OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION AIIITIMr. UlAPin P. O. BOX 3663, SARATOGA, CA 95070-1663 NEWS FROM MAY/JUNE 1991 INSIDE: Nominations Notice, Viewpoints on Judging: Ulrike Rieder, J. Ashton Moore, Competing Abroad, International and AHSA Update, F£l Code of Conduct/Stable Security Guidelines, Competition Results: Region IV, Mothers Day, Great Falls, Carousel, Pegasus, Medal Test Results 1991 Champions Complete National Fes! results, report, and photos will appear in the next issue'. 1991AHSA/AVA National Champions Mounted on Topaz 4-H's Belgian,"Chauncy," Linda Neimeier, Glendevon Vaulters, and Andy Wallo, Topaz 4-H, perform Open Pas Photo: T. Phtmister de Deux Kur at Great Falls Spring Fest Great Falls Hosts May 18-19 AVA/AHSA Recognized Fest, Selection Trials for CVI Santa Cruz Chris Appel-Bucierka After a stretch of unseasonably hot days, genuinely welcome chilly May weather greeted vaulters competing in the very first AHSA recognized fest held in the east The competition served as one of the selection trials for U.S. vaulters hoping to compete in CVI Santa Cruz in August. The hectic two days of competition on Saturday and Sunday, May 18-19, were held at Continued on page 16 Team: Mt, Eden Zoo Crew Pas de Deux: Danielle Soto/Stacy GaUasiiu, Rocking Horse Woman: Diana Tyll, Mt Eden Man: Scott Stewart, California Carousel AVA 1591 Team of the Year Awards "A" Team: Mt. Eden Zoo Crew "B" Team: California Carousel "C" Team: Monte Vista AVA 1991 Team Excellence Award Rocking Horse Vaulters 1991 AVA Champions "B" Team: California Carousel Trot Team: San Vicente/Diamond Bar composite "B" Pas de Deux: Sarah and Rebecca Raskin, California Carousel Trot Pas de Deux: Kyndra Abeyta/Kristy Marie King, Rocking Horse "B" Champion Woman: Amy Garrod, Mt Eden "B" Champion Man: Evan Oldford, MidAtlantic Voltigeurs "C" Champion Woman: Alexa Christy, Rainbow "C" Champion Man: Chris Sealey, Albuquerque Fest Trot Champion Woman: Amanda Corfman, Woodside Fest Trot Champion Man: Raphael Schulman, Spectrum National 2-Phase Champion Team: California Carousel "B" 2-Phase Team Champion: California Carousel Fest Trot Team 2-Phase Champion: Valley View Vaulters "A" 2-Phase Champion Woman: Isabelle Bibbler, Woodside "B"2-Phase Champion Woman: AlexaStent California Carousel "C" 2-Phase Champion Woman: Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard "C" 2-Phase Champion Man: Ariel Tal, Black Point Fest Trot 2-Phase Champion Woman: Amanda Corfman, Woodside Fest Trot 2-Phase Champion Man: James Carlson, Black Point AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY STAFF EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT: Jan Garrod (7am - 9 pm) (FAX 408/741-1169) 406/741-1191' 22621 Ml. Eden Road, Saratoga, CA 95070 (Work: 8-5, M-F 408/867-9527) EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT: Stephanie Siemens (7 - 8 am 714/595-0058* 21234 Silver Cloud Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 or evenings) VICE PRESIDENT -FEST: Marianne Rose (Sam-11 pm) 408/867-1789* 11845SkylineBlvd.,LosGatos,CA95030 (FAX 415/968-9311) VICE PRESIDENT - PROMOTION & PUBLICITY: 415/948-8137* Gail Ostendorf 738 Loyola Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022 VICE PRESIDENT - REGIONS: Keliey Hotly (Best 6 pm - 9 pm) 707/938-2447* 404 Napa Road, Sonoma, CA 95476 (Work 8-3:30, Messages: 707/224-6525) GENERAL SECRETARY: Suzanne Detol {9 am - 10:30 pm) 503/357-9651 34142 SW Johnson School Road, Cornelius, OR 97113 (Work: 503/223-6740) TREASURER: Karen Lemon (7 am-9pm) 408/476-7830* 5240 Pringle Lane, Soquel, CA 95073 (Best: 7 - 9 am, 6 - 9 pm) COMMITTEE CHAIR-PERSONS ANNUAL MEETING: Colette Garrison (7:30 am -10:30 pm) 916/487-4204' 4252 Mason Lane, Sacramento, CA 95821 (Best T/W & 8:30-9:30 am,8-10 pm) VAULTING WORLD COMMITTEE: (8am-11 pm} 408/867-1789* Marianne Rose , 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95030 (Best:8-10 pm) BALLOT COMMITTEE: V A C A N T COACHES COMMITTEE: Emma Garrod Drinker 408/741-0528* 226D1 Mr. Eden Road, Saratoga, CA 95070 (8 am- 8 pm; Best 6 - 8 pm) CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS: Joy Coburn (9:30 am -10 pm) 818/888-8621* 5340 Scott Robertson Road, Hidden Hilis, CA 91302 FEST '91 COMMITTEE: Marjorie Oakes (7 am -10:30 pm) 505/898-0236' 732Caminodel Bosque NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 (Best 8 am- 10 pm) INTERNATIONAL: Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 7710 Glen Haven Road, Soquel, CA 95073 (After July 1991: 406/462-6783) NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Merry M. Cole 505/898-6185' Star Rt Box 1262, Corrales, NM 87048 SAFETY COMMITTEE: Lynne Nelson 885 Minnesota Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408/279-8427 SPECIAL AWARDS, RECOGNITION : Jeannie Beattie 805/736-4420 3765 Miguelito Canyon Road, Lompoc, CA 93436 (6 - 7:15 am, 7 - 9 pm) TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Adrienne Slang (7 am - 9 pm) 408/867-0184' 20449 Glen Brae Drive, Saratoga, CA 95070 (Best: 7 - 9 pm AHSA VAULTING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Adrienne Stang 408/867-0184' 20449 Glen Brae Drive, Saratoga, CA 95070 (7 am - 9 pm, Best: 7 - 9 pm) NATIONAL OFFICE 408/867-0402* P. 0. Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663 (Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am -11:30 am, Pacific time) Executive Secretary; Financial Manager; Editor, Vaulting World: Judith S. Bryer (Phone: 6:30 am - 6:30 pm) CLOSED: August 8-22,1991 HISTORIAN; COMMEMORATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS:Nancy Stevens P.O. Box 101, Soquel, CA 95073 (5:30 - 8 am; 7:30-10:30 pm) 408/476-5901* LIAISON - CHRONICLE OF THE HORSE; Chris Appel-Bucierka (FAX 703/246-9760) (7 pm - 1 1 pm)703/378-5987* 3912 Chantilly Road, Chantilly, VA 22021 (Work;8:30 am-2:30pm 703/246-9700) LIAISON - 4-H CLUBS: Jeannie Beattie (6 -7:15 am, 7 - 9 pm) 805/736-4420 3765 Miguelito Canyon Road, Lompoc, CA 93436 {Work: Messages /734-4391) LIAISON - SUMMER CAMPS: Patti Skipton (7 am - 9 pm) 408/724-9382* 2 School Way, Watsonville. CA 95076 (Best 8:30 am - 10am ) LIAISON - U.S. PONY CLUBS: Carol Fuller (6:30 am -10 pm) 703/759-2314* 1075 Leigh Mill ftoad. Great Falls, VA 22066 (Best 6:30 - 8 am) MEDAL TEST SECRETARY: Suzanne Detoi (9am -10:30 pm) 503/357-9651 Rte 2, Box 261-A, Cornelius, OR 97113 (Work:8:30 am -5 pm 503/223-6740) NATIONAL EXCHANGE: Maxine Chelini (7 am - 11 pm) 505/986-1865 P.O. Box 9010, Santa Fe, NM 87504 TECHNICAL ADVISOR: J. Ashton Moore (6 am - 8:30 am) 408/623-4446* 334 Mission Vineyard Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 (FAX 408/623-0607) VIDEOS: UndaTam 408/867-5476 19707 Douglas Lane, Saratoga, CA 95070 SPECIAL PROGRAM DIRECTORS NATIONAL COUNCIL FOH VAULTING EDUCATION Stephanie Siemens (7 - 8 am, or evenings) 714/595-0058* 21234 Silver Cloud Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THERAPEUTIC VAULTING Liz Helms (T,Th,Sat: 10 am - 5 pm, No calls Sun/Mon) 818/767-6373" 9311 Del Arroyo Drive, Sun Valley, CA 91352 AMERICAN HORSE SHOWS ASSOCIATION 220 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017-5806 212/972-2472 (FAX 212/983-7286) LIABILITY INSURANCE - ROLLINS BURDICK HUNTER: Ron Dumm 7801 Folsom Blvd Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 95826 916/381-1234 * Denotes Telephone Answering Machine OfTICI U. PUMJCATNHI Of THE AMEMCAN VAULTMB MtOCIHtHW Vaulting World © is published bimonthly by the American Vaulting Association. Mail allitems for publication to: Vaulting World, P. O. Box 3663, Saratoga, CA95070-1663,by the last day of February, April, June, August, October, or December for publication at the end of the following month. No part of this publication may be reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission. Bulk rate postage paid at Saratoga, CA 95070. U.S. Subscribing Memberships are $15 annually. Foreign Subscribing Memberships are $20 annually payable in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Copyright by American Vaulting Association 1990. Classified ads are $5 each for 3 or 4 lines. Submit information and your check payable to "AVA" to Vaulting World , P. O. Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. Display ad rates are $8 per column inch, $75 for 1/3 page, $100 for 1/2 page and $200 for full page. Write for details. Printed by Hamilton Press Hamilton Press, owned by JimBibbler,Woodside Vaulters, generously prints Vaulting World at a 20% discount. We arc very grateful to the Bibblers. Half-tones for photos and technical support generously donated by Marianne Rose. Vaulting World AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION P. O. Box 3663 Saratoga, CA 95070-1663 (408)867-0402 SUSTAINING MEMBER REGISTRATION (** Must be 18 years or older **) INSTRUCTIONS: Type or print clearly. Make check payable to AVA. Soxl form with annual dues ($30.00) to: AVA National Office, P.O. Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663 408/867-0402. Name: Phone ( ) Address: Street AVA Vaulting Club Affiliation (if any): AVA Region (Circle): I II IV K X City HI State New Sustaining Member Zip or Renewal? Name(s) of Vaultei^s) Sponsored (If Any): Please give full name and club of specific vaitllerls) sponsored Your relationship to vaulter(s): Please check those which currently apply to yourself (not to your child): _..... Coach _ Vaulter Parent _ 4-H Member/Leader _ AHSA Member Longer _ AVA Judge _USPC Member _ Camp Counselor _ Don't send Vaulting World NARHA Member _ AVA Board Member _ AVA Committee Chairman _ New Address/phone (Riding/Handicapped) _ Life Sustaining Member: $300.00 (AVA Tax IDfc 23 7376089) _ Benefactor: $500.00 _ Contributing Member: $100.00 THANK YOU Annual Sustaining Dues:$ 30.00 Additional Tax Deductible Contribution:$ TOTAL ENCLOSED:$ **** (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE. FOR AVA OFFICE USE ONLY) **** REGISTRATION RECEIVED: Signature of Executive Secretary Date Postmarked 1/91 August 1,1991 THE VIEW FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK AVA's membership continues to| grow^Our latestreport shows we have,; 58 groups and 1055 individual mem-! bers. Coaches and parents, thanks forl the hard work, and keep bringing inf new people. The National Championships in Al-| buquerque, New Mexico, last rnont had over 200 entries, and that is a giantj success for our first time holding thisj event outside Callfojnia. Congratula-j tions to all the participants and a bigl hand of gratitude to the organizers:! In credible amountsof work andtimeis| involved with managing and staging such an event. This summer, my family and I again hosted visiting Vaulters. Through-out the years, I've had as guests in my home, vaulters from all over the nation and worId.Prom Virginians, Oregonians, Canadians, French, Brazilians, Germans, Dutch and Austrians—-the list goes on My children and I have always found it a rewarding experience to meet these neW people and share our culture and way of living as well as making new friends. It is also a way to keep up enthusiasm in my local club. Not only are vaulting techniques shared but a deeper understanding of the world and its many different faces emerges. The personality of our sport, with its combination of equestrian skillsand gymnasticSr helps imprint into theminds of the young athlete friendships and camaraderie. Sharing these rewarding facets with guests or hosts makes exchanges a lasting experience. If the opportunity arises for any of you tohostor participate in an exchange, definitely consider it. The AVAisrunningvery well andis in agood financial position. The National Office with our very efficient Executive Secretary and new computer equipment works like a clock. Our fiscal year ends September 30th, Remember all allocationsbudgetedforl991mustbeciaimed before then .Resource people, regional supervisors, committee chairmen send your Payment Authorizations and receipts into the AVA National Office, Financial projections for next year indicate that the AVA will be able to start a more aggressive outreach program.'Withihe Board's approval I'm going to recommend that die AVA encourage and financially support more clinics and workshops outside California. I also hope we can double the amount available for Regional Grants. It's time for the AVA to actively help the judges' training programs and to provide scholarships, grants, trainees and travel expenses fox clinicians. Vaulters stay streecfied and remember your warm-up time. Bye for now and plan ahfcad to attend the 1992 annual meeting in "Reno at the end of January. General Secretary Opens Nominations for 1992-93 Board Elections To: All Sssfsioieg Meaa&ers From: Ssz&Hie Detolt General Secretary Re: feaiaafe'oss && Board sf Direete N^imtfo»smmwo|>e8 lair 12 met&lseE oltbe Board of Ifectec^ All Soard a*ei8 &> be ramitaed for re-eieetai areasfotows: Cme&JPa&l &f&riaittt& R&$4 Stepfy&me S&mfJt? t\mt tie foHowJn^tnembets liave e*te more year lo serve on of D&eetois Sltarvn E&ZO&&& &>&r& (JJ/e Mtmber) N&mtoittg Committee Is as &8<ws: Merry J4< >. Corrales, NM $GG4#, phone '505 89$€185: &aatfiiy jR*>&4 Qtaiaiti^ VA ^tone 703 Fectersm 3544 Londonderry ; ptoc 4D& 124$ Bear Creek Road, Msniaez, CA S&adllBe forifee recei^ «f aomiaafioas by the Chaai^ai is Octofeer 1JV 1^1, A^ ut3ittetH>B8 must be zna& with tfee ca»sent of iiae rwiriiaee. C&ttseMi>f aSliiotittoees aEid iacasi&eGts-^vtll, beccnfirm^ fey tetum of dae weMen ^aesiioiisaife sent by Hid returned fe toe Qjs&maaeftbe^^ asd fey Oet&fesr^1, l^^t» for Ijxiymbcnfs seefcmg norm; -electlGti, All lieflaiiees nsast fee Sustainine ^ , OR ^7ii$, 50& 357-9651: atiil AMfidi S. Btyer. BiecatifYe ^cretary, f^O. Box 3663. Saratoga, CA 95070-1663, 408 Hease a«»±e~~KotEiiJiatitafis notices ^ill mi be sent fti member by Has is &a QJ% »&ijee you will Vaulting World August 1,1991 The Dilemma of Judging—A German View Thoughts of a German Vaulting Judge Ulrike Rieder(FEl-O) (Translated from the German by Hermann Friedlaender) In addition to being a top ranked German and International Vaulting Judge, Fran Rieder is also author of a newly published bookaboutvaulting.FrauRiederwill serve as instructor at the AVA's International VaultingCampAugust9'16inWatsonvilie, California, and is also FBI Technical Delegate and member of the Ground Jury for CVl Santa Cruz, August 18,1991. Regrettably, the time has passed, even in the sport of vaulting, when judges and competitors can converse in a relaxed, friendly way. National as well as international competitions have become more intense, especially where selection trials and championships are concerned. Trainers, vaulters and parents critically analyze each score.This is their right and is certainly understandable. Unfortunately, when a judge's decision is being evaluated, often emotions and excessive ambition enter the picture. "Experts" among the public consider themselves competent to evaluate performances and do not hold back in expressing their opinions—by whistling or applauding during competitions! Naturally, since the judge is in the spotlight he must be able to accept criticism. However, he is infrequently given a chance to justify his decisions. I would like to present some aspects of thejudge'spointof view which are rarely taken into account. I hope that this will result in a better understanding of how difficult is the vaulting judge's task. Vaulters and coaches, before you criticize, consider the following: * In competition vaulting critical, qualified and experienced judges are needed. A judge's love and enthusiasm for vaulting is his main motivation in offering his services for this honorary, often unpaid responsibility. If competitors, coaches and parents Vaulting World constantly criticise and bicker, the judge may become unsureof himself and eventually even the best judges will get fed up and quit. • Judges do their work on a volunteer basis devoting an enormous amount of their spare time, aside from family and career responsibilities. Often they have to travel long distances and work on weekends. It's not only the vaulters who work hard, but also the judges. Each judge has a unique personality. Vaulting judges come from varied professions and backgrounds with different education and experience. This, naturally, leads to different points of view. • Judges must continually work, in their spare time, to improve their knowledge. Theymustpossessgreatexpertiseandmust judge at regular intervals to keep current. A judge must remain at his post even in tremendous heat or icy cold conditions, often hour after hour, exercising intense concentration. A vaulter's performance takes, at most, only 15 minutes. • Three judges see more than one and each views the vaulter from a different angle. • Itisphysicallyimpossibleforone judge to see everything, for example exercises performed on the outside of the horse. • The final verdict represents the average of three judges and therefore almost always is fair. There is a huge difference between sitting at a judge's table, considering and weighing each canter stride, each mistake, and degree of difficulty—and being a spectator who does not generally evaluate a competition hour after hour with a judge's concentration. • A vaulter, naturally, has a one-sided point of view, being most concerned with himself and his own performance. He does not see all of Ihe other contestants with the sameconcentration as the judge. The judge, on the other hand, must evaluate and rank all the competitors. The vaultercannotevensee himself. His personal judgement of his performance is based solely on afeeling, or the description of an onlooker. • Every judge has his own, personal ideal for the different vaulting exercises and will give high scores to those movements which best approach his ideal. This is naturally a subjective judgement, even though shaped by education and guidelines. Basically the picture each judge has in his own mind of how each of the various movements should look is influenced by his personal experience and education. A judge does not intentionally score you lower because he "does not like you." The reason is likely to be that your style, execution or interpretation is less like his ideal than those of your competitors. The judge who gives you the lowest scores may rank you exactly the same as his colleagues. Look at the placings before looking at the scores! Scores for individual compulsories may be deceiving. In the following example the final score makes it look like the judges were in full agreement, but the individual scores show wide variation: Judge A : 7 4 6 4 8 4 Total=33 Judge B:4 7 5 6 3 8 Total=33 In yet another example, although the individual scores are only .5 off, the totals are quite different: Judge A: 5 6 9 8 7 8 Total=43 Judge B:5.5 6.5 9,5 8.5 7.5 8.5Total=46 The fact that a judge speaks with one competitor a few minutes longer than with another does not necessarily indicate partiality. Judges enjoy personal contact with the participants. It is wrong "to see a wolf behind every tree." Should you have a problem with one of the judges, you certainly are at liberty to discuss it with him in a polite, fair manner. But don't expect him to remember all the details of your performance after he has judged for many hours! Remember that even the best judges will lose their enthusiasm if they constantly are being harassed. The less courageous judge, who scores mainly in the middle range will not be attacked or accused as much and will last longer. But do vaulters really want such a development? Vaulters are the backbone of the sport, Continued ol bottom of page 5 August 1,1991 Judging—Accountability and Helping the Competitor The U.S. Standard—Written Comments Enforce Accountability J. Ashton Moore (I, FEI-O),AVA Technical Advisor, will serve as President of the Ground Jury at CVI Santa Cruz. Judges' Role is to Guide the Sport— In sports which are judged subjectively, the most important role of the judge is as a guide for the sport. It is the judges' approval, disapproval, or rewarding of the competitors and coaches that sets the direction of the sport. How to Decrease "Politics" in Judging—Politics and personal preference are constant companions in subjectively judged sports. One of the ways to decrease "politics" is for the judges to "put their necks out". This is best enforced by requiring