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Scientific Journal
The Federal State Budget Higher
Educational Institution
‘Plekhanov Russian University of Economics’ (PRUE)
Founded in 2003
Registration Certificate PI N FS 77-480009 dated 29 December 2011
The journal was included in the List of leading scientific journals and publications
of the Higher Attestation Board, publication in which is mandatory for defending PhD
and Doctorate dissertations
The journal is included in the Russian index
of scientific citing
Subscription by ‘Rospechat’ catalogue
Index 84670
Editorial Board:
Grishin V. I., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Chief editor
Ulrich Rudiger, Honored Doctor of PRUE
Dr. of Science, Professor (Germany)
Andrzej Szromnik, Doctor of Science, Professor (Poland)
Asaliev A. M., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Volobuev N. A., PhD (Law), Professor
Gagarina G. Y., PhD (Economics), Professor
Galanov V. A., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Gorokhova I. V., PhD (Economics), Executive Secretary
Ekimova K. V., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Eliseeva L. G., D. of Tech. Sciences, Professor
Zarova E. V., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Karavaeva I. V., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Maslennikov V. V., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Pochinok A. P., PhD (Economics), Professor
Scorobogatikh I. I., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Tikhomirov N. P., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Ustyuzhanina E. V., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Fituni L. L., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Khasbulatov R. I., Corresponding member of RAS,
D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
Shishkin A. V., D. Sc. (Economics), Professor
In case materials from ‘Vestnik of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics’ are reproduced, the reference
to the source is mandatory. Materials not accepted for publication are not returned.
© Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 2014
Economic Theory
Karavaeva I. V. Income Tax as an Instrument of Political Transformations
in the Russian Society …………………………………………………………………………………..
Karpunin V. I. Research Methodology of Global System Contradiction
«Creditors – Debtors» …………………………………………………………………………………..
Educational Innovations
Baranov B. A., Lipatova L. P., Polyakova R. T. Corporate University as an Innovative
Model of Integration of Business and Education …………………………………………………....
History of Economic Thought
Yadgarov Ya. S. Economic Science Responses on the Calls of Economic Life
During Eras of the Pre-Market and Unregulated Market Economy ………………………………
Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
Kolomeytsev Ya. A. Business Purpose of Agreement as a Tool of Tax Control ………………….
Accounting, Statistics
Kazakova N. A., Fedchenko E. A., Karpova I. F. The Methods of Reduction of Economic
and Financial Risks: Control of Debts by Factoring …………………………………………………
Khokhlova O. A., Sibirskaya E. V., Stroeva O. A. Invariant Content of Development
Regional Economic Systems …………………………………………………………………………...
Theory and Practice of Management
Nikulin L. F., Varlamov A. V. The Assessment of Management Condition ……………………….
Bobkov A. L. The Principle of Development of Corporate Strategy by Creation
of the Vector of Economical and Technological Development of Firm …………………………...
Khudyakov S. V. Modernization Development of Scientific and Innovative
Capacity of the Industrial Sector ………………………………………………………………………
Marketing, Logistics, Service Sector
Vorobiev A. I., Solntsev I. V. Establishment of Ratings and Ranking System
in Modern Football ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Mathematic and Instrumental Methods
Varfolomeeva A. O., Romanov V. P. The Optimal Cloud Services Portfolio Formation
for Saas-Provider ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Legal Policy
Skitovich V. V. The Problem of Clarity of the Law in the Doctrine and the
Codification Activities ………………………………………………………………………………….
I. V. Karavaeva
Income Tax as an Instrument of Political Transformations in the Russian Society
The complex research, allowing to correlate changes of social and political structure of the Russian
society and the corresponding transformations of the taxation system of the population income
throughout XX and the first decade of the XXI centuries is presented. The author substantiates the
possibilities of social aspects of the income taxation realization in modern Russia.
Keywords: income tax from citizens, the income of households, taxable base of income tax, social
aspects of the income taxation.
1. Avdoshina E., Davydov S. Spravochnik po nalogam s naseleniya. – M. : Finansy i statistika, 1984.
2. Genzel' P. G. Nalogovoe bremya v SSSR i inostrannyh gosudarstvah (ocherki teorii i metodologii voprosa). – M. : Finizdat NKF SSSR, 1928.
