Columbus State Community College Allied Health Professions Department Health Information Management Technology COURSE: HIMT 2870A PPE HIM App - HIM Functions CREDITS: 2 CLASS HOURS PER WEEK: 7 hours (flexible term course) PREREQUISITES: HIMT 1111, HIMT 1135 HIMT 2133 HIMT 2860; minimum grade of “C” COREQUISITES: HIMT 2259, HIMT 2294, HIMT 2257 DESCRIPTION OF COURSE: Students are provided professional practice experience (PPE) in basic HIM functions (e.g., storage and retrieval, record completion, release of information) through software applications and possible visits to healthcare facilities. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the conclusion of this course the student shall: • • • • Demonstrate entry-level competency in performing the basic HIM functions as they relate to storage and retrieval, record completion, and release of information in an acute care facility through PPE and V-lab exercises. Describe the workflow of the HIM department using flowcharting software. Demonstrate professionalism through participation in PPE. Prepare for RHIT certification examination. GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES Columbus State Community College's general education outcomes are an integral part of the curriculum and central to the mission of the college. The faculty at Columbus State has determined that these outcomes include the following competencies: • Critical Thinking • Effective Communication • Scientific and Technological Effectiveness COURSE MATERIALS REQUIRED 1. Headset for WebEx meetings 2. Internet access 2013-2014 TEXTBOOK, MANUALS, REFERENCES, AND OTHER READINGS Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations (2012 edition) PPE Packet available at CSCC bookstore. This packet provides the instruction material you will need for the PPE at OhioHealth. (This packet required if Ohio Health PPE site is available when course is taught.) Introduction to Computer Systems for Health Information Technology, by Nanette Sayles and Kathy Trawick. Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach by AHIMA (4th Edition) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS 1) AHIMA Virtual Laboratory exercises. 2) Tour/Shadowing at PPE sites. 3) Assignments that require application of knowledge gained in prerequisite and corequisite courses. 4) Webex online meetings (lecture and overview of course topics) ASSESSMENT Columbus State Community College is committed to assessment (measurement) of student achievement of academic outcomes. This process addresses the issues of what you need to learn in your program of study and if you are learning what you need to learn. The assessment program at Columbus State has four specific and interrelated purposes: (1) to improve student academic achievements; (2) to improve teaching strategies; (3) to document successes and identify opportunities for program improvement; (4) to provide evidence for institutional effectiveness. In class you are assessed and graded on your achievement of the outcomes for this course. You may also be required to participate in broader assessment activities. STANDARDS AND METHODS FOR EVALUATION Inventories of Questions/Site Evaluation: For the Inventory of Questions you will need to answer questions pertaining to the following: (1) Department and/or Facility Profile (2) Filing Methods and Storage and Retrieval Activities (3) Chart Completion Process (4) Release of Information (ROI) The Inventories of Questions document can be found on Blackboard. It is recommended that you download this document, print it, and begin answering the questions. The student must: • Type answers to the questions directly in the Inventory of Questions document. The answer must immediately follow each question. • If a question is not applicable, the student must note why the question is not applicable • The student must compare and contrast where indicated to demonstrate knowledge of the HIM function from previous studies and observations at the site. 2013-2014 • Submit electronically via an assignment link in Blackboard. The student will be able to find answers to the Inventory of Questions by reviewing the OhioHealth website, the OhioHealth packet purchased for this course, and PPE experience onsite at OhioHealth facilities. Feel free to ask OhioHealth associates questions pertaining to the Inventory of Questions – Do not expect them to take lots of time to sit there and walk through each of the questions with you. This is not the intention of the assignment or the responsibility of the OhioHealth associate. The intent of the assignment is for you to demonstrate a basic understanding of the common HIM functions performed at the OhioHealth facilities. A score of zero (0) will be earned for the inventories of questions not submitted by the due date and time . The PPE site supervisor may evaluate the student. The Evaluation of the student by the PPE site supervisor will be included in the Inventories of questions/Site