the judges to justify their marks by giving remarks (or justifications) on the score Rieder, continued from page 4 and also have a big influence on the future of the sport. The judges have the demanding task of taking responsibility for the future development of the sport. The vaulters themselves (and the coaches who influence them) must also take responsibility for the important part they play in the future developmentof the sport, and should takea mature and responsible view of competition results which transcends their pleasure or disappointment in how they were personally placed in a given situation. Unwarranted criticism encourages "harmless" judging which serves neither the sport nor the competitors. The judge himself does not know the end result, nor does he have the time to figure it out during the competition. He will certainly not intentionally place you lower than your competitor or arbitrarily give preference to someoneelse, especially when he has to judge 30 or more vaulters. Rarely is he such a genius with figures! In team vaulting the judge must give 52 scores, even splitting them into tenths of a point—this means 960 choices! He has only seconds to make decisions while Vaulting World sheet. In fact, the only way that marks can be justified is by giving comments about each movement or exercise. Luckily, this is also the way that competitors are provided with the best opportunity to learn within the competitive context. Written Comments are the Best Context—Thus comments written by the judge on the score sheets provide the best context both for accountability and for helping the competitors. European Judges' Differing View— I have always been amused (perhaps more bemused) by the fact that the communication between the European competitors and the European judges is so minimal. The judges are eager to be helpful and the competitors are eager to be educated, but a context simply doesn'texist. The competitors must talk to the judges personally to find out any scrap of information, and often that is not possible. Sometimes (understandably) the judge does not remember the details of the performance of an individual competitor. Frequently the judge, for logistical reasons, is simply unavailable. One of the major mandates to American judges is, "Give remarks—many and specific". Expert Judging with no Communication Can Lead Sport Astray—In the related discipline of dressage, the lack of commentary,(which lack, in vaulting judging, is nearly universal outside of the United States) would be reason to write off a judge as "useless" (even if not necessarily bad). The sport of vaulting (like the sport of dressage), at the international level, is rife with judges who may be experts and can make the right placing, but who are of little use to the competitors, the coaches, or the sport, because they do not makecomments. They can easily and unintentionally lead the competitors and/or the sport astray. keeping his eyes on the vaulters, horse and longeur. the middle section of the range of scores appears to have a lower risk of making mistakes. Most competitions like him best because he does not stand out and his scoring hurts nobody. Usually, however, judges who score high arc preferred, even though they may do so because they are not as well trained in seeing and recognizing faults. The majority is not necessarily always right! Just because two judges scores are close does not mean that the third judge whose scores are quite different is wrong or less competent! • The more experienced and knowledgeable a judge is the better he is at spotting mistakes. Thus he will score correspondingly higher or lower. A judge who scores you severely probably saw more deviations from the ideal form than the other judges. • A good judge will not only recognize faults, but also see and reward the positive. He will use the whole scale from 1 to 10, and not get stuck between only 5 to 7. • It is critical to take into account the relationship of the scores of the different judges. A judge who uses the entire 0 to 10 scale will not fit into the relationship if the two other judges use a smaller range of scores. At first glance the judge who uses only Continued on page 6 A final thought—there will never be a perfect judge. All judges have good and bad days and overlook or overvalue something. Judging is an individual and subjective task. Being human, judges sometimes succumb to external influences. But thus far we have not found any other way to evaluate creative sports like vaulting, so we must of necessity use people with their good points as well as their weaknesses. We must realize that judges will sometimes make mistakes and that their ideas and concepts will differ. Last but not least, remember that a judge isa sensitive human being who needs to be treated courteously and fairly and who desires, at least occasionally, to feel approval and to experience success. August 1,199! Judging—The U.S. Standard (Continued) Vaulting Publications Available From the AVA National Office J. Ashlon Moore, continued from page 5 AVA Rule Book AVA Camps & Clubs Manual $ 5.00 $ 10.00 US Pony Club Vaulting Manual $ Current FE! international Vaulting Rules (1986) $ 15.00 Vaulting by Friedlander German Vaulting Handbook (British Translation) 6.00 $ 7.00 $10.00 AVA Clinician Information Booklet Vaulting World, 1 year (6 issues) (Add S3.00 for first class) Outside USA Back issues, each-specify date $ 2.00 $ 15.00 Vaulting Certificates, 10 for $ 1.00 $ 20.00 $ 2.00 AVA Logo Patches, each $ 2.50 10 for $ 5.00 Set of 7 AVA Pest Posters ('83, '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90) $ 7.00 "How to Put on a Vaulting Fest" (M. Rose) Send stamped ($0,29) self-addressed long envelope Video Tapes of Vaulting Clinics and Competitions, each $ 30.00 (Rental or Purchase: Send for List) Note: All Sustaining, Club, and Affiliate members receive Vaulting World as part of membership. All Sustaining and Club members receive the AVA Rule Book as part of membership. Add $1.00 per item for 1st Class Mail. Add $2.00 per item for outside U.S.A., except subscriptons to Vaulting World. Total Enclosed: Name: Phone: Address: Street City State Zip AVA Vaulting Club Affiliation (if any): Make check payable to AVA and send with order form to AVA, PO Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. Order will be sent parcel post unless first class is specified. Vaulting World Judges' Mandate to write Remarks Contributes to Success of U.S. Vaulters—Appreciation for the American judges' mandate to give commentary is widespread. European vaulters simply do not have the opportunities for education that are available to every competitive American vaulter at every competition. That is no doubt the reason why the success rate of such a relatively tiny U.S. corps of competitive vaulters is frequently surprisingly high. It Takes Courage to Write Down Why— Of course it is safer for a judge not to give comments—it is much more difficult to argue with a number (for which many rationalizations subsequently can be invented), whereas it is reasonably easy to take objection to an inappropriate remark written on a score sheet. It takes a brave judge to write down why he docs not give a higher mark—his reason is arguable, and the judge may have to defend himself. That is as it should be—that is the accountability that forces judges to improve themselves, and to keep to the "straight and narrow". It takes an industrious, competent, welltrained, and hard working judge to give written comments. Numbers can be flung about by anyone. Coach Charged With Interpreting Judging Code Comments for Vaulter— It is, of course, difficult enough to understand exactly what the judge means when he gives the remarkFT [Feet]. It could mean sickled or slack ankles or rotation outward or not arched. Other remarks have their specificity built in—LF [Legs Forward], AB [ArchedBack], and HH2/h [Hit Horse 2nd half] for example. Others are somewhat more general—MX [Mechanics], SX [Stretch], P [Posture], SK [Security], etc. [Ed.Nole: See AVA Rule Book, page 55 for complete Judging Code.} It is not the judge's task to baby-sit or to coach. The coach is the one who must be able to look at the remark and to determine and communicate to the vaulter which aspect is faulty (if he hasn't been saying so all along anyway!). The coach or the vaulter is also always welcome to ask the judge what the comment means, or to which specific aspect it refers, if the logistics of the situation allow. The European Judges' Objection—It is appalling that many International judges admit that they cannot(orcan'tbe bothered to) cope with the complications and effort required to give written comments on score sheets. It is even more appalling to hear a few of them say that comments are not necessary, as well as being too much trouble. All American judges are required to train themselves and demonstrate competence in giving written comments, else they simply will not advance in the judging hierarchy. Why U.S. Requirements are High—My experience with the politics and problems of training and advancement of dressage judges, both nationally and internationally, is the main reason that the US judging training programs and expectations have been set so high, and why the advancement requirements are so stringent. There must be no room for politics, and there must be every expectation and requirement for accountability. Vaulters Must Take AH Available Opportunities to Learn—Competitors should take whatever opportunities are available to educate themselves. This is especially true for Americans competing abroad, who will get none of the information and enlightenment they are accustomed to receiving as a matter of course from the most junior judge at the smallest American competition. In Europe, because the judges give no guidance through written commentary, the competitors and coaches should always feel free to ask to speak to the judges and to ask for specific justification or explanation of the scores and placings (in the politest possible terms— out of interest, not pique!). It is not unreasonable to expect international judges to function at the level of the most junior of American judges, even if the competitors and coaches have to stir things a bit to generate a similar level of function. The competitors should make it intel/ecma//y hard for the judges, and the judges should make it easy and enlightening for the competitors. [More on judging by J. Ashton Moore in the next issue.] August 1,1991 So You Want to Compete Abroad? AHSA Offers Guidelines to Vaulters and other Equestrian Competitors From a letter by AHSA President Jane Forbes Clarke Certain requirements and protocols must be understood and met in connection with competing in international equestrian competition. In addition competitors must be prepared to meet their own travel and other expenses. All competitors must have qualified in accordance with the "Criteria for Permission to Compete Abroad" for their discipline, and submitted written proof of compliance. The official "Application for International Competition" must be completed hi full and accompanied by the "Biographical Profile" form. (Available from theAVA National Office) Invitations for FBI recognized competitions (Le. CVTs, CVA's, CVIO's) are received by the AHSA throughout the year, copies of which are on file with the USET. If a qualified competitor requests permission to compete at a competition for which this Federation has not received an invitation, an invitation will be requested on your behalf. If more vaulters want to compete at a specific competition than there are invitations, a selection process will be necessary. Riders will be notified if a selection will be necessary for a specific competition. A list of FEIRecognized Vaulting Events is included in the Calendar a/Vaulting Events on the back cover of Vaulting World magazine. Entry procedures are as follows: 1. Entries in Principle—a deadline two months in advance of the competition by which the invitation must be accepted. 2. Nominated Entries—adeadlineonemonth in advance of the competition by which all nominated horses/riders must be given to the organizers. This list may include double the horses and riders for which the invitation is issued. 3. Definite Entries—a deadline two weeks in advance of the competition when notice must be given to the show of which horses/riders will be competing. If you wish to compete at a specific competition, notification must be received by the AHSA in writing before the deadline for the entries in principle (two months before the competition). It is extremely important that you carefully review your competition plans, as once an entry (principle, nominated, and/or definite) has been made on your behalf, you will be expected to honor that commitment Failure to participate after accepting an invitation in writing (unless the vaulter can establish that non participation was justified by documented illness or injury to rider and/or horse) or the violation of rules, protocols or procedure may result in disciplinary action, including charges and disciplinary proceedings before the FEI or before the AHSA Hearing Committee. Riders will be required to pay all fines, including fines imposed by the FEI on the AHSA or USET for failure to participate, and will be responsible for all penalties resulting from theh actions. Entries will not be made until all necessary applications have been completed, signed and returned to the AHSA. AHSA Criteria for Permission to Compete Abroad: Vaulting Inordertoxeceiyepermission&om the AHSA to compete in foreign.CVA's and CYI's, individual vaulters- and teams must satisfy the following requirements: 1, Vaulters and longeurs roust be members in good standing: with the ABSAasof thedateof the foreign competition. 2. Vaulters mustcamply. with age qualificationsfo£ individual vaulters and/or teams, as determined by qurrentFEIrules.Vaultersandlottgeurs mustbeTJ.S.citizens,orbedeelared domiciled in the Unites States of America, possessing the necessary license issued ty the AHSA,. and he a current Senior or Junior Member of the AHSA. Vaulting World 3, If ahorse goesfromfhfi U.S., itmustbeatleast 6 years old, possess a valid FEI passport, and be registered with the AHSA. 4. Vaullers must have' earned a Silver or Gold Medal in accordance with the criteria specified in. the AHSA Rules for Vaulting, Applications to compete abzoadrnustbe submitted to the AHSA at least 90 days prior to the competition in question* iJnderextraordinary circumstances theAHS A Vaulting Credentials Committee, after consulting with the AHSA Vaulting Committee, may grant waivers to the above criteria, but only in unusual circumstances and for vaulters who are potential candidates for V/orld Championships. AHSA Sets Selection Criteria for 1992 World Championships, Pforzheim, Germany AHSA Vaulting Committee Chair, Adrienne Slang 1. Vaulters must be eligible as required in "AHSA Criteria for permission to compete abroad: Vaulting". (See box.) 2. Vaulters must apply to the AHSA to be considered for selection and be AHSA Junior or Senior members by date of application. 3. Individual vaulters must be AVA Silver or Gold medalists by date of application. 4. TriaLsmtistbeAHSARecognizedcomperitions. AHSA rules apply. 5. Try-outs begin with the AHSA National Championships, My 18, 1991, and close December 1, 1991, when those selected will be named by the AHSA Vaulting Committee. 6. The highest average score from any two selection trials, under at least three different judges, determines the selection of team andalternate team; three (3) Individual men and 1st, 2nd and 3rd alternates; three (3) individual women and 1st, send and 3rd alternates. Candidates must attend two (2) but may compete in all of the "selection trials". 7. There must be at least two (2) judges for each selection triaL Judges must be selected from the AVA or the FEI list of approved judges. The following combinations of judges may be used:AVA -I and I, AVA -1 and R. If a third judge is used, he/ she must be FEI licensed. 8. The following competitions are designated "selection trials", provided they are AHSA recognized: • July 18-21,1991 AHSA/AVANational Championships, Albuquerque, NM • September 21-22, 1991 East Coast Fall Fest, Frying Pan Park, VA • September 28, 1991Monte Vista Trials, Watsonville, CA • October 5, 1991 Region IV Albuquerque Tri als, Albuquerque, NM • October 26, 1991 Garrod Farms Trials, Sara toga,CA • November 10,1991Central Valley Vaulters, Sacramento, CA 9. hiaddition,forindividualcompeu"tionavaulter's a score from one U.S. or foreign CVI held between July 18 and December 1,1991 shall be counted in place of alower score from the selection trials. It is the vaulter's responsibility to provide scores from CVTs to the AHSA Vaulting Committee before December 1, 1991.. IQ.Those interested in serving as Chef d'Equipe should send a letter to the AHSA by December 1, 1991. TheChef d'Equipe wiU be named by January 1, 1992. If you are interested For an application form or more information, contact Adrienne Stang, Chairman, AHSA Vaulting Committee, 20449 Glen Brae Drive, Saratoga, CA 95070, Telephone: 408 867-0184. August 1,1991 Notes From the AVA National Office 1992 Memberships and Renewals Accepted Beginning October 1,1991 Multi-part Membership Forms Will be Phased Out All memberships received by the AVA National Office which are postmarked October 1 and later will be treated as 1992 memberships and will be good through December 31,1992. All Clubs which register vaulters 'after October 1 must renew the Club membership for 1992 at the same time. Vaulters may not be registered for 1992 unless the Club is also registered for 1992. Club renewal forms may be obtained from the AVA National Office. Renewal notices and forms will be mailed outOctober 1,1991,firstclasstoall clubs and November 1,1991, by bulk third class mail to all 1991 and Life Sustaining Members. Current memberships expire on December 31,1991. Because of the capabilities of AVA's new computer system we are phasing out themulti-partNCR membership forms used in thepast. We are switching to single sheet forms and the computer system will generate confirmation copies to be sent to clubs and Sustaining members. Group Tax Exempt Status Available for all AVA Registered Clubs The American Vaulting Association' s tax exempt status under IRC Section 501(c)(3) is available to all member clubs. If your club complies with the requirements it can be included in the Group Exemption letter (#4089) which the IRS granted the AVA in 1987. When your club is included, contributions made by individuals to your club will be deductible as charitable contributions from their personal income tax, as would certain out-of-pocket expenses. In order to qualify for inclusion your club's fiscal year must be the same as the AVA's—October 1—September 30, and certain other requirements must be met. You will also be required to submit to the AVA each year a copy of the minutes of your club's annual meeting of members, including election of officers, and a financial report. In cases where your gross receipts normally exceed $25,000 for the year, you will also need to file an Annual Information Return—Form 990, with the IRS. If you are interested For complete details including a sample financial report and articles of association, please write to the AVA National Office, P.O. Box 3663,Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. 