Weight Lifting

Introduction to Weight Lifting
Teachers Name: Katie Seleskie
Resource: Internet, myself, Mrs. Carpenter
Unit: Weight Lifting
Skills: Proper technique, form of lifting, safety
Equipment Needed: Weight room with machines and dumbbells, bars
Grade: 9 and 10
# of students: 35-42
Time: 47 minutes
Lesson #: 10
Safety: Always have a spotter when weight lifting. Pre-requisite Skills: Squat jumps, lunges, running, calisthenics
Teaching Style: Direct Instruction
Global Goal: SWBAT describe why it is important to perform all weight room exercises with good technique.
Indiana Standards: 9.3.2 Identify physical activities that contribute to the improvement of specific fitness components.
9.5.1 Demonstrate safe and appropriate use and care of equipment and facilities.
Lesson Objectives: Cognitive (1), Affective
(1), Psychomotor (1) Assessment for each
objective must be included
Lesson Focus and Transitions/ Extensions/
Applications (introduction to closure)
Transition: Hello students…this is the first day of
November. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable
Halloween yesterday. Let’s have everyone stand by
the bleachers so we can take attendance.
Set Induction Fitness: Our new unit is weight
lifting, and it is always important to warm up our
muscles before we lift. Does anyone know why
warming up is so important before we lift? (reduces
injuries and gets muscles ready to move) After the
fitness activity, we will be taking our heart rates. My
goal for you is that you will be in your Target Heart
Rate Zone after this activity.
Fitness Activity: Weight Lifting Warm-up
3 Laps around the gym
Calisthenics to be performed in groups and lines:
-High knees
-Butt kickers
-High Skips
Fitness: SWBAT increase their heart rates to
the target heart rate zone following the fitness
Assessment: Student responses
30 Crunches
2 minutes of stretching
Transition: Take your heart rate now! What is it at?
Good job. We are now going to walk over to the
weight lifting room. Find a group of 4 people in the
weight room and stand together for instructions.
Organization (Draw set up)
Don’t run into
Hands on ears for
Count out loud
Count for 6
seconds and add a
0 to that number
Be between 102130 BPM
Set Induction: Who are some popular people
associated with weight lifting/body building? (Hulk
Hogan, Arnold Swarzennager, Rocky, Tony Little)
Weight lifting is an excellent way to improve your
muscular strength and endurance as well as increase
your muscle tone. A well toned body is less prone to
getting injured easily. Weight lifting also requires
you to be very careful and observant. Spotters are
very important people in the weight room. You
should be on your toes at all times.
Many people think that the faster they do a certain
exercise, the more benefits they will receive from the
exercise. This is untrue. Weight lifting exercises are
most beneficial when done slowly and with good
This is why my main goal for you today is that you
will be able to demonstrate all exercises slowly and
with good technique while in the weight room.
TP#1: Today you will be working in groups of 4
people. We will be doing each exercise 3 times
through and you will do 10 repetitions of each
exercise. I will go around the weight room and
demonstrate today’s exercises to you. Remember to
do each exercise slowly and with good technique.
Refer to the exercise cards for hints and pointers about
the exercise.
1. Front Lateral Raise
2. Squat Jumps With Weights
3. Side Lateral Raise
4. Lunges With Weights
5. Dumbell Bench Press
6. Push Ups
WISG, your group will find a station to start at.
Remember, it does not matter where you start, just
that you go through each exercise 3 times. 1 group
member needs to come up and get a piece of paper
and a pencil to record your progress. When all groups
Psychomotor: SWBAT perform each
exercise 3x 10 reps in the allotted class time.
Assessment: Student checklist
Psychomotor: SWBAT demonstrate all
exercises with good technique while in the
weight room.
Assessment: Teacher observation
Psychomotor: SWBAT perform all
exercises slowly to ensure safety in the
weight room.
Assessment: Teacher observation
Cognitive: SWBAT describe why it is
important to perform all weight room
exercises slowly and with good technique.
Assessment: Student responses
Affective: SWBAT use equipment properly
and respectfully at all times while in the
weight room.
Assessment: Student behaviors
are in position I will start you. Check for U. GO!!
E1: Lifting Day One Exercises
1. Front Lateral Raise
2. Squat Jumps With Weights
3. Side Lateral Raise
4. Lunges With Weights
5. Dumbell Bench Press
6. Push Ups
Good Technique
Check your boxes
Names on each
Students will do each exercise 3x doing 10 reps each
set. Teacher will walk around giving feedback and
ensuring weight room safety.
Use weights that
you can handle
Transition: STOP!! Everyone, make sure your
station is cleaned up and then head to the auxiliary
gym for our last activity of the day.
TP#2: We also need to work on strengthening our
core muscles. Abdominal workouts help strengthen
our core and are a good workout. We will go through
this ab routine twice. Find a place on the gym floor
and let’s begin…I will demonstrate each exercise
before we do it.
E2: Abdominal Workout
Hands on ears
20 Regular Crunches
20 Reverse Crunches
20 Skyscrapers
20 Snakes
20 Straight Legs
Transition: Beautiful. What a good workout today.
Closure: Weight lifting is a great way to increase
muscular strength and endurance.
Why is it important to perform all weight room
exercises slowly and with good technique?
Should we use equipment properly and respectfully
while in the weight room? Why??
Next time we will be doing…
Slow abs