ThiS STore ParTiciPaTeS in the MMrP RetuRn unused or expired medications and health products for responsible disposal See your Pharmacist to learn how you can get the most from your medication! Manitoba Medications Return Program A n n u a ThiS l STore R eParTiciPaTeS port in the BcMrP 2 0 12 RetuRn unused or expired medications and health products for responsible disposal See your Pharmacist to learn how you can get the most from your medication! Manitoba Medications Return Program Pharmaceutical and Natural Health Products Annual Report January to December 2012 (Prepared APRIL 30, 2013) Table of Contents Medications Return Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Funded By Industry Stewards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Don’t Throw It Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Stakeholders & Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Program Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Independent Auditors’ Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PCPSA Statement of Operations Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendix 1: Registered Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Appendix 2: PAW Activity Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i Manitoba Medications Return Program Manitoba Medications Return Program (MMRP) administered by the Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association covers the following product categories: 3All prescriptions drugsAll dosage forms 3 Over-the-Counter Medications Units sold in oral dosage form 3 Natural Health Products Units sold in oral dosage form • The MMRP focuses on the collection and proper disposal of unused or expired medications from the residential sector. • The Program includes both products clearly attributable to an existing steward and orphan products. • There is no eco-fee associated with pharmacy participation or for the public to return products. • Board governance representing industry stewards set contribution based on market share making the program financially viable. What can your Pharmacist do for you? Your pharmacist is an excellent source of health information and is your most accessible healthcare provider. Visit your local pharmacy and find out the many ways pharmacists can help you improve your health. 2012 Annual Report Funded By Industry Stewards About us: The Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association (PCPSA) is a not-for-profit association established in 1999 and registered with Industry Canada since 2000. Our goal is to develop, promote, implement and operate medications return programs for designated pharmaceuticals and natural health products categories in the Province of Manitoba. PCPSA’s mandate is to perform, on behalf of each steward, certain duties required under the Waste Reduction and Prevention Act and subsequent Household Hazardous Material and Prescribed Material Stewardship Regulation HHMR (Man. Reg. 16/2010) through our stewardship program plan filed with the Pollution Prevention Branch, Manitoba Conservation. The industry stewards (109) are responsible for 100% of the costs for the Manitoba Medications Return Program (MMRP). MMRP is accountable to its members for the collection and responsible disposal of unused or expired medications returned from the public through our network of registered pharmacies. Manitoba Medications Return Program Pcpsa 2012 Board Members A volunteer board governs PCPSA and is comprised of several directors representing industries. • Prescriptions drugs •Over-the-counter medications •Natural Health Products • Sharps Devices Collectively these organizations represent the pharmaceuticals and health products industries in Canada Robert White Consumer Health Products Canada Dave I’Anson Katz Group Canada Ltd. Julie Tam Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association Kathy Birchall Mylan Pharmaceuticals Ross Copp Janssen Inc. Jim Favaro AMGEN Canada Inc. Earl Black Apotex Douglas Thorsley Wal-Mart Pharmacy STERICYCLE is the company contracted to collect from the community pharmacies and incinerate expired or unused medications. We also worked closely with the Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association and the Manitoba Society of Pharmacists on the promotion of the program during the Pharmacy Awareness Week from March 3-10th, 2012. 