1991-92 AVA Liability Insurance Update AVA liability insurance offers coverage to all AVA Clubs and members in the event of lawsuits for third party bodily injury or property damage claims arising out of any AVA or member club activities. The policy also pays for defense costs in any liability actionregardless of theoutcome. Every vaulter, coach, and longeur in your club and every participant at your competitions must be an AVA member in order for this insurance to cover your club. (In the event that you plan to have an event in which this is not the case, you must contact our insurance agent in advance to determine what coverage, if any, you may have.) In addition, clubsmay obtain from our insurance agemCertificatesof Insurance to cover any facilities used in their activities. Address your requestto our insurance agent, Ron Dumrn. Please include the facility's name and address and information on exactly whatsortof facility is being leased orrented, Mr. Dumm cautions that, if an independent contractor is used in connection with any AVA or club activity, we should insist that the independent Vaulting World contractor provide his own liability insurance and name the AVA and the club as an additional insured. In this way we would be protected against suits arising from injuries over which we have no control and also against Workers Compensation cases on behalf of the independent contractor. Our current policy was renewed on August 1, 1991 with coverage effective to August 1, 1992. Our $1 million (each occurrence and aggregate) liability coverage is written by Frontier Insurance Company through theRhulen Agency. Our agent is Ron Dumm of Rollins Burdick Hunter,P.O.Box266060, Sacramento, CA 958260060. Telephone 916/381-1234, FAX 916/3832975 Excluded from Coverage under this Policy:: Bodily injury orproperty darnagearisingoutof or included in: 1) Commercial riding instruction and horse rental 2) Losses due to incapacity of any animaltobreed or reproduce 3) Bodily or personal injury to any person while Sponsor Requirement for Vaulters Defined AVAmles require vaulters at the competition level to have adult Sustaining Member sponsors. Because this requirement still causes confusion from time to time, we are once again listing the detailed requirements: Who May Be a Sponsor 1. Any vaulter 18 or over may be his/her own' • sponsor by registering as a Sustaining Member.. The fee is an additional $15, submitted with a completed Sustaining Member Registration Form. (A vaulting Sustaining Member may not sponsor any other vaulter, except his/her own child(ren ).) 2. Any parent may sponsor, with one Sustain-.: ing Membership, all of his/her children who are vaulters, but may not, at the same time, sponsor any other vaulters. 3. Any other Sustaining member (not already sponsoring his own child/children and who is not also a vaulter) may sponsor one vaulter. Who Must Have a Sponsor 1. Any vaulter who competes in any AVA Recognized Competition 2. Any vaulter who participates in any AVA facilitated international activity including exchanges and competition 3. Any vaulter who competes in the AVA National Championships 4. Any vaulter who applies for AVA .scholarship grants or financial assistance Who Need Not Have a Sponsor 1. Any vaulter who wishes only to: a-Take medal tests b-Paiticipate in unrecognized competitions c.Attend the AVA Annual Meeting d.Participatein AVA sponsored educational programs, including vaulter clinics and seminars practicing for or participating in any contest or exhibition of any athleticor sportsnature, conducted or directed by the insured 4) Bodily injury orproperty damage arising out of any of the following activities if they operate for remuneration: a) Renting horses b) Boarding horses c) Training horses d) Teaching riding e) Performing in shows f) Breeding horses g) Transporting horses 5) Bodily injury or property damage due to rendering/failing to render veterinarian services 6) Bodily injury orproperty damageto anyinsured under this policy (Cross Suits Exclusion). If you would like a copy of the complete policy, please send $10.00 to cover costs of copying and mailing, to the AVA National Office, P.O. Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. August 1,1991 International and AHSA Update AHSA Offers Guidelines on Status and Eligibility of Competitors Entering International Equestrian Events Advice for Riders and Sponsors Courtesy of AHSA Vaulting Committee Introduction Questions often arise concerning the eligibility of riders to compete as "amateurs" in international equestrian events under rules of the Federation Equestre International (FEE) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). These rules no longer use the term "amateur" but reflect the concept of eligibility as a non-professional "competitor" or as a "professional." To clarify the factors affecting eligibility, especially as it may be affected by sponsorship arrangements, these guidelines have been prepared by the American Horse Shows Association, Inc. (AHSA) to assist in the interpretation of these rules. The AHSA, as the National Federation (NF), is responsible to the FEI for thecornplianceof U.S. competitors with FEI rules. The FEI, however, has ultimate responsibility for the interpretation of its rules, and itis the FEI rules, not these guidelines, which will govern the outcome of any dispute or controversy. A. Eligibility to Compete Under FEI Rules Riders should be aware of the FEI eligibility rules and the events open to "competitors" only and not to "professionals". 1. Licenses (FEI Articles 134, 135) When a person participates in international events held under FEI Regulations, the question of status must be confirmed by the AHSA before the person is allowed to compete. Some individuals will require a "professional license" under FEI Article 135; all other individuals will require a "competitors' license" under FEI Article 134. (See also AHSA Rule VTH, Article 807.) 2. Professional Activities (FEI Article 135) Aperson is considered to be a "professional" if he/she a. trains or instructs other competitors and/ or horses for international competitions without approval of his NF, or b. is officially recognized by his/her NF and issued a certificate as a professional trainer or instructor of international competitors without approval of his/her NF, or c. enters into any form of personal sponsorship agreement or advertising contract without approval of his/her NF. 3. Reclassification (FEI Article 136) Any person having a "professional license" may apply to be re-classified under FEI rules, subject to approval by the AHSA and the FEI. A person who has applied for re-classification mustcontinue to compete as aprofessional until a new license is received. Such a re-classification from "professional" to "competitor" is granted only once in a person's life, and if the person again becomes a professional after re- Vaulting World classification, the person must remain as a professional for the rest of his/her career. 4. Events Not Open to Professionals (FEI Articles 137, 140) Under the FEI General Regulations effective July 23, 1990, professionals may not enter the following competitions: a. Olympic and Regional Games under the patronage of the IOC b. CDIOs and Senior Dressage Championships c. Events and Championships for Young Riders d. CVsandVaultingChampionshipsother than the Longeur e. Competitions for Students and Rural Riders B. Sponsorship/Advertising Agreements (FEI Articles 138,139) Sponsorship agreements are increasingly sought by riders and by enterprises which perceive a benefit from association with riders. To a great extent, the terms of these arrangements are individualized depending on how a sponsor is willing to support arider's efforts and the service the rider provides to the sponsor. All sponsorship arrangements, however must be considered in light of their potential to affect a rider's eligibility to compete under IOC and FEI rules. A sponsorship arrangement notprepared in accordance with IOC and FEI rule requirements may cause a rider to become a professional. (Note: the AHSA Rules have no specific provisions regarding sponsorships, but riders should carefully review AHSA Rule Vm, Article 808, particularly paragraph (d) if retaining amateur status under AHSA rules is desired.) 1. Professionals—Persons holding a professional license may enter into any form of agreement directly with sponsors, owners and employers and may receive payments directly from these sources. Such agreements, however, may not provide for carrying any form of advertising not allowed under FEI Article 139. 2. Competitors—(Non-professionals). Persons not holding a professional license may enter into sponsorship agreements as well, provided certain conditions are observed. The following sections describe these conditions and the procedures adopted by the AHSA to comply with them. I. Entering into a Sponsorsbip/Adyertising Agreement by Competitors (NonProfessionals) a. The AHSA does not find sponsors or formulate sponsorship arrangements: all terms of an agreement must be negotiated and finalized between the rider (and/or his/her agent) and the potential sponsor before the AHSA will become formally involved. Additionally, the AHSA assumes no responsibility if a sponsor or rider fails to comply with the terms of a sponsorship agreement. It is the sole responsibility of the rider (or agent) and the sponsor to enforce payment or performance under an agreement. However, competitors considering sponsorship and potential sponsors are encouraged to consult the AHSA for advice and interpretation of applicable rules and regulations. b. Once arrangements in principle for a sponsorship have been reached, it must be determined whether a "Sponsorship Agreement" signed by the AHSA is necessary. An FEI guideline indicates that the AHSA should be involved where the context of a sponsorship/ advertising agreement "affects in any way either [the rider's] personal participation or that of his/her NF in international competition." In most cases, the determining factor is whether the sponsor is entitled to receive some public, commercial benefit from the rider, (such as use of the rider's name or picture in advertising) in return for sponsorship support In situations where the sponsorship is in the nature of a gift, i,e. support with NO strings attached, and no commercial advertising, there is usually no need fora"Sponsors hip Agreement" signed by the AHSA. (The rider and sponsor may wish to have a written agreement in any event, but the AHSA does not need to be involved.) However, if a rider agrees to allow his/her name, picture, horse, etc. to be used in the advertising/ promotion of a commercial enterprise even without the rider receiving any support or benefit, an AHSA signed agreement is nevertheless necessary because of the commercial advertising. c. If a sponsorship involves leasing horses to a sponsor for a time, a separate lease agreement should be prepared. The form of such agreements is not prescribed by the AHSA or the FEI, but the AHSA will advise riders and sponsors concerning the application of FEI Articles 143 and 144 regarding names and ownership of horses. The AHSA will not process any name changes for horses in connection with sponsorships until the applicable"Sponsorship Agreement" has been signed by all parties concerned. II. Receipt and Expenditure of Sponsors' Financial Assistance a. In accordance with the IOC bylaws and FEI Regulations, financial assistance from sponsors cannot be paid directly to a rider but must be paid through the AHSA. The AHSA maintains ariders' sponsorship fund account solely for administering riders* sponsorship funds. When a sponsor pays a rider's financial assistance to the AHSA, it is held in this account and forwarded to therider upon the AHSA's receipt of the rider's statement of competitive expenses. Continued on page 10 August 1,1991 International and AHSA Update Attention! To those of all ages interested in supporting INTERNATIONAL vaulting, your opportunity is at hand] A group of members nas formed a fund raising auxiliary which will "be called: "THE INTERNATIONAL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS" OF You may already have received your invitation in ih& mail. Please give this solicitation your close attention. For a minimum donation of $50, you will receive a beautiful and unique pin identifying you as a member of the "CIRCLE", Larger donations will be rewarded with commensurate awards. In addition, a series of SIX SPECIAL EVENTS are being planned for donors and others. The first 200 to join will be part of the select"20G Qub'V eligible for a drawing forcash awards of $50, $75 and $100 in each of the next nine months with a special drawing for $500 in May. All members of "The International Circle of Friends" and their guests will be invited to the Saturday, Augustl?, 1991, buffet reception for competitors and officials of CVI Santa Cruz, at which the first drawing will take place. If you have access to mailing lists of horse related businesses and/or organizations please make that information available to Colette Garrison, 4252 Mason Lane, Sacramento. CA 95821. Vaulting World AHSA Guidelines, continued from page 9 The AHSA takesafeeof3%upto$100,000 and 1% over $100,000 of all funds handled through the riders' sponsorship fund account, to cover its administrative expenses. The AHSA will not accept or disburse any sponsorship funds until the applicable "Sponsorship Agreement" has been signed by all parties concerned and transfers of funds have cleared normal banking procedures. b. "Sponsorship agreements may provide riders with financial assistance for preparation for, and participation in international events." (FEI Article 138.3). Therefore, the AHSA will forward sponsorship funds to the rider upon receipt of the rider's written statement of competitive expenses, anticipated or incurred in connection with "preparation for" (a broad category) and/or participation in international competition, within one year beforeorafterthe date of the sponsorship agreement. The AHSA requires only a signed, written statement of expenses, but riders are advised to retain all receipts and records of such expenses in case of questions. IU. Tax Matters Competitors and sponsors are advised to consult their own tax advisors regarding tax aspects of sponsorships, as the AHSA has no expertise or responsibility in this area. As general information, however, it should be noted that: a. The AHSA riders' sponsorship fund account consists only of funds paid by sponsors for riders, and the AHSA has no interest in or power over such funds, except as an agent Accordingly, sponsors' payments into this account are not eligible for a charitable gift tax deduction for the sponsor making the payment b. Financial assistance to riders fromsponsors is generally taxable income to the rider. C. Advertising The principal incentive for most commercial sponsors to support competitors is their ability to use them in promotion and advertising of the commercial enterprise. The interpretation of "advertising" includes actual advertisements or endorsements of a commercial company or product in any way using a rider's name, person, picture, horse or sports performance in print or video media, product catalogs, on display boards, trade stands, horse or human clothing and equipment, horse transport vehicles or other similar items. "Advertising" also includes the use of the name of a commercial company as an owner of a horse or as a prefix to or part of the horse's name either in the program, catalog or media reports. If a rider is not a professional and intends to appear in advertising or show a horse with a commercial company name, it is necessary to have a "Sponsorship Agreement" signed by the company, the rider and the AHSA, even if the rider receives no benefit or compensation. (See FEI Article 139.6, IOC Bylaw B.4) 10 Scholarship Fund Established for Male Vaulters Donation Targets 1992 World Championships The AVA has received an anonymous donation of $3,000 to be awarded to AVA registered male vaulter(s) selected to reptesentthe U.S. in individual competition at the 1992 World Vaulting Championships in Germany. Funds will be divided among applicants. Deadline for applying for money from this Fund is January 1,1992. If you are interested: WritetotheAVANational Office, POBox3663, Saratoga CA 95070-1663, requesting an Application for AVA International Scholarship Award Update—CVI Santa Cruz, Sunday, August 18,1991 Naomi Takemoto, Chairperson, AVA International Committee The American Vaulting Association will host its first CVI on Sunday, Augustl8, 1991. An FBI/Hearst World Trophy Event, the CVI will follow the week long International Friendship Camp which runs from Friday, August 9 to Friday August 16. Both the camp and the CVI will be held at the Monte Vista Equestrian Center in Watsonville, California. The AVA has invited two foreign judges and two national judges to serve as the Ground Jury. President is FEI "O" Judge J. Ashton Moore, USA. Other members of the Ground Jury are FEI "C" Adrienne Stang, USA; FEI "O" Judge Ulrike Rieder of Heidelberg, Germany; FEI "0" Judge Ewald Gebs of Switzerland. CVI Santa Cruz will give competitors the unique opportunity of being judged by several top ranked FEI judges. The AVA Organizing Committee is extremely proud of the quality of the judging which will be offered at this event. In addition to top quality judging, CVI Santa Cruz participants will enjoy a comfortably paced event which will follow a well planned time schedule, with time for leisure recreation and evening hospitality. The exceptionally nice climate in this area of California and the excellent equestrian facility should also add to the enjoyment of this event. Santa Cruz County boasts ideal summer temperatures normally ranging in the 70's-SO's in mid-afternoon. Monte Vista Equestrian Center offers comfortable dorms close to both the dining room and the competition arena, as well as a junior Olympic size swimming pool. August 1,1991 International and AHSA Update 1991 FEI Hearst Vaulting Trophy Standings After two events: 2—CVI Budapest March 2224,1991 ;2=CVIBratislavaMarch30-31,1991 Women 1 Silke Micheberger, Germany 2 Barbara Strobe], Germany ' 3 Angelika Kung, Switzerland 4 Alexandra Bre'rter, Austria 5 Margot Benz, Switzerland 6 Anja Nielsen, Denmark 7 Angelika Zemp, Switzerland Sabine Kaubiscn, Austria Malin Lindell, Sweden Men 1 Thomas Ftekbaek, Denmark 2 Tamas Tarpataki, Hungary 3 Thomas Hosiny, Germany 4 Georg Rosenberger, Austria 5 Jan Vabtyn, Czechoslovakia 6 Mischa Zuffellato, Switzerland 7 Alexander Hant, Germany ' Pavel Pospisil, Czechoslovakia 9 Lasse Kristensen, Denmark Roberto Santa Ursula, Spain 11 Marc Achermann, Switzerland Peter Barosch, Austria 13 Bernhard GrOnewald, Germany FOzes Orsolya, Hungary Andras Tatar, Hungary 1 6.5 2.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 2.1 1.5 0.8 0.2 0.2 - Total 6.5 2.3 2.1 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.7 0.6 2.0 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 • • 0.2 - 3.6 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 6.3 2,2 2.0 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 Results—CVI Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, March 29-31,1991 FEI/Hearst Vaulting Trophy Event Team 1 2 3 4 Switzerland Czechoslovakia/A Sweden Czechoslovakia/B 8.040 7.433 7.025 4.939 Pas de Deux 1 Angelika KCng/Marc Achermann, Switzerland 2 Petra Juhaszova/Pavel Pospisil, Czechoslovakia 3 Iveta Dvorakova'Petr Korwchy, Czechoslovakia 4 Katerina Jandova/Radim Kolarik. Czechoslovakia 4.075 3.525 3.325 2.825 Women 1 Angelika Kung. Switzerland 2 Margot Benz, Switzerland 3 Alexandra Bceiter, Austria 4 AngelikaZemp, Switzerland 5 Mirmala Dias, Switzerland 6 Nicole Bre'rter, Austria 7 Iveta Dvorakova, Czechoslovakia 8 Anj'a Nieteen, Denmark 9 Petra Juhaszova, Czechoslovakia 10 Bozena Borgulova, Czechoslovakia 11 Cynthia Danvers, Holland 12 Ivona Dubravova, Czechoslovakia 8.594 8.396 8.369 8.035 7,731 7.611 7.593 7.561 7.551 7.316 7.249 7.222 Men 1 Thomas Fisbaek, Denmark 2 Jamas Tarpataki, Hungary 3 MarcAchermann, Switzerland 4 MfechaZulelata, Switzerland 5 Roberto Santa Ursula, Spain 6 Georg Rosenberger, Austria 7 Peter Barosch, Austria 8 Andras Tatar, Hungary 9 Jan Vabtyn, Czechoslovakia 10 Pavel Pospisil, Czechoslovakia 1) Jeno Brazarotte, Hungary 12 Kurt Stockinger, Austria 1991-1992 FEI Directory Available Through AHSA The FEI has announced that its 1991-92 Directory of Committees, NFs and Officials was sent to all National Federations in midJune. This publication can be ordered for S8.00 plus $2.50 shipping/handling, payable to AHSA thro ugh the American Horse Shows Association Tests andBooklets, 220East42nd Street, New York, NY 10017-5806, 212/972-2472, FAX 212/983-7286. FEI Publishes Recommendations on the Transport of Horses The FEI announced in the June 1991 FEI Bulletin that their Recommendations to Horse Owners and their Representatives on the Transport of Horses is now available. The price is 15 Swiss Franks per copy payable to the FEI. If you are interested Order from FEI Admin. Dept, Bollingenstrasse 54, CH-3000, 'Berne 32, Switzerland. Vaulting World 6.930 B.509 8.481 8.420 8.203 8.163 B.122 8.093 8.085 8.056 7.976 7.877 Results—CVI Ebreichsdorf, Austria, June 1-2,1991 FEI/Hearst Vaulting Trophy Event Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RSV Neuss, Germany RCWildegg,Austria Soup Sata, Czechoslovakia Malmo Sydtruppen, Sweden RCS Edreichsdori, Austria Harlekin I, Switzerland RCPill'K.Haidache, Austria flV Pohritzsch, Germany 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Alexandra Srehar, Austria Britta Carstensen, Germany Lo'ise Dellien, Switzerland Monika Kraxenberger, Austria Edith Preisch, Austria Sabina Kaubisch, Austria Sabine Kamaryt, Austria Anja Nielsen, Denmark Patra Juhaszova, Ciechoslovakta Bozena Borgulova, Czechoslovakia Iveta Dvorakowa, Czechoslovakia Cynthia Danvers, Holland B.339 7.416 7.340 7.069 6.748 6.583 6.276 6.173 Women 8.517 8.386 8.346 8.311 8.275 7.919 7.879 7.724 7.671 7.638 7.614 7.592 Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thomas FJsbaek, Denmark Tamas Tarpalaki, Hungary Goerg Rosenberger, Austria Pavel Pospisil, Czechoslovakia Kurt Stockinger, Austria Pavol Zagata, Czechoslovakia 7 Robe rtoSantaUrsuta,Spain 8 Heinz Stockinger, Austria 9 Jan Valstyn, Czechoslovakia 10 Jeno Brazzorotto, Hungary 11 Peter Barosch, Austria 12 Oliver Wojnar, Austria 11 8.925 8.900 8.673 8.521 8.470 8.295 8.267 8.240 8.219 8.121 8.096 7.809 FEI Issues Code of Conduct for Horse Welfare Effective January 1,1992 The following Code of Conduct, was drafted by the FEI Ethics Review Committee specifically formed in 1989 to ensure the health and welfare of horses participating under FEI Rules and Regulations and to protect the good image of equestrian sport. This Code was adopted in February 1991 by the F.EI Veterinai > Committee and was put into effect at the meeting of the FEI Bureau and the General Assembly at its March 1991 meeting in Tokyo. Code of Conduct 1. National Federations should establish adequate controls in order that all persons and bodies under their jurisdiction respect the welfare of the horse. 