supervise evaluation portion of the course grade. PRG/V-lab Quizzes: There are 3 quizzes covering material from the PRG review guide. Each quiz will contain questions similar to the specified chapters from the PRG Review Guide and questions from the vlab activities. The quizzes will contain the following questions: • Quiz #1 will consist of 15 questions taken from chapters 3 and 4 in the PRG Review Guide + questions from the V-lab activity. • Quiz #2 will consist of 15 questions taken from chapter 15 in the PRG Review Guide + questions from the V-lab activity. • Quiz #3 will consist of 15 questions taken from chapters 11 and 12 in the PRG Review Guide + questions from the V-lab activity. PRG quizzes are to be completed independently and are “closed book”. Students are not permitted to use any reference material of notes when completing the PRG quizzes. These quizzes may be completed on the student’s home computer. The PRG quizzes will be timed for 30 minutes. Five (5) points will be deducted for each minute the time limit is exceeded. A score of zero (0) will be earned for the PRG/vlab quiz not submitted by the due date and time. No makeup PRG quizzes will be available. PIE Quizzes (Ohio Health): These quizzes are intended prepare or provide a pre-assessment prior to listening/viewing the OhioHealth recordings. You will need to read through the OhioHealth material you purchased at the CSCC bookstore in order to complete the PIE quizzes. The PIE quizzes are open book - so you can refer to the OhioHealth packet as you complete the PIE quizzes for this week. The PIE quizzes you will need to complete are as follows: 1. ROI/Retrieval Training Competency Quiz 2. Physician Assistance Training Competency Quiz 3. Chart Collection Training Competency Quiz 2013-2014 4. Prepping Training Competency Quiz 5. Scanning Training Competency Quiz 6. QCI Training Competency Quiz 7. Detailed Analysis Training Quiz A score of zero (0) will be earned for any PIE quizzes not submitted by the due date . No makeup PIE quizzes will be available. Note: Please remember that all work in HIMT 292 must be your own. The CSCC policy for Academic Misconduct will be followed if cheating is suspected. Webex Meetings: Students must be punctual and present for the entire duration of posted WebEx meetings. Meeting attendance may not be made up and points will be deducted for non-attendance or lateness logging into the meeting. Students are expected to participate and ask questions to clarify any unclear information. Zero points will be earned for missed meetings. Lab Assignments (include Virtual Lab activities): Virtual lab activities provide student with hands-on experience performing the various functions and using software typically utilized in HIM departments. Students are expected to complete all lab assignments and submit by the due date specified and submitted per instructions posted on Blackboard. If a laboratory assignment is not completed by the due date, a score of zero (0) will be earned for the missed laboratory assignment. No makeup laboratory assignments will be available. Final exam: The final exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions taken from the PRG Review Guide. These questions include the chapters you worked through this quarter. The final exam will be available for you to complete at home. It's a closed-book exam and must be completed independently - not with others (i.e., classmates, etc.). This exam will be timed for 1 hour and 50 minutes. Five points will be deducted for each minute this time limit is exceeded. Course grades will be determined as follows: Inventories of Questions/Site Evaluation: PRG Quizzes: PIE Quizzes (Ohio Health): Webex Meetings: Lab Assignments: Final exam: 20% 10% 10% 10% 30% 20% ___ 2013-2014 GRADING SCALE 100% Grading Scale: Note: A final course grade of “D” or “E” DOES NOT meet 100% - 90% = A prerequisite and graduation requirements. 89% - 80 % = B 79% - 70% = C 69% - 60% = D 59% - Below = E SPECIAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS Clear background check and clear drug screening must be reported in order the students to take this course. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance is mandatory for all PPE experiences. This includes both scheduled WebEx meetings and scheduled time at PPE sites. Hours missed may not be made up and points will be deducted from the students site evaluation grade. REMEMBER, good attendance and punctuality is looked upon favorably by future employers. Students shall not extend their professional practice experience past the end of the rotation date. In the case of emergency or if special circumstances arise, the HIMT instructor and PPE site supervisor may agree to alternatives for the student involved, but this cannot be guaranteed. A student will be reported as not attending for financial aid reporting, if the student has missed more than one posted assignment/practice quiz due date and/or the student has missed a test. See Financial Aid Reporting information provided below in this syllabus. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT As an enrolled student at Columbus State Community College, you have agreed to abide by the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook. You should familiarize yourself with the student code. The Columbus State Community College expects you to exhibit high standards of academic integrity, respect and responsibility. Any confirmed incidence of misconduct, including plagiarism and other forms of cheating, will be treated seriously and in accordance with College Policy and Procedure 7-10. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) POLICY It is Columbus State policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you would like to request such accommodations because of physical, mental or learning disability, please contact the Department of Disability Services, 101 Eibling Hall, 614.287.2570 (V/TTY). Delaware Campus students may also contact an advisor in the Student Services Center, first floor Moeller Hall, 740.203.8000. Ask for Delaware Campus advising, or, for assistance. INCLEMENT WEATHER OR OTHER EMERGENCIES (optional wording) 2013-2014 In the event of severe weather or other emergencies that could force the college to close or to cancel classes, such information will be broadcast on radio stations and television stations. Students who reside in areas that fall under a Level III emergency should not attempt to drive to the college even if the college remains open. Assignments due on a day the college is closed will be due the next scheduled class period. If an examination is scheduled for a day the campus is closed, the examination will be given on the next class day. If a laboratory is scheduled on the day the campus is closed, it will be made up at the next scheduled laboratory class. If necessary, laboratory make-up may be held on a Saturday. If a clinical is missed because of weather conditions: (insert department policy). Students who miss a class because of weather-related problems with the class is held as scheduled are responsible for reading and other assignments as indicated in the syllabus. If a laboratory or examination is missed, contact me as soon as possible to determine how to make up the missed exam or lab. Remember! It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with reading and other assignments when a scheduled class does not meet, whatever the reason. In the event the college is forced to close during Final Examination Week, exams scheduled for the first missed date will be rescheduled for (date), in the same location at the same time scheduled. Exams scheduled for a second missed date will be rescheduled for _____. Thus, our final exam is scheduled for (date) at _____ o’clock. If the college is closed that day, the exam will be held on (date) at _____ o’clock. If our exam is the second day the college has been closed, the exam will be held on (date) at _____ o’clock. FINANCIAL AID ATTENDANCE REPORTING Columbus State is required by federal law to verify the enrollment of students who participate in Federal Title IV student aid programs and/or who receive educational benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs. It is the responsibility of the College to identify students who do not commence attendance or who stop attendance in any course for which they are registered and paid. Non-attendance is reported quarterly by each instructor, and results in a student being administratively withdrawn from the class section. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for information regarding the impact of course withdrawals on financial aid eligibility. 2013-2014 UNITS OF INSTRUCTION/ COURSE SCHEDULE Week 1 - Unit of Instruction: Introduction/Orientation to PPE - Learning Objectives/Goals: • List Component software of the AHIMA Virtual Lab • Complete V-lab registration process. • Register for PPE site shadowing/tours. • List the course requirements. • Describe the organization of the acute care HIM department and the functions performed with the department. • Cite common policies and procedures related to acute care Release of Information (RIO) and apply these concepts to actual or simulated scenarios. - Assignment: • Read Syllabus • Register for AHIMA V-lab • Register for Module/Shadowing or Tours at PPE (will vary with what is available for the term) • Read Ohio Health Packet (from bookstore) corresponding to Modules below. • Listen/Review Ohio Health Recordings: o Introduction to HIM/ROI Seminar at Grant Medical Center • WebEx meeting___________________________________(attendance required) - Assessment Methods: Completion of Vlab registration ROI/Retrieval Training PIE Competency Quiz (Ohio Health video) Week 2 - Unit of Instruction: Storage and Retrieval Functions - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Describe the following HIM functions in a hybrid record environment. o Chart collection o Prepping o Scanning and indexing • • • Explain how the HIMT functions will evolve as the full electronic health record is realized. Compare the hybrid and electronic health record functions with the paper-based health record system. Cite common policies and procedures related to the acute care storage and retrieval function and apply these concepts to actual or simulated scenarios. 