Dream. Believe. Achieve. Year 11 AQA Triple Science Revision Timetable Revision Schedule – Mondays, 2:30-3:30pm: Lab 8 - Miss Olschner, Lab 6 - Mrs Samara (Biology) 3:30-4:30pm: Lab 7 - Lab 3 with Miss Field If you have any questions, please see Miss Olschner in Lab 8, or e-mail if you have any difficulties: m.olschner@cowplainschool.co.uk th 5 Date January 12th January BIOLOGY B2.1 Cells & simple cell transport B2.2 Tissues, organs & organ systems 19th January B2.3 Photosynthesis 26th January B2.4 Organisms & their environment B2.5 Proteins & enzymes 2nd February 9th February CHEMISTRY C2.1Structure & bonding C2.2 How structure influences properties & uses of structures C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis & quantitative chemistry C2.4 Rates of reaction C2.5 Exothermic & endothermic reactions B2.6 Aerobic & C2.6 Acids, bases & anaerobic respiration salts February Half Term PHYSICS P2.1 Forces & their effects P2.2 Kinetic energy of objects & acceleration P2.3 Current & electrical circuits P2.4 Mains electricity & power of appliances P2.5 Radioactive radiation & dangers P2.6 Nuclear fission, fusion & star lifecycle Create and stick to a revision schedule. Suggested 10 hours active Biology, Chemistry and Physics revision. Download past papers and mark schemes from the AQA website: http://www.aqa.org.uk/ Past papers and mark schemes Subject: Science Qualification: GCSE Specification: Biology (4401), Chemistry (4402), Physics (4403) Choose a series 23rd February B2.7 Cell division & inheritance C2.7 Electrolysis 2nd March B2.8 Speciation C3.1 The periodic table 9th March B3.1 Movement of molecules in & out of cells (gaseous exchange) B3.1 Movement of molecules in & out of cells (exchange systems in plants) B3.2 Transport systems in plants & animals (the blood and blood system) B3.2 Transport systems in plants & animals (transport systems in plants) C3.2 Water 16th March (Science, Maths & English mocks) 23rd March 30th March C3.5 Making ammonia C3.3 Calculating & explaining energy change C3.4 Further analysis & quantitative chemistry P3.1 Medical applications of Physics (X-rays & ultrasound) P3.1 Medical applications of Physics (lenses, the eye & uses of light) P3.2 Using Physics to make things work (centre of mass & moments) P3.2 Using Physics to make things work (hydraulics & circular motion) P3.3 Keeping things moving (the motor effect) P3.3 Keeping things moving (transformers) Easter Holidays Create and stick to a revision schedule. Suggested 10 hours active Biology, Chemistry and Physics revision. Download past papers and mark schemes from the AQA website: http://www.aqa.org.uk/ Past papers and mark schemes Subject: Science Qualification: GCSE Specification: Biology (4401), Chemistry (4402), Physics (4403) Choose a series Choose B2/B3, C2/C3 and P2/P3 papers Date 20th April 27th April 4th May 11th May 12th May BIOLOGY B3.3 Homeostasis (removal of waste & water control) B3.3 Homeostasis (temperature control) B3.4 Humans & their environment CHEMISTRY C3.6 Alcohols, carboxylic acids & esters PHYSICS P2 revision C2 revision P3 revision BANK HOLIDAY C3 revision P2 & P3 revision Examination: Biology B2 exam (1 hour) B3 exam (1 hour) Final Revision: 2 hours per night per subject (remember to eat healthily, drink water and take breaks) 14th May Examination: Chemistry C2 exam (1 hour) C3 exam (1 hour) Final Revision: 2 hours per night per subject (remember to eat healthily, drink water and take breaks) 18th May B1.1 Keeping healthy, B1.2 Nerves & hormones, B1.3 Use & abuse of drugs, B1.7 Genetic variation, B1.8 Evolution P2 & P3 revision P2 & P3 revision 20th May Examination: Physics P2 exam (1 hour) P3 exam (1 hour) Final Revision: 2 hours per night per subject (remember to eat healthily, drink water and take breaks) May Half Term Create and stick to a revision schedule. Suggested 10 hours active Biology, Chemistry and Physics revision. Download past papers and mark schemes from the AQA website: http://www.aqa.org.uk/ Past papers and mark schemes Subject: Science Qualification: GCSE Specification: Science A (4405) Choose a series Choose B1, C1 or B1 papers Date 1 June st BIOLOGY B1.4 Interdependence & adaptation, B1.5 Energy & biomass in food chains, B1.6 Decay & the carbon cycle 5th June CHEMISTRY C1.1 Fundamental ideas in chemistry (atomic structure), C1.2 Limestone & building materials, C1.3 Metals & their uses PHYSICS P1.2 Energy & efficiency, P1.2 Energy & efficiency, P1.3 Electrical appliances Examination: Biology B1 Exam (1 hour) Final Revision: 2 hours per night per subject (remember to eat healthily, drink water and take breaks) 8th June 9th June 12th June C1.4 Crude oil & fuels, P1.4 Generating C1.5 Other useful electricity, P1.5 Waves substances from oil (reflection, sound, Big (cracking, polymers, Bang & Red Shift) ethanol), C1.6 Plant oils & their uses, C1.7 Changes in the Earth’s structure & atmosphere Examination: Chemistry C1 Exam (1 hour) Final Revision: 2 hours per night per subject (remember to eat healthily, drink water and take breaks) Examination: Physics P1 Exam (1 hour) Final Revision: 2 hours per night per subject (remember to eat healthily, drink water and take breaks) SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!! Useful revision websites: - - BBC Bitesize o Core Science: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/ o Additional Science: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_aqa/ o Triple Science: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/triple_aqa/ My GCSE Science Videos o To get these for free, go onto the Youtube website and type in ‘My GCSE Science’ followed by ‘B1’, ‘C1’ or ‘P1’ for Core Science videos, or ‘B2’, ‘C2’ or ‘P2’ for Additional Science videos, or ‘B3’, ‘C3’ or ‘P3’ for Triple Science videos. o - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mygcsescience Doc Brown (especially good if you’re sitting the higher tier) o http://www.docbrown.info/page20/AQAscience2.htm