2. Horses must be treated with the respect and understanding they deserve. 3. Any handling and veterinary treatment should ensure their health and welfare. 4. High standards of nutrition, health, sanitation and safety shall be encouraged and maintained at all times. 5. Adequate provision should be made for ventilation, feeding, watering and maintaining a healthy environment when horses are being transported. 6. Emphasis should be placed on increasing education in training and equestrian practices and on promoting scientific studies in equine health. 7. Any method of riding and training should take account of the horse as a living entity and must not include any technique considered by the FEI to be abusive. 8. The well being of the horse must be considered above the demands of breeders, trainers, riders, owners, dealers, organizers, sponsors or officials. 9. The national and international Rules and Regulations in equestrian sport regarding the welfare of the horse must be adhered to not only during national and international events, but also in training. CompetitionRulesandRegulations should be continually reviewed to ensure such welfare. Beginning January 1,1992, this code must be included in the schedules of all major international competitions. August 1,1991 International and AHSA Update FEI Issues Minimum Requirements for Stable Security at International Events The following directives regarding stable security were published in the June 1991 FEI Bulletin. Minimum Requirements to Ensure Implementation of VR Art 1005.1 Veterinary Regulations Art. 1005.1 states: Organizing Committees in consultation with the Veterinary Commission/Delegate are responsible for the following: 1. The strict security of stable areas particularly at all events at which medication control is compulsory. In principle all horses participating in events must be stabled in restricted areas where they can be effectively controlled as required by the relevant rules and regulations. Only the Technical Delegate, members of the Ground Jury and Appeal Committee, the Stewards, the Veterinary Commission/Delegate, the Medication Control Program Testing Teams and the official farrier in addition to Persons Responsible for horse, one owner per horse, Chefs d'Equipe, trainers, grooms, team veterinarians and veterinarians accompanying individual competitors and team farriers, all of whom have been duly authorized by the Organizing Committee may be authorized to enter stable areas.* If horses are not stabled on the grounds of the event, they must be subject to random visits by any of the above mentioned officials. No unauthorized person may be allowed to enter stable areas at any time during an event. A standard check in and check out to stables and a security guard system must be established on a 24 hour a day basis at least at all events at which medication control is compulsory. Under no circumstances should horses be schooled in the stables or authorized to leave the stables, the competition area or the areas supervised by stewards for any purpose unless authorized by a recognizedofficialoftheeventoraveterinarian acting in the interestof the health and welfare of the horse. * Other persons may be authorized to enter the stable area at the discretion of the President of the OC. These may well include forwarding agents conducting their legitimate business. 1. Access to Stable Area The stables must be completely enclosed within a suitably restrictive perimeter (stable area) which will act both as a deterrent to the admission of unauthorized persons and to the Vaulting World exit of horses. The area must be sufficiently large to allow horses to be evacuated from the stable in an emergency, but still remain within the confines of the perimeter. Whenever possible the stable area must includeonly stables—lorries, caravans etc., should not be permitted within the area unless specifically needed as accommodation for horses and/ or grooms. Access to stables must be limited to those persons indicated in VRs Art. 1005.1 It is essential that the official issuing authorized access be a responsible person of seniority within the Organizing Committee. 2. Control of Access A control system must operate at all entrance gates so that there is an efficient and reliable method of identifying those who enter and leave the stable area at any time. with access to his/her horses, are familiar with the security and Stewarding procedures operating at the event attended. 5. Movement Throughout the Event Grounds Movement of horses between the stables, practice, grazing andmain arena mustbe strictly controlled. The optimum layout for Jumping and Dressage disciph'nesisattached.It is appreciated that flexibility will be required depending on the requirements of other disciplines. 6. Stewarding of Practice Arena The Chief Steward must ensure that each practice arena is adequately stewarded at all times that it/they are officially open. He must also ensure that all practice arenas are subject to random control when they are officially closed. 7. Grazing Area It is recommended that a grazing area be provided at all outdoor events and that this be subject to random control. If available, horses must only be grazed or walked in hand within this area. The Foreign Judge/TD at events will be specifically asked to check that the relevant requirements are met, as reasonably as can be expected depending on the discipline, and to clearly indicate any shortfalls, following which consideration may be given to altering the category of the event in the future. Extra vigilance must be used in establishing the identity of persons and reasons for entering the stables during the night. Example of Ideal Layout of Competition/Stable Area 3. Stewarding of Stable Area At least one stable steward directly responsible to the Chief Steward, must be present or readily available in the vicinity of the stable area 24 hours a day during the entire duration of the event. He may be assisted by deputies as required. The steward/deputies must regularly patrol the stable area, without establishing any predetermined pattern, to discourage any form of illegal practices or abuses to horses. Any misdemeanors must immediately be reported to the stable steward who must, in turn, report to the Chief Steward. The duty of the stewards is therefore to safeguard the welfare of the horses and to prevent any form of illegal practices. Gate—closed at night and ( off-competition times 4. Grooms Stables It is appreciated that grooms wish to remain with their horses during the night. Only grooms duly registered with the OC are permitted to do so. The Person Responsible must ensure mat his/her grooms, or any other authorized persons 12 Only entry and exit gate (guarded) D l I I Horse trailers [ l~1 LJ _l U U August 1,1991 Clubs News and Miscellaneous Fire Can't Stop This Club! Jane Johnson A few of the Rocking Horse Vaulters, Corrales, New Mexico, are pictured looking through the remains of what had been their bamandtackroom. Since last September, the club had held practices at the home of team mate Jesse Johnson. A major fire in April burned the Johnson's bam to the ground, destroying much of the club's vaulting tack and burning the carpet on all of their barrels. No horses were injured! But the Galassini's tractor, used to till the arena, was damaged, WithRegion IV Championships and Nationals coming up, the vaulters moved down the street to the arena of their coach, Stacy Galassini. Practice resumed the next day while club mothers re-covered the barrels. ' A new bam should be ready by fall at the Johnsons, so Rocking Horse vaulters can keep warm during the winter. Nelson and Siemens to Receive Small "r" Judge Designation AVA's Technical Committee Chairman Adrienne Stang has announced that two apprentice judges will be promoted to small "r" judges effective October 1, 1991. The two new AVA Recorded Judges will be Lynne A. Nelson and Stephanie Siemens. CVI Donations from Recognized Fests Great Falls Fest $95.00 Mothers Day Fest $126,00 Carousel Fest $125..00 San Ticente Fest $30.00 International Fund Donations from 1991 Nationals Total $175.00: Albuquerque $16.00 Black Point $16,00 Carousel $33.00 Central Valley $25.00 Diamond Bar $8,00 Great Fatts $9.00 Mid-Atlantic $1.00 Vaulting World Mt. Eden $13,00 Rainbow $3. 00 SanVicente $8.00 Sundance $12,OQ Tambourine $14. 00 Valley View $12. 00 Rocking Horse vaulters view the ruins of their stable which was destroyed by fire in April. Clockwise from right: Coach, Stacy Galassini holds a bit of charred longe whip while teammates inspect burned carpet on practice barrel: Rachel Klein, Christy King, Becca Kunkle, Kyndra Abeyta, Jesse Johnson and Ra __ Photo; J. Johnson History -my name is ${ancy '., Soquet Send your vautting fustory to me; I'd care for it quite we&{ • Ifien when what you need, is vaidting facts— J3. name, a-score, apface? Just asfijne, and if I can Such info I wuT trace I'm here to heCp you find a date, trivia of any (find >o Big, no request too smalt I'ddo ait I can to find 'Jhe information you request. Ifiat's why I toof^this io?/c of new Jnstorian of the 2W& need do now is asfcl 13 AVA Historian Nancy Stevens find, send me dippings, artid&s, or twol Stories, poems, apfwto. 1'dtfienstore.itfiereforyou, I wanted you to ^now. Our sport is growing every day. *Eacfi team fias fustory, too. So send it here,far tfie. &V21 it aHfor you/ tevens, August 1,1991 Region IV Holds AHSA/AVA Recognized Spring Fest in May Marjorle Oakes Region IV's AnnualFest was held at the Sheriff's Posse Grounds in Albuquerque's north valley May 4 and 5. The two Albuquerque clubs, Albuquerque Vaulters and Rocking Horse Vaulters, entered 30 Vaulters, ranging from beginning to gold levels. This first ever AHSA recognized competition inRegion IV was managed by Merry Cole with assistance from parents of both clubs. Maxine Chelini (R), of Santa Fe, New Mexico, judged. Technical Delegate was David Jaqua of Corrales, New Mexico. The weather was a bit cold for May, but our Sheriff's Posse Arena gave us a conveniently located covered facility. The fest was good experience for our vaulting teams. They are looking forward to the National Championships in Albuquerque in July. The competition was a learning event for all and as Region IV grows we hope to have more competitions of this type and to attract vaulters from other parts of the country. High point winners were Women's Gold Medalist Anna Schulte and Men's Bronze Medalist Chris Sealey, both of Albuquerque Vaulters. Results—Region IV Fest, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 4-5,1991, Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Individual Events (Regrettably, club affiliations were not given) High Point Awards (Individual plus 2-Phase) Gold WomenxAnna Schulte Silver Women-Susan Oakes Bronze Women-Rachel McErnle Bronze Men-Chris Sealy Tiot Women-Kristi King 7.97 6.67 5.68 6.24 6.09 Pas de Deux Events Kyndta Abeyta'Krbti King Misha Lente/Rachael Klein Healher Sealey/Josanna Simpson Tanya Komorowski/Sara Wilson 7 AS 6.96 6.24 5.88 Individual Events Gold Comp. Round I—Women 1 Anna Schulte 2 Stacy Galassini 7.90 7.62 Gold Kur Round I—Women 1 Anna Schulte 2 Stacy Galassini 7.60 7.38 Gold Comp. Round II—Women 1 Anna Schulte 2 Stacy Galassini 8.07 7.83 Gold Kur Round 11—Women 1 Stacy Gaiassini 2 Anna Schulte 7.96 Silver Comp. Round I—Women 1 Heather Capps 6.55 2 Susan Oakes 6.20 Silver Kur Round I—Women 1 Susan Oakes 2 Heather Capps 5.65 4.63 Silver Comp. Round II—Women 1 Heather Capps 7.S5 2 Susan Cakes 6.80 Silver Kur Round II—Women Trot Pas de Deux 1 Z 3 4 Gold Overall—Women 1 AnnaSchulte 8.70 8.38 1 Heather Capps 2 Susan Oakes 8,00 6.58 Silver Overall—Women 1 Heather Capps 6.71 Bronze Compulsories—Women 1 Theresa Salazar 6.S2 2 3 4 5 6 Jennifer Lente Angela Sanchez Rachel McEtnie Rachel Rochelle Neely Kunzelman 1 2 3 4 5 6 Teresa Salazar Rachel McEmie Jenniler Lente Angela Sanchez Neery Kunzelman Rachel Rochelle 6.17 6,00 4.78 3.72 3.50 Bronze Kur—Women 6.23 6.18 5.45 5.43 4.83 4.40 Bronze Overall—Women Teresa Salazar 6.43 Bronze Comp.—Men 1 Jesse Johnson 2 Chris Sealey 3 Estevan Pedroncelli 6.77 6.38 5.55 Seventeen year old Anna Schulte, Albuquerque Vaulters, performs First Place Gold Kur on "Bleaux" photo.-M.Co Trot Compulsories—Women 5,60 Misha Lente 5.52 2 KristiKing 3 Heather Sealey 5.45 5.07 4 Sara Wilson 6 Kyndra Abeyta 4.72 4.70 7 Josanna Simpson 4.47 8 Tanya Komorowski g Rachel Klein 4.42 4.15 10 Morgan Honacutt 3.70 11 Rachael King 3.67 12 Amity Clay 3.43 13 CorrineHale Trot Kur- -Women 6.23 1 Krisli King 6.15 2 Misha Lente 3 Heather Sealy 5.83 5.50 4 Josanna Simpson 5.18 5 Rebecca Kunkle 5.15 6 Tanya Komorowski 5.15 6 Mary Carniglia 5.00 7 Morgan Honecutt 4.83 8 Kyndra Abeyta 4.75 g Sara Wilson 4.68 10 Rachel Klein 3.33 11 Conine Hale 3.07 12 Rachel King 2.88 13 Amity Clay Trot Overall—Women 1 Kristi King 1 Misha Lente Bronze Kur—Men 1 Jesse Johnson 2 Estevan Pedroncelli 3 Chris Sealy Trot Compulsories—Men 6.00 5.98 5.73 1 Jesse Pareo 2.38 Trot Ktir—Men Bronze Overall—Men 1 Jesse Johnson 5.88 5.88 1 Jesse Pareo 6.39 4.45 Trot Overall—Men 1 Jesse Pareo Gold 2-Phase Overall—Women 1 Anna Schulte 1 Heather Capps 2 Susan Oakes Lee Anna Komorowski Ann Crawford Julie Hale Nicole Mayer Silver 2-phase Overall 1 Susan Oakes Booster Walk K0r 1 Lee Anna Komorowski 2 Nicole Mayer 3 Julie Hale 4.50 4.03 3.44 Booster Overall 1 Lee Anna Komorowski Albuquerque's Mary Camiglia, 18, performs Trot Barrel KUr 1 Anna Schulte 2 Stacy Galassini 7.78 7.15 Gold 2-Phase Barrel—Women 1 AnnaEchulte 2 Stacy Galassini Photo: M. Cole Vaulting World 4.84 2-Phase Events Gold 2-Phase Horse—Women 14 8.17 7.77 7.03 Bronze 2-Phaae Horse—Women 1 Rachel McEmie 4.75 Bronze 2-Phase Barrel—Women 1 Rachel McEmia 5.88 Bronze 2-Ph.Overall—Women Rachel McEmie 5.32 Bronze 2-Phase Horse—Men Chris Sealey Estevan Pedroncelli . . . 5.75 4.80 Bronze 2-Phase Barrel—Men Chris Sealey Estevan Pedroncelli 6.41 5.45., Bronze 2-Phase Overall—Men Chris Sealey Trot2-Phase Hora 6.08 Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sara Wilson KristiKing Josanna Simpson Misha Lente Heather Sealey Tanya Komorowski Kyndra Abeyta Rachel Klein Amity Clay 10 Corrine Hale 5.07 4.70 "4.68 4.63 4.47 4.40 3.82 3.63 2.g7 2.33 Trot 2-Phase Barrel —Women 3.42 5.38 5.12 3.93 3.20 7.13 6.55 Silver 2-Phase Barrel—Women : • 7.50 1 Susan Oakes Booster Walk Compulsories 1 2 3 4 7.98 Silver 2-Phase Horse—Women 6 7 8 9 10 Kristi King Sara Wilson M ary Carneglia Tanya Komorowski Misha Lente Rachael Klein Amity Clay Heather Sealey Kyndra Abeyla Josanna Simpson Corrine Hale , 7.87 7.33 7.33 6.87 6.27 5.93 5.67 5.40 5.00 4.91 4.50 Trot 2-Phase Overall—Women 1 KristiKing 6.29 Trot 2-Phase Barrel—Men 1 Jesse Pareo 4.00 Booster Barrel 1 Leanne Komorowski 2 Julie Hale 3 Nicole Mayer 6.27 4,77 3.10 August 1,1991 Mothers Day AVA/ AHSA Fest & Selection Trials Held May 12 Garrod Farms, Saratoga, CA munds; Monte Vista Vaulters, Watsonville, coached by Patti Skipton, Mt Eden Vaulters, Saratoga, coached by Emma Garrod; Pegasus Vaulters, Soquel, coached by Kitchy Burdette; Rainbow Vaulters, DiamondBar, coachedby Stephanie Siemens; River City Vaulters, Sacramento, coached by Sydney Macintosh; Sundance Vaulters, Woodside and Paso Robles, coachedby Sydney Macintosh; Tambourine4-H Vaulters, Sonoma, coached by Kelley Holly;and Woodside Vaulters, Woodside, coached by David Long. AHSA Selection Trial events for CVI Santa Cruz hopefuls. The largest class of the day was the Bronze/ unrated with about 85 competitors. Eden's Meagan Clarke, with teammale Amy Garrod second. Bronze Classes were won by Carousel's Marcia Siegel for the women, and Mt Eden's TrevorGarrod for the men. Unrated canter was won by Mission Vineyard's Danny Herzog and Jeanine Ghiorzi. Woodside's Amanda Corfman and Monte Vista's Joshua Howton won in theTrotDivision. In the Tiny Tots Division, representing vaulting's future, CaitHnRiddell, Tambourine; Kirsten Kucera, Woodside; and Danielle Skipton, Monte Vista took first, second and third respectively. The day was a success due to a lot of friendly competitionby die vaulters, hard work by die judges, and volunteer efforts by MU Eden parents. 