happy there’s song to describe it. Also when I‘m mad, angry,
and depressed there is also a song to describe it. This is my life.
How it works and what makes me move. Everyone just need to
understand and learned. Is not easy to live alive like mines. By
music is just the only way to describe it. By music my sadness
just tells it. By music my world just seems okay, and just music is
the one that The world can’t separate me and my music.
For now I just make an account to express my feelings. I make
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 18-19
17/01/2015 18:17:00
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
Pesta Rakyat 2014
Victo 7B
Daun Kering
Althaf Fajar, Year 8A
Daun kering itu bagaikan kegagalan
Daun kering akan mati, rapuh dan jatuh dari pohon
Jika kita merasa gagal, kita akan merasa rapuh
esta rakyat is an annual event in Cikal
that usually held in August. In pesta
rakyat, there are many competitions
such as tug of war and band competition for
example. In this competition, I learned that
Teamwork is the important part when we
play games in-groups. Just take an example
on tug of war. We can’t just hang on one or
two people, because if we do that we will be
lost. That’s why teamwork is important for a
team. In my opinion about my performance
in pesta rakyat that I fell enough satisfied
because game that I played called “keretakeretaan” we became the 2nd and the 1st
is dragon, which is another house. But 2nd
game I played, which is tug of war we win
the game. We can defeat another house. At
this game, I feel fun and enjoy because the
games are very interesting and sometimes
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 20-21
Daun itu kering dan gugur seperti kegagalan kita
Kita tidak mendengar apa-apa dalam kegagalan,
sama seperti daun kering
Jika dipegang rasanya keras; hati kita terkadang juga
menjadi keras jika gagal
challenging. My favorite game in this event
is tug of war.
I choose tug of war become my
favorite game because tug of war have a
fun point and also challenging point. In tug
of war, challenging point come when we
must pull our rope until pass the place that
already determined to eliminate. I think what
we can improve next year is we can add
more games. I think we should add some
games because there some still not playing
games and just watch game that held.
Daun kering itu rasanya tidak enak seperti kegagalan,
kering dan pahit.
Daun rapuh dan kering itu mirip dengan kegagalan
Dan begitulah ceritanya.
Rindu yang Membelenggu
Rizka Zahra Dwi Anggraini, Year 10
Semilir angin meniupkan aroma wanginya daun cemara
membuai lamunan panjang kesendirianku
Kubiarkan tetesan embun pucuk pepohonan pinus menyapa pundakku
Kuhempaskan rinduku pada hamparan rumput yang seolah menjadi
Murai berkicau, berdansa, berpesta diantara lenggak lenggok dahan
menggoda dan mengajakku menari melupakan kesunyian
Tak ingin aku beranjak, bergeming dari bayanganmu
Akankah engkau tahu itu?
Devi Respati, Year 9A
Lejla Syahdan, Year 9A
I am tired of seeing broken glass on the floor,
And I’m tired of bleeding as I try to clean it up
I’m sick of hearing your painful words at night
Each one hurts like whip on the skin
I know you’ve never admitted it but,
I’ve always been the single thread that holds you together
And I know this is not how you want it to be but,
I’ve always had to stay still so we don’t break apart
When you’re going through a dark day,
I’ll give you strength to go through it all
But for now I’ll fight my battles alone
Because you’d never do the same
I was a leaf that hung from a tree
Fighting for every chance to live,
And you were the gust of wind that blew me away
And left me to dry
Pulling it together for you gets harder by the day
So I’m sorry if it hurts you when I say
That I don’t want to fix us anymore.
Semua anak sehari-hari kerjaanya ya cuma sekolah,
sekolah, sekolah dan sekolah
Kalau gak sekolah ya belajar, ngerjain tugas, belajar,
ngerjain tugas
Lama-lama aku lem juga nih mata pake lem tikus biar
selalu terbuka 24/7
Kalo gak gini ya gimana mau dapet nilai maksimal dan
menyelesaikan semua tugasku?
Biarpun yang dikorbankan emang kesehatan sih
Tidur cuma 4-6 jam diakhiri dengan bangun dari mimpi
nyenyak dan meratapi realita
yang biasanya aku sebut dengan rumah setan ups
maksudnya neraka ups maksudnya sekolah
Seneng sih seneng ketemu temen-temen di sekolah bisa
gila gilaan
Tapi apa maksud semua ini ya?
