Assessment of human resources for health SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS IDENTIFICATION Name of the health facility: Type of facility: Hospital Health centre Health clinic Office Mobile clinic Pharmacy Other (specify): ___________________ Name of district/town: Facility code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Facility operated by: Government Private, for-profit entity Nongovernment organization (NGO) Charitable organization Religious organization District/town code: Name of province/state: Province/state code: Name and code of field investigator: Urban/rural: Capital city Other urban Rural Date of interview: Day Result of final interview: Completed Partially completed Refused Respondent not found Name and code of respondent: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Month Year 2002 Occupation of respondent: Doctor Nurse Midwife Auxiliary nurse Auxiliary midwife Pharmacist Physiotherapist Other health professional 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 READ TO RESPONDENT: You have been randomly selected to be part of a survey on health and human resources, and this is why we would like to interview you. This survey is conducted by the World Health Organization and is being carried out by professional interviewers from (name of institution). The survey is currently taking place in several countries around the world. The interview will take approximately 15 minutes. I will ask you some questions about your work as a health care provider, including the practices and experiences at this and other facilities where you work. The information you provide will be used only to understand about the types of activities, payments and general working conditions of health workers in different countries. The information you provide is totally confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone. It will be used only for research purposes. Your name, and the name and location of this facility, will be removed from the questionnaire, and only a code will be used to connect your answers with the facility without identifying you. Your participation is voluntary and you are free to refuse to answer any question in the questionnaire. If you have any questions about this survey you may ask me or contact (name of institution and contact details). Are you willing to participate in this survey? Agreed [ ] Refused [ ] Section 1. Work status, conditions and qualifications N° 101 Question I would like to ask you some questions about your work as a health care provider and practices at this facility. How would you best describe your occupation at this facility? 102 103 What was the highest level of schooling you reached to become a practising health care provider? Response code Medical doctor ................................................. 1 Dentist ............................................................. 2 Pharmacist ....................................................... 3 Nurse................................................................ 4 Midwife............................................................. 5 Optometrist or optician .................................... 6 Physiotherapist ................................................ 7 Medical assistant ............................................. 8 Dental assistant ............................................... 9 Pharmaceutical assistant .............................. 10 Nursing associate or auxiliary ....................... 11 Midwife associate or auxiliary........................ 12 Traditional/faith healer................................... 13 Other (specify)_______________________ 14 Diploma............................................................ 1 Associate degree ............................................ 2 Baccalaureate degree ..................................... 3 Master’s degree ............................................... 4 Doctorate ......................................................... 5 Other health degree (specify)____________ 6 Other non-health (specify)____________ ...... 8 No formal degree............................................. 9 Skip to º106 º106 In what year did you reach this level? Year 104 In what country did you reach this level? 105 In which school did you reach this level? 106 a) How many hours a week do you usually work at this facility, excluding unpaid mealtimes and on-call hours? (On-call hours are those, such as during nights and weekends, when you must be available for duty but do not have to be physically present on the hospital ward or in a clinic or laboratory except when patient needs require it.) Country of work location .................................. 1 Other country (specify)_________________ . 2 Name of school: º106 Hours. . . . b) Did you work on-call hours at this facility in the last 30 days? Hours. . . . IF YES: How many on-call hours did you work here in the last 30 days? 107 What type of work do you usually do at this facility for pay? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) None ................................................................ 0 Direct patient care............................................ 1 Consultation with agencies/professionals...... 2 Administration/supervision .............................. 3 Teaching .......................................................... 4 Research.......................................................... 5 Laboratory/diagnostic procedures................... 6 Dispensing ....................................................... 7 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 9 Not worked for pay_____________________10 º109 º109 º109 º109 º109 º109 º109 º109 º114 Number. . . . 108 How many patients have you personally seen here in the last 30 days? 109 How would you describe the method by which you are usually paid at Salary ............................................................... 1 this facility? Fee-for-service only......................................... 2 Capitation (fixed per patient) .......................... 3 Capitation plus fees for extra services ............ 4 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Dispensed medicines ...................................... 1 For which types of services do you usually receive extra fees? Other medical supplies/consumables ............ 2 Immunizations.................................................. 3 (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) Laboratory/diagnostic procedures................... 4 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 9 Do not know ............................................... 9998 110 Assessment of human resources for health: health care providers questionnaire º111 º111 º111 º111 2 111 We are interested in knowing the average income of health workers Per week and people trained in the health field. Such information is of value when discussing health care financing options for your country. Remember that whatever you say is confidential and will be used only Per month for research purposes. Per year Thinking over the past year, can you tell me what your average earnings from working at this facility have been? Please tell me the amount per week or per month or per year, whichever is easiest for Refuse ..................................................... 9998 you. Don't know .............................................. 9999 112 In the past 12 months, have you experienced a delay in receiving your pay as scheduled from your employer? 113 Yes ................................................................... 1 No.................................................................... 2 Not applicable .................................................. 3 º114 º114 How long would you say the delays have lasted, on average? Number of days (RECORD IN DAYS, WEEKS OR MONTHS AS ANSWERED) Number of weeks Number of months 114 115 116 Do you receive any of the following additional benefits from working here: YES NO Allowance for meals……………………….1 2 Allowance for housing……………………. 1 2 2 (READ EACH TYPE OF BENEFIT AND RECORD ALL ANSWERS) Allowance for transportation…….………..1 Paid vacations…………………..………….1 2 Health care insurance/medical expenses.1 2 Do you regularly receive any in-kind payments from patients, or extra Yes ................................................................... 