2 Meagan Clark, Mt. Eden 3 Michelle Bender, Rainbow 4 Lbby Stow, Mt. Eden 5 Allison Bibbter, Woodside 6 Kellee Rasor, Sundance 7 Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 8 FrancescaTortoralli, Rainbow 9 Courtney Antrum, Monte Vista 10 Jennie Tarn, Mt. Eden 11 AlexaStent, Carousel 12 Maureen Roy, Mt, Eden 13 Teresa Keville, Tambourine 14 Rita Koelsch. Sundance 23 Lauren Sapulelli, Monte Vista 5.350 24 Sarah Crossingham, Sundance 5.350 25 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 5.283 26 Amanda Muzii, Pegasus 5,217 27 Darcey Purcall, Central Valley 5.200 28 Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 5.150 29 Corie Howard, Monte Vista 5.067 30 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 5.033 31 KrislaPoppenberg, Woodside 4.650 32 Rachel Nebon, Pegasus 4.633 33 D'LenaCampagna-Pinlo,Tambourine4.633 34 Jana Dadant, Monte Vista 4.383 35 Summer Smith, Central Valley 4.333 36 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 4.200 37 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 3.917 Gerry Brown ML Eden Vaulters hosted the anIn Te am competition Monte Vista nual Mother's Day Vaulting Fest on won A Team Overall, while CaliforSunday, May 12, 1991, at Gairod nia Carousel placed first in B Team, Farms, Saratoga, California. About andSundanceinCTeam.TrotTeam 180vaulters&oml3Califomiaclubs competition was won by Monte were judgedby AVA Judges Naomi Vista, while the Beginning Canter Takemoto (!,FEI) and SuzanneDetol Compulsories award went to Mt. (r): Black Point Vaulters, Martinez, Eden's Variety Pak coached by Carole Dwinell; CaliThe four-section Silver and Gold fornia Carousel 4-H Vaulters, AHSA Selection Trial classes were Woodside,coachedbySusieBames; hard fought, Woodside vaulter DeCentral Valley Vaulters, SacraAVA Recognized Events at this von Maitozo won Gold Men, and mento, coached by Christiane Nolting; Gold Rush Vaulters, San competition were A, B, C, and Trot Diana Tyll, Mt. Eden, won Gold Martin, coachedby Sue Spear; Mis- Team events, as well as Bronze, Women, with Allyson Seaman, sion Vineyard Vaulters, San Juan Silver, and Gold Individual Events. California Carousel a close second, Bautista, coached by Kendel Ed- The latter two classes were also First place Silver Woman was Mt. Results—Mothers Day AVA/AHSA Recognized Fest and Selection Trials, May 12,1991 Judges: Naomi Takemoto (I, FBI), Suzanne Detol (r) Individual Events Gold Round I—Women Team Events A Team Compulsories 1 Monte Vista 6.702 A Team Kur 1 Monte Vista 5.960 1 Monte Vista 6.365 A Team Overall B Team Compulsories " MlCdon WtweMantft Jo«w California Carousel Mt. Eden Loonoy Tunes Pegasus 6.192 5.583 4.781 B Team Kur Ml. Cdan Whoa MfljTift Jeaa California Carousel B Team Overall Ml. Eden Whoa Murrvft Je»s California Carousel 6.105 4r954 4.7B1 Pegasus Disqualilkiit—illegal composite team Ineligible—vaulter with no sponsor C Team Computsories Sundance Monte Vista 5,067 3.671 CTeam KiJr Sundance Monte Vista 6.220 5.200 C Team Overall Sundance Monte Vista 5,591 4.475 Trot Team Compulsories Tambourine 4-H Trot Team Kiir Tambourine Trot Team Overall 4.802 5.360 C cn-f 5.056 1 Tambour! ne * Ineligible—2 vaulters with no sponsors Beginning Canter Team Comp. 1 Mt. Eden Variety Pak 4.261 Beginning Trot Team Comp. 1 2 3 4 5 Allyson Seaman, Carousel Diana Ty!l, Mt. Eden Nicole Wortar. Mt. Eden Kim Frankel, Mt. Eden Deidra Ostendort, Mt. Eden pamGetstar, Rainbow Kendel Edmunds, Mission Vineyard Keltey Holly, Tarrfaourine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diana Tyll, Mt. Eden Allyson Seaman, Carousel Deidra Oslendorf, Ml. Eden Kim I-tankel, Mt.1 Eden PamGe'sler, Rainbow Kellay Holly, Tarnbourine Nicole WoKer. Mt. Eden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diana Tyll, Mt. Eden A llys o n Seaman .Carousel Kim Ftankel, Mt. Eden Deidra Ostendorl, Mt. Eden Nicole Woher, Mt. Edon Pam Geisler, Rainbow Kelley Holly,Tarrbourine Gold Round II—Women Gold Overall —Women 4.700 Pegasus 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Pegasus Black Point Monte Vista Gold Rush Vaulters Gold Rush Nuggets Vaulting World 5.125 5.076 4.592 4.3SO 4.327 Gold Round I—Men 1 Devon Maitozo, Woodside 2 Scott Stewart, Carousel 3 Ullried Ullstrand, Sundance 8.500 8.425 B.359 7.975 7.734 7.425 6.534 6.067 8.292 8.134 7.975 7.792 7.583 7.138 7.067 Silver Overall—Women 1 Meagan Clarke, Mt. Eden 2 Amy Garrod, Mt, Eden 3 Lbby Stow, Ml. Eden 4 Allison Bibbler, Woodside 5 Kellee Rasor, Sundance 6 Maureen Roy, Mt. Eden 7 FrancescaTortorelli, Rainbow 8 Michelle Bender, Rainbow 9 Kim Dunham. Ml. Eden 10 Jennie Tarn, Mt. Eden 11 AlexaStent, Carousel 12 Courtney Anlrim, Monte Vista 13 Teresa Keville, Tambourine 14 RitaKoebch, Sundance 8,359 8.317 7.884 7.B55 7.713 7.504 6.603 1 Devon Maitozo, Woodside 2 Scott Stewart, Carousel 3 Ulfned Ullstrand, Sundance B.401 8.363 8.217 Gold Overall—Men Silver Round 1—Women 1 Lbfay Stow, Mt. Eden 2 Meagan Clarke, Ml. Eden 3 Maureen Roy, Mt. Edon 4 Allison Bibbler, Woodside 5 Kellee Rasor, Sundance 6 Amy Garrod, Mt, Eden 7 Jennie Tarn. Mt. Eden B FrancescaTortorelli, Rainbow 9 Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 10 AlexaStent, Carousel 11 Michelle Bender, Rainbow 12 Rebecca Kirchner, Monle Visla 13 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 14 Rita Koebch, Sundance 15 Teresa Kevilte, Tambourine Silver Round II—Women 1 Amy Garrod, Mt. Eden 1 Scott Campbell, Carousel 5.650 1 Scott Campbdl, Carousel 5.825 Silver Round II—Men Gold Round II—Men 8.275 8,242 8.017 8.024 7.905 7.838 7.534 7.463 7.446 7.235 7.100 7.0SS 7.082 6.809 6.582 6.434 6.186 Silver Round 1—Men 8,559 B.450 8.417 1 Scott Stewart, Carousel 2 Devon Maitozo, Woodside 3 Ulfried Ullstrand, Sundance 8.234 7.829 7.809 7.621 7.583 7.554 7.542 7.309 7.217 7.179 7.171 7.150 6.534 Silver Overall—Men 1 Scott Campbell. Carousel 5.700 Bronze Compulsories—Women 1 Anna Kahl, Carousel 6.617 2 Marcia Siegel, Carousel 6.567 3 Freya Smith, Mt. Eden 6.533 4 TaraWalker.RiverCity 6.483 5 Tamsin.Smilh,ML Eden 6.493 6 Kristen Weeks, Sundance 6.450 7 BreeHylkema, Ml. Eden 6.417 8 Ashley Wood, Mt, Eden 6,250 9 Leslie Johnson, Pegasus 6.167 10 Jessica Schroeder, River City 6.167 11 Daneille Keller, Carousel 6.100 12 Michelle Arnold, Sundance 6.067 13 Marjoe Jarboe, Pegasus 6.050 14 Zoe Smith, Mt. Eden 6.033 15 Marisa Curtis, Cenlral Valley 6.000 16 Robyn Blue, Mt. Eden 5.983 17 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 5.883 18 Alicia Teeler, Mt. Eden 5.800 19 Camille Waldorf, Pegasus 5.733 20 Molly Brooks, Monte Vista 5.583 21 Valerie Banter, Monte Vista 5.4S7 22 Sandy Hill. Monle Vista 5.3S7 7.867 7.813 7.721 7.446 7.342 7.284 6.946 6.929 6.617 6.438 6.371 6.342 5.854 5.B38 5.717 8.525 15 Bronze Kiir—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Marcia Siegel, Carousel 7.825 Kristen Meeks, Sundance 7.800 Anna Kahl, Carousel 7.525 Danielle Keller, Carousel 7.375 Tamsin Smith, Mt Eden 7.125 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 7.025 Jessica Schroeder, R~er City 6.800 Tara Walker, River City 6,800 Jaim« Taylor, Monte Vista 6.750 D'LenaCampagna-Pinto,Tambourirse6.725 Sarah Crossingham, Sundance 6.700 Lauren Saputelli, Monte Vista 6.550 Ashley Wood, Mt. Edeo 6.500 Zoe Smith, Mt. Eden 6.150 Michelle Arnold, Sundance 6.125 Robyn Blue, Mt Eden 6.100 Sandy Hill, Monte Vista 5.950 FreyaSmith, Mt. Eden 5.725 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 5.675 Laurie Peterson. Monte Visla 5.575 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 5.500 Alicia Teeter, Mt Eden 5.400 Camille Waldorf. Pegasus 5.175 Bronze Overall—Women 1 Marcia Siegel, Carousel 2 Kristen Maeks, Sundance 7.196 7.125 3 Anna Kahl, Carousel 7.071 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Tamsin Smith, Mt, Eden 6,804 Danielle Keller, Carousel 6.738 Tara Walker. Hiver City 6.642 Jessica Schroeder, Rrvef City 6.484 Ashley Wood, Mt. Eden 6.375 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 6.317 Freya Smith, Mt. Eden 6.129 Michelle Arnold, Sundance 6.096 Zoe Smith, Mt. Eden 6.092 Robyn Blue, Mt. Eden 6.042 Sarah Crossingham. Sundance 6.025 Lauren Saputelli, Monte Vista 5.950 D'Lena Campagna-Pinto,Tarnbourine 5.679 Sandy Hill, Monte Vista 5.659 Continued on page 16 August 1,1991 Great Falls Hosts May 18-19 AVA/AHSA Recognized Fest Selection Trials for CVI Santa Cruz, at Frying Pan Park, Herndon, Virginia Appcl-Biiderka, continued from fronl cover Frying Pan Park, Hemdon, Virginia. Horse events were judged by AVA Judge (R) Maxine Chelini of Santa Pe, New Mexico. Sugarloaf coach Dorothy Fontana judged the unrecognized barrel classes. Vaulters from nine AVA registered clubs traveled from as faraway as Georgia and Michigan for this event. Parti cipaling clubs were Agape, Eau Claire, Michigan, coached by Karen Roller, Falconwood Flyers, Covington, Georgia, coached by former Great Falls Silver Medalist James Fuller, Glcndevon Vaullers, Bluefield, Virginia, coached by former Topaz 4-H Bronze Medalist Linda Neimeier; Great Falls Vaulting Team, Great Falls, Virginia, coached by Carol Fuller: Ml. Tabor Vaulters, Blacksburg, Virginia, coached by former Great Falls Gold Medalist Jennifer Williams and Silver Medalist James Cooper, Mid-Atlantic Voltigeurs.Piltslown, New Jersey, coached by Alice Oldford; Sugarloaf Vaullers, Rockville, Maryland, coached by Dorothy Fontana; Spectrum Vaulters, Charlottesville, Virginia, coached by Bonnie Scribner, and Topaz Vaulters 4-H, Chantilly, Virginia, coached by Chris Appel-Bucierka. For the first time all nine clubs were able tocompete at the canter, ratherthan being limited to trot competition due to lack of canter horses. Clubs dubbed this "The Fest of the Green Canter Horses" because 5 of the 9 horses had been trained at the canterforonly thepast few months. A record 95 vaulters competed: 6 Gold, 6 Silver, 12 Bronze, 18 Beginning Canter, 17 Trot, 23 Novice and 17 Pre-novice. The previous attendance high at an eastern competition had been seventy vaulters. The Gold, Silver and Bronze performances were awe inspiring! Michigan's Agape Vaulters, on "Shazzam", showed personality, flair and pizazz in both performance and costuming. This club had never seen vaulting in person until a few years ago so their coach, Karen Koller, decided that imagination would be their theme. Agape Vaulters turned in a polished performance, especially 25 year old Andy Gantenbcin, who was 1st place man in the Gold Division. Andy was actually only a Bronze Medalist when he arrived at the competition on Thursday. He passed his Silver Medal test on Friday and then competed at the Gold Level in the AHS A Selection Trials. He saw vaulting forthe first time at the UPSC's Festival in Kentucky four years ago. Having grown up around horses, with a wife who rides and shows, he decided to try vaulting so as to have a common interest with his wife. Andy sccshimself asa"risk taker". His previous competitive sport was motocross riding. His "Side Hand Stand Vault Off at the Great Falls Fest was superb, but it had taken him 1 1/2 hears to perfect. Andy believes that his growth as a vaulter has been encouraged by both flexibility at home and encouragement from his coach. All the Gold competitors sparkled, most of all Champion woman Kellcy Frizzell of Sugarloaf Vaulters. Nineteen year old Kelley, who vaults on Great Falls' horses, because her club has none, cided that her first competition was not where she wanted to be and Kelley had to be satisfied with placing third in this first of 4 rounds. True to her good nature, Kelley did not blame "Delilah", deciding that was just the breaks—horses will be horses! Long-time canter horse "Epona" was her mount for the next 3 rounds in all of which she took first place to finish first overall. Team Kiirisalwaysacrowd pleasing class as many of the double and triple routines seem to defy the laws of balance, strength and coordination. At the canter, Ml. Tabor and Agape battled it out with many creative moves and transitions. The choreography of both teams was fluid and graceful, very much like ^ watching a ballet on horseback. Agape iV chose snappy, mime style music and ^ maneuvers, while Mt.TaborchoseclasGold Medalist, Kelley Frizzell, sical music and ultra smooth transitions. Sugarloaf Vaulters, performs Ml. Tabor took first partially due to the Free Arabesque on "Epona" at magnificent basing of Silver Medalist Great Falls Selection Trials men James Cooper and David Dyer. began vaulting at the trot in 1984. She Their flyers were tight, flowing from was on the composite Topaz/Sugarloaf position to position in the bases' hands. Trot team at AVA's 1985 Nationals. Even more amazing is that theirmount, She moved up to canter in 1986, receiv- Big Chestnut Appalcosa gelding has ing her Bronze Medal at the AVA Na- been trained in vaulting only since Febtionals that year. She earned her Silver ruary. Medal in 1987 and her Gold in 1989. A In July, many of these teams, horses junior at Maryland University, Kelley included, headed cross country to gives vaulting demonstrations through compete at the AVA Nationals in Albuthe Equestrian and Agriculture Depart- querque, New Mexico. ments there. She has given clinics The first Eastern AVA/AHSA Recthroughout the United Slates, and durognized Vaulting Fesl was a success! ing the summer of 1990 performed in AVA President, Jan F. Garrod summed demonstrations and helped teach clinics it up by saying, "As usual, the East in Europe. Hard luck befell Kelley durCoast teams pulled it off without a hitch. ing her first round of Compulsories at They are developing many new stars to the Great Falls Selection Trials. Great come to the Nationals in July and the Falls' "green" Percheron mare, CVI in August." "Delilah," her mount for the event, de- Competition results on page 17 Mothers Day Results, continued 1 B Alicia Teeter, Ml. Eden 19 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 20 Camille Waldorf, Pegasus 21 Jessica Howton, Monte. Vista 22 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 23 Melissa Ross. Monte Vtsta 5.600 5.471 5.454 5.392 5.304 4.938 Bronze Compulsories— Men 1 Trevor Garrod, Ml. Eden 2 Clinton Skipton, Monte Vista 3 Chad Ross, Monte Vista 6.267 5.800 4.650 Bronze Kiir— Men 1 Trevor Garrod, Mt. Eden 2 Chad Ross, Monte Vista 7. 125 6.925 Bronze Overall — Men 1 Trevor Garrod, Ml Eden 6696 2 Chad Ross, Monte Vista 5.788 U/R Bronze Comp. — Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ShannaPomerantz, Ml. Eden 6.567 AtetaKotecki, Pegasus 6,100 Jaqui Bartholomew, Sundance 5.783 Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard 5.750 Nicole Grippi, Pegasus 5.650 Samantha Bartholomew, Sundance 5.417 Krislen Filipponi, Sundance 5.317 Lee Anna Fraker Sundance 5.317 Colleen Ross, Mt. Eden 5.150 Vaulting World 10 Sian Parry, Mt. Eden 11 Cecily Washington, Tambourine 12 Jande Kyos. Mt. Eden 5.050 4.983 4.850 13 Jenny MacSwain, Carousel 4.300 14 Julio Williamson. Carousel 15 Melissa Goldstein, Sundance 3.883 0.833 # /nafeiWe—Wo Sponsor U/R Bronze Canter Comp.— Men 1 2 3 4 U/R Bronze Canter Ktir—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard 7.600 Shanna Pomerantz, Mt. Eden 6.775 Jenny MacSwain, Carousel 6,250 Lee Anna Fraker, Sundance 5.350 Jande Kyes, Mt. Eden 5.100 Atela Kolecki, Pegasus 5.050 » U-i, 1 i£t LURJiJ-,^ 7 Nicole Grippi, Pegasus ^ # Inoligiblo—No sponsor U/R Bronze Canler Kiir— Men 1 Danny Herzog, Mission Vineyard 2 Scott Warmen, Sundance 5.650 4.600 U/R Bronze Canter Overall— Men 1 Danny Herzog, Mission Vineyard 5.434 2 Scott Warmen. Sundance 4.875 Trot Kiir —Women 1 Amanda Corfman. Woodsido 6875 2 Julie Kevilb. Tambourine 6.500 3 Sarah Kliewer, Monte Vista 6.100 4 Kelly Meeks, Pegasus 5.800 5 Nicole Obrecht, Monte Vista 5.775 6 SherylThorsson, Tambourine 5.725 7 Barbara Burdatte, Pegasus 5.625 8 Elizabeth Lehfeldt, Gold Rush 5.425 9 Tamara Tal, Black Point 5.400 10 Dana Sanchez, Monte Vista 5.375 11 Lindsey Randall, Monte Vista 5.275 4. J.- 4.750 U/R Bronze Overall —Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ariel Tal, Black Point 5.367 Danny Herzog, Mission Vineyard 5.217 Scott Warmen, Sundance 5,150 Matthew Campagna-Pinto, Tambourine 5.067 Jeanine Ghiorzi Mission Vineyard 6.675 Shanna Pomorantz, Mt. Eden 6.671 Ateta Kolecki, Pegasus 5.575 Lee Anna Fraker, Sundance 5.334 Jenny MacSwain, Carousel 5.275 Nicole Grippi, Pegasus 5.200 Jande Kyes, Mt. Eden 4.975 16 12 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 13 Maty Siri, Monle Vista 14 Sabrina Chaso, Gold Rush 15 Summer Evert, Mt. Eden 16 Sarah Venneman, Gold Rush 17 Tiffany Klink, Mi. Eden 1 8 Carla Digennaro, Black Point 19 Heather Lehleldt, Gold Rush 20 Rachel Rubinfeld, Black Point 21 Diana Digennaro, Black Point 22 Kan Kucera, Woodside 23 Megan Lukk, Black Point 24 Heather Carlson, Black Point 25 Sarah RubJniokJ, Black Point 26 Vicki Gothot, Gold Rush 5.225 5.025 5.000 4.975 4.950 4.950 4,750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.650 4.600 4.375 4,275 4.000 Trot Kiir—Men 1 Joshua Howton, Monle Visla 2 Andrew Vennsman. Gold Rush 3 Chris Herzog, Mission Vineyard 6.55O 4.475 4.000 Tiny Tots Compulsories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Caitlin Riddell, Tambourine Kirstie Kucera, Woodside Danielle Skipton, Monte Vista Alex Obreoht, Monte Vista Jackie Bars, Woodside Sean Kevi Ite.Tambourine Atexa Rosemurgy, Tambourine Krista Frankel, Woodside 5.567 5.067 4.933 4.683 4.350 4.133 3.883 2.850 August 1,1991 Fest Results—Great Falls AVA/AHSA Spring Fest & Se/ectionTriafs, May 18-19, 1991. Judges: Maxine Chelini (R), Dorothy Fontana (Coach) 4 Linda Neirraier, Gtendevon 5 Courtney Bitlenbrinq, Great Falls 6.40 6.03 Silver Round I Kur—Women 1 Linda Nelrreier, Glendevon 2 Courtney Bittenbring, Great Falls 7.15 7.10 3 Gina Bode, Agape 6.75 Silver Round It Comp.—Women 1 Linda Neimeler, Glendevon 2 Courtney Bitleobring, Great Fails 6.35 6.03 Silver Round II Kiir—Women 1 Courtney Bittenbring, Great Falls 2 Gina Bode, Agape 3 Linda Neimeier, Gtendevon Ten year old trot vaulter Katie Hodgson, Topaz 4-H, performs a reverse pose on "Helen of Troy" 7.10 7.05 5.35 Silver Overall—Women 1 Courtney Bittenbring, Great Falls 2 Linda Neimeier, Gtendevon 6,803 6.313 Silver Round I Comp.—Men 1 David Dyer, Mt. Tabor 6.73 Silver Round I Kiir—Men 1 David Dyer, Mt. Tabor 6.25 Silver Round II Comp.—Men 1 David Dyer, Mt. Tabor 5.95 Silver Round II Kiir—Men 1 David Dyer, Mt. Tabor 6.05 1 David Dyer, Mt. Tabor 6.495 Silver Round I Overall—Men Bronze Compulsories—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Photo; T. Pkemister Annette Dusonbury, Great Falls Rachael Joseph, Mid-Atlantic Robyn Oldford, Mid-Atlantic Karen Roller, Agape Tracey BurKngham. Agape Jafene Markle, Agape Kathy Woodfin, Agape Andy Walnes, Mt, Tabor 7.30 7.30 7.18 6.70 6.42 6.42 6.25 6.1B 6.00 Bronze Kur—Women Recognized Classes: Gold, Silver & Bronze Individual Events 6 Mary Bess Sigman'Maria Henderson, Team Events Fa! con wood 4.44 (Not Recognized) Individual Events Open Canter Team Comp. Gold Round I Comp.—Women Great Falls/Sugartoaf 38.02 Ml. Tabor Topaz/6ton d e von Mid Atlantic Agape 37.64. 37.46 36.10 30.07 Open Canter Team Kur Ml. Tabor Agape 7.58 6.88 Trot Team Compulsories Falcon wood Spectrum Great Falls Topaz/Glendevoo 32.00 2B.45 28.44 25.87 Mt. Tabor Trot Team Kiir 21.12 Falcon wood Spectrum Great Falls Mt Tabor 6.28 5.48 5.40 4.12 Pas de Deux Events Open Canter Pas de Deux Evan Oldford/Robin Oldford, Mid-Atlantic Iris Schnegg'Clevia Schnegg, Agape Karen Kol&r/Kalhy Woodfio, Courtney Bitten bring/Jenny Halt, Great Falls Linda Neimeier/Andy Wallo, Topaz/G le n d ev on Annette Dusenbury/Healher Avery, Graal Falls Gin a Bode/Robert Britten, Agape 6.80 6.08 5.92 5.6B 4.B8 4.50 Trot Pas de Deux Kristen DeVeHer/Stacie 4.8B Robertson, Falcon wood Jenny Nichols/Alex Chewing, 4.80 Great Falls Elizabeth Gregg/K.C.McGurren, 4.52 Great Falls Kate Berquist/Louisa Anderson, 4.48 Great Falls Elizabeth Von Doernming/Kim Brokaw Great Falls 4.44 Vaulting World 7.73 7,20 6.08 Gold Round I Kiir—Women 1 Kelly Frizzell. Sugarloaf ' 2 Jennifer Williams. Mt. Tabor 3 Amy Onufrock, Mt. Tabor 6.58 Gold Round II Comp.—Women 1 Kelly Frkzell, Sugarloaf 2 Jennifer Williams. Mt. Tabor 3 Amy Onufrock, Mt. Tabor 1 Kelly Frizzell, Sugarloaf 2 Jenn'rlerWilliams.Mt.Tabor 3 Amy Onufrock, Mt. Tabor 7.697 7.119 6.B03 Gold Overall—Women 1 James Cooper, Mt. Tabor 2 Andy Gantenbein. Agape 3 Evan Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 1 Blaine Okiford, Mid-Atlantic 2 Andy Wallo, Topaz 6,95 5,38 6r93- 6,18 5.43 3.93 6.57 4.66 Beg. Canter Comp. —Women 7.B8 7.77 7.75 1 2 3 4 5 1 Andy Gantenbein, Agape 2 Evan Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 3 James Cooper, Mt Tabor 7.4B 7.20 7.08 Gold Round II Compulsories— Men 1 Evan Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 2 Andy Gantenbein, Agape 3 James Cooper, Mt, Tabor 7.70 7.25 6.50 1 Andy Gantenbein, Agape 2 James Cooper. Mt, Tabor 7.545 7.400 3 Evan Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 7.165 Silver Round I Comp.—Women 7.00 6.98 6.88 17 Vanessa Budd, Mid-Atlantic Jennifer Hall, Great Falls Ma/y Bess Sigman, Falconwood Jamie Downey, Ml. Tabor Staa'e Robertson, Falconwood 5.82 5.80 5.40 5.13 4,93 6 BrendaGoff, Mt Tabor 4.83 Beginning Canter Kiir—Women 1 2 3 4 5 7.68 7.20 6.95 1 Gina Bode, Agape 2 Iris Schnegg, Agape 3 CleviaSchnegg, Agape 7.12 Bronze Overall— Men Gold Round I Kur—Men Gold Overall—Men Bronze Overall— Women Robyn Oldford, Mid-Atlantb Kaehael itoaeph. Mid Atlonfe * Ineligible—no sponsor 1 Blaine Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 2 Andy Wallo Topaz 1 Andy Gantenbein, Agape 2 James Cooper, Mt. Tabor 3 Evan Oldford, Mid-Atlantic Gold Round II Kur—Men 67*36.40 5.43 5.15 4.90 Karen Kolter, Agape Andy Walnes, Mt. Tabor Annette Dusenbury, Great Falls Tracy Burlingham, Agape 1 Blalna Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 2 Robert Britton, Agape 3 Andy Wallo, Topaz Gold Round II Kur—Women 8.43 7.18 6,95 2 3 4 5 Jennifer Hall, Great Falls Mary Bess Sigrnan, Fatconwood Jennie Whitney, Agape Mindy Hales, Topaz Jamie Downey, Mt. Tabor 6,43 5.3B 5,28 5.13 4.70 6 Brenda Goff, Mt, Tabor 4.60 Beginning Canter Comp. — Men 1 Tom Spillers, Falconwood 2 Anthony Teneralli, Mid-Atlantic 3 Rob Faulkner, Falconwood 3,89 3.10 2.42 Trot Compulsories—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mary Bess Sigman,, Fatconwood Kristen DeVetter, Falconwood Staa'e Robertson, Fafconwood Jessica Golladay, Spectrum Erin Gfobs, Topaz Becky Willard, Falconwood 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jenny Nichols, Great Falls Tiffany Whitworth, Falconwood KaitlynBeisecker, Mt, Tabor AnnaWarkam, Mt. Tabor Sarah Rainey, Spectrum Henley Holmes, Spectrum 4.82 4.80 4.62 4.60 4.60 4.47 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kate Serquist, Great Falls JuliaArnholdt,Sugarloaf Tiffany Whitworth, Falconwood Henley Holmes, Spectrum Alex Chewnjng, Great Falls 5.13 5.10 4.90 4.93 4.35 Novice Trot Kiir—Women 6. Jenny Nichols, Great Falte 4.33 Novice Trot Compulsories—Men 1 Sam Miller, Spectrum 2 Raphael Schulrran, Spectrum 3 Michael Hall, Great Falls Trot Compulsories— Men 1 Tom Spillers, Falconwood 2 Peter Frola, Great Falls 3 John Hughes, Great Falls 4.85 4.72 1.23 5,02 4.40 3.97 Novice Trot KCir—Men 1 Michael Hall, Great Falls 2 Sam Miller, Spectrum 4.93 4.48 3 Raphael Schulman, Spectrum 4.40 Pre-Novice3 Comp.