Berakit-rakit kehulu berenang-renang ke tepian?
Hmm apa ya?
17/01/2015 18:17:04
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
“More Than Words Can Say”
By: Majolika Syakira Devi
n creative writing elective, we were assigned
to go to Ubud, Bali to go to the ‘Sareswati
Ubud Writers and Readers Festival’. We were
separated to three groups and we attended
panels that helped us improve our writing skills
in different ways. The guests of the panels were
different writers from every corner of the world.
One of the examples of my favorite panels was when
there were five poets from different parts of the
world. They explained important things on writing
poetry such as coming up with the ideas, their styles
on writing the poetry, the words they will use when
they are writing poetry and so much more. The best
part of the pane was that they read their poems.
I think the event really connected to what we were
learning because what we were learning in creative
writing was making a story, dialogues, point of views,
plots and also all the points we will be needing in
writing a story. So from some of the panels, they
told us things like writing in different point of views,
What do you think about this quote?
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched –
they must be felt with the heart.” (Hellen Keller)
reading the story out loud, finding the perfect
character and personality, finding the idea of making
the story and so much more.
If I had to sum up everything we had there in one
paragraph; I think it literally has some similarities on
what we have to learn in creative writing class. Why?
Because everything we need to know about writing
is there. Things like making a plot, thinking of ideas
for poetry and stories, writing dialogues, writing in
different points of views, making the right character
for a story to match the personalities and the ‘power’
the character has and so much more.
“Having the idea of a poem is like finding a grain of
sand in the beach. If you see it but you don’t get it
fast enough, it will be lost. Even if you try so hard to
finally find it again.”
I think that she is saying that all the good things in life are
felt from within. Because for example, you’re seeing a good view but
you weren’t happy. It won’t mean anything. I agree on this quote
because for example, we are going on a road trip with our close
friends, however the trip turns out. If we’re having fun and felt good
with them, it’s all going to be one of the best and memorable things in
Nitya Andjani (Year 8)
Keller said that the most beautiful things can’t be seen or touch, but only to be
felt with/by the heart, meaning that there are many beautiful things that are
“invisible”, for example the feeling of love, when we are experiencing there is this
strange beautiful, wonderful feeling.
Being happy as well, is unseen, we can only touch it. Keller, who is blind and deaf
since she was born, which makes her unable to see nor to hear, but she can still
feel beautiful things.
To people who have the abilities to see, to sense, to hear, sometimes also can’t
see it as well, somehow. This means that it is true that those best and beautiful
things are only to be felt by the heart.
Omar Esteghlal
(Year 10)
I think what she meant by this quote was that you don’t
need to be able to see or hear to be able to feel the most beautiful
- One of the poets. In one of my favorite panels.
things in life, that the ability to be happy comes from you not what’s
around you, beause happiness can be interpreted as beauty.
I agree with this because you often see people who have
everything, yet they’re so unsatisfied or unhappy with life, because
Arsya (Year 8)
true happiness comes from yourself.
On occasion we encountered moments in which we attempt to express to the fullest
of our abilities what we feel or experiencing but because how much words can only
express, we often find ourselves dissatisfied. For us human beings, in order to truly
and fully understand each other we must put ourselves in each other’s shoes.
Keller was both deaf and blind, yet she could still embrace and experience in ways
we may never fully understand. I myself cannot full express what I experience
during those moments that I speak of, but I am sure you understand what I mean
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 22-23
Dante (Year 10)
17/01/2015 18:17:07
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
After the game was done, each country did a
souvenir exchange between each other, so that they
will be reminded of the memorable night. They traded
small cultural objects, such as a miniature Matryoshka
doll from the Russians, an Angklung miniature from
Indonesians, and a miniature native’s house from
Mongolians. The event ended on 11 PM, and after
that, the students went to sleep easily after a tiring
first day.
“Yes! We love Indonesia”
his year, the dance group from Sekolah Cikal
Amri represents Indonesia to go to the biggest
children festival to this time at Yilan, Taiwan.
The program is called Yilan International Children’s
Folklore and Folkgame Festival. The event lasted for
2 weeks and 4 days, with students from elementary
school to high school going abroad. There were 8
students from middle school combined with high
school, and 18 students from elementary school.
