FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL Faculty Senate Meeting Friday, 2 November 2012 3:00 pm – Tech 109 MINUTES 1. Determination of Quorum: Secretary of the Faculty, Daniel S. Wilbur The following members were in attendance: Christo-Baker, Curtis, Das, Dobrowski, Duzinkiewic, Dworkin, Fielding, Garwood, Hecht, Jacoby, Kincaid, Lynn, Patel, Pula, Rogalin, J. Rose, P. Rose, Schmid, Shires, Smith, Spoljoric, Wilbur. Excused members: Chan, DeLeón, Ortiz, Swarts. Vice Chancellor Turner, Dean Morrow, and Student Representative Casey were present from among the liaisons. Visitor: Audeen Fentiman. 2. Call to Order: Chair of Faculty Senate, Jason Curtis (00:08:22) The meeting was called to order at 3:08pm by Professor Jason Curtis, Chair of Faculty Senate. 3. Approval of Minutes of the Last Meeting: Secretary of the Faculty, Daniel S. Wilbur (00:09:07) The minutes of the meeting from 5 October 2012 were presented by Prof. Curtis. Prof. Wilbur moved (seconded by Prof. Lynn) to accept the minutes as presented. o Voice vote. This motion passed without discussion (21-1-0). 4. Acceptance of Agenda: Agenda Committee, Paul Hecht, Chair (00:09:48) Prof. Hecht moved (seconded by Prof. Lynn) to accept the agenda. o Voice vote. This motion passed unanimously without discussion. 5. Official Remarks (00:09:52) a. Acting President of Purdue University, Tim Sands The President being absent and having not communicated any remarks to the Chancellor, there were none (someone in the President’s Office, however, noticed he was on our agenda for this month and called to see if we were expecting him). b. Chancellor of Purdue University North Central, James Dworkin Reiterated his agreement to address the four topics listed on Faculty Senate Document 1205 discussed at the 22 October 2012 Faculty Convocation (student retention study, salary compression study, request for budget information, and faculty retention and recruitment) and he hopes to be able to provide an update at the next Faculty Senate meeting. Highlighted the unemployment numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics today, which speak to the importance of a college education (No High School Diploma, 12.2%; High School Diploma, 8.4%; some college, 6.9%; Baccalaureate Degree, 3.8%). Announced upcoming Sinai Forum featuring Brian Lamb. c. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Karen Schmid Provided update on Academic Affairs Action Plan: o Increasing student success by implementing Blackboard Learn (encouraged faculty to attend remaining workshops and circulated handout on faculty attendance at Office of Learning and technology workshops, webinars, and individual consultations) o Adding new degree programs in Civil Engineering (approved by Board of Trustees and now being refined to go to ICHE in number of days) and Health Studies (going to Board of Trustees soon) o Starting program review process on Academic Equality (Nursing and Engineering &Technology are piloting the program). Also encouraged attendance at the Sinai Forum and gave kudos to the students who persuaded Brian Lamb to participate. d. Chair of the Faculty Senate, Jason Curtis Thanked the Chancellor for addressing the four items on Faculty Senate Document 1205, and the link to the ECHO 360 recording of the Faculty Convocation will be distributed soon. Encouraged Faculty to review the candidates for the upcoming elections, and their voting records, on openstates.org. Prof. Curtis looked at three areas of interest: (a) the 120 credit hour cap, (b) the statewide general education core, and (c) teaching of origin of life in Indiana public schools. But the big question is, are these candidates friends of our campus? 6. Invited Speaker: Audeen Fentiman, Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regional Campuses, Provost’s Office, Purdue West Lafayette (00:20:40) a. The original document on the structure of regional campus and the administrative structure presented to Faculty Senate in February 2012 was completed and went nowhere. b. Now working on a new approach with the VCAAs of all three regional campuses to write a very early draft proposal for a process to make the Purdue System more effective and more efficient to better serve the students and the regional campuses. c. The first step of the process is to define a mission for the entire Purdue System, including the regional campuses, incorporating: guiding principles for how a system ought to act, such as respecting each other and appreciating the strengths of each campus goals for the Purdue System and the metrics to measure progress for meeting those goals an action plan to allow us to make progress toward those goals. d. Again, this an early draft proposal that ideally would have faculty, staff, student, alumni, and even community members involved in teams working to develop the final versions of the mission, goals, metrics, and action plan. e. Most importantly, the action plan would be used to minimize the barriers to us acting as an effective and efficient system. f. This draft proposal has gone to all three Chancellors for their input and, ultimately, their approval and support. g. Responses: This process is being driven by the Vice Chancellors and A. Fentiman, with the support of the Chancellors and Acting President Sands. It is also following the mission of Purdue as a Land Grant University and the new