2012 Annual Report Don’t Throw It Out: The MMRP is a free service to the public through community pharmacies. Community pharmacies are easily accessible, as they generally have extended hours, and pharmacists are the most accessible health care workers for questions and concerns about medications and their safety. Members of the public are to return unused or expired medications to the pharmacy for proper disposal. The 20L pail identified with a Medication Return Program logo is provided to the pharmacy. A list of products that are and are not accepted is also listed on the container. Accepted products: 1)All prescription medications (all dosage forms) 2) Over-the-counter medications (units sold in oral dosage form) 3) Natural health products (unit sold in oral dosage form) Don’t throw it out anitoba o promote ications Take-it back to your nearest pharmacy, or find more information at Manitoba Medications Return Program Dosage forms can include: a) solids, semi-solids and powders: caplets, capsules, tablets, granules, mixtures, powders for injection, creams, lotions, gels, suppositories, etc. b) liquids: solutions, suspension, syrups, ampoules, etc. c) aerosol canisters: sprays and inhalers d) Novel dosage forms: strips, gums, patches, etc. Stakeholders & Responsibilities Consumers: Consumers purchase health products from pharmacies and health stores. Medications are intended to be consumed entirely to treat specific conditions or symptoms. Ideally all medications purchased should be used by the consumer/patient. Because of the practice of keeping medications for future use, there is typically a considerable lag time between its purchase and its eventual disposal. Pharmacies: The collection sites for the MMRP are community pharmacies. Pharmacy managers interested in participating can sign up voluntarily (no fees charged) to be a collection and storage point for the Program. Pharmacists are widely regarded as the most knowledgeable health care professionals when it comes to medications. Stewards: A company selling or offering for sale health products under its own brand name or private label is deemed to be a steward. Membership in PCPSA is for brand owners/stewards selling drugs and/or natural health products in Manitoba. Payment of the annual fee is by the Board to cover all costs incurred by the program. Manitoba Conservation: The provincial government requires industries to have an approved pharmaceuticals and natural health products plan according to the HHMR and monitors PCPSA’s annual performance. Collection and Destruction: Stericycle is the program administrator contracted to carry out the registration of collection sites. They also coordinate collection, transportation and final disposal through incineration of products though their facility in Brampton, Ontario. 2012 Annual Report Program Performance Performance measure: Results Quantity Collected MMRP collected 13,832 kg of medication during the first full year of operation. This represents .01 kg per capita. Table 1 provides distribution by districts. Number of Collection Points At the end of 2012, there were 289 collection sites representing 76% of all licensed pharmacies. Pharmacy Participation Pharmacists are MMRP’s primary contact to the consumer. We distributed several communication pieces to educate both the pharmacists and the public. Articles for the Communications magazine published by the Manitoba Society of Pharmacists about the Manitoba Medications Return Program were published throughout the year. • 2013 Eco Calendar • Website • Pharmacy participation stickers • Promo order sheet • 20L pail with a MMRP logo • Pamphlet on program Don’t D throw it outthroon’t w it out your Take-it back to t cy, or visi Take-it nearest pharma .ca back to sreturn near your www.medication tion.w est pharmacy, rma info e mor w for w.medic or visit ations for mor e inform ation. Don throw it ’to ut Take-it to your back near pharmac est or find y, m informat ore ion at The Mani toba Phar Society maceutica of Phar l Associati macists and facil have prov on itate the ided their and the Mani recovery toba expe of through unused or expi rtise to promote red med pharmaci ications es. www.m edicatio nsreturn .ca www.m edicatio nsreturn .ca THIS ST ORE RTICIPA TE in the PA MMRPS RETU Promotion Radio advertisements during pharmacy Awareness Week (August 4th-11th and in October 2012 (Radio Hot 103, Radio CJOB, Radio Bob FM, Radio Citi) M unused R N or expi medica re tions an d health d pr for resp oducts onsible dispos al Se e yo ur Ph ar ca n ge t th e m m ac ist to le ar os t fro m yo ur n ho w yo u m ed ica tio n! anitoba medicatio FOR your Manitoba Pharmacist... Is it finally time to quit? Your pharmacist is trained to help you quit smoking. This March is Pharmacist Awareness Month. Find out more at M S P dot M B dot C FOR your Manitoba Pharmacist... You say you keep your children safe, but do you have expired or unused medication in your home? Learn more at Medications