The supervisors consist of 4 adults, 3 teachers, and
one parent. On an afternoon on the 4th of July this
year, the students left for the cultural mission after
preparing themselves for 3 months of weekly practice.
After arriving at Taipei, the students were
greeted happily by the embassy of the cultural
mission. They gave them some mementos such as
a Lei, which is a big necklace made of flowers. They
were also given a keychain made of mashed paper,
with carved writings of elements on them. After a
few pictures here and there, the students were off to
Yilan using a bus, for a 2 hours ride. They arrived at
the place they were staying around 2 AM, which is a
school dormitory.
The next day, they started the scheduled daily
routine, which begins with waking up on 6 AM, Taiwan
time. After showering, they gathered up in the lobby.
Some students go to practice, and some that aren’t
fasting goes to the canteen for breakfast. On 9 AM,
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 24-25
the students go back to their dorms and prepares for
their first show ever. They were thought to put on
make-up by themselves, although a few students still
need help. They helped each other on putting on their
costumes, which is a bit hard since they’re not yet
used to it, and also because of the lack of practice.
Backstage at the location of the event, they all
prayed that their first show wouldn’t mess up because
of anything, especially because of their nervousness.
After the country before them were done, they were
up next. The first show was done, and everything went
well. But sadly, one dancer was injured with a badly
sprained ankle, preventing her to do much walking,
and to dance. With one dancer down, the remaining
students went on with the show normally.
There was an occasional gathering event, where
each country shows their cultures and games. This
event is called Country Night. Indonesia and Mongolia
were the first countries. It is not mandatory for each
country to attend it, so the only group that came was
the Russian group. Indonesia showed their folk game,
which is when the player’s jump over the bamboos,
which are hit against the floor and each other
according to the rhythm of the music. As time passes,
the bamboos picks up speed, but since the Russians
and Mongolians were having a hard time, a few falling
down and slipping, we decided not to do it too fast.
The next following days, another dancer was
injured with another sprained ankle, leaving it to the
remaining 6 dancers. But, the two injured dancers
recovered quickly, making them able to perform
again. When it all comes to an end, everyone was
taken aback of how fast it is. On the last performance,
the representative from Indonesia gave a speech of
farewell, while the students were standing behind,
and crying. They became really attached to the place,
even though it’s only for about 10 days. The two very
awesome guides, Andy and Lilian, made it especially
The next morning, the students woke up early
with heavy hearts, knowing that they have to leave
for Taipei. They walked down to the lobby with their
luggage’s, and after a few pictures taken, the members
of YICFFF sang them a warm-hearted song about
friendship they have been practicing this whole time
without anyone knowing, and everyone was really
touched. They left on 7AM, still crying inside the bus.
pagoda, and went to Taipei 101, the worlds 3rd tallest
building, and was once the tallest building. They went
back afterwards and rested early after being divided
into sleeping buddies of two.
The next day, they woke up early again to go
to Hong Kong, their departure on 8AM. They flew
to Hong Kong, and were greeted by a typhoon. The
turbulence was really scary, especially on the landing.
It was quite unforgettable, in a bad way. When they
arrived at they airport, they found the plane that was
supposed to arrive after them didn’t make it. Anyway,
they went to the hotel they were supposed to be in
and checked in.
They then went to Disneyland, and the outdoor
rides were closed due to the typhoon, and it the
raining and the wind really hard, making the activities
harder for them. They stayed until night, having fun.
The day ended watching the beautiful fireworks,
launching from the castle. It was a truly memorable
The next day, they were really happy, at least
most of them. They’re about to go back to Jakarta.
Their departure is on 4PM, which means they arrive
there on 9PM. When they got to the airport, parents
and trainers greeted them happily. They were given
memorable pictures and roses, and after taking
pictures, it was time to say goodbye. The younger
kids cry as they hugged the older students, probably
knowing they’ll miss them.
At Taipei, another tour guide named Mr. Jeffry
greeted them. He is an Indonesian that lived at Taipei
for quite a long time now. After checking in the hotel,
they left their luggage’s to be taken care of and went
on the tour. They went to historical museums, a
It was a really fun event and a very beautiful
experience. The hard training for 3 months was
suddenly worth it; now knowing they were right to
not give up through it all.
17/01/2015 18:17:10
What’s Up!
What’s Up!
