In the Spotlight Mary Ruane
In the
Mary Ruane
What‘s on Mary ‘s desk?
Mary, PwC Ireland Senior Manager, is ’In the Spotlight’ this
week as she finalises the organisation of our 2 015 ‘Mind the
GAAP: Accounting Updates‘ briefing in London on 15th
January. This annual event helps clients navigate changes
in FRS 1 02 and IFRS, UK SORP, US GAAP and other
regulatory financial statement reporting requirements.
Get to know Mary
Mary is an Audit Senior Manager in the Asset Management
Group in Dublin, Ireland. She has been with PwC since 2 001. Mary has a vast
knowledge of the Asset Management industry having worked on both dom estic and
offshore funds which utilise Irish GAAP, IFRS and US GAAP.
Ov er the last 14 years, Mary has worked with an extensive range of clients in Ireland
prom oted by European and US investment m anagers. She has experience with many
ty pes of strategies and deals with AIF and UCITS products allowing her to
understand the challenges faced by both Alternative and Mutual Fund Managers.
All of this gives Mary a deep understanding of the industry.
Mary also has taken on responsibilities within the Asset Management group in the
area of non-bank finance specifically focusing on Loan Funds and the newly
av ailable loan origination product in Ireland. Mary and also has a keen interest in
the m arket for Irish Funds on the west coast of the United States.
Mary is a frequent speaker at industry conferences including IFIA technical
accounting and regulatory updates and was a panellist in PwC’s 2 014 “Aspire to
Lead” ev ent.
Mary is a m ember of WXN (Wom ens Executive Network) here in Ireland and has
participated in their 2 014 Top 2 5 m entoring programme. She also was featured last
y ear as a ‘Mover and Shaker’ in ‘The Glass Hammer’.
In her spare time Mary enjoys running and spending time with her family. She has
also recently taken up tennis.
What is next for Mary ?
Mary will be attending PwC Ireland‘s ‘Finger on the Pulse‘ briefing on 2 9th January
here in our Dublin offices. This is PwC Ireland’s annual Alternative Hedge Funds
sem inar.
Mary’s key links
WXN on LinkedIn
Mary Ruane
Pw C Ireland Senior Manager
T: + 3 53 1 792 6905
@Mary _Ruane
Mary onLinkedIn
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