Exercise Science Option

Athletic Training Major
Mandatory Group Advisement (MGA)
Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Stecyk
RE 261
RE 283
Athletic Training Information
The following is the ONLY place to find
up to date information regarding the
Advisor Assignment and
Assignment of advisors is made at the
main office, RE 250
Available to provide academic advice
throughout the semester
Advisors will be responsible for working
with students to complete the Graduation
Evaluation (2-3 semesters prior to grad)
Required Advisement to Remove Registration Hard Hold:
Mandatory Group Advisement WEEK
Registration Hard Hold: Students are unable
to register without department removal of
hard hold.
How to remove Department of Kinesiology
Registration Hold?
Athletic Training Majors must pass the online advising
quiz in order for AT faculty to remove the department
registration hold
MGA Rules!
MGA sessions are strongly recommended for
first-time freshman and first-time transfer
MGA sessions are NOT MANDATORY, but
AT faculty will NOT arrange advising
appointments to discuss class scheduling or
course selection.
Class scheduling will be discussed at the
MGA sessions ONLY
MGA Session Rules!!
Student must arrive ON time. Session promptly
starts on the hour. Late students will NOT be
admitted as they will have missed information. Bring
most recent DPR.
Interactive PowerPoint slide on advisement will be
presented while students inspect their DPR.
MGA Session Rules!!
Questions and Answers: Students must listen
to all questions and answers. Students
MUST ASK their questions at this time. If it’s
too personal, you should consult with your
advisor/mentor prior to MGA week during
their designated office hour.
You may take the Advising Quiz until you score
at least 80%.
Degree Progress Report
Please pull out your DPR
Read your DPR thoroughly as each
section provides instructions as to which
classes count towards the Athletic
Training Major, required courses,
electives, etc.
Degree Progress Report
Check for + or – in all categories
A “+” sign will be displayed on the left side of
each section if you completed the requires
for that corresponding section
A “-” sign will be displayed if you have not
completed the required courses and/or the
required courses are in progress
General Education
The following are required General Education
courses for the AT Major:
Section A, Basic Skills Requirement
Section B, Natural Sciences Requirement
Math 140
Biol 101 and Lab, second science requirement is
student’s choice
Section D, Social Science
Psych 150
Kin 306 will satisfy LDGE, but not UDGE
General Education
Section E, Lifelong Learning
• FCS 207
Section F, Comparative Cultural …
Students may select from the
appropriate lists to complete the
remainder of the General Education
General Education
Upper Division GE
• 9 units total
• AT required courses- HSCI 336, 345
• Transfer students must take one course from
the Comparative Cultural section
General Education
Must complete Writing Proficiency Exam
• Complete between 60-75 units
• Only 5-6 examination opportunities per year
so schedule accordingly
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Repeating Coursework
Undergraduate Policy on Repeating Courses
(Approved May 21, 2009)
The University recognizes that undergraduate students
may need to repeat one or more courses in order to fulfill
degree requirements and/or enhance previously acquired
skills. However, students should seek academic
advisement before deciding to repeat any course.
Students should be aware that other institutions (e.g.,
medical schools, graduate programs, law schools) might
not recognize this repeat policy and may use “forgiven”
grades in recalculating grade point averages.
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Repeating Coursework
1. A maximum of 16 semester units of CSU Northridge
coursework in which a student earned less than a C
grade may be repeated for the purpose of excluding
grades (grade forgiveness) from the computation of the
student’s overall GPA. Only the first 16 semester units
are eligible for grade forgiveness.
2. An additional 12 semester units of coursework may be
repeated for grade averaging, i.e., both the original grade
and the repeat shall be calculated into the student’s total
3. Students cannot improve grades of courses taken at
CSUN by repeating them at another institution. Students
cannot improve grades of courses taken at another
institution by repeating them at CSUN.
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Repeating Coursework
4. The stated limits (16 units for grade forgiveness and 12
units for grade averaging) apply only to units completed
at CSU Northridge. The limits apply to all courses taken
at CSUN, whether a student is matriculated or enrolled
through self-support such as Extended Learning.
5. Registration in repeated courses is limited to the
Nonrestrictive and Late Registration periods and is
prohibited during the Registration by Appointment
period.* (see note below)
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Repeating Coursework
6. Undergraduate students may take an individual course no
more than three times. Only one repeat per course is
permitted for improving the grade, with the higher of the
two grades counted in the student’s GPA. If a student
enrolls in a course for a third time, the units attempted
and any grade points earned will be averaged with all
other grades earned for the course (except ones that
were awarded grade forgiveness). On the third enrollment
in a course, permission of the associate dean of the
college of the student’s major (or the Director of
Undergraduate Studies if the student is Undecided) is
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Repeating Coursework
7. Subsequent enrollment must be on the same
basis of grading as the first.
8. Grade forgiveness is not applicable in courses
for which the original grade was the result of a
finding of academic dishonesty.
9. This policy does not pertain to repeats in
courses such as Music Ensembles and
Independent Study where the curriculum
allows, permits or requires repeats.
10. This policy applies only to baccalaureate
units, i.e., those that count toward the degree.
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Repeating Coursework
*Beginning Fall 09, no student may enroll in
any course for the purpose of repeating
until the first day of classes. Such repeating
students will need to get permission of the
instructor to enroll. SOLAR will block a
student’s ability to repeat enrollment in a
course until the first day of classes.
Upper Division GE
Upper Division GE Electives (UDGE)
Transfer Student – 9 units (UDGE)
CSUN homegrown – Reserve 9 units of Lower
Division GE to account for UDGE
Look at areas such as Title 5 for double counting as in
US History, Constitution, etc. For example AAS 347 or
POLS 355
Must complete Lower Division Writing
requirement prior to enrolling in UDGE
You are responsible for reading
your catalog and understanding all
of the rules and regulations.
Upper Division Writing
Proficiency Exam
Students who have completed 56 units and have met the lower
division writing requirement shall be required to take an essay
Undergraduate students are encouraged to take the
Writing Proficiency Examination (WPE) as early as
possible after (a) above has been met, but must take the
WPE no later than the semester in which 90 units are
completed. Students who have not taken the WPE by the
completion of 90 units may delay their graduation. (see
catalog for details)
Students who fail shall be permitted to repeat the examination.
Subsequent attempts, however, shall be permitted only after
the students have taken steps (for example, completing an
appropriate writing course) to correct their writing deficiencies.
Athletic Training Major Advisement cont.
Kinesiology Requirements
Take KIN 200/201 in first semester
Determine all coursework pre-reqs and what
counts for GE
Lower Division Pre-requisite Courses Science & Math
Lower Division Core Courses
Upper Division Core
Upper Division Required Courses
See catalog for specific detail
You are responsible for reading your
catalog and understanding all of the
rules and regulations. Your faculty
are here to help. It’s up to you to ask
the questions!
Athletic Training Major
Athletic Training Club-
Meetings 1st Friday of each month-8-9am
Ramzy Assaf- AT Club President