Jeihan Witoelar Sumawinata
To All The Boys I've Loved Before
November 14, 2014
by Jenny Han (April 15, 2014)
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never
openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how
she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean
discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed.
Dun-dun-duuun! Cue the dramatic music!
To all of you girls who are looking for some adorable, fun loving novels, then
here you go! To All The Boys I've Loved Before is a highly enjoyable book that
you can bring with anytime and anywhere. It's light, normal-paced, and of
course, it involves friendship — which slowly turns to love. It can be very
relatable to girls, too, and without a doubt, this book was insanely cute!
It can be read by a large range of ages, since it doesn't contain any
inappropriate scenes other than hugging, cuddling, and a few kisses here
and there.
(November 7, 2014)
The special bond that develops between plus-sized
inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who
team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech
This just came out a couple of weeks ago, and wow!
What a fun movie to watch! I didn't expect I would like it that
much, but Disney proved me wrong, like always. I loved how
the concept of family, friends and attachment are put together
nicely throughout the scenes, which helps drives and intensifies
the plot. I also like how the setting was in an Asian environment
and was filled with its culture; it made me feel more connected
to the movie. However, if you're not Asian, that doesn't mean
you would enjoy the movie less. It has this aura and feeling
that appeals to everyone, because not only is it different from
the other Disney movies, but it also has a really cute, ballooncreature-thing! He does all kinds of crazy and weird stuff, but
you will find yourself loving him anyway. Trust me when I say
that your stomach will probably hurt and your eyes might be
brimmed with tears as you choke out of laughter. Even though
it's not popular as the previous Disney movies, it's refreshing
and brings a whole new world.
From the creators of Frozen, How To Train Your Dragon,
and Tangled, they came back with a spectacular and hysterically
funny movie that could entertain people of all ages.
MAJALAH CIKAL.indd 26-27
The Maze
(September 19, 2014)
Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his
memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in
a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow
"runners" for a shot at escape.
This movie was released around 2 months ago, but it's
still a movie that I think everyone has to watch. This movie was
accelerating, action-packed, thought-provoking, and unlike
any movie I've ever seen. It's actually based on the bestselling
book series of the same name by James Dashner. It has been
compared to a lot of dystopian-themed Young Adult books
that have been turned into movies; (respectively speaking) The
Hunger Games and Divergent. The thing is, The Maze Runner is
completely different from both. With the main character being
a boy, we get a new refreshing perspective, and the movie
kept being focused on the important part — getting out of
the Maze. The lack of love interests actually made the movie
a whole lot better, since the audience is drawn in to the action
and mystery more than wondering, Who is he going to end up
Overall, I think The Maze Runner was definitely worth it.
I even watched it twice because I couldn't get enough of all
the thrill and action! If you guys love reading books, then you
should totally check this one out — it's everywhere now after its
big commercial success. (Honestly, I thought it was better than
the book, but hey, people are entitled to their own opinions!)
Source: http://www.xpressoreads.com/wp-content/
If you're ever feeling stressed, lonely, or just looking for a lightheaded book
to get your mind off of something — then what are you waiting for? Go
ahead and pick it up!
We Were Liars
by E. Lockhart (May 13, 2014)
A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.
Mystery, mystery, and oh — another thing. Mystery.
This book is a Young Adult contemperary novel that will leave you
guessing which one is right and which one is false. I really loved it because
the writing style was gorgeous, and how the author wrapped up the whole
story amazed me. It was the first mystery book I've ever read, and I'm not
disappointed by it. This book definitely has more adult-ish topics and factors
than To All The Boys I've Ever Loved, so the age range would probably be
around 14-18 years old, although people older than 18 are still welcome to
read it. I think both girls and boys would enjoy this book. Also, it's better to
know as little as possible about it, because if you even get one tiny spoiler,
it'll probably ruin the suspense for you. There is a little bit of romance, too,
but don't worry, because it doesn't take over the novel. It still has a solid plot,
and in the end, you'll know.
Read it.
And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.
17/01/2015 18:17:11
Sekolah Menengah Cikal-Amri
Jl. Setu Raya No. 3, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur
Info: 021-75902570-0858, 9009 9419; e-mail: info@cikal.co.id
Sekolah Cikal
Sekolah Cikal
17/01/2015 18:17:16