3. Istoriya nalogovoy politiki Rossii (konec XIX, XX i nachalo XXI stoletiya) / pod red. I. V. Karavaevoy. – M. : Nauka, 2008.
4. Karavaeva I. V. Optimal'noe nalogooblozhenie: teoriya i istoriya voprosa. – M. : Ankil, 2011.
5. Lykova L. N. O vozmozhnosti vozvrata k progressivnomu podohodnomu nalogooblozheniyu fizicheskih lic v Rossii // Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki RAN. – 2013. – N 1. – S. 32–51.
6. Mar'yahin G. L. Nalogovaya sistema SSSR. – M. : Gosfinizdat, 1952.
7. Mar'yahin G. L. Ocherki istorii nalogov s naseleniya v SSSR. – M. : Finansy, 1964.
Karavaeva, Irina V.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department for Political Economy of the Plekhanov Russian
University of Economics, e-mail: politec-reu@gmail.com
V. I. Karpunin
Research Methodology of Global System Contradiction «Creditors – Debtors»
In this paper the results of scientific research devoted to genesis of forming and mechanisms of
deployment of global system contradiction «creditors –debtors» are presented. This term is used in the
scientific literature for the first time. Research deals with problems of stabilization of national financial
systems in the context of financial globalization based on new paradigm of management of national
wealth. For the first time while investigating the socioeconomic contradiction «creditors – debtors» the
system-functional analysis was used.
Keywords: Global system contradiction, Eurasian redundant system, credit trap, credit expansion,
mechanisms of deployment of contradiction, national wealth, consumer society, financial government.
1. Karpunin V. I. Metodologiya issledovaniya ustojchivosti finansovyh sistem (vvedenie v problemu)
// Bankovskie uslugi. – 2012. – N 2. – S. 8–11.
2. Novashina T. S. Nacional'noe bogatstvo: novaya koncepciya upravleniya // Vestnik Rossijskoy ekonomicheskoj akademii imeni G. V. Plehanova. – 2010. – N 1 (31). – S. 21–28.
3. Novashina T. S. Finansovye mehanizmy razresheniya global'nogo protivorechiya «kreditory –
dolzhniki» // Vestnik Finansovoj akademii. – 2010. – N 5. – S. 22–27.
4. U. S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing. Federal
Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. August, 1976. (94th Congress, 2nd session). – Washington, U. S. : Government Printing Office, 1976.
Karpunin, Vyacheslav I.
PhD (Economics), Assistant Professor of «Banks. Currency Circulation and Credit» Department of
MGIMO University, Assistant Professor of «Banking Industry» Department of MUIF «Synergy»,
e-mail: VIKarpunin@mail.ru
B. A. Baranov
L. P. Lipatova
R. T. Polyakova
Corporate University as an Innovative Model of Integration of Business and Education
The article describes experience of establishing a corporate University as the results of cooperation
between Russian representative office of Yum! Brands and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The authors summarizes goals and provide the description of major steps of the project to establish
corporate University.
Keywords: corporate University, business objectives, competences, training.
1. Grishina O. A., Saginova O. V., Zav'yalova N. B., Saginov Yu. L. Koncepciya ustojchivogo razvitiya obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdeniya // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni
G. V. Plehanova. – 2013. – N 3 (57). – C. 5–22.
2. Zurin M. V. Innovacionnye processy: problemy i poisk ih reshenij // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plehanova. – 2013. – N 9 (63). – C. 91–95.
3. Minzov A. S., Mel'nikova O. I. Korporativnye universitety: problemy sozdaniya i tendencii razvitiya // Vestnik Moskovskogo energeticheskogo universiteta. – 2012. – N 4.
4. Allen M. Next Generation of Corporate Universities. Innovative Approaches for Developing
People and Expanding Organizational Capabilities. – San Francisco : Pfeiffer, 2007.
5. Wheeler K. The Corporate University Workbook: Launching the 21st Century Learning Organization. – San Francisco : Pfeiffer, 2005.
Baranov, Boris A.
Doctor of Science, Professor of the Department of Technology and Оrganization of Сatering Enterprises
of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: kaf_technology@mail.ru
Lipatova, Lyudmila P.
PhD, Professor of the Department of Technology and Оrganization of Сatering Enterprises of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: ludmila_lipatova@mail.ru
Polyakova, Raisa T.
