The AHI EDI Special Project Overview As your distributor of professional animal health products, we participate in a program that allows us to communicate sales data electronically, directly to manufacturers. This program, called the AHI EDI Special Project, helps expedite the sales reporting process, which means quicker turnaround on incentive program payments for you, and better business decisions for us. Today, over 230 animal health distributor partners securely provide daily sales reporting to the AHI EDI Special Project for 10 of the leading manufacturers in animal health. How It Works Sales Data: Distributor --> Data Clearinghouse --> Manufacturers We submit invoice-level sales data in a secure format electronically, either over the Internet or by manually entering the sales information directly online. The data is validated at a central data clearinghouse, using approved Project rules and guidelines. Once authenticated, the data is distributed to each respective manufacturer participating in the Project. The HIN System The AHI EDI Special Project relies on the use of common customer identifiers. The Project uses the Health Industry Number (HIN) as the industry standard for identifying every facility, delivery location and business activity in the animal health supply chain. That means that, rather than supplying our internal customer code, we use a standardized HIN when we report sales to the Project. HIN’s provide an unambiguous means of identifying the common customers of trading partners without the maintaining multiple cross-references. The HIN System is maintained in a common, centralized database that is administered by the Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC). HIBCC is an industrysponsored non-profit standards development organization, which was founded by major healthcare associations in 1983 and is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). HIBCC incorporates a standard protocol of business practices to ensure the security and integrity of the HIN System. HIN requests and updates must undergo three processing steps before they can be incorporated into the HIN database. • HIBCC checks all information for both completeness and conformance to HIBCC name and address standards. • HIBCC staff verifies each HIN request by phone, to confirm the name and address information with the entity in question. • HIBCC reviews the current HIN database to ensure that a HIN does not already exist for the entity in question. Your Part in the Project You may receive a phone call from HIBCC, in an attempt to verify your business name, address, and type. Please cooperate with this request, as this will expedite our ability to do business with you. Any information you provide or confirm is strictly confidential and is used only for the enumeration of an identification code. You can feel secure your information is not accessible by the general public. Participating Manufacturers Currently participating in the AHI EDI Special Project: • • • • • Abbott Laboratories Bayer HealthCare LLC Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Elanco Animal Health IDEXX Corporation • • • • • Merck Animal Health Merial Limited Novartis Animal Health Virbac Animal Health Zoetis For more information on the AHI EDI Special Project, please contact Brigid Zeller at the Animal Health Institute, 202-637-2440 ext. 1011 or at