1 payments for making referrals or from other sources? No.................................................................... 2 Are you currently certified to practise as a health care provider by any Yes ................................................................... 1 National Certifying Body? No.................................................................... 2 117 Which certifying body? Name of body: 118 Are you currently a member of any professional association(s)? 119 Which association(s)? Yes ................................................................... 1 No.................................................................... 2 Name of association(s): 120 In the past 12 months, have you been in any health/medical professional training or continuing education programmes? Yes ................................................................... 1 No..................................................................... 2 121 For how many days (in the last 12 months) have you been on such programmes? Number of days . . . 122 Do you have the right to strike? 123 Have you gone on a labour strike at any time in the last 12 months, even for a short period? IF YES: For how many days (in the last 12 months) did you go on strike? Yes ................................................................... 1 No.................................................................... 2 Don’t know ....................................................... 3 º118 º120 º201 º201 º201 Days. . . . None ................................................................ 0 Assessment of human resources for health: health care providers questionnaire 3 Section 2. Secondary employment N° 201 Question Response code Now I would like to ask you some questions about your work activities Yes ................................................................... 1 at other locations. No.................................................................... 2 Skip to º301 In addition to your work at this facility, have you worked at another location in the last 30 days? 202 How would you best describe this other place where you worked? 203 a) How many hours a week do you usually work at this other location, excluding unpaid mealtimes and on-call hours? Government hospital ....................................... 1 Government health centre .............................. 2 Government health post .................................. 3 Government mobile clinic ................................ 4 Other public health facility (specify) ________5 Private/NGO hospital ....................................... 6 Private/NGO health clinic ................................ 7 Private/NGO mobile clinic................................ 8 Private office .................................................... 9 Other private health facility (specify) ______10 Pharmacy....................................................... 11 Other non-health (specify)____________ .... 12 Hours. . . . b) Did you work on-call hours at this other location in the last 30 days? Hours. . . . 204 IF YES: How many on-call hours did you work there in the last 30 days? What type of work do you usually do at this other location for pay? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) 205 How would you describe the method by which you are usually paid at this other location? 206 For which types of services do you usually receive extra fees there? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) 207 None ................................................................ 0 Direct patient care............................................ 1 Consultation with agencies/professionals...... 2 Administration/supervision .............................. 3 Teaching .......................................................... 4 Research.......................................................... 5 Laboratory/Diagnostic procedures .................. 6 Dispensing ....................................................... 7 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 9 Not worked for pay_____________________10 Salary ............................................................... 1 Fee-for-service only......................................... 2 Capitation (fixed per patient) .......................... 3 Capitation plus fees for extra services ............ 4 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Dispensed medicines ...................................... 1 Other medical supplies/consumables ............ 2 Immunisations.................................................. 3 Laboratory/Diagnostic procedures .................. 4 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 9 º208 º207 º207 º207 º207 What are your average earnings from working at this second location? Please tell me the amount per week or per month or per year, Per week whichever is easiest for you. (Remember that whatever you say is confidential and will be used only for research purposes.) Per month Per year Refuse .....................................................9998 Don't know ..............................................9999 208 Do you receive any of the following additional benefits from working there? (READ EACH TYPE OF BENEFIT AND RECORD ALL ANSWERS) Assessment of human resources for health: health care providers questionnaire YES NO Allowance for meals……………………….1 2 Allowance for housing……………………. 1 2 Allowance for transportation…….………..1 2 Paid vacations…………………..………….1 2 Health care insurance/medical expenses.1 2 4 Section 3. Occupational mobility N° 301 Question I would like to ask a few questions about your work experience. 302 How many years of experience do you have in practice as a health care provider? For how long have you been working at this facility here? Response code Skip to Years. . . . Number of weeks (RECORD IN WEEKS, MONTHS OR YEARS AS ANSWERED) 303 How would you describe the last place where you worked before coming to this facility? 304 What type of work did you usually do at that last location for pay? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) 305 Where was your former work located? Number of months Number of years Government hospital ....................................... 1 Government health centre.............................. 2 Government health post .................................. 3 Government mobile clinic ................................ 4 Other public health (specify) _____________ 5 Private/NGO hospital....................................... 6 Private/NGO health clinic ................................ 7 Private/NGO mobile clinic ............................... 8 Private office .................................................... 9 Other private health (specify) ___________10 Pharmacy....................................................... 11 Other non-health (specify)______________ 12 Same as current secondary place................. 13 Direct patient care............................................ 1 Consultation with agencies/professionals...... 2 Administration/supervision .............................. 3 Teaching .......................................................... 4 Research.......................................................... 5 Laboratory/diagnostic procedures................... 6 Dispensing ....................................................... 7 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 8 Other (specify)_______________________ .. 9 Not applicable/Was not paid ......................... 10 In the same city/rural district............................ 1 In a different city ............................................. 2 In a different rural district................................. 3 In another country (specify)______________ 4 If less than one month, or same as total years experience º401 º401 Section 4. Sociodemographic characteristics N° 401 402 Question Lastly, some additional information for use in the statistical interpretation of your responses: Response code Male ................................................................. 1 Female ............................................................ 2 Skip to RECORD SEX AS OBSERVED What is your date of birth? Month Year Contacts at World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland Dr Alexandre Goubarev: Fax: +41 22 791 4747; Email: Dr Mario Dal Poz: Fax: +41 22 791 4747; Email: Assessment of human resources for health: health care providers questionnaire 5