Assistant of the Department of
Technology and Оrganization of Сatering Enterprises of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
e-mail: kaf_technology@mail.ru
Y. S. Yadgarov
Economic Science Responses on the Calls of Economic Life
During Eras of the Pre-Market and Unregulated Market Economy
The article reveals the consistent responses of the economic science founders on the vital calls from
natural and market economy by means of unregulated market economy historical analysis. The
argumentation of the article persuade that the economic science responses on the calls of economic life
anticipate inherent values of market economy locates and prove permanently, being exposed to scientific
and practical approbation and promoting introduction in a scientific turn of diverse alternative concepts,
doctrines and recommendations.
Keywords: economic science, era of pre-market economy and era of unregulated market economy,
economic science founders, mercantillism, classical political economy, economic romanticism, utopic
socialism, German historical school, marginalism founders.
Blaug M. Ekonomicheskaya mysl' v retrospektive. – M. : Delo Ltd, 1994.
Zhid Sh., Rist Sh. Istoriya ekonomicheskih uchenij. – M. : Ekonomika, 1995.
Kondrat'ev N. D. Izbrannye proizvedeniya / red. kol.: L. I. Abalkin i dr. – M. : Ekonomika, 1993.
Leont'ev V. V. Ekonomicheskie esse. Teorii, issledovaniya, fakty i politika. – M. : Politizdat,
5. Mizes L. fon. O nekotoryh rasprostranennyh zabluzhdeniyah po povodu predmeta i metoda ekonomicheskoy nauki // THESIS. – 1994. – T. II. – Vyp. 4.
6. Hasbulatov R. I. Rossijskaya ekonomika: pochemu net ozhidaemogo rosta? // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plehanova. – 2014. – N 1 (67). – S. 3–14.
Yadgarov, Yakov S.
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department for Economics Theory and History of the Plekhanov
Russian University of Economics, Professor of the Department for Economic History and the History of
Economic Thought of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
Y. A. Kolomeytsev
Business Purpose of Agreement as a Tool of Tax Control
In this paper we consider the definition of business purpose of agreement, and also provides decoding
components of this concept. Analysed court practice of the economic validity of business operations.
The authors indicate to the future improve the current tax legislation.
Keywords: business purpose, profitable operations orientation, economic validity.
1. Panskov V. G. Administrirovanie NDS: reshenie prinyato, no problemy ostayutsya // Finansy. –
2010. – N 2. – S. 26–29.
2. Semkin K. K., Medvedeva O. V. Vzimanie NDS: mezhdunarodnaya praktika : monografiya. – M. :
Magistr, 2012.
Shhekin D. M. Prezumpcii v kosvennom nalogooblozhenii // Vash nalogovyj advokat. – 2000. – N 3.
Kolomeytsev, Yaroslav A.
Graduate Student of the Department for Taxes and Taxation of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: Kolomeytsev1988@yandex.ru
N. A. Kazakova
E. A. Fedchenko
I. F. Karpova
The Methods of Reduction of Economic and Financial Risks: Control of Debts by Factoring
The global financial crisis, the inaccessibility of credit affect the activities of Russian companies, and
above all, the producers of goods and services. As a result of sharply rising economic and financial risks,
including the threat of bankruptcy. In the article, the authors analyse the possibilities of using factoring
for Receivables Management, reduce risk and improve business performance in a crisis situation in the
Keywords: financial risk, efficiency, business, factoring, accounts receivable.
1. Bindasova N. A., Dmitrieva I. M. Osnovnye napravleniya aktivizacii stimulirovaniya bankovskikh investicij v malyj biznes // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo torgovo-ekonomicheskogo universiteta. – 2012. – N 1 (61). – S. 24–36.
2. Ekimova K. V. Ekonomicheskie mekhanizmy innovacionnogo razvitiya Rossii: rol' rynka i gosudarstva // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plekhanova. Vstuplenie. Put'
v nauku. – 2013. – N 1 (5). – S. 3–10.
3. Kazakova N. A., Trofimova L. B., Fedchenko E. A. Sovremennye paradigmy i metody analiza
i kontrolya byudzhetnoj effektivnosti. – M. : Infra-M, 2013. – (Nauchnaya mysl').
