Open Letter to Mr. Adam Smith, Editor-in-Chief, “The Big Bang” theory is really “a Big Speculation”. Through this letter I want to express my gratitude towards the Nobel Foundation because it awarded in 2006, two exceptional American researchers (Mr. John Mather and Mr. George Smoot), whose measurements regarding the anysothropy of cosmic background radiations (CBR), which validated from 1989 the Global Unifying Pattern (GUP) of interactions and fundamental physical particles, published by myself in 1984-1989 (preliminary trials), and in 2004 – the preliminary synthesis (Subatomic Universe, ISBN 973-0-03716-7). In the book, I showed that cosmic background radiations are really Universe's Basic Temperature (an Universe with behavior of “black body”), being continuously transmitted and absorbed by all atomic-molecular structures anysothropically dispersed throughout the unlimited space. The fluctuations in the CBR (Sachs Wolfe effects), inform us that in the Universe, the atomic-molecular structures are permanently desintegrated as cosmic radiation in many places, and the cosmic radiation is integrated as atomo-molecular structures (with kinetic clustering effect), in other places (a fluctuating process). By expounding the book on-line (free download), at (an adaptation to the transition of the Internet age from the p-book to the e-book!), I founded a new research field, called “Global Science Engineering”(GSE). Besides, GSE is also a new research method. The classic research method means stating a hypothesis on the researched phenomenon, then performing numerous experiments, in order to prove that hypothesis valid (Lottery Method). GSE aims to the research of all quantity results obtained by scientists (through the lottery method), irrespective of time and place, and their integration in a coherent and unitary value system, according to the laws of nature, aprioristic validated through experiments, without making an appeal to various hypotheses (Engineering Method). The two methods are not mutually exclusive, they are complementary. Chronologically speaking, the engineering method can only be used after the gathering of enough experimental data (i.e. a critical mass of them), obtainable only through the lottery method. With the engineering method, instead of stating a hypothetic function and then look for experimental points to confirm it, we go the inverse way: we place on the board all -1/5- our known experimental points, then look for one or more functions/ecuations that could satisfy all of them simultaneously, in a global unifying system. In “Subatomic Universe” I applied the engineering method and obtained more than 50 new equations, and over 150 new physical constants, integrated in a global, unifying system (GUP), able to explain, in both quantity and quality, some physical phenomenon met in nature, such as: gravity, inertia, relativity effects, quantic effects, electricity and magnetism, strong nuclear forces and weak electro forces, photonic radiations/light, heat, subatomic particles, the birth of the Universe, the progressive heating of Earth's surface, etc. During the 2006 year, I have been trying to launch an international development programme on this specific field. (So far I understand that being an European, I stand no real chance of getting any kind of support from European institutions, organisations or foundations!). The publicity of the work was done through a letter sent to over 15.000 scientists throughout the world, both directly via e-mail and indirectly, as a distinct action, through the WYP2005 – Steering (National and International) Committees, under UNESCO's coordination. The Nobel Foundation's editorial, concerning the award of the two American researchers seems to promote the false idea that NASA measurements might confirm the Big Bang theory concerning the birth of our Universe. This theory (entirely dominant for the last 50 years) considers that initially, in one point of the Universe (where the Earth is now), the matter was concentrated, its mass equaling the mass of all the galaxies in the Universe, structured as neutron-protonic plasma, of very small dimensions and very high mass density, which at a t=0 moment exploded. The hypothesis does not give us any idea about the mechanism to form that plasma, about the cause and the mechanism of the so called explosion that would have given birth to the galaxies of the Universe, or about how (atomic) radiations shaped in protons, electrons and photons, the stars, and the black holes have could to separate themselves from the gravity field of such black hole/(big plasma), with a very large mass. The black holes have only in our own galaxy a mass percentage of 71%. A “Hiroshima” explosion implies the existence of a high concentration of atoms of heavy elements in the hypothetic initial plasma. In order for a proton or another matter structure, with an mex mass, to be able to leave the periphery of the initial plasma, at the moment of the hypothetic explosion, -2/5- surpassing