Return dot C A. Talk to www.m edicatio your pharmacist – a healthy choice. nsreturn .ca The Man itoba of Pharmac Pharmaceutic al Asso the reco ists have prov ided their ciation and the very of unused or expired expertise to promManitoba Soci ety medicati ons thro ote and facilitate ugh phar macies. FOR your Manitoba Pharmacist... Did you know expired and unused medication can be dangerous? Learn more during Pharmacist Awareness Month, this March, or visit Medications Return dot C A. Talk to your pharmacist – a healthy choice. FOR your Manitoba Pharmacist... Expired and unused medication may be tempting to children and teenagers. Learn about proper disposal at Medications Return dot C A. Talk to your pharmacist – a healthy choice. Dispute Resolution No disputes were filed in 2012 Manitoba Medications Return Program THIS ST ORE ns re turn prog Pharmac ram euticals produc and na ts tu a Stewa are now mana ral health rd ge Househ ship Program d through old un Prescribe Hazardous Ma der the d ter Regulat Material Stewa ial and ion. rdship RETUR RTICIPA TE in the PA BCMRPS N unused or expi medica re tions an d health d pr for resp oducts onsible dispos al Se e yo ur Ph ar ca n ge t th e m m ac ist to le ar os t fro m yo ur n ho w yo u m ed ica tio n! Manitob a www.m ed ications return.c a Protect the envi your family's he ro medicat nment. Retu alth and rn unwa ions an your ne d health prod nted uc arest ph armacy. ts to TO LEA RN MORE visiT dicatio nsreturn .ca Protect yo and the ur family's he unwant environment. alth ed medic Re health ations turn pr nearest oducts to yo and ur pharma cy. TO LEA RN MO RE visiT dicatio nsreturn .ca 2012 Highlights With year one already completed, we have reached our targets for both collection at 76%, an overall increase of 57% or 13,832 kg representing the total amount of medications collected from our network of pharmacies in 2012. We partnered with the 2 associations representing pharmacies in Manitoba, the Manitoba Pharmacists Association and the Society of Manitoba Pharmacists with the organization of Medications Return campaigns (spring/fall). The campaign consisted of two separate 4 weeks promotion that included, but not limited to transit, newsprint and radio promotion. Forty (40) pharmacies sites (appendix 3) and ~75 pharmacists’ students across the province participated in this event. Other sites promoting the PAW included community pharmacies, malls, senior’s homes, a rehab center, as well as university and schools. In addition, the brown paper bag program, promoting the return of drugs was provided through Shoppers & Rexall Drugs Stores . The distribution of our newsletter and promotional material through our pharmacy network started in March 2012. Table 1: Quantity collected by regions in 2011 Q1 Q2 Kg Pails Kg Q4 Pails Kg Total District Kg Central 215.10 19 112.08 10 157.00 13 280.38 24 764.56 66 Eastern 118.67 9 135.97 10 186.00 15 70.00 6 510.64 40 Interlake 65.14 6 291.17 18 23.00 2 66.00 6 445.31 32 0 0 63.64 4 77.00 6 35.00 3 175.64 13 Northern 396.36 30 344.12 22 118.00 8 353.23 26 1211.71 86 Parkland 12.02 1 0 0 0 0 41.00 3 53.02 4 Western 126.10 11 260.14 20 160.00 10 295.00 24 841.24 65 Winnipeg 2250.16 187 2683.21 213 2771.70 232 2124.85 187 9829.92 819 Totals 3183.55 263 3890.33 297 3492.70 286 3265.46 279 13832.04 1125 Midwestern Pails Q3 Pails Kg Pails 2012 Annual Report Ouseley Hanvey Clipsham Deep LLP Chartered Accountants POST-CONSUMER PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT To the Members, Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association, which comprise the balance sheets as at December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011, and the statements of revenue and expenditure and cash flows for the years then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s responsibility for the financial statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors’ responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of PostConsumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association as at December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. OUSELEY HANVEY CLIPSHAM DEEP LLP Licensed Public Accountants Ottawa, Ontario April 4th, 2013 Manitoba Medications Return Program POST-CONSUMER PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2011 1. PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION The organization is incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act and exists to provide its members with a collective means to adhere to the requirements of the British Columbia and Manitoba PostConsumer Residual Program regulations, or any other similar legislation or regulation. It is a not-for-profit organization and is not subject to income taxes. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for notfor-profit organizations (see note 5) and include the following significant accounting policies: a)Estimates and assumptions The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenditure during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates. b) Financial instruments Financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value and are subsequently measured at cost, amortized cost or cost less appropriate allowances for impairment. c) Property and equipment Property and equipment are expensed in the year of acquisition (2012 - nil, 2011 - nil). d)Revenue recognition The organization follows the deferral method of accounting for revenue. Restricted revenue is recognized in the year in which the related expenditure is incurred. Unrestricted revenue is recognized when it is received or becomes receivable. Membership fees from prescription members are recognized on an accrual basis, provided collection is reasonably assured. Fees from self-care health care product members are recognized only when payment is received. 3. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Financial instruments of the organization consist of cash, investments, accounts receivable, accounts payable and government remittances payable. Unless otherwise noted, it is management’s opinion that the organization is not exposed to significant interest rate, currency, credit, liquidity or market risks arising from its financial instruments and the carrying amount of the financial instruments approximate their fair value. 4. Investments The organization has a bank investment certificate that earns interest at an annual rate of 1.25% and matures in February 2013. 5.ADOPTION OF ACCOUNTING STANDARDS FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Effective January 1, 2012 the organization adopted the requirements of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook - Accounting, electing to adopt the new accounting framework: Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (ASNFPO). These are the organization’s first financial statements prepared in accordance with ASNFPO which has been applied retrospectively. The significant accounting policies in note 2 have been applied in preparing these financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012 and the comparative information presented in these financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 and in the preparation of the opening balance sheet as at January 1, 2011 (the organization’s date of transition). The organization issued financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 using generally accepted accounting principles prescribed by CICA Handbook - Accounting V. The adoption of ASNFPO had no impact on the previously reported assets, liabilities and net assets of the organization, and accordingly; no adjustments have been recorded in the comparative balance sheet and statements of changes in net assets, revenue and expenditure and cash flows; and the opening balance sheet has not been presented 2012 Annual Report PCPSA Statement of Operations Manitoba December 31, 2011 REVENUE Jan - Dec 2012 Stewards contributions Natural Health Products $30,426 Pharmaceuticals $98,500 Total Revenue EXPENSES $128,926 Jan - Dec 2012 Manitoba Program Supplies $6,020 Communications $11,203 Collection $43,850 $3,792 Administration Total Manitoba Program $64,865 $60,450 National Office (Pro-rated) Total Expenses $125,315 Excess (loss) of revenues over expenses for the year $3,611 Kids are curious. We can help. Pills can look like candy to a child. Teenagers can be tempted to experiment. Bring your unused and expired medication to a pharmacy for disposal. It's safe and better for the environment. 10 Manitoba Medications Return Program Appendix 1 Registered Pharmacies Aberdeen Pharmacy Apothecary of Morden Inc Arborg Pharmacy Ashern Pharmacy Baldur Phamacy Bioscript Pharmacy Birtle Pharmacy Brathwaite’s Pharmacy Broadway Pharmacy Brothers Pharmacy Ltd Brown’s Drug Store Canada Drug Mart LP Carman Pharmacy Ltd CD Whyte Ridge Pharmacy Cin Den Pharmacy Cin Den Pharmacy #2 Clayman Pharmacy Costco Pharmacy #0057 Costco Pharmacy #0153 Costco Pharmacy #0549 CPM of Manitoba Crestview Pharmacy Danial Pharmacy Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy Drug Knowledge Pharmacy Drugstore Pharmacy #1508 Drugstore Pharmacy #1515 Dueck Drug Store East St. Paul Pharmacy Ebbeling Pharmacy Elie Pharmacy Ellis Pharmacy Empire Drugs Express Scripts Cdn Central Falk Pharmacy Four Rivers Pharmacy Friend’s Pharmacy Gilbert Plains Pharmacy Ltd Gladstone