2013-2014 - Assignment: • Read Ohio Health Packet (from bookstore) corresponding to Modules below. • Listen/Review: Ohio Health Recording: Storage and Retrieval o Chart Collection Training Module o Prepping Training Module o Scanning Training Module o Indexing Training Module • Complete PRG Review guide chapters 3 and 4. • WebEx meeting___________________________________(attendance required) - Assessment Methods: • Chart Collection Training PIE Competency Quiz (Ohio Health) • Prepping Training PIE Competency Quiz (Ohio Health) QCI Training PIE Competency Quiz Week 3 - Unit of Instruction: Storage and Retrieval Functions - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Navigate an electronic health records to locate information within the health record. • Navigate the electronic health record document management system to locate information within the health record. • Compare and contrast the Athens Cerner EHR with the Solcom EDMS • Compare and contrast the Ohio Health hybrid health record with the Athens Cerner EHR and the Solcom EDMS. • Describe the scanning and indexing function relating to the health record. - Assignment: • • • • Complete PRG quiz #1 Read Ohio Health Packet (from bookstore) corresponding to Modules below. Laboratory Activities: o Complete the Athens Cerner EHR scavenger hunt. Submit your answers in the assessment link found in the learning unit. Correct answers will display when you submit your answers. (due 8/14/2011) (ungraded) o Complete the Solcom EDMS scavenger hunt. Submit your answers in the assessment link found in the learning unit. Correct answers will display when you submit your answers. ((due 8/14/2011) (Ungraded) Listen/Review: Ohio Health Recording: Storage and Retrieval o Scanning Training Module o Indexing Training Module 2013-2014 - Assessent Methods: • Quiz #1 will consist of 15 questions taken from chapters 3 and 4 in the PRG Review Guide + questions from the WK 7 V-lab activity. Due by _____________________________ • Scanning Training Competency Quiz (Ohio Health) • Athens Cerner EHR scavenger hunt • Solcom EDMS Scavenger Hunt Week 4 - Unit of Instruction: Health Record Completion - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Identify common deficiencies found in the health record that must be completed by the physician. • Identify challenges to the health record completion process. • Discuss how the HIM department assists the physician with chart completion. • Cite Joint Commission standards governing the health record completion policies in acute care. • Cite common policies and procedures related to acute care health record completion and apply these concepts to actual or simulated scenarios. • Describe the consequences for physicians and the facility when health records that become delinquent. - Assignment: Listen/Review: Ohio Health Recording: Health Record Completion Physician Assistance Seminar at Grant Medical Center Analysis Training Module Complete chapter 15 of the PRG review Guide WebEx meeting___________________________________(attendance required) - Assessment Methods: Physician Assistance Training PIE Competency Quiz (Ohio Health) Detailed Analysis Training PIE Quiz (Ohio Health) Week 5 - Unit of Instruction: Health Record Completion - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Identify appropriate deficiencies within the health record. • “Tag” deficiencies within the health record to facilitate the completion of the health record. 2013-2014 • Describe how health records are organized in Queues with the vlab activities and in the actual healthcare setting utilizing McKesson. - Assignment: • Complete quiz #2 • Lab Activity: McKesson deficiency assignment o Complete McKesson tutorial located in the VTMS under external links and "virtual lab simulations". o Log into McKesson through the lab scheduled in the VTMS. o Check table for your student id and assigned Queue. Use this user name an login once you are in the McKesson product. You will be completing 5 records. If there are not 5 records in your assigned queue you may select another queue . Be sure to identify the patient and the queue the patient belongs to. Record you answers on the answer sheet provided. o Using checklist for analysis record the deficiencies found in the five records of your assigned queue. Record the deficiencies on the answer sheet provided for your queque. Submit your worksheet under the assignment link. o Mark deficiencies in the electronic health record in McKesson (as shown in the tutorial). - Assessment Methods: Quiz #2 will consist