the opponent gravity, it needed a launching speed, vex, thousand times bigger that the speed of light c. Let us presume, for the sake of reason, that the mass of the hypothetic plasma equaled only 2% of our galaxy's mass, Mcp=2x1041kg, [1] then the relation between the movement energy of the emitted/radiated mass (½)mexvex2, and the energy of the (capture) gravity field, at an R distance reported to the center of the plasma at the moment of the explosion: (1/2)mex.vex2>G.Mcp.mex/R, [2] may be written as: (vex/c) 2>2.G.Mcp/c2R, [3] where G=6.67x10-11 N.m2/kg2 , [4]. The following table (which obviously proves the inconsistency of the Big Bang theory) shows, for a few values of the R distance, what the speed of the emitted proton should have been in ratio to the speed of light, in order for the proton to leave the plasma at the t=0+ moment, of the hypothetic explosion. R [m] : 103 104 105 106 107 108 vex/c> 5.44x105 1.72x105 5.44x104 1.72x104 5.44x103 1.72x103 To assert that the universal attraction has as a result, the mutual moving away of bodies (Expanding Universe), not their clustering (Clustering Universe, according to the GUP), means to accept the false, but widely accepted 500 years ago, academic idea, that said the Sun revolved around the Earth, not inverse. The apparent deviation to red of the photons originating from distant galaxies, obviously cannot be proof of the expansion of the Universe, as such a hypothesis is invalidated by the law of universal attraction. The deviation to red, noticed by Hubble, which seems to be in proportion to the Galaxy-Earth distance, tells us that to the such effect may contribute both the mechanic work commited by photon to escape from the galaxy's gravity field (the Einstein effect, dependent on the mass of the source galaxy), and the propagation route, populated with radiations and other “lazy” structures, such as the cosmic background radiation, or the cosmic Hydrogen and Helium atoms, which put a certain break through the successive interactions. If we had very sensitive devices, we could measure the deviation to red of the photons from the Sun, as the Sun – Earth distance increases during a part of its trajectory, from -3/5- the Perihelion to the Aphelion. Such a measurement cannot be the proof of expanding of the Solar System! Similar relative movements, around black holes, might also take place between our Galaxy and other ditant Galaxies. After the discovery of the cosmic background radiation by Penzias and Wilson, in 1964, the redshift of the galactic photons can no longer be a support to the Big Bang speculating theory. Its sustainment today, seems to aim to the continuous attraction of financial funds from governments, foundations and private sponsors, in damage to the sure results research, which could shortly be put to the service of life on our planet, more and more endangered (new energy sources, stopping the temperature growth on the surface of the Earth, the control of atmosphere perturbances, the control of cells in cancer and AIDS cases, the control of explosives, etc.) Probably for many years from now, NASA and other scientific organisations will waste Time and public money, on experiments that will confirm the truths proven in the “Subatomic Universe” book, sent to all those interested, with the WYP-2005 actions. For instance: the recent Chinese experiment regarding the EAST reactor fusion, called “the artificial sun”, where deuterium and tritium atoms fusioned for just 3 seconds, at 100 million Celsius degrees, obtained with high power lasers. A lot of public resources could have been saved and put to better use, if the Chinese scientists had taken into account the Global Unifying Pattern in physics, where the importance of both simultaneous fields: gravity and thermal, is demonstrated. An “artificial sun” needs, beside the Sun thermal field, a quasi-constant artificial gravity field, of about 330 m/s2, equal to the one on the surface of the Sun. It is reasonable that both “on fusion” projects (the Chinese and the European), be implemented after the attainment of technology able to sustain on Earth a quasiconstant gravity field, about 33 times bigger than the natural one, should this ever be possible! It would be better for everybody, I am thinking, if an adequate part of the science disposable funds will be distributed to the new research field (GUP) too, in the each country, and also if the mass-media will encourage such behavior, often painful for many prisoners of fake scientific hypothesis. I would greatly appreciate it if you could approve publication of my Open Letter in the your impressive magazine, as reply to your article, in proceeds to the other -4/5- scientist, sponsors and science oragnization/institution, that are interested in this matter, as well as in my “GLOBAL SCIENCE” program. Thank you very much in advance. Iulian Somacescu EuroTehnoConsult, Science Department 15 Sf.Elefterie street 050523 - Bucharest ROMANIA Tf/Fax: ++40214108345; e-mail: -5/5-