4. Kazakova N. A., Cherepanova L. A., Belyakova E. I. Informacionno-analiticheskoe obespechenie
sistemy kontrollinga finansovoj ustojchivosti // Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya. – 2013. –
N 18 (156). – S. 2–9.
5. Korol'kova Yu. V. Informacionnaya osnova dlya formirovaniya faktorov konkurentosposobnosti
bankov // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo torgovo-ekonomicheskogo universiteta. – 2012. – N 1
(61). – S. 52–60.
6. Kosov M. E. Innovacionnaya deyatel'nost' kak istochnik riskov biznesa // Vestnik Rossijskogo
gosudarstvennogo torgovo-ekonomicheskogo universiteta. – 2013. – N 1 (72). – S. 119–131.
Kazakova, Nataliya A.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department for Business Analysis and Audit of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: axd_audit@mail.ru
Fedchenko, Elena A.
PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department for Business Analysis and Audit of the Plekhanov Russian
University of Economics, e-mail: fedchenkoea@mail.ru
Karpova, Irina F.
Teacher of the Department for Business Analysis and Audit of the Plekhanov Russian University
of Economics, e-mail: karpova1@list.ru
O. A. Khokhlova
E. V. Sibirskaya
O. A. Stroeva
Invariant Content of Development Regional Economic Systems
Khokhlova, Oksana A.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department for Statistics of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e–mail: hohlovao@mail.ru
Sibirskaya, Elena V.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department for Statistics of the Plekhanov Russian
University of Economics, e–mail: len.sibirskaya@yandex.ru
Stroeva, Olesya A.
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department for Merchandizing, Service and Trade Infrastructure
of the Orel State University, e–mail: stroeva–olesya@mail.ru
Article is devoted to analytical judgment of process of regional development through invariancy where
authors from the point of view of this category tried to explain many difficult phenomena of reforming of
economy meso - level, and that high efficiency of new being formed system of managing is possible only
at continuous innovative changes.
Keywords: region, economic system, invariancy, innovations, development.
1. Kirillova S. A., Kantor O. G. Upravlenie regionami s pozicii ustojchivogo razvitiya // Ekonomicheskie i social'nye peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz. – 2013. – N 5 (29).
2. Krymov V. B. Innovacionnaya ekonomika – strategicheskij kurs razvitiya regionov [Elektronnyj
resurs]. – URL: http://ulitskaya. viperson.ru/wind.php?ID=638271&soch=1
3. Sibirskaya E. V., Stroeva O. A. Finansirovanie innovacij v regione: formirovanie upravlencheskih
reshenij // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. – 2012. – N 1. – S. 11–18.
4. Khokhlova O. A. Investicionnaya privlekatel'nost' territorij: metodika analiza i instrumentarij //
Regional'naya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika. – 2013. – N 9 (288). – S. 32–41.
5. Shishkin A. V., Rykalina O. V. Vzaimodeystvie elementov regional'noj proizvodstvennoj infrastruktury v upravlenii cepyami postavok // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni
G. V. Plehanova. – 2012. – N 12 (54). – S. 98–103.
6. Shumaev V., Zaharov D. Logistika innovacionnoj deyatel'nosti // RISK. – 2010. – N 3. – S. 202–205.
L. F. Nikulin
A. V. Varlamov
The Assessment of Management Condition
The article suggests method of solving the critical system task – the assessment of socioeconomic
system management by the detection «management condition index» with the subsequent realization of
quasirecursive model. Methodology proposes to use the inductive method of «residuals» of John S. Mill
in the following interpretation: if the principle of complex management conception has strong association
with someone diagnostic indicator, than it can be assumed that all of the complex management
conception will be associated somehow with this indicator.
Keywords: mode, model, vector, principle, Euclidean distance, representativeness, quasirecursiveness.
1. Vasil'ev V. I. Raspoznayushchie sistemy. – Kiev : Naukova dumka, 1969.
2. Kochetkova A. I. Osnovy upravleniya v usloviyakh khaosa (neopredelennosti) – M. : Rid Grupp, 2012.
3. Kulapov M. N., Odegov Yu. G., Nikulin L. F. Startap: proyavlenie samoorganizacii, ili menedzhment 3.0 // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plekhanova. – 2012. – N 7
(49). – S. 54–62.
