CRICOS Code: 03027J Harvest Education Technical College 07 3344 1922 UNIT OUTLINE Course Name: BSBMKG502B ESTABLISH AND ADJUST THE MARKETING MIX Campus Location: Unit 1, Block B, 3 Zamia Street, Sunnybank, QLD 4109 Entry Requirements: Contact Details: See Basic Entry Requirements document (Email) (Phone) 07 3344 1922 Number of available contact hours: Average of 60 to 80 hours. Unit Description: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to determine the optimum marketing mix for a business through analysis of inter related marketing components. Employability Skills: This unit applies to individuals in marketing management roles responsible for developing the marketing and promotional mix within an organisation. They may also adjust the marketing mix when new marketing opportunities have been identified. The skills and knowledge required to evaluate and identify new market opportunities are covered in BSBMKG501B Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities. -1- CRICOS Code: 03027J Harvest Education Technical College 07 3344 1922 REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit. Required skills • culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities • literacy skills to identify market information, to write in a range of styles for different audiences and to interpret requirements • numeracy skills to interpret testing results and to manage marketing budgets • organisational and time management skills to design and adjust a marketing mix. Required knowledge • key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government that may affect aspects business operations, codes of practice and national standards such as: o anti-discrimination legislation and principles of equal opportunity, equity and diversity o ethical principles o marketing codes of practice and conduct such as the Australian Direct Marketing • Association (ADMA) Direct Marketing Code of Practice; Free TV Australia • Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice • privacy laws • Trade Practices Act • organisational policies, procedures, products and services • principles and concepts of marketing such as consumer or buyer behaviour and elements of marketing mix • statistical techniques. Learning Facilitations Lecture notes, usually in a PowerPoint format, are designed to explain theoretical concepts and accounting principles and frameworks. Tutorials are designed to teach and assist students with practical implementations of the theories learnt in lecture notes. All learning materials such as lecture notes will be given to students straight after enrolment. Therefore, students are expected to read these lecture notes and all required readings. The lecture notes provided are merely a basic and brief overview of the topic; students need to read the extra readings or text books to enhance their understanding. Tutorial homework exercises will be assigned to every student. Some exercises are handouts from tutors and some are from end of chapter questions in the text book. Exercises provide students with an opportunity to practice what they have learnt in theory and gain sufficient knowledge and practical experiences. The exercise might come in the forms of multiple choice, short answers or/and numerical application -2- CRICOS Code: 03027J Harvest Education Technical College 07 3344 1922 questions or essays. One-on-one Mentoring: Every lecturer or tutor will have consultation hours where the students can inquire about the course or any of their other course related concerns. Students can contact them through emails or face to face online conferencing or telephone calls. Weekly Course Topics Each week contains new theories, concepts and practical topics. Students are expected to read the required readings before the reading the lecture notes, and attempting the tutorial exercises. Tutorial exercises are a great resource for self assessment. Here is where students can test to see if they understood the lecture and text book materials. # 1 Topics Evaluate each component of the marketing mix 2 Determine marketing mix for specific markets 3 Monitor and adjust marketing mix Topics in Lecture 1.1 Identify key characteristics of products or services and estimate their significance to the market 1.2 Review pricing policy and analyse pricing variables to determine their effect on demand 1.3 Analyse promotional methods to determine their importance to marketing outcomes 1.4 Review channels of distribution and estimate their significance in relation to marketing outcomes 1.5 Identify and analyse level of customer service provision to determine its significance to marketing outcomes 1.6 Identify potential customer base and key pressure points for success 1.7 Analyse and test the effect of the components of marketing mix on each other, and establish their relative importance to customer base 2.1 Identify and asses environmental factors for their impact on marketing mix 2.2 Identify consumer priorities, needs and preferences that affect marketing mix 2.3 Consider product, pricing, promotional, distribution and service variations, and evaluate these against marketing objectives, target market characteristics and desired positioning 2.4 Select marketing mix that best satisfies target market and meets marketing objectives 2.5 Ensure marketing mix decision meets organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives 3.1 Monitor marketing mix against marketing performance and isolate components for testing 3.2 Evaluate implications of altering one or more -3- CRICOS Code: 03027J Harvest Education Technical College 07 3344 1922 components of marketing mix in relation to market factors and consumer response 3.3 Adjust components of marketing mix in response to test results and evaluation of market response 3.4 Ensure adjusted marketing mix meets budgetary requirements 3.5 Ensure adjusted marketing mix continues to meet organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives, and desired positioning Assessments Type of Assessment Project Mid Semester Exam Final Exam Weighting (Out of 100%) 20% 30% 50% Assessment Details: Project: This is an individual project. Students will be given a workplace simulated scenario and will have to describe their decision making process according to their tasks and responsibilities. Mid Semester: This exam will assess student’s knowledge based concepts for topic 1 and 2. Final Exam will assess the student’s overall understanding of all topics. of multiple choice, short answer and essay questions. It consists Learning Materials Students will be able to download their lecture notes. All lecture notes and tutorial materials come in both soft copies and hard copies. Prescribed Textbook: HETC Materials and Textbook. Other Materials: Lecture readings, Case Studies, Video files and other handouts. Academic Misconduct All assessment must be completed by the student ethically and honestly. All work must be done by the individual and involve no plagiarism. The student must not cheat or copy other student’s work. Work can not be copied and falsified in assignments and any other assessments. -4-