RUNNING HEAD: Technology Product Plan 1 Work Breakdown Structure Project Name: College of Continuing Studies Wrike Adoption Department: Instructional Technology Focus Area: Instructional Design Team Product/Process: Wrike Project Management Software Prepared By Document Owner(s) Project/Organization Role Hanna Tinker Instructional Technology Assistant Project Closure Report Version Control Version Date Author Change Description 1.1 6/23 Hanna Tinker Created document. 1.2 6/29 Hanna Tinker First Revision Work Breakdown Structure Purpose and Limitations The purpose of this worksheet is to: • • • Identify the work to be done. Identify the types of resources required for the work. Develop estimates for each work element. This worksheet does not address: • When the work will be completed. Technology Project Plan 2 Introduction Recently, the College of Continuing Studies (CCS) experienced a major restructuring for Instructional Design process. Under the new process, instructional designers will work in teams to design courses, instead of working individually. The new process added senior designer positions designated to archiving, training and media management. In addition to creating those positions, the college also added an Instructional Technology Assistant to manage the flow of content into Blackboard Learn as the Instructional Designers complete their manuscripts. Due to the collaborative nature of the new process, we needed a project management software to help keep track of courses. This software would also allow team members to definitively know the next step within the process. As the new Instructional Technology Assistant, this new software would be beneficial to my duties in keeping track of what courses need migration into Blackboard Learn and their respective due date. The focus of this project is to select and implement the project management software, Wrike. Wrike is designed for multiple users to: (1) monitor projects, (2) assign tasks, and (3) ensure completion prior to the project’s deadline. The intent of this document is to create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) as an initial plan for implementing the Wrike software. This document will include the following information: § § § § § § Confidential Work Breakdown Chart (outline format) Work Breakdown Dictionary Work Breakdown Relflection Revised Project Overview Statement Gantt Chart Smartsheet Reflection Page 2 11/2/2015 Technology Project Plan 3 Work Breakdown Structure Chart (Outline Format) 1.0 Initiation 2.0 Planning 2.1 Establish Project Team 2.2 Perform a Product Assessment 2.3 Create Product Scope Statement 2.4 Test program management software 2.5 Select project management software 3.0 Select Project Management Software 3.1 Verify 3.2 Complete Trial 3.3 Purchase software 4.0 Learn Wrike Features 4.1 Design Wrike’s interface specific to the CCS’ 4.2 Create training materials 5.0 Professional Development 5.1 Webinars for all users 5.2 Deliver training 5.3 Conduct regular meetings 6.0 Launch Wrike 6.1 Implement software in 3 stages 6.1.1 Stage 1-­‐ Project Team gains access 6.1.2 Stage 2-­‐ Instructional Design Team gains access 6.1.3 Stage 3-­‐ Technical support gains access 7.0 Provide Support 7.1 Designate one contact person for ongoing support 7.2 Update training materials Confidential Page 3 11/2/2015