—Women 1 2 3 4 5 JuliaArnholdt, Sugarloaf Sarah Mabrouk, Sugarloaf Heather Burkett, Agape Jam Tepole, Glendevon Kellie Tidy, Agape 5.07 4.77 4.70 4.43 4.T7 6 Nicole Britton. Agape 4.10 Pre-Nov.3 Static Kiirs—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ruth Cox, Great Falls Kellie Tidy, Agape Heather Burkett, Agape Altsha Henderson, Falconwood Sarah Tepole, Glendevon Victoria Evans, Topaz 1 2 3 4 Gusty Anderson, Great Falls Justin Sindelar, Agape Phillip Fenrick, Agape .... Belsecker, ._. Mt. Tabor ___. Matt 4.88 4.75 4.68 4.67 4.40 3.90 Pre-Novice 3 Comp.—Men 3,50 3,23 1.90 .33 Pre-Novice 3 Static Kiirs—Men 1 Gusty Anderson, Great Falls 2 Justin Sindelar, Agape 3 Phillip Fenrick, Agape 4.B8 3.83 3.05 2-Phase Events Open 2-Phase Horse—Women 1 Robyn Oldford, Mid-Atlantic 6,72 2 Linda Neirraier, Glendevon 4.05 Open 2-Phase Barrel—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 Robyn Oldford, Mid-Atlantic Mindy Hates, Topaz Courtney Bittenbring, Great Falls Heather Avery, Great Falls Linda Neirreier, Glendevon Vanessa Budd, Mid-Atlantic 6.33 6.23 5,90 5,87 5.70 5.70 Open 2-Phase Barrel—Men 1 Robert Britton, Agape 6.27 2 Anthony Teneralli, Mid-Atlantic 5,23 Trot 2-Phase Horse—Women 1 Ginger Phemister, Topaz 5,00 2 Katie Hodgson, Topaz 4.72 Trot 2-Phase Barrel—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jennie Whitney, Agape Becky Willard, FaJconwood Mary Bess Sigrnan, Falconwood Krislen DeVetter, Falconwood Louisa Anderson, Greal Falls K.C. McGurren, Great Falls Trot 2-Phase Barrel—Men 5.BO 5.63 5.43 5,30 5.17 5.13 1 Peter Frola, Great Falls 2 John Hughes, Great Falls 3 Torn Spillers Falconwood 5.27 4.97 4.93 1 2 3 4 5 6 5.60 5.57 5.43 5.40 5.20 5.00 Novice Barrel Kiir—Women 6,22 5.95 5,93 5.12 5.08 4.75 . 4.95 4.60 4,05 4 John Hughes, Great Falls 3.73 Novice Trot Comp.—Women Bronze Ktir— Men 8.15 7.73 6.48 1 Kelly Frizzell, Sugarloai 2 JenniferWilliams, Mt. Tabor 3 Amy Onufrock. Mt. Tabor 7.50 Bronze Compulsories— Men 8.13 6.65 Gold Round I Comp.—Men 5.94 Agape 1 JenniferWilliams, Mt. Tabor 2 Amy Onufrock, Mt Tabor 3 Kelly fvczell.Sugartoaf 1 Robyn Oldford, Mid-Atlantic Trot Kiir—Men 1 Peter Frola, Great Falb 2 Rob Faulkner, Falconwood 3 Tom Spillers, Falconwood Healher Burkett, Agape Crystal Perry, Topaz Brooke Mullendore, Mt. Tabor Anna Markham, Mt. Tabor Tiffany Whitworth, Falconwood Kate Berquist, Great Falls Novice Barrel Kur—Men 1 Phillip Fenrick.Agape 2 Justin Sindelar, Agape 5,63 4.60 August 1,1991 Carousel Hosts AVA/AHSA Fest & Selection Trials June 1-2 Webb Ranch, Portola Valley, CA Eileen Fredrikson The fifth annual Carousel Fest was held Saturday and Sunday, June 1-2,1991, at Webb Ranch Stables in Portola Valley, California, The fcst, always a high point in the Carousel 4-H Club's vaulting year, was even more exciting this year because Sunday's competition served as an AHS Aqualifying round for the CVI Sanla Cruz Selection Trials. Fourteen teams and about 160 vaultcrs look part in the two day competition. Months of planning by club vaullcrs, parents and coaches resulted indctailcd preparations forthe event. Two mock fest had been held earlier in the year to train every club member in the various jobs that would be needed to keep the competition running smoothly. When theday finally arrived everyone was thrilled to see bright, sunny weather, especially since the previous year's fest had been hindered by rain. Coach Susie Barnes again challenged the club's canter level Gold, Silver and Bronze vaulters to take total responsibility for Saturday's unrecognized trot and beginning canter competition. The day, completely planned, staffed and managed by Carousel's senior vaulters, went without a glitch. Spectators at Sunday's AVA/ AHSA Recognized competition were treated to sensational performances by the Gold, Silver and Bronze vaulters. Judges Adrienne Stang (I.FEI) and Elizabeth Searle (I.FEI) presided at this exciting round. Club coaches and vaulters were cooperative and helpful in every way. Following the awards ceremony, which featured an Olympic styled three tiered podium for the winners.ahappyandvcry tired group of Carousel parents and kids took down the tents, food booths and displays. It was worth it! Results—California Carousel Recognized Canter and Unrecognized Trot Fest, June 1-2,1991, Judges: Recognized Fest: Elizabeth Searle (I, FEI), Adrienne Stang (I.FEI) Unrecognized Trot Day: Lynne Nelson, Kendel Edmunds Beginning Trot Team Comp. Team Events 1 Woodside 4.257 A Team Cotnpul series 2 Sundance 3.200 1 Ml. Eden Zoo Crew 2 MI. Eden Whoa Mama Joes 3 MonteVjsIa 47.563 45.388 43.213 Pas de Deux Events Preliminary Pas de Deux—Kiir I 43.200 42.700 1 Julie Beutterrt.auren Seaby, Carousel6.500 2 Michelle Arnold/Kris ten Meeks, Sundance 6.200 A Team Kiir 1 Ml. Eden Zoo Crew 2 Ml. Eden Whoa Mama Joes A Team Overall Preliminary Pas de Deux—Kiir II 1 Mt. Eden Zoo Crow 2 Mt. Fdon Whoa Mama Joes 8.251 8.008 B Team Compulsories 1 2 3 •I Ml. Eden Looney Tunes California Carousal 4-H Pegasus Tambourine 4-H 42.550 41.963 41.363 37.488 B Team Kiir 1 California Carousel 4-H 2 Mt Eden Looney Tunas 3 Pegasus _ 37 400 37.000 23.500 B Team Overall 1 Mt. Eden Looney Tunes 2 California Carousel 4-H 3 Pegasus 7.232 7.215 5.897 C Team Compulsories 1 Sundance 2 MonleVista 34.525 29.350 C Team Kiir 1 Sundance 2 Monte Vista 33.700 30.900 C Team Overall 1 Sundance 2 Monte Vista 6.202 5.477 Trot Team Compulsories 1 Pogasus 2 Tambourine 4-H 30 788 29.325 Troi Team Kiir 1 Tambourine 4-H 2 Pegasus 25.600 20.250 Trot Team Overall 1 Tambourine 4-H 4.993 2 Pogasus 4.640 Beginning Canter Team Coin p. 1 Ml. Eden Variety Pak Vaulting World 4.792 1 Julie BeulterA.auren Seaby, Carousel6.900 2 Michelle Arnold.'Knston Meeks, Sundance 6.500 Prelim. Pas de Deux—Overall 1 Julie Beuller/Lauren Seaby, Carousel6.700 2 Michelle Arnold/Kris ten Meeks, Sundance 6.350 Individual Events Gold Round I Comp.—Women 1 Kendel Edmunds, Mission Vineyard 8.750 2 Chase Wotfey, Monte Vista 8.683 3 Deidra Ostendorf, Mt. Eden 8.667 4 Nicole WoHer, Mt. Eden 8.633 5 Kim Frankel, Mt. Eden 8.633 6 Isabelle Bibbler, Woodside 8467 7 Pam Geisler, Mt. Eden 8.217 8 Anna Schulte, Albuquerque 7.967 9 Allyson Seaman, Carousel 7.917 10 Stacy Galassini, Rocking Horse 7.683 11 Kelley Holly, Tambourine 6.317 Top Honors for Gold Women went to Diedra Ostendorf, 15, Mt Eden, 3rd; Kendel Edmunds, 27, Mission Vineyard, 1st; and Nicole Wolter,16, Mt. Eden, 2nd rh<xo: E, pinkie* Gold Round II Kiir—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Allyson Seaman, Carousel Kendel Edmunds, Mission Vineyard Nicole WoHer, Mt. Eden Deidra Ostendorf, Mt. Eden Pam Geisler, Mt. Eden Kim Frankel, Mt. Eden Anna Schulte, Albuquerque Isabelle Bbfaler, Woodside Stacy Galassini, Rocking Horse Kelley Holly, Tambourine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Kendel Edmunds, Mission Vineyard 8.626 Nicole WoKer, Mt. Eden 8.479 Deidra Ostendorf. Mt. Eden 8.376 Pam Geisler, Mt. Eden 8.375 Allyson Seaman, Carousel 8.367 Kim Frankel, Mt. Eden 8.167 Isabelle Sbbler, Woodsde 7.694 Anna Schulte, Albuquerque 7.498 Stacy Galassini, Rocking Horse 7.115 Kelley Holly, Tarrtwurintt 6.794 8.750 8.575 8.525 8.450 8.375 B.175 7.700 7.625 7.325 7.250 1 2 3 4 Devon Mahozo. Woodside Soott Stewart, Carousel Chris Long, WoodsidB Larry Barton, San Vicente Gold Overall—Women Gold Round I Kiir—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8.400 8.233 8.233 7683 7.000 6.983 6.900 6.850 3 Allyson Seaman, Carousel 4 Nicole Woher, Mt. Eden 5 Deidra Oslendorf, Mt. Eden 6 Kim Frankel, Mt. Eden 7 Isabella Bibbler, Woodside 8 Kelley Holly, Tambourino 9 Anna Schurte, Albuquerque 10 Stacy Galassini, Rocking Horse Kendel Edmunds, Mission Vineyard 8.775 Nicole WoKer, Mt. Eden 8.525 Chase Worley. Monte Vista 8.450 Allyson Seaman, Carousel 8.400 PamGerster, Mt Eden 8.225 Kim Frankel, Mt. Eden 8.175 Deidra Ostendorf, Mt. Eden 8.150 Anna Schulle, Albuquerque 7.425 Isabelle Bibbler, Woodside 7.000 Kelley Holly, Tarrbourine 6.625 Stacy Galassini, Rocking Horse 6.600 Gold Round I Comp.—Men 8.833 8.667 8.133 8.050 Gold Round I Kur—Men 1 Devon Martozo, Woodside 2 Scott Stewart. Carousel 8.575 7.000 Gold Round II Comp.—Men Gold Round II Comp.—Women 1 Devon MaHozo, Woodside 2 Scott Stewart, Carousel 1 PamGerskir.Mt. Eden 8.683 2 Kendel Edmunds, Mission Vineyard 8,400 1 Scott Stewart, Carousel 8.100 8.017 Gold Round II Kiir—Men 18 8.275 2 Devon Maitoio, Woodside Gold Overall—Men 1 Devon Mariozo. Woodside 2 Scott Stewart, Carousel 7.750 8.315 7.990 Silver Round I Comp.—Women 1 JenniTam, Mt. Eden 2 Amy Garrod, Mt. Eden 3 Kali Peterson, Monte Vista 4 Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 5 AtexaSlent, Carousel 6 Meagan Clarke, Mt. Eden 7 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 8 Atethea Filield. Carousel 9 Allison Bibbler, Woodside 10 Kellee Rasor Sundance 11 Maureen Roy, Mt. Eden 12 Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 13 Rita Koetech, Sundance 14 Michelle Bender, Mt. Eden 15 FrancescaTortorelli, Mt. Edsn 16 Julie Beuller, Carousel 17 Teresa Keville. Tambourine 18 Heather Capps, Albuquerque 19 Susan Oakes, Abuquerque 8.017 8.017 8.017 7.883 7.600 7.783 7.683 7,050 7.017 6.967 6950 6.900 6.817 6.783 6 500 6.017 5.550 5.400 5.017 Silver Round I Kiir—Women 1. AtexaStent, Carousel 2. Jenni Tam, Mt. Eden 3. Meagan Clarke, Mt. Eden 4. FrancescaTortorelli, Mt. Eden 5. Amy Garrod, Mt. Eden 6. Maureen Roy, Mt. Eden 7. Kali Peterson, Monte Vista 8. Michelle Bender, Ml. Eden 9. Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 10. Kellee Rasor Sundance 11. Allison Bibbler, Woodside 12. RitaKoetech, Sundance 13.AletheaFif«ld, Carousel 14.Teresa Keville, Tambourine 15. Heather Capps, Albuquerque 16. Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 17 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 8.925 8.900 8.875 8,600 8.500 8.375 8325 8.325 8.250 8.150 8.100 8.100 7.660 7.325 7.225 7.125 7,125 Continued on page 19 August 1,1991 Results—Carousel AVA/AHSA and Trot Competition, June 1-2 Continued from page 18 Silver Round II Comp.—Women 1 Amy Gartod.Mt. Eden 2 Jenni Tarn, ML Eden 3 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 4 Kali Peterson, Monte Vista 5 Alison Bibbter, Woodside 6 Meagan Clarke, Mt. Eden 7 AtexaStent, Carousel 8 Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 9 Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 10 Kellee Hasor, Sundance 11 Alethea Ftfietd, Carousel 12 Maureen Roy, Ml. Eden 13 RitaKoefech,Sundance 14 Michelle Bender, ML Eden 15 Francesca Tortorelli, Mt. Eden 8.083 7.B83 7.750 7.683 7.433 7.383 7.350 7,350 7.333 6.767 6.583 6.500 6.417 5.783 5.417 Silver Round II Kur—Women 1 Meagan Clarke, Mt. Eden 2 Amy Garrod.Mt. Eden 3 Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 4 Kellee Rasor, Sundance 5 Michelle Bender, Mt. Eden 6 Jenni Tarn, Mt. Eden 7 Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 8 Maureen Roy, ML Eden 9 Kali Peterson, Monte Vista 10 AlexaStent, Carousel 11 Allbon Bibbler. Woodside 12 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 13 Francesca Tortorelli. Mt. Eden 14 Rita Koelsch, Sundance 15 Alethea Fifield, Carousel 8.750 S.575 8.200 8.150 8.150 8.025 7.950 7.900 7.575 7.500 7.500 7,425 7.100 6.875 6.500 Silver Overall—Women 1 Amy Gariod, Mt, Eden 2 Jenni Tarn, Mt. Eden 3 Meagan Clarke, ML Eden 4 Kali Peterson, Monte Vtsta 5 Alexa Stent, Carousel 6 Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 7 Kim Dunham, Mt. Eden 8 Allison Bibbter, Woodside 9 Kellee Rasor, Sundance 10 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 11 Maureen Roy, Mt, Eden 12 Michelle Bender. Mt. Eden 13 Rita Koelsch, Sundance 14 Alethea Fifiold, Carousel 15 Francesca Tortorelli, Mt. Eden 8.294 8.207 8.198 7.900 7.894 7.640 7.609 7.513 7.509 7.496 7.432 7.261 7.053 6.946 6.905 Bronze Compulsories—Women 1 Tamzin Smith, ML Eden 2 Jessica Obey, Sundance 7.100 6.967 3 TaraWalkerr River City 6,900 4 JessicaSchroeder, River City 6.767 5 Sarah Crossingham, Sundance 6,583 6 Kristen Meeks, Sundance 6.267 7 Marcia Siegel, Carousel 6.233 8 Jsanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard 6.183 9 Marisa Curtis, Central Valley 6.183 10 Anna Kahl, Carousel 6.150 11 Ashley Wood, Mt. Eden 6.117 12 Danielle Keller, Carousel 5,933 13 Leslie Johnson, Pegasus 5.883 14 Zoe Smith, Mt. Eden 5,800 15 Emma Byrd, Tarrbourine 5.800 16 Lauren Seaby, Carousel 5.683 17 Sunrner Smith, Central Valtey 5.567 18 Valerie Bantner, Monte Vista 5.533 19 FreryaSmith, ML Eden 5.517 20 Alicia Teeter, Mt. Eden 5.500 21 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 5.3B3 22 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 5.350 23 Camilte Waldorf, Pegasus 5.350 24 Nicole Grippi, Pegasus 5.300 25 Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 5.267 26 Lauren Saputelli, Monte Vista 5.267 27 Michelle Arnold, Sundance 5.217 28 Heather Byrd, Tambourine 5.183 29 Krista Poppenberg, Wcodslde 5.050 30 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 4.983 31 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 4.933 32 Darcey Purcell. Central Valley 4.883 33 Sandy Hill, Monte Vista 4.800 34 Jana Dadant, Monte Vista 4.700 35 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 4.683 36 Sharon Marx, Mission Vineyard 4.633 37 Corie Howard, Monte Vista 4,600 38 D'LenaCampagnaPinto,Tambourine4.517 39 Cicely Washington, Tambourine 4.467 Bronze Kiir—Women 1 Lauren Seaby, Carousel 8,125 2 Jessica Schroeder Rrver City 8.000 3 Danielle Keller Carousel 8.000 4 Kristen Meeks, Sundance 7.975 5 Tannin Smith, ML Eden 7.900 6 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 7,625 7 Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyaid 7.600 B Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 7.500 9 Freya Smith, Mt. Eden 7,400 10 Jessica Obey, Sundance 7,375 11 Tara Walker, Hiver City 7.325 12 Marcia Siegel, Carousel 7.275 13 Michelle Arnold. Sundance 7.150 14 Anna Kahl, Carousel 7.075 15 Sandy Hill, Monta Vista 6.925 16 Marisa Curtis, Central Valley 6.775 17 Darcey Purcell, Central Valley 6.625 IB Ashley Wood, Mt. Eden 6.600 19 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 6.525 20 Zoo Smith, Mt. Eden 6.500 21 Sharon Marx, Mission Vineyard 6.450 22 Alicia Teeter, Mt. Eden 6.400 23 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 6.250 24 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 6.225 25 Emma Byrd, Tambourine 6.175 26 Sarah Crossingham. Sundance 6.100 27 Lauren Saputelli, Monte Vista 5.925 28 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 5.750 29 D'LenaCampagnaPinto,Tambourine5.400 30 Summer Smith, Central Valley 5.125 Bronze Overall—Women 1 Tamzin Smith, ML Eden 2 Jessica Schroeder, Rwer City 3 Jessica Obey, Sundance 4 Kristen Meeks, Sundance 5 TaraWalker.RiverCity 6 Danielle Keller, Carousel 7 Lauren Seaby, Carousel 8 Jean'ne Ghtorzi, Mission Vineyard 9 Marcia S'tegel, Carousel 10 Anna Kahl, Carousel 11 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 12 Marisa Curtis, Central Valtey 13 FreyaSmith, Mt, Eden 14 Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 15 Ashley Wood, Mt. Eden 16 Sarah Crosslngham, Sundance 17 Michelle Arnold, Sundance 18 Zoe Sm'rth, Mt. Eden 19 Emma Byrd, Tarrfaourine 20 Alicia Teeter, Mt. Eden 21 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 22 Sandy Hill, Monte Vista 23 Darcey Purcell, Central Valley 24 Lauren Saputelli, Monte Vista 25 Melissa Hoss, Monte Vfeta 26 Sharon Marx, Mission Vineyard 27 Laurie Peterson, Monta Vista 28 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 29 Summer Smith, Central Valley 7.500 7.384 7.171 7.121 7.113 6.967 6.904 6.892 6.754 6.613 6.504 6.479 6.459 6.384 6.359 6.342 6.184 6.150 5.988 5.950 5.938 5.863 5.754 5.596 5.579 5.542 5.467 5.367 5.346 Bronze Compulsories—Men Ariel Tal, Black Point 2 Mathew Campagna'Pinto, Tambourine 5,100 5.083 Bronze Kur—Men 1 Ariel Tal, Black Point 4.575 Bronze Overall—Men 1 Ariel Tal, Black Point 4.438 Trot Compulsories—Women California Carousel 4-H "B" Team Vaulters Danielle Keller, Alethea Fifield and Liza Konnert perform Kllr exercise on "Jake" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5.734 5.725 5.667 5.600 5.500 5.492 5.467 5.417 5.292 5.284 5.258 5.200 5.175 5.150 5.092 5.075 4.S09 4.325 4.275 3.084 Trot Kiir—Women 1 Amanda Coriman, Woodside 2 Tina Campbell, Carousel 3 Julie Kevllle, Tambourine 4 Courtney Salera, Carousel 5 Elizabeth Lehfeldt. Gold Rush 6 Hali Sloan. Pegasus 7 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 8 Barb>e Burdette, Pegasus 9 Christine Worthington, Alhambra 10 Tiffany Klink, Mt. Eden 11 Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus 12 Shalimar Frakes, Alhambra 13 Sabrina Chase, GokJ Rush 14 Sarah Venneman, Gold Rush 15 Emily Tool, Aldan-bra 16 Heather Lehfeldt, Gold Rush Photo: E, Frtdriteon Vaulting World Amanda Coriman, Woodside Hali Sloan, Pegasus Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus Barbie Burdette, Pegasus Christine Worthington, Alhambra Sarah Venneman, Gold Rush Summer Everette, ML Eden Courtney Salera, Carousel TinaCarrpbell, Carousel Sabrina Chase, Gold Rush Heather Lehfeldt, FR Julie Kevilte, Tambourine Emily Tool, Alhambra Tiffany Klink, Mt. Eden Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine Beth Fuller, Pegasus Elizabeth Lehfeldt, Gold Rush Lea Rosemurgy. Tambourine Shaiimar Pokes, Alhambra Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 19 7.188 6.413 6,238 6.213 6.150 5.650 5.625 5.625 5.600 5.563 5.463 5.438 5.313 5.250 5.238 5.125 17 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 18 Lea Rosemurgy, Tarrbourine 4.000 3.638 Trot Overall—Women 1 Amanda Corfman, Woodside 2 Tina Campbell, Carousel 3 Courtney Salera, Carousel 4 Julie Keville, Tambourine 5 Hali Sloan, Pegasus 6 Barbie Burdette, Pegasus 7 Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus 8 Christine Worthington, Alhambra 9 Elizabeth Lehfeldt, Gold Rush 10 Sarah Venneman, Gold Rush 11 Tiffany Klink, Mt. Eden 12 Sabtina Chase, Gold Rush 13 Emily Tool, Alhambra 14 Heather Lehfeldt, Gold Rush 15 Shalimar Frakes, Alhamfara 16 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 17 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 18 LeaRosemurgy, Tarrbourine 6.461 5.852 5,815 5.719 5.688 5.613 5.565 5.550 5.379 5.371 5.356 5,298 5.206 5.192 4.856 4.546 4.354 3.981 Trot Cbmpulsories—Men 1 Andrew Venneman. Gold Rush 4.959 Trot Kiir—Men 1 Andrew Venneman, Gold Rush 3.388 Trot Overall—Men 1 Andrew Venneman, Gold Rush 4.173 Beginning Canter Compukories—Women 1 Jande Kyes, Mt. Eden 6.383 2 Jacqui Bartholomew, Sundance 5.817 3 Becky Kozina, Mt. Eden 5.733 4 Lee Anna Fraker, Sundance 5,600 5 Cory Bosworth, Mt. Eden 5.567 6 Kristen Filipponi, Sundance 5.517 7 Kristine Gregorian, Carousel 5.483 8 Rita Bosworth, Mt. Eden 5.367 9 Erica Fredrikson, Carousel 5.317 19 Tracy Thurston, Mt. Eden 5.083 11 Samantha Bartholomew, Sundance 5.050 12 Lissy Pope, Sundance 4.763 13 Kharisema Hunt, Central Valley 4.650 14 Melody Ross, Mt. Eden 4.367 15 Julie Williamson, Carousel 4.283 Beginning Canter Kiir—Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jande Kyes, Mt. Eden 5.325 Becky Kozina, Mt. Eden 5.150 Lea Anna Fraker, Sundance 5,125 Erica Fredrikson, Carousel 5.075 Sarrantha Bartholomew, Sundance 5.050 Melody Ross, Mt. Eden 4.825 Kharisema Hunt, Central Valley 4.700 L*sy Pope, Sundance 4.475 Kristen Filipponi, Sundance 3.850 Jacqui Bartholomew, Sundance 3,825 Beg. Canter Overall—Women 1 Jande Kyas, Mt. Eden 5.854 2 Becky Kozina, ML Eden 5.442 3 Lee Anna Fraker, Sundance 5.363 4 Erica Fredrikson, Carousel 5.196 5 Samantha Bartholomew, Sundance 5.050 6 Jacqui Bartholomew, Sundance 4.821 7 Kristen Filipponi, Sundance 4.684 8 Kharisema Hunt, Central Valley 4.675 9 Lissy Pope, Sundance 5.629 10 Melody Ross, Mt. Eden 4.596 Beginning Canter Comp.