Pharmacy Glenboro Pharmacy Good Shepherd Pharmacy Grand Medicine Health Services Green Crest Pharmacy Hartford Drugs Hazelwood Drugs Health Central Pharmacy Hill’s Clinic Pharmacy Hill’s Drug Store Home Health Care Pharmacy Ingham Pharmacy Interlake Pharmacy Island Lakes Pharmacy Killarney Pharmacy La Salle Pharmacy Leclerc Pharmacy Leila Pharmacy Loblaw Pharmacy #1503 Loblaw Pharmacy #1505 Loblaw Pharmacy #1506 Loblaw Pharmacy #1508 Loblaw Pharmacy #1509 Loblaw Pharmacy #1510 Loblaw Pharmacy #1511 Loblaw Pharmacy #1512 Loblaw Pharmacy #1514 Loblaw Pharmacy #1515 Loblaw Pharmacy #1516 Loblaw Pharmacy #9001 Loblaw Pharmacy #9002 Loblaw Pharmacy #9006 Loblaw Pharmacy #9063 Loblaw Pharmacy #9079 Loblaw Pharmacy #9080 Loblaw Pharmacy #9081 Loblaw Pharmacy #9082 Loblaw Pharmacy #9084 London Drugs #0066 Lorette Pharmacy Dufresne Lundar Pharmacy Ltd Main St. Pharmacy Mandalay Pharmacy Maples Pharmacy Martin’s Pharmacy Ltd Matcel Pharmacy McPhillips Pharmacy Ltd Meadowood Pharmacy Medical Centre Pharmacy Medi-Care Pharmacy Medicine Shoppe #331 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #278 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #305 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #319 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #329 Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #290 Medismart Pharmacy Melita Super Thrifty Meyers Drug Store Miller’s Pharmacy Mount Carmel Clinic Pharmacy Munroe Pharmacy My Care Pharmacy Myhealth Pharmacy North Mart Pharmacy North Mart Pharmacy Notre Dame Hospital Pharmacy Oakbank Pharmasave Oakfield Pharmacy Osborne Village Pharmacy Paragon Nordic Pharmacy Patient Advocate Pharmacy Pharma Plus #4812 Pharma Plus #4814 Pharma Plus #4815 Pharma Plus #4817 Pharma Plus #4823 Pharma Plus #4846 Pharma Plus #4854 Pharma Plus #4895 Pharma Plus #4903 Pharma Plus #4950 Pharma Plus #4960 Pharma Plus #4978 Pharma Plus #4994 Pharmacie Seine Ltee Pharmasave #0451 Pharmasave #0455 Pharmasave #0457 Pharmasave #0469 Pharmasave #0471 Pharmasave Health Ctr #0470 Pinawa Pharmacy Pine Pharmacy Plessis Pharmacy Point Douglas Rexall #7403 Prana Pharmacy Rasha Pharmacy Reavie’s Pharmacy Regent Park Pharmacy Reston Drug Ltd Rexall #4813 Rexall #4816 Rexall #4887 Rexall #7401 Rexall #7402 Rexall #7404 Rexall #7405 Rexall #7406 Riverview Health Centre Rossburn Pharmacy Safeway Pharmacy #0359 Safeway Pharmacy #0586 Safeway Pharmacy #0588 2012 Annual Report 11 Safeway Pharmacy #0590 Safeway Pharmacy #0591 Safeway Pharmacy #0598 Safeway Pharmacy #0603 Safeway Pharmacy #0604 Safeway Pharmacy #0622 Safeway Pharmacy #0623 Safeway Pharmacy #0628 Safeway Pharmacy #0701 Safeway Pharmacy #0708 Safeway Pharmacy #0710 Safeway Pharmacy #0712 Safeway Pharmacy #0714 Safeway Pharmacy #0717 Safeway Pharmacy #0718 Safeway Pharmacy #0719 Safeway Pharmacy #0720 Safeway Pharmacy #0724 Safeway Pharmacy #0725 Safeway Pharmacy #0726 Safeway Pharmacy #0727 Safeway Pharmacy #0728 Safeway Pharmacy #0729 Safeway Pharmacy #0730 Safeway Pharmacy #0731 Safeway Pharmacy #0791 Shoal Lake Pharmacy Shoppers Drug Mart #0530 Shoppers Drug Mart #0532 Shoppers Drug Mart #0533 Shoppers Drug Mart #0534 Shoppers Drug Mart #0535 Shoppers Drug Mart #0537 Shoppers Drug Mart #0538 Shoppers Drug Mart #0539 Shoppers Drug Mart #0540 Shoppers Drug Mart #0542 Shoppers Drug Mart #0544 Shoppers Drug Mart #0545 Shoppers Drug Mart #0546 Shoppers Drug Mart #0547 Shoppers Drug Mart #0549 Shoppers Drug Mart #0551 Shoppers Drug Mart #0552 Shoppers Drug Mart #0553 Shoppers Drug Mart #0554 Shoppers Drug Mart #0555 Shoppers Drug Mart #0556 Shoppers Drug Mart #0557 Shoppers Drug Mart #0559 Shoppers Drug Mart #0561 Shoppers Drug Mart #2404 Shoppers Drug Mart #2406 Shoppers Drug Mart #2414 Shoppers Drug Mart #2419 Shoppers Drug Mart #2421 12 Manitoba Medications Return Program Shoppers Drug Mart #2422 Shoppers Drug Mart #2424 Shoppers Drug Mart #2428 Shoppers Drug Mart #2444 Shoppers Drug Mart #2460 Shoppers Drug Mart #2501 Shoppers Drug Mart #2505 Shoppers Drug Mart #2514 Shoppers Drug Mart #3030 Sobey’s Grant Park #5150 Sobeys Kenaston #5166 Sobeys Northdale #5167 Sobey’s Pharmacy #5155 Sobey’s Pharmacy #5155 Sobey’s Pharmacy #5180 Sobeys St Annes #5152 Sobeys Plessis Pharmacy #5161 Sobey’s River Grove Pharm#5377 Sobey’s St Vital Pharmacy#5157 Sobey’s Steinbach Pharm. #5164 Sobeys Unicity Pharmacy #5104 South Point Pharmacy South Sherbrook Pharmacy Southeast Wellness Pharmacy St. Boniface Pharmacy St. Claude Clinic Pharmacy St. Maolo Pharmacy St. Pierre Pharmacy Steinbach Clinic Pharmacy Stevens Drug Store Stevenson’s Pharmacy Stonewall Pharmacy Ltd Stream Pharmacy Solutions Super Thrifty Drugs Virden Super Thrifty Melita Super