4. Narlikar Dzh. Neistovaya Vselennaya. – M. : Mir, 1985.
5. Nikulin L. F., Magomedov A. V. Kurs menedzhmenta kak svobodnaya problema (v lekciyakh i tezisakh). – M. : REPRO, 2002.
6. Nikulin L. F., Odegov Yu. G., Polovinko V. S. Setevoj HR-menedzhment 3.0. – Omsk : OGU, 2013.
7. Nikulin L. F., Pimashkov P. I. Setevoj (parallel'nyj) menedzhment: dvesti principov. – Krasnoyarsk : Ofset, 1999.
8. Peters E. Khaos i poryadok na rynkakh kapitala. – M. : Mir, 2000.
9. Plyuta V. Sravnitel'nyj mnogomernyj analiz v ekonomicheskikh issledovaniyakh. – M. : Statistika,
Nikulin, Leonid F.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department for Management Theory and BusinessTechnologies of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: managreu@gmail.com
Varlamov, Artur V.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department for Management Theory and Business-Technologies of the
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: 3t.consulting@gmail.com
A. L. Bobkov
The Principle of Development of Corporate Strategy by Creation of the Vector of Economical
and Technological Development of Firm
In article new approach to development of the corporate strategy, based on economical and
technological regularities of development of firms is formulated. Use of offered approach will allow not
only to define accurately, what quantitative set of indicators the firm future has to possess, but also
understand how its structure in the course of achievement of the set strategic objective will be
Keywords: corporate strategy, strategic planning, strategic management, theory of economical and
technological development of firms.
1. Bobkov A. L. Metodologiya i instrumenty razrabotki korporativnoj strategii: ekonomikotehnologicheskij podhod // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plehanova.
Vstuplenie. Put' v nauku. – 2012. – N 1 (1). – S. 16–28.
2. Bobkov A. L. Metodologiya razrabotki korporativnoy strategii na osnove vektora ekonomikotehnologicheskogo razvitiya // Sovremennye napravleniya razvitiya gumanitarnyh, yuridicheskih i ekonomicheskih nauk : sbornik trudov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Kankun,
Meksika. 4–12 maya 2013 g. – M. : NPO «Tipografiya Moskva», 2013.
3. Dvorcin M. D., Yusim V. N. Tehnodinamika. Osnovy teorii formirovaniya i razvitiya tehnologicheskih sistem : monografiya. – M. : Diksi, 1993.
4. Denisov I. V., Kolokolov V. A., Garnov A. P. Innovacionnoe razvitie ekonomiki : monografiya. –
M. : FGBOU VPO «REU im. G. V. Plehanova», 2012.
5. Denisov I. V. Teoriya ekonomiko-tehnologicheskogo razvitiya firm. – M. : Grif i K, 2008.
6. Tompson-ml. A. A., Striklend III A. Dzh. Strategicheskij menedzhment. Koncepcii i situacii dlya
analiza. – 12-e izd. : per. s angl. – M. : Vil'yams, 2007.
Bobkov, Alexander L.
PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department for Economy and Production Organization of the Plekhanov
Russian University of Economics, e-mail: kafedraepp@mail.ru
S. V. Khudyakov
Modernization Development of Scientific and Innovative Capacity
of the Industrial Sector
The article deals with current issues of management of industrial sector of the economy from the
perspective of the theory of innovation cycles. The analysis of scientific concepts in the field of study of
mechanisms for sustainable development and the modernization of industry, strategic renewal technological framework based on innovation, an adequate assessment of the industrial potential. We
investigate approaches to the formation of an effective system of structural and functional managemen
of scientific and innovative potential of the industry. Proposed assessment tool level of economic
sustainability of the industry to expand the arsenal of analytical management decisions.
Keywords: fostering innovation, technological structure, the modernization processes in industry,
innovation-oriented strategy of industrial development.
1. Roshhina L. N. Konceptual'nye osnovy mnogourovnevogo podhoda k upravleniyu nauchnoinnovacionnym potencialom promyshlennosti // Ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2010. – N 11 (72).
2. Bevza S. A. Investicionnye problemy razvitiya innovacionnogo vosproizvodstva v Rossii. – M. :
IE RAN, 2010.