goals of ICHE (response to C. Smith). There will be steering committees including faculty once the Chancellors agree on a concrete plan (response to J. Pula). o Fentiman envisions all willing faculty to participate or have a voice in the process (response to J. Duzinkiewicz). Chancellor Dworkin says there seems to be more interest in the entire system and that Acting President Sands will be holding a forum with the Chancellors on 4 December 2012. The Chancellor has been through this before working on President Jischke’s Strategic Plan, so it is important to stay flexible for a new President’s goals. Indiana University already has such a plan, but we’re waiting on a new president before we can complete ours. 7. New Business (00:36:06) D. Spoljoric moved to appoint Prof. Nipul Patel as Co-Chair of the Academic Computing Committee for AY 2012-13 (seconded by Prof. Smith). o Motion Passed (Y=22; N=0; A=0) b. FS Document 12-10 General Education Subcommittee on FYE Outcomes, for action: Paul Hecht, Chair. P. Hecht moved to approve Document 12-10 (seconded by Prof. Spoljoric) o Motion Passed (Y=18; N=4; A=0) c. Honors Course Document 12-H-05 HIST 27200 (Kincaid), for action, Honors Subcommittee, Heather Fielding, Chair. H. Fielding moved to approve document 12-H-04 (seconded by Prof. Hecht) d. e. o Motion Passed (Y=21; N=1; A=0) Curriculum Documents for action: Curriculum Committee, Mario Ortiz and Christopher Smith, Co- Chairs. i. 12-C-01 Course Change: CHNS 10100 ii. 12-C-02 Course Change: CHNS 10200 iii. 12-C-03 New ENGL Ethics course iv. 12-C-04 Course Change: ENGL 10100 v. 12-C-05 Change to ENGL Minor vi. 12-C-06 New Course: ITAL 10100 vii. 12-C-07 New Course: ITAL 10200 viii. 12-C-08 Minor in Psychology ix. 12-C-09 Minor in Sociology x. 12-C-10 New Course: HIST 33500 xi. 12-C-11 Course Change: IDIS 43500 xii. 12-C-12 Course Change: IDIS 43600 xiii. 12-C-13 New Course: SPAN 49800 C. Smith moved to approve documents 12-C-01 through 12-C-13 contingent upon documents being corrected and brought to 7 December 2012 Faculty Senate meeting to confirm (seconded by Prof. Patel) o Motion Passed (Y=16; N=3; A=1) FS Document 12-11 Calendar Guidelines & General Academic Calendar, for action: Educational Policy Committee, Kenneth Kincaid, Chair. K. Kincaid moved to approve Document 12-11 (seconded by Prof. Patel) o Motion Passed (Y=20; N=0; A=0) 8. Status of Committee Reports: Secretary of the Faculty, Dan Wilbur (01:11:05) Prof. Wilbur moved (seconded by Prof. Kincaid) to accept the Status of the Committees Report and the Monthly Committee Reports. o Voice vote. This motion passed unanimously. 9. Monthly Reports of Standing Committees: Secretary of the Faculty, Dan Wilbur a. Agenda Committee – Paul Hecht b. Assessment Steering Committee – Janusz Duzinkiewicz and Jessica Thomas c. Curriculum Committee – Mario Ortiz and Christopher Smith d. Educational Policy Committee – Kenneth Kincaid e. Faculty Affairs Committee – James Pula f. General Education Committee – Mario Ortiz and Paul Hecht i. P. Hecht highlighted that LEAP outcome designation forms will need to be filled out by representative faculty of all General Education Core-listed courses. g. Resources Planning and Priority Committee – Diane Spoljoric h. Student Affairs Committee – Anne Christo-Baker 10. Open Discussion (01:18:56) Prof. Pula moved that Faculty Senate meetings begin at 2:00pm starting with the Spring 2013 semester (seconded by Prof. Hecht). o Motion Passed (Y=19; N=0; A=1) Prof. Patel asked about establishing standing meeting dates/times in Fall 2013 for Faculty Senate Committees. o Prof. Patel (Chair of the Calendar and Scheduling Subcommittee) and Prof. Hecht (Chair of the Agenda Committee) will explore the issue. Prof. Hecht announced the PNC Theatre presentation of The Laramie Project. Prof. Spoljoric asked about resources for Faculty Senate committees, such as to cover printing costs. o VCAA Schmid suggested checking with Maria Watson on printing needs. o VCA Turner asked if this is a good time to put a standing budget line in place. 11. Reports and Remarks (01:33:08) a. University Senate Representative, Janusz Duzinkiewicz o Reports in Faculty Senate packet. b. Student Government President, Sean Casey o Student Government hosting second annual Lock-In on 30 November. If goes well, will hold another for all students in Spring 2013. o Butter Braids fundraiser is ongoing. o Passing out surveys on student knowledge and interest in PNC intramural activities. c. Vice Chancellor for Administration, Stephen Turner o Bringing handout about information requested in FS Document 12-05 to the January meeting, and will be coming to department meetings. o Reminded us about Open Enrollment and to pay attention to our email. o Will be providing status/reason/updates on open VCA office positions. d. Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Services, Paul McGuinness o The Vice Chancellor being absent, there were none e. College Dean Liaison, Rex Morrow o Provided corrected date for submitting Quarter Time Reassignment applications: 7 December, 2012. o Sabbatical leave requests are due today, 2 November o The first organizational meeting of the Search Committee Chair search committee for Dean of College of Business was on 16 October. 12. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:01 Respectfully Submitted, Daniel S. Wilbur Secretary of the Faculty