—Men 1 Jake Stockton, Central Valtey 4.383 Beginning Canter Kiir—Men 1 Jake Stockton, Central Valley 4.575 Beginning Canter Overall—Men 1 Jake Stockton, Central Valley 4,479 Beginning Trot Comp.—Women Kelly Meeks, Pegasus 5.967 2 Amra Neal, Pegasus 5.400 3 Crystal Thomas, Tambourine 5.117 4 Megan Coale, Pegasus 4.933 5 Julie Sawyer, Tambourine 4.667 6 Michelle Russell, Gold Rush 3.717 7 Stephanie Blazej, Sundance 3.667 8 Kari Kucera, Woodside 3.583 9 Heather Schilling, Sundance 3.550 10 Cortney Willrford, Sundance 3.183 11 Christine Harper-Chan, Alhamfara 3.133 12 Clare Woods, Alhambra 3.000 13 Ashley Wyatt, Gold Rush 2.717 14 Vicki Gothot, Gold Rush 2.500 15 Casey Davey, Alhambra 1.967 16 Kathyrn Erickson, Tambourine 1.833 Beginning Trot Kiir—Women 1 Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra 4.350 2 Megan Coale, Pegasus 3.325 Continued on page 20 August 1,1991 Pegasus Vaulters Host Summer Fest, Watsonville, California Results—Pegasus Summer Fest, AVA Recognized Competition, June 23,1991, Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, Watsonville, CaliforniaFest Manager: Kitchy Burdette; Judges: Main Arena AM—Joyce Gussenhoven; PM — Naomi Takemoto; Barrel Arena—Kendel Edmunds 18 Marisa Curtis, Central Valtey 4.700 5 Honami Dean, Mt Eden 7.067 Team Events Bronze Overall—Women 6 AlexaStenl, Carousel 6.467 A Team Compulsories 1 Shana Pomerantz, Mt. Eden 7.129 7 Teresa Kevilki, Tambourine 5.633 1 Mt. Eden Zoo Crew 2 MonteVista 3 Ml. Eden Whoa Mamma 7.74 7,25 7.20 1 Mt Eden Zoo Crew 2 Monte Vista 8.40 6.74 A Team Kur A Team Overall 1 Ml. Eden Zoo Crew 2 Monte Vista 8,04 7.02 B Team Compulsories 1 2 3 4 Pegasus California Carousel Mt. Eden Looney Toons Tambourine/Black Pt. 1 2 3 4 California Carousel Mt, Eden Looney Toons Tambourine/Black Pt. Pegasus 6.60 6.64 6.50 6.50 B Team Kur 7.S4 6.90 6.78 5.70 BTeam Overall 1 2 3 4 California Carousel Mt. Eden Looney Toons Tambourine/Black Pt, Pegasus 7.19 6.68 6.63 6.30 CTeam Compulsories 1 Monte Vista 6.02 C Team Kiir 1 Monte Vista 5.76 1 Monte Vista 5.90 CTeam Overall Pasde Deux Events Preliminary Pas de Deux 1 Raskin/Raskin, Carousel 6.000 Individual Events Gold Comp. to the RightWomen 1 IsabeHeBbbler.Woodside 2 Kelley Holly, Tambourine 3 Malin LIndell. Woods'tde 7.467 6.083 5.817 Gold Kiir—Women 1 Kelley Holly, Tarrbourine 2 Isabelle Bibbler, WoodsWe 3 MalinLindell.Woodsida 8.150 8.050 7.650 Gold Overall—Women 1 Isabelle Bibbler, Woodside 7.758 2 Kelley Holly, Tarrbourine 7.117 3 Malin Lindell, Woodside 6.733 Gold Comp. to the Right—Men 1 Soott Stewart, Carousel 8.683 Gold Kiir—Men 1 Scott Stewart, Carousel Gold Overall—Men 1 Scott Stewart, Carousel 8.850 8.767 Silver Comp. to Right—Women 1 2 3 4 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista SamanthaRoss.Tirrfcerline Sarah Fancher, Carousel Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 7,367 7.350 7.267 7.100 B Allison Bibbler, Woodside 5.583 1 Honam! Dean, ML Eden 2 Sarah Fancher, Carousel 3 Teresa Keville, Tambourine 4 Allison Bibbler, Woodside 5 Courtney Antrim, Monte Vista 6 Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 7 AlexaStent, Carousel 9.200 9.200 B.D75 7.925 7,725 7.700 6.350 1 Sarah Fancher, Carousel 2 Honami Dean, ML Eden 3 Courtney Antrim. Monte Vista 4 Rebecca Kirchner, Monte Vista 5 Teresa Keville, Tambourine 6 Allison Bibbler, Woodside 7 Atexa Stent, Carousel 8.233 B.133 7.545 7.400 6,854 6.754 6.40B Silver Kur—Women Silver Overall—Women Silver Comp. to Right-—Men Trevor Garrod, Mt. Eden Bronze Compulsories- Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6.950 Kara Munnencarrp, Mt Eden Shana Pomerantz, Mt. Eden 6.883 Bree Hylkema, Mt. Eden 6.717 6.550 Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard Sian Parry, Mt, Eden 6.317 6.217 Sarah Raskin, Carousel 5.800 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 5.650 Molly Brooks, MonteVista 5.633 Jaime Taylor, Monle Vista 5,550 Marisa Curtis, Central Valley Lauren Seaby, Carousel 5.517 5.500 Jana Dadant, Monte Vtsta 5.433 Heather Byrd, Tambourine 5.400 Emma Byrd, Tambourine Melissa Ross, Monle Vista 5.383 5.383 Camille Waldorf, Pugasus 5.350 Valerie Bantner, Monte Vista D'LanaCampagna-pintO|Tambourine5.30Q Darcie Purcell, Central Valley 5,283 Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 5.100 Summer Smith, Central Valley 4.717 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 4.533 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard 7.625 Shana Pomerantz, Mt. Eden 7.37S Sarah Raskin, Carousel 7.300 Bree Hylkema, ML Eden 7.225 Jessica Howton, Monte Vista 6,900 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 6.675 Emma Byrd, Tarrbourine 6.600 Danielle Keller, Carousel 6.500 Kara Nunnencamp, Mt. Eden 6,250 D'LenaCanpagna-Pinto.Tambourine6.150 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 6.000 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 5.975 Heather Byrd, Tambourine 5.800 Lauren Seaby, Carousel 5.750 SurrmerSmHh, Central Valley 5.600 Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 5,200 Darcie Purcell, Central Valley 5.125 Carousel Fest Results continued from page 19 3 Kari Kucera, Woodside 4 Julie Sawyer, Tambourine 2.B50 1.425 Beginning trot Overall—Women 1 2 3 4 Megan Coale, Pegasus Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra Kari Kucera, Woodside Julie Sawyer, Tambourine 4.129 3.742 3.217 3.046 Beginning Trot Comp.—Men 1 William Dunn. Carous&l 4.967 2 Jeiemy Russell, Gold flush 4.467 3 Jonathan Dunn, Carousel 4.433 4 David Russell, Gold Rush 3.083 Tiny Tot Comp.—Women & Men 1 Caitlin Riddell, Tambourine 4.250 2 Jackie Bors, Woodsids 4.000 3 Emily Enomoto, Carousel 3.133 4 Kirstie Kucera, Woodside 2.833 5 Sean Keville, Tambourine 2.750 6 Klista Frankel, Woods'rfe 2.667 7 Emily Woods, Alhambra 2.083 Vaulting World 4.950 2 Jeanine Ghiorzi, Mission Vineyard 7.087 3 Bree Hylkema, Mt. Eden 6.971 4 Sarah Raskin, Ca/ousel 6.758 5 Kara Nunnencamp, Mt. Eden 6.600 6 Jessica Howton, Monto Vista 6.350 7 Jaime Taylor, Monte Vista 6.154 8 Emma Byrd,Tambourine 6.000 9 DlenaCampagna-Pinto,Tambaurine5.?25 10 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 5.692 11 Lauren Seaby, Carousel 5.633 12 Heather Byrd. Tambourine 5.617 13 Laurie Peterson, Monle Vista 5.254 14 Dare* Purcell, Central Valley 5.204 15 Summer Smith, Central Valley 5.158 16 Shannon Moriarty, Monte Vista 5.150 17 Marisa Curtis, Central Valley 5.125 Bronze Compulsories—Men 1 Daniel Herzcg, Mission Vineyard 2 Chad Ross, Monte Vista 1 Daniel Herzog, Mission Vineyard 2 Chad Ross, Monte Vista 1 2 3 1 2 3 1. Matthew Campagna-Pinto, Tambourine Ariel Tal, Black Point Jake Stockton, Central Valley Donald Herzog, Mission Vineyard Derek De La 0, Central Valley 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 6 7 8 9 5.350 4.500 4,350 3.950 3.660 Beg. Canter Kiir—-Men 1 2 3 4 5 Matthew Campagna-Pinto, Tambourine Arid Tal, Black Point Jake Stockton, Central Valley Donald Herrog, Mission Vineyard Derek De La O, Central Valley 5.125 4.750 4.250 3.400 1.750 Beg. Canter Overall—Men 1 Matthew Campagna-PInto, Tambourine 2 Ariel Tal, Black Point 5.258 4.625 10 Leona Tobin/Lisa Tobln, Tambourine 5.000 11 Erika Fredrikson/Kristine Gregorian, Carousel S.OOO 12 Kharsema HunlAlak« Stockton, Central Valley 4.820 5.680 Canter Bar. Kur—Women & Men 5.420 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Trot Barrel Pas de Deux 4 JandeKyes.Mt. Eden 6.167 Aleta Koleoki. Pegasus 5.883 Nicole Grippi, Pegasus 5.S67 Becky Kozlna, Mt. Eden 5.483 Rita Bosworth, Ml. Eden 5.183 Cicely Washington, Tambourine 4.383 KhartsemaHunt, Central Valley 3.600 Beg. Canter Kiir—Women Becky Kozina, Mt. Eden 5.225 JandeKyes.Mt. Eden 4.775 Khartsema Hunt. Central Valley 3.450 Beg. Canter Overall—Women Jande Kyes, Mt. Eden 5.471 Becky Kozina, Mt, Eden 5.354 Kharisema Hunt. Central Valley 3,625 Beg. Canter Comp.—Men 1 3 6.091 5.604 Beg. Canter Comp.—Women Barrel Events Open Barrel Pas de Deux 2 6.400 5.825 Bronze Overall—Men 1 Daniel Herzog, Mission Vineyard 2 Chad Ross, Monte Vista Bronze Kiir—Women Jana Dadant/Corie Howard, Monte Vista 2 SummerSmrth/Darcy Purcell, Central Valley 5.783 5.383 Bronze Kur—Men Amanda Corfman/Cate Corf man, Woodside 5.800 Emily Tool/Shalimar Frakes, Alharrfora 5.680 Elizabeth LehfeldUSarah Venneman, Gold Rush 5.680 Shalirrar Frakes/Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra 5.620 Kari Kucero/Jackie Bors, Woodsido 5.500 Kelly Meeks/Beth Fuller, Pegasus 5.480 Melody Ross-Colleen Ross, Mt. Eden5.34Q Shannon TobliVAnn Rosemurgy, Tarjibo urine 5.300 Barbie Burdette/Jesslca BaJlenger, Pegasus 5.120 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista Jana Dadant, Monte Vista Corie Howard, Monte Vista Marisa Curtis, Central Valley Summer Smith, Central Valley Kristlne Gregorian. Carousel Darcey Purcell, Central Valley KharisemaHunt. Central Valley 5.467 5.433 S.400 S.333 5.233 S.167 S.023 5.000 Trot Barrel Kiir—Women & Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 20 Amanda Corlman, Woodside Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra Julie Keville, Tambourine Christine Worthington, Alhambra Elizabeth Lehialdi, Gold Rush Barbie BurdettH, Pegasus ShaJimar Frakes, Alhambra Shannon Tobln, Tarrboiirine 7.067 6.600 6.133 5.967 5.967 5.800 5.800 5.700 Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, June 22-23, 1991 Alayne Meeks Pegasus Vaulters took over the Fathers Day Fest date when circumstances made it impossible for Timberime to hosttheir annual eventthis year. Saturday's unrecognized Trot competition was judged by AVA Apprentice Judges Stephanie Siemens and Nina Wiger. The recognized Canter Competition on Sunday was judged by Naomi Takemoto (I, FBI), while AVA Gold Medalist Kendel Edmunds judged theunrecognizedbarrel events. Over 150 vaulters from eleven Bay Area clubs competed in the Trot, Canter, andB arrel Events. The good weather, facilities, and helpful staff at the Santa Crux County Fairgrounds helped to make the meet a success. 3 4 5 Jake Stockton, Central Valley Donald Herzog, Mission Vineyard Derek De La O, Central Valley 4.300 3.675 2.708 Barrel Events Preliminary Barrel Doubles 1 PurcelfSmith, Central Valtey 2 Curtis^ ohnson, Pegasus 3 Jarboo/Kotecki, Pegasus 4 Wort hington/Campagna-P into, Tambourine 5 Barrtner/Ross, Monte Vista 6 Tal/Campagna-Pinto, Tambourine' Black Point 7 Stockton/De La O, Central Valley 8.4CO 8.000 7.600 1 SamanthaRoss.Tirrberline 2 Kelley HoKy,Tarrbourine 8.600 7.S33 7.520 7.200 6.900 5.620 Gold Barrel Kur—Women Silver Barrel Kur—Women 1 Atexa Stent, Central Valley 7.367 2 Teresa Keville, Tambourine 6.833 Bronze Barrel Kur—Women 1 Rebecca Raskin, Carousel 7.567 2 Laurie Peterson, Monte Vista 7.100 3 Jana Dadant, Monte Vista 6.900 4 Sian Parry, Mt. Eden 6.267 5 Melissa Ross, Monte Vista 6.267 6 Marisa Cunis, Central Valley 6.267 7 Summer Smith, Central Valley 5.900 Continued on pagt 21 9 Heather Lohfoldt, Gold Rush 10 Emily Toot, Alharrbra 11 Leona TobVi, Tambourine 12 Kari Kucera, Woodside 13 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 14 Crystal Thomas, Tambourine 15 Caitlin Riddell, Tambourine 16 Jackie Bors.Woods'rfe 17 Natalie Elferle, Pegasus 18 Summer Evecette, Mt. Eden 19 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 20 Casey Davey. Alhambra 21 Clare Woods, Alhambra 22 KalhrynErickson, Tambourine 23 Sabrina Chase, Gold Rush 24 Michelle Russell, Gotd Rush 25 Andrew Venneman, Gold Rush 26 Kirstie Kucera, Tarrbourine 27 Lea Rosemurgy, Tambourine 28 Beth Fuller. Pegasus 29 Vicki Gothot, Gold Rush 30 Jeremy Russell, Gold Rush 31 David Russet, Gotd Rush 32 Ashley Wyatt, Gold Hush 5.500 5,433 S.400 5.400 5.400 5.067 4,867 4.667 4.600 4.367 4.067 3.933 3,933 3.667 3,533 3,500 3.333 3.333 3.267 3.233 3.033 2.4CO 2.400 2.200 August 1,1991 Results—Pegasus Unrecognized Summer Trot Fest continuedfrom page 20 6 D'LenaCampagna-Pinto.Tamfaourine 5.900 9 Camilla Waldorf, Pegasus 5.767 10 Darcle Purceil, Central Valley 5.500 Beg. Canter Barrel Kur—Women 1 Nicole Gripppi, Pegasus 2 Aleta Kotecki, Pegasus 3 Khar'tsema Hunt, Central Valley 6,900 6,267 5.400 Beg. Canter Barrel Kur—Men 1 Matthew Carrpagna-Pinto, Tambourine 2 Jake Stockton, Central Valtey 3 Derek D« La 0, Central Valley 4 Ariel Tal, Black Point 7,433 6,300 5,233 £.000 Unrecognized Trot Events Trot Team Compulsories 1 2 3 4 Pegasus Tambourine Woodsldo Monte Vista 1 2 3 4 Pegasus Monte Vista Tambourine Woodside 5.623 5.106 4,730 4,730 Trot Team Kur 7,980 7,200 6,940 5.000 Trot Team Overall 1 2 3 4 Pegasus Tambourine Monte Vista WoodsHe 6.683 5,940 5.850 4.851 Trot Pas de Deux 1 Barbie Burdette/Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus 2 Lea Rose murgy/Ju lie Keville. Tambourine 3.500 1 Mali Stoan, Pegasus 2 Barbie Burdette, Pegasus 3 Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus 4 Amanda Corfrnan, Woodside 5 Beth Fulter, Pegasus 6 Diana DiGenrtaro, Black Point 7 Nicole Obrecbt. Monte Vista 8 HeatherCarlson,BlackPoint 9 Lindsay Randall, Monte Vista 10 Sheryl Thomson, Tambourine 11 Shalirnaj-Frakes, Alhambra 12 Megan Lukk. Black Point 13 Dana Sanchez, Monte Vista 14 Tiffany Kli'nk. Ml. Eden 15 Tamara Tal, Black Point 16 Mary Siri, Monte Vkta 17 Traci Meyor, Black Point 18 Ann Mane Gan, Black Point 19 Sara Kliewer, Monte Vista 20 Emily Tool, Alharrbra 21 Julie Keville, Tambourine 22 Carla DIGennaro, Black Point 23 Trina MaKsbefger. Black Point 7.083 6,833 6.683 6,467 5.993 5,917 5,683 5.683 5.667 5.550 5.350 5.300 5,283 5.133 5.083 5.083 5.017 5,017 5.000 4.933 4.917 4.833 4.233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6.300 6.083 5.883 5.867 5.467 5.433 5.167 5.150 4.967 5.840 Trot Compulsories—Women TrotComp. to Right—Women Beth Fuller, Pegasus Barb* Burdotte, Pegasus Jessica Ballengar, Pegasus Hali Sloan, Pegasus Julie Keville, Tambourine Amanda Corfman, Woodside Sarah Kllewer, Monte Vista HeatherCarlson.BlackPoint Sheryl Thorsson, Tambourine Pegasus Summer Fest Unrecognized Trot Competition, June 21,1991, Judges: Main Arena—Stephanie Siemens; Barrel Arena—Nina Wiger 10 Tiffany Klink, Mt. Eden 11 AnnMarieGan, BlackPoint 12 Emily Tool, Alharrbra 13 Shalirrw Frakes, Alhombra 14 Diana DiGennaro, Black Point 15 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 16 Megan Lukk. BlackPoint 17 Tamara Tal, Black Point 18 Carla D'lGennaro, Black Point 19 Ttina MaHsberger. Black Point • 20 Traci Meyer, Black Point 21 Lisa Rosemurgy, Tambourine 22 Ann Rosemurgy. Tambourine 4.967 4.933 4.900 4.883 4.750 4,733 4.517 4.350 4.083 3.950 3,933 3.717 3.293 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7,750 7.100 7.000 6.B75 6.825 6.725 6,500 6.325 6.150 6.000 5.825 5.600 5,200 5.100 5.025 4.675 4.300 4.250 4.225 3.950 3.950 3.725 2,250 Trot Kur—Women Amanda Corfman, Woodslde Mali Sban. Pegasus Lindsay Randall, Monte Vbta Sarah KJIewer, Monte Vsta Barbie Burdette, Pegasus Tiffany Klink, Mt. Eden Julie Keville. Tambourine Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus Nicole Obrecht, Monte Vista Mary Siri, Monte Vista Tfaci Meyer, Black Point Tamara Tal, Black Poinl Megan Lukk. Black Point Sheryl Thorsson, Tambourine Beth Fuller, Pegasus DanaSanchez, Monte Vista Heather Carlson, Black Point Diana DiGennaro, BlackPoint Tfina Maftsberger. Black Point Carla DiGennaro, Black Point Ann Marie Gan, Black Point Emily Tool, Alharrbra Shalimar Frakes, Alharrbra 4 Summer Evert, Mt. Eden 6.000 5 LeonaTobin, Tambourine 5.617 6 Lea Rosemurgy, Tambourine 5,333 7 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 5,183 8 Janet Use, Monte Vista 4.800 9 Shannon Overly, Woodside 4.750 10 Julia Sawyer, Tambourine 4.550 11 Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra 4.550 12 Jill Mein, WoodsHe 4.500 13 Emily Brooks, Monte Vsta 4.433 14 Shannon Tobin, Tambourine 4.333 15 Lisa Tobin, Tambourine 4.165 16 Casey Davey.Alhambra 3,91? 17 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 3.250 18 Kari Kucera, Woodside 3.250 19 Jackie Bors, Woodside 3.167 20 Laah Milholland-Wresinski, Alhamfara 3.000 21 KristaFrankel, 2.333 22 Kristin Otsen, Woodside 2,333 23 Kirsten Kucera, Woods He 2.167 24 Lilli Milton, Woodside 1.417 Beginning Trot Kur—Women 1 Katie Hutchlnson, Tambourine 6.975 2 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 6.750 3 Kelly Meeks, Pegasus 6.350 4 Amra Naal, Pegasus 6.200 5 Megan Coale, Pegasus 5.500 6 Lea Rosemurgy, Tambourine 5.450 7 Julie Sawyer, Tambourine 4.925 B Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra 4,300 9 Kaii Kuceta, Woodside 4.200 Beginning Trot Overall—Women 1 Kelly Meeks, Pegasus 6.617 2 Amra Neal, Pegasus 6.350 3 Megan Coale, Pegasus 6.150 4 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 5,967 5 Lea Rosemurgy, Tambourine 5.392 6 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 5.133 7 Julie Sawyer, Tambourine 4.738 8 Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra 4.4-25 9 KariKucera, Woodside 3.725 Trot Overall—Women 1 Mali Sloan, Pegasus 2 Barbie Burdette, Pegasus 3 Amanda Corfman, Woodside 4 Jessica Ballenger, Pegasus 5 Both Fuller, Pegasus 6 Sarah Kliewer. Monte Vista 7 Julie Keville, Tambourine 8 Tiffany Klink. Mt. Eden 9 Shoryl Thorsson, Tambourine 10 Heather Carlson. Black Poini 11 Tamara Tal, Black Point 12 Megan Lukk. Black Point 13 Diana DiGennaro, Black Point 14 Traci Meyer, Black Point 15 Ann Marie Gan, Black Poinl 16 Emily Tool, Alharrbra 17 Carla DiGennaro, Black Point IB Shalimar Fiakes, Alhamfara 19 Trina Mattsberger, Slack Point 6.6S3 6.580 6.550 6.297 5.769 5.6S1 5.62S 5.60S 5,206 5.044 5,011 5.006 4.972 4.925 4.633 4.519 4.289 4.161 4.136 Beginning Trot Comp.—Men 1 Chris Herzog, Mission Vineyard 4.383 Beginning Trot Kur—Men 1 Chris Herzog, Mission Vineyard 4.375 Beginning Trot Overall—Men 1 Chris Herzog , Mission Vineyard 4.379 Tiny Tots Compulsories 3 4 5 6 7 8 Trot Compulsories—Men 1 Joshua Howton, Monte Visla 2 Jonathon Tal, Bfcwk Point Vaulting World 5.357 4.214 3.329 2.543 2.514 2.457 2.129 1.757 Barrel Events Trot Barrel Doubles Kur 5,850 3,333 Trot Kur—Men 1 S. Frakes/E. Tool, Alhambra 2 T. Tal/T. Maftsberger, Black Point 3 S. Frakes/C. Harper-Chan, Alhambra 4 D.DIGennaro/C.DiGennara, BlackPoint 5 A. Corfman/C. Corfman, Woodside 1 Joshua Howton, Monte Vista n/a 2 Jonathan Tal, BlackPoint 3.450 Beginning Trot Comp.—Women 6,883 1 Kelly Meeks, Pegasus 6.800 2 Megan Coale, Pegasus 6.500 3 AmraNeal, Pegasus 6.880 6.760 6.660 6.200 5.920 Ticket number 0372043 was the winner of a beautiful stained glass window in the raffle at the June22-23PegasusSurnmerFest, Soquel. California. Would the holder of this ticket please contact team coach Kitchy Burdette, P.O. Box 10, Soquel, CA, 408 462-4686. 