References for Batman Unauthorized

References for Batman Unauthorized
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“Two of a Kind” by Lou Anders
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Daniel, Mac. "Behind the Masks." Boston Globe. 22 Aug. 2007. http://www boston.
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Klock, Geoff. How to Read Superhero Comics and Why. New York: Continuum, 2002.
Miller, Frank, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.
National Comics Publications (DC Comics): March 1986.
Miller, Frank, Jim Lee, Scott Williams, and Alex Sinclair. All Star Batman and Robin the
Boy Wonder. National Comics Publications (DC Comics): September 2005-present.
Miller, Frank, Dave Mazzucchelli, Richmond Lewis, and Todd Klein. Batman: Year One.
National Comics Publications (DC Comics): 1987.
Miller, Frank and Todd McFarlane. Spawn/Batman. Image Comics: 1994. Miller, Frank
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Newsarama. "Jim Lee Talks Worldstrom/All Star Batman: Part 2." 30 Apr. 2007.
Wertham, Fredric. Seduction of the Innocent. New York: Reinhart and Company, 1954.
“Holy Signifier, Batman!” by Nick Mamatas
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Swenson, Gene R., ed., "What Is Pop Art?" Artnews, Nov 1963, 42.
Sontag, Susan. "The Aesthetics of Silence." In Styles of Radical Will. New York:
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“The Cost of Being Batman” by Darren Hudson Hick
“Ra’s al Ghul: Father Figure as Terorist” by Michael Marano
Meltzer, Brad. Personal e-mail dated April 22, 2007.
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Evanier, Mark and Sergio Aragones. Wertham Was Right!: Another Collection of POV
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Jones, Gerard. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book.
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“The Madness of Arkham Asylum” by Paul Lytle
Anonymous and Jim Mooney. "The Joker Follows Suit!" Batman #37 (Oct.-Nov. 1946).
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Lovecraft, H. P. "The Thing on the Doorstep." The Thing on the Doorstep and Other
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Slott, Dan, and Ryan Sook. Arhham Asylum: Living Hell. New York: DC Comics, 2004.
“Robin: Innocent Bystander” by Jake Black
“Batman in Outer Space” by Mike W. Barr
“Gotham’s First Family” by Mary Borsellino
“What’s Wrong with Bruce Wayne?” by Robin S. Rosenberg
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Park, Crystal L. and Amy L. Ai. "Meaning Making and Growth: New Directions for
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Shalev, Arieh Y, Tali Sahar, Sara Freedman, Tuvia Peri, Natali Glick, Dalia Brandes,
Scott P. Orr, and Roger K. Pitman. "A Prospective Study of Heart Rate Response Following
Trauma and the Subsequent Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder." Archives of
General Psychiatry 55.6 (1998): 553-559.
Shaw, Annick, Stephen Joseph, and P. Alex Linley. "Religion, Spirituality, and
Posttraumatic Growth: A Systematic Review" Mental Health, Religion & Culture 8.1 (2005): 111.
Tedeschi, Richard and Lawrence G. Calhoun. "Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual
Foundations and Empirical Evidence." Psychological Inquiry 15.1 (2004): 1-18.
Updegraff, John A. and Grant N. Marshall. "Predictors of Perceived Growth Following
Direct Exposure to Community Violence." Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 24.4
(2005): 538-560.
“The Batman We Deserve” by Daniel M. Kimmel
“To the Batpole!” by Alex Bledsoe
Nelson, Mike. Mike Nelson's Movie Megacheese. New York: HarperCollins, 2000.
“Heroes of Darkness and Light” by John C. Wright
“Batman in the Real World” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Barnhart, David K. and Allan Metcalf. America in So Many Words: Words That Have
Shaped America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Brown, Richard Maxwell. Strain of Violence: Historical Studies of American Violence
and Vigilantism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. "Being Batman." Magazine. http://www. superheroescx_de_0620batman.html
Jones, Gerard. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book.
New York: Basic Books, 2004.
Williams, Kristian. "BATMAN versus THE MAN." The Progressive 67.3 (2003): 38-39.
“Batman, the Failure” by David Seidman