3. Garnov A. P. Innovacionnoe razvitie proizvodstvennyh predpriyatij v rynochnoj srede // Innovacionnye resheniya kak faktor ustojchivogo razvitiya sovremennogo obshhestva : materialy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii / Gumanitarnyy institut. – M., 2009.
Khudyakov, Sergey V.
Assistant of the Department for Technological Machines and Equipment of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail: s_khudyakov@bk.ru
A. I. Vorobiev
I. V. Solntsev
Establishment of Ratings and Ranking System in Modern Football
Russian sports industry is receiving increasing attention: Russia welcomes several major
international competitions and huge money are being invested in infrastructure and clubs by the
Government and private investors. Football in Russia has traditionally been the most popular sport, and
in the framework of new business-oriented structure, it could become an engine that set new rules of the
game and allow building an effective business model. The article considers ratings’ scheme for football
organizations, offers a group of factors that determine the effectiveness of regional football federations
and gives general principles and targets that such a system would help to achieve.
Keywords: sports management, sports economics, ratings, ranking, benchmarking.
1. Verhunova M. S. Ustojchivoe razvitie i olimpijskoe dvizhenie // Vestnik Rossijskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plehanova. – 2013. – N 6 (60). – S. 38–46.
2. Vorob'ev A. I., Solncev I. V. Strategiya razvitiya otechestvennogo futbola i sozdanie specializirovannogo sportivnogo rejtingovogo agentstva // Sovremennaya ekonomika: koncepcii i modeli innovacionnogo razvitiya : materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 21–22 fevralya
2014 g. : v 2 kn. – Kn. 2. – M. : FGBOU VPO «REU im. G. V. Plehanova», 2014. – S. 159–163.
3. Solncev I. V. Primenenie dohodnogo podhoda k ocenke futbol'nogo kluba // Imushhestvennye
otnosheniya v RF. – 2013. – N 7. – S. 18–29; N 8. – S. 59–71.
4. Solncev I. V. Razvitie futbola kak biznes-industrii // Finansy. – 2013. – N 3. – S. 59–64.
5. Solncev I. V. Rol' industrii sporta v razvitii sovremennoj ekonomiki // Ekonomicheskie i social'nye
peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz. – 2013. – N 1. – S. 155–167.
6. Solncev I. V. Finansovyj i operacionnyj analiz deyatel'nosti futbol'nogo kluba // Finansovyj
vestnik. – 2013. – N 1. – S. 3–8.
Vorobiev, Anatoly I.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department for Management and Marketing in Sports of the
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, General Secretary of Football Union of Russia,
e-mail: anatoliy.vorobiev@gmail.com
Solntsev, Ilya V.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department for Management and Marketing in Sports of the Plekhanov
Russian University of Economics, Director of Center for Strategic Research in Sports,
e-mail: Ilia.Solntsev@gmail.com
A. O.Varfolomeeva
V. P. Romanov
The Optimal Cloud Services Portfolio Formation for Saas-Provider
The rapid growth in popularity of cloud computing and increased competition in cloud market have
significantly changed the requirements for the quality of services provided. In order to maintain the high
quality of service and to increase the profit of cloud providers we suggest that providers should form and
put on the market a certain set of cloud services based on cloud services demand. In this paper we
analyze the basic principles proposed by Markowitz and consider the use of Financial Toolbox package
in Matlab to generate the optimal cloud services portfolio. Cloud services portfolio optimization is the
key to a differentiated and flexible approach to customer service and considering user preferences.
Keywords: cloud service, optimal portfolio, SaaS-provider.
1. Varfolomeeva A. O., Romanov V. P. Upravlenie kachestvom predostavleniya oblachnyh uslug na
primere SAAS-prilozhenij // Inzhiniring predpriyatij i upravlenie znaniyami (IP&UZ-2013) : sbornik
nauchnyh trudov. 25–26 aprelya 2013 g. – M., 2013.
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V. V. Skitovich
The Problem of Clarity of the Law in the Doctrine
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The article deals with one of the essential requirements to text of a legislative act – clarity of the law.
Аuthor examines the evolution of the theoretical concepts on the matter in different historical era. In the
article emphasizes the importance of official, legal and linguistic interpretation for precise understanding
of the true meaning of the law.
Keywords: law, clarity, interpretation, doctrine, codification.
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