6 B, Burdette/J. Ballenger, Pegasus 7 Ka.Kucera/J Bors, Woodside 8 N. EKerle/M. Coale, Pegasus 5.680 5,420 5.380 Trot Barrel Kur—Women 1 Amanda Corfman, Woodskie 2 Tamara Tal, Black Point 3 Shalimar Frakes, Alhambra 4 Trina Maltsberger, Black Point 5 Christine Harper-Chan, Alhambra 6 Diana DiGennaro, BlackPoint 7 Julie Keville, Tarrbourine B Cate Corfman, Woodside 9 Megan Lukk, BlackPoint 10 Emily Tool, Alhambra 11 Beth Fuller, Pegasus 12 Barbie Burdette, Pegasus 13 Heather Carlson, Black Point 14 Hali Sloan, Pegasus 16 Ann Marie Gan, Black Point 16 Erin Carmen, Alhambra 17 Sheryl Thorsson, Tambourine 18 Caria DiGennaro, Black Point 19 Tiffany Klink. Ml. Eden 20 Carol Christensen, Pegasus 6,967 6.667 6.200 6,100 6.100 6.000 5.967 5.967 5.767 5.700 5,333 5.300 5.100 5.000 4.900 4.7CO 4.633 4.333 4.000 3.B67 21 Amra Neal, Pegasus 3,267 Begin Trot Barrel Kur—Women 1 Shannon Overly , Woodside 2 Shannon Tobin, Tambourine 3 Leona Tobin, Tambourine 4 Ann Rosemurgy, Tambourine 5 Katie Hutchinson, Tambourine 6 Lea Rosemurgy, Tambourine 7 Kari Kucera, Woodside 8 Leah Milholland-Wrzesinski, Alhambra 9 Janet lisa, Monte Vista 10 Sumrper Evert, Mt. Eden 11 Emily Brooks, Monte Vista 12 Jacquelyn Skipton, Monte Vista 13 Tiffany Klink, Mt. Eden ' 14 Julie Sawyer, Tambourine 15 Casey Davey.Alhambra 16 Jackie Bors, Woodside 17 Jessica Skipton, Monte Vista 18 Kirsten Kucera, Woodside 6.933 6,500 6.400 6.033 6.000 5.367 5,000 4.333 4.300 4.200 4.100 4.100 4.000 3.900 3.400 3.400 3.367 1.967 Proud Parents and Coaches— Vaulting World Wants Your Photos! Fest '91 Videotapes Available Albuquerque based Action Productions once again videotaped our National Championships. Orders will be taken for tapes of specific vaulters or events. Tapes are about $6 to $9 per time slot plus cost of tape ($6) and handling ($1). For example, a tape of all four rounds for a Silver/Goldindividual vaulter would be about $31. Action Pro- Kari Kucera, Woodside Jackie Bors, Woodside Afaxa Rosemurgy, Tambourine Krista Frankel, Woodside Danielle Skiplon, Monte Visla Sean Keville, Tarnbourine Kirsten Kucera, Woodside Alex Obrecht, Monte Vista Pegasus Fest Seeks Raffle Winner Often managers of competitions are so busy they neglect to take and/or send us photos to go with their reports of vaulting fests. Please help by loaning us your photos. Currently Vaulting World is looking for photos of vaulters and teams who won National Championships at Albuquerque, as well as any good photos from thelnterelationalFriendship Camp, the CVI-Santa Cruz and the Region n Fest at Hying Cloud. If your child was ductions will need the date, class, club name, and time slot as published in the Official Fest Program. For more information: John & Jill Fetz, Action Productions, 2731 Merz S.W., Albuquerque, NM 97105, Telephone: 505/ 877-8779 21 involved m any of these and you took photos, please consider sharing them. They will be returned after the issue goes to press. The deadline for photos for the Fest/CVI issue Is August 30. On the back of the photo, please attach a piece of paper with the name and clubof the vaulter(s),nanieof horse, name of event, name of photographer as well as your name and address so we will know who to mail it back to. Maillotheaddresson theback cover. August 1,1991 American Vaulting Association Medal Test Results 1990-91 Silver The AVA Congratulates 1990-91 Gold R/tedallsts April 1991 Kim Frankel Defdra Ostendorf Nicole Wolter May 1991 Chase Woriey June 1991 Allyson Seaman 1990 Medal Tests (Concluded) Club; ALBUQUERQUE VAULTERS Place: Abuquerque, NM Date: Octobers, 1990 Judge; Maxine Chelini (R) Silver Susan Oakes 7.110 C Bronze Estevan Pedroncelli 5.517 Trot Tanya Komorowski 5.550 Camilla Molina 5.533 Chris Seatey 6.300 C Heather Sealey 5.133 Trot to the Right Mary Carniglia 5.467 Novice Amity Clay Passed Taylor Cohen Passed Tanya Komorowski Passed Camille Molina Passed Healher Sealey Passed Chris Seatey Passed Josanna Simpson Passed Sarah Wifeon Passed Club: ROCKING HORSE VAULTERS Place: Albuquerque, NM Date: October 6, 1990 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Trot Teresa L Bechdel 5.833 Rachel Rochelle 5.263 Trot to the Right Angela Sanchez 5.717 Novice Rachel Rochelle Passed Club: SAN VICENTE VAULTERS Place: Ramona.CA Date: October22, 1990 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Silver Larry Barton B.06Q H Trot JessicaLevine Ivy Lucco Michete Swiggers Oagny Tucker Kim Wright Novice Ann Louise Barber Emily Inoue Jesse Swiggers LauraVardiman 5.450 6.200 C 6.4QO C 6.367 C 5.60Q Passed Passed Passed Passed Club: FLYING STAR Place: Golden, CO Dale: October 28. 1990 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Vaulting World Kim Benson 6.850 Trot Teryn Predhorne 5.950 Club: FALCONWOOD FLYERS Place: MarylandHouseContor, MD Date: November 11,1 990 Judge: Deborah Harrison (R) Trot Kristen DeVetter 5.617 Stacie Robertson 5.583 1991 Medal Tests to Date Club: SUNDANCE VAULTERS Place: Paso Robtes, CA Date: February 16, 1991 Judge: Emma Drinker (r) Silver Lorraine Carrpbell RitaKoelsch Kellee Rasor Bronze Michelle Arnold Sarah Crossingham Kristen Meek Novice Samantha Bartholomew Lee Anna Fraker S cott Warmeri 7.660 C 7.110 C 7.730 C 6.600 C 6,433 C 6.900 C Passed Passed P assed Club: MONTEVISTA VAULTERS Place: Watsonvllle, CA Date: February 18, 1991 Judge: JoyceGussanhoven(R) Silver Christine Bell 7.120 C Bronze Valerie Bantner 7.100 H Molly Brooks 6.933 C Jessica Howton 6.833 C Shannon Moriarty 6.717 C Laurie Pelerson 6.683 C Lauren Saputelii 6.833 C Jaime Taylor 7.100 H Trot Josh Howttxi 6.783 C Mary Siri 6.500 C Sarah Kliewer 6,717 C Club: MID-ATLANTIC VOLT1GEURS Place: Etcerera Training Center, NJ Date: April 6, 1991 Judge: David Long (Gold Medalist) Novice Vanessa oUad Passed Jessica Durdock Passed Rebecca Durdock Passed Wendy Garrido Passed Emily Kil Passed Douglas Payne Passed Anthony Teneralli Passed Club: PEPPERTREE VAULTERS Place: Sunland.CA Date: April?, 1991 Judge: Emma Drinker (r) Bronze Heather Herndon 6.567 Club: VALLEYVIEW VAULTERS Place: Sunland.CA Date: April7,1991 Judge: Emma Drinker (r) Trot Carol Broadsky 5.083 Philip Pakiier 5,683 Blue Sill 6.533 C Sondra Gren Wammack 6.083 C Shelly Gran Wammack 5.833 Trot to the Right Aimee Bullard 5.817 Brent Dahlgren Susan McKbben Crystal Pakizer Blue Sill Novice Shannon Campbell Christina Hart Maggie Matelepsza Philip Pakizer Megan Roy Ron Sill 5.217 5.833 5.533 6.383 C Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Passed Club: MT. EDEN VAULTING CLUB Place: Saratoga, CA Date: April 24. 1991 Judge: J. Ashton Moore (I.FEI) Gold Kim Frankel 8.143 C Deidra Ostendorl 8.034 C Nicole Wotter 8.536 H Silver Meagan Clarke 8.200 H Kim Dunham 7.700 C AmyGarrod 8.010 H Maureen Roy 7.850 C JenniTam 8,180 H Novlco Jande Kyes Passed Club: MISSION VINEYARD VAULTERS Place: San Juan Bautista, CA Date: May4, 1991 Judge: Adrienne Slang (!, FEl) Bronze Jeanlne Ghiorzi Daniel Herzog trol Darnel Herzog Donald Herzog Novice ChristoperHeraog Daniel Henog Donald Herzog 7.033 H 5.BOO 5.717 5,350 Passed Passed Passed Club: MONTEVISTA VAULTERS Place: San Juan Bautista, CA Date: May 4, 1991 Judge: Adrienne Slang (I, FEl) Gold Chase Woriey 8.814 H Silver Kali Peterson 7.480 C Bronze Corie Howard 6.317 C Sandy Hill 7.017 H Clinton Skipton 6.867 C Bronze to the Right Chad Ross 6.633 C Melissa Ross 5.900 Trot Lindsey Randall 6.483 C Club: MT. EDEN VAULTING CLUB Place: Saratoga, CA Date: May 11, 1991 Judge: Suzanne Detol (r) Silver LfobyStow 7.150 C Club: Place: Date: Judge: AGAPE VAULTERS Hemdon, VA May 17, 1991 Maxine Cholini (R) Silver Andrew Gantenbein 6.830 Club: FALCONWOOD FLYERS Place; Herndon, VA Date: May 19, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Trot Robert Faulkner 5.650 BeckyWillard 5.617 Novlco Maria Henderson Passed Tiffany Whitworth Passed Club: GREAT FALLS VAULTING TEAM Place: Herndon, VA Date: May 19, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Bronze Heather Avery Jenniler Hall Trot Louisa Anderson Laura Caste I b K. C. McGurren Trot 5.600 5.500 Shannon Campbell Novice Blake Dahlgren Emily McKibbon Erica Ward HeatherWard 5.717 5.483 5.283 Club: MID-ATLANTIC VOLT1GEUHS Place: Hemdon, VA Date: May 19. 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Sllvortothe Right 6.283 C Teresa Bechdel Neely Kunzelman Rachel Rochelle Angela Sanchez Bronze to the Jesse Johnson Jennifer Lente Rachel Mac Ernie Dale: May 19, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Bronze Jamie Downey 5.767 Brenda Goff 5,600 Club: SPECTRUM VAULTERS Place: Herndon, VA Date: May 19, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Trot Grelchen Carter 5.733 Jessica Golladay 5.917 Raphael Schulman 5.717 Novice Gretchen Carter Passed Jessica Golladay Passed Henley Holmes Passed Sam Miller Passed Sarah Rainey Passed Raphael Schulman Passed Club: ALBUQUERQUE VAULTERS Place: Abuquerque, NM Date: May31,l991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Bronze Mary Carniglia 5.500 Chris Sealey 6.567 Bronze to the Right Chris Seatey 6.383 Trot Mary Carn'glia 6.083 Amhy Clay 5.000 Josanna Simpson 6.D67 Sarah Wilson 6.017 C C C C C Trot to the Right 6.017 C Passed Club: SAN VICENTE VAULTERS Place: Ramona, CA Date: June 9, 1991 Judge: Emma Drinker (r) Novice Chandi Pelton Passed Jenica Pelton Passed Larissa Pelton Passed Kay la Spu rlock P ass ed SaraSteward Passed Club: DIAMOND BAR COUNTRY4-H Place: Sunland.CA Date: June-15, 1991 Judge: Marcia Sullivan B ro nzo Lindsey Douglas 6.050 C Melissa Ellis 5.167 1 rot Deborah Gordon Bonnie Houston Lba Plermartni MarissaOuan Nlcolle Tayter Novice Lba Page 5.883 6.517 C 5,767 6.817 C 6.900 C Passed Club: VALLEYVIEW VAULTERS Place: Sunland.CA Date: June 15, 1991 Judge: Marcia Sullwan Silver Sarah Hutchins 22 Stacy Galassini 7.370 C Bronze Club: MT. TABOR VAULTERS Tanya Komorowski Novice CorinneHale Passed Passed Passed Passed Club: ROCKING HORSE VAULTERS Place: CorralesNM Dale: June 20, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Bronze Vanessa Budd 6.333 C 8.090 H Trot 5.617 5.550 5.517 5.517 Right 5.483 5.800 5.783 KyndraAbeyta 6.033 C KristyKing 6.733 C Rachel Klein 5.700 Rebecca Kunkte 5.983 Trot to the Right Jesse Johnson 6.317 C Novice KyndraAbeyta Passed Kristy King Passed Rachel King Passed Rachel Klein Passed Rebecca Kunkle Passed Club: FLYING IMAGE4-H VAULTERS Place: Golden. CO Date: June 22, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Bronze CammiTow 6.167 C Ateah Hockin 6.000 C Stephanie Rickman 6.200 C Trot Brandy Rickman 5.883 Novice Sophie Holly Passed Julie Skufcii Passed Club: FLYING STAR VAULTEHS Place: Golden, CO Date; June 22, 1991 Judge: Maxine Chelini (R) Bronze ErikMartonovich 6.233 C Kadie Nicholl 5.633 Novice Kara Baxter Passed J.J. Doiief Passed Niki Dozier Passed Emily Webb Passed Club: MT. EDEN VAULTING CLUB Place: Saratoga, CA Date: June2S, 1991 Judge: NaomiTakemoto(l,FEl) Bronze Becky Kozina 5.333 Jennie Lauzze 6.917 C Stan Parry 6.583 C Shanna Pomerantz 7.167 H Trot Summer Evert 5.833 TrffanyKlink 5.167 Club: CALIFORNIA CAROUSEL Place: Woodsye.CA Date: June 29. 1991 Judge: Adrienne Stang (I, FEl) Gold Allyson Seaman 8.700 H Silver to the Right Julie Beutler 7.820 C AtexaStent 7.730 C Bronze lo the Right AnnaKahl Anne-Marie Keenan Damelte Keller Lauren Seaby 6.267 6.433 6.717 6.450 C C C C Trot Vanessa Herold S.567 Trot to the Right Tina Carnpbell 6.517 C Club: BLACK POINT VAULTERS Place: Petaluma, CA Date: June 29, 1991 Judge: Suzanne Detol (r) Bronze Arid Tal 5.967 Club: TAMBOURINE 4-H VAULTERS Place: Petaluma CA Date: June29,1991 Judge: Suzanne Detol (r) Bronze Matthew CampagnaPinto 5.817 Shannon Tobin 6.067 C Cicely Washington 5.433 Bronze to the Right Ernrna Byrd 6.467 C Heather Byrd 5.750 Kelley Holly 7.483 H Teresa Keville 6.683 C Trot Katie Hutchinson 5.500 Ann Rosemurg/ 5.733 Lea Rosemurgy 5,817 Trot to the Right Sheryl Thorsson 5,317 Julie Keviile 6,267 C Novice Julie Sawyer Passed Club: MT. EDEN VAULTING CLUB Place: Saratoga, CA Date: July 10, 1991 Judge: Adrienna Stang Bronze Colteen Ross 6.450 C Melody Ross 6.350 C C = Commenced; H = Honors I AVA'S Wish List Two items at the top of A V A ' s wish list are 1)VCR (for use by our new video chairperson in duplicating AVA videotapes for rental or purchase) 2)FAX machine (for the National office) The value of any of the above items donated fo the AVA would be fully deductible as a charitable contribution on ScheduleAofthe donor's Federal Income Tax Return. August 1,1991 Bulletin Board "America's Funniest Home Videos" Wants Your Vaulting Tapes SybilLindenbaum, 213/666-5720 One of the nation's favorite shows, "America's Funniest Home Videos," is in the midst of its second season on ABC, with its thiid$100,000contestin full swing—and they're looking for your funny sports videos. Athletic oriented home videos are particularly sought after since they are a favorite with home viewers, as well as with the show's staff. The program is careful to present only videos which are in good taste and display sports in a positive sense. If you have a videotape of funny or unusual moments from vaulting, please send it to Department R, "America's Funniest Home Videos," 4151 Prospect Avenue, Los Angeles, C A 90027. Enclose a $3.00 U.S. check or money order for handling if you wish your cassette to be returned. "America's Funniest Home Videos" is a Vin Di Bona Production in association with Capital Cities/ABC. American Riding Instructors Association Publishes Newsletter The American Riding Instructors Association (ARIA), Mt. Holly, New Jersey, announces that their quarterly newsletter. Riding Instructor, featuring news and articles of interest to riding instructors of all disciplines, is sent to all ARIA members. Membership is $15 per year. The newsletter concentrates on helping instructors network with each other lo improve (heir leaching skills, make their establishments safer and streamline their small business operations. A recent article gives instructors some interesting new ways to avoid bum-out and increase their students' enthusiasm as well as their own. If you are interested For a sample issue of Riding Instructor and more information, contact ARIA at PO Box 4076, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060, 609 261-1777. Vaulting World German Vautter Classified Ads Seeks Host Family Surcingle For Sale for 1991-92 Passier Surcingle with sheepskin cover. Excellent condition. Cedar School Year Ridge Farm, 3059 103 Road, Question and Answer Column Begins, Contributors Needed! Anne Krelschmann, vaulter from Dusseldorf, Germany, will arrive in the United States in mid-August as a high school exchange student under the auspices of EF Educational Foundation for Foreign Study). Colette Garrison Beginning in this issue we intend to present a QUESTION— important, interesting, timely, controversial, challenging, maybe even dull, but a question, inviting responses and/or answers. Selected responses, ideally representing a variety of opinions from abroad section of the vaulting community will be published in the following issue. If you have ideas for a QUESTION, please send them to Vaulting World, PO Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. Mail answers to published questions (in time to make the next issue) to Vaulting World at the above address. Sample questions to ponder: • "Is Winning everything?..." • "DoesthePrizeexceedthesearch for excellence?..." • "Who 'calls the shots?'" A class B competitive vaulter, 16 year old Anne would like to stay with a vaulting family in the United States andcontinue her vaulting during her 10 month stay. Her host family would provide room and board and welcome the student as an active member of their family. Anne has medical and emergency dental insurance as well as a monthly spending allowance from her family. The host family would be a volunteer entitled to a $50 per month charitable contribution deduction on their federal income tax. EF is a non-profit organization well known for their support in both thenativeandhostcountries.Alocal representative of EF would be in regular contact with the student, host family, and the school as requested and will plan activities and special events for the exchange students and occasionally the family. Question for this Issue If you are interested Contact Jania at EF 1-800^1474273, or Ron & Sue Ober 408 6377707 (collect). How does membership in tlieAHSA benefit lite members oftheAVA? Mail your response to this question by August 30 to Vaulting World, PO Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. Ride For Pride Needs Volunteer Vaulters, Therapists Fest '91 T-Shirts Feature Turquoise Fest Logo on Black Ride for Pride, EastBay children's program needs vaulters to assist in teaching vaulting to children in this program geared to improving selfesteem. The goal is to create a vaulting team. Therapists are also needed to assist with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other physical handicaps. The program has an excellent vaulting horse. If you are interested ContactZiaa Szymanski415 7430741 after August 5, 1991, or write to her at PO Box 1622,Danville,CA 94526. If you missed out on getting a 1991 FestT-Shirt wehaveafcw left in size XXL for $12.00. Include $2.00 shipping and handling. Send your check, payable to AVA, to the AVA National Office, PO Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070. Other sizes may be available if sufficient reorders were taken atFest. ContactCindy Paul at 619 481-0640. 23 Carbondale, CO 81623, 303 9633507. Surcingle Needed HELP! HELP! Need vaulting surcinglc(s)for Ride for Pride—East Bay children's program. All our equipment/was stolen!. ContactZiaa Szymanski 415 743-0741 after August 5, 1991 or write PO Box 1622, Danville, CA 94526. Wanted: Volunteer Videotapers The AVA needs volunteers to videotape AVAclinics, forums, and other events. "Perks" are offered. If you can help: Please contact Gail Ostendorf 738 Loyola Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024, Telephone 415 948-8137 Wanted: Volunteer Bookkeeper/ Accountant to Inspect AVA Books AVA'sConstitutionprovidesthat "The books of the Association shall be inspected annually by aperson(s) appointed by the Board of Directors." A volunteer is needed at this time to audit association books for the 1990 Fiscal Year and Short Period 1991. If you can help: Please write or telephone the AVA National Office, PO Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663,4088670402 (between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm, office hours Mon-Thu 8:30 am - 11 am., Pacific time). Check "Events Calendar" for dates closed. August 1,1991 AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION P. O. Box 3663 Saratoga, CA 95070-1663 Bulk Rate U.SPostage Paid Saratoga, CA 95070 Permit No. 97 TIME VALUE MAIL DO NOT DELAY Deadline for Next Issue—August 30,1991 LJM 1991 August 8-23 AVA NATIONAL OFFICE CLOSED August 9-16 Friday-Friday—International Friendship Vaulting Camp, Watsonville, CA. Contact Stephanie Siemens 714/595-0058 August 18 Sunday—CVI Santa Cruz, CA, USA. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 CVI Cloverdale, Canada. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 IT: 1992 January 30February 2 Thursday-Sunday, AVA ANNUAL MEETING, Reno, NV Contact Colette Garrison 916/487-4204 February 6-9 Thursday-Sunday, USPC Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Contact USPC 215/436-0300 May 9-13 Saturday - Wednesday, Smithsonian Institution's "Festival of the American Horse", Capitol Mall, Washington, D.C. Contact AHC 202/296-4031 September 21-22 Saturday-Sunday, East Coast Fall Fest and Proposed Selection Trials, Frying Pan Park, VA. Contact Adrienne Stang 408/867-0184 May 28-31 Thursday-Sunday—CVI Vejle, Denmark. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 September 22 Sunday—Black Point Harvest Fest, Oakland, CA. Contact Carole Dwinell 415/3723374 June 28-29 Sunday-Monday—CVI Saumur, France. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 July 9-12 September 28 Saturday—Proposed Monte Vista Selection Trials, Watsonville, CA. Contact Patti Skipton, 408/724-9382 Thursday-Sunday—World Vaulting Championships, Pforzheim, Germany. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 July 25August 5 July 31 Saturday-Sunday—Olympic Games, Barcelona, Spain Friday-Saturday, USPC Championships and Festival, Lexington, KY. Contact USPC 215/ 436-0300 August 13-16 Thursday-Sunday—AHSA/AVA NATIONAL VAULTING CHAMPIONSHIPS, Flying Cloud Farm, Petaluma, CA. Contact Marianne Rose 408/867-1789 October 3-4 Saturday-Sunday—CVI Houton, Holland. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 September 2-4 September 26-29 Thursday-Sunday—CVI Sao Paulo, Brazil. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 October 5 Saturday—Proposed Region IV Selection Trials, Albuquerque, NM. Contact Adrienne Stang 408/867-0184 October 5-6 Saturday-Sunday—CVI Houten, Holland. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 October 26 Saturday—Proposed Garrod Farms Selection Trials. Contact Jan Garrod 408/741-1191 October 30 Sunday—AVA Board of Directors Meeting, Los Angeles. CA. Contact Jan Garrod 408/ 741-1191 Sunday—Proposed Central Valley Vaulters Selection Trials, Sacramento, CA. Contact Colette Garrison 916/487-4204 November 10 December 14January 2 July 4-5 Saturday-Sunday—CVI Saumur, France. Contact Naomi Takemoto 408/475-4227 1994 AVA NATIONAL OFFICE CLOSED Happy Holidays! December 21-22 Saturday-Sunday—Judges Workshops by J. Ashton Moore, Maryland and Virginia. Contact Deborah McArthur 703/222-5675 Vaulting World 1993 No date yet World Equestrian Games, Paris, France No date yet World Vaulting Championships, Paris, France August 1,1991