of 15 questions taken from chapter 15 in the PRG Review Guide + questions from the WK 8 V-lab activity. Due by McKesson Laboratory Exercise: Due by Week 6 - Unit of Instruction: PPE site Visit - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Compare and contrast lab activities with actual practice in the areas of storage and retrieval, release of information and health record completion. • Independently collect information regarding processes as the site supervisor provides a tour or shadowing opportunity. • Ask questions that demonstrate knowledge of the HIM department and its function. - Assignment: • Attend assigned PPE site • Listen/Review: Ohio Health Recording: ROI o Birth Certificates (BC) - Transcription Shadowing Experience • Attend Shadowing/Tour of Acute Care Health Information Management Department • Complete Inventory of Questions: (Collect Information as you attend the Shadowing/Tour at PPE. Writing of the following papers is on your own time.) 2013-2014 o (1) Department and/or Facility Profile (2) Filing Methods and Storage and Retrieval Activities (3) Chart Completion Process (4) Release of Information (ROI) - Assessment Methods: Week 7 - Unit of Instruction: Release of Information - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Apply state and federal regulations to process request for release of Protected Health Information. • Use e-Smart Log software to log request for information and generate appropriate correspondence. • Cite common policies and procedures related to the release of information function and apply these concepts to actual or simulated scenarios. - Assignment: • Read the articles in the reading packet to review and solidify your release of information knowledge base. • Complete Vlab activity on e-Smart log o o o o o o Log the 5 requests for information from your assigned lesson packet in the HealthPort eSmartLog. Complete the HealthPort ROI Exercise worksheet. Review the 5 requests for information in your assigned lesson packet. Determine if the request is valid. Log into Solcom EDMS to determine what (if any information) is to be release. Determine if a "special authorization is needed. Complete the eSmartlog documentation for each request Add correspondence letters if requested information cannot be released (copy and paste copy of letter to MS Word, save as an RTF file, and submit). Add page count and release date for information that will be released. 6) Submit correspondence letter(s) and HealthPort ROI Exercise worksheet under the assignment link within this learning unit. WebEx meeting___________________________________(attendance required) - Assessment Methods: e-Smart log lab activity due by Week 8 - Unit of Instruction: HIM workflow (Acute Care) 2013-2014 - Learning Objectives/Goals: • Create a flowchart that demonstrates the students knowledge of the HIM functions and workflow. • Demonstrate correct use of flowcharting symbols. • Utilized flowcharting software to generate professional flowcharts. • Compare and contract healthcare facilities in their adoption of the electronic health record. - Assignment: Release of Information Complete Quiz #3 • • Complete Chapters 11 and 12 of the PRG Review Guide. Laboratory assignment: Create flowchart o Listen to the HIT flowcharting presentation located under this Learning Unit (Resources folder). o Listen to the Children’s Hospital Tour and determine the processes and decisions that are made in processing an inpatient’s medical records from discharge through the HIM department from the point of discharge through completion and permanent storage. (URL for tour located in Learning Unit, under “Resources”). Make a list of the major processes and decisions that take place in the workflow. For example, “health records retrieved from unit”(process), “Health records assembled” (process), “Is chart complete? (decision). Put your list in order from the point of discharge through permanent storage. o Using the information you learned from the flowcharting presentation and the flowcharting symbols pdf document under the “Resources” button of this learning unit, create a flow chart depicting the workflow from the Children’s Hospital Tour. You must create your flow chart electronically using software (eg. Smart Draw, MS Word, Visio, etc.) • Narrative: Write a short paper including the following items… o Compare the hybrid process presented in the Children’s Hospital tour with the workflow and processes that you observed at Ohio Health. o Identify what and how processes on your flowchart would be impacted with implementation of an electronic health record. - Assessment Methods: Quiz #3 will consist of 15 questions taken from chapters 11 and 12 in the PRG Review Guide + questions from the WK 9 V-lab activity. All inventories of questions due _______________________________. Flowchart due by ____________________________ Narrative Report due by ______________________ 2013-2014 Week 9 Final Examination: 2013-2014