Thrifty Pharmacy Brandon Super Thrifty Pharmacy Dauphin Super Thrifty Pharmacy Hamiota Super Thrifty Pharmacy Rivers Super Thrifty Pharmacy Selkirk Super Thrifty Pharmacy Valley Swan Valley Pharmacy Tache Pharmacy Tache Pharmacy-Seven Oaks Hosp Taylor Pharmacy The Canadian Pharmacy The Courts(IGA) Pharmacy #5106 The Medicine Shoppe #133 The Prescription Shop #1 The Prescription Shop #2 The Prescription Shop #3 The Prescription Shop #4 Thrive Chiropractic Uptown Pharmacy Videl Pharmacy Wal-Mart Pharmacy #1022 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #1027 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3004 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3022 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3069 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3102 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3107 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3116 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3117 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3118 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3119 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3177 Wal-Mart Pharmacy #3660 West Kildonan Pharmacy White’s Drug Store Ltd Whitfield Drugs Zellers Pharmacy #0103 Zellers Pharmacy #0134 Zellers Pharmacy #0164 Zellers Pharmacy #0196 Zellers Pharmacy #0290 Zellers Pharmacy #0348 Zellers Pharmacy #0473 Zellers Pharmacy #0489 Appendix 2 PAW Activity Schedule Venues around the city promoting the med return program and safe to ask program DATE SITE ADDRESS TIME March3/12 Lorette Pharmacie Dufresne Suite 10-1321 Dawson Rd, Lorette, MB 9am-1pm March3/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Polo Park 1485 Portage Avenue, Portage Avenue 1pm-5pm March 4/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Polo Park 1485 Portage Avenue, Portage Avenue 1pm-5pm March 4/12 Grant Park Booth 1120 Grant Avenue Winnipeg 12-5pm March 5/12 Super Thrifty St Rose du Lac 610 Central Av, Ste Rose Du Lac am March 5/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Redwood and Main 1155 Main St., Winnipeg 6pm-8pm March 5/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Charleswood 3900 Grant Ave, Charleswood, Winnipeg March 6/12 Amberwood Meadows Seniors Res 320 Pipeline Road, Winnipeg 9am-11am March 6/12 Reh-Fit Centre 1390 Taylor Ave, Winnipeg 8am-12pm March 6/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Osborne Village 43 Osborne St, Winnipeg 10am-12pm March 6/12 St Rose du Lac Mall March 6/12 West Kildonan Collegiate March 7/12 Lion’s Manor Senior’s Residence pm 101 Ridgecrest avenue, Winnipeg 1230pm 10am-12pm March 7/12 Safeway Main/Luxton 1441 Main St, Winnipeg 1pm-3pm March 7/12 Walmart Empress 1001 Empress Street, Winnipeg 330pm-530pm March 7/12 St Rose du Lac Grocery March 7/12 Safeway Mountain/McGregor 594 Mountain, Winnipeg 430pm-630pm March 7/12 Walmart Kenaston 1665 Kenaston Blvd, Winnipeg 4-6pm March 8/12 West Haven Senior’s Home 3033 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg 2pm-4pm March 8/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Mountain/ McPhillips 1017 Mcphillips Street, Winnipeg 10am-3pm Mach 8/12 Super Thrifty St Rose du Lac 610 Central Ave, Ste Rose Du Lac all day March 8/12 Eastern Star Chalet 525 Cathcart Street, Winnipeg 10am March 9/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Polo Park 1485 Portage Avenue 2pm-4pm March 9/12 Super Thrifty St Rose du Lac 610 Central Ave, Ste Rose Du Lac am pm March 9/12 Walmart St Vital Mall 1225 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg 5pm-7pm March 10/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Selkirk, MB 230 Main St, Selkirk 12pm-4pm March 10/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Pembina Village 2211 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg 1pm-3pm March 10/12 Safeway Brandon, MB 921 18th St N 9am-1pm March 10/12 Carman Pharmacy 34 - 1st Street SW, Carman 11-3pm March 10/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Fort Richmond 2860 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg 10am-12pm March 10/12 St Vital Mall Booth 1225 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg 9:30am-6pm March 10/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Brandon, MB Suite 3-1350 18th St, Brandon 12-4pm March 10/12 Shoppers Drug Mart Pembina/Point 1122 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg 1-3pm March 5-9/12 Munroe Pharmacy 525 London St, Winnipeg all day March 5-9 St Boniface Hospital 409 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg all day March 8/12 Brodie Centre 727 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg lunch time 2012 Annual Report 13